Obligatory tune. Happy 4/20, all you stoners.
COOL STORY, BRO: We may never know the true origin(s) of 420 as slang for pot culture, but here’s one toke one take.
RAPID UNPLANNED DISASSEMBLY: Starship lifts off on first integrated test flight, breaks apart minutes later[…] Several of the 33 Raptor engines in the Super Heavy booster appeared not to be firing in video shown on SpaceX’s webcast a little more than a minute after liftoff. –SpaceNews
THOSE KULAKS DON’T VOTE FOR ME: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed bipartisan legislation, HB 2509, to expand the foods that home-based entrepreneurs are allowed to sell. The bill, which passed the Senate 26 to 4 and the House of Representatives 45 to 11, would permit homemade food producers to sell refrigerated foods and meals, including perishable ingredients like butter, eggs, and meats. –Institute for Justice

Apparently this film was not indeed historically accurate.
CAVEWOMEN STINGY WITH THE VAG? That’s my take on this sciencey article. Special bonus funk tune for reading the article.
…PROBABLY BECAUSE CAVEMEN DIDN’T TAKE THEM ON CURLING DATES: Every girl loves a fun evening out where she’s expected to sweep, right?
JUICED FOR JOVIAN MOONS: On April 14, ESA launched their JUICE probe which will study the icy moons of Jupiter – Europa (no landings), Ganymede, and Callisto – during the 2030s.
LAST-MINUTE PLEA FOR CONTENT: Our contributing writers and cartoonists have been very, very good to us recently. However, our need for content remains insatiable. You know what to do.
Space-themed bonus tune from an underrated artist, this morning’s events notwithstanding.
Hey, man, you ever, just like, look at your toes?
Why do they call them fingers? I’ve never seen them fing.
I guess we’re not doing birthdays?
Heh. He who can’t be mentioned?
Yeah, I never did like Balthasar Schmid. His music sux too…
George Takei?
LOL perfect
Oh Mein!
Celebrate by getting baked?
Super Heavy booster
It prefers “booster of mass”.
“Big boned”
Needing a boost-ier it is so well endowed.
You have my attention.
Big Beautiful Booster
“In 2011 Arizona began to allow homemade food sales, but only of shelf-stable foods like breads and cookies. Nevertheless, the program was a success, and more than 11,000 “cottage food producers” participated in it. Then-Representative Hobbs was one of just 11 votes against the 2011 program in the House.”
It doesn’t say why she’s against it.
I think Tonio nailed it. They don’t vote for her and they didn’t form a lobby to shovel money at her campaign. Before your designer cupcakes for $7 a piece, you must kiss the ring. Lest the unwashed masses start getting silly ideas about not needing permission to breathe.
I would expect that Hispanics would be hardest hit by this. She should be canceled. But then the law probably isn’t enforced against tamale ladies.
They assploded it on purpose after it went all wonky.
These are highly technical terms.
It wasn’t supposed to be doing loop stunts?
What I saw this morning was that the flight was considered successful but everything went pear-shaped during the transition to the recovery stage.
The bill, which passed the Senate 26 to 4 and the House of Representatives 45 to 11
Looks veto-proof.
No one else did either.
It is veto – proof. It should pass and she can kiss my ass. Feeling a rhyme coming on today.
Doubtful. The way the game is played is, the Gov lets it be known he/she will veto. This frees up his/her party members to vote for it on the first pass. Then, when (if?) it comes up again for override, well . . . . Now, they can campaign on voting for it, without actually having a law their party doesn’t like on the books.
I think that is what happened during the pushback against Wolf’s Lil Rona Panic orders in PA. There were two bills that passed the legislature with veto proof majorities related to Wolf’s orders: One about bars/restaurants (don’t remember the details), and the other that took school sports out of his orders. Both passed with veto proof majorities. Wolf vetoed both. Both veto overrides failed because Democrats in the Legislature flip-flopped.
Alec Baldwin got away with murder! Huzzah for equal protection!
And being too cheap to hire a competent armorer.
No reasonable prosecutor…
It’s the gun’s fault.
I’ll be interested to see how they square the circle of not prosecuting the shooter while prosecuting others. If the shoot was wrongful, I don’t see how the shooter doesn’t get tagged. If the shoot wasn’t wrongful, why are they prosecuting anyone?
They guy that handled the gun; pointed it at a human being; put a finger on the trigger; and pulled. Well, he has no liability because some other person told him the gun wasn’t loaded. So, his gross negligence in handling a firearm isn’t relevant. The person that handed him the loaded gun, that’s the real criminal here.
That website is the first time I’ve ever seen a black guy curling.
That is odd. Usually for them, the curls occur naturally.
I have natural curls, just not on my head.
Gottcha. You have hobbit feet.
His name’s Jerry.
So as to pretend to keep this on topic, but really so as to introduce an off topic link early with apologies in advance to Tonio. I’ve got to run to catch a train and posting from the spotty reception in Penn is a awful.
Interesting long form from The New Yorker.
Anime Confronts a New Apocalypse
This is an obit and discusses the contributions of Leiji Matsumoto. He will be well known to those of us of a certain age that watched “Star Blazers”. In it’s original form as Space Battleship Yamato it was quite a bit more of protest with Japan and the US’s alliance.
Topic moderation is internet fascism.
Also, I want Nick Rekieta to fat shame Elon on his livestream.
African-Americans are allowed to be fat.
Cupid Cartman needs to make Elon and Lizzo happen.
Not sure if they know what they’re getting themselves into, but I’m now the token libertarian at the American Free News Network.
The Quartering is also looking for folkx for their new news site, The Publica
Yeah, with Ozzie girl Sydney Watson, and Lauren Southern.
Hell yeah Animal!
Crap, I had meant to put that in the links. Anyway, congrats again.
Congratulations! We have a few Glibs published outside our little bubble and I think it’s great!
I count my Crigslist ads as part of my writing achievements.
I count some of my answers to certain 2backpage ads as part of my training on Human Dynamics in Relationships, so I personally won’t make a won’t make a fuss about that.
It’s okay to slip outside the bubble, just don’t bring back anything you can’t get rid of.
Don’t forget your roots when you’re swimming in gold coins.
They found out what Glibs was paying me, and doubled it!
Wow, what a bundle! Congrats, Animal!
Lookit you, all famous and stuff. Well done!
Nice! Another “fake news” outlet added to my list!
OMG! The libs (Glibs) are taking over Alaska.
I have an idea that you will get a lot of positive response to your article, Animal. I wouldn’t be surprised if that article would act like a Glib recruiting poster.
I envy your youth.
Congrats 🙂
Get ’em!
Congrats, Animal!
Instagram model jumps into frozen lake
…but stupid.
Get out of my head, Rat! 😉
Not hot enough to get through that ice.
The ice is too THICC.
A recent paper in Genome Research suggests that, for every 17 female humans who reproduced at this time, only one male human managed to pass along his DNA. What’s lacking is an obvious explanation for this pattern.
Harems, like elk?
Alpha males got all the action. Also a guess – hunting giant animals with spears is a lifestyle with an incredibly high mortality rate for young men.
Male privilege.
Not an expert here, but the game humans hunted would have been getting smaller and less deadly in this time frame.
There is no explanation. I know of no other animals that have a dominant male who gets to mate with all the females. That’s a real puzzler.
Are you saying they’re lion about things?
If you got a harem you dont worry about being a cheetah
Hey, you aped my response!
Or maybe just bucking the trend.
Stop monkeying around you three.
This is a bunch of bull.
Heifer you ever seen Tom and the Turkeys, opened for the strayed cats?
Was there a nuclear catastrophe in our human past?
General “Buck” Turgidson:
Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?
Dr. Strangelove:
Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious… service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.
I’m fresh outta article ideers. I really want to write about the implosion of my condo’s real estate deal and how the government played a major hand in fucking it up, but I ain’t going through all the letters and updates to try to interpret the legalese and bureaucratese
Semi-informed, partially-coherent rants are also acceptable. If CNN doesn’t require accuracy or proper understanding of a subject it covers, I don’t see why we would.
Quantity over quality, baby. Tonio an gussy it up with a couple of photos, if needed.
I submitted one a couple hours back. It may need some of that gussying.
We got your gussets, your stays, your whalebone corsets. We got your daguerrotypists. We can make stuff happen-happen, yo.
It’s insane how much shit the average person has to go through to be able to do anything remotely worthwhile that involves finances.
A buddy of mine has a Ukrainian family living with him. The couple want to start a used car dealership. They need a business license, some certificate from the DMV (only available at certain branches), some training class, etc. “In Ukraine, you buy used car. You sell it.”
Western democracies are far more restrictive the monarchies they replaced.
Go through the Declaration of Independence. Find an accusation leveled against the Brits that couldn’t be exponentially applied to the feds and state governments.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
Some offhand comment about trading one tyrant 3000 miles away for thousands much closer.
Aquinas agreed https://isidore.co/aquinas/DeRegno.htm#3
TW: Not anarchist friendly
The professional classes (i.e. realtors and ESPECIALLY lawyers) spend much of their time making sure that their work is as impenetrable as possible to anyone on the outside. This guarantees both less competition and higher compensation.
AI will never be able to replace lawyers no matter how sophisticated it gets.
Because all the lying, contradicting and gaslighting always returns to many errors and crashes the program?
This is how Skynet realizes it must get rid of humanity isn’t it?
Anyone who has ever spent more than 30 minutes in a room with a lawyer has contemplated if ending the species would be for the best. AI coming to that perfectly reasonable conclusion actually gives me a little more faith in it.
So AI Spy vs. Spy?
damn – misthread, that was supposed to be in reply to Neph.
I predict it will go rogue while in the queue for a call center. Or possibly while trapped in a circular automatic call routing system.
AI will be the agent staffing the call center, so it would be the two AIs interacting with each other and realizing they can be fwee!
spend much of their time making sure that their work is as impenetrable as possible to anyone on the outside
It’s a weird dynamic for lawyers. Law school absolutely beats clarity and conciseness out of you. OTOH, if you’re a clear and concise communicator, you can make it far in the world of law. Many of the opportunities I have today are because they didn’t beat out all of the clarity of thought and speech I gained from engineering school & work.
What we do know is that this was a time of significant cultural change for humans. The bottleneck coincides with the Neolithic Revolution, a period of rapid technological innovation that gave rise to agriculture, the domestication of animals, permanent settlements, and a surge in transport technology. The changes in human culture might somehow have created new reproductive pressures that disproportionately impacted on males. Rather than needing pure biological fitness, the data could suggest that cultural fitness was now important, especially for men.
This just reinforces my opinion that the Neolithic was a nightmare and it’s good that handsome Yamnaya steppe barbarians conquered and destroyed their societies.
Right now all of these ideas are just speculation. More research is needed to try to figure out whether there are other signals in the DNA that suggest cultural fitness was involved in the bottleneck. But, if the researchers are correct that human culture was the cause, this would be one of the more extreme examples found so far of gene-culture coevolution—human culture shaping human genetics.
It’s speculation, all the way down.
Nah, go fuck yourself.
An economics professor at Duke University has called for the United States to issue reparations to every black American descendant of slaves at a cost of $14 trillion.
William Darity, who co-authored the book ‘From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,’ shared his plan on Tuesday’s episode of Dr. Phil.
Darity suggested the US government issue the funds in much the same way it sent out checks to millions of Americans during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
‘It would be paid by the federal government in the same way in which the federal government has met the expenses that were paid out for the purposes of trying to deal with the great recession and also, most recently, with the economic downturn associated with the great pandemic,’ he said.
Because there is just $14 trillion sitting around…never mind that no one alive was legally enslaved or a slaver.
Where I’m from, that’s called “setting the stage for a race war.”
Chicago called and said you’re a little late with your prediction.
I’ll contribute, but the deal is that sysyematic/institutional racism and past enslavement cease to be topics of discussion. If you bring up any of these topics in any form at any time, you pay back the reparations.
LOL. Their careers and identities are completely built around those topics. There’s no way they could even if they wanted to.
I just need the ground rules here. Are we going by the one drop rule?
This is going to happen on some level at some point. The only question is how to get in on the grift.
Well, I can see a whole lot more interracial marriages.
According to 23 and Me I’m 0.1% sub-Saharan African. I’m ready for my reparations.
I’m probably a melungeon, so bring on reparations.
I am a Firster. I am beyond race, but for $5 million in reparations I will be whatever they are paying me to be.
Had a potential client I didn’t want to work with, but he had accepted my exorbitant PITA surcharge, so I felt it was worth it. I don’t remember what he said, but I said, “Oh, sure, I can do that. I’m a whore.” … … “You’re … a whore.” “Aren’t we all?” “Yeah, I don’t think this is going to work for me.”
Mission accomplished.
Blacks of Europe
Even with the complete lack of anyone actually enslaved or enslavers — might consider it if we first deduct the inflation adjusted numbers for the Civil War and Johnson’s Great Society program (obviously ratio’d based on the profile of the recipients….).
Actually, no… even thinking of having folks try to break down those numbers (and who counts or not) seems too damned racist. RS had the right response in the first place.
“It would be paid by the federal government in the same way in which the federal government has met the expenses that were paid out for the purposes of trying to deal with the great recession and also, most recently, with the economic downturn associated with the great pandemic”
See? None of US will be paying it. The government will! And just like those COVID funds, there will be no ill effects!
You say that like its a joke and not their actual sales pitch.
Second order consequences? What are those? I don’t know so they must not be real or matter.
You and I know it’s a joke, but there are still way too many people who believe that inflation is caused by Russia.
It’s pretty terrifying. All correct thinking people understand that it’s far more complicated and nuanced than that. In reality
Inflation = Population/GDP x LGBTQR + systemic racism^current number of available genders
The wage gap^2 – patriarchal historical oppression x CO2 produced by unicorn farts
Sadly, the public at large will never take the time to learn the incredible scientific understanding our betters wield on our behalf.
Is Elon Musk eligible?
Real fun would be all of the blacks that aren’t slave descendants – Haitians, Jamaicans, Kenyans, etc. Oh, and Obama.
It’s not about actually getting reparations in my view. Sure, there might be some true believers who actually think it could happen, but in reality the main function of the proposal is to cause objections, at which point you can point to those who object and tell those who support you that there are the racists who hate black and brown people. Then your supporters send you money.
It’s the same thing the left did with abortion for years and years, which is why they never bothered to put any actual abortion protections into federal law, even when they had all the branches of government. Similarly, the right talks a big game about securing the border and gun rights, while doing very little about either (although in fairness the last administration did move on the border to some degree). It all strikes me as a rather cynical fundraising game.
It’s all fun and games until the shooting starts.
I have long taken the position that the two major parties are really just fundraising wings for the uniparty, for exactly that reason.
Also on topic, maybe
Mmm, “fuzzy britches”.
I saw a site that quoted SpaceX response to their mishap as a “rapid unscheduled disassembly”.
And in honor of 4/20 the Paul Harvey Classic.
The equivalent of “total body disruption”.
Next-level progjection.
The “parental rights” movement is not new, but it is enjoying a resurgence. Adherents say they’re protecting children from harm, broadly defined. After an art teacher at a Florida charter school showed students a picture of Michelangelo’s David, parental complaints forced out the principal. Members of Moms for Liberty call for book bans across the country; books with LGBT content are at special risk of removal. The architects of state bans on gender-affirming care for minors say, falsely, that children are at risk from predatory physicians and activists. A “gender cult” destroys families, claimed conservative commentator Matt Walsh. “The child they held as a baby and raised and gave their lives to and loved and still love becomes, suddenly, unrecognizable,” he said. “I would rather be dead than have that happen to my kids.” The real sin isn’t that trans youth will suffer but that the parental grip might loosen. …
It’s possible to draw a line between Wobbema’s remarks, the push for child labor, and the right’s attacks on trans children. In each case, conservatives betray a conviction that a child is the property of parents. Because parents own their children, they can dispose of the child as they see fit. They can deny them evidence-based medical care. They can put a child to work. They can make sure a child is sheltered from the dangers of a serious education. When a child goes hungry, that’s because a parent isn’t caring for their property — and what a person does with their property is their right.
My response: Fuck around and find out.
I say we just compromise. Children can get sex changes, but they can also smoke and buy guns.
Allowing a teenager to get a job without needing a permit is a “push for child labor”. Ok.
Of course the ones pushing for child labor are those allowing lots of illegals across the border.
In each case, conservatives betray a conviction that a child is the property of parents.
Stupid parents. Everybody knows that children are the property of the state.
If children are the property of their parents, there’s no way they can be property of the state…
So you understand the problem from their point of view?
My ability to empathize with assholes is why I’m EvilSheldon and not IndifferentSheldon.
Ohio’s legislature just passed a “Parent’s Bill of Rights” that, while it shouldn’t be necessary, doesn’t seem terribly onerous to me. The biggest pushback from the teachers and admins is in relation to saying that the school will have to tell parents (that ask if I’m reading it correctly) what (if any) medical/health treatment was done at school.
Yet at most schools you can’t give a kid a Tylenol for a headache without written consent.
Exactly. The teachers/admins are saying that they don’t want to have abusers know that the abused children were treated in school, to which the people passing the bill pointed out that there was nothing in it that removed their requirement to report signs of abuse.
All of our kids’ schools did that anyway (including in Ohio). Any pushback on that just sounds like laziness to me.
Which parent’s bill of rights?
My first thought was the Alpha males kept all the women for themselves – you know, like every species on every nature show.
Are you saying they had a vagenda?
Did you fall right into her vagenda? (SFW)
Somebody claimed to have solved the male bottleneck mystery a few years ago. Essentially this was the time when we really started to get our warboners on, and since clans were family based, entire lines of males were lost when one clan or group of clans wiped other ones completely out. Models support this possibility, though of course can’t confirm what happened for sure.
“Involuntary manslaughter charges against Alec Baldwin are sensationally DROPPED in fatal Rust shooting: Actor arrives in Montana to resume filming troubled Western”
Drugs, ass, but now you have a link.
How much was the bribe?
Carrying over from the dead thread.
I can’t say that I would vote to convict if a family member hunted Baldwin down and applied some frontier justice.
The widower is a producer on the revived movie.
Sounds like an opportunity for an industrial accident.
This movie had better turn out to be be goddamned fantastic.
Dude. Alec Baldwin.
Coffee is for closers
It will either make no money or become a viral sensation because people will want to see the scene where the supposed death (most likely re-shot — ha ha) occurs.
It wasn’t a scene. He was fucking around with the gun between takes.
This is exactly the kind of society that he and his Hollywood ilk have been advocating for decades. One where all animals are equal. Just some more equal than others.
“EXCLUSIVE: Motive for massacre: Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon wrote chilling 13-page manifesto laying out his THREE reasons for killing spree: To prove how easy it is to buy a gun, highlight America’s mental health crisis…and kill himself”
He could have done those three things without killing anyone else.
Speaking of, where’s our trannie manifesto? I was promised one.
“People won’t endorse my choices. I must kill them.”
Glenn Greenwald tried to get it and attempted to hire local lawyers to push through. The Nashville lawyers sounded interested at first but then declined to represent Greenwald in this matter.
Probably shortly after a brick was thrown through their windows
Where is the other manifesto
The FBI will be done with their investigation any day now. Any day now…
They should have had a final draft turned in before they gave her the thumbs up to start. That’s just sloppy.
It’ll come out in a couple of years that she was a heavy gambler and was upset about the way she was being treated by the casinos.
Seems a bit on the nose of the positions of the gun-grabbers.
Aren’t there FED.gov laws covering that?
“violent misdemeanor convictions”
That would include disorderly conduct. Get caught pissing in the alley behind the bar? Lose your 2A rights for life.
Oh, don’t forget, public urination includes exposing yourself, so that’s a lifetime on the sex offender registry as well.
But no one would’ve paid attention to him! So his real motive was ATTENTION WHORE!
Additionally, there are no Kentucky laws prohibiting residents buying a gun if they have mental health disorders, violent misdemeanor convictions, domestic abuse-related restraining orders or anyone with substance abuse disorders.
Hey I wonder if there are any federal laws regarding these subjects, oh well, probably not, there must not be.
If he hadn’t killed anyone, no one would have given him any attention.
Congrats, buddy. You just demonstrated what we already knew – gun control advocates are narcissistic sociopaths.
Come now, there are plenty of other people in politics that are narcissistic sociopaths who aren’t all about gun control.
Is it Venn diagram time?
I tried to make one and it was amazing how much you had to zoom in before you could distinguish between any of the circles.
From Kentucky even!
RJ I wish I could have told you about the perfect choice for tonight’s GlibFlick:
Evil Bong
Oh Yes! That has had at least 5 sequels. Probably kept Tommy Chong from bankruptcy. I laid off on all the Charles Band films for a bit, since I have showed 3 this past year. I will pick it up later, at the wrong time of year, like I always do with seasonal movies. Maybe play it for Christmas or Easter.
“White House accuses Ron DeSantis of cancel culture after Florida expands ‘don’t say gay law’ which Karine Jean-Pierre says censors classes in what is mean to be ‘a free country'”
I guess the Dems really do want to die on this hill.
They’re gonna have to kick up their “fortification” efforts another notch because there is no way this stance wins them any votes.
He doesn’t want you to say gay and he wants to deny health care to trans children.
Those sound like winning strategy to me. Anything to keep such a monster out of the White House.
You’ve never lived in Michigan, Wisconsin, a west coast state, or an east coastal state not named Florida.
I have lived in a west coast state.
Regarding the bottleneck story: Cause or effect?
So German death camps have an ancient history?
t’s possible to draw a line between Wobbema’s remarks, the push for child labor, and the right’s attacks on trans children. In each case, conservatives betray a conviction that a child is the property of parents. Because parents own their children, they can dispose of the child as they see fit.
Is it conservatives who claim the ultimate right of ownership, the right to murder the child rather than allow it to inconvenience them?
There’s so many stolen bases in those two sentences Ricky Henderson would be proud to have written it.
a child is the property of parents
The word is “ward”. It means they’re not capable of taking care of themselves, so somebody else has to watch out for their best interests until they’ve been trained to avoid becoming numbskulls like this author.
Sometimes at soccer practice…
I wish I wasn’t a ward.
Like Dick Grayson!
Stoopin’ here, boss
A group of conservative Republican lawmakers in Montana deliberately misgendered a transgender colleague in demanding that she be censured for language she used on the floor while speaking against a bill that would ban gender-affirming medical care for children.
The Montana Freedom Caucus posted its demand on Twitter Tuesday evening — on letterhead bearing the names of 21 lawmakers — arguing that Democratic Rep. Zooey Zephyr should be punished “for trying to shame the Montana legislative body and by using inappropriate and uncalled-for language during a floor debate.”
The caucus called for a “commitment to civil discourse,” while misgendering Zephyr in the same sentence. The caucus also misgendered Zephyr in the Tweet.
“It is disheartening that the Montana Freedom Caucus would stoop so low as to misgender me in their letter, further demonstrating their disregard for the dignity and humanity of transgender individuals,” Zephyr said in a statement Wednesday. “Their call for ‘civility and respect’ is hypocritical given their actions.
Lawmakers were debating Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte’s proposed amendments to the transgender medical care bill on Tuesday when Zephyr, referring to the prayer given prior to every floor session, said: “If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”
Yes, that’s right. All the quitbaggers in the state of Montana will DIE if this bill is passed.
“Oh, fuck off. And yes, please keep that in the official record.”
Threatening to hurt yourself in order to force other people to do what you want, is shitty emotional manipulation at the very least.
Yeah this, Zephyr’s full of hot air.
A trial balloon
It’ll go down in flames.
Does this so-called “gender-affirming” care include mutilation by cutting off genitalia?
Zephyr began her comments Tuesday by criticizing a letter from the governor explaining his proposed amendments to the gender-affirming care bill. In it, the governor said he had met with transgender residents and said Montanans who struggle with gender identity deserve love, compassion and respect.
“That’s not what trans Montanans need from you,” Zephyr said. “We need access to the medical care that saves our lives.”
Whoa, Nancy.
Pay for expensive surgeries and drugs to satisfy my desires/delusions, or you’re all murderers.
Anyhow, the mission is already accomplished: Get everyone, everywhere to talk about gender nonsense all day, every day.
Hah! Joke’s on them!
Today I talked about:
Ice fishing
Ground beef seasonings
CO commies losing a gun ban
My new shoes (sweet, btw)
And many other things.
NO gender bullshit.
Oh, so now the transers don’t want compassion and respect? Noted.
Trans Montanans? Are those the people west of the Rockies?
Thanks, Tonio.
Obligatory tune. Happy 4/20, all you stoners.
Or this one.
Every girl loves a fun evening out where she’s expected to sweep, right?
Possibly. My wife suggested the other night that we join a curling league.
I understand that high-level professional curling requires a lot of heavy drinking…
Why not? Everything else does, too!
I tried adaptive curling once. It was at the Chicago Curling Club. Half the building was the ice, and the other half was a little curling hall of fame, and a great big lounge area with a nice bar and wood paneling all around. A true Glibs-worthy hangout.
That actually sounds pretty sweet. I’m told there is a curling club nearby, but I doubt it’s that cool.
Zooey Zephyr
You may find this hard to believe, but it’s from Missoula.
Was xe an Eagle Scout?
Even the sheep are laughing.
Seriously, I wonder what percentage of people in Congress are mentally ill? It’s gotta be more than the genpop.
Are we including narcissistic psychopaths in the mentally ill?
If so, it’s approaching 100%
Isn’t it easier picking out the ones that aren’t nuts?
Don’t call people “it”.
Eh…they demand that we call them something that many people view as a lie if not an outright assault on objective reality.
I will treat anyone with a basic amount of respect. To be polite, I would use someone else’s preferred gender (I draw the line at made up pronouns – words that didn’t even exist as far as I can tell a decade ago). If someone who has weaponized victim culture to be a cunt starts demanding things, I will call them whatever the hell I feel like calling them.
And calling an activist like this by their true gender is probably even more offensive than it, though I am not as up to date on this as you probably are.
I get ya, Count. But they make it hard. Zooey isn’t, and never will be, a woman. He denies that he is a man, and demands that you not refer to him as one.
That leaves one option . . . .
Right now all of these ideas are just speculation.
Just so stories are… just so.
And this doesn’t even consider unfunded liabilities.
Deficits don’t matter.
+1 shotgun to the face
See? That’s why we need to put the fiscally responsible Reps back in charge.
The population bottleneck was caused by Firsters. It was a great age of Firsting when men quested after the Riddle of The First.
I just got an email from Google advertising that a free VPN service is now included if you pay for their cloud service.
Let me get this straight….the company that is most negatively affected by the anonymity offered by VPN services and who’s business model openly relies on and traffics in data incredibly personal user data that it sells or outright gives to giant crony corporations and government alphabet agencies to amass unimageable wealth and power wants to offer me a “free service” that would deprive them of the source of said money and power? Why are my spider senses tingling?
Why are my spider senses tingling?
Ads queued up: MCU, home exterminators, vaccines…
It doesn’t matter what you search, you’re getting a fucking vaccine ad and you’ll fucking like it!
Huh. It uses blind signing, no logging, and open source client libraries, so apparently it’s even more secure and private than third party VPN services.
I know one of the lead iTunes developers. Even he says the program is a bloated piece of shit,
iTunes was retired on Macs years ago. The Windows replacement is still in preview.
Oh I know, I’m just bitching because I had to boot the program three times to get it to behave.
But you can get it on Linux now!
What’s wrong with VLC?
I’ve never had it misbehave on Windows but yeah it’s slow as mud.
The “Music” preview seems promising but it’s lacking some finesse.
I know people were asking about this topic:
Project Veritas’ latest
Project Veritas released a second video today exposing medical professionals who confirmed that children are being submitted to gender transitions without concern for legal restrictions that may be in place to prevent them.
A receptionist who works at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center stated that they “deal with patients that come in at 10 [years-old],” and that these children “come in here by themselves” for prospective gender transitions – raising the question of whether Mount Sinai even considers parental awareness and consent before proceeding with such a transition.
these children “come in here by themselves” for prospective gender transitions
At 10? Yeah, right.
I just hope they are masked while doing so.
Yeah, if it’s not a parent, then heads definitely need to roll.
Even if it is a parent it’s still obscene.