…. Which will you choose?
“Joltean and Vaporean images are a stunning example of it.”
Marvel Star Elizabeth Olsen Is Just Fine Not Doing Her Own Stunts
“Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC Leak Fools Some, Turns Out To Be Fake”
…. Which will you choose?
“Joltean and Vaporean images are a stunning example of it.”
Marvel Star Elizabeth Olsen Is Just Fine Not Doing Her Own Stunts
“Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC Leak Fools Some, Turns Out To Be Fake”
I’ll volunteer to help.
With which? The feathers, the oil, the blood…
The blowing.
hums “blow some feathers on me….. in the name of love!”
For the very first time, we’ve been sent accurate scans of the original 251 Ken Sugimori Pokemon artwork to archive in high quality.
the difference is insane.
That ain’t the only thing that’s insane.
Did you mean this?
In the strictest sense it would be inaccurate to call Denmark “socialist,” but it would be an equal stretch to describe it as a free market. No-fee state-funded public universities, no-fee state-funded public health care, high personal and corporate income taxes, they even still have a state church tax. This is an example of that annoyance I’ve expressed before around these parts about free marketeers playing their own version of tHat wAsN’T rEaL sOciALiSm! If Denmark is climbing above the US in economic freedom indexes on account of its market economy, you have to acknowledge that it’s doing so while also eschewing the economic policy you support, and removing large swaths of its national economy from market mechanisms by putting them under direct control of the state.
Yep. Any country with even quasi-nationalized industries ain’t no market economy
Denmark’s corporate tax rate is 22%, which is lower than the US. They really sock it to you on personal income tax and VAT (25%).
Federal corporate rate is 21% but most states add their own as well, which can push it above Denmark’s 22%.
Yeah, the data I’m looking at shows the US at 25.8%, which I assume is some average based on federal and state.
OT – Anti gunners (or in proper Premier League speak “gooners”) rejoicing.
Friday game – wtf
I don’t care for Arsenal but fucking loathe Man City. Enh I’ve already written off this season anyway so IDGAF in the end.
Ahem, a “goon” is slang for a wagon, as in waGOON.
Also known as a “long roof.”
Where the hell is Hollow Knight II? It’s been on my wish-list for three years lol.
It lost the boss fight and has to respawn.
D: Saaaaaame.
Supposedly… by the end of June this year, if last year’s announcement is still accurate.
Are you saying their promises are…. hollow?
It’s once again a Friday, and while I sit here recovering from Bruce-O-Rama and dealing with more training that is… not the most strenuous for me, I’ll be home. So at 2000 Eastern (as is tradition), the Zoom/Happy Hour/Editorial room will be started. I may not be around tomorrow, as BrewDog is doing their AGM (Annual General Mayhem, aka stockholder’s meeting) tomorrow. Next week I will definitely not be around, as I’ll be dressed up all fancy out in Vegas.
Feels like a flowerty* and fresh strawberries kind of night
*I live in the south now
Be sure to get the tuck correct. The bulge really gives away the ruse…
Per request of Tundra
He looks stoned. 🙂
Getting some definite sus dog vibes.
I’ll give you sus
He looks like he wants Taco Bell.
Thank you.
I love him. He needs a Vikings collar, though.
He would look good in purple & gold
Viking collar?!?!
You want the poor thing to choke?
*golf clap* Well done Pope, Well done.
Speaking of which….
The Onion is actually sort of funny
*That is it. Pretty much the entire story.
Redskins or GTFO.
He’s dreaming and growling in his sleep, which is mildly hilarious.
Cute bb!
Just got the Ridiculous PEP back from doggo park, now she is covered in mud.
I am stuffed. Spanish tapas #FTW!
I believe you’ll find it’s pronounced tape ass.
Hurray for birthday meals.
I am stuffed
<britishaccent>Good on ya Mo!</britishaccent>
Or maybe a pat on your hubby’s back for a job well done?
I was wondering how long that would take. Leave it to you to do the honors, Pontiff.
I have thanked my husband profusely because he dun good.
(By the way, he won the gift certificate that paid for that very expensive meal.)
I did some training where half the group was from Minnesoda and the other half was from England.
One day one of the Minnesoda gals came back from lunch with her husband and said “Uffda I am so stuffed”. All the limeys were stunned for a few seconds then they started laughing and it came out that our stuffed is not the same as their definition.
The Minnesoda gal (who was stereotypically blonde and pale) turned bright, bright red. Pretty funny.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!!!
How opposite-think took over our politics
I’m not a religious man, but I pray for the day trans freaks have lost their usefulness.
Next stop, pedophiles. And Dog Lovers.
I love dogs….. oh.
WTF is a Monzo, and why would anyone give their money to one?
Presumably they’re a subsidiary of Blackrock or some other ESG peddling tumorous “financial organization” that is the beneficiary of money fresh off the printer to dole out to anyone who will bend the knee to the commies running the whole grift.
Taser! Taser! Taser!
They were not kidding about her appearance changing.
Jesus… did they starve her?
Not wanting to leave your cell and go near gen pop cause you are a former cop might have something to do with it
If I get hauled off to jail for whacking someone, I’m not going to smile in the mug shot.
Her attorney claims they requested her to smile…who knows. Lots of mug shots have smiling idiots cause a camera
What the reasoning for release? Judge gave sympathy?
Good news, the text for part 4 of my beer wars series is done. It has only been 37 months since part 3 was released!
I will get formatted and photos added and etc and get it in the queue next week.
You may have to do a part 5 for the Bud Light boycotts. 🙂
‘We pride ourselves on having an inclusive and diverse culture.
Disagree with us? STFU and GTFO.
This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here
What is really amazing is that none of them even get why they are so ridiculous.
#TooLocal version AOC has filed an ethics complaint against a GOP legislator for having the temerity to email her a link to a video.
Not as good as getting shutdown for reading from books in school libraries at school board meetings.
“They’ve dehumanized trans children so much”
Who, the transers?
Oh, she means the people who don’t want to stunt the development of children and surgically mutilate them, they’re the ones who are dehumanizing children. Got it.
described as “graphic and disturbing” images of gender affirmation surgeries on minors.
Call it what it is, you disgusting scumbags. It’s a sex change operation. On teenagers.
Should read “described as ‘gender affirming’ surgeries”.
Nobody wants to see the sausage being made.
Careful there, Carlos.
*golf clap*
Or the taco.
If Arby’s would to promote MtF surgeries, it would be my peak 2023 moment
I see that like the stem cell debate really. Just like abortions, I don’t want gender reassignment surgeries, but I’m enough of a pragmatist that I can glad that the material is going to good use.
Nailing Jello to a tree
But now that McCarthy has released the legislation, some members of his own party have not been fully on board — and in light of that, Ocasio-Cortez said Democrats should “definitely not” negotiate with McCarthy.
“Republicans are too much of a mess right now to do so,” she wrote in response to a question on the topic on her Instagram story.
“Republicans can’t even get their own party behind one plan, let alone both parties. Negotiating with that is like trying to nail jello to a tree. What is there to even negotiate?” she said.
“McCarthy is a mess,” she added. “Which of course is how this whole thing started. The situation is very concerning honestly because mess or not the GOP was elected to govern and they really cannot.”
But “If we cut one dollar of spending, millions will DIE!” is a perfectly legitimate negotiating stance.
Republicans will bluster but cave for pinky-swear promises of future cuts. Americans don’t want to live within means.
To be fair, Americans are constantly lied to about what “living within the means” actually means when it comes to the government. All the politicians and “trusted institutions” tell us that everything is hunky dory. The harder the liars lie, the more they are rewarded. It’s a fundamental problem with democracy.
What inflation? That $6 dozen eggs is in your imagination. And even if it isn’t your imagination, just don’t eat eggs.
Eat your bugs, peasant!
Try 7$
We need to have a conversation on what you want from government and who to stick the bill with.
Still, even if the bill passes the House, that’s probably as far as it will go. The Democratic-majority Senate would likely vote it down, and even if it made it through both houses of Congress, Biden would almost certainly veto the bill. And the president is not budging — he’s continuing to push for a clean debt-ceiling increase.
“Just two days ago, the Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy went to Wall Street to describe the MAGA economic vision: massive cuts to programs you count on, massive benefits protected for those at the top,” Biden wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. “Folks, it’s the same old trickle-down dressed up in MAGA clothing.”
The wealth of the nation is the property of the king, who may, by divine right, dispose of it as he pleases.
People have come to rely on free shit. You can’t take that away.
I agree, but you never know. In 2020-21, people had their livelihoods, education, recreation, church services, etc., taken away, and most people just shrugged. Maybe we need something fear-based. “Sorry, we had to use all of the money we were giving you to redirect the incoming asteroids and fight off a plague we created. And the printer is out of ink.”
True, but it came with a candy coating of free shit.
“People have come to rely on free shit.”
Precisely. Creating dependency is entirely the point.
Jugsy works in/with HUD/Section 8. She’ll be the 1st one to tell you that you cant take back an entitlement.
Part of the problem is calling it an entitlement.
It’s tough to run against Santa Claus.
I’m pretty sure there’s a good joke in there about Biden and “same old trickle down.”
Well, three weeks ago today, some of you kind people encouraged me to write an article on pipe organs and their mechanisms. Part 1 (of 2) is currently scheduled for the 7PM CDT slot on Monday. (!!! or EEK!)
It wouldn’t have happened without Riven’s link, and Scruffy’s link, and your encouragement.
But it absolutely could not have happened without the help and guidance of Tonio.
If I can write an article, any of you can. Tonio will help you and guide you through the tools and process.
Glibs is a hungry beast and needs constant feeding. Get writing, people!
And thank you, it’s the first productive thing I’ve done in too long.
You go! Looking forward to reading it! 😃
I hope it doesn’t disappoint. I’ll be around for at least an hour after it drops, and will be on early Tuesday morning catching up.
Alright, alright. I’ve got a thought for an article. I’ll have to put pixel to paper (or something). Next week, I swear.
Tonight is the wife’s birthday. She is turning 49, so I have been informed that this is the last birthday. Well, in that case, I made reservations at the fancy restaurant in town: https://www.sybarisbistro.com/ and then, while turning matters over in my head, I decided that I need a good looking and well fitting sport coat. So, I went down to the fancy menswear store and dropped, after careful consideration, several hundred dollars on a piece of clothing I will wear only a handful of times in the future.
Do I feel like an idiot? Kinda. But the wife thinks it is beautiful, and I am at that point were things are not going to change much for me, either physically or sartorially. So, what the hell, lets do this. And, who knows, looking this good might get me somewhere. IYKWIMAITYD.
Have fun!
Maybe you’ll get lucky.
Every girl’s crazy…
I guess I could just stop right there.
You are far classier than I. I would have taken her to Wanker’s Corner. https://www.wankerscorner.com/
By the way, here is the sport coat: https://postimg.cc/47nyvnZs
Very nice.
The restaurant looks good too.
Love it!
Big find for Australian history: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-22/montevideo-maru-wwii-shipwreck-found/102255384
1,000 prisoners of war sunk by U.S.S. Sturgeon, U.S. submarine, on its fourth patrol. Unfortunately, “friendly fire” is a by-product of warfare. Sturgeon, on its 11th patrol, sunk a Jap troopship and took out 5,000 soldiers heading for Okinawa. Sturgeon, built in 1936, finished the war as a training ship out of New London, CT.
I finally get to go home, training was actually useful, made some new friends and kicked ass, now its time to work.
One of my classmates was a guy named Joe, turns out he is my doppelganger. Joe Adams= Yusef Adama
Way cool. Life is getting good again
Tall Cans!🍻
Ty RC, btw I am working on a new article, something different