Baseball season is off to a horrible start. At least for some of us. But it’s still a bit early to panic. The Masters starts tomorrow and it’s gonna be a great one, as usual. And meanwhile, across the pond, the race to the bottom intensifies. The run in is gonna be amazing, with 12th and relegation separated by a mere 3 points. Now on to thew news.
I’m sure this will be well-received. Unfortunately it has become necessary as the religious violence being carried out has gotten worse and worse the last couple of years.
The way things are going, we’re gonna need this stuff ourselves. But that doesn’t seem to bother this administration. Now…I have a question: who the fuck allocated this spending, seeing as Congress did not pass a bill and the president did not sign a law. And our constitution is pretty clear on the approval process for appropriations. And this is very much an appropriation, in my opinion.
Oh well, it’s only taxpayer money. At least the cop was charged. But that doesn’t change the fact that taxpayers are on the hook for his misdeeds. Until that changes they’ll continue acting with impunity and their “brothers” won’t do anything to stop their bad actions before they escalate to shit like this.

Oh the humanity! These science-following bigots must be made to pay for their sins against the quiltbag.
They’re gonna blame the knife, aren’t they? It’s time we have a looooong talk in this country about real criminal justice reform. Dangerous people need to be behind bars. And the easiest way to accomplish that is to get rid of victimless crime and make room for them in the prisons.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. This guy might actually be worse than Beetlejuice, if that’s possible. His thirst for social justice and other peoples money might be even greater than hers.

Get out of the cities. You’re not safe there anymore, no matter how much money you’ve got and what security you can afford. They’re lost.
Good. They never should have compromised. Doing so would be like saying “if you already started amputating body parts off a crazy person by a certain date, you can continue chopping them off until you’re done. Pass the law as written and start protecting the bodies of people too young to consent to getting a tattoo or buying a pack of smokes.
Nobody’s perfect. But that song comes close. And this one is nearly as good. Such a fantastic band. Enjoy!
And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.
“These science-following bigots must be made to pay for their sins against the quiltbag.”
Bathroom laws are just stupid.
“It also included a ban on transgender people changing the name or gender on their driver’s licenses. The bill cleared the Legislature Tuesday…
The bill’s language would prevent transgender people from changing both driver’s licenses and birth certificates, but Kansas is under a 2019 federal court order to allow birth certificate changes.”
Can’t anyone change their name?
Is the ban just “licenses must use legal names not aliases”?
On a birth certificate? That sounds crazy to me.
What if your parents both transed? And then you transed? Would all three names be changed on the birth certificate, or would the parents be deadnamed? I mean…if the birthing person and prostate-haver no longer exist, how can their names stay on the birthing record of a newly-gendered person?
Also, wouldn’t they need to switch their places on the birthing record, seeing as a transwoman can’t be a father anymore and a transman can’t be considered the mother. Let’s just outlaw those anachronistic terms and say “person with hole (at the time)” and “person with dong (at the time)” for the sake of both accuracy and feelings.
The role cannot be changed, whatever the names. I will not cede the scientific fact that declarations and mutilations do not change the sex of the individual. At most I’d accept ammendment forms indicating that an individual listed changed their name from E to G on $DATE.
My mothers birth name is listed on my birth cert. and it caused a bit of confusion when I needed to get a drivers license in another state. I got a call from the WA dept. of records to ask me what her name was, as she had never used it (it was a family naming convention; women were named after the mothers sisters). She had always gone by her middle name, but, legally, it was still listed as Jean even though she had by that point legally changed it.
When my father took his stepfather’s last name the birth certificate wasn’t altered to change who his father was.
TX (and other states) already play games with birth certificates. Adoptive parents can replace the child’s biological parents and original name with their own and the child’s new name on the certificate.
Birth certificates are a record of an event and should not be changed to reflect subsequent events. Changes in names or guardianship are separate documents. Should women who take their husband’s last name now change their birth certificates?
^^ this
Ship has sailed
Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
Yeah, sounds like unlawful overreach to me.
But entirely expected given the current climate of hysteria.
Sex-segregated spaces create emotionally safe environments for pubescent and pre-pubescent females to change in. It’s not just about taking a dump in a private cubicle. It’s about changing clothes after swimming or exercising without some guy with a beard toweling his dong before tucking it and putting on his dress to continue living out his day of denying reality.
They also create physically safe(r) spaces for women.
Such vivid imagery!
Yes. That’s how you drive a point home.
I watched a ‘trans’ individual walk into the womens locker room at the gym to change. Until I saw she/he/xe walk in and out of the locker room I had never had any sort of emotional to the ‘where-you-you’ shit culture wars. Then I started thinking about how I’d feel if I knew my wife or daughter was in there changing. I’m starting to come around to the right’s perspective on this issue.
*insert “reaction”
*delete a you, move an ‘
/sips coffee
Yeah I mean, I agree with potato that bathroom laws are stupid, but I am also so neurotic in my own way that I only take dumps at home. For me, it’s stand at the urinal, wash my hands after, get the fuck out of there. I workout at home. I really don’t understand how women feel.
Only women know how women feel. And that isn’t supposed to be some sort of Zen Koen or tautology, but a reflection that all of the things that a female experiences, either through culture or biology, end up reflected in that persons womanhood. This is why all the dipshits who feel that they are a women are lying to themselves. They have no idea what a woman feels in any given situation, they are just LARPing the whole thing. They feel that having watched a bunch of movies that they know, deep down, what someone who as actually experienced all of those things feels. It is just bullshit.
Same goes the other way, obvs.
I really don’t understand how women feel.
Just change your pronouns and you will.
That’s how it works, right?
I don’t care who’s in the bathroom when I’m going, but it’s different for women. Especially when you consider that only a man with mental problems is going to be using the woman’s restroom. No family wants a 40 year old dude with his dick out while their 8 year old daughter is in the bathroom alone with him.
Should their be a law against a 40 year old man in the girl’s bathroom? No. But there should also be legal protection for the girl’s father, and probably other patrons, when they beat the pervert senseless.
There wasn’t laws against it because, until recently, no one would have blinked an eye at the latter. Now the grown men running around with their dicks out around preteen girls are part of a protected class in many states.
I have no problem with such a law.
Me neither. It’s a form of trespassing, IMO, which should be against the law.
The only justification for criminal laws of any kind is that self-help of the injured against the criminal is worse for society than having it handled by a criminal justice system. If your government won’t protect children from perverts, then what exactly is it good for?
If your government won’t protect children from perverts, then what exactly is it good for?
My job is to protect my children from perverts, not the government’s. Same with protecting my children from mass killers or any other kind of predator.
The government’s job should be not to arrest me afterwards.
Yeah, I’m willing to accept the fact that a government not powerful enough to be abused at a whim is also not powerful enough to pre-emptively protect me from all (potentially) bad people.
I’d prefer store owners make that decision and patrons can make their own decisions based on that whether to shop there.
The issue as I see it is that many states are now taking that choice away from store owners under the guise of discrimination. And prevent sane adult males from stepping in and handling it.
If only every business could transition to single user facilities.
What was done, was seen.
“No family wants a 40 year old dude with his dick out while their 8 year old daughter is in the bathroom alone with him.”
Except that’s not happening.
What this law does is require that some people who look like men now have to use the ladies room.
Who using the woman’s room is would be more upsetting to this eight-year-old girl? Chaz Bono or Kim Petras?
Not happening, it’s only Chaz Bonos and Kim Petrases.
Not a bathroom. I don’t know the details about that Ohio incident, but that person is being charged. I looked into that LA spa incident. Turns out the man was a registered sex offender who wasn’t even trans.
Trans women do not wave their dicks around in locker rooms, if they don’t avoid using the locker room entirely.
“Trans women do not wave their dicks around in locker rooms”
I fielded multiple complaints from female doctors about exactly that happening in the changing/locker room for surgeons at my hospital.
“I fielded multiple complaints from female doctors about exactly that happening in the changing/locker room for surgeons at my hospital.”
That sounds suspiciously odd. This was a trans woman surgeon waving her dick around?
Seriously though, this is non-responsive to the objection.
“If you allow transwomen into women’s locker rooms, there will be dudes in women’s locker rooms waving their dicks around”
“No it wont”
*points to example of it happening*
“That doesn’t count, they weren’t really trans.”
Just because people who aren’t “really” trans (whatever that means) are taking advantage of the laws does not somehow mean that the event didn’t/wouldn’t happen. Foreseeable consequences and all that.
“Just because people who aren’t “really” trans (whatever that means) are taking advantage of the laws does not somehow mean that the event didn’t/wouldn’t happen. Foreseeable consequences and all that.”
Trans means transitioned or at least transitioning (also not “truescum”, they don’t have to have had gender dysphoria). Not some “Dressed to Kill” scenario. No extra law is going to prevent that.
“*points to example of it happening*”
These examples are very rare. So rare, I don’t know if it’s happening more now than before trans became this big culture war thing. So I don’t see how it’s been demonstrated as a “foreseeable consequence” of any particular law. What is way less rare is trans women using the ladies room and nothing else happening. That’s been happening for decades. So the law is punishing an entire group of people based on few assholes who aren’t even a member of that group. Men don’t even wave their dicks in men’s bathrooms and locker rooms. It’s unacceptable behavior for anyone.
If this law is necessary, how many males have attacked women in Kansas bathrooms?
You won’t get any argument from me about any new hot, hip law being necessary or overpunitive. A great parallel would be the AWB in response to school shooters. I’m just not going to say an AWB is unnecessary because nobody ever shoots up schools.
I don’t care about the appearance. I’m concerned about the mentally ill dude using his dick on or in view of the kid.
See my comment above. That exact scenario could have happened last week at the gym, there just didn’t happen to be an 8 year old in there at the time. And, as a husband or father, YOU can’t go in there and make sure everything is ok.
*Meant as reply to Potato
Not happening, and also already illegal.
WI Spa says “hello!”
NOVA school bathroom rape?
Thoroughly debunked. The school didn’t have a trans bathroom policy at the time. The couple in question were using the bathrooms to hook up. So it’s not an example of someone using a trans bathroom policy to sneak into the ladies room to attack someone.
Breakdown of societal norms has replaced customer and mores with legalism.
Also, stupid squirrels.
It’s not a bathroom law.
whaddup doh’
The mask is off and we’re firmly into the “What difference, at this point, does it make?” system of governance. Sigh.
I suppose I should start trying to figure out how to encode messages for Thunberg-141 residents to break free someday at this point.
Chicago voters like what they had, the “Get Out The Vote” campaign really worked. Lori can help during the transition.
What an upset that the winning candidate was backed by the teachers union and public sector unions. Never would have expected that.
Except for the cops – they backed the other guy.
I have worked with many people who love Chicago and will never leave. I’ve been there numerous times and have never understood the attraction.
Go listen to Sinatra and get back to https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iK_CL7sr018
“I can walk through filth and crime to amenities you have to drive to.”
Well, they voted for it, now they’re going to get it. Good and hard.
The Trump clown show is revealing(once again) what a fucked up system the criminal so called justice is. Not just Trump, but what it does to ordinary people accused of a crime. NYPD police policy is to handcuff anyone arrested. Why? Are they a threat? No, it’s pure intimidation by the state. Same with DA fatso and the personal immunity for their actions taken under the color of law and hiding behind their offices.
VDH called it last night on Tucker. The plan is to elicit enough sympathy for him to secure the GOP nomination, then gag and maybe jail him during the election so he can’t campaign. The January 2024 trial date the DA requested is telling.
The unspoken part – that will be the storyline while enough states are rigged for 4 more years of our current awesomeness.
A secondary plot is DA Fats using this to fail upwards. It doesn’t matter if it sticks, he “got ‘im”. He is now a shoo-in for mayor or governor.
I can’t help wondering why they’re so afraid of asecond Trump presidential term? What are they going to try that they think a book like Donny would impede?
Maybe he goes Sulla on their asses. Unless that’s the case, nothing would happen. The economy and foreign relations would immediately improve dramatically, but nothing else would change. They just laughed at him when he tried structural reform and ordered the military out of Syria.
Or out of Afghanistan.
Dammit, why won’t this woman shut up? And why is it the people with the most annoying voices are compelled to never shut up? I can’t think with the incessant chatter from the next row of cubes. Just shut up already.
Put some headphones on, UCS.
^This. I had a coworker who used to “hey man you don’t mind if I play music do you?” Out of politeness and because I liked him otherwise I always said yes but his music taste was awful. A pair of Bose knockoff noise cancelling headphones was well worth the $70.
Yup. When I went back to the cubes it was noise canceling headphones.
My scofflaw was a person who did not understand that not only is sniffling very rude, but it doesn’t work! You just sucked the snot back up into your nasal cavities where it will now drip down again. BLOW YOUR FUCKING NOSE!!!!
By the way, sniffling vs blowing is a definite cultural thing. When I go to Korea, my in-laws are all horrified that I blow my nose. They think sniffling is the proper thing to do.
Any dinner involving food hot enough to make your nose run ends up in everyone getting on each other’s nerves with our nose blowing and sniffling.
It’s not so much the nose blowing, it’s that your’re using you’re Minnesoda hankie on the floor.
Minnesoda Hankie: plug one nostril and blow violently out off the side of the tractor with the other.
“Farmer’s sneeze”
I have an ex who refused to use Kleenex, in favor of a hearty snort into the bathroom sink every night before bed.
I ended up having to go to my car to get a noise source for the headphones.
“Hey biddy…. stop doing that!”
“corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking.. Just a moment”
At least Chiraq’s new mayor doesn’t look like a malnourished troll so there’s that. Obviously Chicago’s population had more of a problem with her presentation and her personality than her policies which is a shame.
They know that when Chicago is in its darkest hour, they can always summon her back. They just have to look into a dark mirror and chant her name three times and she will appear in either her striped suit, or with the hook hand to save the city.
Now…I have a question: who the fuck allocated this spending, seeing as Congress did not pass a bill and the president did not sign a law. And our constitution is pretty clear on the approval process for appropriations. And this is very much an appropriation, in my opinion.
A 1961 law…super.
But with currentish year updates!
Just think of it as being a book full of blank checks to be used for all kinds of stupid shit and you’re almost all of the way there.
Oh wow I didn’t know that was going on.
Buckle up, Chicago.
who the fuck allocated this spending, seeing as Congress did not pass a bill and the president did not sign a law. And our constitution is pretty clear on the approval process for appropriations.
How quaint.
Can’t take the time to vote on things when “democracy” is at risk.
Daily Quordle 436
Blossom Puzzle, April 5
Letters: D L N A R U Y
My score: 151 points
My longest word: 8 letters
💮 🌸 🌻 🌷 🌺 💐 🏵 🌹
Play Blossom:
That was a tough Blossom. >.>
Almost chumped in both today. Yay.
Daily Duotrigordle #399
Guesses: 37/37
Time: 05:14.48
Daily Quordle 436
“I’ll take it.”
Daily Quordle 436
Daily Quordle 436
Daily Quordle 436
Lion: towed
Texas Republicans just backed out of an agreement to add exceptions to a bill that would effectively ban gender-affirming hormone therapies for trangender youth.
This should never have been a thing in the first place.
I don’t know enough about it to say there should NEVER be any exceptions to a ban for minors but considering the transenablers aren’t arguing in good faith the backing out might be a good idea.
“There’s extensive data showing that hormone therapy withdrawal symptoms can be and are very difficult to cope with”
That’s the argument for grandfathering. Which is kind of an odd one, when you consider that hormone “therapy” requires hormone blockers, which essential cause hormone withdrawal on their own. The argument for grandfathering is the argument for banning, in short.
Better lifetime dependency on “hormone therapy” and potential sterilization, yay.
It’s bad luck to get murdered by someone that ‘tarded.
I finally got to watch Brandon Herrera’s “review” of the Sub2000.
That is… honestly, what do you call it?
1. Just as a category, I know that “this piece is absolutely not what we’re pretending it is about” is something that exists though I don’t know what it’s called.
2. The context in which it’s being created is so incredibly relevant to what the piece is that it will be completely incomprehensible a few years from now, unless someone goes through a entire process of inserting footnotes into it.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I have one. I think it is the perfect truck gun: cheap, compact, somewhat accurate.
See? That is not what the video is about.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Good one! Brutal to be diagnosed that young, though.
Huh, Chelsea are thinking about bringing in Lampard as interim until the end of the season.
I saw Enrique.
So should we actually monitor banks within our region like SVB or should we put out stuff like this?
Pro Take: What Is That Job Ad Really Saying? Fed Paper Looks at Ageism in Tight Labor Market
The President of the Minnesoda branch of the Fed is spending his time working on a constitutional amendment for education. So I don’t think Fed leaders are obliged to worry about banks and financial institutions. They have more important virtues to signal.
Is the Fed directly advocating that or are these two clowns essentially using their holding of public office to give them some authority on their lobbying?
In the case of the SF Fed this is an actual Federal Reserve activity.
Just the two guys using their Authority as Top Men to push for this amendment (which I think has finally died).
Still I keep seeing Kashkari’s name in the paper for all sorts of things, none of which seem to involve banks or finances.
Starting today all McDonald uniforms will come in one size, XX large, even a skinny kid can fit into one while a more robust figure would not fit in a smaller person’s size. Equity, baby!
Amazing that those who are unconcerned about getting a ‘quality education’ will get one, like it or not.
Of course shoveling money is the only path to quality.
Anybody remember The Stranger? The Alt-weekly where Dan Savage became a minor celebrity for a while?
They ran an article about the poor oppressed ABDLs. The tinfoil hatter in me things this is a sacrificial QUILTBAG that can be tossed under the bus to make the Ts more reasonable/acceptable.
ABDL? Asexual, bisexual, demisexual lesbians?
I remember Savage Love when the local lefty rag was still the best way to learn about what concerts were going on around town in the upcoming weeks.
Adult Baby/Diaper Lovers
/updates his dictionary.
/doesn’t care how they feel they’re oppressed
They aren’t oppressed enough
Buggy Baby Rubber Bumpers?
“Crinklers” is the term I believe.
No link to the Wisconsin Supreme Court race? Been a lot of local press in the proggie sites about how important it was to elect a proggie and tip the court balance. I guess the courts are now just another partisan legislature where they will vote party line instead of on the actual issue of law.
And yeah — the right-leaning sites I peruse (townhall and its siblings) have been warning about it for a bit… not that it apparently did any good. ooh-wa-wa-wa-wa… get down with despondance! (my apologies to Disturbed…)
Been that way for decades. The courts draw the maps.
NPR’s take was “how dare a filthy Republican candidate accuse a noble proggie of having a bias!”
1) *backs away slowly and loads DVD of Pertwee era story instead*
2) Too bad they never did a revival of Doctor Who after it was cancelled in 1989
3) the last twenty years has all been a plot to make JNT not the worse DW producer in history
My head canon is that we simply lost track of the Doctor after Capaldi regenerated… and I’m fine with that.
Really wish they could find copies of more of the Troughton era, myself. Seriously underrated stories there.
The 419 scam-lost episodes mashup gives me hope.
I wish Pluto would show more of the ones that do exist.
I’m going to hate myself if I watch it…I know it.
I see a Glub review post…
Tennant AND Tate? Best Doctor/companion pair EVAH!!! 😃
Tom Baker and Louise Jameson would like a word.
I still want a strippergram from Karen Gillan.
Not Elisabeth Sladen? I haz surprise.
Don’t get me wrong, Sarah Jane was a fine companion, but Leela had a certain pragmatism that I appreciated.
Yeah, that’s the classic pairing for me.
But Tennant and Tate were darn good too.
I might consider watching it with those two.
But I have a feeling Doc 15 is going to dial up the woke to 12. (The last one set it at 11.)
“We just didn’t try harder enough!”
“Americans will need to wait more than FOUR MONTHS for passport renewals as backlog grows due to ‘pent up wanderlust'”
Your tax dollars at work.
When we had our passports renewed after 9/11 there was another layer of security theater that had been added. The renewal seemed harder than getting them in the first place.
The kicker was the new passports were put into a FedEx envelope and left on our porch in full view of the street. Nice security!
Hmm, we just got ours renewed and it took about 2.5 months.
My brother had to fly to Seattle from the Midwest to get his passport for a trip to Africa, because they were so backed up.
Having a passport to go to Seattle sounds about right.
“More than 300 undercover Los Angeles police officers filed legal claims against the city and police department Tuesday after their names and photographs were released to a technology watchdog group that posted them online.
The watchdog group Stop LAPD Spying Coalition posted more than 9,300 officers’ information and photographs last month in a searchable online database called ‘Watch the Watchers’ following a public records request by a reporter for progressive news outlet Knock LA.
Chief Michel Moore admitted previously that the department had ‘made a big mistake’ and said that he ‘deeply regrets that the mistake happened.’
It comes just a week after an LAPD union announced it is suing a website called killercop.com, claiming it put bounties on officers’ heads after their pictures and personal details were released to the public.”
“No one is above the law.”
Bragg: “We can not, and will not normalize serious criminal conduct.”
Last year, Alvin Bragg reduced 52% of all felony charges to misdemeanors.
And we will normalize political persecution.
I’m still trying to figure out why paying off a pr0n star is worth a 34 count indictment, but paying fake legal fees to a law firm so they can pay off a Brit spy to produce the Steele Dossier is totes fine.
The first presidential candidate evah to try to bury potentially damaging information.
Don’t forget the part where the Brit former spy then used that money to pay Russians to feed him fake information.
Because this is a team sport… And there is no Trump in TEAM.
Baseball season is off to a horrible start – I keep tellin y’all NBA is better
Have they started calling traveling and carrying again?
there would be fewer dunks that way
And it would be a better game.
I was watching a kid at the gym yesterday practicing Hardaway’s “jump back 3 point shot” which is a blatant travel. But now the youngsters must be getting away with it too because this kid spent at least an hour working on gathering his feet, jumping to the side, landing and then shooting.
Baseball season started terribly but improved in the past 2 days.
For Detroit Tigers fans at least.
@Pie. Are you interested in NBA gear? My husband won a $100 gift card to the NBA store and can’t give it away.I realize you may have some difficulty redeeming such a thing.
thanks, but not really…
Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz has won a hotly contested race for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, defeating former Justice Dan Kelly to give liberals a majority on the court for the first time in 15 years.
Hotly contested” you say? I see the lefties have gotten over their aversion to out of state money in local elections.
Brave browser n my phone has shit the bed. Not sure what is going on.
Brave auto-updates, so maybe it updated itself to “broken”.
Auto updates are evil.
Let me choose when and if to patch. This shit happens too often with patches.
I need to plan a holiday and everything seems so expensive… I think I should try to get a longer one this year I did not have time off longer than a week since 2012… I have practically 29 time off days this year…
Good morning fellow miscreants!
I think this song comes close to perfect too.
The other night, a violent group of seconders tried to gang up on me It was like being attacked by a pack of shit throwing howler monkeys. Seconders think that when they band together, their power increases, but this is a matter of simple math. When you multiply two numbers less than a whole number together, you are only making them weaker and further away from First. Every seconder who joined in made the gang attack exponentially weaker.
The new language proposed by Kashkari and Page starts with the phrase, “All children have a fundamental right to a quality public education that fully prepares them.” They say it’s meant to focus on outcomes for kids.
And we explicitly abandon the notion of equal opportunity.
I have always had a huge respect for Alan Page. I hate to see him get tangled up with a hack like Kashkari.
Page has always had a uber proggie streak. For the most part he tends to keep it in check, but there are times that he lets it get the better of him.
Deep down, I think that his biggest beef is that because he was an athlete everyone assumed he was a dumb jock. And he is a very bright and personable guy. I’ve met him in real life twice and he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.
He wants a lot of good things, but I think he is pretty naïve about how to get those things accomplished. He would have been far better off starting a private charity to help poor kids learn more than this amendment would have done.
I have also met Carl Eller and Jim Marshall in real life several times and both of them were way cooler/funner than Page. They were dumb jocks having a blast in life.
Eller I felt bad for because that was when he was still wearing a rug and it was horrible. He is way better off now that he has gotten rid of that and wears a hat.
Marshall I felt bad for because he is so physically beat up. He can barely cripple his way around the bar where I’ve run into him. The good news is that I am not sure he has to buy his own drinks yet. I know we always buy him a few when he is there.
When I lived on the Alabama coast in the late Aughts, my boss was a buddy of Ken Stabler’s, and I met him a couple of times. He was only around 60 then, but he hobbled around like a 100 year old man. Very affable guy though.
And not just an athlete, but a truly elite athlete. There have been two defensive players to be named NFL MVP, ever. One was Lawrence Taylor, the other was Alan Page. LT is, ah, not exactly an intellectual. Few people are as athletically gifted AND as intelligent as Page.
As usual, the media seems to be completely full of shit when it comes to reporting about the Kansas bill.
First, the bill’s text establishes a “Women’s Bill of Rights”, a term they won’t use because most people would be favorable to it.
Second, I couldn’t find any mention of transgender people (or anybody else) not being able to change their names. That seems entirely made up.
Third, it doesn’t mention birth certificates at all. It only says that laws that distinguish between the sexes will be based on sex at birth only.
Fourth, a provision was added to accommodate people born with a medically verifiable diagnosis of “disorder/differences in sex development” (eg., hermaphroditism) which eliminates that issue.
Good morning, Sloop!
It’s time we have a looooong talk in this country about real criminal justice reform.
There was an article yesterday about all the scumbags that were spun out in NYC while fuckface was trying to get Trump. Classic Bolshevism: empty the prisons and let the scumbags terrorize the normies. It’s happening in pretty much every big city across the country – I wonder how long we’ll stand for it?
The weather for the Masters looks pretty shitty. Too bad, because the beautiful course is one of my favorite things about watching.
Great band, great songs, great way to start the day!
Consider how long we stood for it during the 70’s and 80’s, and how much worse crime got – like, much worse than now.
So… that long.
I like that at the weigh in for female boxing you can see right away which fighter has an onlyfans
I wonder how much she charges for a wrestling match?
Polyamorous relationships can have as many benefits as monogamous ones, shows research
Surely that depends on how many of your partners have independent insurance providers.
There was an article yesterday about all the scumbags that were spun out in NYC while fuckface was trying to get Trump. Classic Bolshevism: empty the prisons and let the scumbags terrorize the normies. It’s happening in pretty much every big city across the country – I wonder how long we’ll stand for it?
Ad hoc justice, in the absence of a functioning legal system, is a real thing. We may be coming to a point where people start “disappearing” (or just being found dumped in an alley). Every so often, some “homeless” person is attacked, and a huge media freakout ensues. What if the victim wasn’t a random harmless bum? There have been a few cases if “vigilante justice” the cops and the media haven’t been able to sweep under the rug or mischaracterize, like the father in Texas(?) who caught somebody trying to rape his little girl and beat him to death on the spot.
I think we can expect more of that.
Illinois Federation of Teachers’ statement on Brandon Johnson being declared the new mayor of Chicago:
“It is truly an historic day for Chicago! For the first time, a public school teacher and union organizer has been elected to lead our proud, working class city.”
Given the intellectual chops of most of the government schoolteachers that I’ve had the experience of dealing with, I can concede that it’s “historic,” but that’s not exactly a good thing. I can only assume that Chi-town’s descent towards “Lagos-by-the-Lake” status will continue apace.
If he’s a teachers’ union organizer in Chicago, you can rest assured that his political skills and methods are slightly more extreme than those of La Cosa Nostra.
From the earlier comments between Count and RC:
“Trans women do not wave their dicks around in locker rooms”
I fielded multiple complaints from female doctors about exactly that happening in the changing/locker room for surgeons at my hospital.
Among male to female transsexuals there is a large component of autogynephilia involved, which is sexual arousal from being seen as or appearing as a woman. It is not much discussed because it goes against the agenda. As a result I can imagine there are more than a few instances of this type of behavior going on in locker rooms, changing rooms and bathrooms. I’m not in favor of bathroom laws, but am very much in favor of any private business being able to police their bathrooms how they see fit, and in cases of dick swinging in female bathrooms for quick 86ing of the offender.
The issue being that private businesses are quite often not allowed to police their own bathrooms.
The Left decided to make regulations and laws the battleground, I’m no longer content to sit around with my thumb up my ass waiting for the regulations and laws to magically disappear because that’s the ideal solution.
This a million times.
Wow, those related articles at the bottom would get somebody’s ass canceled today. But they all seem valid.
Yea I noticed that. Amazing how much the left has shifted “the science” in their preferred direction over the last decade.
Most MTF are not AGP (and Blanchard’s theory is trash), but someone who wants to be seen as a woman isn’t going to wave their dick around.
“The concept of autogynephilia can assist clinicians in understanding some otherwise puzzling manifestations of nonhomosexual MtF transsexualism.”
I don’t find it puzzling that some males with gender dysphoria are attracted to femininity. Lesbians exist. So a person with a female brain can be attracted to women.
In honor of Passover (if nobody else has done it), have some Frank Zappa.
Russia, Russia, Russia!
“Liberal democracies” 🙄
NA (and any other shooty types), any reco for a doublestack 9mm 1911 that won’t break me?
No one needs a double stack
I don’t shoot them. Evil Sheldon does I believe.
As far as less-spendy options, Bul armory has a good reputation.
No firsthand experience with these, but I’ve heard good things about Para’s 1911’s:
Thanks for that.
Stop being weird. 🙂
Buy a Sig p226 SAO.
Wow, sloop – didn’t even have to go to Ohio in the music (No point in doing so I guess, your city would still be gone.)
It’s nice to see that the BofE is as retarded as the Fed.
I mean, I know they know they are lying and all that, but still.
That just proves Nancy Pelosi was right when she said our monetary policy didn’t cause inflation, it was a “world-wide phenomenon”.
Speaking of a worldwide phenomenon:
Our bullying seems to be losing its efficacy.
Try as you might ypu cannot outretard england
The rot is spreading:
Electing judges is a terrible idea.
I’m starting to think that the crack-up – if it comes – will be over abortion.
Isn’t it just another example of demoralization? No matter which principles the normies hold dear, the crazies will hammer them mercilessly. Trans bullshit, abortion, war, supposed racism – take your pick.
I wonder what victory looks like in their minds. Clearly they are being used by some bad people – do they not realize what happens to the useful idiots once their usefulness is exhausted?
There is a reason that lefties like this judge have brought abortion to the top of their platforms. I think the GOP can kiss every purple state goodbye, for starters.
I think the abortion issue played a big role in Whitmer’s re-election as governor. Tudor Dixon was not a great candidate but the Whitmer ads really attacked her on abortion. The one I remember portrayed Dixon claiming she supported a total ban with “no exceptions for rape or incest”. I don’t know how accurate those video clips were but I think they were effective.
The rot is spreading:
Don’t be silly. Judicial candidates are nonpartisan. Strictly focused on the plain text and meaning of the law.
any reco for a doublestack 9mm 1911 that won’t break me?
Does Rock Island make one?
Yes. That’s the cheapest option I’m aware of. I’ve seen some criticism of Rock Island from the resident shooters.
Yes. I don’t know how good they are. I know that some custom companies use them as a base, but then they tune them and charge double/triple the price.
From the same company’s page about souping-up the Springfield
In her victory speech from Milwaukee, Protasiewicz praised voters for having “chosen to reject partisan extremism in this state” and said, “Our democracy will always prevail.”
They rejected the kind of partisan extremism she disapproves of, anyway.
“Our democracy” sets my teeth on edge
“Our” is always doing a lot of work there.
It’s essentially territorial pissing. It’s claiming everything for the left.
I’m starting to think that the crack-up – if it comes – will be over abortion.
That clump of cells is a cancerous growth which must be removed before it kills the host.
I wonder what victory looks like in their minds.
The Nuremberg rallies, followed by Pol Pot’s giants cairns of skulls.
Pol Pot’s giants cairns of skulls.
Launching the next Sam Waterston’s career in Law and Order — Woke Squad
I watched a bunch of that era L&O’s recently and holy crap what an eye-opener on how much the Overton window has shifted in the meantime. None of those DA’s could get elected today.
It was once, one of the best shows on TV.
My dad was in the Chicago alderman runoff and was defeated by 300 votes. His opponent was a Pritkzer -public union backed candidate who never held a real job and is a piece of shit. Dude spreaded untrue rumors like my dad had an affair and that he was connected to the former alderman who is being investigated by the FBI even though he hated the lady. As for the mayor’s race it was between asshole lite (Vallas) and major asshole (Johnson). Major asshole won and the crazy part about it is that he’ll make Lightfoot’s term look like heaven. He views the residents and businesses as nothing more than tax cattle there to fuel his pet projects and increase the pockets of the teacher’s union.
Chicago can get fucked and I’m happy that I left that shithole of a city.
Problem for us, Ed… as Chicago spirals down, it will cling to the rest of Illinois and take us with. Springfield is just a place our money goes, before heading to Chicago.
The moment it gets too bad, the CBOT, CBOE, et al will unplug their computers and turn on in TX or FL and Chicago will turn into a slightly larger Cleveland or such.
And the sad part Swiss is that anyone who even dares to challenge quo will get destroyed.
The moment it gets too bad, the CBOT, CBOE, et al will unplug their computers and turn on in TX or FL and Chicago will turn into a slightly larger Cleveland or such.
I foolishly thought some people might have gotten the message when Boeing done r-u-n-n-o-f-t.
The funny part is that I left Chicago to live in the Cleveland area to help my in laws.
Ha! Ha! Ha!