Nice work, DoE.
The Masters is underway with the weather holding off for now. And that leaderboard is jam-packed with some big names. Let’s hope the rain stays away. The Department of Education oversteps its authority. Title IX is about sex, not gender identity. This is absurd and I can’t wait for the day when Chevron dies and shit like this becomes the responsibility of the legislature once more. And that’s it for sports.
“This isn’t fair. It’s not an insurrection if you’re black.” You shouldn’t clamor for people to be removed for not even participating in a riot if you’re gonna demand that someone who actively participated in a riot to stop the legislature keep his job. Dumbasses.
Well…good! If its illegal to tattoo them, sell them a beer, or hand them a pack of smokes there’s no reason it should be legal to pump them full of body-altering hormones or cut their dicks off.

Idaho legislators
And lest we thing the retardation is only coming from the left. This is a gross violation of the constitution and needs to be stopped as quickly as possible.
These people have too much time on their hands. And no grasp whatsoever on the concept of free speech. I wonder how they’re gonna feel when the pendulum swings the opposite direction.
This is a sad story. And I don’t think this attention-seeking psychopath has her son’s, or the community’s, best interests at heart. Hopefully they both get the mental health care they so desperately need. (no snark)
::giggles uncontrollably:: If they’d have managed to fit in a Klingon joke the story would have been complete.
This will be interesting. These programs generally lay out terms of raising the stock and that their ownership is wholly dependent on them completing the program. The cops went full retard on this one, but the people being sued have nothing to do with that. A very interesting case.

Race hustler
I don’t know what to think. I do know that I dislike every person bitching about this based on past actions. But it sounds like this teacher might be a bit of a dumbass too. You tell me if I’m wrong.
Here’s a good song for today. One of their best. And this one is even better. Enjoy them both on this Good Friday.
And enjoy this Easter weekend, dear friends.
““This isn’t fair. It’s not an insurrection if you’re black.” You shouldn’t clamor for people to be removed for not even participating in a riot if you’re gonna demand that someone who actively participated in a riot to stop the legislature keep his job. Dumbasses.”
How dare you apply the same despicable and political tactics we used on you to hobble you to us?
/progtards after they do criminal shit
“Well…good! If its illegal to tattoo them, sell them a beer, or hand them a pack of smokes there’s no reason it should be legal to pump them full of body-altering hormones or cut their dicks off.”
I was wondering the other day if we should limit these bills to stopping this horrible practice unless both parents agree with mutilating their kids in this way. When you have a couple of progs that want to destroy their own child’s life, it might behoove us to let them. It would lower the number of them that reproduce even more.
A fundamental job of government is to protect innocent people from harm and to punish those who harm them. I think that should include innocent minors too young to give consent regardless who their parents are.
I am not arguing against that, but when you have government doing anything, it will sooner than later go horribly wrong. Maybe the problem is me.
+1 Night Watchman state.
The government always goes wrong. But the government is also always there. We use it for our purposes or we forfeit the game.
At least until Galt’s Gulch gets up and running.
Who will be mayor of Galt’s Gulch?
We don’t need no steenking mayor!
I have argued elsewhere that the only thing Larry Nassar did wrong was he failed to convince the parents and children that the ephebophilic fingering was medically necessary and was supported by at least a couple of scientific papers.
If he had done that then it would have been medical treatment and not assault, much like halting the natural physiological development of children and cutting off their genitalia is not considered abuse by the establishment.
Nassar will spend the rest of his life in prison for crimes against children that are demonstrably less damaging than what is happening in your average gender clinic.
And yet, circumcision is still widely practiced on non-consenting baby boys
And we’ll let just anybody give you a manicure, but we only let a licensed doctor amputate a finger. Where’s the sense in that?
Not the point you were trying to make R C Dean, but there’s state by state licensing for manicures.
Which is stupid, but carry on.
Agreed 100%, just reminding all that even for something as simple as cutting nails and hair there’s licensing.
The girlfriend says she’s a libertarian, yet she still supports “some licensing” for salons and the like, because “some people wouldn’t follow the rules”.
can they also sell their child for child porn?
No, we outlawed selling people.
They’d have to lease.
If there were Rent-A-Kid operations, we’d never see OMWC.
Given how paringly he does show up, I have to assume he isn’t made of money and it runs out frequently.
“And lest we thing the retardation is only coming from the left. This is a gross violation of the constitution and needs to be stopped as quickly as possible.”
This pendulum seems to have serious difficulty meeting in the middle. People stuck in this are in for all or nothing.
Centrism is a lie. There is no pendulum.
What about a hoola hoop?
Yes, but only pink ones.
“These people have too much time on their hands. And no grasp whatsoever on the concept of free speech. I wonder how they’re gonna feel when the pendulum swings the opposite direction.”
No cult wants to tolerate heretics and apostates having the right to speak. Especially speak against their cult’s beliefs. And the left has been allowed to be violent about implementing this without consequences for too long. So many of them believe they have the right to force others to see the world the way their cult makes them see the world, and more importantly, to destroy the lives of those that refuse to go along with their mental disorder.
“This will be interesting. These programs generally lay out terms of raising the stock and that their ownership is wholly dependent on them completing the program. The cops went full retard on this one, but the people being sued have nothing to do with that. A very interesting case.”
Since this is San Fran, shouldn’t she just say she fucks the goats and that will suddenly mean they need to add another letter to their longwinded acronym and tolerate her choices?
This is Shasta County, not San Francisco. This is one of the few dark red areas of the state. That would be a baaaaaaaaaaad legal strategy.
Ah, Ok. So no goat fucking there then…
“Eat, eat, eat… doesn’t anyone fuck anymore?”
Reason is playing the blind squirrel again and has accidentally found an incredibly infuriating nut (punch).
Big picture:. Dude is tried in federal court, convicted on some counts, acquitted on others and the jury hung on others. Trump commuted his sentence. Garland is retrying him on hung counts.
Infuriating details that demand attention:.
A) The judge explicitly based his sentence on allegations that were not proven in court. He was sentenced based on all counts charged, not just the convictions. Apparently this is common practice.
B). He was held in solitary without bail for years.
C). Prosecutors explicitly and repeatedly violated his rights during the case. They raided his offices and took privileged documents from his legal defense. They had an informant record conversations with his lawyers. Judges in the case ruled that this happened and was super bad. And then refused to even take the tiny step of removing the prosecutors who spent months reviewing the privileged materials.
The US legal system is a joke in blue states. Probably in red states too, but I am seeing most of the real nuts shit happening where team blue has no serious competition…
This case has obvious echos in what is currently happening in the Jan 6 and other cases.
I had no idea that holding federal prisoners without bail for years in solitary confinement was a common tactic. Nor did I realize that sentencing defendents for crimes that they were not convicted of. Nor even charged for, was a common and accepted practice.
It would seem that at some point our entire federal system of justice has completely come off the rails. I cannot defend this as anything even the tiniest bit better than Russia or China or any other totalitarian regime.
And of course it ties in to the abuses we are seeing with the FBI manufacturing crime, as in Flynn, The entire Russia hoax, Whitmer, several terrorist plots, Project Veritas and seemingly Jan 6.
Nobody in the federal system seems to be the least bit concerned with the rule of law.
Nobody in the federal system seems to be the least bit concerned with the rule of law.
Why should they? I have the feeling that the Cathedral is laughing at those who still believe America has fair elections or rule of law. The complaints, protests, etc. have the same effect as throwing handfuls of sand into the ocean.
The game has completely changed but a large part of the populace are still playing by the rules of a game that no longer exists.
Yeah… I am feeling pretty black pilled.
And with the coming debt and currency crashes… I worry for our future.
Don’t feel black pilled. Black pilling is for those clinging desperately the old rules of the non-existent game.
It’s liberating to let go of all that shit. Withdraw from the corrupt system and build your own.
Tell you what, the last seven years disappointed me enormously about the USA (and Canada). We’re the last two countries to go out babbling off like a pair of douchebags about ‘freedom and democracy’ these days.
I loved that African leaders told Harris to go suck a rotten lemon.
What a shitshow. I guess they can retry someone whose trial resulted in a hung jury, but the facts surrounding the case and his sentencing for the lesser crimes being so egregious makes me think this is ridiculous overreach.
Trump should have pardoned him on the case where the jury was hung in addition to granting clemency for the sentence he was given for the prosecutions. That would have made this all moot. But this is still a fucked up re-prosecution.
The salient, and infuriating quote from the article
Until you realize the judge explicitly punished Esformes for charges on which the jury hung.
That is not an error. “When somebody gets sentenced [at the federal level]…they get sentenced on all charges, even the ones they’re acquitted on, [as long as] they get convicted on one count,” says Brett Tolman, the former U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah who is now the executive director of Right on Crime. It is a little-known, jaw-dropping part of the legal system: Federal judges are, in effect, not obligated to abide by a jury’s verdict at sentencing. They can, and do, sentence defendants for conduct on which they were not convicted. In this case, Esformes was already sentenced—and had that sentence commuted—for the crimes that the DOJ now wants to retry.
Sentencing for crimes neither charged nor convicted is explicitly allowed in federal cases!
Now you see how and why the Feds overcharge on multiple crimes.
That was my first thought.
They already use overcharging to force plea bargains. And they already abuse civil asset forfeiture to prevent putting on an adequate defense.
And now they are brazenly using pretrial detention in horrific conditions to coerce pkea deals.
And to top it off, even if you can beat the ridiculous overcharged, stacked crimes in court, they will still sentence you as if you were convicted if they can get you on some minor procedural crime that shouldn’t even be a criminal offense.
I cannot imagine why which would take it to trial under those conditions.
I’d like to see some other legal scholars opinions supporting that claim before I just accept it.
I’m not saying it’s untrue. I’d just like more than one person’s word.
We have been seeing it actually happen… Just look at Jan 6 cases. Then there was the Dread Pirate Roberts case, where sentencing was based on uncharged murder allegations.
I just thought each case was an obvious and unique abuse by the court. Apparently not.
Holy shit.
This seems to be recurring theme.
Pretty much the same thing happening up here. New precedents left, right and centre. And none of it good.
Yeah, I was reading something insane that the BCers did. Unfortunately it was not unique enough for me to remember it.
Speaking of TOS, how did that confab with Taylor Lorenz go? Lots of giggles? Much bashing of stupid trumpalos? Up and coming places to get fruit sushi?
Was that real? I thought I must be seeing an April Fools joke.
Is it real?? Did they really go to her as a respected source?? Someone help us out here. I ain’t giving that an audience sight unseen.
They sentence based on charges that were acquitted and hung? Our fucking Justice system is fucking fucked. What kind of convoluted bullshit logic/rationalization led to that being OK?
This is the reaction I expected. It just shows how far we have gone beyond what should even be conceivable that this is not the mild version of reacting to this.
I recognize nothing of the country in which I grew up in this nonsense.
That’s the kind of thing that makes me want to move out of the country-just terrible, unjust, unfair and wielded by scumbags that are held in high esteem by idiots.
The weather is supposed to be absolutely terrible over the next 2 days – I assume the same cold rain will make its way to Augusta.
Those were the days when I was I listened to U2. Still have War and Under a Blood Red Sky in the CD collection.
People like to hate on U2, mostly Bono, but they were pretty great back in the day.
The Idaho abortion law states:
I’m fine with that.
Yeah, minors are minors.
I don’t think it’s the state’s business why somebody travels outside their borders. The privileges and immunities clause supports that position.
Could a state also make it illegal to take a minor to another state to get a tattoo if the state they reside in prohibits them but the other state allows them with parental consent?
Isn’t that the whole point of the Mann act?
Which is federal.
Still bizarre.
Taking someone’s child out of state without parental consent is the state’s business.
Sure. But limiting the application of the law to just obtaining an abortion is where I have a problem (and I despise abortion). I’d have no problem if the law applied to anybody who transported a minor out of state without parental consent for any reason, but doing so selectively is what makes it a questionable law.
Not ideal, but hardly retarded. A simple “no out of state without parental consent” would net a lot of people who live near state borders.
If someone is transporting a child outside a state without parental consent, it shouldn’t matter if they live 5 minutes from the state line or five hours from one. “No consent-no transport” is a reasonable standard “no consent for this one thing-no transport” seems like it would run into legal issues with the feds.
Not everything should require parental consent. What if a child is injured on the border and is taken across state lines to the nearest emergency room? Do the EMTs have to get parental consent? Too simple a law would make that a crime.
I’d think Good Samaritan protections could be put in place to protect people transporting someone involved in an auto accident or other such situation. As for EMTs, aren’t they allowed to act in loco parentis in the case of a serious emergency but required to contact parents before rendering care for something less serious?
I’m not sure. Just pointing out a too broad law could have unintended consequences.
Rat, there is already a carve-out in informed consent law for emergency treatment, as in, consent isn’t needed. Sloopy has it about right.
Furthermore, wouldn’t federal law trump state law in interstate matters? For that reason alone I would think this is unconstitutional.
I agree it would be unconstitutional to restrict adults or minors with parental consent.
If a person is pardoned, are they still a felon for the purposes of other laws regarding what felons cannot do?
No. But if their sentence is commuted, they’re still a felon.
Houston-based civil rights activist Quanell X elaborated on the alleged roleplay lesson, telling Ford that the teacher was “Using the analogy with her daughter about a slave auction, using the analogy with her daughter about how she could be captured, how the teacher could take her to the south and sell her,” Ford reported Thursday.
With a name like that, I’m already doubting her story.
I didn’t even reach the name, “Civil rights activist” made me doubt whatever claims the person is making.
Ironically, these same activists demand that exactly this same message be taught as a regular part of the curriculum…. And that it is inherently tied to race. Specifically that whiteness is intrinsically tied to slavery and racial oppression.
What are we complaining about here?
Are you guys actually taking DeSantis’ side on this?
Quanell is a loing-time fixture in the Houston race-hustling scene.
Ah, so clearly someone with an ask to grind.
What you did there, it was seen.
There is no known cure or treatment for psychopathy. Would be pointless and a waste of money to try to treat the mother.
Scientology’s R2-45 protocol for exteriorizing thetans* has been shown to be effective.
*this is an actual Scientology protocol.
/stirs memories of long-ago deep-dive into the vortex of Operation Clambake
*snap* *snap* *snap*
Does your jaw hurt?
I was very active on Clambake for years
Did you get to meet Elvis?
I mean, like, back when Arnie Lerma was around and only semi-insane.
alt.religion.scientiology is where I learned to argue on the internet.
The major flaw of social media and of the internet in general appears to be that it has given the psychopaths and sociopaths a huge positive feedback mechanism.
And the psychology/psychiatry industry has either embraced the narcissism of it all or just resigned itself to pushing pills (or both).
Mental illness in general. Social media needs a constant supply of extremely neurotic people in order to propagate its own existence.
Before the internet: if I wanted to fuck a toaster, my IRL social circle would convince me, probably through a lot of bullying, to not want to do that, and I grow out of that faze.
Post internet: if I want to fuck a toaster, I can find an online community that supports toaster fuckers, offers safe toaster fucking tips, and reinforces the idea that, yes I am normal, it’s those other prudes that are the problem.
The irony here is that toaster-assisted masturbation is barely even on the register of social deviance these days…
Well… no, why would it?
I’m on Team Grace Park, myself.
Joe has some tips from his garage.
Gimme dat… Gimme dat…
The Masters is underway with the weather holding off for now. – this was on TV in a pub I went to have a beer at. Booooring.
Title IX is about sex, not gender identity. – Don’t be so suburban. It’s 2023. Sex is not a thing anymore
*Chief Justice Humpty Dumpty laughs in penaltax*
Biology is sexist!
How do you know that? Are you a biologist?
I once dated a young hotty biologist teacher in college that definitely had XX chromosomes?
China is going after Musk. The funny thing is that they are talking about challenging SpaceX in this space with a reusable vehicle that they still have to manufacture because the prototype is not really the end vehicle. Now I get that in China they have fewer regulatory obstacles because everyone works for the CCP and does what the CCP wants, but still, I think this is one balsy attempt to tell Musk to bend the knee or else.
This is exactly what Musk said he hoped to inspire.
Also… Good luck with that. Saying you want a space plane is step one, so good job there. But actually building it? My subscriptions to Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, National Geographic and Scientific American all had annual features about reusable space planes that were better than these Chinese wish list rockets. Despite decades of research funding, I don’t see any scramjet aerospike lifting body LEO transport systems.
I’m not sure I’m that interested in space. When I was young, I thought getting into space would lead to freaky sex with green alien gals. But between this and Stacy Abrams, I’m not sure space sex is going to be what I thought it was.
Elon is gonna have to really up his booster rocket game to get these gals into space.
I don’t believe the Chinese payload costs for the long march. I doubt that their space plane would be significantly cheaper either. A space program is a feather in the cap for the CCP, so subsidizing and understating costs is good politics and PR.
Did you see the robot lips video further down in that feed. Looked like some weird fleshlight.
Wasn’t that just based on ali-express search history?
My brother the aircraft engineer is fond of pointing out that China has yet to produce a successful, domestically designed jet turbine engine. Whence are they stealing the technology for a reusable booster?
An entire country is going against him? I’d say he’s doing something right. I highly doubt their political/social class system, in which everyone is terrified of screwing anything up, will allow them to make anything that works. Remember that in the early days of SpaceX, there were tons of things blowing up and failing, but Musk maximized what he learned from those failures. That’s why he progressed so fast.
Another way to look at it… based on their lame version of Top Gun, I wouldn’t worry about China’s in this instance.
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In yet another “the entire world has lost its mind” moment. The federal government is posting rules based on Title IX that are explicitly at odds with both the text and spirit of Title IX. Demanding that schools allow boys to compete in girls sports if they prefer that identity is the exact opposite of requiring separate but equal athletic opportunity for girls.
I get why some people want this to happen. But what I don’t get is everyone else pretending like it isn’t absurd on the face of it to claim that Title IX as it exists requires this. You literally have to proclaim up is down in order to reach that conclusion.
Not to worry, in a couple of years, Title IX will be used to “punish” schools for not providing sports opportunities for real women. It will never be repealed.
*punish means the schools be “forced” to spend more money and expand their programs
Also, also.. the international community is moving past this. They are adopting rules that you cannot compete with women if you went through puberty as a male.
Other countries are going the other way on drugs and surgery for trans kids. They’ve seen the writing on the wall. This is another instance in which the corrupt US elites are clinging to their terrible policies and trying to force their will on everyone else, but other countries are tired of their shit. This is one of the only things I find encouraging these days.
I do not believe for one second that this is about forcing their will upon us… At least not directly.
The only point of this idiotic trend is to incite a reaction that they can vilify as hate.
That is why they have gone so extreme. When nobody freaked out about their standard gay rights stuff, they switched to Drag story time for kids, and then to drag shows for kids… And then transitioning kids…
The whole point is to get team R to line up on the other side so they can call them bigots and fascists. This only works if you have a lock on the media for your propaganda machine… Which explains the sudden elevation of Elon Musk to public enemy number one.
rules that you cannot compete with women if you went through puberty as a male.
Cut it off before the cutoff.
Also, also, also….. My middle school daughter competes in Track. The boys are mostly pre-pubescent. Even the smallest, farthest from puberty boy is faster than the fastest girl… even though many of the girls have already hit puberty and are significantly larger and more physically mature.
The latest in Men’s Health products
I will share this with my management at work as a means to get people, well guys at least, to come into work more frequently!
The only downside is that all the applicants for the janitorial crew are going to be really pervy. Just sit there staring at and licking their lips during the interview.
Damned downsides!
The pods are self-cleaning, or so I’ve heard.
10 of 10
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Derek Redmond’s post success is truly admirable. Sometimes losing is winning.
I find it daunting that so many people have not caught on to this dichotomy yet: if you trust and believe the media you are far more likely to find yourself believing in clear and easy to debunk falsehoods, but the people you find in that idiot bubble fight to stay uninformed and supposedly happy because of team…
“If you do not =read the papers, you are uniformed. If you do read the papers you are misinformed”
Are the uniforms snazzy?
This actually is but isn’t a typo. You’re uniformed = NPC.
Daily Quordle 438
Blossom Puzzle, April 7
Letters: D G I N L M O
My score: 228 points
My longest word: 8 letters
🌻 🏵 💮 🌼 🌹 🌸 💐 🌺
Play Blossom:
It didn’t want to accept a word that the dictionary recognized today. >.>
I managed to not see this game. It took me half a round to notice that you can play letters more than once. Pretty cool, but today’s letters are a hack. Blossom Puzzle, April 7
Letters: D G I N L M O
My score: 161 points
My longest word: 8 letters
🏵 🌺 🌻 🌹 💮 💐 🌸 🌼
Also, dildoing is a perfectly cromulent word.
Sorry, no E
BL did me in.
Daily Quordle 438
Blossom Puzzle, April 7
Letters: D G I N L M O
My score: 309 points
My longest word: 8 letters
🌷 🌸 🌻 🏵 🌹 💐 🌼 🌺
Play Blossom:
Happy ending.
Daily Quordle 438
Daily Sequence Quordle 438
I wonder if that is PO’d Nick that can be seen surfing here
I might be crazy, but I’m not THAT crazy.
When we were in grade school the boys would get together at recess and chant, ‘Extra, extra read all about it, all the girls are mentally retarded!’. You know. To bug them. Not a way to pick up Stefania I’ll tell you that.
Know how the girls responded? In-kind replacing ‘girls’ with boys.
They fought back. It was healthy. It was the 80s.
Imagine that happening today! How things have changed.
/nods head. Takes a sip of Bolthouse Farm uice.
What a bunch of nancyboys! You should have been playing smear the queer like real boys.
It wasn’t a thing back then!
That doesn’t even rhyme.
You have to have a Quebecoise accent.
It has a certain elegance and eloquence tho.
Lads I’ve just had a look at what Uber Eats has to offer in the States. Yanks may no longer trash British cuisine.
Thar’s yer problem.
Wait, he think’s that’s bad?
I would eat all of that, gladly. The Brits can keep the crappy bangers and mash. It does explain why Americans get fat.
Hey now… I love me some bangers and mash. Of course, I also like boxty.
I still have no explanation for mushy peas though.
Who *doesn’t* like booty?
Top response:
“Dude that’s just steak and eggs, does flavor trigger you guys that much? Go back to your nasty beans”
Those items look awesome!
Even the imitation crab. Sweetened Pollock sticks are delicious in your salad.
Yeah, that looks yummy. But I’d rather cook it up myself.
Relevant to how USian cuisine is superior:
Instead of biscuits, I always order hashbrowns with sausage gravy. The first person I ever saw do this was my dad. One restaurant he used to frequent even ended up putting it on their menu and it is still a big seller.
If you can find a restaurant that will make properly crisped hash browns, hold on to it like a national treasure.
When I was a kid, you never had to ask for them “nicely crisp” at a place like Waffle House or IHOP. I routinely get barely crisp on the outside, soggy hash browns even after asking for them crispy these days.
Same goes for bacon.
Never had sausage gravy until I got to Parris Island. I just put it over eggs, hash browns, whatever they’d give me – because I was literally starving. Still like it and will order it if we eat out for breakfast at a southern restaurant. Needs hot sauce of course.
That is priceless.
Also… It could easily have been filmed in Newy York or Philadelphia.
Also, also… Where do you go in England to find schools that are 85% black and mixed race boys?
And none of the students has a pork taboo apparently.
chopped ferret!
British insecurity about food might be their funniest quirk.
If anyone is interest in updates on Ukraine, I finally found a neutral source providing as accurate updates as I can find. Its called New World Economic War Reports. He uses a mixture of Western and Russia media and doesn’t confirm anything until the report has been geo-located.
The above is latest daily update of the front line positions. There was a pretty good video a couple weeks ago that made everything more clear. Russia has their elite forces spread into three main groups. 1 group is in Bakmut. The second group is in Avdevka, and the third is north of Bakhmut just sitting around waiting. Most everywhere else along the front is guarded by Donbas forces with mobile Russian infantry providing behind the lines support if the Ukranians break through the Donbas militia. That’s where Ukraine has been scoring their wins before the mobile infantry rushes to the hole.
Neutral maps aside now. That third unused group is telling that Russia hasn’t even been trying yet. Judge Nap had a few different guests on all saying Russia has purposefully left Bakhmut open to bait Ukraine into sending more conscripts. Strong evidence that this was intentional is that there are two main bridges that Urkaine has been using to resupply Bakmut that Russia has left untouched despite having easy access to destroying it. The kill rate has been ranging between 5-16 Ukrainians to 1 Russian (mostly prison conscripts given to Wagner), with the best average estimate of 8:1.
I doubt Ukraine will continue existing as a functioning country after this. They just don’t have any men left. It even sounds like Zelensky this week offered Poland part of Ukraine if Poland provided troops.
Didn’t they just announce Ukraine will join NATO? NATO is useless in this war.
I follow Eva Bartlett on Telegram.
NPR had a story about Top Secret Pentagon assessments of the war being posted on social media.
Interesting to me is the complete absence of raving hatred or demands that the leaker be tracked down and shot. I’m sure there’s a reason for that.
Excellent point.
The kill rate has been ranging between 5-16 Ukrainians to 1 Russian (mostly prison conscripts given to Wagner), – yes this is totally believable
I would not believe Russian sources. Those estimates have been supported by direct Ukrainian accounts in multiple interviews with deeply anti-Russian Western media. Russian artillery has been blowing up Ukrainian conscripts as fast as Kiev can abduct men off the streets at gunpoint and send to the front.
I would not believe any sources, even the US government.
Reporting here has been that Russians are dying by the tens of thousands. If the reports were true, Russia would be up over a hundred thousand dead.
I know that war reporting is always hazy, but this one seems to be exposing a deliberate laziness on the part of the press.
It’s absolutely deliberate. You have to hunt down obscure Youtube channels to even have a sense of where the front is. There is no breakdown on the evening news and local newspapers haven’t touched the war other than to say Trump Bad, Putin Bad, Biden Aviator Glasses good, Zelensky is a stud.
direct Ukrainian accounts in multiple interviews with deeply anti-Russian Western media – link?
Russian artillery has been blowing up Ukrainian conscripts – and vice versa.
Meanwhile in Ft Bragg (or whatever name they change just it to because Confederacy+icky) JSOC troops have just finished their 5th DEI training day for the year…….
Posting before 7AM isn’t working out for me
Why do I have the suspicion that we’ll be begging for the Chinese or Russians to invade us before all this runs its course?
I don’t know but you should reconsider your priorities
Or at least decide in our hubris that we should get in a land war in Asia only to find out that while we’ve been larping kulturekampf, Russia had been gaining shooting war experience
The YouTube channel looks legit, at least at first glance. Just skimming through the video thumbnails in date order provides a good overview of how the war has progressed.
The kill rate has been ranging between 5-16 Ukrainians to 1 Russian (mostly prison conscripts given to Wagner), with the best average estimate of 8:1.
This seems extremely unlikely, and is way out of line with estimates coming from many sources. Plus it makes no sense that a bunch of undersupplied prison conscripts would be managing that kind of kill ratio.
The Russians are basically sitting back and allowing the Ukrainians to throw themselves into the Russian artillery meatgrinder. And the Ukrainians are obliging.
The scenario where Bakhmut is a defensive-only meatgrinder seems highly improbably to me. The Ukes would only be feeding troops there if the Russians were putting significant pressure on it, and the likelihood that the Russians could be conducting offensive operations against prepared positions, scoring 5:1 casualties, and not advancing and taking the town seems, well, fantastical. Maintaining an exquisite balance between just enough pressure with untrained conscripts to keep the Ukes reinforcing and taking horrific losses, and not making appreciably progress on the ground, I dunno. To this amateur armchair observer, just . . . Not buying it.
We know, verified, that the Russians have taken very heavy equipment losses (geo-located photos and videos), that the Russians lost their initial offensive on Kiev, gave up much of the ground they took in the north, and have been unable to break what seems a stalemate at this point. That doesn’t sound like the Russians are slaughtering Ukrainians wholesale with light Russian losses to me.
Given the colossal corruption and thus waste or theft of much of their military resources, I don’t see the Ukes throwing the Russians out or even being able to maintain the stalemate indefinitely. But the notion that the Russians are wiping the floor with the Ukes just doesn’t pencil out.
It’s a cool channel. The guy is very skeptical of both Russian and Western sources. It’s kind of funny to hear him say the ISW has overestimated Russian gains. Didn’t see that one coming. Not perfect by a longshot, but I’ll take skeptical.
Plus it makes no sense that a bunch of undersupplied prison conscripts would be managing that kind of kill ratio.
Definitely, didn’t mean to give that impression. The Russian prison conscripts are being used as sacrificial bait in small groups to reveal Ukrainian positions. The conscripts are mostly killed and then the actual Russian military uses UAV guided artillery to kill the Ukrainians. It’s not honorable combat, but appears quite effective.
US to Ukraine: “You fucked up. You trusted us.”
The normal ass butter on the steak is doing me in, dude get some herb butter
Salt, pepper, maybe butter. That’s all you need for a good steak. Herb butter is fine, but requiring it is rather, erm, effete.
Garlic butter/herb butter is for filets only.
First thought, that is a shit ton of eggs. Also I would eat that. Looks like a breakfast? So herb butter is optional. I always have breakfasts bland.
Cook the eggs, and move out of that city.
Cities are bad for you.
Dude clearly does not know how to cook an egg.
Also… That steak looks sus. Looks like he may have managed to take it past well done, then left it to get cold.
I’m not even sure what cut that’s supposed to be, it looks like it’s got more fat than meat on it.
overcooked eggs are indeed cringe
I am OK with the way the eggs are cooked. But that requires some bread to sop it up, otherwise you have a plate full of goo.
Pro tip… If you like sunny side up with runny yolks, use a lid to steam the tops of the whites. It allows you to get the top of the whites fully cooked without burning the bottom and wrecking the bottom half of your yolk.
As long as we are at it… Cook two eggs this way, toast a nice soft bagel, out the eggs on the bagel, sandwich style…… And season with Everything Bagel Seasoning. Bacon and cheese optional.
So good. Go-to breakfast sandwich for me and the kids.
Warning.. not good for the car. Needs a plate for runny yolk.
I also use a top on my skillet to steam the yolks and avoid overcooking the whites. Do you just rely on non-stick surfaces, or do you spray with oil before adding eggs?
I only use cow butter. Never tried Jenny butter.
I he meant ass butter in the “Last Tango In Paris” sense.
A good compound butter is pretty darn awesome on a NY strip. With a mortar and pestle mash up butter, garlic, anchovy paste, and parsley. As soon as steak comes off the cast iron spread on top generously and let melt in. It really brings the steak to next level. It’s better on less fatty pieces, I don’t ever do that with ribeyes for example. Anchovy paste is incredibly useful in the kitchen, I go through a dozen tubes of it a year.
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody
Instructor: the procedures are dummy proof
Me: but are they smart proof? *Procede to highlight how bad the procedure is and isn’t at all dummy proof and breaks the system*
Build a fool proof system and they will instantly build a better fool.
“We never expected people to use it that way.”
The procedure specifically says be on rack A. So I did all my work on rack A and left it. They asked why didn’t you do rack B. I said you dummy proofed it too much by forgetting to say move to rack B and duplicate the procedure.
Further they said “a trained tech will know to go to rack B”….but that’s not what your procedures say. So either you are training procedure monkeys or technicians but not both. I knew I needed to do the work on B also, but this is what you are putting out in the field.
“Terrified swimming champion Riley Gaines is ambushed by screaming trans activists and ‘hit twice by guy in a dress’ after Saving Women’s Sports speech at San Francisco State University”
Calm rational conversation is illegal in California.
I’m curious at all these events, what is the ratio of actual “trans” claimants versus “allies”? I bet about 1 in 10 at most. And those 9 are antifa who don’t give two shits about “trans” issues but care very much about sowing chaos and “smashing the system”.
Also, “non-binary” calling themselves trans.
I’m willing to call anyone who is using violence and intimidation to push the radical trans agenda a “trans activist”, regardless of whether they are personally cross-dressing, taking hormones, or having body parts cut off. Most “civil rights activists” in the ‘50s and ‘60s were white people, after all.
So was most of BLM. It’s just a language problem. You wouldn’t call them “black activists”.
Fair point. How should we refer to the people using violence and intimidation to push the radical trans agenda? I mean, in fewer words than that.
Trans Rights Activists, or TRA’s
The ratio of vicious, bloodthirsty imbeciles to participants in these riots is 1:1.
This is the logical result of whipping the mentally ill into a frenzy of fear.
Wherein their fevered minds, denying them total dominion over others becomes a threat to their existence.
This is going to escalate further until the reactionary backlash breaks through social conventions and then it’s really going to get ugly. An actual government of the people with society’s best interests at heart would be looking to calm things down, that is decidedly not what we have.
Judging by President “Never Met a Situation He Didn’t Escalate” Biden, I’d agree with you.
Yup. The Dems seem to want it to happen.
The crazed chant of “trans women ARE women” is the root of a lot of the nonsense.
They have taken a slogan and reoriented an entire movement around it. The natural result was to push “accept these people with respect and allow them to live as the wish without harassment” off the table and replace it with “that 6’4″ dude is *literally* a woman in every way, completely indistinguishable from any other woman.”
So now we have the absurdity of “people who menstruate” to differentiate actual women, and 40 year old Olympic weightlifters transitioning to become women and competing with the women. And only a bigot could possibly have an objection.
I saw Caitlin Jenner giving a spirited defense of women’s sports the other day. He should be in the perfect position to speak with authority on this. Unfortunately, nobody is going to allow the debate to happen.
It’s two retards fighting. The left goes to far, so the right goes to far, and so on… One side denies biology, the other denies gender.
Almost all of the pro-trans groups (eg. Human Rights Campaign, Trevor Project) were gay and lesbian groups that moved on to trans stuff.
One side is denying objective reality (biology), and the other is denying that subjective self-perception (gender) trumps objective reality. I really don’t think they are equivalent.
Gender isn’t subjective self-perception, and while their are plenty of kooks out there, most trans people don’t deny biology.
“Gender isn’t subjective self-perception”
The idea that you are whatever gender you think you are, is, and that is the foundation of transism. Look at any definition of “gender identity”, and that’s what it says.
I’m really out of patience with playing the game of parsing the nuances of their ever-shifting ideology and language.
How dare this bitch deny them their right to force others to accept the delusion they live in because of their mental disorder or suffer consequences, huh?
In Sodom, refusing to bear false witness is a crime.
Wasn’t the “Leroy has 7 hoes in his stable, if each hoe turns out 8 tricks a day at $20 a trick, how many mad duckets does Leroy get at the end of the day” test available?
The love of a pimp is very different than that of a square..
I can’t believe I’ve lived long enough to watch the full reproductive cycle of an iPod nano
Outrageous slander
NPR also covers the news free of any government influence — something that should mean it does not receive state-affiliated labeling, according to Twitter’s own rules.
Musk’s comments to NPR over the past two days only further clouded what was already a confusing situation.
But it’s not the first time chaos was the norm on the social media site.
Since Musk took over the platform in October, Twitter has at times taken a hostile stance toward the national press. Musk’s row with NPR is just the latest instance of the Twitter CEO’s increasingly confrontational stance toward the mainstream media, which often covers Musk and his companies critically.
NPR’s dogged efforts to expose government wrongdoing and incompetence are well known to everyone.
When government steps in and not only defends it, but praises it, I consider it State affiliated.
That was the best tweet ever. Was that Matt Taibbi? “,When you are claiming that you are not state affiliated media, having the White House press secretary come out to defend your journalism is an odd strategy”
He should just reply “Twitter is a private company” and let the NPR-stans reeeeeeeee impotently.
OFFS! Pull the other one.
The best part of their defense is that they cite a Twitter policy on stare-affiliated media. It had an exception for NPR which was removed.
Well, that competes with the claim “less than one percent of NPR funding comes from federal sources. (They leave out that maybe half or more comes indirectly from federal sources via CPB member stations).
“Model sues former Miramax exec for ‘raping her as a teen’ after luring her to NYC hotel suite on false promise of meeting Harvey Weinstein”
Because she got raped by the wrong guy?
Miramax? I thought they only did classy pictures, like “The Piano” and “The Crying Game”.
Once they did She’s All that it was all down hill.
on a serious note what evidence is there after 22 years?
It’s feminist archeology.
I am confounded by stories like this because I always assume any pretty women in movies, especially when their acting sucks, got the role because of their couch interviewing skills. So all they do later is change their mind and then it is rape? Sharon Stone pointed out that you have the right to say fuck no to these people but that you then have to be a big girl and accept you are out of work.
The proclivities of the industry have been on full display for decades. Hell, didn’t Shirley Temple tell a story about some big wig whipping his junk out in front of her when she was 12 or 13?
The scumbags deserve to have their names dragged through the mud, but you have to be a particular kind of naive if you think the auditioning process for Hollywood is any different than the porn industry.
Politically incorrect version… How do you differentiate between a director or producer holding out career opportunities as a lure for sex from hot young actresses taking advantage of lonely older men for career advancement?
Mira Sorvino told them no.
Who’s Mira Sorvino?
Sounds like a groupie that fucked a roadie hoping to “meet” the band and never got to meet the guitarist.
“‘Ben is now Benito!’ Ben Affleck wows fans by speaking fluent Spanish during interview – as followers quip star’s grasp of language is ‘better than his acting'”
So better than his wife’s?
Ay caramba, puto…
I gotta say, 2nd Time J-Lo has whipped him into shape. He looks as good as he has in years.
Nice deep dive on those songs. Takes me back to a very good time in my life (though at the time I didn’t realize it).
In response to upthread re Taylor Lorenz: yes, it is real and not a joke. Someone at Reason thought having her on a free speech confab was a good idea regardless of what her position was (I admittedly haven’t watched it):
Lorenz has been against a Tik Tok ban for a long time. Not because she is for free speech. It’s because she often writes about Tik Tokkers.
Yep. She’s on Tik Tok herself. It’s purely self interest.
Taylor Lorenz – did they at least give the poor girl an avocado toast?
Skip the avocado toast and give her a diuretic. She’s looking a bit puffy.
Why are you body shaming that poor, post-menopausal woman?
^Lookie the cis-ageist over here.
reference for those who dont know
Ok, I gave it 5 minutes. Nick treats her as a legitimate subject matter expert on TikTok, their governance, and their role in kids lives.
They lampoon congressional questioning (which was indeed stupid as all get-out).
But I object to pretending that a serial fabulist and partisan activist is an actual objective journalist with actual expertise.
Anyways they bored me enough to fail to overcome my revulsion at the subject matter expert, so I bailed after about 5 minutes. (Which may have been 2.5-3 minutes in reality)
“A transgender teen is in custody after authorities say they recovered a manifesto detailing her plan to attack three schools and churches in Colorado just four days after Audrey Hale murdered six people at the Covenant School in Nashville.
William Whitworth, 19, who goes by the name Lilly and is referred to with female pronouns in arrest documents, was arrested on March 31. She was a student in the school district that she planned to attack between 2014 and 2016, authorities say.
In a manifesto that was recovered in her home, Whitworth called Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold ‘losers,’ said that Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza was ‘smart’ and that ex-President Donald Trump was a ‘con man.’ She was also in possession of The Communist Manifesto.
The suspect is charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, criminal mischief, menacing and interference with staff, faculty or students of educational institutions.”
“She also called far-right YouTuber Lauren Southern ‘pathetic,’ and left wing vlogger Vaush a ‘terrorist.’ Whitworth also called serial killer Israel Keyes a ‘degenerate’ and made disparaging remarks about police.”
IOW, bog standard insane person.
Maybe she’s jealous Vaush grew bigger boobs?
Vaush does have nice tits, I’ll give him that.
It’s “he.” Respecting the fevered wishes of a wannabe mass murderer is beyond the pale.
Every mass shooting is a copycat, egged on by the media. And here is more proof.
Spree killings are a media-driven contagion. We know this.
Doublestack single action 9mm: Springfield?
This is more expensive than I had wanted to go, but the wife says “spend your money while you can.” So that’s nice.
I hinted at this before, but reviews are mixed. It is possible that reliability is dependent on the barrel/slide length, but that hasn’t been confirmed.
To expound upon !Adhan’s comment – the idea of a doublestack 9mm 1911 is a sound one. I have six different doublestack 1911s in 9mm and .40S&W, and every one of them runs like a sewing machine. The Prodigy might not be the best expression of the concept, is all.
If you don’t want to throw down three grand on a Staccato, you might check out the Bul Armory SAS II 5″, which has a pretty good reputation among the gun gaymers.
I have six different doublestack – you should be on a government list or something
Rest assured that he probably is.
As are you.
I do not think the current Romanian government is competent enough to keep a proper list
DC is keeping it for them. They’re really good at it.
Hottest Men Under 2,000
I take a certain amount of pride in the idea that when The Man comes for me, they’re gonna roll out the drone strikes straightaway.
I liked thinking of my home as the BearCat house. I’m going to have to aspire to drone strike.
Thanks. I think Bul was mentioned the first time I asked this question, never heard of them prior.
, but the wife says “spend your money while you can.” – I recommend throwing in an escort or two in the mix
Woah woah woah the wife has a strict “shoot first ask questions never” policy on infidelity.
it’s not cheating if you pay for it
I had an acquaintance’s (now ex-)husband try to use that excuse when he got popped for solicitation.
It did not go over well.
Sig P226 SAO.
Now I’m looking at a higher price point, the 226 SAO is an option. The local claims* to have a Prodigy and a 226 SAO on hand. Might go do some browsing this weekend.
*according to their website
Priced right too.
I was late to the party yesterday, but the HK VP90 is a very solid double-stack 9mm. Mrs. Dean loves hers, and if I were to get a full-size 9mm, that’s what I would get.
When reporters reach out for official comment from the company on news stories, Twitter’s communications department replies with a poop emoji.
But the label given to NPR was no laughing matter to free press watchers who viewed it as “a dangerous move that could further undermine public confidence in reliable news sources,” the literary organization PEN America said in a statement.
John Lansing, NPR’s president and chief executive, said in a statement that he was “disturbed” that Twitter has flagged the network as a state-affiliated news organization. “It is unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way,” Lansing said in a statement.
Maybe you should file a complaint with the FCC. That’ll prove your independence from government influence.
But we have editorial independence.
Sure you do buddy, sure you do…
I’m sure that the CCTV and RT think they do as well.
Woman bullied for ‘looking like squirrel’ has $200,000 op to replace jaw with STOMACH fat
This is really a lot more interesting a story than the headline reveals.
It really is. That seems like a good use of cosmetic surgery.
Looks much better.
No doubt, sometimes surgery is appropriate…poor girl had basically no chin.
Sounds like she had a lot of physical problems with her jaw. I’m glad it worked out for her.
I still get flack for having said that our grand-niece had chipmunk cheeks when she was a baby. (Don’t most babies have chipmunk cheeks?) She is 14 now and looks fine.
That’s practically a daily ray of sunshine article.
I wonder if she’s ready to give a BJ now.
Good morning, Sloop!
Reading those lynx, I’m a little embarrassed that Jesus died for our sins.
Both great songs, but Imma give 40 the, ahem, edge. Another band who should have hung it up after their first few albums.
Satan Releases Statement Declaring Victory Over Jesus
Well, ah, shit…,. I’d been kinda hopin for the other guy. (sighs) Ah well…https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sympathy+for+the+devil
I fuckin’ hate politics, And well learned politesse. Dammit.
Reading those lynx, I’m a little embarrassed that Jesus died for our sins.
Great and relevant video if you have half an hour to listen:
Looks terrific. Thank you!
RE: Trends from the links
Destroying Bibles seems to a theme that keep cropping up at these protests
Targeting churches also seems to have been the prerogative for a couple trans mass shooters (or would be)
Just an observation.
The Ukrainian government is at this moment destroying churches.
It’s among the first pages of the commie totalitarian playbook.
I know you like Daryl Cooper…..if you haven’t listened to his “The Anti-Humans” episode yet you owe it to yourself. It’s particularly apropos this weekend.
I listened to it. Very difficult but so important.
Definitely my favorite podcast.
Any church, or focused on Russian Orthodox?
Russian Orthodox
Yes, it’s a good thing that Christians are more forgiving than some other religions.
We need a new militant order to defend the faithful. Universal martyrdom causes problems for the future.
Until they aren’t.
Nobody expects the Hispanic Inquisition!
Think of it as the woke version of the Toltec Wars…
You mean their hatred for whiteness, cisness, monogamy, and masculinity was really just a thinly veiled hatred of Christ and the decaying remnants of Christendom all along? Nobody could have seen this coming!
Seriously though, covid has really been the litmus test on whether a particular preacher or movement is awake to the reality of our culture. Those who unthinkingly bent the knee have lost their credibility.
I think that it goes even a step farther than that – their hatred for Christianity, et al, is a stalking horse for their hatred of being judged.
They want to be applauded for how horrible they are. It’s like a cultural rejection of the golden rule…
They never got past the moral development stage of your average middle schooler.
I don’t really see them going after Muslims and Jews for the same thing, but it’s entirely possible that it’s just not making the rounds when they do so.
The Muslims and Jews just haven’t made it to the top of the intersectional crab bucket yet.
I was pretty disillusioned by the willingness of many churches to accept wokeism before covid even showed up. The response to the government boot was even worse.
I think it’s interesting how few were willing to go to jail. Right now there are Orthodox priests who are facing no shit martyrdom. Pretty sad, but this may wake up the sleepy and milquetoast Christians.
There are pockets of people in various churches looking around going “you’re seeing this too, aren’t you?” However, the vast majority of congregants still seem to be “third way” types, unwilling to engage in anything beyond a half-hearted nod in the direction of personal piety.
Other people are noticing too. Many of the insane evil people in charge these days seem demonic.
“[Humphry Davy] organized his own laboratory, sampled diverse gases by inhaling them, persuaded Coleridge & Southey to join his inhaling squad, & almost killed himself by breathing water gas, a powerful poison.
[At 22] he published an account of his experiments[…]” —Will Durant
water gas?
Bong water gas?
water gas. noun. : a poisonous flammable gaseous mixture that consists chiefly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, that is usually made by blowing air and then steam over red-hot coke or coal, and that is used as a fuel.
There is reportedly a huge pay gap between the actors in HBO’ “The Last of Us”.
According to Variety, Pedro Pascal received $600,000 per episode, while Bella Ramsey received $70,000, despite both being the protagonists of the series.
poor girl how can a teen get by on a mill a year
You want to know the reason?
People have heard of Pedro. He’s been acting for longer. I can’t speak for his aptitude, since I don’t recall having seen anything he was in, but you would hope the more experienced employee has honed their key skills more. They’re both paid way too much.
Either way, as actors, they’re lower than prostitutes. Prostitutes are at least in an honest profession.
I dunno. In my line of work, engineering, it is rare that 48 year olds are payed better than 19 year olds. But I see how movies are different.
I’m struggling with the concept of a 19 year old engineer, much less one who gets paid as much as an engineer with 25 years of experience.
Well, the job title might be Engineer, but really, their responsibilities are being the other person in a relationship with an upper manager.
I would also see that as we need Pedro to focus here and keep other productions away while we film….her? She should be grateful she got the part and if needed to swap out in-between seasons is not going to break anything.
End the season with the choice you’re not allowed to make in the game.
Have the next season be Joel confronting the moral and emotional cost of the cure.
The people making the stupid pay gap argument know damned well that there are always reasons other than the one they peddle that account for any discrepancies, but if you don’t make it about gender, race, or sexual orientation, people will just dismiss you for wanting more than you are worth.
And Tom Cruise got paid a lot more for “Top Gun: Maverick” than Jennifer Connelly.
Sexism is the only possible explanation.
Who was the first actor to be paid $1m for a role?
Marlon Brando for mutiny on the Bounty 1963
Elizabeth Taylor the following year 1964 for Cleopatra
Shades of Post-Soviet Russia in the 90’s
Will Russia honor the bill of sale?
Casual reminder that Wings of Honneamise is so beautiful that you can pause it at any random point and frame whatever image is on screen.
I saw that in my pirating anime of bittorrent days in university
I’m trying to figure out if I ever saw that one.
I do recall having watched an exceedingly boring one about pilots where the art was all it had going for it, but my recollection of the art style doesn’t match those screenshots.
Will a generation of girls regret making potentially irreversible changes to their eyebrows?
More than say getting a dick of their very own?
Vince McMahon is a great American survivor
You might think that as Vince McMahon, veteran boss of World Wrestling Entertainment, returned to public life after a brief period in exile following allegations of sexual misconduct and hush-money agreements, he would want to present a sober and serious image. Not a bit of it. The seventy-seven-year-old emerged to announce the sale of WWE to Endeavor Group Holdings with blackened hair and a pencil mustache — resembling Dick Dastardly on a shit ton of steroids.
Apocalypse porn
Trump could lose the election again. If that happens, he won’t go quietly. Nor will his supporters, who could revert to violence. A survey conducted for CNN last month showed that 63 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents still believe that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win enough votes to win the presidency. A study by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund found that, over the 18-month period from January 2020 through June 2021, there were 560 events where demonstrators brandished firearms, with violence erupting 16 percent of the time. The authors find that armed demonstrations are nearly six times as likely to turn violent than unarmed ones, and that the majority of armed demonstrations are driven by far-right mobilization and reactions to liberal and progressive activity.
If we don’t ship You Know Who off to the gulag, America is doomed.
“Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund”
Totes not biased, legit source.
The second option is that Trump wins the election, either legitimately or with the aid of Republican state legislatures’ caving to pressure to cancel popular votes for the Democratic candidate. GOP members of Congress could also refuse to gavel in a Democratic winner in January 2025, and successfully halt the vote count. Assuming he manages to take office, a second Trump presidency is a terrifying prospect. Just this week, Trump argued for defunding the Justice Department and the FBI, and he has previously planned to empty the national security and intelligence apparatuses and the State Department and replace staff with loyalists — a plan reported back in July. In 2019, Trump tweeted that his supporters could “demand” that he not leave office after two terms.
If any of that happens, America will no longer be a democracy. One way to prevent these outcomes is a criminal conviction for Trump, which will make it much harder for voters to support him and for GOP allies in Congress to continue their unabashed support. For now, we best not avert our gaze from the possible dangers ahead.
DOOM awaits.
“Trump argued for defunding the Justice Department and the FBI”
Still a little surprising to me how quickly progressives flipped on these kinds of issues.
“That’s our job.”
Isolated incident
Authorities are investigating the shooting of a man killed by police at his northwestern New Mexico home after they arrived at the wrong address, police said.
Robert Dotson, 52, was killed Wednesday night by officers with the Farmington Police Department after they received a call reporting a domestic violence incident around 11:30 p.m. and went to his house instead of the one across the street, according to local and state police.
“I am just heartbroken. … Mr. Dotson was not the subject of this call,” Farmington Police Chief Steve Hebbe said during a Thursday video statement posted on Facebook. “This ending is just unbelievably tragic. I’m extremely sorry that we’re in this position.”
Upon arriving to the neighborhood in Farmington, which is about 150 miles northwest of Albuquerque, officers “mistakenly approached 5305 Valley View Avenue instead of 5308 Valley View Avenue,” New Mexico State Police said in a statement Thursday.
After no one answered their knocks on the door, police officers asked the dispatch to call the person who reported the incident and ask them to come to the front door.
At some point, Dotson opened the door of his home while armed with a handgun and at least one officer shot at least one round from their gun, striking and killing Dotson at the scene, according to state police citing body camera footage.
Armed with a handgun, Dotson’s wife exchanged gunfire with officers, but she was not injured, authorities said.
Sounds like a bad neighborhood. Good shoot.
In a just world the cop would be charged with manslaughter.
“I am just heartbroken. … Mr. Dotson was not the subject of this call,” Farmington Police Chief Steve Hebbe said…
I’m sure. Maybe you should get together with Mrs. Dotson and share your pain, you useless piece of shit.
Reading between the lines, it doesn’t say Mr. Dotson fired a shot. Which would mean the cops did their “see gun, mag dump” routine. Again. Regardless of whether the victim presented what a reasonable person would consider an imminent threat.
I have answered my door at 3 am with a gun in my hand. In fact, unless I was expecting someone to show up at 3 am, I will always answer it at that hour with a gun in my hand. Although if someone is banging on my door at 3 am, I am more likely to take the side door and flank them than I am to open the front door.
For anyone who still cares about what Disney plans to do with the corpse of Star Wars, they are going to prop it up and make the first post-sequel trilogy movies about…Rey Skywalker. Rebuilding the Jedi order. Everyone’s favorite piece of cardboard is back, people!
Thank God I gave up on the franchise after the first prequel.
It will be written by a guy who wrote for Peaky Blinders, but most importantly…will be helmed by the first female of color in Star Wars directorial history Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy! Yes, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy from…Miss Marvel. That hit show that no one watched. Before that, she directed some documentaries.
This thing has success written all over it.
Until they replace Kathleen Kennedy with a competent executive without a political agenda, it will only get worse.
It’s dead. They poisoned the well of dedicated Star Wars fans. Most of them just don’t give a shit anymore.
Like Disney, I already own what I like. I ignore everything new.
Isn’t her last name Palpatine? Quite the metaphor for skinsuiting.
We took the kids to the travelling show of Wicked last night. It was absolutely amazing. The wife and I saw it the first travelling season and loved it. This version is an upgrade pretty much everywhere. The staging is amazing. The lighting is great. The performers are stunningly talented. I think the performers may be better singers at every single position, even as compared to the original cast. Or at least have better voices.
I was loathe to spend the money (this stuff ain’t cheap by any stretch.. but when you have to multiply by a whole family plus an in-law…). But it was well worth it, especially getting to watch my 10 year old daughter absolutely freak out over the entire experience. We listened to the soundtrack together at bedtime every night since Christmas to prepare for the show, so she was absolutely bonkers by the time the orchestra began playing.
For those who don’t have kids yet… This is what it is all about. I haven’t been as excited as she was in decades, so getting to live vicariously through her eyes was great fun.
Wonderful! I took my daughter to her first concert (the dreadful Fall Out Boy) many years ago and still look at the pictures of her smiles during the show.
Good times.
I tell people that there is little more satisfying than walking in the door and hearing “Hi Dad!”
“Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”
That is just great. That time together is worth more than whatever stuff you could have bought with them money.
New and improved
On Thursday, the IRS released its Strategic Operating Plan for the next decade, which details how it will use Democrats’ $80 billion investment in the agency from the Inflation Reduction Act.
The plan outlines five core areas in which the IRS will dedicate the new funding, including improved customer service, digitizing the tax return process, and hiring a new workforce that is better equipped to handle taxpayers’ needs. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement that the plan “shows how the IRS will continue this transformation by providing world-class service, upgrading decades-old technology, and reducing the tax gap by ensuring high earners play by the same rules as working and middle-class families.”
Her latter point on cracking down on high earners is key in the IRS’ plan. According to the press release, audits of the wealthy and large corporations have “plummeted” over the past decade due to the agency’s lack of resources, and tax evasion in the top 1% surged to $160 billion per year.
And all those Etsy and Ebay billionaires are finally going to pay their fair share.
Do they really believe their own bullshit?
I know when I think IRS, I immediately think customer service and how they are so good at meeting taxpayer needs.
Defund the IRS.
“It takes up to 50 times longer for top talent to audit wealthy individuals and their related entities than to complete simple audits—up to 250 hours rather than five hours on average,” the press release said. “Corporate audits similarly average hundreds of hours over two to four years. The IRS needs top talent to do this complex and time-consuming work.”
That’s why $41.7 billion of the $80 billion investment is dedicated to stricter enforcement actions for high earners and large corporations. Daniel Werfel, the IRS commissioner, wrote in a letter accompanying the plan that the agency will focus “enforcement resources on hiring the accountants, attorneys, and data scientists needed to pursue high-income and high-wealth individuals, complex partnerships, and large corporations that are not paying the taxes they owe.”
According to the plan, households and businesses making under $400,000 will not see audit levels increase “relative to historic levels,” but the IRS will improve its usage of data analytics and technology to identify individuals and businesses that are not complying with the tax code.
Prove your innocence, comrade.
“Drag Company ‘Drag Syndrome’ features vulnerable people with Down Syndrome dressed in drag, paraded around on stages and made to perform at LGBT bars across the world- making huge profits for the company exploiting these vulnerable people.”
“These vulnerable people with Down Syndrome are part of a UK Drag Company that dresses them as Drag Queens and parades them on stages in LGBT nightclubs across the world 🌍
This is pure EXPLOITATION. ❌
These people are being exploited for profit and to push the Trans Agenda!”
Why not as long as we can keep dwarf tossing.
“Our analysis provides clear evidence for the existence of ideological bias as well as of authority bias among economists.”
who’d ev thunk it
Meta-analysis: People who feel good about their looks are more likely to take and post selfies, but in others, selfie taking rattles aesthetic self-esteem.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Why Certain Medical Experts Were Silenced During the COVID Pandemic
“I’m not interested in medical pedigree. I’m interested in medical consensus and scientific consensus…The individual scientist does not matter.”
what a piece of shit.
I think he completely fails to understand the complete scientific process. I know for certain he completely fails to understand the democratic process and the importance of free speech in making it a reality.
-1 Galileo
Wow, just wow… what an asshole.
Germ theory, evolution, relativity… these were all revolutionary developments that were not in line with “consensus”.
He’s really not even wrong because he fails to grasp the actual conflict of consensus versus active debate. It’s not pedigree versus consensus.
Again, CWAA
40 yrs ahead of their time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-zItRFUywI