This is what participating Glibs see the morning after a Zoom.
Ooooooh, it’s some fine movie watchin’ we have tonight! Ron Perlman! Angus Scrimm! Dominic Monahan! Larry Fessenden! And about twenty other excellent actors have all come together to tell an excellent take of grave robbing, zombies and creepy Irish gangs.
So who pulled this off? It was Glenn McQuaid, who both wrote and directed this. It was his first non-short film, and I think he pulled off a real winner. This is a stellar film, which I have in my personal collection. Since making I Sell the Dead, he has had segments of movies, such as a piece on V/H/S, but he has not been given the opportunity to write/direct a feature film again. Hopefully that will change. I Sell the Dead proves he definitely has the stuff to be a legend in the industry, should he get financing again. I think part of the problem is he couldn’t get a good release for the film. It opened in two – yes two theaters to a total of $8,050 during the run. Ouch. Where were these theaters? In the tundra of Alaska? Jeez. Anchor Bay picked this film up and it got a second life on DVD. Now, years later we also get to see it on streaming. Overdue, in my opinion.
Our story involves grave robbers who discover it is more profitable to go after the rare specimens – vampires, zombies and such. That is all I will tell you. This is wonderfully written and directed. Every actor is a gem in this. And I am glad to get to show it to you all. I can only assume very few people knew about this one during its theater run and release on Anchor Bay. Just nerds, like me.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until somebody digs up your corpse for parts! Next week, we watch a classic inspired by Kentucky Fried Movie: Tunnel Vision!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
*Hits gin martini
*hits vodka*
I’m hooked into the Classic Who Channel for the evening but I’ll try to check this out sometime.
Where is the Classic Who Channel?
Yep. Also other streaming services. If you have a Roku TV, it has it. Oddly, with a different schedule.
My understanding was that the Pluto channels are exclusive to Pluto, i.e. not real channels.
I frequent the MST3K and Rifftrax channels plenty.
(vodka martinis are stupid)
Meh, orange bitters, garlic stuffed olives and brine, dry vermouth, and vodka makes a perfectly cromulent drink.
I do Vodka martinis with damn near only vodka most of the time. I got some nice gin so I am enjoying the piney scent. Work has been absolute shit, so I am pretending it is Friday.
Looks good. I have Hendrick’s tonight. Very strong scent.
Boodles is my go-to gin. Cheap but good, and with a non-citrus flavor profile (since the distillers assume you’re putting a lemon or lime in the drink)
“(since the distillers assume you’re putting a lemon or lime in the drink)”
Not really. Boodles, Bombay, Hendricks, etc. are martini gin. Apothecary. Complicated.
Citrus is highball gin. Beefeater – grapefruit, Gordons – orange, Tanqueray – lime.
Eh. You like your things your way, and I like my things my way. I like Boodles for a G&T with a lime.
#metoo even though I have to work tomorrow but the company just had two (((days))) off and I expect about 90% of the people not named rhywun were clever enough to take tomorrow off too.
I am with you my brother. I host a two hour team meeting tomorrow where we discuss a project going sideways along with the other 18 projects slowly plodding forward. Fridays are not fun.
Ah, the Churchill version only he used gin. Diluted with melted ice beats dry vermouth any day.
Hendricks is some strong, piney smelling shit. It needs vermouth. For me at least. I could see soaking some blueberries in it and having it over ice. But Rambo dry? No thanks.
Gin is just flavored vodka.
Gin is aged though.
*sips Be Free with skull ice cube*
Looks interesting. I’ll watch tomorrow. I have stuff to do tonight. Thanks RJ!
You are welcome, and missed. This is a great film.
Opening titles/sequence is too long.
Calm your tits.
Tits are calmed.
It’s official. I was lighting my cigar with a jet torch and I lit the bill of my baseball cap on fire. My only regret is that this didn’t happen on Zoom.
Damn shame is what it is
Totally. I will repeat tonight on the morrow unless the child wants to see Super Mario. So hope springs eternal.
I don’t know that the freeze into drawings ala Wild Wild West is working here but I’m hooked on the story.
It’s good. Have trust! Fantastic story.
Good one R.J. Thanks.
It’s good you calmed your tits.
This kind of mendacious gibberish makes me think we’re seeing the bubble burst in real time.
Yes. But how many licks will it take to get to the bottom of this tootsie pop? Three years? A decade? It will end very soon with this type of crap.
I think we’ll be surprised at how long FedGov can prop up the creaking system as it slowly swirls down the drain.
That’s some bullshit. Indian immigrants hardest hit.
Chinese immigrants say “welcome to the club”.
This is one of those rare instances where “Asian” comes close to applying applies. Students from Russia, Uzbekistan, the Orient, and India are generally diligent but don’t come from wealthy families.
I was diligent and did not come from a wealthy family either. And yes, I saw more “diverse” students get full rides and shit and that was back in 1988. Nowadays kids like me will just be told to fuck off.
Or even more infuriating, might not be told that you qualify for a scholarship, like that ridiculous high school in Virginia that decided not to tell students they’d qualified as National Marit Semifinalists and needed to take a few more steps to compete for full ride scholarships.
The key part about the National Merit Scholarship program is that it is administered by the National Merit Scholarship CORPORATION. Key word.
They need to quit relying on the school principals and counselors to convey the info to the students in light of this travesty in VA and other woke schools.
Maybe I should invoke my NMS alumnus and donor status to write letters and encourage them to bypass the damned school administrators.
The tradition of going through the schools was that it was considered an honor and schools liked to brag about their scholars and make the announcement a happy occasion. Now that is verboten, so fuck the schools.
I got into an Ivy league and declined when I learned that poor kids like me – ahem – got their aid cut after year 1 or 2.
That’s my major “what if” in life. I guess I made the right choice, but… who knows.
When I was in California, I had a 3.7 grade average. That was not food enough to get a creature with green skin into college without a hardship. Honestly I consider it a blessing. I walked away and made my own path. And I returned to Texas. Which is much better than California.
Let’s see — high shool valedictorian? Goood, 1590 SAT score? Excellent. What’s this? Oh, I’m sorry, we’re already full up with Asians
SCOTUS has a chance to put a stop to this shit. Will they take it?
IQ correlates with wealth, news at 11?
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Welcome! Next week is a stoner special. Glad to have it.
30 min rule has passed…..
To those who would consider themselves “Black Pilled” ( like me)
Is there any govt. study that you have confidence in?
That thought rattled in my brain today, and I don’t like the answer.
I stopped having trust in the 1980s. And there is no 30 minute rule on Thursdays.
The 30 minute rule is fascism.
Honestly, no. I’m no scientist, but it seems like academic research is also thoroughly corrupted.
Yes. Leaded gasoline is dangerous and breathing in fiberglass increases your risk of cancer.
The thing is, the scientists who put out the leaded gas theory grew up under leaded gas, but if they were correct are they really smart enough to have figured it out?
I think most USGS geologic reports from before 3010-2015 are still reliable. I wouldn’t touch a report that deals with climate in any way.
Geologists are trained to think in deep time. I have met very few who put merit into any of the climate change claptrap.
Ron Perlman is a seconder of epic proportions. And naturally he looks like he could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
Very true.
You are correct, sir!
Hi Mojo. I listened to your interview last night after all the cool kids went to sleep. You did a great job.
Thank you! 😊
That’s really unfair to seconders.
I hate watching Foreign films. I really wanted to watch The City of Lost Children, but I didn’t want to read subtitles. I thought, there is no fucking way Ron Pearlman speaks French, must be in English. Turns out he plays a mute. Well played.
What do you expect from a sentient Easter Island head?
The Pentagon Leaker didn’t kill himself.
What do you mean? Lots of suicides shoot themselves in the back of the head. It’s a thing.
Does he have information that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of Hillary Clinton?
If he had that he’d be dead already. Dude shoulda bought a plane ticket to Russia back when the story broke.
Speaking of…
If the cops hadn’t botched the raid and kicked down his neighbor’s door then perhaps he’d still be around and the case would be a massive headache for PP.
A hearty Good Morning to you people.
Morning, Sean.
*clinks coffee mugs*
A warm and cheery good morning to all glibs of good will.
I’d best be up and moving again. On with the rest of the day.
How is it time to leave for the office already?
Good morning, Sean, limey, U, Stinky, Roat, andrhy!
First minor league baseball game of the season tonight! 😃⚾
Duck! It looks like you’re about to get beaned in the face with a giant baseball!
I love minor league ball. Mrs. Patzer and I were once featured on the kiss cam at Yogi Berra Stadium in Montclair, NJ. Our toddlers thought it was gross. They were probably right.
Is is gross, that camera shouldn’t be invading people’s privacy like that.
Hey, we looked a lot better 20 years ago! Coulda been rich if an (in)appropriate online platform existed in the early aughts.
Happy Cambodian new year! 🚬🎉🎈🎆
Edison monthly bills could change for many customers due to new state law
Put the utilities in grandma’s name.
You used to pay for what you used, no more no less? We’ll heaven forfend, it’s a good thing they’re fixing that.
I look forward to expanding this to other businesses starting with grocery stores.
You misspelled “Leave Commifornia and stop voting for these types of policies”
Put the utilities in grandma’s name
Or if that’s no longer possible, put them in your kid’s name. The student, not the one who’s already gainfully employed.
…and be sure to explain why he’s never getting an increase in his allowance. He’ll understand.
I figure they’ll base the surcharge based upon everyone they impute as residing there. So you’ll also get charged for the incomes of all the extra voters.
This is not an income tax since it’s not being levied by any authorized taxing entity! Genius!
How does the power company know what a household earns?
“The proposal recommends a qualified, independent state agency or third party be responsible for verifying customers’ total household incomes,”
The state will share your tax information with businesses.
What could possibly go wrong?
Normally I’d say that’d face legal challenges but CA, so FYTW.
I’ve never seen a state disappear up it’s asshole, this is really fascinating.
It’s arguable if that’s even possible, given that California is an asshole.
I can’t wait for the expansion to other businesses and prohibitions on straw purchases.
I thought they already banned straws.
Huh, I would have thought that was an article in the Bee. I guess they really are trying to go full communist.
Interesting, via Seymour Hersh, the Ukraine is continuing to buy Russian oil diesel fuel and likely oil too as long as it’s paid for with US dollars and it’s done with the knowledge and direction of the US government:
What a strange arrangement.
Unpossible! That man’s a saint! A SAINT, I tell you!!! This is a noble cause that’s well worth every penny in the U.S. Treasury!
Well retiring to a mansion in the Hollywood Hills when this war’s lost ain’t cheap.
He has to be paid to be a part of a proxy war. What’s a few mil in the world of geo politics?
Mornin’, reprobates!
Global warming made me turn on the AC yesterday. 90 in April, probably 140 in July. We’re doomed!
I’m getting threatened with high eighties today. It’s not supposed to be this warm in April.
Likewise, though it will cool some (but still above average) for the weekend.
Low 80s here after 88 yesterday, I’ll take it.
60 tomorrow.
Mornin’ all
80 here yesterday, 82 forecast for today. 42 on Monday, after a weekend of 70s and rain.
Can’t say as I blame Yusuf for leaving MI..
You’re going to be warmer up there than in SW OH??? We’re only expecting highs in the upper 70s today & tomorrow before rain and low 70s on Sunday.
Sometimes being between 2 huge lakes helps. Sometimes it doesn’t. Haven’t a clue as to why in this, or similar, instances, but I’m guessing wind flow and air pressure effects.
Or we pissed off the sky gods.
In case some of you were wondering.
Boycotting beer is the safe play.
Proper backwoods moonshine is probably the only safe bet with regards to apolitical alcohol these days
Just buying from local micro-breweries works too.
But then you still end up with Beer instead of something drinkable.