The Pink Terraces, circa 1875, Auckland, by John Hoyte. Gift of the Family of Patrick and Davina Foot, 2016. Te Papa (2016-0003-1)
OMWC is off doing old man things, so you’re stuck with a very tired webdom for links again.
We’re having an issue with the dog. He jumps up to greet people. So far kneeing him in the chest hasn’t worked. Ignoring him hasn’t worked. Pulling hard on his leash (when he’s doing it leashed) is bad for his neck and has the potential to hurt him. He’s a very small, tiny, and petite dog, but someday he’ll be a big boy. We’re actively soliciting suggestions so we can break him of this habit before he’s full grown. (He’s currently 6 months and I’m estimating about 55-65lbs)
Remember when airlines served food?
Who wants to go raid this abandoned radio station?
It’s odd to see J.K. Rowling and Trick Daddy trending on Twitter simultaneously.
Local-ish news. Followed by a shit take.
Can’t imagine what is included in the digital literacy program.
Happy Mothers Day!
“Remember when airlines served food?”
Yes, but not when it was good.
Stewardess: “You’ll eat it and like it, Young Man”
“…and thank you for flying Mom’s Airline.”
Well, my mom never threw a microscopic bag of nuts at me like I was an dieting elephant.
I recall pretty good food, on international flights.
Timely and therefore arguably on-topic music link
“OMWC is off doing old man things”
Old dogs, new tricks? There’s hope for your puppy, Webdom. He/she will grow up and be too tired to jump on anyone. May take a few years though.
I blame the food network. They program all their cooks to relate the dish to some treasured family memory to make the audience feel warm and fuzzy, but it has become so formulaic that it’s laughable.
whaddup doh’
Try to spend the rest of today not singing this to yourself.
Mildly nsfw, btw.
In the first picture, I call those beer clouds to describe a certain segment of the outdoor contractor crowd. Get a few raindrops, and they are ready to call it a day and head to the bar.
RE: Dog jumping up
What worked with my dog was to grab her front paws and not let her back down until she was almost crying for it; “you jump up on me you get stuck up here”. It only took a couple of sessions of that and she stopped.
What breed? My sheepdog would still be standing there, defiant!
The knee in the chest works, but it’s only 1/2 the procedure.
The other 1/2 is to push through the dog so that he falls backwards. It’s not just knee, it’s knee and shove.
Actually eating in the air used to include airline chicken.
Also relevant.
I had Airline Chicken yesterday at the Red Cork Bistro in Mukilteo yesterday.
It was insanely good.
OK that was good, but the best part was the subtitle that came up for crispiness.
“He’s a very small, tiny, and petite dog, but someday he’ll be a big boy. . . . (He’s currently 6 months and I’m estimating about 55-65lbs)”
I don’t think I’d call 65 pounds small, tiny, and petite. Bob’s suggestion is a good one if the old knee to the chest thing isn’t working.
Yeah, that was my thought too.
“White supremacy group Patriot Front march on Washington D.C. drumming and chanting ‘life, liberty and victory’ just weeks after protesting devil-worshipping convention ‘SatanCon'”
Does anyone believe these assholes are real?
I believe they might be real Feds.
…and real assholes.
Does anyone believe these assholes are real?
There are people that believe that this is not a glow op.
Those people also vote.
“Arkansas prosecutor and married mother of two is accused of ‘actively working to protect’ her pedophile uncle who committed hundreds sex acts against dozens of pre-pubescent girls”
Are there any good prosecutors?
“‘It’s upsetting how they’re treating Americans’: Florida couple’s wedding in turmoil as New York hotel suddenly cancels THIRTY rooms they booked for their guests to make way for migrants”
Don’t make plans in communist run places. Duh.
No sympathy from me.
The 37-year-old said he only discovered the crisis after he saw on the news that hotels upstate were accepting large numbers of migrants pouring over the border.
‘I had to find out myself,’ he told DailyMail.com. ‘I called the management company because I was concerned about my bookings, and they just told me: “You don’t have to be concerned, because it’s all cancelled”.’
‘They were so disrespectful, they just played it off like it was nothing.’
Bullshit probability: High.
While it was a dick move, I can’t completely blame the hotel. The out-of-state wedding party can’t retaliate against the hotel in the way the local government can. And there is also the promise of hundreds of more room-nights purchased by the government in the future.
Having said that, I hope the couple sue the hotel for breach of contract and win a big settlement.
I got the impression that The State is paying more for those rooms than any stupid wedding guests will. Money talks as usual.
sue the hotel for breach of contract and win a big settlement.
In a New York State court? Good Luck.
local government can
You want the mafia? Because this is how you get the mafia – when they are more honest brokers than govt.
Rebook the event for Central America. There’s a bunch of space opened up recently.
Those are some outfits. Also, boobs.
I remember when the Lilac Festival didn’t come with security guards.
I have a feeling it’s a very different town from the one I grew up in.
/said every old person ever
How many generations of feral children are we on now anyway?
Wouldn’t actual feral children be more self-reliant? There seems to be more half-assed over-parenting than half-assed under-parenting.
From the airline good article:
“…to pasta lightyears past al dente”
Cringe. Since when is the texture of pasta measured in units of length?
Mornin’, reprobates!
I thought flower children were all about peace and love. Throwing rocks at cops at a lilac festival? They didn’t do that in the sixties! Wait, never mind.
Back from my extended road trip, I could use a little motherly love.
“New York is leading the way in expanding digital literacy to help our state’s talented workforce secure the jobs of tomorrow,” Hochul said. “This new initiative will be a transformative addition to our workforce development efforts, giving all New Yorkers access to the tools necessary to unlock a better future for themselves and their families.”
And where will those people work when you have driven all the businesses out of the state?
There’s probably high turnover at all the new migrant hotels.
With their newly acquired skills they can work from home. Which, given the cost of housing in NYC, will likely be a cardboard box on Varick St.
Good ol’ Ozzy Man comes through with highlights of King Chuck 3’s coronation.
“Just curious, @ejeancarroll, if the Apprentice is still your favorite show?”
You’d think that would have come up at the trial…
Only If you think Trump wanted to win. He hasn’t wanted to win since he found out losing is just as or more profitable than winning is for him. Also winning is sometimes difficult and if he tried and lost he’d look bad, now he just loses and blames it on everyone and everything else and his followers eat it up.
So Chadwick and I were out on the field for our morning constitutional and he saw a couple of birds and took off. I lost my grip on the leash and in 5 seconds flat he was 100 yards away.
The saving grace was he had to stop the chase to take a dump.
Yikes! That had to be a scary few moments!
…but if I were you, I’d keep feeding him the same food.
A Maltese tried to grab a chunk out of my calf this morning when I took the wife out for breakfast. I wasn’t even sure how to respond because my instincts were screaming to punt the little bastard.
The owner should never have had the dog out in public. It was charging anybody who looked at it sideways. He just nicked me but he could do some real damage to a kid.
That’s no comment on your dog, just my weird morning.
That spiked my I HATE DOGS hackles into punt mode on your behalf.
To owner, with nasty glare, “You’re lucky I don’t kill that motherfucker. Keep him under control before someone else does.”
I like dogs, I just don’t like bad dog owners.
Being a maltese, that would be a pretty small chunk.
Stone the heretics
Moms are having a political moment. On Monday, a bipartisan group of Texas state legislators voted a bill out of committee that would raise the legal age to buy certain assault-style weapons to 21. Images from the committee hearing room show grieving Uvalde mothers hugging one another after the vote, flanked by women wearing the signature red shirts of Moms Demand Action, a national organization that says it has nearly 10 million supporters fighting for gun violence prevention laws.
Elsewhere, a very different form of mother-driven activism has become resurgent. It is conservative, largely white, and serves as the public face of the culture wars that now animate much of the GOP. Led by groups like Moms for Liberty, these moms advocate for book bans, fight to curtail the rights of LGBTQ youth and push for widespread restrictions on what public schools can teach about race, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
As we celebrate and honor moms this Mother’s Day, I’ve been grappling with how to make sense of why, in 2023, the identity of “mother” remains so central to our politics. There are benefits to grounding activism in this identity, but there are also risks, especially when motherhood is evoked in ways that advance outdated tropes and impede justice. What does an inclusive, contemporary playbook for motherhood activism look like?
Number one, those who disagree with us must be vilified, silenced, and cast out.
“Stop the weaponization of motherhood”
Except when they agree with me.
outdated tropes and impede justice
Fuck off you stupid cunte.
Nopes right out.
“fight to curtail the rights of LGBTQ youth”
That’s a funny way of saying don’t chop off our daughters’ tits.
Is it possible for maternalist politics to evolve to correct past wrongs and become a serious force for justice? I believe that it is, although doing so requires intentional work and repair.
Moms Demand Action, for example, is broadening their base beyond the white suburban moms that comprised the bulk of their original members, talking about gun violence as a racial justice issue, and developing a more intersectional focus. They now advocate against “stand your ground” laws, which have been used as a defense for white shooters who kill Black victims, as well as legislation designed to prevent mass shootings. Organizations like MomsRising are organizing their multi-racial base around policies like the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, a set of bills that comprehensively address the many factors that contribute to the Black maternal mortality crisis. And Texas-based Round Rock Black Parents Association is pushing back against a Moms for Liberty-style framing of “parental rights” by lifting up the voices of Black moms who are demanding that their children have the right to safe and adequately funded public schools, as well as a curriculum that doesn’t whitewash history.
This is the kind of maternalism that is worth fighting for. It engages people around a meaningful identity, then expands the conversation to a shared set of values — love, care, community — to build a sense of shared fate. At a moment when an old, narrow form of motherhood activism is making a comeback — with far-reaching implications for our freedoms, families, and democracy — we can instead join the chorus of moms saying “not in my name.”
Expend your product line. Find new customers. Build new markets. Peddle your bullshit far and wide. Obliterate the competition. That’s how you increase profits.
Maybe moms should be demanding that daddies stay home and help parent their little sociopaths into responsible adults instead.
You have to figure out who those daddies are, first, and Jerry Springer ain’t on the air anymore.
“Maternalist politics”.
We are already up to our chins in them. The whole COVID thing was driven by an army of cat ladies and Karens speaking down to us about “safety” using their third grade teacher voices. Maternalist politics seem to be based on treating everyone as if they are children. Few things grind my gears more.
Oh come on.
“Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act”
“OMWC is off doing old man things…”
So, standing in front of a toilet, waiting, waiting, waiting.
three thugs tried to knock over the restaurant on our little island last night
neighbors returned fire, bad guys flee, one bleeds out later
Mud Island 1
Bad Guys 0
PS: local media referred to the corpse as a “victim”
three thugs tried to knock over the restaurant on our little island last night
neighbors returned fire, bad guys flee, one bleeds out later
I like happy endings.
Maybe moms should be demanding that daddies stay home and help parent their little sociopaths into responsible adults instead.
Big Nanny will provide. They don’t need any of your paternalist nonsense.
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bazooka.
It has nothing to do with needing a bazooka, it’s about the fish’s RIGHT to have a bazooka!
Philadelphia’s next mayor
Coming into the campaign, it was clear where Gym would find her base of support. She was sure to be backed by progressive groups and was all but certain to win the endorsement of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. And they came through: Teachers unions poured cash into a super PAC that spent more than $3 million to boost Gym.
The big question was how Gym could expand beyond her base — and whether she needed to.
But through the final weeks of the campaign, Gym leaned into her progressive base. She unveiled a schools plan that includes a $10 billion “Green New Deal” and a proposal to guarantee jobs for young people.
Gym amassed endorsements from local and national progressives, winning a nod from U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York, in early May. Then on May 3, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders — widely considered the leader of the national progressive movement — endorsed her bid.
And last week, she hosted a news conference to rail against Jeffrey Yass, a conservative Main Line billionaire funding a barrage of last-minute attack ads against her.
“What they’re really afraid of is a transformational leader,” she said.
She will be joined by Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez at a rally on Sunday, making clear that she is embracing the left as her path to victory as the campaign draws to a close.
“We can make this place even more of a shithole than it already is.”
I guess Biden gave the commencement address at Howard. Did he reminisce about his days as a poor black child in the cotton fields?
Much worse. He declared that the greatest threat facing the nation (world) is white supremacy. They want a race war oh, so bad. Also straight from the Lenin/Stalin playbook: use the minority group’s imminent danger to put down the majority, then eliminate the minority group after they’ve served their purpose.
“You mean I’m going to stay this color?!”
Good morning, WebDom!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers!
Sorry you’re having trouble with the pup. Knee to the chest can be like play to some dogs, especially the bigger ones that like to wrassle. Have you already worked on basic obedience commands (sit, down, off, come)? Are you using food rewards? If you can head off the jump by standing on the lead or something and then rewarding him when he does it right – along with a firm command – most dogs will respond eventually. Timing is everything, though.
I’ve trained a lot of dogs, but I still like to work with professional trainers. Often times – like with anything – they will see things that you are doing that you yourself may not even notice. Highly recommend doing some obedience work with a pro. A well mannered dog is worth his weight in gold.
Good luck!
^^^^ best thing we did was doing series of obedience training at a local petsmart right off the bat. Not just for our puppers, but us. Paid off for the rest of our time.
“White supremacy … is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland,” Biden said. “And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.”
Addressing the 2023 graduates of the university at the Capital One Arena in D.C., Biden depicted the U.S. as a nation roiled by internal conflict and alluded to core messages of both his 2020 and 2024 campaign platforms.
Invoking the battle cry he used to galvanize voters in the 2020 election cycle, he called on his audience to “fight for the soul of the nation.”
“Fearless progress toward justice often means ferocious pushback from the oldest and most sinister of forces,” Biden said. “That’s because hate never goes away. … It only hides under the rocks. And when it’s given oxygen it comes out from under that rock. And that’s why we know this truth as well: silence is complicity. We cannot remain silent.”
Let us join together in our Two Minutes Hate.
He is such a piece of shit.
I’m counting down to when his awful voice isn’t heard anymore. Braying whining accent.
For the moms.
Speaking of mothers
::checks her own link above:: 🙄
Diversity is our strength!
Real politics, old country style. Didn’t see any of the “military style full automatic assault rifles” in the crowd so pretty tame by Somali politics. Next time some may come better equipped.
How quickly they adapt…
Also mother’s
You want to celebrate us with a song whose first lyrics are, “What a drag it is getting old”?
I had cherry pie with ice cream for bfast. Best. Mother’s. Day. Ever.
Don’t leave us hanging. What kind of ice cream?
Vanilla bean because I am boring and have the palate sophistication of a toddler.
Hey, it works.
A strong vanilla is probably my favorite ice cream.
Kliban cartoon:
Guy is at the counter of an ice cream shop where the sign for flavors reads,
Guy behind the counter says, “We’re out of vanilla.”
I like vanilla too. French vanilla for ice cream is slightly above vanilla bean imo.
I just made my mom a baked crepe with fresh strawberries.
I had cherry pie with ice cream for bfast. Best. Mother’s. Day. Ever.
Was out getting groceries and there was a taco fundraiser for someone’s IVF. Meanwhile, the state government led by the Gov Dyke is funneling millions to baby murderers.
The Pink Terraces, circa 1875, Auckland, by John Hoyte
I like it.
ROCHESTER, N.Y. Security concerns arose at the annual Lilac Festival after a large fight broke out on the opening night.
Lilac Festival. Fight. I’m not sure I want to know more, though I will say I was pretty disappointed in how my lilacs bloomed this year, but enough to start a fight over it.
Dunking Oreos in whiskey? Why didn’t I think of that?
Gang shit, it sounds like.
but enough to start a fight over it.
Still, in an apparent reference to former President Donald Trump, Biden acknowledged that the path toward that future is by no means easy.
“Let’s be clear: There are those who don’t see you. Who don’t want this future,” Biden said. “There are those who demonize and pit people against one another. There are those who would do anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.”
And he’s right there in front of you, Shirley.
Who writes these speeches for the Big Guy? Starting wars is easy, stopping them is tough
Does anyone else find the capitalization of “Black” but not “white” stupid?
Shut up racist
It’s so you are aware which one is higher on the stack.
Ding ding. It’s worse than stupid. It’s creating/reinforcing a racial hierarchy.
That never ends badly.
“Advantages of being raised by a single mother outweigh expectations and outlast childhood embarrassment.”
This is a banana.
Never change, CNN.
That recipe thing is the bane of my existence. I have to read through “my nana in Pennsylvania with the cute dog used to make this on Sunday. I can still smell it wafting through the spring air”. Omg just give me the recipe.