I blew my chronology last week. Kentucky Fried Movie came after two other skit-based movies. The correct timeline is:
- Groove Tube,1974: Appears to be the movie that started this minor craze. Written by Ken Shapiro and Lane Sarasohn
- Tunnel Vision,1976: Written by Michael Mislove, Neal Israel
- Kentucky Fried Movie,1977: Written by David Zucker, Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams
So Tunnel Vision came right before Kentucky Fried Movie. I am correcting myself. All three of the movies listed above are cut from the same cloth. The gimmick here is that a senate committee is looking into the programming of a fictional TV station, which has stolen the ratings from every other station. It’s a nice plot point for this crowd. Howard Hessman is in this, along with a ton of other people who shall remain surprises.
I have two comments about this copy on TUBI. 1) It sounds like you are listening through a wet towel wrapped around your head and 2) It’s as fuzzy as my $5 Zoom camera. Other that that this movie is pretty great. It shows how far we have fallen as a country. In the 1970s, movies could be bawdy, dirty and crack off-color jokes and still be popular and not attract a crowd of protesters.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until the government investigates you! Next week, you decide! What genre of movie would you like to see? Western? Sci Fi? Something else?
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
Why does this page have this huge blank space?
They’re fucking with us.
No idea. Never seen it do that. My opening notes broke too. Probably user error on my part.
There were a stack of non-breaking spaces “under the hood” so to speak. I took them out.
Thank you!
Moj, I’m glad that you do the Friday night wrap up. It gives me reassurance that in spite of government interference life carried on pretty much as it always has. I look forward to the weekly update, occasionally I’m a little late but it’s still new to me on Saturday mornings.
I’m not a movie guy. I spent 5 years at remote radio stations in France, we had free movies 5 nights a week, they weren’t first runs either and we had to run the projector ourselves. I kind of got burned out on movies and sitting still. Even now I rarely watch TV beyond snippets of the news.
You can always comment anyway. There are no rules or time limits on Thursdays.
Thanks, Fourscore! I’m glad you’re invested in the story even though Trey is a complete dick.
Tres is NOT that bad. He’s hardly the worst commenter here.
You’re good.
It’s for scribbling notes.
Makes sense.
I’ll queue this up for later viewing.
Sci-fi for the next block?
thanks RJ!
This movie probably doesn’t even have a baby Yoda or girl boss character, does it?
Thankfully, they wrapped all of that up with a neat bow. Sounds like it’s going back to the proto-Western vibe.
No. Just crass humor. If baby Yoda was in this he would have been fed into a woodchipper for a laugh.
At least it has a first, unlike some people around here.
Some options for next week:
Sci Fi: Italian Space Opera time! Star Odyssey or Cosmos: War of the Planets
Western: The White Buffalo, Sukiyaki Western Django
Kung Fu: Wolfen Ninja, Night of the Sorcerers
Utterly Foreign: Witching and Bitching (subtitled), AND FINALLY Dead Snow (possibly subtitled) and Vampire Clean Up Department (also possibly subtitled)
I was hoping it was this War of the Planets to which you were referring. However, The Wild Wild Planet from the same bunch is even more fun.
The Wild, Wild, Planet is sadly not streaming. I could do The War BETWEEN the Planets instead of Cosmos: War of the Planets.
I’ll pitch Trancers again
You’ll take what R.J. gives you and like it.
I wonder if I’m missing something because it has been fireworks every evening this week, and today it started in broad daylight. All launched from the sidewalk on a busy avenue right around the corner.
Eid, Eid, Eid, monsters from the Eid.
I thought that was last week but I could be wrong. But yeah this corner is like the epicenter of that sort of thing in NYC.
*tap tap tap* Oh it’s tonight.
But the constant fireworks was never a thing in the previous ten years I have lived here.
More MAMEM’s in your city now than 10 years ago.
Lots of nice young men milling around in black hoodies?
Obscure trivia: The Groove Tube was advertised on the college midnite movie circuit as The Boob Tube.
Had to drag in those college boys somehow.
This is so spot on. All the fake commercials and skits, especially starting 1/3 of the way in are just parodies of modern society.
I’m not sure what I’d do if this thing were to enter a bathroom I’m in. Maybe trip it. OMG I AM SO SORRY DID I HURT YOU? *kick in the face* OMG OMG OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??!?!
Dude. Make an effort, at least.
You know what’s sad? I wasn’t even sure which asshole this video was going to be. Predatory scumbags.
Yeah, this was a new one to me. I thought it would be one of the several other recent exemplars.
There is going to start being some serious normie backlash soon.
DeSantis: ‘Listen. Have your fun during Pride, but no nudity or stripping or dildos or twerking in front of minors.’
I agree. There are loads of people willing to give genuine trannies (i.e., those making an effort to pass) plenty of room to live as they please. But these pervs trying to get their way under the same flag are provoking a backlash.
There are more than just proggies who argue it’s a right wing myth that there are opportunists out there and that yes, policies about bathrooms are going to attract some number of general perverts and even the rare predator.
Right. I don’t care – hell, I probably wouldn’t notice – if Blaire White or Caitlyn Jenner came into the women’s room while I’m there. What I don’t want is that guy in Mo’s link who thinks he can come in and wave his junk around and peek in the doors just because he can say ‘neener neener I’m a woman.” How does ‘sexual harassment’ anywhere else make sense as a policy, if this is allowed?
I’m beginning to think small families are not helping this. A couple of brothers beating the crap out of these clowns for going in their sister’s locker room at school would serve society a lot better than whatever tf this is.
Bullying among children serves a valuable societal function. Weeding it out in all cases is having unintended consequences.
When Count Potato says the bathroom issue is stupid, this is why it isn’t stupid. You may have had “passable” individuals in the past who would just use the bathroom (those people may be put at risk by laws), but the flood gates have been opened and now you have people like this who exist and think they can do whatever they want.
The ideal situation is no law, but someone like this would know damn well that they’d get their fat ass beat if they went into a women’s bathroom. I’d sign off on the cops doing the beating if no one else steps up.
And five years ago I would have said this has to be parody. But look at Admiral Levine…
Five years ago it would have been a parody. But now… you’re right.
Betty Thomas with no shame.
Police Comic is an actual funny bit.
Speaking of the trannies, Matt Walsh is getting all of his info leaked. DM’s with Steven Crowder, emails with Ben Shapiro (who the fuck has 20 years of their emails saved?), his taxes.
Journalists who were opposed to using hacked material a few years back are welcoming it with open arms.
Um … 🤔
*starts sweating*
The only thing those will ever be used for is dirt on you. Delete. DELETE NOW.
I would too, if it wasn’t for the really big fire 14 years ago.
The crowd who opposed hacked materials only opposed it when it happened to someone they supported. The hypocrisy is rife in that crowd.
Good morning, you crazy folks.
Have a great day!
Good morning 🙂
Mornin Seam, and all you early birds
*waves* ☕
Brain still rebooting, can’t type. Good morning Sean.
Morning, whatever…
Need coffee…
Morning, all.
Hypothetically should get more sleep.
Realistically, crazy brain on fire.
::sprays fire extinguisher at hayek’s head:: That help? 😃
As long as it was a Class C extinguisher!!
Hey, I ALWAYS use the classy stuff! 😎
The playful youths with their roaring engines and explosive exhausts startled me around 4am so badly one of my gnarly toenails cut a little chunk out of my other ankle. Mostly tossing and turning after that. 🫤
Why don’t you go live somewhere nicer?
Sounds like you have a good job, no kids, etc.? :/
*Hands you a strong coffee*
Morning, Shirley.
Although I can’t claim to be an early bird, from my perspective.
Good morning, Shirley, Sean, Ssccrruuffyy, hayek, and limey!
Less than half an hour’s worth of Board meeting yet to plod through and transform into minutes. I think I can, I think I can….
How many days does it take to make sense out of a board meeting? Enjoy your weekend, you deserve a break.
I am three big meetings light today. Made me wake up with a smile.
We can celebrate birthday’s again so happy birthday Robert Smith.
I don’t think he does happy…
He does! And he likes jokes.
Nearly there. This was a long meeting, huh?
I assume this is a Brooksed response to me, so yes – the Zoom recording of the meeting was 1:23, so now that I think of it, I think I have only about twenty minutes to go. My boss, the CFO, is usually responsible for most of the length of each month’s meeting. He’s very…thorough. 🙄
Durn squir’ls.
May the wind be at your back, GT.
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead, limey! 😁
Has civilization collapsed with the fall of the blue checkmarks? So many unverified people out there.
How do we even know what’s true without the priests to tell us?
I don’t know…watch Alex Jones?
White pill to perk up your Friday morning!!
“Extinct” lions are roaming the Earth? It’s the zombie apocalypse.
Nice! I love a good white pill every now and then.
Big kitties!
Good morning but not a good morning.
6-7 inches of fresh wet snow and still a little in the air. Snow was nearly gone, let’s start over. The hole in the garage roof can’t even be covered, too dangerous to expect anyone to try to go up there.
Fortunately one day it will stop. Coffee’s good this morning.
Enjoy your coffee privilege ☕️Hope the roof can be fixed soon.
Mornin’, reprobates!
I need my morning covfefe to prepare me to deal with whatever comes my way each day. I was not prepared to deal with a coffee maker which leaked all over the floor this morning. Replacement will be acquired this afternoon.
Watching the news, seeing the tornado damage, my problem is trivial. So many suffering from war, hunger, etc.
There are some that can’t decide what the differences between boys/girls are. My trials vanish.
Very true. Merely by being born in North America in the twentieth century I have it better than 99.999% of anyone who ever walked the earth. But I still manage to find things to whine about.