A machine (sadly)
I watched some playoff hockey last night and it was a lot of fun. Minnesoda clawed their way back in the game but Dallas turned on the afterburners and pulled away. And the Edmonton-LA game was pretty damn fun too. The NBA is playing as well, but I don’t care. And across the pond Man City and and Inter are through to the UCL semifinals. The JV tournament games are today. And in baseball news, the A’s have bought land in Vegas and will probably join the Raiders there soon. Suck it, Bay Area. And that’s it for sports.
Maybe their messaging was a bit off. I applaud their efforts, but perhaps they went about it with a bit more gusto and fanfare than they should have.

Above the law?
Let’s see how this plays out. Now that someone has officially declared himself a whistleblower, they’re supposed to be able to say and do whatever they want free from recriminations, right? Or did that only apply under the last guy?
Damn, this bitch is crazy. Why didn’t she just try to disfigure or otherwise main her? Yes, I’m kidding.
What a brave lady. If only she had a few Korean friends from the Los Angeles area that could come and visit her for an extended period of time.
This guy sounds like a douche. ::reads entire story:: Yeah, an absolute douche.

Go west, please.
This is absolute bullshit. I cannot stress enough how big a mistake this is when Texas is waiting with open arms.
This woman is a national treasure. I wish there were a few hundred more of her in government.
Oh well, do a better job. And treat people fairly so you don’t end up having your political balls cut off next time.
These guys had staying power. And versatility. And here’s an absolute gem. Enjoy them both. Or all three if you consider the second one two songs.
And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.
“Let’s see how this plays out. Now that someone has officially declared himself a whistleblower, they’re supposed to be able to say and do whatever they want free from recriminations, right? Or did that only apply under the last guy?”
The usual suspects will not just ignore it, but accuse those that talk of it as being conspiracy theories if they can’t make it go away, because their job is to hide the fact the whole thing – including themselves – is rotten at the core.
Odd, system wont let me post what i wanted to say, i get a 500 type error.
I guess our CIA comment moderator got out of bed early this morning.
Mother fucker is always getting me when I post the real cool comments…
But I have a new plan to thwart that asshat: I always copy before I post!
Conspiracy theory! 😉
Last night Tucker gave an update on the Epstein investigation which was pretty funny and sad. Same people running this investigation would be my assumption.
The team that investigated the Vegas shooting must have some free time now to take up this case.
“This is absolute bullshit. I cannot stress enough how big a mistake this is when Texas is waiting with open arms.”
The virtue signaling will have a cost…
Their website lists 4 TX locations, none near me though, so that sucks.
One is slated to be within 20 minutes of where I live, but I haven’t seen shit happening and that story is two years old. FUUUUUUUUCK!
Bojangles opened a place just down the road here a few years ago, and completely fucked the pooch. Food was really good, but the service was so terrible that it closed less than 2 years later.
Corporate store.
“This woman is a national treasure. I wish there were a few hundred more of her in government.”
You understand that there is a reason the uniparty worked and works so hard to make the serfs see her in the most negative light possible, right? They fear and despise what she represents when you compare her to them. And man does she make it difficult for them to keep up the charade that they are the good gys.
I see her as an ass-clown, same as AOC. The only difference is the team label.
We need more assclowns that expose the corruption, ineptitude, and stupidity of the ruling class. AOC does it by showing us how stupid people think and can be played, which is also of value.
She at least goes after the uniparty and their media bootlickers. And a lot of her rants are hilarious. I can’t say the same about AOC.
Yeah — sometimes she’s on target. But sometimes she says crap like this that makes it easy to smear her as a nut when she trots it out before / without any proof. Could she be right? Probably. Should she not say anything until she can prove it for stuff like that given she’s a sitting member of Congress and all? Yup.
Mentally I’ve got her in the same box as Trump — I think overall they mean well (though he’s much more in it to revenge past slights / for his ego these days, imho)… but neither knows when to shut up until they’ve got the weapons in hand. But what do I care… not my congresscritter, after all.
It’s all lunatic bullshit.
Until it’s not.
“Maybe their messaging was a bit off. I applaud their efforts, but perhaps they went about it with a bit more gusto and fanfare than they should have.”
They should have started with encouraging them to kill smaller things and work their way up to cats before going for the humans?
What, like this? (First thing I thought of — I was going to link it in reference to that story somewhere!)
I think it practically always ends like this when the student really takes to this career path…
That’s only when it starts like this.
Damn you and your feline reflexes!
I was thinking this.
“smaller things”
Like hobbits?
They should have had a Poodle Shoot and BBQ instead. https://locallygrownnorthfield.org/post/2975
A poisoned cake? I saw that movie, it was a fun little time loop.
Houston-area officials are pushing back on two bills in the Texas legislature that could interfere with cities’ and counties’ local governance in specific industries such as insurance, finance, labor, and oil, among others.
I’m all for local governance, but why would cities have anything to say about finance, insurance, or oil except for “please don’t build the refinery next to our elementary school, okay?”
You seem to not get the concept of abuse of power well, brah…
Just say Yes!
This same MTG? I call this the pot talking ’bout the kettle.
Brennan is human excrement. And FWIW, I agree with her. If you’re gonna treat Vindman like a hero then be consistent with this guy.
Hey Vindman loved his country, it just wasn’t necessarily this one.
Rep Shitpants piling on about national security is the chefs kiss of that story.
I thought MTG meant magic the gathering
Is that Divine or Edie on the home page?
Damn, this bitch is crazy. Why didn’t she just try to disfigure or otherwise main her? Yes, I’m kidding.
It is true that poison is a woman’s weapon, it seems.
The cat killing competition just needed a catchy tune to evoke the right spirit!
In Pie new I was going to be scheduled for a in company training but it seems to be in Munich in September during Oktoberfest and the company does not usually approve business trips to Munich during Oktoberfest
Demand the training! Tell them you are going to have an emotional breakdown and go all frenchie if they don’t let you go.
Pie, if you see Helga tell her hello for me.
That’s reserved for management. I recall a rotating international conference that workers attended when it was hosted in the US but only management attended when it was abroad. One of our foreign partners complained that the US never sent anyone with knowledge of the subject when they hosted.
The people approving the expenses know which expenses to approve only for themselves?
We don’t have funds for worker training. We must save money for the executive retreat.
Golden Rule — and they have the gold.
My other favorite was:
We can’t approve your training because funding is tight.
We still have money. Do you have any training or purchases to make before the end of the fiscal year?
The gist of it is that hotel prices are quite higher during that period and they don’t want people to specifically schedule business trips in the most expensive period of the year because they want to go the the festival… In my case the period was not my choice but still I will not get approval
You get a lot more of what you encourage and defend!
That’s why BTW the defenders defend this shit… They want more of this crap.
Chaos is good for them and their agenda…
And they are always hoping someone makes a stand and then can be used to accuse everyone of being racists (apparently wanting to protect your green investments is the height of racism).
See I don’t think anyone really is in control of the mob, unlike those who think they are a semi-disciplined brown-shirt cadre. So yeah, bring on the Convention and let those yutes run wild.
I’m gonna need some popcorn.
Yeah — all those u-hauls with shields and brick pallets are spontaneous eruptions. 😉 (Sorry, I’m firmly in the camp that these are in fact Sturmabteilung – the upstream Antifa coordination is just firing these bozos at likely targets and not coordinating deeply on-site).
Were shields and bricks at this? Or are you just making that up about this incident? I get the BS about Antifa and BLM – but this wasn’t either of them was it?
This crowd can be counted on bringing their own…
I didn’t see anything like that at this one. It was simply kids getting out of control and then mob mentality kicking in.
And you will see more of it since it will not be punished and local pols even went so far as to blame everybody but the people involved.
There is a lot of coordination with the antifa stuff though. And you can apply my second paragraph to them as well, just replace “local” with “national.”
I was thinking about these sorts of riots in general. I made no claim for this one specifically — I’ll admit that was too vague, but do me the courtesy of not putting words in my mouth and accusing me of “making that up”. Thanks.
I’d be amazed if there isn’t an Antifa element in this crap somewhere (I mean, they’re coordinating anarchic crap on social media… that’s right up their alley), but I haven’t paid enough attention to the story to know one way or another, no.
One of the things we all dislike most about the progressive/woke world is the sloppiness of their thinking and speech. When I exhibit the same I should be called out on it, and I’ll call out others when I see it. It’s meant as a friendly reminder not to be the kind of ass-clowns so many others are (like YT comments).
“One of the things we all dislike most about the progressive/woke world is the sloppiness of their thinking and speech.”
I am starting to suspect there is very little thinking and it is all reactionary instinct of the basest kind that drives them. Logic to them means nothing, Neither does facts or reality. They want something and expect it to be or become so…
Sure — I’m cool with you clarifying whether they were at this incident or not. Saying I was “just making that up about this incident” implies a motive to deceive or manipulate that I don’t think is merited though. Never ascribe maliciousness to my verbal incompetence, please. 😉
It would greatly help if the youtube commenters weren’t at first blush pretty damned racist.
I’m all for cracking down on this stupidity and lawlessness (I’ve mentioned before I lean a lot more social order conservative than probably most here, sorry) — but it isn’t about their genetic heritage, assholes. Culture, yeah — that one is true… but it is more the entire tantrum throwing, “tear down the system” shit programmed across the youngest generation than “hip hop” or anything like that.
Of course — from the other side it doesn’t help when they call Western Civilization white supremacy… because more and more, I’m going to have to be on the “Then I guess I’m a white supremacist in your book, asshole” train. And that’s not going to be a good backlash if they shove most of the non-urban gun owners (of whatever color and creed) who like having modern society into that box.
Well, rant off.
What on earth were you doing reading YT comments?
Glutton for punishment? Hell if I know.
Newcastle University students are “appalled” to have discovered they inadvertently voted for a Tory as the incoming president of the Student Union (SU), and are demanding the election be rendered “null and void” now they have realised he’s not some tree-hugging Marxist. Shah Yaseen Ali was elected as the president of the SU in March, and is now standing as the Conservative candidate for Heaton in the Newcastle City Council election.
Is this some fucking Harry Potter Hogwarts’ thing? Cause I think Harry Potter is a douche.
Well, Ginny certainly wanted him to plunge in deep, so I suppose….
You trying living in a cupboard under the stairs for years and see how you turn out.
You can understand their confusion – he has a POC name he should have the right POC politics. Stereotyping lefties, bwahahahaha.
For those of you that partake of the ganja, happy 4/20!
We get a rocket launch to celebrate. Launch window starts at 8:30 AM-ish.
Now targeted for 8:28 AM CST.
Rocket go boom!
Successful Launch; shitty recovery.
Their ability to make huge bank peddling the wind energy shit must be coming to an end, when you get revelations like this….
The old joke about what did they use for lighting before candles is being treated as a prophesy by some.
Candles emit CO2. You will have to live without light.
Not to mention it takes heat to render tallow to make the candle, so that’s right out too.
I watched some playoff hockey last night and it was a lot of fun.
The end of the Boston – Florida game was awesome*. Things got so scrappy at the end they threw away the last three seconds rather than put the players back out on the ice for one last face off.
* If you’re just as happy to see both teams lose.
he Epsteined himself by firing his pistol into the back of his head….
Accountability is for you and me…
Full article:
Where is the reference to them smoking the peace pipe?
JFC, I get ANNUAL training on safeguarding PII and then these fuckers let someone off from the legal consequences?
No oneSome are above the law.Look, the server in the bathroom precedent is well set.
No reasonable prosecutor would take this case.
More shenanigans.
CFPB Tries to Censor Speech on Chicago Crime
So, stating the obvious is now criminal.
Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.
‘Orning ‘ordles — tolerable, but not great. Better than a night in Chicago ^W^W^W kick in the teeth, I suppose…
Daily Duotrigordle #414
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 03:15.49
Daily Quordle 451
Daily Quordle 451
Blossom Puzzle, April 20
Letters: B C O R S T U
My score: 225 points
My longest word: 9 letters
🌺 🌷 🌼 🌹 💐 🏵 💮 🌻 🌸
Play Blossom:
I walk the line.
Daily Quordle 451
Quordle is like that game Riker brings back from Risa, the one that turned out to be a brainwashing device as part of a plot to allow the Ktaarians to commandeer the Enterprise. Who wants to take over Glibs? Does this analogy make me Wesley Crusher?
Shut up, Wesley.
I’ve got something waiting for you, Wesley. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Daily Quordle 451
Daily Quordle 451
What Americans can learn from Denmark on handling debt ceiling crisis
A default would send shockwaves through global financial markets and could be disastrous for the US economy, experts believe.
But Republicans, who control the lower chamber of Congress, want spending cuts before they will agree.
The ceiling was introduced more than a century ago and it makes the US something of an outlier in global terms.
Only one other industrialised nation – Denmark – has a formal debt ceiling, but it is handled without the drama and brinkmanship often seen in Washington.
In fact, the Danes’ debt ceiling is rarely ever talked about, because it’s never even come close to being broken.
Called “gældsloft” in Danish, it was introduced in 1993 as a constitutional requirement.
The ceiling has only been lifted once, when it was doubled in 2010. This followed the 2008 financial crisis and the move was widely backed by Danish political parties.
“All of a sudden the government really did have to borrow a lot of money in a short period of time to support the economy,” said Mr Olsen.
In comparison, the American ceiling has been raised on 78 separate occasions since 1960 – 49 times under a Republican president and 29 times under a Democrat.
One major way in which Denmark’s scenario differs from the US, is that its debt has generally been shrinking. The government ended 2022 with a budget surplus, and used the money to pay down a large chunk of its borrowing.
“There is actually a lot of saving going on,” Mr Olsen explained. “It’s a policy aimed at making sure that the economic situation is sustainable in the long term, when we know there’s a lot of pensioners and we’ll be living a lot longer.”
“Spend less” would seem to be the lesson.
This sounds like the spenders actually take serious the need to be fiscally responsible. Why the fuck would the grifters running the money printing machine that allows them to steal so much money suddenly stop that practice and take their responsibility seriously. Next you are going to tell me that these people should do what the people that elect them want also.
“That’s crazy talk. Why should we cut spending to lower the debt when that would make our re-election chances more difficult?”
-almost every asshole on DC
We ran up debt living beyond our means. It would irresponsible to live within our means now.
“Not only irresponsible, but probably racist and homophobic!”
-the left
“Not only irresponsible, but would decimate our military readiness!”
-the right
Yeah, those wacky Republicans claiming spending a trillion (or more) dollars you don’t have is a bad trend and all…
I don’t remember who posted the numbers the other day — but just returning to 2019 spending levels would suffice to eradicate the deficit and we could start reversing course on the debt. Not where I’d like it (I’m more in the 2008 numbers camp), but that shouldn’t be as big of a deal since it predates all the “emergency” virus-of-undisclosed-origin spending and all. Of course, money printer go whirrrr… inflation only hollows out the middle class (so is good to increase the serf pool and cut down political opposition beyond the in-crowd)… government can never shrink… yadda yadda… And so this will continue (until it can’t).
Boy I’m ranty this morning. Sigh.
I feel like we’re paying tribute to viking raiders and it’ll never be enough.
2019: $3,463B revenue, $4,447B spending
2022: $4,897B revenue, $6,273B spending
Spending increased 47% in 2020.
Confident prediction: There will be much huffing and puffing and drama, and the debt ceiling will be raised. But the Repubs being either stupid or complicit, the spending bills won’t be locked in first, and they will get rolled when that happens.
Republican SOP: We will give you something you want now for a promise, which you will break, that you will give us something we want later.
You want Bojangles? My office is about 300 yards from one and I never go there. HipBurger on the other hand is just down the street and I’m there once a week. There salads / bowls are quite good.
Bojangles is the best of the fast food chicken joints.
I can’t wait to stop at one for lunch today as I head toward Savannah. It’ll be just as good as the Krystal burgers I had in Greenwood, MS yesterday.
I’m still a fan of Zaxby’s myself. Enough so that I periodically drive to SLC to haul some back for my wife.
Zaxby’s wouldn’t exist if Chik Fil A was open on Sunday.
Chicken E?
I’ve never had bojangles before.
I only eat fast food on road trips. Popeye’s is on the short list of places I will stop. I’ll keep an eye out for Bojangles, though.
A contest planned for children in New Zealand to hunt and kill feral cats as part of a drive to protect native species has been axed following backlash from the public and animal rights groups.
What’s wrong with slaying pussy?
that sounds like groomer talk
Greenpeace UK
🚨NEW: Germany is set to ban new oil and gas boilers from next year.
The UK plan’s to ban them from 2035…
Why can’t our government take climate change seriously?
what a bunch of vile scum.
If we took the issue seriously, we’d have to kill the greenies and burn their strangling regulations for heat while we rebuild the basic infrastructure they’ve already destroyed.
Throw another environmentalist on the barbie.
They sure as hell want to take you back to the feudal age, both in spirit and in practice, over there, Pie…
“Why can’t we destroy the economy faster?”
I’m about at the stage where we just need to get this shit over with.
It’s like when the Enterprise flies into a sun’s corona – it will come out the other side, maybe a little battered and bruised, but the virus or whatever will be eliminated and repairs can begin right away. Better than dawdling while the doctor tries to figure out some solution while the ship and all its crew die slowly one by one.
A supervisor at the IRS has told lawmakers that he has information that suggests the Biden administration could be mishandling the investigation into President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.
I have been repeatedly assured by Democrats that no one is above the law.
And they mean it.
But the application of the law allows them to decide who is guilty and who meant well and is innocent..
“the Biden administration could be mishandling the investigation into President Joe Biden’s son”
Good Samaritan who risked her own life to save couple battered by violent mob during ‘Teen Takeover’ calls out mayor Lori Lightfoot for ‘sugar coating’ the ‘mayhem’
Sugar is white. So I am pretty sure this is a racism.
Not always.
“Our launch into Chicago is a tremendous step for Bojangles as we continue to expand across the country. We are beginning to build a powerful brand presence throughout the Midwest, where consumers have fallen in love with our products, and we’re confident this will hold true with new customers in Chicago,” said Patricia Halpin, Vice President of Growth at Bojangles, on Monday.
I hope your insurance covers the looting and arson.
They are going to arrest every last person they can id who marched in an absolutely peaceful parade 7 years ago. The First Amendment is dead.
Old things should be dead. Long Live Progress
Rich proggies dominate Albemarle politics.
Not everyone, just those with the “wrong” politics.
That’s weird, since those clowns used tiki torches specifically to comply with the law and were mocked mercilessly for doing so.
Also, they’re all from out of state, so I’d expect the feds to pile on as well with crossing state lines to participate.
Of course they won’t do the same for the antifa goons that travel across state lines and push burning dumpsters into businesses and police cars. Those are just misunderstood youth.
The process is the punishment unless Youngkin does something to puts a stop to it.
Former President Donald Trump set off a firestorm of criticism when he said there were “very fine people on both sides” of the clashes between white nationalists and anti-racist demonstrators in Charlottesville.
One of TMITE’s bigger lies that will never die.
Something something “condemned totally”…
They are invested in making people believe this lie they have told.
And they’ve succeeded with a lot of people.
I’m old enough to remember the ACLU going to court to protect the rights of for-real Nazis to demonstrate peacefully.
felony charges for carrying flaming torches with the intent to intimidate.
I guess I better be careful how I display the ones on my deck. I wouldn’t want to “intimidate” anyone.
Each is charged with a single count of burning an object with the intent of intimidating a person or group of people. The charge carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison.
What the actual fuck?
The indictments, which were issued in February but only recently unsealed, come almost six years after
Isn’t there some sort of statue of limitations?
“intent of intimidating a person or group of people”
Was that person or group of people present?
I’m sure the law was written with the best intentions as an anti-Klan thing back in the ’60s. And now is used to club whomever they can because as Drake said — f’ the 1st and all.
I have a very hard time believing the statute of limitations hasn’t already run on whatever they want to charge them with. Not that such technicalities matter when you are trashing the rule of law, but throw it on the pile of norms they are junking.
I looked it up – no statute of limitations for felonies in Virginia. Lawyer Glibs correct me if I’m wrong.
I’m sure the Popehat signal will be lit to get them legal help.
I forgot all about him.
“What In The World?”: This Couple With $1,000,000 In Debt Calls Into A Finance Show, Leaves Everyone Including The Host Speechless
“A 29-year-old woman called in to Dave Ramsey’s show for advice on tackling a $1,000,000 debt she shared with her husband, leaving people speechless
Dave Ramsey: Okay. How much of that is your mortgage?
– Uh, the mortgage is about $210,000.
– So you have $600,000 in what?
– $335,000 is about in student loans. We both have advanced degrees, and then a lot, the rest is really credit cards and personal loans.
– So you have $300,000 of credit cards and personal loans?
– We have about $335,000 in student loans and then about $136,000 in credit cards, $44,000 personal loans, and $35,000 car loans.
he has an MBA and I have an advanced degree in Policy. I work in the government. We actually both do now at this point, actually.
Our household income is about $230,000.
Sounds like a situation I read about on this very site, though probably worse
There’s your answer right there…
Also sounds like they’re not good at math.
They are qualified to work for the OMB. Maybe they do.
The question becomes “How in the ever-loving fuck did they get that much credit?”
Just declare bankruptcy and move on. The people who loaned that money are so stupid that I have no sympathy for them. The student loans are not dischargeable, but whatever…
It’s crazy how much lenders will give you if you have stable high income. Doctors often fall into this exact same trap.
Ouch! Just the consumer debt is 1x income.
he has an MBA and I have an advanced degree in Policy. I work in the government. We actually both do now at this point, actually.
Our household income is about $230,000.
That’s pretty sad given the debt incurred. There are pairs of doctors out there with less debt and twice the income.
I learned it from you, Uncle Sam.
Some people never grasp that just because some lending entity offers you what seems like easy money, that won’t create problems.
I remember refinancing during my divorce over a decade ago, to give my ex half of the property value so I could keep the house and get rid of her, and the bank was flabbergasted that I only took the amount I owed instead of borrowing all of the equity I had since my mortgage was almost paid off when we went our separate ways. I had the loan manager actually have his manager call me to ask me why I wouldn’t take the opportunity to get more cash (and the dude told me to buy a new car or boat or just blow it on some vacation, have fun!). Some people fall for this idiocy. I told them to fuck off.
This morning I told the bank I wouldn’t need that mortgage they pre-approved for me. Spend less than the number they approved and will pay in cash.
Reminds me of when I refi’d from a 30-year to a 10-year. The twenty-something at the tile office held stuff up for 20 minutes because she noticed a mistake. Then she comes back and says “Sir, you are refinancing and your payment is going UP! Do you realize what you are doing?” I said “Yes, I’m paying about 200K less interest!” She was stunned: “I’ve never seen anyone do that before!” I said “That’s how you know the country is doomed. Idiots paying 200K in interest so they can get a 40K tax deduction.”
Best financial move I ever made. I can retire right now if I want because that’s 200K I have in my portfolio that I wouldn’t have otherwise and would have to work 3 or 4 more years to accumulate.
I tell my friends “Smart people collect interest, dumb people pay interest.”
Good move, Invisible. I keep telling people, well, not anymore, since I’m no one’s boss but you MUST have your home paid for when you retire. Preferably well before so they can follow in Invisible’s tracks.
they work in the public sector. man it is easy to get used to spending money that isn’t yours in the public sector.
I’m actually surprised their mortgage is so low. Though the credit card debt is fucking amazing. I can’t imagine the amount of interest they are paying monthly.
They sound like people that loved to live at a standard they couldn’t afford at the time, and they were not going to let the fact they lacked the funds for that standard to get in the way. Hence the ridiculous borrowing.
Probably around $2.5-$3k.
As big as those attention grabbing numbers are, just paying it off is easily possible. The problem is the willingness to change what brought them into that and sticking with it.
I imagine their credit card debt comes from continuously drawing from that last little bit they have in credit every month.
Inflation can certainly help that shit cycle where you’re having to use your paycheck to pay credit cards, and because you’ve spent your cash paying credit cards, you have to use the credit cards to live.
The obvious play is to control spending and put as much of that debt as possible into a home equity loan. Maybe buy a cheap car instead of leasing if that’s what they’re doing.
Yeah, much worse than what I wrote about in GlibFin. We did a dump truck load of stupid, but most of our half-million+ debt was a mortgage. We had roughly a quarter million in student & consumer debt and paid the last of it off when we sold the house.
They’re actually uniquely placed to solve their problems relatively painlessly. They work in government, so can influence fiscal policy to expand the money printing that the US has been engaged in. This shouldn’t be too difficult since lots of people in government benefit from inflation. If they do their part, through the state’s debasement of the currency, the face value of their debt can be reduced to that of an expensive meal within about a decade.
SpaceX launch 0828 CDT
come on launch already
there it goes…
And there it went!
Fairly amazing it got that far with 5 engine misfires.
Ok… it wasn’t just me seeing the non-lit ones in the Super Heavy shots. Kind of wonder just how redundant those are and how well it balances in the worst cases — that’s the kind of things that made the Russians give up on that style for their moon launch booster, iirc. Assuming the increase in compute capacity makes all the difference for real time rebalancing.
Separation went awry, but still tons of data to sift through.
Wondering how big an area of the Gulf they close off – given all the debris coming down.
I like the phrasing “rapid unscheduled disassembly”.
And off she goes. Good luck!
Man. They got nailed by the same problem the Top Gear guys faced. Failure to separate during staging.
This woman is a national treasure.
Cute how they wanted the accusation stricken from the record. Dems say the worst shit ever about their opposition on a regular basis without consequence. Tell them to fuck off.
Then there is that dishonest, sanctimonious cunte Thompson…
I can understand striking unproven accusations but they didn’t strike her words about Swallwell because they’re true – that is hilarious.
Learning From Vlad the Impaler
The American people need a champion who is willing to be the bad guy.
At least we are (maybe) going to get a rocket launch today.
Light ‘er up!
Annoying that they are playing crowd noise instead of flight control.
When it sat on the pad for 6 seconds with the engines lit I thought something had gone wrong
Launch, yes — a bit of an earth shattering kaboom unfortunately at the end. Looked like either Starship didn’t separate during the flip and that confused the super heavy so it kept the spin up, or the other way around (because it kept spinning, Starship didn’t think it was safe to detach).
Data for the future…
In a February statement, state Rep. Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock), author of HB 2127, and State Sen. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), author of SB 814, said these bills would create “regulatory consistency for small businesses across Texas and return exclusive regulatory powers to the state where they belong.” But local officials against the legislation described these laws as a “Death Star bill,” a state power grab, and an overhaul effort to hurt local governments.
Some things are the prerogative of the state government. Cry about it.
I started with the question: “Why are barns painted red?” and now I’m down three different rabbit holes of historical #paint #chemistry.
1. Linseed oil is the most used historical sealant in Europe. It’s pressed from the seed of flax plants, used for linen production.
Mrs. Playfair: It looks the way all the Irish cottages should…and so seldom do. And only an American would have thought of emerald green.
Rev. Playfair: Red is more durable.
I thought because red paint was cheap and plentiful. (It was, according to Sears & Roebuck)
Linseed oil is also the oil of choice for cricket bats: https://villagecricket.co/how-to-oil-a-cricket-bat/
Ding Liren had the chance to even up the World Chess Championship this morning, but couldnt find the right moves in a winning position. It ended in a a draw. Nepo remains up 1 after 8 of 14 matches.
I still think its a good result for Ding after his collapse two days ago.
Mike Solana
spicy food is honestly so stupid and im tired of pretending we don’t all actually kind of hate it. like, ‘oh, you know what would be really awesome right now? if my meal were a little less pleasant.’ wut
what a pussy
Let me be clear. You come for my spicy food, you’ll be pulling back a stump.
+1 Star for Neph.
As long as you aren’t stupid about the heat it adds some gusto.
My hot pepper powder will knock your socks off.
I draw the line at stuff that burns my ass on the way out. Didn’t use to happen when I was younger but now…nothing hotter than Tabasco sauce for me.
I like some spicy food. With the hottest Nashville chicken it’s too hot and there’s literally no flavor at all.
A balance is good.
Michael – you were speaking last night in a thread I missed, but I thought you might like this.
Someone is thinking this through.
Yup. I am not buying the story they are telling about this. This whole thing reeks of an intel op to me.
They proved they could dangle some bait and hook someone in the Reality Winner case; this feels similar.
Kid is a gun nut Trumpster. Obviously he needs to be framed and railroaded for the sake of democracy.
Linseed oil is the most used historical sealant in Europe. It’s pressed from the seed of flax plants, used for linen production.
Somebody found a use for a waste product? Let’s hope the EPA doesn’t find out.
Successful launch of the Star Ship!
Lost it at stage separation. Pretty dang cool to watch, though!
Apparently it blew up?
Unscheduled disassembly, yeah.
Looked to me like the separators between the stages didn’t blow. They gave it 30 seconds to self resolve, but then detonated it when it was clear it wasn’t gonna fix itself.
“China began developing Covid-19 vaccines before the official start of the outbreak, a new report claims.
A 300-page document, compiled by the US Senate, suggests Chinese researchers started work on a vaccine programme in mid-November of 2019.
It adds to evidence that the country attempted to cover up early infections before the World Health Organisation (WHO) was informed on December 31.
The report also concludes that the pandemic most likely came from a lab leak and was the result of a ‘research-related incident’ in Wuhan.
And it even suggests there may have been two unintentional spill-over events just weeks apart.”
And nothing else will happen.
Accountability is mean and cruel, let’s just pretend everything is okay instead.
I’m sure somehow, somewhere Fauci will cackle to himself and check his pension amounts some more. Other than that yeah, nothing will happen.
There really were 2 leaks. One in August of 2019 (the Alpha variant), and another in November 2019 (the Beta variant). One was deadlier than the other. China hid the information and took active steps to let the fucking thing go global. This was the initial assessment most people in the space were sharing in early 2020, until they decided to use the crisis to get rid of the orange guy they hated and flipped everything on its head with that ridiculous wet market bullshit three weeks into the two week lockdown.
Fauci liked the orange guy – so slipshod in his early administration that Fauci could release the funds that Obama had frozen.
I’m certain there were a bunch of permanent bureaucracy types that were having a field day because they knew they had the tacit approval of the media and the entire federal system to do whatever they wanted so long as it screwed with the administration.
See also, the treasonous bastards who lied to the White House about how may troops were in Syria.
They should all be hanged.
Fauci liked Fauci. And his sole priority from the start was to hide his complicity and the runaround Obama approved after grandstanding about stopping gain-of-function research in the US. Trump’s problem that he too often trusts the wrong people. Practically nobody in the government bureaucracy is competent or trustworthy, especially if they see you as someone fucking with their criminal endeavors (see Fauci again).
Misdirection, since the spike protein vaccine designs in Moderna and Pfizer are also very suspiciously dated.
SARS was 2003.
Yes, but every vaccine design for SARS failed miserably and the spike protein was not similar.
The spike on the COVID virus has a human-specific protein at the furin cleavage site that enables it to more easily infect people. All of the COVID mRNA vaccines incorporate that protein design and are thus not SARS vaccine derivatives.
Who knows what they came up with in 17 years?
My point being that the mRNA vaccines were incredibly specific to the Alpha strain of COVID and they pushed them out almost immediately because somebody already had the spike protein design.
They haven’t been able to replicate that speed with the newer strains, so it suggests that there was already significant research into that specific spike protein prior to the outbreak. Which would make sense if NIH, NIAID and the sort were funding the research that developed the virus and the vaccine technology for it at the same time.
“Which would make sense if NIH, NIAID and the sort were funding the research that developed the virus and the vaccine technology for it at the same time.”
Well, yes, that’s what they claimed they were doing.
There aren’t enough lamp posts and/or woodchippers.
“Disturbing moment Washington state middle school kids take part in ‘vile’ licking game between students and adult STAFF – as parents are left furious”
That looks more like a Japanese game show than some kind of grooming shit.
They want these kids sexualized and separated from family because that will make them easy to control drones for the evil leftist movement.
I’m reading “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”.
The planning and execution of the psychological manipulation and the deliberate destruction of the culture is eerily Fay.
At least they are completely over covid.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
The Texas bill says local ordinances cannot conflict with state or federal law. Anyone else get the feeling this is going to end up being used against local governments protecting their citizens from overreach?
I am not a big fan of it.
As far as I know, that’s the standard arrangement for most/all states. Localities are units of the state and are given latitude only insofar as the state allows it to them. There were two models that I don’t remember the details of, but both stressed the subserviency of the local governments to the state government.
Here’s a decent primer on the topic
There’s been some back and forth pushing here in Ohio as there’s home rule built into the state government, but the cities (and in some cases counties) have been smacked down by the state for overreach (specifically on guns and bans). It’s an interesting dynamic to me, and I’d be lying if I didn’t like it every time some overreaching city/county ban gets smacked down by the state.
Bojangles? That sounds racist. Do they have a cakewalking minstrel for a mascot?
That sort of restaurant would never happen.
I ate there a few times as a kid.
#MeToo. There was one in Fargo and the parents would bring us to it if we had behaved during our adventures in the Big City.
There was one in the neighborhood I grew up. It’s a liquor store and currency exchange now. Which stereotypes the neighborhood more than the restaurant ever did.
“Damn, this bitch is crazy.”
Maybe she could have locked her in prison in an iron mask.
Oopsie. Looks like SpaceX test flight failed.
Ah, well. Build, test, learn. Iterate design.
Early on they had a lot of failures and explosions. But they learned from each one and were able to make rapid progress, which is what will happen here. This is why the Chinese version won’t work. Both culture and government won’t let them fail this way.
They’d be well past this point already if not for the FAA holding things up.
I see the debt limit is in the news. If those ultra MAGA Republicans can’t come up with a plan which will magically fix the budget and eliminate the national debt while increasing benefits, they’re not serious and no one should take them seriously. Just because it has taken us decades to get to where we are, there is no reason to settle for anything less than a magic wand solution.
Rome wasn’t burned in a day.
Looks like SpaceX test flight failed.
But it worked flawlessly in the simulator!
“My Model says it worked.”
I’m torn now.
It’s a no brainer!
“We’ve never had an accusation made of any member like that,” he said. “I’m appalled at it. We all ought to be embarrassed at it.”
I’m not saying it isn’t true. I just don’t think we should talk about it in front of the plebs.
You knuckle draggers only subsidize your electric cars? How cute. Here in Minnesoda we are so much better: We subsidize e-bikes
And we made damn sure that the subsidies go to the poor. I’m sure they will feel so much better e-biking to that job at McDonald’s.
I can’t wait to see some 500 pound troglodyte squeaking down the street on one of those.
So, a giant honking subsidy for fast-food delivery and apartment building fires. What could possibly go wrong?
I have no idea why emissions wouldn’t drop by 15%. Love to see the spreadsheet where they came up with that gem.
Also, we used Portland data?!??!!!! How dare they use data from our arch enemy when it comes to being the most Bike Friendly City in America? (Mpls has always had a weird feud with Portland about their rankings in bike friendliness).
I wonder if anyone has ever done a study to see how many more people are seriously injured or killed biking to work than driving to work. Of course, when that study showed that a lot more people were injured on bikes than cars I’m sure they’d blame it on evil cars running over the virtuous bikers. But I bet you’d see similar spikes in injuries/deaths if everyone started driving motorcycles. Wiping out on a bike or motorcycle is going to end up in bad results. And I have to believe that riding e-bikes in snowy/icy weather in Minnesoda is going to end up with a lot of wipeouts.
`*shorts FM Global*
Greene’s remarks were a reference to Swalwell’s professional relationship with Christine Fang, who U.S. intelligence officials believe was working on orders from Beijing to befriend up-and-coming politicians in an attempt to gain information and leverage. Swalwell has never been accused of any wrongdoing by law enforcement.
*outright prolonged laughter*
Why would putting one’s ding ding in Fang Fang get law enforcement involved? It wasn’t illegal, just really stupid.
If Scooter Libby goes to jail for revealing that a woman who worked at Langely was a CIA agent, I’d think that Swalwell had to blab something at least as damning while he was eating her moo goo gai pan.
Scooter went to jail for someone else doing that. Scooter went to jail for not remembering exactly what he told a journalist.
I’ll take your word for it. I just never understood that scandal.
Why was it such a horrible thing that someone identified Plame as a CIA employee? She worked at CIA HQ and drove there everyday. Was some foreign spy agency really not aware she was CIA?
Yeah, Scooter went to jail for lying or obstruction for not having the same story as the Meet the Press guy about what they talked about. It was Powell’s deputy at State that I believe admitted very early to “outing” Plame. It was all a fairly mild campaign to discredit Plame’s husband who was a fairly middling diplomat that was making too much unwanted noise about Iraq or something related.
The Bush administration was pissed that Plame was undercutting their Nigerian yellowcake bullshit story in the runup to the Iraq War.
Yep, it was Richard Armitage who told Bob Novak, who reported on it. Armitage was a well known gossip, and nobody really thought he did it maliciously. The whole thing was a mountain out of a molehill, but Libby apparently did lie under oath for some bizarre reason.
To be fair, the guy’s “debunking” of the yellowcake story was:
1. Get on a a flight to Lagos
2. Got directly to a hotel.
3. Stay there for two days.
4. Go directly back to catch his flight to the US.
5. Say: I went to Nigeria, nobody who I talked to there saw any of this yellowcake.”
Professional relationship? Was he paying for her services?
That poor victim from the doppelganger story! Not only did she almost die, but now she has to worry for the rest of her life that the perp might hire some clever group of criminals to break her out of jail and replace her with the victim.
How would you ever get out of that jam?
I show up to find not one, but two fucking songs by Yes?
Happy Thursday!
Yes; Yes.
I find that this could be read either way — good or bad.
I hate Yes.
Modern day civil rights heroes.
The “Tennessee Three,” the trio of state lawmakers punished for participating in gun protests, will visit the White House on Monday to meet with President Joe Biden.
The White House announced Wednesday that the president will meet with state Reps. Gloria Johnson of Knoxville and Justin Jones of Nashville and Rep. Justin Pearson of Memphis. The three were disciplined for violating their Statehouse decorum rules when they took part in a protest earlier this month seeking tighter gun laws. It followed the shooting deaths of three 9-year-old children and three school officials at a Nashville elementary school.
By Dem standards they disrupted an official proceeding, which requires pre-trial prison for several years as a consequence.
Trumped up charges only for Trump supporters.
Even the white one?
I assume we’re still pretending that the gun shot those victims on its own and therefore no mention will be made of the shooter or her possible motives.
What shooter/shooting? /TMITE
Great Moments in Minneapolis Government
After Phase 1 of a redesign of a street is completed, the city realizes that the design sucks. Emergency vehicles can’t access the area anymore, people can’t leave their driveways safely. So on to Phase 2 which will surely be great. But no idea how much extra all this costs.
The kicker is that the story has a bunch of the changes that they are making. The last point mentioned is a doozy
Go figure. Adding a bike lane and green space narrowed the road too much? Who’d a thunk?
The lefties that now control my town did a miniature version of this.
They added bike lane and those awful calming humps on road I commuted on daily. Naturally paid a lefty consultant six figures to investigate and create.
Turns out somebody more pissed and better educated than I was about the laws in NJ found out that the volume of traffic on that road specifically by law precluded using those humps and they had to remove them all.
My question that I would have posed to the town was how was this “expert” selected and why wasn’t something obvious like this known by the expert? I’d have tried to recover the fees.
One of the roads I drive on a lot was put on a “road diet”. Used to be 4 lanes, now it is two lanes with a huge center turn lane and really wide shoulders. Of course, the wide shoulders are right next to the 8′ wide bike path they build earlier.
The other benefit is that all the manhole covers that used to be easy to drive over when there were 4 lanes now require you to either drive directly over them with one side of your car or to swerve out into the big center turn lane to avoid them.
They did that to one of the main roads here. Even as a cyclist I’m against it. I’d rather bike on a five lane (with a turn lane in the center) road than a two lane road with some shitty “bike lane” to the side that’s full of gravel, glass, and detritus.
It’s insane how bad these projects can be.
It costs about a million dollars per block. These projects suck and I don’t recommend them unless you’re also doing the buildings and can roll some of the disruption together.
Will there be cake?
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday will lay out the Biden administration’s principal objectives for the U.S.-China economic relationship in a speech in Washington, the Treasury said on Tuesday as tensions between the world’s two largest economies has thwarted high-level meetings.
Yellen, who said last week she still hopes to visit Beijing to meet with her new Chinese economic counterparts, will deliver remarks at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, the Treasury said in a statement.
Yellen’s speech will detail the Biden administration’s economic priorities on China, including securing U.S. national security interests, fostering “healthy” competition and cooperating, where possible, on global issues such as climate change, debt relief and macroeconomic stability.
Yellen also is expected to highlight U.S. economic strength.
“During her remarks, Secretary Yellen will underscore that in its bilateral relationship with China, the United States proceeds with confidence about the enduring fundamental strength of our economy,” the Treasury said, adding that she will discuss growth-enhancing investments in infrastructure, advanced semiconductor manufacturing and clean energy technologies.
We look forward to a long and profitable relationship.
So, generally speaking, there will be no cooperation.
I note that the Chinese have been telling the West that if Beijing has to take a haircut on loans to third world countries, so do the IMF and World Bank. That’s gone over like a lead balloon, but it does expose the lies at the heart of the Western financial system in regards to the undeveloped world.
“Sure, we’ll follow Paris or Kyoto or whatever the fuck you lunatics are nattering on about now.”
/ramps up another couple hundred coal plants
I’m going to make a bad situation worse.
Money can’t buy everything
TW- Idiots in Cars
The life story of half the country
How bout this guy?
When I was in London I was disgusted how many obscenely expensive cars had wheel rash. Apparently curbs are challenging for the rich folk.
You’re driving a Bentley, and you’re getting drive-through fast food?
The lefties that now control my town did a miniature version of this.
They added bike lane and those awful calming humps on road I commuted on daily. Naturally paid a lefty consultant six figures to investigate and create.
I knew one of the Livingston City Council members, who was not exactly the brightest bulb on the string. I was talking to him one day over a beer, and he was telling me about how they were going to put a traffic study out for bid. There were/are a lot of uncontrolled intersections in town, and the newcomers (as well as a lot of old timers) had no idea how to negotiate them. I said, “Traffic study? For what it would cost to do some bullshit traffic study, you could just go buy a bunch of stop signs. If you really want to know where the trouble spots are, go ask the guys at the body shops where the fender benders happen on a consistent basis. You could even ask the cops.”
He was dumbfounded.
Sounds like a great idea, but did you go to the Columbia School of Traffic? Didn’t think so.
That’s gone over like a lead balloon, but it does expose the lies at the heart of the Western financial system in regards to the undeveloped world.
We call them “client states” now, don’t we?
every teenage boy falls in love with one historical empire and never forgets her
basically you just have to hope its not the nazis or the soviets
Good morning, Sloop!
Wild sucked hard last night. I crashed after two so I was spared the end. Hopefully they can get their heads right for Friday.
I watched some of that. I dropped after it was 4-1. I thought you wouldn’t be too happy.
His teammates really hung Flower out to dry. Not too many goalies are gonna survive that many odd man rushes and breakaways.
Just another day in Chicago.
Moment woman almost mows down her boyfriend at gas station, then hits another vehicle before her SUV flips – as Windy City’s lawlessness under Democrat crime apologists continues
“BREAKING PART 1: Multi-State Investigation EXPOSES @wpath
Connected Transgender ‘Health’ Doctors Prescribing Puberty Blockers to Minors as Young as Eight Years Old and Irreversible ‘Cross-Gender Hormones’ to Minors as Young as 14 Years Old
“Most kids are mature enough to make a relatively informed decision”
“We do have patients who are starting [transition] as young as eight”
“Cross-gender hormones… have some permanent effects…I need the patient to be a little — to be mature enough to make a relatively informed decision…I get it… there are some 14-year-olds that are not, you know, mature — but generally speaking, they usually are pretty good”
It will not bother me in the least when those kids start killing their parents and the docs that mutilated them.
Funny how what these caring docs consider needed and ethical always seems to line up with their bottom line and don’t even get me started on the shitdick parents who either want attention and pats on the back or resent their kid for not being whatever gender they wanted. It’s just sick.
Yeah, if I’m on that jury, I’ll acquit.
Over/under on days till “unfortunate self-inflicted hunting accident while duct-taped upside-down to a tree”?
I’d be tempted to register as a Democrat just to vote for him in the primary.
Don’t exit through the kitchen Bobby.
Yep. Dude needs to stay safe.
Aren’t you in SC?
Primaries are open, which is how I voted for Tulsi last time.
In honor of 4/20.
Meet The Billionaire King Of Rolling Papers
Malicious legislation.
A ban on dozens of semi-automatic rifles cleared the Washington state Legislature on Wednesday and the governor is expected to sign it into law.
The high-powered firearms – once banned nationwide – are now the weapon of choice among young men responsible for most of the country’s devastating mass shootings.
Actually, rifles of all types are used in almost no crimes.
Forget it RS, lying liars gonna lie.
Almost none of the banned rifles are high-powered.
Indeed. I think it’s still the case that in a lot of states, .223/5.56 is not legal for deer hunting.
You got me.
“Read through this thread for the most epic troll of woke teachers who push LGBT stuff on their students 🔥”
“As a 3rd grade teacher, I often talk about Jesus with my students, they are so excited to hear about my faith. They point to the cross on wall and ask me about the resurrection.
Some have gotten baptized in the sink, as long as they don’t tell their parents. It’s our secret.”
That’s priceless.
The best part of the launch video was the cheering when the rocket exploded.
Was it an entertaining explosion?
For me it was when I saw how fat Elon is.
Well, he is a fat cat.
Michael Bay teared up a little bit, I reckon.
JJ Abrams asks “where’s the lens flare”?
This is the tinfoil hat talking but doesn’t it seem like there is a full court press this week in the media pushing the “property owner flips outs and starts shooting because someone walked on their property” narrative?
Can’t talk about it – racial angle is all backwards.
The initial link in my feed was to a People magazine article that was careful not to show a picture of the shooter.
So did he break out of jail and just go home?
Zero sum world
The manufacturing industry in Puerto Rico is putting the island’s finite water supply at risk, experts told ABC News.
In the 1960s and 1970s, industries ventured to Puerto Rico as the result of a now-expired federal tax incentive known Section 936, which exempted businesses from federal income tax profits earned by U.S. companies in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories.
The incentive is widely regarded by experts as responsible for creating a fiscal crisis on Puerto Rico, as the island’s economy remained stuck in a standstill due to its inability to generate wealth from the rapidly growing manufacturing sector. But with the expansion of industry also came severe environmental impact.
If only they could go back to the good old days of subsistence farming and fishing.
Am I crazy or does this sentence make no sense?
Puerto Ricans don’t understand profit margins? Sounds racist.
Obviously, it’s disastrous to your local economy if the feds can’t tax the life out of you.
Interesting essay. Related to A Time To Dig Trenches that I linked last week.
Water contamination has been rampant in Puerto Rico since the 1970s, environmental scientist Neftali Garcia told ABC News.
The industries that arrived bolstered that they were generating jobs and growing the economy, Garcia said.
“But, what were the consequences? Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, rivers pollution,” Garcia said. “Once you pollute the groundwater, cleaning the aquifer is extremely difficult, and it takes decades, if ever, [to] become clean.”
Those evil corporations, taking advantage of government incentives. Who could have predicted that?
Meh. Nothing a nuclear power plant and desalinization facility can’t solve.