WolfCop has remained the #1 fan favorite film I have shown in the past two years. The sequel better not shit on the original….
And it didn’t. At least not entirely. Original characters returned successfully to a new story. Some new characters were added and a lot of gore was sprayed on the sets. I think my favorite scenes involved the new “werecat.” I will not spill details on that plot point. Rowr!

I have been told that this is how all Canadian men look at home.
Another WolfCop is not perfect. The movie suffers from concept over-saturation. Seems like every idea which the team kept out of the first movie were all crammed into Another WolfCop, for good or ill. As a result, this is a busy film. Just turn your mind off, and everything will be fine. There is plenty to enjoy here. You may need to watch it twice to catch all the plot points, because it is that busy.
This is also a celebration of Canada, home of Festus. It features all things Canadian – beer, hockey, and evil alien businessmen trying to take over the world. You are forgiven for thinking of Strange Brew. There are similarities.
Well, I am running out of steam and I need to get this posted. I leave you with this question: Which one of you is responsible for this product?
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until you drink contaminated beer and turn into a gut-busting zombie. Next week, a film which pleasantly surprised me years ago, I Sell the Dead.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
My First is in the name of The Great Firster, Who makes First Realm and second realm.
Let us First:
Loving Firster,
We come to you with heavy hearts, a generation and a culture torn apart;
But in our confusion, we know what it is to love, and that we must love those who disagree with us, who muddy the water.
Firster of Creation,
Give us the clarity of mind to discern Your will, not in simple rules that ignore complexity, but in loving kindness that seeks to uplift and affirm your greatest Firster.
Eternal and Loving Firster,
Hear our prayers and bless this post by RJ, who prepares to watch a low-grade b-movie.
Through Bro The First Of All Firsters, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy First, one First, First without end.
I watched this the last go around after Wolf Cop 1. First one was more entertaining, but I may watch again.
Second time through, still enjoyable. I could do without Kevin Smith. At least his cameo was brief. He is not forgiven for Yoga Hosers.
That movie did indeed suck, but he’s made others!
His He-Man Reboot was a heresy to 80s awesome.
The Critical Drinker agrees.
Excellent First.
Chicken Milk Beer? Good start!
I’m sprinting ahead, you have a smorgasbord of gore and stripper bars coming up.
Mine is on Pluto when I searched for it; wasn’t sure I had the right movie.
The cheap-looking video look is kind of off-putting. We’ll see.
Que Pasa? You mean the link to Another Wolfcop?
No, I don’t use your links – I search on my Smart TV™️.
OK. It’s on Tubi, with excellent video quality.
I’m sure it’s just I haven’t watched anything this gonzo in a while.
The video quality is fine.
Liquor Donuts? How did I not know about this?
The unnecessary backup into the mannequin was a nice touch
There was a joint in Tucson that did booze and donut combos. I don’t think they survived the Plague Years. Their donuts looked great – lots of different flavors. The booze was in one of those squeezable ampoule thingies, stuck into the donut.
Here is the first movie write up, the link is still good to the movie. Also I discuss Drunken Donuts. Even my write up was better for the first movie. Work has been brutal this year.
Thanks RJ. Since out of town I can catch one of these
Wow. Out of town, watching a totally surreal movie. Pleasant dreams!
Lol K. Smith being funny K. Smith.
Yes. He was good in this. Or at least himself. Still, I will never get back the time I spent watching Yoga Hosers.
LOL, let it go, man.
Very well. I’ll let it go.
wasting the night in a hotel room
tomorrow I pick up my truck and head home
May you have a peaceful drive home. How is the hunt for another trailer?
Sitting in my driveway.
7 by 14, dual axle, all aluminum frame from ATC.
Used for a couple of months, then the owner traded it in for a bigger trailer.’
So, like new condition at used trailer pricing. It was a great deal.
Sounds like a win!
Excellent (tents fingers).
Mwah hah hah.
Did they cover your travel costs?
The responsible party’s insurance should cover all out of pocket expenses that result from the accident.
I have submitted all my receipts for the trip home with a rented Uhaul. They have not paid those yet.
Once I get the truck home, I will submit the receipts for this trip. Then I will start hounding them for payment.
This is also a celebration of Canada, home of Festus.
And Rufus.
I’ll queue this up for later viewing. I have some stuff to take care of.
Thanks RJ!
Never saw the first one, but so far I don’t feel lost, because there is nothing subtle about this one.
Link to the first one is in the comments above.
I need to be on drugs for this lol
I HATE the stupid pay-buttons on one of my remotes.
I mostly use a universal remote but my TV remote comes with dedicated buttons to pay-services I don’t watch.
I actually use the netflix and prime buttons on the remote at home. That’s all I watch on the big TV. The wife watches other stuff via Roku.
If you could just program the things, it would be useful! Tubi, Pluto and Prime would be three.
Yeah, programmable FTW. I might add Tubi and Pluto. Maybe Apple TV for the occasional free sportsball match.
You can add apps to the Roku.
Yes, and I have many. But the remote has fixed four buttons for things I don’t use. The phone remote at least, has the option to select apps. Even movies within apps. Which is very cool.
This is a fun flick. It’s actually technically competent and the performances are decent. The storytelling is the problem, but it’s still fun.
Its what movies should be.
Steal the plot from any public domain play or novel, then add a werewolf. How hard can it be?
So which Pequad crewmember is the furry?
Next week we have everything. Good storytelling, excellent performances and great cinematography. If you enjoy this one, see the link in the comments above to the first one I showed last year. Storyline was fantastic. An instant classic.
Can confirm. I’ll check this one out shortly.
If you could not get enough of the tall menacing brunette henchman (Kris Blackwell), she is also in “Lingerie Fighting Championships 20: A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
I think I watched Tusk like 6 times. I have no idea why, but sneaky entertaining movie. It did lead to Yoga Hosers.
Tusk was good.
RJ, I just wanted to say, these movies aren’t really my bag, but I greatly appreciate your participation in this site. “We” don’t “market” the site by pushing it on social media, etc., so there aren’t a lot of new people here, but thanks for joining us.
Glad to join! Maybe someday, I will play something you like. Western season is coming soon, for example.
Don’t worry, there’s a lot of future Glibs out there.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
The Hanson Sisters at the end…perfect. at least, I am taking it as a nod to them
Are they putting on the foil?
Didn’t show but three girls, all with glasses with tape on them and hands were wrapped while beating the snot out of them
I think it was.
Wonderful 👍
Nodak has lived up to its reputation. First week of April, temperature of 0 degrees, 25 MPH winds and ice packed roads.
Sounds like it’s warmed up.
I pulled a trailer from Spokane to north of Minot and managed to drive through the northwest edge of this winter’s last fling. The best part was the “professional” truck drivers driving up the pass east of Butte until they spun out and then put their chains on in the middle of the interstate.
Bonus points if they’re put in shorts and flip flops doing it.
And MikeS pretends that he is capable of Firsting in such conditions.
JFC, who is Amazon trying to attract with the “mustache girl” commercial?
So strong, much brave.
(much revolting)
A middle-aged white guy with a ton of hair growing out of his nose would get the same, right?
Fuckit, why cut or comb your hair or even shave? Go full-hobo.
Personal grooming is repression, obviously.
And, of course, Olivia Wilde directed that commercial.
Sudeikis dodged a bullet divorcing her.
I get the you be you vibe but it just comes off all wrong
Yep, there’s something good there but it’s got a “bake the cake, bigot!” vibe.
Some you be yous are more equal than others.
Why do you think they’re trying to attract anyone? They’re big enough they don’t give a shit. They’ll have customers no matter what. Commercials won’t move the needle, either for or against.
They’re obviously trying to capture that high spending market known as teenage girls with identity complexes.
Good morning you fine people (and the rest of y’all).
At least it’s Friday.
Meh. It’s still a work day.
Not here. 🙂
Traffic was super light. Yay.
Fridays are the worst days.
But the kids are home.
Aaaah…the joy of rich Penaten Creme.
It’s monthly famous for treating babies’ diaper rash and other skin ailments, but it’s also da bomb for adults (or kids) with psoriasis or eczema.
Penaten crème goes on thick, not like lubriderm (another product I like). You have to take a couple of minutes to rub it in, but it’s amazing. Relief is instant and protection is long-lasting.
“Active ingredient” is zinc oxide but the magic bits are the lanolin and witch hazel. Those don’t happen to be regulated so they aren’t labeled “active” but they sure as shit are.
Penaten crème (made in Germany, by hexenbeest I assume) contains some other natural botanicals I don’t recall off hand.
If you have a baby or if you yourself have painful cracked skin, do yourself a favor.
I just rubbed some into my sad knuckles. Feels so much better!!
Thanks for the advert. How well does it work when the work soap draws every ounce of moisture out of the skin?
I prescribe stop being a little bitch for that.
I’ll see your Penaten Creme and raise you Boudreaux’s Butt Paste.
OK, you’ve just about sold me. Now, how’s it taste on sandwiches?
Sheepy, with a nice zinc bite.
One more:
Mornin’ early birds, insomniacs, and the rest of you fine folk.
Personally, I didn’t need to experience two 4 o’clock in one day 🙁
I don’t know if I’m an early bird or late bird. Just got home after driving 18 hours.
Ugh. That’s ten hours past my reasonable daily driving limit. What prompted the long haul?
Customer north of Minot needed some parts for scheduled maintenance and production was running behind so the parts, hot off the press, went on my trailer and off I went. I needed to do a site visit before i design some upgrades for their lift plus i back hauled some other parts we are modifying in my shop. In the end, I accomplished 3 tasks in one round trip. I would have split the driving into two days bit I have other customer deadlines fast approaching. I find that after about 8 hours of driving I get in the zone and can keep going. When I get tired I just stop in a rest area and sleep for about an hour.
That’s a relief to hear it was just business. I was afraid it might have been an emergency.
Eesh! I tended to max out around 13 back in my )drive halfway across the country to the new contract job’ days. Glad you made it okay. 3 for 1 ain’t bad as partial recompense errand-wise. And yes, hitting the zone and just driving is very satisfying.
Good morning, Shirley, Plink (Yikes! Hope you have a nice long rest ahead of you!) Sean, U, hayek, Roat, rhy, Ted’S., and Ssccrruuffyy!
How’s it going so far today?
Well, I remembered to hang my parking tag today so I shouldn’t get another ticket for parking where I’m allowed to park. Seriously, it’s a gated garage where you have to card in, how did they think my car got there?
Hope you got out of the ticket by presenting your parking tag to the Proper Authority.
It’s a warning citation for failing to display a parking tag. There’s no fine, and it’s impossible to actually dispute since there’s no way to prove the citation wrong. (And I had forgotten to hang the darn tag that day). It’s the repeat offenses where they start to get needlessly punitive.
Mornin’ GT. Been awake and on-line since 4AM, which is not anywhere close to my idea of a good morning ;-( Oh, well, I’ve now fed, and had my 3rd caffeinated beverage, I may survive. Grumpy, but surviving, the story of my dotage.
Yuck. Mornin
Good morning everyone. About to go finish the work week.
Hope you all have a good weekend. For all of you Christians have a Good Friday.
Good morning, ‘loosey! You have a wonderful weekend, too!
You’re not hanging around?
He should be on that train and gone.
I’ll be around all weekend. I just don’t know what distractions await me.
Good Morning:
Surprise sheep birth yesterday. (Did not know she was pregnant, this was the one that was born “stuck” out of her mom last ear)
both mother and child seem fine.
I need to thin the flock.
Low carb? eliminate seed oils?
Well, Easter is coming up…
How many doors do you have?
Did not know she was pregnant
Maury, Maury, Maury
I wonder which of his neighbors have been sneaking into the sheep fold.
Are any of them members of PETA?
Mornin’ all. Late start to the day.
Off to the gym soon.
Good morning all! Looks like the last visitation of winter. Temps suddenly shoot up to the 50s-60s and above freezing at night. Insurance company called about roof damage, all will be well. Still a lot of snow on the roof(s) and maybe more damage when that stuff slides off. Wait and see.
Picking up the bee equipment today that was snowed in all winter, bees arrive in 1 month.