It’s Opening Day. We finally made it through the offseason and are ready for some pitch clock baseball. I absolutely cannot wait. I’m hoping, and so is this king, the Astros repeat. But that’s a long time from now and we’ve got 162 games we can all enjoy this season before the playoffs. Good luck to all your teams as we get underway. And that’s it for sports.
You keep kicking the hornets nest, eventually you’re gonna get stung. This guy is most likely collateral damage in the escalating war of words our administration has been waging against a nation we are not at war with. I feel bad for him, but he should have assessed the risks and gotten out of there some time ago. But I’m sure we can swap another international arms dealer for his return or something.
Broken Brain Syndrome
Of course he won’t. But he won’t sign it either. Because he’s a dickhead who wants it to continue so the house of cards doesn’t come crashing down on his watch. Besides, he can just ignore the law and act through Eos anyway. They’ve all done it for decades now.
Well…good! Hopefully they’ll keep racking up Ws and the public education cabal gets chucked out completely.
Oh well, you made the rules. Expect people to protest by abiding by them and pointing out the absurdity of your policies by doing stuff like this.
Wait, she’s still on the job? Are they saying a lack of promotion is sufficient? Because I gotta think in the private sector this would be handled a bit differently. End. All. Pubsec. Unions. Now.
He’s sick all right.
I hope he heals completely. I also hope he finds another calling while in there. Because he’s miserably failing at his current job.
Blind squirrel, meet acorn. They finally got something right. Now if they could just repeat the process for a lot of other shit (like birth control, most cold medicine, and a host of other things) medical costs for people could come down dramatically.
What you call “restricting” many would call “protecting.” Hopefully this passes soon so women and girls can feel safe competing against those who don’t have an outsized biological advantage.
I always liked these guys. Sure, they were a bit odd, but you can’t deny how catchy that sound was. What a pair of great songs. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely day as we get back to some baseball, dear friends!
“It’s Opening Day. ”
The great American pastime has gone boring..
Has been since the 1800s.
Loved it as a kid. I played & watched. These days all I see is spoiled rich fuckers dragging the game on for too long for no reason.
I loved playing it as a kid – I was less excited about spectating.
Slow sport; makes for good movies though.
Only the ones where Tom Berenger gets to bang Renee Russo?
Bad News Bears, A League of Their Own, Pride of the Yankees, et al.
Nobody up to bat got asked if they had nekked pics of their wife or if they wanted to buy some from their catcher, so yea, not top of the line.
Susan Sarandon/Tim Robbins/Kevin Costner not do it for you?
Did they trash talk the players?
Then you should like the new rules.
Well, most of them. I like the pitch clock. Not too sure about limiting pick off attempts.
I think there are gonna be some unintended consequences, once they figure it out.
MLS is what, 5 weeks in.
MLS is dead to me now that they pulled my teams off of regional sports channels.
MLS is dead to me since they didn’t have relegation from the start.
I used to like watching the 2nd tier before it too disappeared from cable.
Why can’t baseball exhibit the same greed for streaming revenue?
They were just getting started as I left town, but if I had stayed around AND they had a path to MLS, I probably would have become a Louisville City season ticket holder.
But without said path, it was just another minor league team. And yes, they never would have been able to stay up. But that just makes the rare years in the MLS that much better.
Louisville City as Sunderland eh?
OK, now this could be a fun game – which American city/soccer club would correspond to an English one. For example, what would America’s answer to Millwall be?
MLS commissioner hints league could introduce relegation in major revamp
A throwaway comment at the end, but yeah I am not following until they do relegation.
Also 30 teams? You already have enough for promotion and relegation.
Yeah, it’s not gonna happen when at least 10 of those teams would have to agree to self-relegating.
“You can’t ask someone like Carolyn [Kindle] and her family to invest $700million and then find out if they have a bad year you might be playing in a league that can’t provide the opportunity that MLS can.”
This is exactly why the Glasers wanted a super league.
I think the only way it would have happened is bottom up.
Start with a bunch of regional leagues, then promote up the best teams. You wouldn’t be spending mega-millions at the start, it wouldn’t cost much to by the ground floor of one of those smaller teams.
The problem is that pro/rel is not compatible with the way American sports operates. They wanted to ape the bigger leagues; well that’s what they got. There is a reason there is no pro/rel in any American league.
If only someone had written an article about Pro/Rel in American sports…oh wait, here it is:
I would like to point out that I made some pretty funny jokes in that article, and it has excellent music links too.
Example of the former: “It would have prevented all the failed competing major league attempts, like the Players League and the Federal League and the American League.”
MLS has been dead to me since they canceled the World Series in 1994.
Um, MLB. Boy did I misread that.
Most sports are fun to play, but hard to watch for me. Except golf. That’s hard to watch and sucks to play.
“Of course he won’t. But he won’t sign it either. Because he’s a dickhead who wants it to continue so the house of cards doesn’t come crashing down on his watch. Besides, he can just ignore the law and act through Eos anyway. They’ve all done it for decades now.”
Over and under of how fast these fuckers will invent or exaggerate something into another crisis ot get back to fucking robbing the productive blind while selling the country out to our enemies?
If he doesn’t sign it, isn’t that a Pocket Veto?
Only if Congress is not in session.
Surely she knows she can get paid to do this.
The Pubsec Union in question’s response:
<blockquoteAndrew Quinn, attorney for the NYPD’s Sergeants Benevolent Association, said it was “truly regrettable and perplexing” that the department would rescind Guerra’s promotion.
“The Department has known about these allegations for at least four years, has never accused Sergeant Guerra of any type of misconduct and has aggressively defended her against Detective Falcon’s allegations in his lawsuit against her,” Quinn said.
“I am hopeful that the Department realizes its error and reinstates Sergeant Guerra’s hard-earned and well-deserved promotion, which is in everyone’s best interests.”
She should be made a lieutenant and put in charge of morale. I sure would like her to abuse me with her underwear while she talks dirty to me… I would be all gung ho to go shoot someone’s dog after that.
Stick it in plastic jars and sell in from vending machines…. I hear that’s one of Japan’s greatest profit industries…
That’s kinda hot…but the incident is still open after almost 5 years? WTF?
They should take it to court and ask for a reenactment… and do pay-per-view
I am so whitebread around here… that kink doesn’t do anything for me other than a mild gross-out. But y’all do y’all and all.
Wait, can we do non-kink shaming?
What if shaming people IS my kink?
*mind blown*
It’s the magikal Law of Contagion: things that have contacted a pussy contain the essence of pussy.
You better be careful about that, it could lead to homopathy (since dick has contacted pussy).
Oh, well played.
Homeopathic pussy?
“Oh well, you made the rules. Expect people to protest by abiding by them and pointing out the absurdity of your policies by doing stuff like this.”
My company started “encouraging” everyone to put their pronouns in their profiles and email signatures. When I put in I identified as a space aircraft carrier/battlestar, I had a bunch of people complain I was not taking their idiocy seriously. They were expecting me to complain about it. I instead doubled down and told them they were insulting me and dismissing how I identified. I was told I didn’t need to put in pronouns then. Lots of others seem to have followed my example despite the fact my company is a woke one. That requirement quickly went away and today you can tell someone is in HR when you see that pronoun shit on their communications.
We have the option to add pronouns, but it’s not encouraged. I told my boss I was going to put “Holiness/Majesty” but he said “please don’t, give me a break” so I didn’t do it.
I saw an encouragement to do so in the newsletter, snorted, and got back to work.
I have not seen a single example of anyone doing it.
The fact that the country is agonizing so much over this crap is fucking embarrassing. Is it any wonder that our adversaries are starting to wipe the floor with us?
What if I identify as the Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe?
*jabs with gom jabbar*
We’re “encouraged” to some extent — but not very aggressively. Most folks don’t bother and no one says a peep that I’m aware of.
I have one coworker that does it — I ascribe that to him living in Minnesota and having attended University of Wisconsin: Madison — everyone I know that went there is pretty lefty (and I work in California). He’s a good guy, so I don’t think he’s raving or anything… I suspect he just thinks it is the Nice Thing To Do.
you can tell someone is in HR when you see that pronoun shit on their communications
Yep. That and certain areas of legal (compliance).
They could be upper management.
If so, it is a sign from God that you should leave the company and not look back, let you become a pillar of salt.
I’ve noticed the pronoun shit skews heavily female. And deballed males.
The big four accounting firm I work with has gone wild with pronouns in email signatures. If I had more power I would suggest we dump them and hire a new firm.
Of course, the partners are not playing along, nor is the Indian (from India) woman I occasionally email.
It’s a handy flag for the weak-minded. I’ve never done it, even in DEI classes when everybody goes around the room and introduces themselves, etc. If anybody asks me to, I’ll just say there’s no need, because it’s self-evident and even if someone gets it wrong, I won’t take offense.
“Hi, my name is R C Dean, and I am a BLEACH DEMON.”
I saw one the other day where the pronouns were Nig/ga
A conservative nonprofit group founded by former Trump administration Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said it poured about $9 million into state elections last year, backing nearly 200 candidates. Now, some of those candidates are pushing a wave of legislation boosting DeVos’ longtime goal: subsidizing private schools with public dollars.
It’s not complete separation of school and state, but I’m willing to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
The one institution in the US that I will admit suffers from sever and systemic racism is the public school system. Granted, their goal is to undermine every kid’s ability to get a decent education, but wat is being done to minorities in urban areas is downright criminal and evil.
School money should be tied to the student. Not some baby sitting building where the teacher’s union members hold kids hostage for 9 months out of the year while inculcating them with beliefs that would make sure they can never grow up to be productive, self-sufficient, and successful adults.
I think the parents play a bigger role than most people are willing to admit. The best teachers in the world are going to have a mighty struggle with kids who don’t want to learn.
I can’t argue with the fact that too often the problem is the parents, not just for minorities, mind you, but one can’t also miss the point that public schools have become indoctrination centers with destructive consequences. When someone tells you you are evil because of the color of your skin or that you can’t succeed in your country because of that, it causes damage. Especially when the educators go out of their way to make sure your children’s brains are filled with idiocy and that they learn no skills that can help them grow into someone that can join a productive society.
And I doubt the best teachers in the world would ever be found in urban public schools. They would know better.
And I doubt the best teachers in the world would ever be found in urban public schools.
As an ex-teacher (literally decades ago), I can tell you that the only people teaching in those schools are people who had no choice because they couldn’t get a job anywhere else.
When I was in between jobs, I did a short stint as substitute teacher. My very first day was in a dangerous middle school right smack in the middle of the projects. Young 20s SSD, button down shirt, and the only white person within a square mile.
When I walked into the school lobby, an old sub looked at me and asked how long I’d been subbing. He laughed hysterically after hearing it was my first day. Then he sobered up and said I needed leave now. I stayed of course, and even ended up coming back a few more times there and to other schools. Those kids are fucked. Drugs and gangs are rampant. Anyone who tries to learn is made fun of and dragged down by their peers. It’s tragic to watch. And its all designed that way by the government.
What I remember most from the stint is a high school. The admin put me on hall monitor duty during a break between classes. I sat in a chair next to two security guards asking to check hall passes for 45 minutes. I started to ask one guy for his hall pass and the guards told me to stop and waved him through. The guards told me the guy was connected and they gave him a free pass. Otherwise his boys would visit their homes and they had families. The guards were huge. Probably were linebackers in high school. And they were terrified.
Season 4 of The Wire.
Correct. The best indicator of academic achievement is not money spent per pupil, or teacher salaries, or teacher credentials, or programs, or facilities, or class size. It’s parental engagement.
And the correct kind of parental engagement. Anecdotally, I’ve had a number of friends who are good teachers tell me that parental engagement, even in upper-middle class schools, is often limited to, “why didn’t you give my child an A. They need a 4.0 to get into the right college.”
Ah yes, the same people who think that little Johnnie and Janie are getting scholarships because they scored a goal in 2nd grade soccer.
Don’t ruin their retirement plan of their kid being a pro athlete.
And thus the experts would be very happy to completely disengage parents so that the experts can have control.
Pikers. The left is buying a state Supreme Court seat!
Soros, of course.
That is one evil motherfucker.
I do think we should prohibit out-of-state money for state offices. But of course no one will vote for that.
Why is the right bending over and taking it up the backside? Where are the modern day Koch’s?
Bringing the barrel of lube?
“subsidizing private schools with public dollars.”
It’s like medieval alchemy: magically converting private money to public money.
$9 million? That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the teachers’ unions.
How bad is the banking situation in the EU?
This bad. Good odds that money will be used for tier 1 capital.
The western world is run by a bunch of crime syndicates that have gaslighted a large portion of their populations into believing the only criminals are those running other cuntries..
It can’t continue forever. When it inevitably unwinds, it’s going to be spectacular.
I can’t decide if I want to be around long enough to see it.
In microcosm, that right there is the human fascination with apocalypse.
For a long time I was worried that I wouldn’t be around to see it, now I’m afraid I will be.
Welcome to “rules based” government. They just don’t distribute the rulebook.
Rules based, according to Calvin and Hobbes.
This is where we are.
The left is real good at blaming the victims when said victims are their political enemies. Can you imagine the kabuki theatre from the fucking evil shitbags trying to say the real criminal was the people that made this mentally deranged evil woman commit this heinous crime, if someone had attacked some trans people?
Not just stupid and deranged, outright evil.
Speaking of twitter capturing some stupid.
Bowman is a real piece of work. He perfectly captures the emotive aspect of modern America.
I love how he just shouts falsehoods, but it’s good because he’s “passionate”.
“Everything I know about Political Debate, I learned in Kindergarten!” (literally, apparently)
Shut up, commie.
“I’m not a parent, but if I…”
“Good. Now shut the fuck up, you asshole.”
I think this is my favorite twitter account.
Moron tries desperately to build a case for world war, which of course will be one by the glorious coalition of democracies led by the infallible and all-conquering USA.
Not even wrong. What it makes obvious is that Turkey is withdrawing from the shitshow that is Syria and realigning itself, thus giving more room for the “insurgents” to attack the American position. Nevermind the entire realignment of national interests in the Middle East and beyond as everyone is abandoning the American Empire at the same time. That trend is only going to accelerate.
Of course, that interpretation doesn’t give the warhawks their justification for going after Iran.
We are in the process of losing India too. They’ve long been rivals with China and very friendly with Russia. Our stupid State Department is trying to bully them into opposing Russia and is instead driving them further into BRICS and reconciliation with China.
Most of the non-European world seems really fed up with this administration’s bullshit.
Once the wall of resistance to changing the world power structure is broken, everyone races to cut new deals as they don’t want to be left out in the cold.
DC’s arrogance is truly historic in its ineptness.
It isn’t just this administration, it is the foreign-policy blob. Kinda weird that Obama would have that figured out.
The choice of words is apt.
We could get out of Syria. Syria doesn’t want us there.
I am generally anti-kitchen gadget. I am particularly anti-plastic kitchen gadget.
However, this really works:
I kept my raw milk semimoist washed rind cheese in int and it neither spoiled nor dried out, nor stank up my fridge.
I think you can get antibiotics to treat that.
He’s hoping it will make his underwear marketable.
Neat. At least it’s a gadget that goes in the fridge and not shoved into an overflowing drawer or something.
“raw milk semimoist washed rind cheese”
It was a bit stinky, but good.
Sounds like a reblochon.
Had a bit of a setback this week. My New Year’s resolution was to train for the Iron Man Challenge, and I thought that I had been making significant progress. Then the other day, one of my buddies had me detail my plans, and informed me that I was doing everything wrong, would only injure myself, and that I would have to start again from scratch. Dammit.
On the plus side, my shirts have never looked better!
You bought an iron?
And your bull terrier avatars are so cute. Where do you find them?
I know a guy…
A Mr. Mackenzie?
Changed your dry cleaner?
Just get a beer some chips and watch it on youtube
WSJ – on it’s reporter from the links.
Russian Security Service Detains Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich
Just quordle today — duotri seems to be having server issues. The Mediocrity Must Flow!
Daily Quordle 430
Daily Quordle 430
Blossom Puzzle, March 30
Letters: E H L U N S T
My score: 250 points
My longest word: 11 letters
🌸 🌼 🌻 🏵 🌷 💐 🌺 💮 🌹 🌸 🌼
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 430
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Particularly touching. All my grandparents were gone by the time I was born, I didn’t know there was such a thing until a friend introduced me to his when I was about 7-8 years old. Now I have to wait a few months to be a great grandpa. Well, I am a GREAT grandpa but you know what I mean.
Thanks, Jimbo
Yes. Yes you are.
Wonderful. Definite day-brightener.
Unlike the new wave communist assholes that made up that pile of idiot shit that we know as that 1609 project, a dumb attempt to rebrand marxism through race since class won’t work in a country where opportunity used to be available to all, this article about the fact the first American colony was a communist one, and failed miserably, rocks.
a dumb attempt to rebrand marxism through race since class won’t work in a country where opportunity used to be available to all
Class doesn’t work anywhere. Wasn’t that one of Gramsci’s points?
But, but, Hegel… dialectic. If it can’t be decomposed to two opposing elements, you can’t be all Hegelian. Besides, Marxists know that MATERIALISM is the highest value.
Class worked just fine in Russia and China, damn near worked in Weimar Germany, and seems to be a successful strategy for getting commies in power in misc. Latin American and Asian countries.
I can give the Trotskyites this much credit – they know that there hasn’t been a successful revolution because every instance has become degenerated (per the theory). Of course if they were truly scientific socialists, they’d know that is a problem in the theory. But this isn’t now and never has been scientific.
I’d argue that class was conflated with different ethnic and cultural distinctions in those cases, but your point is good.
damn near worked in Weimar Germany
Isn’t Weimar where much of the intellectual cruft that has congealed into wokeness came from? It has been a while since I read The Road to Serfdom, but I remember the shift from class to race and gender being a big takeaway for me.
One of my favorite questions to ask:
Do you support public education or public schools?
While it isn’t my preference, I think I could steelman a decent case for the former. I use the former in fact, as my daughter is in a charter school.
I have never gotten a coherent answer.
I wish someone like Corey DeAngelis would go on Rogan. Joe is constantly confusing education with compulsory/government provided schooling.
Longish read and very interesting. This bit was news to me:
I love how lefties completely miss that Trump and Sanders had a fair bit of common populist ground in their respective appeals. But the real thing here is the hubris of our cyber warfare specialists. Hey smart guys, how’s that worked out wherever we’ve tried it?
I’ve always hated the term “cyber.” It stinks of an effort to reframe what its actual purpose is, namely to control the flow of information.
To DC, the primary threat to their agenda comes from a recalcitrant populace.
People that know you are an evil and corrupt crime syndicate willing to sacrifice them all for your own benefit, might not be as inclined to go along with whatever lunacy you try to program them to believe.
Laughable. But it’s been all Russia! Russia! Russia! even since.
To be fair I am sure Russia is happy about some of the crap infesting western minds. Maybe they even helped.
Mostly Davos/WEF/Soros.
mostly probably. But I doubt Russian didn’t help along.
I don’t see why they would have prior to the Ukraine debacle. Moscow wanted to sell oil and gas to the West. That would have been contrary to their economic goals.
Moscow wanted to sell oil and gas to the West. – yes. they also wanted to weaken and divide it.
I don;t get where the notion comes that Russia was happy minding it’s own business and selling oil/
I see no evidence of that. If anything, they seemed to hold on to rapprochement with the West for far too long to serve their own interests. Meanwhile the rhetoric from DC against “Putin” has been escalating for well over a decade now.
Moscow put an enormous amount of capital, economic and political, in Nordstream. The geopolitical ramifications of that are far more significant than any “cognitive hacking” via Facebook ads or 4chan troll posts.
The only real “cognitive hacking” going on is the effort to get you to ignore the obvious. The US was and is intent on preventing a German/Russian economic alliance as it would be a peer competitor to the American hegemon. It doesn’t matter what the costs are in blood and treasure, and it may end up bringing down the American Empire anyway.
Pie, if I were confronted with a belligerent military alliance that was only pointed at me, it would be in my interest to weaken and/or divide it.
Their influence pales in comparison to China’s.
I think China may do more but be less effective but I dunno
Agree – they seem to be much better at subtle propaganda than the Ruskies.
China exerts more influence through the most effective way of getting at American politicians, they buy them.
China got us to willingly hand over tons of intellectual property and zip our lips over their human rights abuses and their ongoing conquest of international waters. That’s more consequential than anything Russia has achieved.
Russia would be more effective if they had something we wanted, like say a billion eager consumers.
“China got us to willingly hand over tons of intellectual property and zip our lips over their human rights abuses and their ongoing conquest of international waters.”
And they stole the other stuff they wanted but didn’t get handed over, especially the military tech (when people like Bill Clinton wasn’t outright selling them nuclear miniaturization and ballistic missile tech for campaign contributions), and everyone turned a blind eye to it because they loved that big market and their projected profits.
Fucking Lenin was right about buying the rope from the capitalist idiot he wanted to hang.
Because the CIA and the DOD haven’t been developing “cognitive hacking” for the past seven decades?
MK ULTRA baby.
That’s a black pill.
There’s an easy fix. Turn off the idiot box. Delete social media. Go outside and do something physical and productive. All of a sudden, the psyop becomes irrelevant.
You would also have to get everyone else to do that. And eliminate any influence of voting or public support.
Easy enough to do for one, but pretending the machine doesn’t exist doesn’t mean the machine in reality has gone away. The masses will continue to be the masses.
” Disinformation, a half-forgotten relic of the Cold War”
Or a constant stream of shit coming from the shit fountains of the mainstream news since yellow journalism was a thing?
Media propagandizing for the Spanish American war?
I couldn’t keep a straight face reading this.
Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Betrayal
Instead of implementing the law as intended, his administration subverts it for ideological ends.
I don’t know what’s more laughable, the false naivete of this paragraph:
Or the sentence that follows it:
The IRA was a travesty in of itself, but we ducked a massive bullet that was designed to kill the dollar when the Build Back Better bill wasn’t passed.
Pure comedy, Manchin is truly a babe in the woods if he actually believed Biden or any other politician. If Trump get re-elected watch for Biden to be out-Bidened.
Biden can’t even find his fucking ice cream.
Manchin has been in DC for a long time. He can’t be that stupid. The reality is that he got caught trying to reign in the excesses of his party on some bills, tried to make amends by supporting the IRA, and doesn’t want to accept responsibility.
Mr. Cooke responds.
Got to admit, Manchin sure comes across as a garden variety Republican.
Joe Manchin caved to Biden on the IRA. In response he was supposed to get fast track on energy projects. They stiffed him on that. Now he’s upset that a bill everyone knew was a left-wing giveaway is turning out to be a left-wing giveaway? What’s he going to do? Nobody really thinks he’s going to flip sides. Honestly, at this point, his best move is to retire. Because the GOP would be fools not to focus on getting him out of his seat (It’s WV, a state Trump won by nearly a 40% margin; absent Manchin, it’s safe GOP).
If he’s all that worried about the budget implications of the administration, there’s a debt limit fight coming up. A Dem making the rounds against raising it would take a lot of pressure off the Republicans inclined to push back against spending. Is Joe going to make a stand there?
Eh, if Manchin flips, he becomes a standard-issue establishment GOPer UniParty guy. Why wouldn’t they take him? If they don’t, who knows what kind of knuckle-dragging deplorable the WV hillbillies might elect.
They might take him. But, why would he flip?
to keep his seat. And I wouldn’t take him if I were Team Red. He turned on them multiple times and they can win the seat.
Honestly, I think he’s secure in his seat. If the seat were really vulnerable to a GOP takeover, it would have happened already. National Democrats have a problem with him, but I think WV Democrats understand that, absent Manchin, they’ve got nothing.
He’s no Byrd.
This is where I’m at with McConnell. Being from KY, it gives Kentuckians they have a say in national politics. Because of this no one even 1/2 serious even tries to primary him, and every lefty that goes against him is a fucking loon.
It’s almost the cathedral wants him there.
This article is seriously lowballing the number of deep state instigators that were at that J6 fiasco. One day we will find out the machine, with help from leftist terrorist entities like Antifa, instigated what happened at the capitol. Well, maybe. The machine behind this has decided to go full George Orwell 1984 on people to hide what they did, so they might yet make sure that even when we know we will not be able to do anything about it.
Everybody knows, but it boils down to what is anyone going to do about it? The machine has all the power.
Wait, she’s still on the job? Are they saying a lack of promotion is sufficient? Because I gotta think in the private sector this would be handled a bit differently – oh come one which one of us never made a mistake at work
Welcome to Brandon Sanderson’s Fantasy Empire
The genre’s most popular writer is determined to upend how books get made. We visited his mind-blowing headquarters in suburban Utah, where he and dozens of employees are working to restore power to the reader.
It seems everyone wants to get in the profile Sanderson gig lately… and boy this is a long one
“But not everyone was thrilled by the runaway success of Sanderson’s record-breaking Kickstarter in 2022. “Today is a really good day to support your favorite author who hasn’t made $18M in the last few days,” tweeted Natania Barron, a fantasy novelist based in North Carolina. “Am I personally upset at Brandon Sanderson for making money? Not at all. Truly, good for him… If you love fantasy and want to support the genre, I highly recommend reading more & more broadly,” she continued, sharing a “starter pack” of diverse writers in the genre, including N.K. Jemisin, Nnedi Okorafor, and C.L. Polk. Barron’s tweet got more than 1,000 likes.”
“Some critics of Sanderson’s Kickstarter campaign also expressed concerns that backing the project was tantamount to proxy-donating to the Mormon Church, whose members are known to tithe, and which, like many religious traditions, has a complicated history with LGBTQ rights, to say the least. “
Am I personally upset at Brandon Sanderson for making money? Not at all.
Yeah, okay.
“a “starter pack” of diverse writers in the genre”
Without looking, I’m guessing that’s the kind of diverse that is about grifting or feeling smug about yourself.
“Diverse”, then lists 3 black women with identical politics.
” “Tithing is a principle of my church that I believe in,” Sanderson tells me. “So is giving to those who need, and to causes I believe in. However, Jesus Christ taught us not to speak loudly about our charitable giving—indeed, he made it very clear that we are to do the opposite. I generally try to follow this by saying that yes, I do give to my church of my personal funds. I also give to many other causes. The actual numbers and amounts are, generally, private.” ”
Call me old fashioned but what is the point of charity if it does not boost your social status?
As much as I support Brandon’s project (I was an early Kickstarter backer, and have been a drooling fanboy since the day after Mistborn hit the shelves), I don’t see it making a lot of headway with the NYC publishing set. I suspect that Brandon himself is too fundamentally nice a person to understand that the big publishers have no desire to give the readers what they want…
I’ve never been particularly interested in reading his books, but I do love good worldbuilding.
Never heard of him. But I lost interest in that genre ages ago.
If Brandon’s stuff can’t rekindle your interest, nothing can.
Apart from being the best world builder in contemporary sci-fi/fantasy, Brandon gets escalating suspense like no one else I’ve ever read. Better than Stephen King at his best.
Warbreaker is free online, and a good introduction to his style.
So 500 words or so of explaining the problem and just about no explanation how Apple has allegedly solved it.
Apple Wants to Solve One of Music’s Biggest Problems
We get it classical music is very tough to categorize. How did Apple approach it? I have no ******* idea from this article.
two categories “dead white dude eeewwww” and “everything else which was historically marginalized though better than that Mozart hack “
“Anyone who listens to Beethoven as much as beyonce”
And I tapped out.
alle alleinstehenden Damen (hope google translate worked )
Oh, it gets even more asinine further on. I honestly was curious how Apple decided to approach the problem and kept waiting for the answer.
Pay-blocked but honestly I don’t have that much difficulty tagging my classical tracks now.
My bad. Thought I grabbed the sharable link
This guy is most likely collateral damage in the escalating war of words our administration has been waging against a nation we are not at war with.
I’m not Russian to conclusions.
Denying the deteriorating relationship is just Putin off the inevitable.
Don’t be a slav to foolish notions.
If ukraine your neck you might be able to see a solution on the horizon.
Ural out of luck if that horizon is east.
So ve it.
How the Right Turned Radical and the Left Became Depressed
One of the notable dynamics of American life today is that conservatives report being personally happier than liberals but also seem more politically discontented. The political left has become more institutionalist, more invested in experts and establishments, even as progressive culture seems more shadowed by unhappiness and even mental illness. Meanwhile conservatives claim greater contentment in their private lives — and then go out and vote for paranoid outsiders and burn-it-down populists.
These dynamics aren’t entirely new: As Musa al-Gharbi writes in an essay for American Affairs, the happiness gap between liberals and conservatives is a persistent social-science finding, visible across several eras and many countries. Meanwhile, the view that “my life is pretty good, but the country is going to hell,” which seems to motivate a certain kind of middle-class Donald Trump supporter, would have been unsurprising to hear in a bar or at a barbecue in 1975 or 1990, no less than today.
I say this as a nonbeliever.
Far more of the right is truly religious compared to the left and it’s religion of government. Unlike God who man can’t control the left is perpetually disappointed when they can’t control their god.
This guy has never read The True Believer; that would explain a lot.
Then again, it probably wouldn’t because he *is* one of the true believers so he’d probably just brush it off as racist or something.
Meanwhile, the view that “my life is pretty good, but the country is going to hell,” which seems to motivate a certain kind of middle-class Donald Trump supporter, would have been unsurprising to hear in a bar or at a barbecue in 1975 or 1990, no less than today.
It must be a problem with those people. Certainly not an issue with the way our shared culture has devolved over the past 60 years. No, can’t even entertain that thought.
It’s more “I love my country but hate my government.”
My impression is that a lot of conservatives shifted away from that sentiment sometime during the Trump era as people watched the insanity leading up to and through Covid. Now it’s more “I love what my country was, and I hate government for fucking it up” *
*of course, Breitbart’s observation is true here. Politics is downstream of culture, so the blame is misplaced.
Love the plan. Hate the implementation.
It started much earlier. I saw the shift happen in real time during the Gulf War. My dad and many of his friends were red-blooded conservatives – all of them became irritated as the war dragged on and our engagement didn’t end. The famous “Mission Accomplished” picture became a major albatross around the necks of conservatives and poisoned that neo-con well (not enough, unfortunately). The presidents that followed didn’t help the case for conservative love of the government at all.
The Tablet article – I said it was long – touches on this, the essentially self-appointed ruling class.
All the progjection that’s fit to print.
It’s definitely not those telling me that men who mutilate themselves are actual women that are radical.
THE WEST – Episode 1: Liberty or Death? (4K) [6 part doc. series celebrating Western Civilisation]
“People say “we won the war”, even if they didn’t fight and weren’t born. They say “we won the World Cup”, even if they didn’t play. But when you mention slavery, they say: “ It wasn’t me. I wasn’t alive.” This contradiction is clearly unsustainable.”
That’s the logic you think of when stoned and think it’s profound.
No stoner is that stupid. Not because of being a stoner, anyways. If you’re that dumb, you were that way before weed.
THICC Thursday pushing all the right buttons.
Pornhub has some excellent “how to” videos on this.
Pics or it didn’t happen!
Well, if it does happen the kid can kiss his inheritance good bye. He won’t always be 23 and stupid. He won’t always be 23 anyway.
They will make an OnlyFans account and then make a killing being the real thing?
The Bible Challenged in Utah for Explicit Sexual Content
Yes, yes, you all are very clever. Now fuck off.
The Bible Challenged in Utah for Explicit Sexual Content
There is an awful lot of begatting.
He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.
conservatives report being personally happier than liberals
This might sound crazy, but hear me out. What if “conservatives” tend to focus on their own lives and achievements, and direct their energies toward things they can actually influence, instead of making futile efforts to control the behavior of millions of strangers?
And we eat more steak!
Both of these statements are true.
instead of making futile efforts to control the behavior of millions of strangers
WON’T dammit! /raging typo
Well this is bonkers. San Jose cop union head busted for allegedly smuggle fentanyl into the country!!!!!
I bet he was working for the politicians in charge of that drug racket…
New York’s Finest Taxi Service!
President Joe Biden won’t veto a Republican-led measure to end the national COVID emergency, despite having expressed strong objections against it earlier this year, ensuring the bill is on an easy path to becoming law.
There was never a covid emergency and there is not a covid emergency. Anyone pushing such a narrative should be ignored.
These evil fucks knew 2 weeks into that scamdemmic that the variant of the Kung Flu that had escaped the Wuhan lab was not one of the more deadly ones they were playing around with. But the corruptocracy’s machine decided not to miss the opportunity this crisis presented, and we got years of destructive and evil shit as they tried to reshape society and the world, all while making bank. They want to do even more damage to us all, which is why they are having such a hard time letting go of their “emergency powers”. Criminal enterprises want to criminal.
The NYPD pulled the promotion of an officer being sued for allegedly stuffing her panties in a male underling’s mouth — days after The Post reported on the plans to boost her in the ranks.
This article is so poorly written I don’t even know what it’s trying to say.
I am horrified that she only let a cat suck on her nipples… Also, did she milk the cat?
Trying to stir up outrage? It didn’t work for me. Reminds me of articles on GG Allin. This one, for example states “his dramatic death.” Shouldn’t it be “his expected death?”
Texas Senate approves bill restricting which college sports teams transgender athletes can join
Literal trans genocide.
We must destroy women’s sports in order to save women’s sports.
Go Patriarchy!
Not sure if it was linked yesterday afternoon, but I think I saw something about Saudi Arabia ditching the dollar along with Brazil. Seems kind of important.
Just ignore the collapsing petrodollar system.
The only reason it won’t be an immediate disaster is because everyone is busy dumping their Euros.
Hence why the Fed is at war with the ECB. It’s a competition for survival.
More like a race to the bottom.
Exactly one year ago at the Istanbul talks, the Ruskies and Ukes were really close to a negotiated end to hostilities. Then Biden sent Boris to sabotage the whole thing.
I doubt Biden does shit
Naftali Bennett confirmed it, but his take was that Boris was acting more aggressively than even the Biden administration. Don’t underestimate the long-standing hostility of the Brits to Russia.
The Foreign Relations establishment of both countries seem singularly obsessed with the Ukraine. Things going wrong for them in the Middle East , other places in the world, and with their currencies have just been ignored for a year.
the perfidious Albion?
So why do you think we have yet to see a copy of manifesto that woman with a serious mental disorder that wanted to pretend to be a dude whom shot up the school left behind, huh?
“Police are still trying to determine the motive.”
Unlike racist manifestos, a trans manifesto is written in impenetrable jargon that only trained derpotologists can decipher.
They are still busy scrubbing it.
So you are saying it will look like all the redacted and meaningless shit you end up getting from the DOJ, CIA, NSA, DHS, FBI, and any other government deep state entity trying to hide the criminal shit they are doing when you FOIA their asses?
Or they’ll just release carefully curated bits and pieces to make sure the proper narrative is promoted.
This is precisely what they’ll do.
And they’ll use it as a way to make the shooter the biggest victim if they can.
Let’s transition to the real victims here.
Shortly after news broke Monday of a fatal shooting at a private Christian Nashville elementary school, police said the suspect was transgender. This detail, according to trans people in the state, has poured fuel on an already combustive environment that has led many of them to fear for their safety. …
Within 10 minutes of police saying that the suspect was transgender, the hashtag #TransTerrorism trended on Twitter. Around the same time, Republican lawmakers — including Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. — insinuated in social media posts that the shooter’s gender identity played a role in the shooting. And by Tuesday morning, the cover of the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post read: “Transgender killer targets Christian school.”
Just like Muslims were the real victims of 9/11.
Insinuated? Hell, everyone I’ve seen on the interwebs is stating that outright.
Played a role? Like, maybe the leading role?
You’d think in order to disprove that theory they’d release her “manifesto”, instead of burying it.
You expect an ounce of honesty from a horde of crazy people?
Commies gonna commie.
Bolsonaro faces five Supreme Court investigations that could send him to prison — four for alleged crimes during his term (2019-2022), and one over accusations he incited a riot by supporters who invaded the presidential palace, Congress and the Supreme Court on January 8, protesting his election loss.
The first investigation was opened in 2020, when Bolsonaro’s former justice minister Sergio Moro accused him of interfering in federal police investigations to shield family members from corruption charges.
Bolsonaro is also under investigation for two cases of spreading disinformation: one, about Covid-19; the other, about Brazil’s electronic voting system.
Why was this a thing in the first place?
BREAKING: General Mark Milley commits to ENDING drag queen story hour events on military bases after I presented evidence to him during today’s House Armed Service Committee hearing.
@SecDef Austin however denied that they were happening at all…
“Gen. Milley, I am sure you will copy my office on the order banning such events. When can I expect to see it?”
It took just two minutes to encapsulate America’s hopeless estrangement on guns.
Deep into a long, grueling hearing called by Republicans to target the Washington, DC, government, tensions provoked by the Nashville school shooting boiled over into an emotive exchange between Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and freshman Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz.
With most of the members’ seats emptied out, Moskowitz demanded to know why Republicans fixated on crime in the nation’s capital were not instead holding a hearing on “murder in schools” and asked why GOP lawmakers were so keen to ban books touching on gender issues when “dead kids can’t read.”
The Florida Democrat’s comments reflected the extreme frustration of those who believe the logical response to multiple shootings with assault-style weapons is to make such deadly arms less available. His remarks also underscored a sense among Democrats that the GOP is deeply hypocritical as it conjures visions of a nation awash in violent crime but refuses to lay any blame on the easy access to guns that have killed so many innocent victims.
Greene, a Republican from northwest Georgia, spelled out a common conservative position that the key to stopping school massacres is not banning assault rifles but actually having more guns. She called for Secret Service-style security for school kids while stirring cultural politics that excite the GOP base.
“If you want to have a good talk about schools and protecting children, we need to talk about protecting our children the same way we protect our president,” Greene said.
The arguments by Greene – who’s possibly the most visible symbol in the House of the GOP’s march to the extreme right and a loyalist to ex-President Donald Trump – showed how deeply gun access is a driving force in the party in a way that makes it impossible to envisage any future where fast-firing firearms are not easy to buy.
That’s some mighty fine journalisming. Calling your emotional argument “logical” doesn’t make it so. Ad hominems and guilt by association can’t make inconvenient facts go away.
If you want to “envisage” a fantasy world, how about one in which mentally unstable people are not encouraged to deny reality?
It’s like these fuckers want to convince everyone that the 2A is not a thing…
Living constitution gets trimmed, like a tree.
This retarded term has caught on.
That’s some mighty fine journalisming. Calling your emotional argument “logical” doesn’t make it so. Ad hominems and guilt by association can’t make inconvenient facts go away.
Leftists have never been known for honesty or intelligence.
This retarded term has caught on.
It’s not retarded. The term is carefully scripted and used intentionally.
AR-15 applies to a specific type of firearm. Assault-style is deliberately vague so it can be applied to virtually every firearm. I’ve mentioned Washington state gun ban a couple times. They are banning “assault-style” firearms, meaning any firearm that contains features that the Dems consider assault-style. It’s no surprise that the list of banned features considered assault-style covers 90% of currently owned firearms in Washington, including most handguns and shotguns.
A staple gun can be an assault style arms
Luckily no one was ever assaulted with a musket…
To be fair, they are people. Like it or not.
“If you want initiate a repeal of the 2nd Amendment, be my guest. Otherwise STFU.”
There are probably 100 million ‘assault-style’ rifles in private circulation in the US. Add in the weapons really suited for rapid mass murder, handguns with double-stack magazines, and the number is probably up over a quarter billion.
Unless you have a realistic way to gather those guns up, then you don’t have anything useful to contribute. To borrow a Woke phrase, shut up, sit down, and listen.
It’s all just performative oUtRaGe.
They know it ain’t happening but hey, there are votes to win, powers to accumulate, and gold coins to add to the swimming pool.
They are counting on the law-abiding to abide by the law. No force required. Just aw-shucks, if we have to. I say come and take them.
It is often said that the West is rich due to slavery and colonialism.
But by 1500, long before the Atlantic slave trade and long before England or France have a single colony, Western Europe was far richer than the rest of the world.
This divergence, however, began in 1300 AD.
The west is rich because of the industrial revolution, which BTW was a key component of why so many people in the west decided to fight slavery.
well the whole point is that the divergence started in the 1200s before the industrial revolution
Slavery is about as old a thing as prostitution, and the colonialism these people decry so fervently didn’t become a big deal until the industrial revolution allowed naval movement of forces in large enough numbers so you could take over land that wasn’t adjacent to your own using land forces (which was the way wars of conquest were fought for 99% of human existence).
Colonialism was a big deal prior to the industrial revolution.
Roman Empire for example?
And Egypt. Assyria, Babylonia, the Chin… Conquest became evil when the white man started doing it better.
Important question inspired by a footnote: Did Angus Maddison win any important awards or whatnot before he died. Because he totally deserved it.
He probably should have gotten a nobel in Economics.
So few people note how geography and religion are large motivating factors in how cultures around the world develop.
Weren’t the Muslims taking European slaves in 1300 (and for awhile after)?
This short congressional back-and-forth captured the utter lack of a common frame of reference and political philosophy on guns – a divide that splits the nation, thwarts many efforts to tackle such tragedies and means that the next mass shooting is usually just hours away.
If gravity did not exist, people wouldn’t fall out of windows! Gravity must be banned.
Don’t be silly, gravity can’t be banned; it just needs to be sensibly regulated.
And taxed!
While Congress did pass the first major gun safety bill in decades last year, the aftermath of the shooting in Nashville has shown how impossible even minor overhauls are now that Republicans control the House. And the reality of a divided nation and a political system that grants small, conservative and rural states equal representation to more liberal, populous states in the Senate, where a 60-vote supermajority is needed for major legislation, also means sweeping gun safety legislation is all but impossible despite Democratic control of the chamber.
Bingo! I win. Right here, I’ve got my bingo card full.
Small conservative states like Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware (and DC if they had their way).
Then maybe states should do their own thing. Maybe an amendment to the constitution that says something like “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Like the plaintiff’s attorney didn’t expect the defense to scrape social media…
Paltrow’s defense grills doctor over post-ski crash travels as trial nears end
Typical money-grab targeting a famous person.
That’s just defense 101. I can recall making more than one malpractice case go away by doing exactly that.
Good lawyering to close with that. Especially the pics of him doing all kinds of activities with a big smile. If the crash changed his personality, as he claims, it seems to have changed it for the better.
Done all the time on workers’ comp and disability insurance as well.
It’s table stakes.
After allowing Greene to talk, Moskowitz reclaimed his time in the hearing, and accused Republicans of being complicit in the deaths in Nashville because the assault weapons ban lapsed. He also turned to the horrific impact of AR-15-style weapons on the human body.
“You know why you don’t hunt with an AR-15 with a deer? Because there’s nothing left. And there’s nothing left of these kids when people go into school and murder them while they’re trying to read,” he said, making points that are increasingly becoming part of Democratic Party messaging on gun reform.
Nothing left. Vaporized.
Desperate times call for desperate rhetoric.
It’s remarkable how many politicians have never picked up a firearm in their lives.
If we are going to have public schooling, marksmanship should be taught. And graded. It should be taught until graduation from High School. Also I fully support teachers having guns in class. If you cant trust your teacher with a gun, how can you trust them to teach?
I’m annoyed that the 22 I had earmarked for my kids to learn to shoot with now has to either get a permission slip from Uncle Sam or have a boating accident.
One of my lawyer buddies suggested getting a suppressor while im at it if I go the tax stamp route. He already had a trust and everything, so it was an easier decision for him.
Blows the head clean off.
And don’t forget that the 5.56 rifle cartridge has a much higher velocity than your typical pistol ammunition, thus giving assailants a tactical advantage against police because their bullet reaches the target sooner.
In cop takedown video of the shooter, she – he, whatever, was walking around with the Kel-Tec carbine. 9mm probably? But don’t let that slow down the debate on the incredible power of the 5.56.
I think, stupid times call for stupid rhetoric.
I hunt deer exclusively with an AR-platform rifle. It works just fine.
You know why you don’t hunt with an AR-15 with a deer?
Because it is not a large/powerful enough round.
making points that are increasingly becoming part of Democratic Party messaging on gun reform.
Dishonest as the day is long.
Desperate times call for desperate rhetoric.
They are certainly aiming for the longshot.
I think their rhetoric is more spray and pray.
It makes me recoil
Ackchually, you can’t hunt deer with an AR because the government says it’s too small a caliber.
Ya feckin’ moron.
You can smell the flopsweat, now that one (really, yet another one) of their precious mentally ill people has committed mass murder and it’s plainly obvious that the mental illness they are promoting is responsible.
Gratuitous Chadwick pic
Awww…. He loves you.
“Sunny Hostin, one of the idiots on The View, says she has no issue with China keeping Muslims in concentration camps because lots of blacks people are in jail in America. The View is truly the dumbest show in America.”
“Faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin claims “Ron DeSantis is the most over-hyped politician in America.”
She claims his reelection was simply “good” and suggests he’s never taken a shot a Trump. “I want to see him take a punch at Trump.”
Joy Behar admits they want Trump.”
I almost admire their dedication to stupidity.
It’s what their audience appreciates and craves… Like the people that love Brawndo in Ideocracy….
For some fun (of sorts) go to stablediffusionweb.com and enter this prompt
Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin as a coven of evil witches surrounding a bubbling cauldron, by Frank Frazetta
It’s remarkable how many politicians have never picked up a firearm in their lives.
Instead of pissing away a bunch of money on security details and an entire police force devoted to the Capitol, every incoming Senator and Congressman should be issued firearms and and be extensively trained in their use. Shotguns and pistols, at minimum.
DeSantis’ Reedy Creek board says Disney stripped its power
Wow. That is dirty pool.
Good morning, Sloop!
Oh well, you made the rules.
More of this, please. Fucking fake chick sets the record and this hero comes in and crushes it. The only thing normal people can do is keep calling attention to the retardation. Just like the fake chick swimmer, this dude would get laughed out of any PL meet, so decides to fuck up the chicks’ chances. Asshole. Hopefully they’ll eventually vacate or asterisk the “records” and the gals can once again compete legitimately.
Love THL. Perfect New Wave – thanks!
Activists on Wednesday demanded that the state of California pay millions of dollars to each Black resident in reparations as a way to make amends for slavery and subsequent discrimination, dismissing the idea of payments of $5 million per person as “nothing” and “too little.”
The demands were made at an in-person meeting of the California Reparations Task Force, which was created by state legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020. The committee was hearing comments from the public as it considers final recommendations to submit to the California Legislature, which will then decide whether to implement the measures and send them to Newsom’s desk to be signed into law.
The task force is considering a proposal to give just under $360,000 per person to approximately 1.8 million Black Californians who had an ancestor enslaved in the U.S., putting the total cost of the program at about $640 billion.
Just keep adding zeroes.
Hey, what about the descendents of the 2 million Union soldiers who fought, suffered and died?
Historically and in every culture ever, slavery was the rule, not the exception. I expect reparations for my Slavic ancestors being enslaved by one asshole or another.
You just need to identify the suckers descended from those oppressors!
“I believe that 5 million in reparations is too little for the work that foundational Black Americans have done for this country and as well for other countries,” one speaker said. “I believe that 7.6 million [dollars] is a number that can be used very wisely in our foundational Black American communities.”
Did it hurt when you pulled that number out of your ass?
The spirit of 7.6
1619 gagillion dollars, that outta do it
(Mythical) Ladies and Gentlemen, our best and brightest, “call me doctor” edition.
For those unfamiliar with Florida, Volusia is the Daytona Beach area.
I read the headlines on this.
The lack of financial control is as disturbing as the stupidity.
How does a principal have signature authority of $100k?
Yep this.
And the good thing about school choice is you can pull your kid out of a charter that is this fucking stupid.
Oh, I don’t think they have much to worry about. Sure, $100k is a lot of money. But, when the $80 million from the Nigerian dictator’s widow comes through, they’ll have more than enough to make up for it.
Minneapolis school admin sent $500K to a different bank account because someone called them up and asked to change it.
Only saved because the real contractor called and asked where all their money was. School admin blames “working remotely”. Not terminal stupidity.
Last night I learned that a good friend’s sister went missing while on vacation with a friend.
Any thoughts, prayers, or general good vibes in her direction are muchly appreciated.
Yikes! That’s awful. Are the roads along that route sketchy?
Will definitely pray for them.
How rural is that route they took?
from what little I know, its not clear what route they took.
I don’t know why anyone would fly in/out of PHX only to drive almost 7 hours to a resort when ABQ or El Paso are way closer. Unless they wanted to take in the scenery,
In my army days I got to spend a lot of time at White Sands, and while I’m no expert I am familiar with the area. Id think a white sedan would be easy to see, unless it was crashed in a ravine.
Also, I’m not clear on why the rental company isn’t able to track their assets.
Same thoughts on two people’s phones as well the rental.
No idea what cell service is like in that area. Part of the reason I asked how rural it was.
It’s past rural – approaching desolate. Few roads, lots of mountains.
This is really awful. I hope for a good conclusion.
That’s a nightmare.
That looks like a pretty desolate area.
Hoping for good news.
Holy shit!
This says they got a ping in Gila National Forest and are looking for them there. Didn’t get any news sources on a search, but this came up on one of those facebook results that doesn’t actually go to the right page:
Because Tucker exposed the fraudulent trial that got him sent to prison?
Tucker Carlson takes a lot of heat. I don’t always agree with him. But, he seems like a marginally honest guy. Breaking this story was a good thing.
B-b-b-b-but he pleaded guilty!!!
And then Tucker never said another word about the Jan 6th videos.
So after one day, Shumer threw a fit and Tucker never aired anymore?
I’m shocked!(not really)
I’m more shocked that one day happened.
“Meet the ‘theybies’. Not baby boys, not baby girls. SUNDAY on #60Mins, the new parenting trend letting young children choose their own gender.”
Not this shit again.
How many little boys are being yelled at because they are playing “guns” with whatever object they happen to find laying around? Or little girls punished because they are turning any object they find into a doll?
How many parents are crushed that despite their best efforts, their kids really do naturally conform to so many gender stereotypes?
“An inside look into how we’re trying our best to raise the next generation of school shooters.” 🙄
Looks like Japan can’t take it anymore…
A $3 Trillion Threat to Global Financial Markets Looms in Japan
Likely to finally raise rates.
Good, bury the euro/yen carry trade and the ECB with it.
Doesn’t that fuck us (the people) too?
By “us” do you mean people with savings or people up to their neck in debt?
It’s not a good time to be an ordinary European, if that’s what you mean.
No, I mean how on earth will this not affect the US, too?
Perfidious profiteers poison puddles
Congress on Wednesday approved a resolution to overturn the Biden administration’s protections for the nation’s waterways that Republicans have criticized as a burden on business, advancing a measure that President Joe Biden has promised to veto.
Republicans have targeted the Biden administration’s protections for thousands of small streams, wetlands and other waterways, labeling it an environmental overreach that harms businesses, developers and farmers.
They used the Congressional Review Act that allows Congress to block recently enacted executive branch regulations. The Senate voted in favor 53 to 43 Wednesday to give final legislative approval to the measure. Four Democrats and Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona joined Republicans to vote in favor of the resolution.
“The overreach, basically, it’s unreal,” said Sen. Joe Manchin, D.-W. Va., a critic of some of the White House’s environmental policies.
The Senate vote is the latest development in a long-running fight over the definition of “waters of the United States,” which establishes the breadth of the Clean Water Act’s protections. Environmentalists and the Biden administration have pushed to broaden the definition and protect more waterways from pollution while right-leaning groups and the Trump administration have argued that protecting fewer waterways would benefit builders, farmers and business.
It’s a battle of good versus evil.
Got results from this morning’s mammogram already! “No suspicious findings are seen.” 👍
Yay technology!
It wasn’t suspicious that the “doctor” smelled of cleaning fluids and was wearing a janitor’s uniform under that white coat? Or that he told you he had to do a manual test because the “mammo-meter” was broken?
*Inserts Curly “Woob Woob Woob”
If you want, Im nearby in case you want a closer look.
Uffda. All those idiots trying to blame new laws in TN for the shooting. I am sure that they will be totally supportive if some nut shoots up a LGBQT meeting here in Minnesoda because of all the new laws we are passing.
How to identify NPCs. Seriously, if you’re sick enough to justify shooting 9 year olds because you don’t get your way in politics, you’re not all there morally and should be regarded as an imminent threat by all those around you.
In the old days saying shit like that would get your ass kicked more than someone who said they “had a case of the Monday’s”
In the office today, not a peep about the Nashville shooting.
Wierd after it was the only thing they could talk about for 2 days.
Steve Harvey didn’t even mention it today.
I did hear that Gail King got a huge contract to go on CNN and she will save their reputation.
That is almost a direct quote from one of the office ladies that watches her show everytime she is home for it.
isn’t Gail King famous because she is Oprah’s friend, or is that some other midwit?