Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama 2
One of the great classic movie titles of B-movie history is Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama. You can remember that name. It was great marketing. And a good film also. It has the beloved Linnea Quigley as a tough girl, which also makes many B-movie fans swoon. One of you Glibs brought up that it would be a great addition for celebrating Women’s History Month here at GlibFlick. Absolutely! I did some initial research and to my surprise, it had a sequel made in 2022! The sequel roughly follows the plot of the first film pretty closely, so I decided to do a kind of “make your own adventure” where you could decide to watch one or the other. Since a lot of you already know the original, I am including some facts about the new sequel:
- The director of the new version is Brinke Stevens, who since acting in the original has become a producer (10 films) and director (4 films).
- This film concentrates on a new generation of kids that accidentally releases the imp from the bowling trophy. It does contain some original cast members playing different roles.
- The new film is shorter by almost 18 minutes. I consider that a good thing, less exposition and more action.
That being said, which one do you like better? Make your own adventure and let me know! I was not satisfied with just giving some info on the new film, so I did a high-level table of comparisons:
Comparison |
1988 Version | 2022 Version |
Run Time |
1:19 |
1:00 |
Directed by |
David DeCoteau |
Brinke Stevens |
Has Michelle Bauer and Brinke Stevens |
Yes |
Yes |
Has Linnea Quigley |
Yes |
No* |
Boys spy on sorority ritual, get roped into helping break into bowling alley |
Yes |
Yes |
Perverse imp breaks out of trophy |
Yes |
Yes |
Hilarity Ensues! |
Yes |
Kinda |
I hope this comparison was helpful. I wouldn’t want any of you to choose your own adventure without some advance planning and knowledge. My almost pathological hatred of sequels and remakes made this comparison a difficult thing to do. I feel I gave this film the honest comparison it deserved.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week is the last week of Women’s history month, so I thought I would take a page from modern society and feature a film about men! Watch The Barbarians unfairly crush the female competition!
*I was under the impression Linnea Quigley WAS in this sequel, until I found this quote in IMDB: “Linnea Quigley said in a March 2021 interview that people keep asking her for updates on this film but she said she doesn’t know anything about the sequel because no one has ever approached her about it even though it was announced in April 2019. She also said she’d probably play Spider again if asked, but she’s kind of hesitant because she considers the first one perfect and doesn’t want to ruin it with a horrible sequel.”
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Have fun!
Smart gal.
Indeed. I gave it a fighting chance. I almost watched the whole thing. She made the right choice. I kept waiting…. Where’s Linnea? I thought she was in this…
Then I checked IMDB.
No Linnea Quigley? Aww… (kicks pebble)
I can’t let you go away sad. If you missed it last Halloween, here is “Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout Video”
Thank you, sir.
They’re going to be forever finishing the trilogy.
They are going to release it with The Day The Clown Cried, II, as a box set. But they will only sell in the German market, so you need to get an all regions DVD player.
*Highly* recommended for that reason but also because a Euro release is often cheaper than the equivalent American release.
I bought a PAL version of The Taking of Pelham, One, Two, Three. Funny enough, even on my American DVD player, it’s still better than the new LOTR they’re shitting out.
The (original) Taking of Pelham, One, Two, Three is better than 99% of the crap out there.
I didn’t hate the remake, but yes, the original is excellent. Walter Matthau does dry wit better than anyone, and that includes the brits.
One of my favorites.
DrOtto/ EvilSheldon You’re both correct. It’s awesome, I saw it as a kid in the 70’s and loved it. And yeah, that bit at the end where Matthau just inches the door open? Awesome comedown. Just beautiful.
Rhywun: There was a (shitty) remake?Non! c’est Terrible! Oh, wait, it fixed itself by crashing at the box office. Too bad, so sad, see you on the way out.
There was a remake. I watched it. I won’t say it was terrible so much as unnecessary and forgettable.
I watched the original within the last year. Really good movie. I’m sure Denzel did fine in the remake, but holy fuck Hollywood…come up with a single original idea.
The original is just so good in every way. Even the theme music runs through my mind every once in a while. The fact that someone felt a remake was necessary is just offensive.
Hollywood seems truly incapable nowadays.
Not entirely true – e.g., Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (all of his films, really). Everything, Everywhere All At Once. Others, I’m sure.
Much more the exception than the rule.
Paging Ted’S…
Also: Thx FTK
Thanks FTI is what I meant to write.
Amazon has a good selection of all-regions players with user reviews. I have one.
I like mine for the most part BUT surprisingly (or maybe not) some ‘Murican blu-rays refuse to play on it.
I happen to have an Xbox that I currently use only for playing those discs, sigh.
Got my current region-free player from these guys in 2014 or 2015. Lasted pretty well so far.
Good thing is that we went from 8 regions (DVD) to 3 regions (blu-ray) and apparently 4k ultra HD is 0 regions. I don’t have a player yet to test that though.
I love how everyone goes immediately to the DVD player, but completely skips over the idea of a sequel to THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE!
Rocky 5?
Holds head in disbelief.
In 1972, Jerry Lewis directed a film about a Holocaust-era German clown entertaining Jewish children in a concentration camp.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time.
Wow. I have heard of it but never saw it. I kind of sort of understand what Lewis was trying to do. But man that is a really risky movie.
Sorry folks. I had soccer practice, then I started typing away on “Television in 2023” and lost track of time.
“A film and its sequel that are almost identical!”
Like Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2?
Any tips for helping a kid get over a deathly fear of stink bugs? I’ve got one who goes into legit panic every time he sees one. I thought he’d fallen and broken his entire body with the blood curdling scream and hour of continuous sobbing he treated me to tonight.
Show him a scorpion.
My youngest used to be afraid of ladybugs…
I will back him up and say when they bite…it stings…it’s not pleasant.
But they’re so cute.
Move to North Dakota. We don’t have ’em.
He’s not deathly afraid of mosquitos, is he?
Sorry – no idea. But that sounds concerning – I don’t think that is a normal reaction to most anything. Maybe I’m an emotionless robot or something but I have never had that reaction to anything, that I am aware of.
Maybe go hunting them and show him how easy they are to kill. This tack could backfire if taken to the extreme, but you can worry about that later.
Fuck. Take a few weeks off and can’t thread properly anymore. Life is hard.
Also: “tact”
I do have a mild fear of wasps. That’s probably the most menacing critter that made regular appearances where I grew up on the North Shore of America. Especially when they got inside.
NYC sucks in many ways but the complete lack of stingy, bitey creatures helps.
Semi-related-unrelated: I recently learned that wasps are protected in Germany. It’s illegal to kill a wasp in Germany. 🙄
Definitely not a normal reaction.
Any idea what brought on the fear?
Do you have the kind you can safely pick up? We used to have ones that were kinda ugly but harmless – they’d raise their butts if they were gonna stink, but were placid otherwise.
Desensitization is probably the main course there. If he was bit by one (or idk maybe one fell on his head or something? find out what happened to kick it off if he knows) go slow, but perhaps try to catch one in a jar, so it’s contained and he can look at it and know it can’t ‘get’ him. Then work your way from there.
If they’re too dangerous for that, demonstrate how easy they are to kill? Long distance bug spray first, then a shoe?
My daughter is afraid of ants, bees, and jumping spiders but loves snakes.
Hi. My name is MikeS and I’m a Glibaholic.
Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you
I Thank You
Thank you for the Music
peace. out.
Danke Schoen.
Hiya MikeS!
Sir Digs dropped by late last night. It’s good to see you both.
Good to see you, Gustave!
What? How’s he doing?
That’s Pie, not Sir Digby.
The comment I attempted to link to was Digby
My bad. Sorry. Thanks for the link.
Thanks CPRM.
Yes, I can confirm I stopped by, and that I shamefully made CPRM into a carrier pigeon, of sorts (thank you for doing that).
I can also confirm that you have an email waiting for ya, complete with doggo photos!
Also also–HI, EVERYBODY!
Holla, Miguel!
Guten Tag!
We know you also guzzle down seconds like a two dollar whore consumes gizz.
I see you’ve finally acknowledged my Firsting acumen.
Yes, as a True Firster, I feed on seconds. It is my life blood. In fact, every time you reply to me, I grow even stronger. As a (mostly) benevolent being, I will spare you when the Great Firsting happens. However, I will require you to clean my house and do small errands from time to time.
Acumen is what a housewife has for couponing.
Firsters are warriors of The First. And we do not eat seconds. We consume the raw power that embodies each true First.
Bow down and repent.
I eat bigger seconds than you for breakfast.
I am Firster enough to admit that you are too big of a seconder for me to eat for breakfast.
I mean, I could, but I wouldn’t want to because I don’t eat shit.
A True Firster would have caught the refence immediately. You’re pathetic.
I have references within references within references in my Firsts. There are entire websites and books devoted to explaining the ring theories behind individual Firsts I have made.
You fell off the wagon for several weeks. I was worried.
Welcome back.
Life’s been busy. But I missed you wonderful people.
Welcome All Again
Welcome back.
What’s wild about this title is that I’m pretty sure I first saw it in a late 80s Calvin and Hobbes strip (or a near perfect analog) – assumed it was a made-up title for a gag and never knew it was an actual flick until just a few years ago.
Can’t dig up that strip online at the moment – based on the search.
Only way I know David Decoteau’s name is because I’ve seen him on Trailers from Hell
I have decided to focus less on the seconding you all do and more on my own Firsting. It is a conscious decision made for my own peace of mind.
Yikes, the Golden Gophers just destroyed Canisius, 9-2.
Those worthless rodents will collapse. Fuck ’em.
Sorry folks, I have the flu or something, so no Stoic article tomorrow.
Movie looks Ike fun, if I can stay awake
Feel better – I’m certain you’ll be, uh… phlegmatic about your illness and back next week.
Who knows…maybe if he’d push through and complete the article, this might be the week he goes viral.
a day late and a jab short
Remember when everyone said John McCain shouldn’t be elected because he picked Palin as his running mate? About that…
JFC the fact that anyone still pretends he is going to run again is proof positive that we are not a serious country.
Let alone with her.
I don’t think it’s pretend, assuming he is still alive. But you’re right, we are not a serious country.
Oh we’re serious…seriously stupid.
I’d think taking stuff off Senile Joe’s plate would piss him off not please him. Unless it’s Brussels sprouts or whatever food he doesn’t like.
Is it just me or are the H&M ads creepily inappropriate?
Well it is HM…oh H&M
*yawn* anyone up? How was the movie?
Static-X I’m With Stupid
According to Wiki
Excellent factoid.
I only found it out like a week before RJ announced he was using the this movie. After almost a quarter century I suddenly got curious about the samples in the song.
I’ve seen a few posts reference your birthday party. When is this shindig occurring?
May 13-14. Details in the forums under meet-ups.
Thanks. I wouldn’t be able to make it at that time. It’s my busiest time of year for work. Hope you have a good party.
Is this 🙏 prayer or high five?
I thought it was finger fucking
Morning y’all.
Good morning, Sean! Happy Friday! My boss will be off, making it a virtual vacation day for me! 😁
How the *bleep* did I sleep in until 6:34 on an office day?!
Seduced by the snooze button?
(and, of course, good morning, U!)
I don’t use the snooze. Never have, probably never will.
That’s wise. Still have to go to the office, or could you get away with WFH?
There’s no way I can make it in one minute, and I requested a half day today, so I’d be off at 11 anyway.
I’m going to work remote and sort it out later.
Truthfully, there was no chance of making it in the 26 minutes from when I realized I overslept until the workday started.
Good morning, ‘patzie! How was your “date” with the missus? 😉 (Or am I getting my days mixed up?)
That was Wednesday, thanks. Yesterday was recovery day, complete with an afternoon nap. These old bones can only take so much.
UCS in the morning.
Most mornings I have plenty of time. 🙁
I know, JK. What are you paying for old COBOL programmers? I should probably dust off my skills, it’s only been 27 years since I last wrote any code in that wonderful language.
To be honest, I don’t know. After the… kerfuffle that led to the CIO retiring and the CTO practically being frog-marched out the door, I haven’t heard much on the topic in the agency meetings. I’m not sure who to ask at the moment.
Big if true:
I can totally believe the FBI does this… which makes me really worried that I’m engaging in bias confirmation.
Until I see denials from the DOJ in WaPo, NYT, et al I’m reserving judgment.
Maybe not true but wouldn’t surprise me one bit either. They’ve shown themselves to be politicized and corrupt sleazeballs who are perfectly willing to violate their own rules for quite some time now.
I’m afraid I’m willing to believe that the FBI will do anything to convict those who oppose the “righteous”.
I’ve lost all remaining respect and trust for any law enforcement over the past 20 years. That doesn’t bode well for the institution as a whole. I had examples in my own family of good men going into the profession, so I had to believe that they remained good.
I don’t think that it’s possible anymore
Why not do it? The courts will cover for them and no one will pay any kind of price for it except for the guys getting screwed and fuck those guys anyway, amirite?
Minimal sleep last night. Up late watching the insane northern lights. Never seen anything like it and I’ve seen some good one living in the northland.. Unfortunately I don’t have a good camera to take pictures of them.