It’s a ruse!
What a fun evening of basketball games. Well, three of the four anyway. I caught the end of the KSU-MSU game and it was a lot of fun. The rest I learned about from twitter and the internet since I was wiped out. Rory dropped a bomb on 18 to win his Match Play game. And they’re on an international break in soccer, so you get some weird stuff happening and none of it is very interesting. So that’s pretty much it for sports, although I will mention that I’m off toe Eagles Canyon Raceway this weekend for a fun time driving a pretty cool track. It’s the best way to decompress from yesterday’s auction. Now on to the links.
Discovery for this suit sure will be fun. I hope it gets docketed soon.
I wonder how this will go. First off, it seems like a waste of time. Second, how do they expect to hold the media companies accountable for the illegal (under the law) actions by minors accessing their sites? And third, it is a violation of free association and free speech.

Why the fuck are we there again? Can somebody please explain to me what we are doing besides escalating a situation that doesn’t concern us (beyond us maybe being there to keep track of the weapons we ran to ISIS during the Obama admin through Libya after we enacted a coup)? Jesus, I hate our government.
She should have been reassigned to the unemployment line. But the taxpayers she hates will still be paying her for some inexplicable reason.
Give a government turd an inch…and he’s gonna take a mile. And if they say no, he can just play the race card. And they’ll buckle like they always do.
“Fuck you, pay me.” What a bunch of petty tyrannical assholes.

King shit
This is comically retarded. I hope he wins his countersuit and bankrupts the bastards.
Kids are amazing. No, for real sometimes. Stuff like this gives me hope for the future.
How dare you! It’s not as if they own the property and want to use it as they see fit. Oh wait, they do. But don’t they understand they have to get the king’s approval before doing what they want?
This doesn’t smell fishy at all. Nope, not one bit.
Love these guys. Just so full of joy in all their music. I mean…just listen to this one. Mast’s of a genre. Enjoy them.
And enjoy this lovely Friday and coming weekend.
“This is comically retarded. I hope he wins his countersuit and bankrupts the bastards.”
I was gonna go to court, but I got high….
He’s just waiting to appeal to a higher court.
Meh, he is just a token for the anti-po-po.
“Discovery for this suit sure will be fun. I hope it gets docketed soon.”
Epstein was just one of the many FBI plants that day amongst the people there. There was a lot of Antifa asshats too.
Look, I know America got fucked that day — but I don’t think Epstein was responsible for that one.
(Alternate take: Epps didn’t kill himself!)
Well played…
Epps had a note from Epps’s mom to get out of J6 jail.
Is that the DOJ or the FBI? Epp’s mom, I mean…
LOL. Never change, CNN.
Liars will lie about the legitimacy of other liars telling lies they like….
Bad news for Jameses Clapper and Comey. Uh, right?
Lot of balls on Epps’ part. I wonder if he’s overestimated his value to his handlers, or if he has some real juicy shit on somebody who matters (and isn’t a Clinton).
It’s just bluster. No way will he actually sue.
He sends this letter, Fox ignores it. He makes a statement that it’s not worth it because even purveyors of lies get 1A protections. CNN/MSNBC/NPR/ABC hails him as a hero. It goes away.
And six weeks later he is found “Clintoned” in a back alley; suicide by six bullets in the back of his head.
I legit lol’d at that one, too. Also love the way they have to put “baselessly” in front of everything.
“She should have been reassigned to the unemployment line. But the taxpayers she hates will still be paying her for some inexplicable reason.”
All branches are having trouble recruiting and retaining people, When they asked senior leadership if they thought the comments from people that say they are leaving or don’t want to join because of the woke idiocy was the problem the Pentagon actually had the temerity to issue an official statement saying that couldn’t be true because they are not doing woke, but the people love the woke shit.
The machines priority is to make sure the US military is either too inept to fight their globalist movement or so polluted by idiocy that it would not fight back the destruction of the republic from within.
Or to make an army that will follow its orders to shoot Americans.
““Fuck you, pay me.” What a bunch of petty tyrannical assholes.”
The fucking real evil shit is that there is a hot line to report out of state people. The CCP would be proud.
I had no idea such a thing existed – who’s the asshole who ratted him out?
Must be some wicked cool Masshole, bro.
It’s a MA thing. The day after a normal person retires, they get Florida or New Hampshire plates and residency. It makes the crooks in MA very upset that they can’t tax a pension and 401k – so you get this crap.
And a CA thing. Buddy was working as a contractor on temporary assignment there, cops pulled over their crew leaving work, and told them they needed to register as CA residents since they’ve been there over 30/90 days.
+1 NY. A month before I left for boot camp I got pulled over ny a NYS trooper. HE looked at my Montana State license and registration and asked how long I’d been in the state. I truthfully (idiot!) said I was living with my parents for a couple months before my boot camp date camp up. He wrote me a $300 ticket that would be waived if I changed my licenses and registration. So I lost my permanent Montana drivers license. Fucking asshole.
Every state I’ve lived, they won’t even allow you to register your vehicle until you’ve established residency (I had to wait until I got my first utility bill). I wonder if parking your car in MA for 30 days entitles you to vote, too.
The last paragraph is just perfect:
*chef’s kiss*
Kafka with a retard accent.
I wonder if that’s a Mass thing, or varies by insurance company. I was able to get insurance in Florida before establishing residency (in fact, I used the car insurance to help establish residency).
I waited 8 months until moving into my house in CO to get a CO license. I wasn’t going to go thru the process of changing addresses constantly (we were in 3 different rentals over those 8 months).
Virginia has a lot of people who register in Maryland to evade the car tax.
VA manages to have a tax higher than MD?
Virginia has a personal property tax that applies to many things, specifically vehicles. I get a bill from the county twice a year. My total tax bill is still less than it would be in Maryland.
“personal property tax”
Sounds evil.
It is.
Car taxes (annual registration) in KY falls under the personal property tax rubric. Our cars are taxed at 6% of the KBB EVERY FUCKING YEAR. Ditto with boats, campers, etc.
I had a customer that drove with expired NC plates in TX for 8 years. When that car died, he finally got TX plates on his next car. Never an issue for him.
Religious fanatics believe all means are justified because their end goal is noble and holy. Queue green movement assholery. Unfortunately for these fanatics the dark fantasies of the world they have are bullshit, so they need to make up their enemies and their criminal acts. But they seldom get held to account like this….
Please make this happen. Watching the shameless grift unfold will be quite popcorn-worthy.
Fighting turrurists! Keeping the world safe for democracy! Checking Russian aggression! Lub it or leeb it! True patriots are happy to die in a desert 10,000 miles away protecting our cuntry!
We have to fight them over there unless we want to fight them over here!
Are you Syriaous?
He’s a Yahoo!
Certainly not an Einstein.
Way past time to get out of Syria, unless the Big Boss Man has sent a written invitation. Send Kamala over as a peace envoy and have her explain things to all concerned.
“Tonight on Comedy Central….”
“Kamalama Ding Dong, Good Times!”
“…Trevor Noah and Kal Penn give a tonguebath to the future president as she spends 14 minutes mouthing word salads.”
“Syria is a country. ::cackles uncomfortably:: And that country is Syria. And we must be here to maintain peace. A peace we can all maintain together. Together with each other. Peace. In Syria. ::cackles maniacally:: Yes, peace. In Syria. Together.”
I would support nigh-unto-Ukrainian levels of foreign aid to Syria if we could send a massive envoy of Kamala and lots of Congresscritters… but they can’t send them back.
I assume the big guy is getting 10%.
Man, I’m definitely on another list for clicking on that.
How would the US like it if Syria established a base in US territory without permission? Oh right, like so many war on terror actions, it is only good when the US does it.
I remind you that the corruptocracy let the Chinese CCP set up a police station in NY….
Granted, it appears that it was put there with the primary function of targeting Chinese citizens the CCP wanted to fuck over, but this was allowed because the real winner of the 2020 fortified election was Xi….
The 10% for the Big Guy comes with strings.
Sound right up your alley there, Sloopy… have a blast! Really nice turn-by-turn breakdown on their website, I have to say.
I’m looking forward to all the elevation changes and the technical nature of the track. Everybody I know who has driven it swears it’s an amazing venue. Should be a big change from COTA and MSR.
You need to hit up Sweetie Pie’s Ribeyes while in Decatur. It’s on the downtown square.
It’s on the agenda.
Wtf is a “suicide drone” ?
I’m picturing a jihadist strapped to a drone kamikaze-ing into the target.
A cheap drone with a bomb attached. When a target is spotted, the operator just crashes the drone into it.
The NSA and CIA should sue these jihadists for IP infringement.
So does the drone still get 72 virgins in the afterlife?
Sure, but have you seen the virgins that work in tech?
Yes, but they’re all Apple fanbois.
72 untouched rechargeable lithium batteries
*golf clap*
“My name is ALLAH, and I approve this message.”
“Gimme an M, gimme an O…”
Back when we wore onions on our belts… we would have called that a “guided missile”.
Yeah – the distinction is the “drone” can take part in target acquisition and can be recalled if a target isn’t found. Once you launch something like a Maverick in search mode, it isn’t coming back (hopefully) even if a target is never illuminated by a spotter.
Just need Elon to go into the weapons biz… reusable landing rockets! 😉
The reason, idiotic monetary policy that felt it could both print money without limits and keep down inflation by playing games with the financial sector like asking a lot of these woke banks to buy government securities under the idiotic comment that inflation affecting interest rates was somehow transitory (because they said so, not for any real world reason, though), is never addressed…
/Missus F: “How did we (the country) get in this mess?”
/Me: “Slowly, then all of a sudden”
Our elite credentialed class thinks they are far smarter than they are, and have become used to spending 95% of their efforts on managing perception of rather than doing their jobs well.
Bayern slips to second place in the German soccer league, fires coach. Did a Steinbrenner take control of the club?
I hear there was a bit of a power struggle in a Munich beer hall.
Put’yer guesses here how that went.
It wasn’t really serious, more high campf.
Well, then they need to putsch their money where their mouths are.
Give someone else a chance for once.
He found out on Twitter that he was sacked.
Thomas Teuchel (Bowler Hat Guy from Meet the Robinsons sans mustache) fresh off getting kilt at Chelsea (who have gone on to wonderful things under Graham Potter) is the new boss.
‘Orning ‘Ordles… Give me a Media! (media!) Give me an Ocher! (ocher!).
Daily Duotrigordle #387
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 04:13.38
Daily Quordle 424
Daily Quordle 424
Blossom Puzzle, March 24
Letters: A C E T O R V
My score: 258 points
My longest word: 9 letters
🌻 🌸 🌺 🌼 🌷 💐 🏵 💮 🌹
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 424
Daily Quordle 424
Daily Quordle 424
I can’t tell if this is Russian propaganda or parody, but it’s great.
I larfed.
Coming soon to a schoolroom near you.
I’ll be sporadically giggling to myself all day after that. It’s just like Wednesdays after I read Jomala.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
We could use her in the Oval Office, behind the desk. More coherent and a better arm than the person sitting there now.
Thanks, PJ
Holy GlibFit!
I love her! And sh throws better than Obama. Good one today, Holiness!
An attorney for Ray Epps, the Arizona man that January 6 conspiracy theorists falsely claim led an FBI plot to orchestrate the insurrection, demanded an on-air retraction Thursday from Fox News and its right-wing talk host Tucker Carlson, and claimed they made “false and defamatory statements” about him.
You are literally on video telling people to go into the capitol, never mind the several other instances that appear to show suspect behavior.
Those who have the king’s protection tend to be a bit audacious in their lying.
So, are you saying he is going to make a computer voting system that actually works?
That seals it for me. No one would risk lying to Congress and going to jail and having to be bunkies with James Clapper.
Why so many Canadians pretend to be indigenous
It is a mystery.
People who walked across the land bridge to Canada aren’t any more indigenous than any other people born in Canada.
The absolute fucking freakout over Kennewick man was pretty telling
Is Kennewick close to Nantucket?
There once was a man from Kennewick
Whose neck was so long he could suck his dick
That outcome is an absolute fucking travesty.
Liawatha made the same argument when she was ousted: telling the lie got her the job…
See, that’s just white supremacy in action.
Seriously, I expect the argument has been made that Pretendians are just white people colonizing the identity of Amerinds, not white people trying to escape second class status by qualifying as a member of the group that is legally and culturally privileged.
When being a victim is incentivized, people will seek victimhood status.
Why do you think we have trannies everywhere now? These are mostly normal, everyday white kids looking for a way to belong in a society that tells them being a normal white kid is bad. Lo and behold, a movement meant for them materializes.
Can somebody please explain to me what we are doing besides escalating a situation that doesn’t concern us
It concerns someone, just not the average American citizen.
Now woke San Francisco supervisor demands $50M for an ‘Office of Reparations’ after taskforce called for $5M to be paid to black residents
How about you take a long walk off a short pier…
It would take so long to get the building permits and environmental impact studies done for a short pier in SF that he’d have died of old age.
But the short bus comes with the city address!
Discovery for this suit sure will be fun.
Discovery works both ways. And the people using Epps control the courts and criminal prosecutions.
A stonewall is its own eloquent message.
Dammit, I’m this close to bigot bingo.
Ain’t bipartisanship grand?
True democracy in action! A majority voted to limit competition, so we all have to kneel and obey.
Walz challenges Jesse to an arm wrassling, loser has to be guv’nor.
Oh, Anna…
I’m a woman. Please don’t ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person, or person who menstruates. How do people not realize how degrading this is? You can support the transgender community without doing this shit.
….I still hate you.
So will the leftist cult now cancel her and then that moron she is on that dumb show with?
Anna is totaly sincere.
Your side started that shit. Deal with it.
Sorry, I’m not a biologist.
Still wood, with extreme prejudice.
Is that second song about him trying to buy a box of condoms?
I can’t make out most of the words
Of course not, and the [English] Beat’s Mirror in the Bathroom is not about cocaine.
Golden Brown, texture like sun is totally NOT about heroin…
House of Fun by Madness?
Working, or I would post the video of that from “The Young Ones.”
+1 Kebab and Calculator 🍺
Speaking of firsting…
BIDEN: “This is a time for celebrating extraordinary women… like Jill, the First Lady, the first full-time lady, the First Lady who works full-time in addition to being the First Lady.”
Handling Joe is a full time job.
Hillary has a sad.
Ok, I confess, I never knew them as anything other than a one-hit wonder in the ’80s.
I have missed a lot.
They seem to have steered a line between the endless repetition of Aerosmith and the Trend-chasing of U2:
Here is another fun one.
That reminds me of a toothpaste commercial.
Holy shit.
Next you’ll say you don’t know the Selector, the Specials, the [English] Beat, or the Bodysnatchers,
Could be worse.
NPR did a promo yesterday (from memory) “Some of our listeners may have learned about Depeche Mode when their music was used in the HBO Series ‘The Last of Us.’ But the band has actually been making music for forty years!”
Back when I worked retail in the 90’s, there was a younger co-worker who argued that Sweet Dreams was made by Marilyn Manson. This continued until I brought out five different covers (AND THE ORIGINAL) that had come out long before Manson ever was on the radio.
Hide ya kids…
I like babies better than people
They age when they recognize them as people keeps going up.
Babies can’t argue against his wretched policies like that nasty, nasty Rand Paul.
I’m on the way to Sloop country for spring break. Should be in Memphis today, Houston tomorrow, and Port Aransas Sunday.
Some people are more “equal” than others
In case you were in doubt, women with big tits still exist.
Friday Funbags.
Remember kids, Democrats continue to get double digit margins of the female vote.
Strong independent women that will tell you they need no men to have fulfilling lives, especially the college educated studies types that make out the majority of urban women, replaced said dependency on men they shun with one of big daddy government.
Not as long as the corporate world remains beholden to this madness—as amply demonstrated by the quote at the bottom of the article from one of them.
What does it say about a group of people that think the way they show their independence and strength is to exercise the right to ill their offspring?
Love it. Smash the records. Smash…them..all.
Ah, shit…
I am not sure how they denied this in 20011, but I suspect considering the person involved that it is a typo.
Start by not pretending you can bend the world to your will
Finland, which has held the title of happiest country for six years running, is now looking to teach the rest of the world a thing or two.
The Nordic country is hosting a four-day happiness masterclass in June, and its tourism board says 10 lucky applicants will get to go for free. Others will be able to study (and hopefully cheer) up virtually when it later becomes available online.
“A question we often get is: ‘How are you so happy?'” Heli Jimenez, senior director of international marketing at Business Finland, said in a statement. “We believe Finnish happiness stems from a close relationship with nature and our down-to-earth lifestyle: it’s not some mystical state, but a skill that can be learned and shared.”
Driving fast on unpaved roads can therapeutic, too.
Also, massive heavy drinking and the occasional friendly knife fight.
They’re happy because the rest of the world leaves them more or less alone.
Except for the Russians, but they seem to have remembered the lessons from their last ass-kicking in ’39…
Drunk = Happy?
It’s right here
One day the world will figure out that the Finns have been taking the biggest piss in history with their convincing the world how happy they are.
Anthony Bourdain went there, and then, years later, killed himself. Coincidence?
“Rural Michigan town’s first female cop ‘was pressured to perform oral sex on married patrol officer who also made bet with supervisor on who could have sex with her first,’ she claims in lawsuit”
The latest trend?
Can’t be, it isn’t on TikTok is it?
“Reality check: 80% of receipts in US restaurants, bars and grocery stores contain toxic chemicals linked to CANCER, study warns”
So if a mouse drinks a gallon of it?
So… don’t eat receipts. Got it.
Then he’ll want some pretzels?
How much would it take you to go to Skol: the musical
For me? I think it would take most of the state’s $17B budget surplus to make me go.
Berserkers stripped naked, didn’t they?
I love the fact that one grave proves that Vikings totes honored women and made them leaders all the time.
In a thousand or so years, someone will dig up Pulaski’s grave and determine that our Founding Fathers totes put women in charge of armies.
And they might dig up Gen. Millie’s grave and think the same thing.
Yes, it’s true – this man has no dick.
Women vikings totally dominated in battle. Celtic and English men were slaughtered by these 100 lbs warrior women by the score. Sure physics would say that a shield wall made of women wouldn’t be as effective as one made up of large men, but physics is just racist white male shit. This is known.
While I’m at it I noticed an add with black viking characters on the new Vikingsshow. Since we are rewriting history, I should be able to play the roles of Shaka Zulu or Fredrick Douglas.
So, Shaka Buffysdottir?
Well Douglas was the first black face of white supremacy so that would probably work.
-female Viking power
I don’t know, sounds like it might be interesting.
Are you horny? Or is that just your hat?
What about Skol Bandits, the Musical?
Why would I go to a show where the performers just lip off the entire time?
Yeah, letse see you get out of that one?
“How NYC Government Traumatizes Gun Owners”
A quick little Stossel vid, bonus points for the banality of evil wormy piece of shit prosecutor.
Someone needs to cancel Google because today’s doodle contains far-right imagery.
If I’m gonna ogle something, as it says, it needs a better picture.
The great amphetamine shortage of 2023!
Students Struggle Academically, Fight in Schools Amid Adderall Shortage
Ten years ago I never imagined this future.
We have to deny those who actually do need it in order to screw those that don’t but manage to get it anyway.
See also: Opiates.
Meth-head America
There are a bunch of prescription drug shortages.
Are pharmaceuticals healthcare?
You can pry my Vyvanse out of my cold dead hands.
I think I can speak for my kids, too.
XX’s Boss: “Well, you’re chipper and ready to go today!”
XX: “Behold the power of amphetamines!”
XX’s Boss: “Uhhhhhh…”
XX: “Let me know if you need to see the scrip.”
Conspiracy Theory:
Vyvanse goes Generic in June. The adderall shortage was just a way to get doctors to dole out more Vyvanse prescriptions before it goes generic and give the manufacturer one last boost of income.
The Minneapolis School District continues to cover itself in glory. They let hackers steal all their data, then they didn’t pay the ransom and now it is being published.
Don’t play into their hands Mpls-ans! If everyone just doesn’t download the data, our security plan works great.
Anyone want to bet that there are all sorts of documentation in there about schools covering up assaults?
*incoming dissertation on binary to decimal conversions*
Gibi a break with that shit.
That reminds me of when my firstborn was at school and forgot something in the first grade. I went to school and walked to the door closest to her classroom. I walked in and knocked on the classroom door handed her teacher whatever project it wash that had been forgotten. There was a minor freakout after I left due to my apparent “security breach” and a school wide e-mail was sent out to parents reminding us that we had to first check in with the office. Apparently, the security only works if you participate in the theater correctly.
I sent a note with my kid to school saying I’d be there at noon to pick him up. Went at noon and he was no where to be found, so I went to the office. Turns out he was still in class.
When I told them I had sent a note and why wasn’t he outside waiting for me, I was informed that a) you can’t just let a kid stand out front of a school and b) I hadn’t given them a reason for why I was taking him out of school.
Hilarity ensued. I did get the kid, but they were not happy that I wouldn’t give them a reason for why he wouldn’t be there.
BIDEN: “This is a time for celebrating extraordinary women… like Jill, the First Lady, the first full-time lady, the First Lady who works full-time in addition to being the First Lady.”
Every day is a fresh start, with the slate wiped clean.
Eleanor spent all of her time playing pickleball on the White House lawn, it is known.
“the first full-time lady”
Buttigieg sees an opening…
One claiming to be a federal government official bo less on social medias!
Good morning, Sloop!
House of Fun is so good.
‘Member that thing Dems said they were not doing?
New York state lawmakers are poised to enact the nation’s first legislative ban on gas and fossil fuel appliances in most new buildings, including single-family homes.
Despite outcry from Republicans nationwide about states and the federal government looking to ban gas stoves, New York appears set to move forward with the proposal in the state budget due March 31.
The order came from on high.
We all realize that members of the Democrat Party do not think for themselves in any way at all, the question is who is giving them instructions.
There’s the rub, they’re a hive mind that doesn’t need orders-they know what to do without being told.
There is no one “on high”, they simply believe, en masse, that anything using fossil fuels is evil. It is what they have been taught, almost like masturbating will cause blindness.
I don’t buy it. Politicians are sociopaths, and Democrats seem to be particularly so these days. They respond to incentives and somebody put a large incentive in place.
I’d say it’s a healthy dose of both. The are all Technocrats and farcically willing to swallow whatever a touted “expert” says that aligns with their incentives and worldview. and there are plenty of corrupt people at the top willing to manufacture whatever expert narrative they need to to get their people in line.
True believers don’t need incentives.
I can’t see that.
The reason a deal looks imminent is because Gov. Kathy Hochul and fellow Democrats in both chambers of the state Legislature have endorsed proposals to prohibit fossil fuel furnaces, water heaters, clothes dryers and gas stoves in most new construction.
They want you to freeze.
Solar power will keep you warm!
New York is competing with California to see who swirls down the toilet first.
The difference being that a larger percentage of CA lives in places where not having heat is less likely to result in freezing to death.
Have you seen how SoCal acts when it’s 50 degrees?
“A real weenie-shrinker!”
And when the lie that electric is “cheaper” is revealed, they will simply tie the poors who can’t afford to cook anymore to the State with energy benefits or some shit. Win-win.
LICAP will be an automatic benefit when you enroll with LIHeAP!
If they don’t like it they can all move to the open air barracks, oops, dorms.
Bring back the Poor Farms, everything furnished, ‘course daylight comes early and everyone has to work.
Tech-bro immigration to El Salvador should be picking up.
No reason Salvadorans can’t do the work that Indonesians currently do – and closer to primary market.
How liberals think about government, part 2,006:
Mrs Prole: (indignantly) “Did you know there is NO minimum age in Texas for a child to be left unattended by parents?”
Me: “Good!”
M P: “So a parent can leave a two year old alone, and unless something bad happens, it’s not a crime?”
Me: “So, the legislature trusts a parent to make judgement calls about their children, and holds them accountable if they harm the kid? Seems about right.”
M P: “There should be regulations!! Kids can be harmed!”
Three minutes later:
M P: (indignantly): “… and since my sister only has legal guardianship of (her adopted son), it is illegal for her to leave him attended for even a moment! Even when he will be 17!”
Me: “Ain’t that the regulation you were just demanding? I’ll trust your sister over any subcommittee of jackasses in the legislature.”
Your couch must be comfy.
I have to say, I’m pretty happy with how my wife is coming around. She’s kinda reflexively proggy (‘people should be helped’) but overall fairly A-political. In the last year I’ve gotten her to read “Economics in One Lesson” and “The Law”. And she’s starting to admit that government programs never end up achieving their intended results (or at least not without some dire trade-offs). I no longer worry about politics coming between us.
Do you even live in Texas?
Man I realize every day I really hit the jackpot with my wife. Naturally libertarian, doesn’t really get into politics unless I bring it up and will always mutter “I hate cops” if we see them pulling people over.
Same. Coming from a 3rd World shithole doesn’t hurt either.
Damn dude, that much cognitive dissonance full time must be a drain.
If you had any doubt as to who the Biden administration is working for, this should clear it up.
Fairly obvious retribution for the write-down of AT1 bonds.
At this point I wonder if they are gonna Epstein Jerome Powell…..
They’re getting desperate. Anything is on the table.
Got in a pretty big fight with Socon Dad over this. He refuses to believe anything other than the ZeroHedge narrative. It’s outside of his worldview to entertain the idea that the WEF’s wet dreams are just that….
The ZH crowd is addicted to black pills.
Deutsche Bank down 10% today
And the AT1 market seems to be coming apart at the seams.
Tom Luongo frames it as a fight between the Fed and Davos.
With each passing day, his theory seems to be confirmed even more.
Soros has been pushing perpetual bonds hard. The writedown of the AT1s puts a shadow on the entire market, but it’s definitely hurt the ability of European banks to raise additional capital using them.
Imagining Soros bankrupted almost makes you accept something you really shouldn’t.
I hope the cancer kills you slowly and painfully…
When asked about House Republicans requesting Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg testify, Raskin said, “Let’s start with this, we actually have jurisdictional authority over the Department of Justice and the House Judiciary Committee. But it’s very well-established that even there, with the DOJ, where there is real jurisdictional oversight responsibility, that we cannot intervene in an ongoing case. Then you take it from the federal level to the state and local level, where we have no jurisdictional power over the investigator and prosecutorial authorities, and this is unheard of and outrageous. It’s clearly an attempt to elevate Donald Trump completely above the law, completely above the Constitution. And that’s what’s so scary about this.”
He continued, “That is what is so scary about this. The GOP has turned into a messianic cult of personality around one guy who has proven himself to be a one-man crimewave, and they have all wrapped themselves in their careers, their destinies around Donald Trump.”
…because you are a dishonest cunte.
It’s not a lie if you really believe it…
George Costanza
“a one-man crimewave”
whatever you say pal. The chutzpa of these people
But enough about Joe Biden.
“The GOP has turned into a messianic cult of personality around one guy …”
Well, someone’s obsessed with him, anyway.
Coming soon to the US of A!
The Country Behind the $100,000,000,000,000 Bill Hits a New Stage of Dysfunction
The only reason Zimbabwe is back in the news is because of the recent lithium mining developments there.
Not gonna lie, I first read that as “Harambe, Zimbabwe”
Did you take your dick out?
It seems with the Afroman thing, the cops want it both ways, zero accountability, but also “muh expectations of privacy while invading another man’s privacy”. Even better is when they had to give back the money they seized, some of it went missing. They have since claimed it was miscounted. Uh huh, sure it was.
They “miscounted” the money at the after raid strip joint party?
If you only drop $400 at a strip club party, strippers hate you.
Like the Abrams tanks or F-16s, they wouldn’t know how to use them anyway.
Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen stated that the Ukrainian government approached Finland following a visit by Prime Minister Sanna Marin to Kyiv and wished to discuss the possibility of Finland sending F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets to the country.
“From the point of view of the defence administration, this is not an acute topic of discussion. In the next few years, we will need the Hornets strongly for our own use,” Kaikkonen said and added that he was against the idea of giving Ukraine the aircraft, broadcaster Yle reports.
“In the next few years, we will need the Hornets strongly for our own use”
That does not sound good.
The answer to this idiocy is all people in HR, administration, child indoctrination, and government bureaucracies regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Especially those with marxist fucking leanings.
I believe Tonio highlighted this spectacular response in one of the Links posts.
That post could not have made me happier.
Not a bad idea…
Biden says he is working to “keep guns out of the hands of domestic political advisors”
The GOP has turned into a messianic cult of personality around one guy who has proven himself to be a one-man crimewave, and they have all wrapped themselves in their careers, their destinies around Donald Trump.
And what of the Democrats whose entire existence is defined by Trump and their obsessive quest for revenge against him?
It’s all progection anyways.
Interestingly it still exists in Africa, among other places.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: “Don’t we want our children to know that slavery was wrong as I fight against slavery today that still exists?”
How many people in the US think slavery is not wrong?
Most of them. It’s just the particular slaveowner they object to.
^This right here. I love the look on peoples face when I tell them we all work directly for the government with no compensation until somewhere around May 15th.
We need to re-institute the draft, for people’s own good.
My wife?
O Lord one day I will be free at last!!!
So i was sitting in the waiting room for my weekly massage and out of nowhere this thing leaped onto the couch i was sitting on
Your new masseuse has arrived.
My massage guy is a dude but this one was indeed a lady
poor little guy.
Seemed perfectly happy
Does this story have a happy ending?
Hmm…what else do those states have in common?
Maga Country obviously. Or…it’s Asian on Asian (not the good kind) of their deep seeded hatred of each other.
Large Jewish populations?
out of nowhere this thing leaped onto the couch i was sitting on
Eek! Did you crush it with your shoe?
Today’s Idiots in Cars winner!
Porsche Macan Tries to Cut into Slowing Traffic – St. Paul, MN
From the comments it appears the driver was messing with something – i.e. phone or hair. I feel badly for the camera car.
I’m impressed with the roof strength of the Porsche.
Driver is a fuckwit however.
Anything modern has a crazy roof strength like that.
It’s the reason we can’t have thin A pillars and a low beltline on cars anymore. The difference in visibility from a car of the 1980s and 1990s and today is astounding.
Volvo and Mercedes could do it 40 years ago. There has to be a way to engineer them so it’s not like driving a fucking tank!
I had Volvos and Mercedes from the 70’s & 80’s. Way better visibility. Much, much, much easier to fix. But I doubt they had the same rollover strength. The thing is, how much rollover strength do you need in the first place? I’d rather be able to see where I am going.
I worked at a Volvo dealership in the 80s. We had a whole wall of crashed Volvo pics. Perhaps not as strong as the new ones, but I don’t recall a single crushed roof. And yes, the visibility of the old 240 series was incredible.
Yes, the 240 was like an aquarium on wheels. The lack of crushed roofs is most likely because they didn’t flip over in the first place.
Random Volvo 240 sedan weight: 2740 lbs
Random Porsche Macan weight: 4314 lbs
This is the difference in why the roof has to be so reinforced.
The old tale was that Volvo and Saab engineered their roof pillars to able to withstand crashes with moose.
It was their thing.
And yes, I saw a bunch of rolled ones. Strong.
Not true, couldn’t be St Paul, no snow.
I regret that I don’t have video of the idiot that ran me off the road to entertain you with.
You can see the driver is looking at their phone just as they cut across in front. It’s on top of the steering wheel. I have the feeling that screencap is going to be important to keep the following driver from taking the fall for this accident.
Porsche made an unsafe lane change, not the fault of the following driver.
We are reaching peak magnolia season in Bucharest
Those are beautiful.
The drive through my neighborhood is nice with the cherry and pear trees blossoming.
I have a couple of cactuses that might bloom soon.
We have had a rainy winter (for us). Should be a banner year for wildflowers. I saw bluebonnets yesterday alongside the road in one spot. I didn’t even know they grew here.
The desert is going to be beautiful this spring
We had a lot of rain one winter in Phoenix. All the mountain sides were covered in green grass. It was lovely.
The firefighters look up at all that grass and think “Fuck!”.
It’s just fuel.
It seemed the hills of SoCal burned every year.
Which guarantee state officials and climate priests will decry in a couple of months
“There’s really no evidence that TikTok is somehow a “national security threat,” but lots of evidence that people are desperate to declare it a “national security threat,” so they toss out all kinds of wild grievances and conjecture that prove nothing except their own derangement”
A foreign psyop is a “national security threat”.
Just another moral panic, IMO.
Tik Tok is cancer.
TikTok merely enables human behavior – so I say you are both right.
If it turns kids into drooling morons it might be a bad thing.
So strange how CNN and the NYT have nothing but contempt and scorn for anybody involved in January 6, or MAGA people in general, and yet are deeply invested in making sure everybody knows how terrible they should feel about the treatment of this one MAGA hat wearing “insurrectionist” who was caught on tape telling people to go into the capitol building.
Why aren’t they banging the drums instead to have this guy prosecuted? It’s such a mystery.
The only answer I’m coming up with involves lots of tinfoil. Now STOP THAT.
“The US official who has urged more wars than anyone over the last 3 decades with the possible exception of John Bolton – including Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine – is teaching Columbia students a class called “Foreign-Policy Decision-Making.” And boy they’re excited! 💣💣💣”
“Want to be Inside the Situation Room with Secretary @HillaryClinton?
She and Dean Keren @YarhiMilo are co-teaching a new course on foreign policy decision-making at @Columbia this fall.”
I don’t think anyone needs an Ivy League degree if “blow up the brown people” is the answer to every question.
The fuckheads got their war:
Stinks of a false flag to me.
Perhaps events have made them bolder.
It’s possibly the regime picking a fight to distract from unrest in the country. Hopefully we don’t take the bait.
The NYT is concerned, people. Concerned!
Trump, Escalating Attacks, Raises Specter of Violence if He Is Charged
I love the Bee.
They are fantastic.
Question: Do “chip keys” wear out?
This piece of shit Honda Element has started doing a no start thing. Turn ignition key, nothing happens. After a two or three tries, the starter spins, and it fires. For a while, I thought it was battery related; first start on a cold morning. But recently it has done it after it has been driven and warmed up. Then I started thinking clutch switch, since that’s exactly what it acts like. Yesterday, I stopped and had lunch, and when I jumped back in the thing… nothing nothing nothing, for about a dozen tries. I pulled the key out, turned it over, and it spun and fired on the first try. WTF?
I wish it would warm up so I can get the 914 out of dry dock.
Is it contactless?
Old GM keys had a resistor value inside the key, but the ignition needed to physically make contact with the pads.
It’s not impossible that the electronics in the contactless receiver are on the fritz. And it’s possible to crack the traces on a contactless chip, but really rare.
Yellen’s holding an emergency financial meeting… without Powell.
I should read closer, and Luongo should too. Powell is on the list that he posted.
Soros has been pushing perpetual bonds hard. The writedown of the AT1s puts a shadow on the entire market, but it’s definitely hurt the ability of European banks to raise additional capital using them.
I haven’t really followed closely, other than to know there are a lot of people who are really outraged about the holders of those bonds getting wiped out instead of shareholders.
This just occurred to me. If those are perpetual bonds, do they act like a preferred stock?
What does that have to do with anything? I don’t know. Just curious.
This seems to be the key component of them.
UBS’s objection appears to be that the acquisition of CS brought with it $17B of AT1s. UBS had a cap of $56B, which would make the AT1 bondholders the majority stockholders upon conversion. I’m catching up as I go, but I think that’s the summary.
I think they are functionally equivalent to preferred stock. Offhand, I can’t think of any real difference, other than perhaps some highly technical accounting differences and likely preferences on payment and priority. Preferred stock distributions are “below the line”. Paying interest, even on a perpetual bond, would be “above the line”.
You can’t really default on stock, but you can on bonds. But what does a default on a perpetual bond mean? Can the principle be called if it’s perpetual? Dunno.
They usually can be called and reissued.
That’s how the rates can be changed.
Is it contactless?
It has the fat plastic end with a chip, but no evidence of a battery. It has to be inserted and turned in the lock. The 99% useless info (call your friendly neighborhood dealer/locksmith) implies there is some sort of field generated by the lock mechanism which identifies the chip.
A professional level diagnostic scanner will tell you if the no start is because of the security flag. A generic code reader isn’t going to work.
Assuming that’s the indication my bet would be the reader in the column.
Thanks, Scruffy. Maybe UBS (or the regulators) had a specific reason for not wanting those bonds converted into shares.
Whatever the rationale for writing them down, it’s killing a number of the big European banks as they try to raise cash this week using those vehicles. The European banking crisis is accelerating and you should expect the screeching for the return of the Fed Put to hit historic levels.
“Stanford’s War Against Its Own Students
A working-class student. A star soccer player. And the ominous emails from all-powerful administrators.”
“Stanford has 10,000 administrators — the parents of a star soccer player blame them for “institutional bullying” leading to their daughter’s suicide. Another student describes being driven to a “state of mental and physical exhaustion and collapse.””
The grift is good.
Grift, for lack of a different word, is good. Grift is right, grift works.
Assuming that’s the indication my bet would be the reader in the column.
I was trying to pretend it was just the key. I really don’t want to work on this thing, and the list just keeps getting longer.
C’mon, spring!