“I think they captured him, though. Captured his essence.”
“Alone in the Dark remake stars David Harbour and Jodie Comer”
“Each character has unique gameplay traits and adds something different to the team.”
“I think they captured him, though. Captured his essence.”
“Alone in the Dark remake stars David Harbour and Jodie Comer”
“Each character has unique gameplay traits and adds something different to the team.”
The first rebooted Mortal Kombat wasn’t bad, but I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for the first theatrical movie release. Only time I heard a theater full of guys cheer a nut punch.
/checks out Metal Gear Solid game
Oh… it’s a CMON game? Let me guess, really pretty miniatures, mediocre co-op game play. In fairness, I”m not a big co-op board game fan.
Yeah, I didn’t mind the reboot either. It’s a testament to how accessible VFX have changed moviemaking, but the original definitely has more heart, despite being a cheeseball. The ’90s Street Fighter movie with Jean-Claude van Damme is similarly charming.
For the Street Fighter movies, I’ll go to the animated movie every time. If this fight doesn’t sell you, nothing will.
I’ve never watched the animated movie, but the, uh… artistic merit is obvious.
As a former Chun Li player – I think they gave Vega too much of an edge in the first 80 percent or so… but yeah, that was a pretty good one. Nice work making the Lightning Kick not look stupid.
Karl Urban as Johnny Cage? I respect him as an actor — but I think he’s both a bit advanced in years and bulky for the role. Johnny is literally Van Damme at his peak… Karl is probably a decade past that.
Of course, it will probably just be heavily CGI (I didn’t see the one this is a sequel of… from all I heard, the trailer / initial part giving Scorpion’s backstory was good — but the rest of the movie was just hot garbage). I’ll just re-watch the ’90s MK. Thank goodness they never let some hack writers do a sequel to that that one and recast / get rid of some of the best parts of that one!
Man… a whole bunch of us went to see Annihilation in the theater. What a waste of time and money. So much disappointment.
“We had Christopher Lambert in the first one, right? How can we make our sequel even more notorious than Highlander 2?”
What is this Highlander 2 you speak of? There was only one.
I’m a simple man. I hear a trap beat, I close the page. Simple as.
Hope all you Glibs have a great three day weekend. As for me, we are hosting back to back parties. Tomorrow is the grad party for our youngest, and Sunday is our annual roller derby/sled hockey team party affectionately known as Sausage Fest.
Congrats to the yoot.
Congrats to the new grad!
If one needed any more proof that rent control laws suppress investment in new housing, then it is not necessary to look any further than this recent survey from the National Apartment Association. They found that “Over 70% of housing providers say rent control impacts their investment and development plans; actions include reducing investments, shifting plans to other markets, and canceling plans altogether.”
What’s that bit the Proglodytes use about businesses not being able to pay a higher minimum wage? “You have a poorly run business if you can’t afford to pay you workers a living wage” or something like that? Somehow, I think the usual suspects will recycle that line, filing off the serial numbers, for rent control.
I don’t recall any post-pandemic reporting… how much of the rental market collapsed due to the “Thou Shalt Not Collect Rent… but we damned well want our property taxes” policies from the government(s)? This seems another straw on that camel back.
OK, undercover boss: why don’t you have a bash at private property management?
So… the FBI was working up the crazy guy from Missouri with the U-Haul with cocaine or something?
Yes, I’m kidding for the most part… but at this point in Clown World, makes as much sense as anything else.
They put swastika stickers on the bricks in the hopes that Customs would Nazi them…
I am seriously torn between a BOOOO(-urns) and an Opera Clap reaction gif request now… That’s so terrible it is great.
Well there’s no need to cause a public fuhrer
NJ gun ban
When Governor Murphy and the New Jersey Democrats rushed a flurry of gun laws through the legislature last June of 2022, one of the laws rammed through was under the guise of banning guns with no serial numbers.
This law banned millions of rifles, shotguns, handguns, hunting guns, target shooting guns, military surplus guns, and virtually ALL muzzleloaders, black powder guns, antique guns, air guns and BB guns.There are NO exceptions and there is NO grandfathering. This was the largest gun ban ever passed in the history of the United States.
The law bans ALL firearms with a “…firearm frame or firearm receiver …which is not imprinted with a serial number registered with a federally licensed manufacturer…”
The term “firearm frame or firearm receiver” means the part of a firearm that provides housing for the internal components.
For ANY firearm to be legal in New Jersey, it must now meet two criteria established by this law:
1) the firearm must be imprinted with a serial number; and
2) the serial number must be registered with a federally licensed manufacturer.
Welcome to the Garden State.
Fortunately my BB gun, before the boating accident since this is NJ, has as serial number.
And are they federally licensed?
I believe so as it’s a major brand, but I have no idea WTF constitutes a “federal license” under this unconstitutional law.
Neither do the legislators.
Put ’em jail and let
Godthe SC sort it out.Until that point we will all be safe from the gun nuts.
The legislators? I’m down!
The Legislature probably meant a FFL 07 or 08 (importers after GCA ’68 passed are supposed to put a serial number with Roman letters and/or Arabic numerals on firearms that don’t have such a serial number), but doing a simple Google search for FFL classes is beyond the NJ legislature or legislative aides.
I predict certain courts will be more than happy to bail the NJ Legislature out. Certain courts probably not.
CDC’s final Covid numbers are out
The CDC has released its numbers for age-adjusted Covid mortality.
These are the CDC’s own numbers, I repeat, so you and I can’t be accused of using obscure sources, or whatever other excuse the crazies normally use.
The results: completely random. If you can see a pattern here between lockdown stringency and health results, please show it to me, because I sure don’t see it
So about what people thought? A bad flu season? Did I miscalculate that the US had a .28% death rate?
Looks like MS via LinkedIn is happily keeping up the Disinformation Board crap.
Vivek wrote “The CCP is playing the Biden administration like a mandolin.”
Shouldn’t it be “..like a mandarin?”
/sees myself out
Setting aside the EV versus ICE versus government subsidy and regulations issue things just got interesting.
In the US unlike Europe and many other parts of the world there are two main charging standards. The open sourced, but Tesla developed one and CCS. Electrically and from a signal perspective they are mostly interchangeable.
Naturally the Big 3 and the not invented here people want the no reason to be so fucking big CCS standard to be the one adopted in the US. Because fuck Musk. However, the third party charging network that DC fast charges basically sucks balls with reliability. And nothing spreads EV adoption like traveling to the middle of nowhere and being stuck because the Electrify America station is busted or won’t read the app on your phone. OTH, reliability and ease of use on Tesla’s network is second to none with very few issues.
It appears Ford has seen the light and Musk figures he can make some bank from Ford customers. This isn’t making Tesla people happy in areas with high demand, but I’m shocked Ford was willing to admit Tesla was superior here.
Ford Taps Tesla’s Superchargers Network, Stirring Debate on EV Charging Standard
Welcome to the lazy holiday weekend, with that, I give you a lazy unmoderated Zoom link. Go forth and enjoy your weekend all.
Don’t tell me what to do! *continues to go forth and enjoy my weekend*
Holidays are for pussies. I work the next 3 nights.
“Get back to work”
-Max Shotz, 1937
Speaking of action movies… I caught the tail end of one of those Tom Cruise Mission Impossible jobs.
Wow what a bunch of dumb ridiculous “stunts”. It made John Wick look like a documentary.
I saw the original and the sequel that John Woo did in the late ’90s. Very different, but both alright. The John Woo sequel was pure action schlock, but you know that going in.
There are some schlocky action films that I enjoy just because of pure action schlock. Boondock Saints, the Big Hit, Conspiracy Theory, Equilibrium…
Have you seen Bullet Train? If not, you need to.
I’ll second this. I went in with low expectations and loved it!
Loved it.
I have no idea why people love Equilibrium so much. I’m not a movie snob, but that thing was terrible.
Was there a 15 minute shootout in a restaurant?
Best I can do is an 8 minute motorcycle chase/shootout.
When BMW made some cool film shorts
Knew what that was going to be before clicking. I always thought Clive Owen would have made a good Bond.
Absolutely I think he could pull it off. Maybe this was his bid before Craig?
Also the last time Madonna was respectable on camera
She owed us that much after Evita.
For ANY firearm to be legal in New Jersey, it must now meet two criteria established by this law:
1) the firearm must be imprinted with a serial number; and
2) the serial number must be registered with a federally licensed manufacturer.
If it gets teh scary Ghost Gunz off the street, a little collateral damage is no big deal.
We really don’t want anyone that owns those scary things in the state anyhow.
We only want good reliable right thinking people. Everybody can get the fuck out.
Murphy says if taxes are your issue, New Jersey isn’t your state. Tell Murphy what you think
I’ll have dial him up from SC. Closing on a house next week. The sellers’ property taxes for January through May were less than I was paying every month for a similar house on less property in NJ.
p.s. Jack won that election.
Nice! If it can be said, where in SC? I’m kinda liking what I see there.
Travelers Rest – just north of Greenville. We were looking at building in Cleveland or Pickens before finding this place.
Seems we are all gravitating towards there
Excellent. NW part of rhe state, summers not so oppressive as central/eastern. I once spent a week in Columbia during August. 98°, 80% humidity every day. No thanks.
,a href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-dies-new-l-bridge-s-hotspot-social-media-stunts-rcna86345″> Another scalp on social media’s lodge pole
A 17-year-old boy fell to his death while climbing a Los Angeles bridge in an apparent social media stunt, police said.
Police were sent to the 6th Street Viaduct around 2 a.m. Saturday and found the boy, who was pronounced dead at a hospital. His name wasn’t immediately released.
The teen slipped and fell “when climbing upon one of the arches, in order to post, apparently, a social media broadcast,” Police Chief Michel Moore said Tuesday during a meeting of the Los Angeles Police Commission.
tiktok dance?
Dr. Charles Darwin, please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Trying to replicate a scene from Saturday Night Fever?
+ Slutty Donna Pescow
Well, I’m on vacation.
Now what?
Go back to work?
I already did that to get my cell phone off my desk.
Durr hurrrr.
“Tragically we see that location, while it has spawned a great deal of pride in Los Angeles, it has also unfortunately served as a backdrop now for tragedies such as this,” Moore told the Police Commission. “Our added patrols will continue at that location … to counter such reckless actions.”
They should just demolish that bridge. It has done nothing but cause trouble.
I can see why American Beauty was filmed. Good lord what the teens bring home. Seriously put some clothes on ladies!
I get older, they stay the same age
The script calls for Thora Birch’s character to want breast implants.
Why must I keep using this emoji? 🤷♀️
Murphy says if taxes are your issue, New Jersey isn’t your state. Tell Murphy what you think
I remember a few years ago when some hedge fund guy folded his tent and moved from New Jersey to Florida, thereby singlehandedly blowing a giant hole in the New Jersey budget. I wonder what Murf thought.
I was talking to my dad one time about what they saved just on property taxes when they left Demarest and moved to Indianapolis. It was a lot.
Was there a 15 minute shootout in a restaurant?
Not that I saw, but there was an utterly ridiculous chase. I gotta say, if you can’t outrun a Land Cruiser full of fat guys on a supermoto bike, you need to just turn in your superspy union card.
Greetings from sunny upstate NY. Today I learned that you lot are blocked on my work laptop because of course. Have i mentioned how i kind of dislike internetting by phone?
I figure my work leaves it open so It can entrap me
I figure my work leaves it open because they’re clueless.
True we are State and Fed…they have no clue.
We have noted your comment, Gospodin.
My work is all in on maximum security now. Everyone is bitching. The other day i had to hang on the phone with a vendor with an hour because IP address that hosts their license upgrade is deliberately blocked hurrrr durrrr.
You know the censorship in this country is getting bad when you can’t even access a respectable, certified family-friendly website like this from a work computer.
I have no idea what my firm blocks. I have an RDP session into my work laptop on virtual desktop 4; I do the important things on desktops 1-3.
Know what else produces profound housing shortages? Importing millions of new residents and randomly shipping them around the country. Nobody in the media wants to talk about that. Nor do I hear discussions on the power and food they’ll consume despite things getting shaky on both those fronts.
Jugsy, as a property manager, has many Somali and Yemeni families living in her apartments. Not to mention the central Americans.
All on the dole. Food stamps, free Section 8, free utilities, medicare, etc.
Given my tax bill this year, I’ll be expecting thank you notes from all of them.
But that’s not possible! The law says illegal aliens are not eligible for welfare! (Nevermind that implementation is left to the discretion of the states)
Ah, but apparently the feds giving billions to nonprofits to house, feed, etc. illegals doesn’t count as “welfare”.
It is also unpossible for Section 8 recipients to rent our rooms in their taxpayer-provided domiciles. My longtime neighbors were apparently unaware of this since they surely would not have knowingly broke the law.
I’m only posting this because of the Anna Chapman pics.
RAWR x2.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Revealed – Bill Gates’s younger Russian ‘lover’ and her links to notorious Kremlin spy Anna Chapman
Isn’t that…a 1/4 of your liking?
Crazy, weaponized, redheads, man. Cant say no.
Keep in mind that ex Mrs Tres was maybe 125 lbs. I can work both sides of the street.
I get a weird Greta Thunberg vibe from her.
Gates’ squeeze, I mean. Not Chapman.
I will add an additional RAWR for Chapman.
Hi Riven!
So if the moon landings were fake, are these Mars projects just AI? Because if so can we just move on to something more interesting?
Like sea monsters.
Phil Murphy, champion of fiscal responsibility.
“Coughlin’s bill, A-1, would provide homeowners older than 65 — regardless of income — tax credits worth up to 50 percent of their annual bill, with a $10,000 limit.”
A good start.
“The program would cost $1.7 billion, he added, and “that’s an annual freight that would blow up all the great progress we’ve made with the rating agencies.”
Fuck you, cut spending.
“shutdown would mean the closure of state parks, offices and other services.”
That’ll show ’em.
Friday Funbags is the only thing.
Needs moar lobster kissing.
News you can use.
“A top urologist says men shouldn’t urinate standing up, proclaiming it’s healthier and more hygienic to sit down to take a leak.”
Unmentioned: prevents embarrassing skidmarks. Of course the Germans weigh on on this.
“In Germany, sitting down while taking a tinkle has traditionally been derided among men and there’s even a derogatory term for the practice.
“Sitzpinkler” is a slur for someone who sits down to wee, implying they are “wimpy or effeminate.””
I have a new epithet.
You didn’t already know that term?
Nein, ich habe das nicht gehört.
I am unclear on why pissing in a position that is contrary to evolution would be healthier.
GP, if you get skidmarks after you pee, you should probably see a proctologist. Cause that ain’t right.
Or I should go easy on the beans.
Was it last week that Riven had an article about “long games?”
I deliberately never looked at my /played on WoW since it would make me think I’d wasted my life. But since LOTRO is accessed via Steam, I couldn’t help but notice that I’ve got over 2000 hours in it and I’m not even through the base content.
I’m getting close to the end though, I think I’m in the second to last expansion.
…except I completely skipped West Rohan, so Theoden is still beguiled by Grima. I’ll go back and take care of that later.
Hey, you’re 1/5th of the way to being an expert! Just another 4 years of full-time play!
Fuck! I’ve got 600 something hrs in Fallout 4. That’s 2 playthroughs and a LOT of building and shit. 2000?
I’ve been neglecting my settlers. I should spend some time with them this weekend.