Gonna be an extravagantly lazy weekend.
“James Bond Casting Director Explains Why a 007 in His 20s Wouldn’t Work”
“Mario’s Theme Song Is Being Preserved Alongside Led Zeppelin, Madonna Albums”
Gonna be an extravagantly lazy weekend.
“James Bond Casting Director Explains Why a 007 in His 20s Wouldn’t Work”
“Mario’s Theme Song Is Being Preserved Alongside Led Zeppelin, Madonna Albums”
Full of Dysentery and rampaging rivers
Well, the Organ Trail has dysentery and zombies.
Old Mississippi is starting it’s annual flooding locally. Climate change.
I love that game so much.
And venomous snakes.
I think Liberty Maniacs printed a tshirt a few years back with the pixelated conostoga wagon and ox team printed on it with the caption “You have died of Clintons”. I made me lol
‘“Everyone who eats will benefit from this law,”
Sounds breatharian-exclusionary.
Give me a fucking break, it’s a role. The character is supposed to be a mid-career, grizzled, cold assassin, not a trainee. You cast for the character. Simple as.
They should cast an inbred Greek woman.
My Big Fat Greek Spy-Adventure?
Or Harry Styles in a dress.
Eh. Going by the books as canon, Bond started out in Casino Royale early in his career, late twenties or early thirties at the most.
I agree with McWilliams that most younger actors couldn’t play a role to save their own lives.
Yeah, but he was a hardened war veteran at that age. We have lots of those, but they aren’t actors.
Fair enough, but unless they reboot the series to retell Casino Royale again, the casting should reflect the story, and the movies have made Bond into something of a superhero without the mythical backstory. You have to cast somebody old enough to have had the training and experience require of the character to tell the story. Of course, we’re already suspending a lot of disbelief to enjoy these kinds of movies in the first place, so perhaps it shouldn’t matter that much.
Of course, we’re already suspending a lot of disbelief . . . .
We survived Roger Moore . . . . .
True. This is why they should retire the 007 franchise for a generation or so, and start working on some good Matt Helm movie adaptations. Or more Alan Furst ‘Europe by Night’ movies.
Maybe remake some of the paranoid 70’s movie classics (The Conversation? The Parallax View? Three Days of the Condor?), since we seem to be going that way in real life?
What, Dean Martin wasn’t good enough?
You had to bring up those abominations. I hope a moose eats you.
Honestly, it might be time to retire the 007 franchise permanently. It’s probably not workable anymore in the modern social climate. There’s no writers left who could craft an original screenplay in the proper style, and there’s substantially no remaining source material to reference. The Broccoli-Wilson clan doesn’t need another 100 million.
Need jas nothing to do with it, buddy.
They should start the James Bond Jr. movies.
The SNES game was rad
I vote for more Michael Shayne mysteries.
Lloyd Nolan was a seriously underrated character actor.
Modern movie going sensibilities wouldn’t allow Alan Furst type stories. They take a while to get rolling, they often are dirty and murky with ambiguous morals, etc. All things that don’t sell well on initial runs.
I hate you for being right.
You should bless him for being right – consider what an abomination the story could/would be turned into.
Never fear the NYT (paywall) assures me that the Fed is on the case!
How Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Could Have Spread Far and Wide
Burn it all down.
Not yet, please.
The replacement waiting in the wings is worse.
Every time there’s a banking crisis we hear from those that see regulation as the solution to every problem that we should reinstitute Glass-Steagall. Would that have made any difference in the case of SVB or Signature? My guess is no, but I’m not familiar enough to have an informed opinion.
Probably not all that much, since they were boutique quasi-commercial banks for the superwealthy and startups. Glass-Steagall effectively built a wall separating retail and commercial banking. People like you and me weren’t opening up a savings account or buying a CD at SVB.
You don’t even need to get rid of fractional reserve banking, as the FEE article suggests. Eliminate the FDIC and let banks obtain private insurance for their deposits and there would be a reasonable self-limiting of leverage and reserve requirements enforced on banks through risk management. Banks could insure deposits to whatever level satisfies their customers, and if people put their money on deposit with high-risk institutions, they could expect a higher return on deposits and go piss up a rope if their greed for a better return results in loss – the way bonds worked until we decided that interest rates should always be zero. If that turns out not to be self-limiting enough for the risk averse, then if you must, pass a law requiring minimum deposit insurance equal to the current FDIC limits and let banks price in the market distortion.
I’m not sure any of our family ever survived the Oregon Trail.
It was a homeschool staple back then (with me in parent mode, not as a kid). Not sure if it still is.
Of all things, it was issued as a handheld video game. It is still available now. I don’t think anyone outside of gamer groups knows this.
It’s also a card game.
The girlfriend bought a copy of it once it came out. I don’t think she’s picked up the Switch remake yet.
It’s not a pyramid scheme, it’s a reverse funnel.
Regardless, whatever you call it it’s a scam.
“Look, this isn’t my first rodeo.”
“Will this hurt my home investment when I die? I was going to leave my home to my kids”
“I don’t have to make payments or anything, since it’s not a loan, right”
The American media is focusing completely on the leaker and very carefully ignoring all of the leaked information.
Not so in Serbia. This probably causes a major crisis and possible collapse of the current government.
And the US troops in Ukraine, and the suppressed casualty figures, and on and on…it’s pathetic.
Woah! I am very surprised to hear that. I wouldn’t have expected Serbia to break with Russia.
The fallout from this could be significant.
Of course. On the Ellsberg-Manning scale he’s way down at the sub-Snowden level.
The more convoluted the denial, the more daylight visible in the cracks.
The leaker is young and cute, so it’s understandable.
That seems hard to believe.
I’ve had that sentence on a tape loop in my head for the last seven years.
I just had my first pedicure.
I must say I did not know my feet could ever feel this soft. I have a new addiction.
After slicing open my own feet with my toenails during a BJJ class, an occasional pedicure sounds like a pretty good idea…
This place has massage chairs and the ladies apply several different lotions, scrubby things, etc. Foot rub, nail shaping and polishing (you might want to skip the polish). About 40 minutes of bliss for $42.
There’s a cheaper option, but I wanted the full deal.
I’ve had a couple, and as long as your feet aren’t too ticklish, they are indeed quite delightful. (My place doesn’t have the massage chairs, durn it.) As infrequently as I have it done, I opted for the Black & Decker Special.
No one’s touching my feet!
I’ve had one pedicure, but it was under emotionally questionable circumstances, so I’ve never had a reason to go back.
However, I love me some back and shoulder massages. I mean, they hurt like hell until all the knots get worked out, but…
You know what I’d kill for is a service where somebody just plays with your hair and tickles your scalp for X minutes.
Did you have a happy ending?
Did you see my wife? She just got one today as well.
We had a campmate at Burning Man who sadly just passed, and her thing was to do foot baths. I resisted for a couple of years and then she talked me into one – OMFG.
The weekend is nearly upon us (*gives a slow glance at the trainer who’s been talking instead of just giving us a file to read*), so I give you an open Holiday Unmoderated Zoom for the weekend. What’s the holiday? Don’t other Pie that way, Orthodox Easter is at least 3/5ths as good as Real Easter.
Instructor: Any questions?
Ass: What about this extremely unlikely scenario?
Just found out my condo sale is delayed again.
There will be heavy drinking tonight.
Can’t wait for the new influx of posters here
We already have enough feds.
We just need a few libertarians honeypots to flip them to our side!
Yes, but what about the straight guys /There are no libertarian women.
I shall put “Fuck You Tulpa” on a hotkey combo.
Set the kid free and give him a damn medal. I’m ready to pursue the Swedish model vis a vis classified info.
THey need to see the joys of steve smith and sugarfree.
Maybe i can double dip and get hazard pay.
Guy’s Jeep hybrid spews smoke. Firefighters put water on it, causing explosion that sends garage door 30 feet:
“Saba told FOX31 Mountain View Fire has responded to three battery-related fires in their district, all within the last week and a half.”
Holy shit!
I’m glad no one got hurt.
That tells me he knows fuck all about EVs. Or I’ll be kind and say the reporter quoted him badly and out of context.
They disconnect automatically and there is no way to “feel” the battery unless you want to get under the car. There are also redundant safety systems to disconnect power in the event of thermal runaway.
Those redundant safety systems seem to work great.
*sips coffee
I’m talking disconnect the power from the mains.
If a cell shorts it ain’t gonna do squat. It’s why Tesla moved from serviceable batteries to ones where the cells are encased in non serviceable fire retardant foam.
Beauty of this is we don’t know if the ICE or EV system started the fire.
The description reminds me of filling up a HMMWV from a tanker. There is no automatic shutoff. You watch the fuel gauge calling out when it is full.
*memories of filling 5gal Jerry cans from the hemmt tanker*
Ah, a Jeep hybrid meaning a Fiat hybrid-Why am I not surprised?
Heh heh. Gives new meaning to “MOPAR or no car!”
Pics like that give me the Willys
I am simply unable to turn “American Bantam Car Company” into a pun.
“James Bond Casting Director Explains Why a 007 in His 20s Wouldn’t Work”
Thank God. It’s gonna be tough enough to find someone better than Craig without resorting to some man-bun sporting soy boy.
‘“Everyone who eats will benefit from this law,” Repair.org Executive Director Gay Gordon-Byrne said in a statement.’
Uh, that actually sounds like good news! As a pretty die-hard DIYer, I detest companies that make it impossible to work on the stuff I buy.
Enjoy your extravagantly lazy weekend!
Friday Funbags will get your Cowper’s Glands going.
Stop preing everywhere, bro.
Discover’s fraud department in on point. 👍👍
They correctly flagged multiple recent unauthorized attempts to ding my card.
My credit union keeps flagging legit purchases. Then the fraud prevention company they use looks like a scam e-mail and the link looks like a scam address. But I’ve spoken to my credit union and it is legit, just implemented by morons I guess.
B of A is trying to stick me with a fraudulent purchase from Priceline. I think that my info got stolen at a hotel I stayed at, because they got my phone, email, credit card number and the 3 digit code. The thieves reserved a hotel on Priceline, purchased and Apple laptop and an expensive bag from Louis Vuitton. I caught on when I got an alert from Apple saying my purchase was ready for pickup, because the bozos used my actual phone number and email when they made the purchase. Then while on the call with B of A, the charges from Priceline and Louis Vuitton showed up. The Apple and LV purchases were refunded to me, but they are trying to stick me with the Priceline charge because the thieves had my info, so it looks like me.
BoA sucks, in case you didn’t already know that…
Escaped emu leads police on 20-mile chase through Tennessee town
I guess you could say the bird wasn’t… emused.
That pun is nothing to crow about.
Pat has no egrets.
Talk about robin the links, man…
When Swissy casts that narrow gaze your direction, you better duck.
I don’t know why y’all try to ruffle his feathers so.
Don’t try to shame me. I have no egrets.
They’re just grousing.
This pun thread is just flying over my head.
Well, Swiss acts like we pheasants are revolting.
Sir! I may need a shower, but I am FAR from revolting!
Don’t run a fowl of Swiss.
What are you, chicken?!?
Hold the phone. There is an ass-slapping contest.
Anheuser-Busch responds and says nothing…