The Weather Project

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Environment, Travel | 235 comments

Now that I am free to live wherever I want, I have undertaken a task to find the best weather (according to me) in the United States. I love cool dry summers and cold snowy winters. The places I have lived for the last 33 years have fallen short on all counts.

So I set out to find the most ideal KK weather in all of the United States.


Caveat: I’m no scientician. I chose a system that makes sense to me and accounts for the most important weather data for me. I’m also no accountant, so I have no idea how to manipulate spreadsheets beyond taking an average of a row or column. So the process will be a bit more labor-intensive for me.

Weather Data

I am using a combination of Weather Spark and simple Google searches. The data I am gathering are: High High Temp, Low High Temp (i.e. winter high), Average Rainfall/Year (inches), Average Snowfall/Year (inches), Days/Month of Precipitation, Days/Year of 65 Degrees+ Dew Point (i.e. humidity), and Average Wind Speed.

I then came up with ranges for each datum. Each range receives a score of 0-10. The score out of 10 is purely subjective, based on my personal preferences. For example, a high high temp (i.e. summer) of 75-78 scores a 10; a high high temp of 95+ scores a 0.


I picked at least 2 cities/towns in each state. The cities I chose are not based on where I would like to live, but on the geography and climate of the state. For example, I will give Salt Lake City a score, but not Provo, since they are near each other, even if I think Provo would be a better place to live.

To continue with Utah as an example, I will also score St. George, Moab, and Coalville in an attempt to capture the various regions and climates throughout the state. I also took into consideration that the cities/towns are places where people actually live. So I discounted places like Park City or Bryce in favor of towns outside ski areas.

Results So Far

To date (April 7, 2023), I have taken data and scored 15 cities. Once I have scored all the cities on the list, I will make a Top 10, and start considering things like taxes, politics, and culture.

City Score/10
Truckee CA 8.43
Angel Fire NM 8.14
Leadville CO 8.00
Taos NM 7.86
Durango CO 7.71
Gypsum CO 7.71
Coeur D’Alene ID 7.57
Littleton NH 7.29
Presque Isle ME 7.00
Bend OR 6.86
Idaho Falls ID 6.43
Rifle CO 6.00
Grand Junction CO 5.29
Amarillo TX 4.71
Reno NV 4.57


These 15 cities/towns were based on my asking my friends “KK would really love the weather in ____” (except for Presque Isle, which is just the furthest east),

I’ll keep going and provide periodic updates and see if anywhere can beat Truckee, CA (hopefully!).

Spreadsheet is here. Don’t LOL at it, nerds (OK, LOL all you want)

So what do you think? Where would I like it best? Where do you think you would like it best? What kinds of weather conditions get your engines revved up?

About The Author

Fuck You

Fuck You

Just a statistic.


  1. Brochettaward

    Can anyone guess the best weather for Firsting?

    • juris imprudent

      I would think being so far up your own asshole, the weather is pretty consistent.

      • Brochettaward

        The answer is that Firsters operate in all weather. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays stops a Firster.

    • R C Dean

      Don’t basements all have pretty much the same weather?

      • Brochettaward

        I First from a sound proof control room. It is also where I guide the greater Firster movement to restore the Firster movement to greatness.

        It contains 5 monitors, a clock for each timezone (though Firsters only operate by Firster time), two toilets and a bathtub for my pre and post-Firsting rituals. There is also a retro Pacman arcade game in the corner.

      • Bobarian LMD

        And his Mom makes him sandwiches.

      • Brochettaward

        I mean, that sounds like a live-in cook and maid to me.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Not winter.

  2. kinnath

    high altitude, east side of the Rockies.

    take your pick to avoid the political horseshit invading all the nice places.

    • juris imprudent

      Low humidity is really only satisfied west of the 100th meridian (and east of the Pacific coastal ranges).

  3. Rat on a train

    Truckee. Not a good place for parties or local cuisine.

    • juris imprudent

      I’ve had some lovely small dinner parties there. — Hannibal Lecter

  4. KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

    Update: Jackson, WY scored 9.71. It got 10s on every score except wind.

    So now I’m looking for a sugar daddy…

    • Gender Traitor

      Yeah, I was just thinking that cost of living would be another major factor in where to spend most of your year.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        I’m only taking weather into consideration at this point, nothing else. Taxes, politics and cost of living will come into play later

    • Mojeaux


    • whiz

      Most people looking for a place to move try to avoid snow — your criteria will lead to a very different list than most people.

      Don’t forget to include health care considerations when you look at other criteria.

      • Michael Malaise

        I love snow and skiing but hate the rain and wind and shitty 38-degree cloudy, rainy, blah days that come with Midwestern winters.

        So when I move I’m going somewhere warm and will fly to snow to ski.

    • juris imprudent

      I’d think Steamboat Springs would’ve rated. The problem there is the same as Jackson.

    • robc

      How did Ft Collins score?

      Just curious if you looked at us.

      I had the choice to move anywhere and chose here.

      Not sure if beer is included on your spreadsheet.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        It’s on my list but I haven’t scored it yet

      • robc

        Last 4 winters, according to, 57″, 61″, 35″, 35″.

        And that last isnt complete, possible snow on Saturday. What I like is it doesn’t stick around. You get a big snow, then it warms up and disappears, and repeat. It was 80s last two days, but I can see the snowy mtns from my house.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        Looks like an average of 48″ year over year, which is middling, but OK.

      • robc

        If I want more snow, I can drive up to Estes Park. Its in the same county, may fit you better. And should be cheaper than Steamboat or Jackson. They are averaged 93″ per year over last 4 years, with another 4″ expected tomorrow, so bump that average up by 1″.

      • robc

        Estes is touristy. It is the east entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. And has tons of fly fishing. Plus a haunted hotel.

      • Tundra

        Lyon is a nice little town, too.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I need to get up to FtC again soon. My new boss is there.

        That said, they just froze all hiring and travel, so it won’t be anytime soon.

      • Tundra

        That said, they just froze all hiring and travel…

        Boy, I’ve heard this a lot lately. Tell me again how the economy is booming?

    • R.J.

      Surprised Amarillo got into the 4’s. The hail, rain and wind there is no bueno.

      • juris imprudent

        Not to mention how hot it gets.

      • R.J.

        I am acclimatized to Texas heat. That no longer bothers me. But nobody can get acclimatized to hail that size of baseballs.

  5. Drake

    I do like the Littleton area a lot. The winters are long and harsh, which is why the rest of my family rejected it.

  6. juris imprudent

    As much as weather matters – it ends up balanced out with a lot of other factors.

  7. Pat

    Coeur D’Alene ID 7.57

    I was going to recommend northern Idaho. I don’t know how small a town you can tolerate, but Sandpoint’s about 45 minutes north of Coeur d’Alene on Lake Pend Oreille and used to be a bit less bougie than Coeur d’Alene.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      A friend suggested I look at Salmon, ID

  8. Tundra

    I like being near snow, but not in it. For me, the weather here is just about perfect, particularly the sunshine.

    My best friend lives in Sisters, OR (near Bend). I would live there in a heartbeat and it’s definitely worth consideration.

    Fun project!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The area around Bend is pretty nice, but Bend seems a little like Portland East. Redmond is more redneck, which would be more to my liking. It can get pretty hot in the summer though, so I imagine it would score close to Reno on KK’s scale.

  9. KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

    Keep in mind that other factors will come into play after I have a top 10 or top 20. I’m only looking at weather for now.

    Although I don’t think any area will beat Jackson.

    I may start looking at the Alpine-to-Smoot WY corridor.

    • juris imprudent

      Shouldn’t the entire state of Montana be in play?

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        Did you look at my spreadsheet?

      • juris imprudent

        Isn’t that like reading the article?

    • Not Adahn

      I enjoyed the few (Summer) weeks I spent in Cimmaron NM. I have similar weather preferences to you, but having been born and raised in OK I like wind.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Lots of sunshine, low humidity, not flat.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Update: Jackson, WY scored 9.71. It got 10s on every score except wind.

    So now I’m looking for a sugar daddy…

    Where the billionaires ran off the millionaires.

    • juris imprudent

      Reminds me, I have an invite to Yellowstone Club to cash in next winter.

      • slumbrew

        I have an invite to Yellowstone Club to cash in next winter.

        Ooh, la-la. You fancy.

      • juris imprudent

        I am but a poor friend of someone well to do.

  12. Homple

    It might be worth considering other weather parameters, e.g. sunshine days per year. Also think about latitude’s effects on short day length in Winter.

    I leave near Sodom-on-the-Sound and know at least a dozen people who bellyache interminably about clouds and rain. Three of them moved here from California and are moving somewhere else because they hate the lack of sun.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      I’d love to live on Svalbard, which has 2.5 months of total darkness, so I’m…pretty ok with far north latitudes

      • Homple

        I have much the same opinion. I like long nights in winter and long days in summer.

      • Not Adahn

        Armored bears smell worse than you’ve been lead to believe.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    I may start looking at the Alpine-to-Smoot WY corridor.

    Wyoming seems like a good choice, in theory, but there isn’t a single town in Wyoming I’d want to live in.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      Having spent a decent amount of time in and around Jackson, I would live there in a NY minute.

      But I’m not Warren Buffet.

      • juris imprudent

        What about the other side of the mountains, over toward St. Anthony or Rexberg?

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        Idaho Falls is just down the road from Rexburg

        I picked at least 2 cities/towns in each state. The cities I chose are not based on where I would like to live, but on the geography and climate of the state.

      • juris imprudent

        If you can live without a city of any substance around you – Wallowa County OR is damn near heaven.

    • Tundra

      I’d consider Alpine, but as you say it’s been overrun by the super rich.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        I did a quick Zillow search on Alpine down to Smoot, and it’s reasonable

    • robc

      I still think the Free State Project screwed up picking New Hampshire over Wyoming. If they had picked Wyoming, I might have moved there at the time.

      • Michael Malaise

        Insert “why not both?” GIF here.

  14. rhywun

    I don’t ski so I can live without snow if necessary but I don’t mind it.

    +1 on the cool dry summers

    My vote would be anywhere on the Pacific coast from SF north. That poses other problems, though.
    But SF did have the most pleasant weather of anywhere I’ve lived.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      Coastal areas aren’t going to have the low humidity I crave. Plus I hate salt air. It’s so gritty & sticky.

      • rhywun

        I don’t like humidity either and I never felt it was particularly humid there. Certainly not compared to the east coast where I currently live.

    • Homple

      Stay away from Sodom-on-the Sound. “Turn back, you fools, while there’s still time.”

  15. The Late P Brooks

    I leave near Sodom-on-the-Sound and know at least a dozen people who bellyache interminably about clouds and rain. Three of them moved here from California and are moving somewhere else because they hate the lack of sun.

    I would be one of those people, which is why I never considered Seattle. Oddly enough, every time I have been there the weather was fantastic.

    • Tundra

      Yeah, I was there last summer and it was gorgeous.

      Still a disgusting shit hole, though.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        My most ultra-lefty friend told me Portland was a shithole overrun by tent cities and boarded up businesses.

        (but the cognitive dissonance continues…)

      • Tundra

        “Someone should do something!”

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        At least she can’t blame obstructionist GOP policies.

        Although she’d probably try.

      • R C Dean

        Sure she can. It might be entertaining to hear how it’s all the fault of MAGAts.

      • juris imprudent

        Just when she gets started, simultaneously play a good Baptist sermon on Satan.

      • Homple

        Summers are pleasant here and quite dry. But Seattle’s downtown is indeed a shithole in a forest of steel and glass skyscrapers–it’s San Francisco’s retarded little brother.

      • Tundra

        20 years ago it was among my favorite cities. Things can sure change in a hurry.

      • Homple

        Same for me. Seattle’s accelerated degeneration is fairly recent.

      • hayeksplosives

        I’ve lived in Washington since February 16 and still haven’t been to Seattle. Don’t feel any hurry to change that.

        I am happy in the bedroom community of Mukilteo in Snohomish county. Kinda deliberately priced out the riff-raff.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    I spent a year in Moscow, Idaho at the University of Idaho; south of Coeur d’Alene. That winter was wet and dreary. No thanks.

    • juris imprudent

      Summer out on the Palouse is dry enough, but it ain’t mild.

  17. Raven Nation

    OT: from the links thread:

    “Griffin is an idiot.

    The man supports DeSantis, so his politics are nominally conservative, and he gives $300M to Harvard unrestricted?

    Talk about destroying your own efforts.”

    Tom Woods agrees:

    • R.J.

      My thought is that it probably isn’t unrestricted, it was just reported that way. Who knows what strings were actually attached. I can’t imagine anyone making that large an unrestricted donation.

      • Raven Nation

        Even if it’s restricted, there’s not much you can do about it once it goes into endowment.

    • Michael Malaise

      What a waste of money. $300m could be seed money for your own university.

  18. Brochettaward

    I learned a new term today. Code shifting. It’s when progs switch their voice to suit their audience like the Tennessee state rep. Also, he went from being bald to having a giant afro? Is that thing a wig?

    • Brochettaward

      *Code switching

    • Fatty Bolger

      That term’s been used a lot in reference to Hillary Clinton, she was always doing it.

      • slumbrew

        “I ain’t in no ways tired”


      • Mojeaux

        Very much cringe. I do not know how they let her get away with that shit.

    • Mojeaux

      People code-switch all the time, for the same reason. I wouldn’t pepper my speech with subtext Mormon stuff to a non-Mormon because he’s never going to understand what I say. Likewise, I work to speak without my country rube accent when I’m in more formal company, e.g., job interview.

      • Nephilium

        Or even simpler: work talk, locker room talk, bar talk. Or even talking to some of you lot and switching between real names and handles.

      • WTF

        Using different terminology is not the same as putting on phony accents for purposes of pandering.

      • CPRM

        A pandering witch hunt!- said in the Hat’s voice to pander to my audience.

    • Not Adahn

      The term also applies to switching languages.

      My favorite example happened when I was walking out to my car, behinds a couple of Chinese coworkers who were having the following conversation:

      *Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese* FRIIIIED CHICK-EN!!! *Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese**Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*Chinese*

      • Sensei

        I do it all the time.

        At least for me I also have to pause briefly, switch languages in my head, say the word and continue in the first language. I only need the pause on the start and have no issues switching back.

      • Fourscore

        My wife talking to her VN friends

        Some thing-something-parking lot-something-something- drugstore

      • Michael Malaise

        In the UK, I will suddenly refer to elevators as lifts and trash cans as rubbish bins.

  19. The Late P Brooks


    A couple I knew in Montana moved to Lander. They really like it there.

    Some other people recommended Sheridan. The corridor west from Sheridan to Cody is actually really beautiful. Small ranch towns. I suspect the winters are rather harsh.

    • Tundra

      Yes. Winters and wind are brutal.

      But definitely beautiful.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      Cody scored a 6.29. Gillette will account for the area east of the Bighorns, but I haven’t scored it yet. I believe it will get low scores on high high temp and wind, but I loved NE WY when I was there in Oct a few years ago.

    • juris imprudent

      Lander is cold and a lot of wind in winter – friend of the wife lives there.

  20. Drake

    We are now sanctioning allies and EU members.

    “US ambassador, David Pressman, said that, unlike other Nato allies, the Hungarian government had ignored US warnings about the bank’s activities. “Hungary has dismissed the concerns of the United States government regarding the risks its continued presence poses to the alliance,” Pressman said. “We have concerns about the continued eagerness of Hungarian leaders to expand and deepen ties with the Russian Federation.”

    Seems a strange thing for a diplomat say to a sovereign country and ally when dealing with another country we are not officially at war with. No wonder why much of the rest of the world is actively telling us to fuck off.

    • Brochettaward

      Zwak has been all over this. The complete and utter weaponization of the financial system was just another in a long line of short sighted foreign policy decisions from our enlightened betters in DC who can’t even imagine a world where the roles are reversed in anyway.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Orban seems to get the same treatment that Twitter under Musk gets. “Well, people say it’s bad, so it must be bad.” Got any examples? “No.”

      The article does cite corruption, and it probably is corrupt. But according to Transparency International, it’s much less corrupt than Ukraine, and we’re shoveling money at them as fast as we can.

  21. robc

    Go ahead and take KY off your list. The humidity isn’t Charleston, SC bad or anything, but its still bad. Plus, if you have any allergies, avoid the Ohio valley.

    • Fatty Bolger

      The Ohio valley has a particular quality of light, due to it always being filtered through some varying level of cloudiness. Most non-Ohioans would describe it as “gray”, “gloomy”, perhaps even “dismal.” In late Summer it can give everything an almost sepia tone, kind of like walking around in an old photograph. Many born under this light have a hard time leaving, and many who do leave eventually feel an irresistible need to return to it.

    • Nephilium

      Yeah. I know better than to suggest Cleveland or the surrounding area. But I’m thinking the Chardon or Ashtabula area may have weather that would match KK’s preferences, but I don’t think I could go far enough to recommend living in either area.

      • Michael Malaise

        What part about low humidity did you not get? ; )

  22. R C Dean

    Don’t waste your time with Phoenix, Yuma, Tucson, or Havasu City. Flagstaff might do well on your criteria. Nice town, kinda touristy but not Sedona touristy, has a small college, but a lot of CA people have moved there in the last few years and it is getting spendy.

  23. Brochettaward

    I am curious about the rating system used for this article because that’s a pretty wide range of locales. Wyoming all the way down to Texas. What were the metrics?

  24. Tundra

    I really love the Black Hills, but the summers might get a little hot if you are in RC. Still, a wonderful place.

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      I was not a fan of Rapid City. Lots of big city problems there.

      I loved the Sturgis-Spearfish-Deadwood triangle though.

      • Tundra

        Spearfish is great. The canyon is so amazingly beautiful.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    “US ambassador, David Pressman, said that, unlike other Nato allies, the Hungarian government had ignored US warnings about the bank’s activities. “Hungary has dismissed the concerns of the United States government regarding the risks its continued presence poses to the alliance,” Pressman said. “We have concerns about the continued eagerness of Hungarian leaders to expand and deepen ties with the Russian Federation.”

    Are we going to kick Hungary out of NATO? This should be interesting.

    • Brochettaward

      Nah. NATO can never get smaller under any circumstances.

      • Drake

        Didn’t Russia ask to join NATO back in the 90s?

      • WTF

        So right now NATO could have been invading Ukraine.

      • Not Adahn

        Iowa farmers would never permit it.

      • Brochettaward

        They established some relations which were cancelled after Crimea. But they established their own military alliance among former Soviet states who were willing.

  26. Brochettaward

    A decrepit Al Roker asking Joe Biden to help a brother out and to create some news for him is some lowkey funny shit.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Idaho Falls has more “amenities” than Pocatello but it’s just too goddam flat. It gets better if you go east.

  28. Grumbletarian

    The Littleton area has been built up somewhat, with a modernized hospital and bigger businesses moving into the area. But they still have Chutters if you have a sweet tooth.

  29. KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

    BREAKING: Afton WY scored a 9.43!

    • juris imprudent

      See my remark about Wallowa county in Oregon – similar terrain though I think that area of Wyoming sits at higher elevation.

    • NoDakMat

      And there’s a town name Freedom just a few miles away.

  30. Mojeaux

    I have no opinion. I like where I live (obvs), but I grew up with this weather, so moving for weather is a non-starter. That said, I would not live in Florida in the summer. The HUMIDITY OMG THE HUMIDITY. And I thought it was bad where I was.

    • Brochettaward

      Humidity breeds the toughest Firsters. Like hotter temperatures forging stronger steel.

      • Raven Nation

        “Humidity breeds the toughest Firsters.”

        I knew Fist of Etiquette. You, sir, are no Fist of Etiquette.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    BREAKING: Afton WY scored a 9.43!

    You could probably get a good deal on twenty acres.

    • Ted S.

      Twenty acres and half a mule?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Lander is cold and a lot of wind in winter – friend of the wife lives there.

    So is Livingston Montana. It’s hard to imagine Lander being windier..

    • Sensei

      So to stay on topic SF shouldn’t be on your list either!

      • rhywun

        Well, not in the company of a stabby coworker at least.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    It’s hard to imagine anyplace being windier than Livingston, aside from the top of Mount Washington.There are things I miss, but the sustained gale force wind ain’t one of them.

    • Not Adahn

      Just think of the power you could generate though.

    • Shirley Knott

      Livingston is also prone to flooding, sometimes massive flooding. Siting would really matter.
      OTOH, Yellowstone is a fairly short drive, and a genuine must see. I’ve not been in the winter, it my brother and his family swear by it.

      • Shirley Knott

        It s/b but.

  34. cavalier973

    The one time I was in Amarillo, it was bitterly cold and windy. Not fun.

    Also there was some kind of meat processing plant, so every now and then, you would get a face full of the odor of pig entrails.

    • Grummun

      Amarillo is bleak. The only thing green in Amarillo is the signs for I-40, which I highly suggest you use to go someplace else.

      The wife and I sometimes talk about getting out of Ohio when we “retire”, but everything in the west looks like desert. I know that’s not true, but I don’t want to live where water is a scarce commodity, or where conifers are the primary type of tree. So we look at Tennessee or Kentucky, but we’d have to be in the mountains to get decent summers, and I don’t think I could drive every day on those mountain roads.

  35. Certified Public Asshat

    I refuse to believe anyone enjoys winter. I live in *redacted* where winter is not bad (no snow this past winter), and the neighborhood park/playground is across the street from my house. No one is there in the winter. First warm spring day and it is packed. This is science.

  36. Shirley Knott

    Of the places on your list that I have passing familiarity with (i.e., I passed through them many times), Couer D’Alene is freaking gorgeous country. Bend, OR, considerably less so. 25 years ago I’d have recommended the greater Portland, OR, area, but I wouldn’t even visit today. Very sad,
    We’re I you, and that’s difficult due to wildly divergent weather prefs, I’d look along the Columbia Valley and the Billings to Bozeman corridor, stopping well short of Bozeman. I have family in Big Timber and Harding and they’re happy there. I’d go mad 😉

  37. Fatty Bolger

    From that list and other reasons, Colorado is looking likely.

    BTW, we lived in New Mexico, and it literally rains mud there. Just thought you should be aware.

  38. Sensei

    And this is how the science “sausage” gets made today.

    Several prior studies, he suggested, had come across a similar effect. Eager to learn more, I reached out to Ardisson Korat for an interview—I emailed him four times—but never heard back. When I contacted Tufts University, where he now works as a scientist, a press aide told me he was “not available for this.” Inevitably, my curiosity took on a different shade: Why wouldn’t a young scientist want to talk with me about his research? Just how much deeper could this bizarre ice-cream thing go?

    NUTRITION SCIENCE’S MOST PREPOSTEROUS RESULTStudies show a mysterious health benefit to ice cream. Scientists don’t want to talk about it.

    TW – The Atlantic

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s strange.

      I’ve found that people who actually do science will generally be happy to talk about that they’ve discovered.

      • Sensei

        Precisely. It’s how you get ahead in your field. Unless you buck consensus.

        Bjørn Lomborg

        He doesn’t get invited to any of the good cocktail parties anymore.

      • Fatty Bolger

        He doesn’t even really buck scientific consensus, he mostly points out that their own numbers and predictions don’t warrant the alarmism.

    • Gender Traitor


  39. Sean

    And, finally, if you are thinking of making the switch … it’s going to cost you. The company’s site says it ships to 42 states, and Pennsylvania is one of them, so you are in luck there. But the cost of a six-pack is $19.99 and that is before shipping. Toss in the shipping, and you are going to be paying a little more than $33 for a six-pack to be delivered to Harrisburg.

    A swing and a miss…


    • robc

      Its rice-free, so it has that going for it.

    • CPRM

      Hamm’s don’t do woke, so I’m good.

      • CPRM

        My dad had several Bear Whiz Beer shirts.

    • Nephilium

      Shipping beer is expensive. Water is heavy, and beer generally ways a bit more than water. Nice cash grab by someone (probably) doing a contract brew (which would be entertaining if it was at an AB-InBev location).

    • Brochettaward

      People who buy Bud Light are motivated by price. So this grifter is going the wrong way.

  40. CPRM

    If I could pick up my little compound and plop it somewhere I’d choose the western slopes west of Flagstaff somewhere. Find the the perfect elevation where you get a little snow and cold but not a full on winter.

  41. Raven Nation

    “I love cool dry summers and cold snowy winters”

    Leadville will certainly give you the latter.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    The noose draws tighter

    The Biden administration imposed fresh sanctions on Wednesday aimed at the financial network linked to Russian billionaire and business tycoon Alisher Usmanov, as part of a larger effort to crack down on sanctions evasion.

    Usmanov, one of Russia’s wealthiest billionaires with direct links to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was sanctioned in March 2022 in the weeks after Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

    “As the Kremlin seeks ways around the expansive multilateral sanctions and export controls imposed on Russia for its war against Ukraine, the United States and our allies and partners will continue to disrupt evasion schemes that support Putin on the battlefield,” said Brian Nelson, undersecretary of the Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

    “Today’s action underscores our dedication to implementing the G7 commitment to impose severe costs on third-country actors who support Russia’s war,” he added.

    The Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced it will sanction 25 individuals and 29 entities across 20 jurisdictions for working with Usmanov. In a joint effort, the State Department also sanctioned several entities for supporting the Ukraine invasion, including two that are responsible for militarizing and indoctrinating Ukrainian children.

    Soon we will have them right where we want them.

    • UnCivilServant

      What the fuck is wrong with people?

    • Sensei

      I don’t know where to start.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        I know where to end.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’m reading the bill…seems it’s about runaway kids and shelters must call parents to inform the parents the location of the child unless there is “compelling reasons”. Maybe that is the wholly subjective part given the rot of pushing kids into mutilation.

      • Fatty Bolger

        That’s how I read it, too. There was an existing requirement for organizations providing shelter or services to notify parents or guardians. They added an exclusion for minors “seeking or receiving protected health care services”, defined as “gender affirming treatment” and “reproductive health care”.

        I don’t agree with it at all, but I don’t see how this means the state can take your kids away. It does mean the kids can do some pretty serious stuff without their parents knowing about it.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        So you can’t use your junk, but you can cut it off.

        I love the logical consistency.

    • rhywun

      Trans youth have been under a nationwide attack, but #WALeg continues to fight for trans rights.

      Literally nobody would have come up with this sentence five years ago – now it’s near or at the top of the Democrats’ platform.


  43. Bobarian LMD

    Not for nothing, but the weather in Monterey/Carmel/Pacific Grove is soooo fucking nice that it turns all the residents into fart huffing idiots of the worst kind of Californian.

    • Michael Malaise

      So many people should step away from the interior design.

      • Sean

        I want the moose shelf.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Leadville will certainly give you the latter.

    I’m not gonna lie. Leadville got an audible “Are you fucking kidding me?”.

    • Tundra

      Why? Just because they get snow every month of the year?

      It’s still a pretty groovy place. I personally could never live there, but I do understand the attraction for a certain type of person.

      • juris imprudent

        About the only way you could live at a higher altitude is by joining a Tibetan monastery.

      • Not Adahn

        Om mani padmi hummmmmm

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      Leadville’s low high temp was only 28, believe it or not. Same as Jackson & Afton. And they get a glorious 142″ of snow per year!

      No days, on average, of 65+ dew points. Only ~6 days/month of precip.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Last night, Washington state passed SB 5599 which allows the state to legally take children away from their parents if they don’t consent to their child’s gender transition surgeries.

    It’s like a contest to disprove the existence of Peak Derp.

    • Bobarian LMD

      There is no Peak Derp. Whenever you get there, they make a new direction of up.

      DERP is a multi-dimensional hyper-space with infinite directions of travel.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Why? Just because they get snow every month of the year?

    It’s still a pretty groovy place. I personally could never live there, but I do understand the attraction for a certain type of person.

    It’s beautiful, but is there anything there? I had a friend who worked in the mine.

    • Tundra

      Retail. Outdoor joy. But yeah, I think you’d have to have a remote job or something like that. My neighbor lived there for many years, but he was in mining.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        I think you’d have to have a remote job or something


    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      Copper Mountain, Ski Cooper, Vail, Beaver Creek…

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater


      • Raven Nation

        Carbondale may be the coolest town in that valley.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        Only 2.5 hours the long way around.

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

        It’s also in amongst the highest peaks in the lower 48

  47. Brochettaward

    The Pakistani (or Indian in reality, apparently – a little problematic if you ask me) dad of Miss Marvel now being featured in The Marvels is getting me-too’ed. Disney isn’t removing him (don’t think they could afford more reshoots). He’s accused of sending dick pics to a 14 year old girl.

    Not a good look for your girl boss power fantasy.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Did in front of the father? Jesus

    • Brochettaward

      Am I the only one who finds that video completely inconclusive? It looks slightly rough but you can’t really see much.

      • Sensei

        I watched it like 3 times and it’s darn tough to figure out what happened.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yeah unless the source video is clearer, it’s tough for DA to go with it.

  48. Not Adahn

    They released the room assignments for the staff for the USPSA Carry Optics Nationals in Marengo OH. I took the opportunity to see who is going to be working.

    There are some really excellent range officers there if anyone is interested in shooting that match. I’m going to try and squad with a friend I met at the last nats — a half-Vietnamese guy with a red beard and an unintelligible NC accent. The person I mentioned that was on the wrong side during Charlie Wilson’s War is also going to be there — he just got promoted to RM.

    • EvilSheldon

      I really hope I get in…

    • Grummun

      Can people come to gawk if they aren’t participating? Marengo is an easy drive.

      • Not Adahn

        I believe so.


        Parking will probably suck.

        Bring eye- and earpro.

        It’s not much of a spectator sport.

      • Not Adahn

        If you do like it though, the Production Nationals (the division for the poors) will be there in October.

    • Not Adahn

      Airman 1st class!

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well that’s what happens when 1.2 million people have “secret” clearances

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      I think this is more likely

      Last month, a trove of top secret Pentagon documents ostensibly leaked on social media.

      But far from being an embarrassing breach of sensitive intel, this “leak” has all the signs of being a deliberate disinformation operation by the US.

      Here’s why

      • Brochettaward

        It is rather odd that they apparently know the identity of the supposed leaker, but they aren’t in cuffs and haven’t been named to the media. Seemingly everything is known about this person, so where are they? Where are the charges?

      • Not Adahn

        Apparently he was arrested.

    • Michael Malaise

      It’s always some low-level creep they finger for this stuff. Not surprising.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    I think you’d have to have a remote job or something

    And Starlink.

  50. KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

    It’s too bad sloper is going to miss this article. I’m sure he has…opinions

    • Ownbestenemy

      On how temperature affects hot pocket cook times?

      • R.J.

        Indeed. Elevation too. It must be taken into consideration.

  51. The Late P Brooks


    Independence Pass is closed in the winter. It’s a long wayoff, going the other way around. Move to Marble.

    Actually, the last time I was in Aspen (whenever that was) I said, “This place has turned into a Grade A shithole. I’m never coming back.”

  52. Tundra


    An anti-hierarchical, radically egalitarian movement is entrenching itself in American political and social life. This movement is provoking a crisis of public order, destroying trust in liberal institutions, and denigrating excellence in the name of equality. Some have called the tenets of this egalitarian movement a ‘successor ideology’, as if familiar political principles had died off and bizarre new ideas had risen up in their place. In fact, what we are enduring is the latest iteration of a two-hundred-year-old tendency: mass democracy.

    The propensity of democracies to invite chaos, tear down institutions, and suppress hierarchies has been demonstrated repeatedly. The French Revolution began with an upwelling of republicanism seeking to peacefully restructure a troubled monarchy, then veered off into a sacrificial slaughter of aristocrats, priests, and the monarch himself, finally degenerating into naked terror. A similar cycle unfolded in 1848, 1871, 1917, 1968, and 2020. Always under a different guise, but always the same phenomenon.

    Good essay. The shift from post-Civil War political to 1960s cultural upheaval and the subsumption of traditionally liberal institutions seems pretty spot on.

  53. Sensei

    Unreal. The NYT is literally running cover for the Fed.

    But new data help explain why government officials declared the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank to be a risk to not just their customers, but also the entire financial system. The numbers suggest that a run on deposits at those two banks could have set off a cascading series of bank failures, crippling small businesses and economic activity across wide parts of the country.

    The analysis of geographic risks from a banking crisis, prepared at the request of The New York Times, was done by economists at Stanford University, the University of Southern California, Columbia University and Northwestern University.

    The analysis helps buttress the case that government officials were making based on anecdotes and preliminary data they had when they orchestrated the bank rescues during that weekend in March. As fears of a wider financial crisis mounted, the Fed, the Treasury Department and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation acted together to ensure depositors could have access to all their money after the banks collapsed — even if their accounts exceeded the $250,000 limit on federally insured deposits. Fed officials also announced they would offer attractive loans to banks that needed help covering depositors’ demands.

    The moves allowed big companies — like Roku — that kept all their money with Silicon Valley Bank to be fully protected despite the bank’s collapse. That has prompted criticism from lawmakers and analysts who said the government was effectively encouraging risky behavior by bank managers and depositors alike.


    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      It’s only surprising in that the NYT would normally be trying to undermine the Fed in favor of a true government currency run out of the Treasury (which is basically what we had when the Fed was at the zero bound).

    • juris imprudent

      That has prompted criticism from lawmakers and analysts who said the government was effectively encouraging risky behavior by bank managers and depositors alike.

      Why I’m willing to bet the NYT has even run articles/opinion pieces themselves about moral hazard. Not that there is any point in elaborating the stupidity and hypocrisy of people who consider themselves first rate intellects.

      • Sensei

        He’s gone long some stuff in Japan. I could make a case here for his behavior without vast conspiracies.

      • Grummun

        I would argue with Buffet being “one of the best investors … “. But certainly connected well enough to get a quiet word from someone in DC, so the general argument stands.

      • Brochettaward

        I don’t know if the Biden administration could have fucked things up much more if they had been doing it deliberately. It’s a moot point at this stage.

        A lot of people around here are quick to say they don’t care about Taiwan, but there is a lot stronger argument for defending it than Ukraine which we stuck our dicks into of our own accord a while ago and stirred up a hornets nest for no reason weakening us to the point where China is in a position to do as they please.

        Taiwan falling may be the death of the American order, for better or worse. And I vote worse.

  54. rhywun

    88 degrees… WTF, Gaia? At least the humidity is low but with these temps my head still gets a little swimmy.

    • Mojeaux

      75F here but I had to close my blinds against the sun. Nice and breezy, too.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Do you not have AC?

      • rhywun

        In this room I have to roll a portable out of the closet first. Too lazy to bother. Supposed to be in the 70s by 8pm so no biggie.

    • Nephilium

      I’d be enjoying the weather more if I wasn’t on the worst possible schedule for it until I’m done with training.

  55. R.J.

    78 today. Very sunny. I may go work outside instead of sitting in the office.

    Hey Mojeaux, nice work on the Tom Woods show!

    • R.J.

      That makes me conflicted. Glad that useless pond skimmer is leaving – but what obscenity is slouching towards the Senate to replace him?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        He kept Garland out of the Supreme Court. That earns a lot of brownie points with me. But yes he is a swamp creature and whoever follows is sure to be a swamp creature as well.

  56. creech

    Durango would top my list, but then I give extra points for “narrow gauge steam trains.”