As I downloaded this picture, I realized my pile of trashy posts has now exceeded 100.
Giantess Attack vs. Mecha-Fembot!
Note: I am on the road and may be unavailable during posting. If any horrible stories come out of Florida this week, I didn’t do it.
One of the promises I made to myself when I started doing this is that I would always try to throw in as much new stuff as I can. Several of you expressed how hard it is to find new movies. So I spend a fair amount of the month surfing around, finding oddball films. This is one of those films. Even better, this is part of a series like the Barbie and Kendra films. There are plenty more if you like this one.
In case you are wondering, this is an exploitation film with giant women in skimpy outfits dominating men and catfighting. *Puts hat over heart* God Bless America! They step on men using gigantic high heels. The fight scene from They Live is parodied by giant women in bikinis. At one point one of the giantesses ate her agent and said “I always swallow!” That should give you an idea of what you are in for tonight. It’s really great.
I started with this particular film out of the series because it was so spot-on with some modern culture lampooning. For example there is a fake animal shelter commercial which I was convinced TUBI was playing mid-movie. Well played, movie directors. That was fantastic. The whole movie was fantastic! And it was perfect for celebrating Women’s History Month! What women are we celebrating tonight?
- Katey Sagal! Peggy Bundy seems to start off our movie. I think she was also spoofed in next week’s film, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama 2.
- Chelsea Bellas: So far she has been in 14 films, she’s still young and has a big career ahead of her.
- Kali Cook: She has 41 acting credits, and 5 producing credits to her name already.
- Vlada Fox: She is just getting started. She’s our mecha-fembot tonight. There are no major details on her, but I believe she has been in two films.
- Christine Nguyen: She has been in over 106 films, and we have seen her previously in Bigfoot or Bust. She was also in a film called Decapitatrium that sounds like it may be worth reviewing.
There are a ton more women to celebrate in the film, I assure you. I know everyone has a limited attention span for my review ramblings so I am going to keep it light. Now watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a giant woman crushes you with her shoe! Next week will be a make your own adventure of Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama and the remake from 2022! Pick either one, they are virtually the same!
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No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. Follow these instructions to bypass the sign in:
After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.
(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
I will queue this up for later viewing. Thanks RJ!
(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
So, how is this month going? I had a plan to do a kind of March Madness with voting in Survey Monkey, with Troma vs. Full Moon. I put that aside for Women’s History Month.
I’d say Flesh Gordon was better than Dead Ant. Although Dead Ant had that chick with the boobs who is always in the Daily Mail.
Flesh Gordon is going to trump most of the films I show. It’s such a classic. Glad I found fairly clean copy.
I think we need a Super Dope White Bros month.
Hmmmm… I could do that. I have a few barbarian / Hercules movies coming up soon, that was an ask. Then maybe some of that action.
Bong of the Living Dead
Evil Bong, et al.
Alternately, I would love to show the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie, but Nintendo has made sure that stays buried.
Is that the one with Dennis Hopper?
Also Bob Hoskins and Samantha Mathis.
How about Super Hornio brothers? Ron Jeremy played a convincing Mario.
Most of these movies don’t interest me (Wolf Cop the exception!), but I appreciate you bringing some of the free services like Tubi and Pluto to my attention. I don’t watch much TV or movies, so I might just drop my one subscription and just use these sites for now. The price is right.
I found one of my favorite movies, The Warriors, on Pluto last week. The music really helps create a surreal atmosphere and adds to the movie’s awesomeness. I checked and it’s not on Tubi, but it’s little brother The Wanderers is. It’s worth watching just for the Baldie’s gang scenes and the big fight scene at the end when all the rival gangs, and some of the parents, fight together against the Ducky Boys. I loved these movies as a young teenager.
Nice. I am working on the second in the series of TV in 2023 which is all about free streaming services. There are a ton. Tubi is still the 600 pound gorilla in the space but there are so may other fringe services and captive company services, like Crackle which is owned by Sony.
Great, looking forward to it. I should probably check out more of your movies, since I loved Wolf Cop and liked another one I watched.
Well, tonight might cure you of any trust. I offer no refunds for the pointless loss of an hour of your life!
My wife thanks you in a roundabout way for Tubi. She’s found quite a lot and so have I. Loving the giallo flicks.
Can you dig it?!
Can you dig it?!
Caaaaaaaaan yooooooo diggggg iittttt!
I have a pretty deep voice and acted out that scene at work many years ago. After that, I was pushed to do it all the time. Can you dig it?! Suckers?!
Love your choices, Flesh Gordon rocked.
This one looks like it will be a ton I’m fun.
Looking forward to next week. Haven’t seen Slimeball in years, and it stars the lovely and boobalicious Linnea Quigley.
Oh man, I would have loved a Troma vs Full Moon bracket. Back when video rental stores were still a thing, my local store had sections devoted to both Troma and Full Moon! So much great schlock. (They also had a section devoted to Roger Corman) Dollman, Castle Freak, Preacherman, The Toxic Avenger, Lurking Fear, Sgt. Kabukiman- NYPD, I loved them all!
I found Vlada Fox’s Instagram.
That’s an impressive 43.
1h 6m lol
It’s a fun ride. But not if it was 90 minutes. An hour and change is about right.
I think I’d rather see them stomping around cardboard Manhattan in the “previous episode”.
I was torn. The fake commercial this one won me over. After you have seen one of these, you have seen all of these.
Sadly I had to tap out. Can’t win ’em all 🙂
All good. I am building the barbarian fest.
Heh OK.
This chick doesn’t deserve to lick Peggy’s high heels.
I don’t get what is with the fake Peggy Bundy.
That didn’t make much sense. You were right about the commercial though.
Well, that was bad.
Mwehahaha! It was great after a giant doobie!
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Next week we compare the two versions of “….Slimeball Bowl O Rama.” I built a chart and everything so you can choose your own adventure. It was difficult to be unbiased.
Sounds great! Although I probably won’t be here though.
I am going to get back to vacation. This bourbon isn’t going to drink itself!
Local place was sampling this:
Quite nice and on special for $25 – I couldn’t pass it up at that price.
Anything drinkable for $25 is a must do!
Looks like it’s normally around $40. I may have to stock up.
OT: March Madness!!
We know one of the players for Furman University (my wife worked with his mom and has known him since he was 5 years old). Since their first round game was in Orlando and we’re in Venice, we got tickets and drove over. Big 13-seed win over 4-seed Virginia with a last second steal and 3-point shot – after coming back from being 12 points behind. First Cinderella of the tournament. It was incredible to be there and then go celebrate with his family afterwards.
What a crazy ending! That would have been a blast, especially under the circumstances.
Tucker Carlson:
Future Glibetarian.
Wow. He should join this site. He would be a fantastic shitposter.
He was talking about the uniparty the other day just like us.
Not if he keeps bringing in the ratings.
That is impressive, for a mainstream telecaster.
I also heard him get praised by Dave Smith, which is weird.
I have to admit, I was skeptical of Tucker Carlson back to his bow tie wearing days (my dad used to say never trust a white man in a bow tie), but he makes a lot of sense these days and in those few seconds in that interview, he seemed sincere enough that maybe he has changed and is sincere in his beliefs.
At the very least, props for recognizing/admitting championing Iraq was wrong.
I go back and forth on Tucker. He sometimes shades things a bit too far and likes to feed the outrage monster, but the parts of his personal life he lets slip, particularly on his long form show, are quite interesting. I’d hang out with the real Tucker, not the Tucker Carlson Tonight persona though.
He’s been sober for twenty years and said he’s been done having lunch with people he doesn’t like because time is too limited. And yet on the other hand, he’ll sit down with pretty much anyone it seems and have an interesting conversation on camera.
I missed Flesh Gordon last week, but caught it on one of those two piece VCRs back in the day, so I’ve got that going for me.
I almost linked a movie that has importance for the holiday in the morning links, but remembered it was Thursday. I would like to humbly suggest at some point you reference the glorious terrible movie that is Boondock Saints.
You are a genius R.J.
So long, Glibs.
What’s up, brother?
Trigger Hippie, everything alright?
Hey, buddy. What’s up? What’s going on?
Where are we going, friend?
NO. You call me [since redacted]
If I call that and it’s not Psychic Sex Line I will be disappointed.
Plz check your email, dude. You know I’m only up the street from you.
I’ve no idea what’s going on, but don’t give up on yourself or on us crazy Glibs who’ve taken turns carrying each other across the finish line many times.
Can you explain how the economics of a movie like this work?
Boobs and ass shots.
…make the ze’ world go ’round, ‘ze world go ’round…
Obviously somebody put up the money to make and distribute it, but where was it shown and who paid to watch it?
Are tax writeoffs and funny accounting involved? Is Max Bialystock still in business?
Semi-serious answer: find clips of Ari Gold from Entourage. He explains how that crazy business works.
Rhywun gets it.
Tomorrow will mark my 3rd week at the new job.
Saturday Macy’s will be delivering my new couch, end tables, and dining set. MattressFirm will be delivering my new bed.
Then Sunday I’ll bring all of my stuff out of the extended stay place I’ve been at for 5 weeks and then check out.
Another page turns.
Productive night. Didn’t plan on it. But somehow I wrote and recorded the audio for the next cartoon. You never know when inspiration is going to strike. For me it’s usually when when I’m drunk, though that is more often than not the state of things if I’m not at work.
Woo-hoo! New cartoon awaits 🙂
Speaking of Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-A-Rama, Ive always had a thing for Brinke Stevens. I also own that movie. On VHS, lol.
Good St. Patrick’s day morning to you all. 🍻🍻🍀🍀
I have to get my world’s ugliest tie out of the plastic. It’s the only orange-containing attire I’ve got.
Top of the morning to you, Sean, U, and TARDy! (And to mock-star, HE, and/or CPRM if by chance any of you are still around.) This is the day I’m reminded how little green I have in my wardrobe. I do have a green shawl – a recent Christmas gift from one of my SILs – but shawls are…cumbersome and less than ideal for driving oneself to work and carrying the necessities for the workday to and fro.
I may have to settle for green earrings.
P.S. I have absolutely NO orange in my wardrobe, as it may be the worst possible color to wear with my hair color and complexion.
Now orange can have a range, There’s a difference between creamsicle orange, mandarin orange, and safety orange.
The common thread is they’re all obnoxious.
I see someone’s gotten started on their drinking.
It would be excellent camouflage.
Mornin’, all. I always considered it a blessing when St. Patrick’s Day fell on a Friday – no need to call in sick the next day. I wonder if the local Catholics are still exempting this day from the meatless Friday lenten rule. Last time I checked they did this so the local parishes could make bank on shitty corned beef dinners consumed in the ambience of the parish center.
You take St. Recovery day off when taking off St. Patrick’s Day.
Here in CLE, those who still practice Catholicism have been granted a dispensation to eat meat today (they were supposed to go meatless some other day this week). However, the same Bishop has refused to grant a dispensation for when the
IndiansGuardians home opener falls on a Friday.Mornin’.
This is the first time in a while I’m not heading out for St. Patrick’s Day. Overslept. Either the gym or going out had to give because of work and my trip to PA for a swing dance. Since I can’t train tomorrow at the gym I use in King of Prussia when I’m in the area as they have a competition today, and I have the drive tonight, I decided going out gives.
Off to the gym soon.
Errr… competition tomorrow.
Yeah no real big plans here. Seeing estranged step-daughter tomorrow which is good thing. Her late mother really did a number on her and my relationship.
Good morning. This movie looks perfect to get my drink on to.
Mornin’. I think that movie would get me drunk without the assistance of alcohol.
My wife is getting annoyed with me for watching RJ’s selections.
Morning all.
Mornin’ all.
I guess one advantage of growing old and having my hair fall out or turn white is that I’m no longer mistaken for an Irishman. That grew real old real fast. Zero Irish in the family bloodline back to well before 1066.
/gee, I wonder who got up extra grumpy this morning? Don’t mind me.
I get called a ginger by a certain member here but it’s a sprinkling in the beard…
*glares at Tonio*
Heh. I was a full-blown ‘new copper penny’ redhead into my 20’s, although the bald spot was starting, as was the hairline’s retreat towards it. But it was still ginger into my 50’s. Bleah.
Always hated it, am glad it’s gone.
Locally, back when the Cavs still used orange and blue as colors, there were usually at least a handful of incidents of people getting harassed while going to a game.
/gets ready to be cancelled
Besides, what’s the difference between Martin Luther King day and St. Patrick’s Day?
Lack of freckles
Everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.
How’s the new gig?
Don’t start at the new place until April. I’m in official short timer mode now.
As someone who’s Irish year-round, I’m sick of being associated with those Catholics on the other side of the road.
I get mistaken for an Irishman due to my (real) name, but it doesn’t bother me.