Poll/Brag/Open Post: “What’s in Your Collection?”

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Choose Your Own Adventure, Entertainment, Food & Drink, Open Post, Products You Need | 175 comments

This isn’t a collection for the sake of collecting, but I have wound up increasing storage space for alcohol.  Somehow I internalized the idea of being a good host, so I’ve always got to have sufficient bottles on hand to mx the most common drinks.  And then on top of that, I’ll keep a bottle around in case one of my guests (who will undoubtedly be a person of taste and distinction) might be interested in that particular spirit.

The list below is of those particular bottles which I won’t finish unless I can get a replacement (or renamed equivalent in the case of the JWs.)  It does not include general-duty mixing whiskies or rum, vodka, tequila, gin, brandy, etc.  Those get bought and consumed on an as-needed basis.


This is the kitchen shelf, as opposed ot the pantry shelf or the basement cabinets.

Talisker went to a new label. Nossir, I don’t like it.

Ardbeg “An Oa”

The Balvenie 12 “Doublewood”

Basil Hayden’s Dark Rye

Beam “Devil’s Cut”

Bulleit Rye

Dewars 15 “The Monarch”

Few Rye

Four Roses Bourbon

Gelen Moray 12

The Glenlivet 12

The Glenlivet 12 “Double Oak”

Glenmorangie “Nectar d’Or”

Hoten Tango “Rye, Ready-to-Drink”

Johnnie Walker “Black”

Johnnie Walker “Blue”

Johnnie Walker “Gold”

Johnnie Walker “Platinum”

Knob Creek Rye

Lagavulin 8

Laphroaig 10


Rittenhouse Rye “Bottled-in-Bond”

Suntory Hibiki “Japanese Harmony”

Talisker 10

Talisker “57º North”

Talisker “Dark Storm”

Talisker “Storm”

Templeton Rye

Wheel Horse Rye

Woodinville Rye


About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    The only collection I have left are my memories, and that’s fine.

      • Pat

        Pop songwriters have gotten a LOT of mileage out of Pachelbel’s Canon

  2. Sean

    The Balvenie 12 “Doublewood”


    • juris imprudent

      Double yum.

  3. kinnath

    I collect grievances.

    • Fatty Bolger

      You should adopt Festivus.

      • kinnath

        I don’t want any dependents.

  4. EvilSheldon

    I hate collections, and collectors, and the very idea of collecting. I do like booze though, so that’s cool. How’s the Glenmorangie “Nectar d’Or”?

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Don’t you collect guns? And maybe furry suits?

      • EvilSheldon

        Only to the extent that I own more than one gun. The difference is, I regularly shoot all the guns I own, and I get rid of the ones I’m not regularly using.

        Same with the fursuits

      • juris imprudent

        Get rid of a gun? Sacrilege!

      • R C Dean

        When I get organized, I plan to sell 3 or 4 guns. Two for a friend who inherited them, and a couple of my own that I’ll never shoot again.

      • juris imprudent

        I’ve got several I plan on passing down to my son and future grandkids.

      • Fourscore

        I have done that already but a few left over. If a recipient isn’t going to appreciate them then there’s no reason to give that person a gun or other personal belongings.

        I have my grandparents Latvian Bible, I don’t know that anyone of my relatives would want that, for example.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’d rather sell it to someone who’s going to use it, than let it sit and gather dust. I have more than enough primary, secondary, and emergency backup guns to satisfy Maslow’s Hierarchy of Firepower…

      • juris imprudent

        When I have a pair of Colt Diamondbacks (in .22 and .38), I will reach full self-actualization.

      • Not Adahn

        Yeah, I only buy a gun when I have a specific plan for it (not including holding the safe down.)

        Other than my MkI, I don’t know that I have anything heirloom appropriate. Maybe if I get into Single Stack and buy something in stainless.

    • ron73440

      Are you going to the concert tonight?

    • Not Adahn

      It’s good. Much better than another one of the Glenmorangie specialties (some sherry casked one that I don’t remember because I didn’t think it was good enough to keep around).

  5. The Late P Brooks

    I seem to have collected a lot of tools over the years. And yet… I caught myself looking covetously at 1/4″ drive ratchets, the other day. You can’t have too many.

    • CPRM

      13mm wrenches seem to disappear and reappear like quantum moose.

      • ron73440

        I have purchased more allen wrench sets than I want to admit.

      • Not Adahn

        The only sets I’ve purchased more of than allen are torx.

      • Michael Malaise

        I still have an Allen set bought at the Home Depot on Jefferson Avenue in Playa Del Rey, California in 1997.

  6. Drake

    No real collections at my house other than some guns and ammo. Once we buy a place, I’ll get a big safe for them.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’ve been shopping for a safe, too. You can get some good deals, as well as *much* better security, by looking around for used cash and jewelry safes.

      • Sean

        I need second one, but I’ve been told it has to be the same as the first one.

      • Drake

        You don’t always have to listen to those voices in your head.

      • Not Adahn


      • Sean

        “It has to match.”

        I have nothing to gain in arguing with her over it.

      • Mojeaux

        She is absolutely correct.

      • ron73440

        And so is he.

      • Sean


        Next time it comes up, I’ll let her know you agreed.

      • Tundra

        Interesting. Where do you find them? Are they way heavier?

      • EvilSheldon

        1.) Safe and vault companies. Most of them do a good turnover in used safes, but most have zero internet presence, so expect to spend some time on the phone.

        2.) Yes. It’s a good rule of thumb that the heavier the safe, the more secure it will be.

        Most marketed ‘gun safes’ have pathetic security. Most of them are UL listed Residential Security Containers, which means that it withstood an attack from one safe and vault tech, with hand tools, for five minutes.

      • Not Adahn

        I’m mainly using my safes as a way to prevent fire/water damage. I’d assume cash safes are decent at that?

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        UL TL-15 or UL TL-30 are the ratings you’re looking for.

        They’re not inexpensive. And factor in freight and installation.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      I’m thinking about doing a massive renovation on the home in a few years to double the square footage. It would make more sense to move into a bigger house, but the property is the perk for me and unavailable anywhere else at a price I can afford.

      I toy around with idea of building a walk-in safe room as part of the build out. Concrete floor, block walls, and a steel door. Haven’t explored too deeply but it’s on my list of improvements to consider. Either that or I’m going need an Animal-sized safe soon.

      • Drake

        I was picturing the Arms room from my National Guard armory.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        ^I was thinking something like that. Pegboard on the walls, reloading station, and a more secure place to store ammo. Especially the latter, I’m running out of places to put it. Stumbled on a case of shells the other day I didn’t even realize I had.

        Might be a pipe dream but could be feasible as part of new construction add-on.

      • Drake

        We’re all rooting for you!

  7. pistoffnick

    I used to collect obnoxious neckties, because if I was forced to wear a tie, dammit, it was going to be in your face!

    Now I collect broken hearts and broken souls…

    • R C Dean

      Hadn’t thought about it, but I collected Christmas ties, with the goal of wearing a different one every workday between Thanksgiving and Christmas, maybe New Years.

  8. Nephilium

    /hides his beer cellar

  9. Drake

    TRANSURRECTION in Kentucky.

    The tranny protestor dressed as a demon who wants access to your children should really elicit some sympathy.

    We’ve gone from putting them in mental hospitals, to tolerance, to special treatment, to give them access to children or else they’ll shoot them really fast. They’d be wise to consider that things can be rolled all the way back.

    • rhywun

      This particular mass hysteria is starting to get tiresome.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, just look at Mr. Cis gay privilege here.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper


        It’s incredibly tiring. Which is part of the point, I think. To beat the hobby horse so badly right in front of us, so that most people simply turn it off completely. Once that work is done, it makes getting their way much easier.

        It’s the devil-child 3 year old approach, and it’s fucking exhausting.

    • Michael Malaise

      Those are not homemade signs.

      • rhywun

        “Trans People Belong”

        Yeah, that’s meaningful. 🙄

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Running a bank as if it were your own private hedge fund might not be the best business model?

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday that banking regulation and supervisory rules need to be re-examined in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB.O) and Signature Bank (SBNY.O) failures to ensure current banking system risks are addressed.

    In remarks prepared for delivery to the National Association for Business Economics, Yellen also called for stronger regulation of the growing non-bank, or “shadow bank”, sector, including money market funds, hedge funds and crypto assets.

    No way. The obvious solution is to backstop their losses. And ban crypto, of course.

    • Drake

      Does she explain how a bank should make a profit without risks while inflation is running far higher than interest rates?

  11. Tundra

    I collect nothing. I even got rid of a lot of books.

    I guess I collect experiences.

    Nice booze stash, though, brother. I guess we know who’s gonna ride out armageddon in bliss!

    • Fourscore

      All that’s left are the memories.

      Except for the booze, those I’ve forgotten the next morning

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I even got rid of a lot of books.

      Books are dusty and hard to organize. I let the library handle it.


      • Tundra

        I still have a bunch. Anything that is a reference type I keep.

      • juris imprudent

        Books are far easier to part with than guns.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        We got rid of most of our books in different stages, several years apart. Got rid of at least 2k books. That was a good day.

  12. Rebel Scum

    This person is particularly dishonest and insane.

    Wallis said, “Here is a moral fact, the leading cause of death right now for our children and teenagers are guns, leading cause. Here is a moral conclusion from that moral fact, we are not protecting our children. If it was a website or poison food or some website, we would take care of it, but the Republicans say there is nothing we can do.”

    He continued, “There was an ancient god called Moloch. Leviticus talks about Moloch, who was a god who children were sacrificed to in flames, and the Bible was very tough on Moloch. Guns are our new Moloch. Guns are the Moloch we are sacrificing our children to Moloch when we could do easy common sense things.”

    19 year old gang bangers getting killed skew the statistics.

    • Sean

      Yeah…just a bit. LOL.

    • Bob Boberson

      Except when you sacrifice your children to moloch via abortion, or when you lay your children’s genitals in his fiery hands. That is to lauded and celebrated.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        I was about to say that they’re adopting the language of the anti-abortion lobby.

    • EvilSheldon

      Climb down off the pile of bodies there, Jimmy. Couching your neuroses in quasi-religious language isn’t going to get you anywhere. My friends and I are just going to open up the safe, look at the half-dozen ARs that haven’t killed anyone*, and think, “Huh. I wonder if there could be another factor we have to look at?”

      * – Yet.

    • rhywun

      I don’t know the exact age range but I’m hearing the leading cause of young people is actually fentanyl.

      • rhywun

        Insert “death” somewhere.

      • R C Dean

        “actually death fentanyl”

        Hmm. Still weird.

      • Michael Malaise

        “We are Death Fentanyl and we are here to rock you!!!”

      • Bobarian LMD

        I thought you were discussing fentanyl causing pregnancy?

        I think that fucking is the actual leading cause of young people.

      • rhywun

        I think that fucking is the actual leading cause of young people.


      • robc

        On a related note, I mentioned it after the first time, but my daughter asked me again how she got in Mommy’s belly. I explained, again, that a Doctor in Nashville put her there. She remains skeptical.

        Some day I will point out how we kept her in a freezer for 4 months.

      • EvilSheldon

        What’s the leading cause of emotionally crippled children in adult bodies?

      • Bob Boberson

        Public education

      • rhywun


      • ron73440

        leading cause of young people is actually fentanyl,

        Man, you took a WEIRD biology class.

      • Michael Malaise

        You get high enough, you’ll fuck anything?

      • Not Adahn

        Fentanyl causes poor driving, leading to more bus crashes.

    • ron73440

      The story said he was Sojourner’s founder and I had never heard of them.

      Went to the website and here is the lead story:

      Alvin Bragg’s role as Manhattan DA is influenced by his devoted Baptist faith, and it goes far beyond investigating former presidents.

      by Meagan Saliashvili

      Totally unbiased, I’m sure.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Any other day of the week being a Baptist would be a strike against him.

    • CPRM

      a moral fact

      not religion at all

  13. Rat on a train

    I’ve collected one wife and two children. It’s an expensive collection.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Yellen also said that a failure by Congress to raise the debt limit, leading to a default on U.S. obligations, was another financial risk that “could upend the lives of millions of Americans and those around the world.”

    There can be no constraints on spending. That way madness lies.

    • Fourscore

      Sounds like my wife…

  15. Tres Cool

    Hey Fatty- watching FlightRadar I saw a medical helicopter N279AM go from White Signal, which is on the south side of Gila National Forest travel to Mountain View Regional Medical center in Las Cruces. Im hoping that had something to do with it.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Wow. Hopefully they found them.

      • Tres Cool

        According to local news, it was them.
        Im sure it will be a good story.

  16. Shirley Knott

    I want to thank you, or whoever it was, that pointed out the Basil Hayden Dark Rye. It’s become my favorite sipping tipple. Lovely stuff, and makes up for the impossibility of finding Sazerac Rye in these parts. The Dark Rye is easy to come by.

  17. Shirley Knott

    On the topic of collections, being 3 score + 12, I’ve been paring back. Most of my CDs only exist in iTunes now; ditto for DVDs, I’m slowly unloading the books / magazines on all but my favorite WW1 aircraft.
    My once-proud collection of works on phenomenology is but a ghost of a shadow of its former extension.
    These days, if it’s not digital, I’m probably not keeping it, or not acquiring it in the first place. Exceptions are occasionally, but very rarely, made for philosophical works finally available in English translation. I still desperately want volume 3 of Ingarden’s Controversy over the Existence of the World, but it seems unlikely ever to appear after the (to my mind unjustified) savaging vol. 2 received.
    I weep for my old electronic church organ, and my huge modular synth collection, but needs must… But I make no real use of the array of soft synths I own, so… At least all, except possibly the organ, found new homes where they’re valued and used.

  18. Scruffyy Nerfherder

    I seem to be collecting job roles lately. I need to get more business and hire some people.

  19. R.J.

    I have a collection of handheld video games from the 1970s and 80s. I follow the same rule as Sensei. All of them get played, they are not just for display. If I am not playing one I either donate it to the local (video game) museum or sell it. All of them stay on display in the game room in a fixed number of display areas. If I want a new one, I have to sell an old one.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Does she explain how a bank should make a profit without risks while inflation is running far higher than interest rates?

    Banks don’t exist to make a profit, silly. They are merely there to slide money back and forth across the counter.

    • juris imprudent

      And launder political funds.

  21. ron73440

    As far as collecting, I have over 400 CD’s in the attic since I have them all on my phone and PC now.

    I have a large toolchest full of tools, but they get used often.

    I also have quite a few banners, flags, and posters in my garage.

    My personal favorite is one of Sadam Hussein that I got in Iraq.

    My gun collection isn’t large, but I could always be covinced to buy more.

  22. hayeksplosives

    I collect wedding rings like scalps.

    • juris imprudent

      So much for wearing onions on the belt.

    • Bobarian LMD

      What do you do with the actual scalps?

      • hayeksplosives

        Pay then alimony.

        I’m doing this wrong, aren’t I?

      • hayeksplosives

        See my link to the Norseman clip (reply to P Brooks below).

        Man, I wish they’d do a new season of Norsemen.

  23. Mojeaux

    OT: Tom Woods’s freebie book is formatted and emailed off, and my outline of show topic is under way.

    On topic: I collect craft supplies, which are tightly and wonderfully organized, knickknacks from various and sundry, and generally things I find pretty. I like that my pretties have no unifying theme.

    Digital collections are music and books, but that could be said for all of us. I have everything I have ever put on a computer since I started using a computer, so I’m a total digital packrat, whose collection can fit on an external hard drive the size of a deck of cards.

    I also have an extensive Pinterest database. Because pretty.

    • Tundra

      Wow! You’re a star!

      Don’t forget us little people!

      • Mojeaux

        Thanks to Lt Fish and you!

  24. The Late P Brooks

    I collect wedding rings like scalps.

    You should wear them on a chain around your neck.

  25. hayeksplosives

    I used to have a lovely collection of minerals and rocks. Then I realized I’m literally moving thousands of miles across the country with ROCKS.

    I decided they’d served their purpose for me so I “re-homed” them to a pair of siblings with an appreciative Dad through a local neighborhood app.

    I kept just a couple of them that were special to me, like my Trinitite.

    • juris imprudent



      • hayeksplosives


        Pic of the necklace I made from my chunk of Trinitite.

        Neat article about Trinitite:


        In around 2010 they figured out that there is forensic value in the rocks left by Nuke tests, so they no longer allow people to collect Trinitite from the Trinity test site (used to be open one day a year). So I got lucky with my piece! It’s about 1.75 inches long I estimate.

    • Rat on a train

      I let all the pet rocks go. I couldn’t afford to feed them. The only one I kept was a piece of obsidian I found when I was a child.

  26. R C Dean

    Can’t be arsed to catalog the liquor cabinet, but in general terms:

    Gin (two kinds, Mrs. Dean has her favorite)

    Tequila (two kinds, Mrs. Dean has her favorite)

    Dark rum

    Light rum

    Mixing bourbon (barrel aged Jack)

    Mixing rye (barrel aged Bulleit)

    A couple of different Irish whiskeys for sippin’

    A couple of different blended scotches for sippin’

    A couple of different bourbons (both gifts that I would be too cheap to pay for) for sippin’

    Half a dozen, maybe, single malt scotches (mostly gifts, see above)

    Various liqueurs (Pernod, Luxardo, Campari, Passionfruit, Blood Orange)

  27. ron73440

    Because I’m an idiot, I posted this in the dedthread:

    In the office today, not a peep about the Nashville shooting.

    Wierd after it was the only thing they could talk about for 2 days.

    Steve Harvey didn’t even mention it today.

    I did hear that Gail King got a huge contract to go on CNN and she will save their reputation.

    That is almost a direct quote from one of the office ladies that watches her show everytime she is home for it.

    isn’t Gail King famous because she is Oprah’s friend, or is that some other midwit?

  28. Pine_Tree

    I use the word “accumulate” instead of collect.

    It started when a colleague who was definitely a non-gun-guy asked (or said, don’t remember) if I “collected” guns.

    Being literal I had to say no, but “accumulate” really does fit. I accumulate guns and books.

    • juris imprudent

      Has @AdamKinzinger started crying yet


    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      *utters silent prayer for Jerome Powell to raise rates another half point*

      It’s long past time to break the idiots created by easy money on the grindstone of reality.

    • Rebel Scum

      A lot of people seem to be disrupting an official proceeding, parading, etc. I’m sure the DOJ will be all over it.

  29. Michael Malaise

    I used to collect baseball cards and comic books. Still stored in my basement. Some valuable, most not so much.

    I don’t have anything I would call an ‘active’ collection.

    • Bobarian LMD

      I’ve still got a huge comic collection from ’70s and ’80s when I was a regular reader. Should do something with it, as I haven’t touched most of them in years.

  30. Grebnedlog

    We look for things that make us go.

  31. Muzzled Woodchipper

    I collect a few things….

    Music in physical media formats. I have about 650 vinyl records, ~1500 or so CDs, about 40 cassette tapes (I used to have hundreds in the 80s until I dumped them all – now buying new music on cassette when it’s the only physical format available), as well as a sprinkling of hi-res physical formats like DVD-A and Super Audio CD. From what I can tell, the big difference between my collection and those with thousands or tens of thousands of items, is that my collection is curated. It’s not full of records I picked up at 20/$15 at the local used vinyl shop because that’s what was in the bargain bin. Most of my vinyl collection is new music, made after the year 2000 (And most of that after 2010).

    Eurorack Modules. My modular synth is pretty fucking impressive.

    Guitars. If one saw my collection, some might believe I’m rich, when what I really am is irresponsible. It’s not nearly as large as some guitar collections, but still bigger large enough to be larger than most.

    • Shirley Knott

      Oooh, pics of the modular? How many rows X how much bp?
      I miss my hybrid Serge/Modcan 🙁 5 Serge (STS) panels, 2 Modcan B cabinets.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I currently have 1428hp of synth on my shelf, to which I will eventually add one more 48hp case before it’s full, and an empty 9u 84hp case.

        I have pics. I’ll link them in a bit.

      • Shirley Knott

        Oh, very nice! Do you do a lot of inter-cabinet patching? That was always my downfall. 6′ euro cables into multiples and 4′ to 6′ cables on from there. To say nothing of 1/4″ to 1/8″ adaptors and 1/8″ / 1/4″ to banana adaptors.
        I loved the banana cables on the Serge.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper


        Yes. Each smaller case is essentially a subsystem.

        I use a module called Rack Plumber (you use them in pairs). You connect them via HDMI cable (either in front from case to case, or behind if in 1 large case, that can carry many signals much more efficiently. Just 1 cable instead of 18.

      • Sean

        Funko Pops!


    • Timeloose

      I digitized everything around 2009 or so. I had to replace all of my cassettes after the attic meltdown incident of 2004. Now I kept the old media, but purchased no more new hard copies. This reminds me to back up my hard drive again.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I digitized around 2004, when I got my first iPod, and still digitize for the car.

        I have 2 digital repositories. 1 is still from the original I started in 2003, but it’s a fucking mess, and contains a lot of garbage files like junk mp3 and whatnot. I started over about 5 years ago with a 100% manually curated repository that only contains CD or better quality files for streaming in my bedroom.

        But I only listen to those in the car or my bedroom. If I’m in my media room, I’m listening to a physical format unless it was only released as digital.

      • Mojeaux

        I just want to figure out what tags I want to use because my phone’s player app (PowerAmp) is very diligent about sorting things out by specific genre. If one letter is wrong, it gets its own genre. Sometimes I get in a mood to go through and do it all, but then I change my mind about what the vibe is and oh, it’s just a mess. Michael Buble/Frank Sinatra/Mel Torme/Tony Bennet are standards? Lounge? Crooner? Definitely not pop. That’s a whole ‘nother animal.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        That is very annoying. My computer music player (Strawberry), does that with even capitalization differences in band names. So, for instance, Rivers of Nihil and Rivers Of Nihil are listed separately. It’s quite annoying. I’m sure it does it with genres too, but I listen to albums, not songs, so I always sort by artist > album.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, it does that with artists too. One deviation is a new artist.

        I have resorted to creating playlists with albums/artists I want, in the order I want them. For instance, Sixx A.M. They have 6 albums. I want to listen to them all in order, especially on a long road trip. My player won’t go from album to next album to next album. Or else I haven’t figured out how to make it do that.

    • creech

      Ask, too, “Are you a direct descendent of a Union Army soldier or Navy sailor?” It may prove useful someday.

      • creech

        Huzzah from 179th Penna.

      • Gustave Lytton

        What if you served in a unit that holds lineage from the Civil War? That’s the same thing, right?

    • creech

      And “Did all your ancestors arrive in the U.S. after slavery was abolished?”

      • Fourscore

        Yes so I’m presuming to be exempt. Right? Right?

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      What happens when 90% of the population is descended from both slaves and slaveowners?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Then the never used (except once I believe) law that lying to Census Office is punishable by death will be applied.

      • creech

        Move wallet from left pocket to right pocket, shake hands and stop obsessing about race and bloodlines.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I can see some well timed knocks on doors “You didn’t answer the question” in the future.

    • Not Adahn

      But was it a mostly peaceful train derailment?

      • Sensei

        Depends, were the tracks owned by the railroad in question or Amtrak?

      • rhywun

        I think Amtrak only owns tracks in the northeast corridor.

    • Not Adahn

      A train carrying ethanol and corn syrup caught fire

      If there was a lime juice tank car you could make margaritas.

      • Pat

        Seems these trains only carry subsidized goods.

    • Rebel Scum

      This country is off track.

  32. Timeloose

    This will make it sound like I have a house full of shit (I don’t), but I have a few collections.

    I have a lot of books, I kept any text book that I had in college and grad school that was specific to my major along with those that I got later on specific topics of professional interest. I also have any fiction or non-fiction book that was interesting enough for me to finish. Most of the fiction books have been read several times. My wife has the same interest and proclivity to collect books.

    I used to travel a lot for work and my wife and I travel a bit for pleasure. I collect magnets from the places I’ve / we’ve been to. I put them on a big steel bulletin board I made in my kitchen.

    I also collect beer and band stickers. I planning to make a nice collage of them both in my new garage.

    I collected a few guns for sentimental reasons, they are all gone now after the terrible accident with the row boat.

  33. CPRM

    I only collect useless things. This reminds me I should start picking out a new Masterpiece Transformer to get myself for my birthday.

  34. Pat

    I have a modest poor man’s watch collection, a small collection of touristy shot glasses, and some vintage paintball guns that I’m actually thinking about offloading since I haven’t played in over 10 years and probably won’t (although they do have a lot of sentimental value to me).

    • hayeksplosives

      Perhaps an argument could be made that I have a jewelry “collection.”

      I have a white pearl necklace (three stranded, like the late Queen Liz) and a black pearl necklace (very long and loose for doubling up or knotting). And of course silver and gold necklaces as well as “statement” necklaces.

      Got an impressive number of large clear rocks on my fingers. A good number of Eastern Orthodox crosses. I haven’t been wearing them much since the Russia hate started but I’m starting to feel a bit salty and might resume just as a matter of principle. Most of them are Ukrainian in origin anyway!!

    • R.J.

      I have a poor man’s watch collection too. It just sits around. Old Nixons, mostly.

    • CPRM

      One man who worked with Paddock and stayed in touch over the years said he was “mad at the system” and was fascinated by the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of a federal building that killed 168 people. But the man said he didn’t expect Paddock to “go out like that.”

      Not the kind of person the FBI would try to entangle. Not at all.

      • Ownbestenemy

        No sir-ee! I would question why go and kill concert goers if the casinos were what you were mad at…but then again, people pop children when they are ‘mad at the world’ too so I just stop thinking about it.

      • juris imprudent

        He supposedly also looked into a hotel overlooking Lollapalooza in Chicago.

      • Drake

        This – he was shooting the wrong way!

        Or if he was suicidally angry at them, why not take one of his planes parked nearby and crash it into the casino?

      • rhywun

        You’d think they could come up with something better in six years.

  35. R.J.

    Jacob Chansley was released 14 months early, after exculpatory evidence was presented:


    May he get back to being silly and wearing a buffalo headdress as soon as possible.

    Can anyone verify this actually happened?

  36. Tres Cool

    I have far too many radios. Some antique, but my newest SW receiver is from 1986.
    And mid-range computer stuff. Jugsy has a habit of finding leftovers in apartments of people that moved out. Or were evicted. Often they dont work, and I (usually) manage to fix them.
    Oh, and TVs. I think for 2 of us in this house theres 5 TVs.
    Current computing inventory is: 2 iPad pros, a MacBook pro, 2 MS Surface, a Dell Inspiron 15 5000, a Hewlett (fudge) Packer G5 or something, an Asus, a Sony Vaio, a lenovo YODA, her ACER gaming laptop, a lenovo Ideacentre K410 tower, and a lenovo ThinkCentre M73.
    Not to mention monitors, printers, keyboard, mouses, and a big box of cables.

  37. Rebel Scum

    Workplace violence.

    BREAKING: Active shooter reported at Joint Base Andrews in Camp Springs, Maryland

  38. Brochettaward

    I collect Firsts and Firsting related accessories.