Moving on.
The Carolina Hurricanes have moved on to the Wales Conference Finals. They should find out they face Florida tonight. Dallas moved within a game of The Campbell Conference championship series after throttling Seattle. The NFL schedule has been released. And that’s about it for sports.
What a shitshow. But that’s just what this administration apparently wants, since there are loads of immigration laws on the books that are not being enforced as written or utilized to create a process to follow.

“Just charge the white guy.” -District Attorney
This is curious. No grand jury involved and they didn’t charge the other two men (one of them black, btw) who were involved. You’d almost think this was a political decision to appease the mob.
This is refreshing. Perhaps they’ll start addressing other vaguely written laws, like “conspiracy against the United States,” which are meant as catch-alls for anything the government doesn’t like.
One can only assume he just lied. That’s what he built his entire professional career on, after all.
Cope and seethe, dickhead. That was the most viewers your network has gotten in more than a decade. You should be kissing the ass of whoever green lighted the program.
The “sanctuary” facade is crumbling. I guess being faced with the reality of your platitudes changes peoples minds.

Worse than a Nazi!
He shouldn’t be the only one. Every other person in that town should pack up and GTFO.
I don’t know what to make of this. But I’m surprised the riots haven’t started yet.
This doesn’t get enough airplay. It’s definitely underrated. And here’s a lovely tune. I wish I’d seen her live but never had the chance. Anyway, enjoy the songs.
And enjoy this lovely Friday and weekend. Don’t forget Sunday is Mothers Day.
This is not a First.
7:11 and we are the only ones here.
This is not a love song.
This is not the best song in the world, it is a tribute
Hate to break it to you Anderson, but viewers have always had that right. Your viewership numbers show they’re exercising it, too.
How dare those serfs believe they get to choose not to watch our propaganda!
Which is rather the opposite of what Mr. Cooper said, yes?
How does that guy still have a job after bad mouthing his network? That’s some fightin’ words for management.
Someone in the focus group should’ve asked Cooper – what exactly do you think Zuckerberg’s $400M bought, if not a Biden victory?
“On April 11 around 2:30 p.m., HPD officer K. Cummins approached what police say was a stolen Honda in the parking lot of a Family Dollar at 12375 Martin Luther King Boulevard.”
Crime on Martin Luther King Boulevard?
‘Many of you are upset that someone who attempted to destroy our democracy was invited to sit on a stage in front of a crowd of Republican voters to answer questions and predictably continued to spew lie after lie after lie, and I get it. It was disturbing,’ Cooper began.
Start with a lie, and move on from there.
Curious, I didn’t see that Hillary was invited.
They don’t even care about a pretense of objectivity anymore. Biden could get on stage and lie his ass off and they’d say nothing.
Hell, they air KJP’s daily pressers that are little more than a series of provable falsehoods without so much as a peep, whether from their WH reporter or anybody in the studio.
Fuck these regime propagandists. Fuck em right in the ear.
‘It was certainly disturbing to hear that audience, young and old, our fellow citizens, people who love their kids and go to church laugh and applaud his lies and his continued defamation of a woman who according to a jury of his peers he sexually abused and defamed,’ Cooper said.
I won’t get into the details, but the jury of his peers said so!
Hold up, have we discussed this line yet from the E Jean Carroll Trial
So… did she fight?
Because none of it happened.
Are you saying she screamed (not fought) about it when it was convenient to do so
She said in some interview that she didn’t think rape was violent but sexy.
And she said it to none other than Anderson Cooper, who immediately went to a commercial because he realized how it undermined her.
Not a sham trial at all. A law that was passed in NY to open a one year window to old claims (not made till 2019). He was not allowed to counter sue. Yep, definitely about justice and not banana republic stuff at all.
It’s the banality of evil, very similar to the well dressed WWII guys.
How dare you let the other side show how vapid and stupid progressivism is!
This is 2016 all over again. They are giving him free airtime so he wins the primary.
Apparently America had better things to do than watch CNN.
OFFS. I didn’t even know or care about it but thanks for providing Potatohead’s hot-take, NR.
I think it’s perfectly appropriate, them paying so much attention to each other.
In two rulings the court delivered a blow to the Justice Department’s efforts to root out public corruption.
SCOTUS is blocking the DOJ from punishing guilty people.
WTF is public corruption?
Is this new marxist speak for those that oppose the agenda of the ruling oligarchy?
It’s hardly new. There’s a very long tradition of this sort of thing, going back almost to the founding.
Oh right to the Founding. The war bonds scam the Federalists ran; knowing the new Constitution would guarantee the war debt at par, they bought the ‘worthless’ state bonds off people left and right at big discounts.
‘Corruption’ is just the fancy synonym for ‘politics’.
Title 42 had allowed US authorities since 2020 to swiftly expel undocumented migrants with some exceptions, ostensibly to stop the spread of Covid-19. Under it, authorities expelled migrants at the US-Mexico border more than 2.8 million times, according to US Customs and Border Protection data.
With the policy lapsing alongside the country’s public health emergency, the US now is leaning instead on a decades-old protocol with new wrinkles: Title 8, which could carry heavier legal consequences for those crossing unlawfully but often takes more time than Title 42 expulsions.
I can simplify the process:
“Are you a U.S. citizen? No? Do you have a passport or green card? No? Back you go. We can use the trebuchet if you’re too tired to walk.”
Any process that doesn’t involve removing the people organizing this from the gene pool is ineffective.
Ding ding.
There is a massive network of well-funded NGOs facilitating this. They are all guilty of aiding and abetting, at a minimum.
But they are leftist NGOs, so they are immune from prosecution.
leftist NGOs
Which means they are partially funded by the govt, so not entirely N in NGO.
I always did think that NGO was supposed to be ironic. Like calling the biggest guy in the bar ‘Tiny’.
Are there any NGO’s that are actually non-government?
There are a few that pride themselves on not feeding at the government trough, but they are few.
GONGO; Government Organized Non-Governmental Organization.
Considering how fucked up the INS is, I get why people want to avoid it. And I get people that take huge risks for a chance at a better life. America is after all the lad of opportunity. However, I am never going to be anything but disgusted and angry at a ruling elite class that is letting hordes come to the country so they can first rig the census to give the worst players more weight and to then cultivate a class of dependents that will vote for a living so the ruling class can use them to finish the work of destroying this great country so the global marxist can finally reset us and go to work murdering more than half of humanity and returning the rest to serfdom.
Look, if you have an orderly immigration process we won’t get the right kind of immigrants!
That’s how it works in most of the world. Israel and most Asian countries are exactly that – with military personnel there to make sure it happens. Unless you got a visa ahead of time, don’t bother showing up.
Honestly, I don’t understand why this isn’t the default. Not even expressing a pro or con – just that with the current laws on the books, as I understand it, that is exactly what is supposed to be happening.
Laws? You speak of laws when the Democrats have FEELS?
It was the default until the people in charge of the institutions decided to stop enforcing the laws and regulations.
JI is right. The Prog mindset is that there should be no borders at all. And they will do everything to create this. See: Europe via North Africa.
An illiterate and poor population is much easier for them to dominate then a bunch of people that are intelligent and independent.
More this. It’s not that Progs don’t want borders. They want very secure borders around their own wealthy, scenic gated communities. They just also want an unending supply of proles to use as drudge labor.
Reason assumes not only a spherical cow, but that all economies are created equal. Meaning that people are just looking for work, man. Nothing to do with the gobs of free shit being handed out; healthcare, education, housing, etc.
Reason is dumb.
This. They don’t understand human nature any better than several other ideologies which refuse to account for it.
To be inclusive, Reason Magazine style libertarianism doesn’t like borders either.
The debate always broke down over benefits.
End every welfare program and clearly define who gets to be a citizen and vote, then I’d be willing to talk about a more permissive border policy.
Yup. The core question should be “what immigration policy promotes the general welfare (in the original sense) of American citizens?” That question is nowhere in evidence. To be fair, though, Drake, its hard to imagine a more permissive border policy than the one we have now – its just slathered in crusty layers of bureaucracy, with this weird and difficult side channel for people who feel compelled to go through it because its moar legaller, or something.
It’s one of the three pillars on the masthead.
The Narrative must prevail!
They are opposing our Kangaroo courts!
And relevant.
The current disinformation operation thus amounts to one big, crass intimidation tactic — a flexing of muscle by what the late Andrew Breitbart famously called the “Democrat-media complex.” The goal is to browbeat the justices into ruling the Left’s way in this term’s marquee cases — including the potentially imminent end of America’s sordid affirmative action regime in the twin pending cases out of Harvard and the University of North Carolina — or else feel Democrats’ political wrath. That wrath could come in numerous forms, including judicial impeachment, jurisdiction-stripping legislation, or, perhaps most harrowing, the ever-looming threat of court-packing.
Do not put it past these people to also hope someone murders one or more of the conservative justices so Biden can then replace them with libs and fix that major thorn in the side of the marxist oligarchy.
While I’m sure the threat to affirmative action is part of the motivation, I’d bet the potential threat to Chevron is a bigger motivator.
Xi really was the one that won the 2020 election….
How about a cover that was released years before the original?
Love that song 👍
I woke up to bureaucrat drama at work, and I feel all warm & fuzzy.
(someone sent out a press release that said it was Serbia, but it really was Kosovo. )
Work politics sure can be entertaining when you can just look on the drama going on and snicker.
I always enjoyed watching the battles over seating charts since I knew I only got to choose from the scraps. There weren’t enough walled offices or window seats for all the important people.
Yeah, as my company keeps dropping rental commercial real estate property they had before the Kung Flu with most employees not returning full time to the office (despite their attempts to get that), the constant moving and seating “musical chairs” game is a real hilarious experience. The best part is watching all the people that had offices battle each other for the ever dwindling pool of offices.
My favorite was working in DOD space when I, a lowly sergeant, got a window seat because I was the lead of a team of three that had to be segregated because of the work we did. A four seat window pod was the only spot suitable short of a walled office. That pissed off some GS types that got interior pods.
I never fucking got that jockeying for rooms thing. I can do my work in the freaking middle of the floor if I have to. The only reason to have an office would be to take naps, do some Toobin, or bang your secretary or something like that.
Wait until they mix up the two Chinas.
Two? There’s only the Republic in Taipei.
The CCP should not be legitimized.
Two? There are many Chinas.
Phillips and Blac?
Our future if the people in charge keep doing the things they are doing.
“Porn star Angela White has given a guest lecture to students at the prestigious college as part of a “groundbreaking” film studies course.
“This is my third time as a guest speaker at this Film Studies class that approaches pornography as worthy of serious inquiry as a genre and as popular culture,” the busty brunette continued. “Thank you to the incredible students who asked well-informed, thought-provoking questions about my career as a performer/director, my academic research, and my time in politics.”
White previously ran for a government seat in her home country of Australia and holds a first-class honors degree in gender studies from the University of Melbourne.
She added, “While it has been a number of years since my research dissertation was published in “The Routledge Companion to Media, Sex, and Sexuality,” academic pursuit remains an interest of mine and something I wish to return to in the future.”
Remember, large breasts don’t make women less intelligent, they make men less intelligent.
Meryl Streep of porn? OMFG
She puts those cocks in their place?
When has Meryl Streep ever gotten you hard?
I would have tapped that 40 years ago.
Neither one of them can act, so I can believe it.
I’d put money on Angela having more, um, versatility in her roles.
That’s a wise bet.
Though I stopped paying much attention to Angela White when she got on the “transwomen are women” train.
large breasts don’t make women less intelligent, they make men less intelligent.
You leave Q alone.
they didn’t charge the other two men
Only whitey gets the Chauvin treatment this time.
“You’d almost think this was a political decision to appease the mob.”
Pontius Pilate is the model.
Let’s hope the defense can find the other passengers and get their testimony.
“Did you feel threatened?”
“Did you believe that Mr. Neely was acting erratically and possibly dangerously?”
“Did you believe any of the three men who restrained Mr. Neely acted inappropriately?”
I heard on the radio this AM that they already have at least one witness saying Neely was threatening murder.
Not that any of this will matter in front of a NYC jury.
Bernie Goetz was convicted forty years ago.
Very different circumstances. Goetz went looking for trouble after he got a gun.
Saying “Have another” and shooting one of his assailants a second time while that dude was on the ground didn’t help Goetz’s case.
On a retrial, after Bernie had had the opportunity to shoot his mouth off to the media, as I recall.
Penny seems to be taking that particular lesson to heart, thankfully.
“Hey this is New Yoak, everybody treatens everybody else. My ma just treatened me last night!”
there are loads of immigration laws on the books that are not being enforced as written or utilized to create a process to follow.
As a citizen you are not what it important to the common government of the states.
A federal worker in civilian clothes told the reporters they were protecting the “privacy” of the migrants. The feds moved a Border Patrol truck in front of the reporters to block their view. A protester can heard denouncing the Biden administration’s policies.
At this point the US federal government should be considered wholly illegitimate for any and all purposes.
Must’ve been some local media that didn’t get the memo.
Former CIA Director John Brennan, one of 51 intelligence officials who falsely suggested Hunter Biden’s laptop could be Russian disinformation, spoke to a House subcommittee Thursday as the panel investigates the origin of the “spies who lie” missive.
Speaking of people that deserve nothing more than a short drop and sudden stop…
‘You have every right to be outraged and angry and never watch this network again but do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?’ he said.
DJT is Tom Riddle incarnate.
The really sad thing is that most of the people who hate DJT think Harry Potter is the greatest literary hero of all time.
Those same people don’t realize they are being led about by Tom Riddle. Progs think they are the freedom fighters.
Everyone thinks they are the heros.
Trump is Cormac, not Voldemort. Voldemort is super competent, a long range planner and schemer, and has an endgame in mind other than “I’m awesome.”
Lawsuit aims to stop migrants from moving into old Chicago high school
The browns were meant to be sent to rural areas in red states. ///TheLeft
Nah, mostly garden variety nimbyism.
I thought Old Chicago was an amusement park or a brewery
From the FBI stonewalling…
So not an anonymous tip, which of course would lack credibility, but from a confidential informant – someone who is being protected because of their position/access and therefore is very credible.
linkee https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/fbi-refuses-to-give-congress-informant-file-alleging-biden-took-bribes/
I paid more than double what I usually do for a CZ 75 magazine yesterday.
I had to buy:
-A (LE only in NY) standard capacity magazine to go to my LGS
-A +2 basepad (actually legal in NY oddly enough)
-A fee for blocking and laser engraving the magazine with “!0 round magazine, converted by [LGS]”
But now I have a mag I can take to OH, deconvert, and compete at CO nationals without the excuse of crippled equipment.
And the thing is, I REALLY shouldn’t need extra magazines. The ones that came with the gun can be deconverted to put me at a total capacity of 57+1, and the maximum required round count is 32. But I am paranoid and full of “what if?s” Especially after having to take one of my 10 rounders out of commission at the last match (it has since been cleaned and returned to service). Nothing like reviewing your stage plan and realizing that you’ll have left three mags on the ground before you come up to a double star. Sure, the eleven you’ve got in the gun will be enough if you make each shot, but…
[quietly submits tip of guy practicing for mass shooting]
Just the tip.
That absolutely sucks.
Back in my NJ days, I bought a CZ P-07 partially because the 15-round mags were NJ legal. A year later they lower it to 10. I bought a ten-rounder for a the range and kept the others at home.
Now in SC, I go to Palmetto State Armory. There is a barrel of AR 30-round mags by the cashier.
I just spent a grip on 18-round MBX Defender magazines for my carry guns. Two extra rounds is worth an extra $40, right?
I ate at the Jaleo in Disney Springs. It was good. Cost more than I like to spend, but it was a Disney trip, so I was doing that for everything.
We went to the Cirque show beforehand. I wasn’t sure how my daughter was going to do at it, but I am pretty sure she didn’t blink for 90 minutes.
I ate at Jaleo in DC. Don’t know if it’s the same series or not. It was good, but not revelatory. Their Cuba Libre was the most elevate rum n’ coke I’ve ever had.
I assume all Jaleos are Jose Andres restaurants.
Good but not revelatory sounds about right.
Jaleo is a DC institution and thoroughly overrated.
Minibar is where you want to go for Jose Andres.
I was not impressed by the Jaleo in Crystal City.
Yes, and yes.
DC isn’t a restaurant town.
Louisville is. It punches well above its weight. For a 1MM population city, it has a restaurant scene of a much larger city. And its cheap. Fortunately, Louisville hasn’t had a huge influx of the celebrity chef restaurants. It is mostly local talent. Or, at least, people born elsewhere who settled there.
Part of the reason is that no one eats out as often per capita (except possibly Lexington, KY). I tried to verify this once, but could only find per capita spending on eating out. NYC led the way…but Louisville wasn’t far behind and when you adjust for avg price, Louisville would be well ahead.
But, some time in the distant past I did see the stat. Louisville was #1 and Lexington was #2 among US MSAs.
On the other hand, Ft Collins really isnt.
Although for a town its size, it isn’t too bad.
FtC does punch above its weight for breweries though. Heck, it is a strong competitor in the unlimited weight class.
Louisville absolutely is. I’ve had some great meals down that way.
Houston is great. When I eat in NYC, I have a game of “how many firing offenses will I see before I get to my table?”
CLE punches above it’s weight as well. It’s almost all local grown talent, including Michael Symon. It also helps that we’ve got quite a few eastern European enclaves that have started bringing their family recipes to the market and finding that good cheap food is popular.
Restaurants in DC are for networking and making deals – the food is irrelevant. I never understood why a top tier chef like Andres would make it his home base.
Because you can charge out the wazoo and the lobbyists will just expense the bill?
As I have repeatedly pointed out, the people fighting white supremacy are really fighting meritocratic systems. And while this author says these anti-meritocratic system people started from a noble end goal and ended in this disaster – something all progressive policies seem to end up doing – I am convinced, the reason these noble causes always fail is that the crime syndicate’s top priority really isn’t to help anyone but to create more systems of graft for themselves.
It’s quite simple. Meritocracy is a threat to the elites. They despise it.
Feudalism is what they really want. Communism is the lipstick they put on the pig to sell it.
Cool link. Here’s sadbeard’s take on the nutcase that originated most if not all of this.
So close…
Unlike some others, Matty is actually a candidate for red-pilling. He just doesn’t comprehend that the deleterious effects of the policy are a feature, not a bug. He still believes.
Now whether or not he is capable of sloughing off his social circles in order to come to the correct conclusions is very debatable.
Sadbeard is a straight-up stasi snitch.
I don’t disagree, I’m just noting that unlike others, he actually seems to notice the cognitive dissonance.
His personality is such that he will probably go to his grave choking on the contradictions though. He craves the approval.
My point is that for him the (or at least a) fundamental purpose of government is to punish bad people. So to the extent that there is any cognitive dissonance it can be easily assuaged by focusing on the greater “good”
(i.e., it hurts me but hurts bad people more) of a harmful concept.
Since we’re talking about celebrated midwit pesudointellectuals, Freddie DeBoer’s justification for being a communist is that since everything is determined (by genetics and/or environment) there’s no way to justify unequal outcomes; being more or less successful is no evidence of character or any other type of moral excellence.
So the more capable and productive should be enslaved for the benefit of others based on immutable characteristics?
What an idiot.
These days there are far, far more idiots than those that are productive, so you should not be surprised that the idiots would demand the productive be forced to take care of them. Human right or something to free shit.
Someone should send him a copy of Sowell’s Wealth, Poverty and Politics.
That’s a freaking double bitchslap to people like him…
He would be confused at the idea of a black man who didn’t stay on the progressive plantation, and would simply call Sowell a “black face of white supremacy”, ’cause you know black people can’t have opinions not given too them by white people, and aren’t allowed to think for themselves.
Like the book reviewer in England?
sadbeard: An example of white supremacy culture … is that “criticism of those with power is viewed as threatening and inappropriate (or rude).”
Hmm, so the whole deep state/MSM cabal is white supremacist?
No link.
Link fail.
“The Carolina Hurricanes have moved on to the Wales Conference Finals. ”
I would have gone with Hartford Whalers.
No doubt influenced by Florida Man, Florida Bird bites off more than he can chew — finds himself wrapped up in a world of hurt.
I have a pair of racers on my property and they are badass. I have seen them take squirrels and birds out of a tree and hit a copperhead like a mac truck (then kill and eat it). They constantly got caught in bird netting I had in my orchard so after cutting them free several times I just stopped using the netting because I really want the racers to do their varmint police work.
I think I have one living under my house, I found a skin 5 feet long under there one day.
I threw it in the trash and the head was still intact. My wife wouldn’t go near it until I pushed it further in.
We live on the edge of the woods and very rarely get mice in the house.
This is the dumbest story I’ve ever seen. Who the fuck calls the cops because two wild animals are fighting? This is the natural state of things. Both animals survived, but one lost a meal without which it will not in the future.
Seems legit.
After a brief initial processing, migrants are given papers for a notice to appear – most court dates I’ve seen are dated in 2027 – FOUR YEARS from now.
Some are also given new phones and a bus ticket to a state where they’ve provided an address of a sponsor or family already here in the country.
Most people I saw today were from Venezuela; others were some Haitians and Chinese nationals.
We get to fund our own demise.
And people are actually sponsoring?
If by “people” you mean human traffickers of various sorts, sure.
Cute, but even traffickers have to have end customers for their product.
“Fat people will be protected from discrimination under law passed in New York as critics warn it opens door to ‘sue anyone and everything
Councilman Shaun Abreu, one of the bill’s main sponsors, said he realized weight discrimination was a ‘silent burden’ after he was treated differently when he gained more than 40lbs during lockdown….
New York’s human rights law already bars discrimination in housing, the workplace and public accommodation based on 27 characteristics, including age, marital status, disability and national origin.
The bill adds weight and height to that list, while including exceptions for jobs in which weight and height are a ‘bona fide occupational qualification’ or where there is a public health and safety concern.”
Fat people should be more discriminatory in what they eat.
Just a reminder. They don’t all hate us and want us dead.
The risk is that the government will piss away trillions of dollars on graft; so yes, I would say it is a serious risk.
Alex Epstein, Lomberg, and Schellenberger all have put out books saying the solution pursued by the corrupt global agenda is one that will destroy trillions in wealth, hold back the third world, keeping most of them in poverty due to lack of energy, destroy modern society in the west, and basically not do anything of consequence to climate change. It’s basically people peddling horrible and ultra expensive solutions that allow massive graft without doing anything to solve the problem.
I keep telling people that I will take these climate change Malthusians seriously when we go to nuclear energy, not just for us, but for the third world, so everyone can get cheap energy and grow economies. Global GDP is what is needed to combat any climate issues. The Dutch, a rich country, has used a fraction of that GDP to build dykes and now have a country where 1/ of their land is below sea level. In Bangladesh, a country with a fraction of the GDP the Dutch have, they suffer greatly and constantly from natural phenomenon like floods and tsunamis, with deaths in the thousands, all of which could quickly be solved if they had enough wealth to build the same sort of engineering solutions the Dutch did.
To combat climate change, and climate will change regardless of what man does or doesn’t, the answer is always engineering solutions. Our elite however keep peddling social justice shit, because that allows them to rob the productive blind.
“country where 1/3 of their land“
Our elite however keep peddling social justice shit, because that allows them to rob the productive blind.
The trick they can’t figure out is how to keep the productive going while doing that. Once that productivity is lost, every gets poorer – even the rich.
I am sure they have a plan for that….
I’m sure they think they do. And reality will teach them exactly what Mike Tyson said about plans.
That’s exactly my point.
The feds are not your friends.
EL PASO- Border Patrol agents try to block the press from filming the first bus being loaded with illegal immigrants being brought into the US from Juarez.
One CBP agent asks me to back up stating “we’re trying to protect the privacy please”
Super secret stealthy invasion.
They are in a public place where there is no presumption of privacy that these illegal aliens would have any right to.
OT: But for those who have Pandora, and like Ska-Punk, I highly recommend the Anarchy station which is currently hosting a takeover by the Interrupters. With them telling stories about some of the bands and songs.
Thanks Neph.
The Interrupters, creators of the Ron Paul theme song from 2008.
I didn’t think they created it, I know the lead singer was involved and did vocals for it. The band is also one that’s either going to stay together forever, or have a spectacular break up. Aimee is married to one of the members, and the other two members are her husband’s twin brothers.
Well they can divorce, write a whole album on said divorce and skyrocket into the mainstream and then she can break off and become a pseudo hip-hop star and then marry a country singer.
I stand with Reel Big Fish!
So I was watching an episode of The First 48.
The perp had previously been in prison for 10 years for drug possession.
He walked up on a guy in a parking lot and murked him, right in the head (the victim was the perp’s girlfriend’s cousin. The girlfriend had had a minor drunken disagreement with her cousin months earlier, to which the perp was a witness).
Sentence for a broad daylight execution of a human being?
10 years.
Apropos of nothing, Frigid Wife Syndrome.
That’s ground for divorce right there…
*paging the DOJ* …
Left-wing activists in Northern Virginia with close ties to its Democrat politicians plotted secretly to destroy conservatives and Christians, gleefully discussing their deaths and repeatedly scheming to get them fired, according to thousands of pages of 2022 online chat logs reviewed by The Daily Wire.
Calling themselves the “Loudoun Love Warriors,” the group chat included a campaign staffer for the county’s Soros-backed prosecutor, a consultant for its Democrat sheriff candidate, and the board members of a gay advocacy group. The activists were based in Loudoun County, an area just outside Washington, D.C.
“Someone gonna get hurt on their side and I hope I get to do it,” Derek Summers wrote. “I’m sooo ready to show up with guns lol,” added Summers, a rapper who offered firearms training to the group. On Facebook, he repeatedly posted pictures of himself with guns, with one adding the quote “all this love is waiting for you.”
The DOJ will go after the person that leaked the logs.
You can’t hit shit holding a gun sideways
I think Dimon is saying “buy gold and commodities”
Which he’ll be happy to sell to you at inflated prices.
Only from William Devane!
No grand jury involved
Not all states require grand juries, or only require grand juries for certain types of crime. I did a little digging. NY requires grand juries for felonies only, and manslaughter is a felony. The end of the article says a grand jury will sit for the case to hear evidence after the arraignment hearing.
Punishment first! Then trial.
Sadly, there is no script for him to read: Kinda wish I could get Colbert’s reaction to last night.
And nothing but brutal reactions!
Why can’t he just read the White House talking points?
Politicization of everything
Tuberville said that he thinks efforts to root out extremism — and critical race theory, which he contends is being taught in the military — are causing the U.S. to lose service members.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin previously rebutted those claims during a 2021 House Armed Services hearing.
“We do not teach critical race theory. We don’t embrace critical race theory, and I think that’s a spurious conversation,” he said. “We are focused on extremist behaviors and not ideology — not people’s thoughts, not people’s political orientation. Behaviors is what we’re focused on.”
w conducted last week. “They’re destroying it.”
Following those comments, WBHM reporter Richard Banks asked Tuberville to clarify his comments on white nationalists saying, “You mentioned the Biden administration trying to prevent white nationalists from being in the military. Do you believe they should allow white nationalists in the military?
“Well, they call them that. I call them Americans,” Tuberville said.
We need a political strategy corps in the Pentagon, to ensure uniformity of belief among the troops.
Ah, the technically correct defense of CRT proponents.
We call it something else.
Every unit needs a commissar.
“Twitters new CEO seems to be affiliated with the World Economic Forum.”
And bought the Lil Rona Panic bullshit.
She inflates and bloats her titles and positions to make her sound like she’s more than she was. Not a red flag at all.
Also not a red flag
She sounds like she has even less experience and background than Musk to be a CEO. Pretty face for the cameras?
The Ad Council puts out some hilariously bad commercials. I’m somewhat of a amateur student of TV commercials. Been thinking about a series on bad advertising.
Yes! When you watch tv ads alone, you watch them with Hitler!
Example: the US govt loves to do cartoon ads. Probably because they’re innocuous and you can “cast” characters to meet all the wonderful DEI criteria. But the ads are shown on shows and networks that cater to a very definitive middle aged demographic, which makes them look hokey and condescending.
There’s one notable exception I’ve seen recently, done by NHTSA about car seats, that is actually relatable, funny, and effective.
When the girlfriend and I were in Vegas, late at night, with the TV on to go to sleep, we kept getting the damned Elmo and “parent” commercials about the ‘vid vax. Because Adult Swim watchers are apparently a prime target susceptible to Elmo themed commercials.
The Ad Council is one of the top 50 institutions in the Censorship-Industrial Complex.
The article is one big black pill.
She must do a real good job with the bandage and hot wax Elon craves.
Bondage! For fuck’s sake, autocorrect…why you got to be such a prude?
I thought you were claiming she was Elon’s esthetician.
What? You’ve never heard of Cotton Ball torture?
I would think Musk has laid out his expectations in no uncertain terms and will keep her on a fairly short leash, subject to termination if she goes into the weeds. For all his faults and there certainty are some, Musk is not a short-sighted dummy.
Rather the other way around, I would think. Wink wink nudge nudge
Seen on the Tom Woods supporting listener group:
“They’re taking over the WEF from the inside. Trust the plan. – TwitterQ”.
That’s what I was initially, naively, optimistically, thinking.
And I suppose her anti-Semitism work is laudable, but is Yaccarino one of (((them))) ?
This person is too stupid to save.
If we were pro-life, we would ban assault rifles used to spray down elementary schools. We would put sheriffs back in charge of issuing concealed weapons permits, and keeping them out of the hands of dangerous people they know. We would take body armor off the market. We would stop the manufacture of cop-killer bullets and high-capacity magazines intended only for professional use. Most Americans (even most Iowans) support these reasonable restrictions on our Second Amendment freedoms, just as they support limited restrictions on what we can say or print.
Most of us support background checks and waiting periods, and registration of gun transactions between private parties or at gun shows.
In short, most people favor things that they know worked. Lifting the assault weapons ban resulted in more gun deaths. There is a coincidence between the proliferation of arms and gun violence. Reducing the number of guns will save lives. So, if you are pro-life you should favor a reduced number of guns. Children are dying every day from gunshots.
There are no reasonable restrictions because the restriction of 2A is on the government.
End your pro-criminal agenda and societal breakdown.
(Your to the author, not you RS)
II wonder if he’d accept reasonable restrictions on his 1A rights to write shitty editorials in local papers. My guess would be no.
Quite a few lies stuffed into those two paragraphs.
“just as they support limited restrictions on what we can say or print.”
(1) Do they, really?
(2) Isn’t preventing majoritarian restriction on rights exactly what the BOR was created for?
In short, most people favor things that they know worked.
Oh you mean everything California has, and how well it’s worked there?
“…cop-killer bullets…”
Okay boomer.
Black Talon Hydra-Shok! Teflon coated so they slide right through body armor!
I just dip my mags in KY.
Hey, I’ve seen cop-killer bullets penetrate the bucket on a Cat loader… in a movie… staring a flaming anti-gun dillweed.
We are pro-life. It is illegal to murder people with guns, and always has been. It’s not the fault of gun owners that’s being selectively enforced.
What exactly is the excuse for banning body armor? Citizens have an obligation to make themselves easily killable?
They want to shoot you. Same reason they want your guns.
When the Lord commands that you die, the Serf humbly kneels and presents himself for the blade.
Hey, it worked in Japan for hundreds of years – why not everywhere?
And what exactly is body armor? Will the backpack companies that are making kids backpacks that are supposedly armored be barred from making their product or kids arrested for wearing them?
I think John’s argument for banning body armor was “criminals will use it to protect themselves from cops”, so not much different.
Great song selections. Cyndi Lauper is one of those artist you hear on the “deep cuts” setting in Pandora, and you hear a half dozen songs you loved at one time but completely forgot about.
Daily Quordle 473
Blossom Puzzle, May 12
Letters: B D E U O R S
My score: 256 points
My longest word: 9 letters
🌺 🌻 🌼 🌷 🌸 💐 🌹 🏵 💮
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 473
Daily Quordle 473
Daily Quordle 473
Very Glibs oriented today.
Ha yup.
“most recent TRANSFORMERS cartoon. Is this something you would want your children to watch?”
I thought for sure that was a joke.
It looks like something you would make to make fun of the SJW’s.
Oh no! It’s Optimus Prime (sim/zer), a polyamorous genderfuck otherkin. Run, but not because there’s anything wrong with that, I think zer’s a Republican!
But yeah, seriously, it’s the rankest of propaganda aimed at children.
Good grief.
Transformers, more than meets the eye.
Transformers, groomers in disguise.
To be fair, they are called Transformers, and the whole idea is they can transform from one thing to another. But I’d rather not see what transformations are included with the newest toys.
“I’m Sam, I’m she/they”
What idea, other than confused cunt, is conveyed with she/they?
“I know I’m safe when I’m with my friends, or other non-binary people.”
No one who
speaks Germanis non-binary could be evil!Don’t you know that little kids just want to talk about their genitalia with space robots?
It’s like anorexia, but for the economy
The rules would apply to the nation’s fleet of existing and new power plants that run on coal and natural gas – two major fossil fuels, which are the root cause of the climate crisis. The Biden administration’s proposal would push utilities to outfit many power plants with costly carbon capture technology or add clean hydrogen fuel to reduce their emissions.
EPA and White House officials said the proposed rules would help meet President Joe Biden’s goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035, while only marginally raising costs for the nation’s ratepayers. EPA Administrator Michael Regan said his agency estimated that while baseline electricity costs would go up 2% by 2030, they would rise just 0.08% further by 2040.
What is carbon capture? Some say it will help save the world, for others it’s a dangerous distraction
“We believe that where we will end up will be squarely in line with the president’s goal,” Regan told reporters. “We’re looking at a negligible impact on electricity prices, while yielding climate and public health benefits that far exceed those costs.”
Just think how pretty we’ll look!
These people are insane. They are completely divorced from reality.
Maybe that’s code for “necessarily skyrocket”.
Not Enough Grift, Litigation, Imposition or Government Investment in Business Leadership Economics.
That an administration can just write rules that have such profound effects on the affordability of electricity and the economy as a whole is just more proof that we are well and truly fucked.
That’s just Our Democracy.
There is no “climate crisis” you fucking morans.
They are not insane – they are evil.
Insane and evil my friend.
The higher ups are well aware and are just looking to cash in, they’re far from morons. Now the foot soldiers who fervently believe in this stuff even to their own detriment, now those are the idiots.
The government has an excellent record of estimating costs.
Like us!!!
All fossil fuel plants should shut down for just a week immediately, and cite that they’re doing it to cut carbon emissions as the administration wants.
The ensuing crisis will then be blamed on Trump for failing to embrace “renewable green energy”.
“Getting carbon pollution out of the power sector is the lynchpin by which we tackle carbon pollution throughout the rest of the economy,” Sam Ricketts, a former adviser to Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee who now works with Evergreen Action and the Center for American Progress, told CNN.
Destroying the supply of efficient reliable energy will bring the rest of the economy to a screeching halt, and that will make us all better off.
The carbon they wish to reduce is you.
Honestly, if we expatriate, the last straw will probably be the rolling blackouts/brownouts if these people aren’t stopped.
Because there is absolutely no way on this planet they can implement this crap without crippling the grid.
Good morning, Sloop.
The hockey has been better than I expected. I agree that FL should finish things, but it’s the playoffs.
The border shitshow is enraging. I keep hearing how this is a planned thing, but it sure looks to me like it was a stunt that got completely out of control. Also, we should deport all the NGOs involved to Borneo or somewhere.
I was wrong. I didn’t think fuckwit would charge the Marine. I hope it generates the appropriate backlash.
Nice music today. She is terrific. And it looks like you can see her next month if you want to go to NYC!
I saw this good unpacking of the incident the other day.
I don’t have any confidence that this will change.
Good article, thanks.
It’s really difficult not to be black-pilled on the cities. I don’t go into Denver, so I can pretend it ‘s fine here. Watching my old city self-destruct is painful, though. Especially realizing that cities rarely (never?) recover from race riots.
I sure didn’t appreciate the 90s enough.
Had a visit with my VA doc today for the bi-annual checkup. Good lord those people are shot-happy.
I was asked if I wanted a COVID shot (of course). The influenza, pneumonia, shingles, and finally a tetanus booster.
The tetanus booster is actually a good idea if you haven’t had your third.
I thought tetanus was every 7 years or so
One very young, one at like 13, one ten years later. At least that’s what I remember from getting poked a few years ago.
I was going to spend a few weeks in austere and dirty conditions, doing work where getting sliced or punctured was likely. I loved bringing this up to COVID enthusiasts who called me an anti-vaxer…
My doctor this morning said it’s every 10 years.
Yeah. I’m well past due to get my tetanus booster.
Needles are bad.
Yeah. I avoid them unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Mine recommended the shingles vaccine.
I am torn on that one, one of my buddies’ wives got shingles and it was pretty bad.
OTOH, vaccines have me a little skeptical right now.
Shingles is nothing to mess around with, look what it did to Diane Feinstein.
Good point, I don’t want to turn into the Crypt Keeper.
Yeah, my wife has been encouraging me to not get any further vaccines as she has lost pretty much all faith in the pharmaceutical companies and most of her faith in the medical profession. However, I did get the shingles shot right around covid time and a tetanus booster before she expressed her concerns.
I got my Shingle vax about 5 mins after turning 50.
Dec and Jan just before covid hit in Feb/Mar.
Concur on shingles. I had a “mild”case a decade ago and it was not pleasant.
Too painful to sleep.
Same here. I was young, but I think my immune system had been knocked down by catching a couple of things at once. Shingles burn, man. It’s not nice.
Shingles is just a reoccurrence of chicken pox. Everyone gets it. It’s like the flu, nbd. Y’all are pussies.
Ive never had chicken pox, according to what my Mom told me.
We have worked so hard to weaponize the financial system, we don’t want to lose that leverage
The US will be in uncharted territory if lawmakers fail to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling. But the impact of the US defaulting on its debt would probably not be ‘“maybe nothing” or just “a bad week or a bad day,” as former President Donald Trump suggested in a CNN town hall Wednesday night, his first major media appearance since announcing his 2024 campaign.
Days after President Joe Biden had his first, fruitless meeting with congressional leaders on raising the debt ceiling, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Thursday that a default would not only “threaten the gains that we’ve worked so hard to make over the past few years in our pandemic recovery,” but would “spark a global downturn that would set us back much further.”
“It would also risk undermining US global economic leadership and raise questions about our ability to defend our national security interests,” she said.
Just keep writing checks.
US global economic leadership
Printing and spending is leadership?
In some ways, I wonder if defaulting would be the best thing that could happen to the U.S.
Typically is for those that choose to declare bankruptcy…
Interesting how nobody is questioning why we built a system that will crash the entire world economy if a bill isn’t passed.
What doesn’t it do?
The Biden administration announced it is providing more than $830 million to help make low-income housing energy efficient using funds from the Inflation Reduction Act that passed last year.
The White House said in a release Thursday that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is making the money available through a funding notice for the Inflation Reduction Act’s Green and Resilient Retrofit Program, which makes investments in energy and water efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, generating clean energy, and implementing climate strategies in multifamily housing.
The best way to fight inflation is to spend unlimited amounts of money on feel-good projects based on completely imaginary cost benefit analysis.
They’re all in the pockets of Big Insulation. I guarantee you that Owens Corning thinks this idea is swell.
Johns-Mansville was a very, very, good client of mine. Deep pockets that I suspect came from the various “free home winterization” projects most areas have.
Making your house 10% more efficient will more than make up for the 300-400% increase in energy that’s on the way.
Is she on drugs?
Weed or drunk…but whateves…the collapse will be entertaining at least.
High as a kite.
Probably figured since Joe was always getting the good stuff she should be able to as well.
US Vice President Kamala Harris appeared in public in a very strange state
Well, she’s not on her knees sucking a power-broker’s cock.
Probably Xanax. Forgot about taking the first one and popped a second?
Hmmmm… that’s a distinct possibility.
I read somewhere that half the adult population of the US is on some kind of anti-anxiety meds. This may well be bullshit, but it still makes me anxious.
*pours second pre-lunch martini*
US Vice President Kamala Harris appeared in public in a very strange state
You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
Seems hammered here.
Haven’t seen this one before.
Meh, that one seems doctored.
Yep, either her writers are baked out of their minds when they write her speeches or she is herself. I have heard such profound logic from my stoner friends.
Kinda high, kinda drunk.
That must have been the appearance Festus was referring to on Wednesday.
I need Kristen Wigg to do an impersonation, stat.
“Netflix Kids Show indoctrinating toddlers to become Non-Binary”
WTF is wrong with all these assholes who make kids’ shows?
They’re assholes.
The Super Mario Brothers movie was extremely mediocre (barring some Jack Black brilliance), and I contend that it’s massive earnings were simply a result of steering clear of all this complete bullshit.
My kids loved it, but yeah, didn’t really speak to me even though I am a Nintendo fan. Peach was girl bossy, but otherwise they did a good job.
Trans cult has infiltrated everything.
Never have I ever would be a terribly awesome game amongst this crowd
This is an excellent story (scrolled down a bit on that tweet)
To quote Swiss, “just say no to slave armies”
The right is, as usual, wrong.
After having said a couple of sensible things, Vivek has tripled down on stupid.
I don’t mind the civics test – hell, give one to every voter – but they can fuck right off with “national service”.
Except who decides what’s on the test?
1. Isn’t socialism the greatest thing ever?
2. Do you think evil guns should be banned?
3. Don’t you wish you had Joe Biden’s balls in your mouth right now?
Grab one from circa 1900 and be done with it.
Just the facts, ma’am.
How about this.
To vote you can either:
1) Have employment that doesn’t require welfare.
2) Have served the nation in some capacity — either militarily or otherwise.
I assume this is just an exercise, of course, as anything that doesn’t make it easier to vote will never come to fruition.
Fewer people should vote. I am surprised Glibs are so opposed to this idea.
Which of y’all going to organize these?
I’m wondering if it could be gotten away with in ban states if airsoft versions were used.
Here’s a crazy idea, you commie bitch.
Send the government workers home without pay. Remove the parasites from the host for a few days. Stop sending money to Ukraine. Stop funding Taiwanese arms. And for the love of God, stop implementing yield curve control in order to force the Fed to pivot.
In some ways, I wonder if defaulting would be the best thing that could happen to the U.S.
Unfortunately, they would manage to prevent the destruction from being in any way “creative”. The absolute worst and most destructive policies would be retained, and the last vestiges of a functioning market economy would be flushed down the drain.
Every goddam day there is another story about a billion dollar boondoggle brought to us by the “Inflation Reduction Act”. Every body who voted for it should be flayed alive and then burned at the stake.
“If Congress fails to do that, it really impairs our credit rating. We have to default on some obligation, whether it’s Treasuries or payments to Social Security recipients,” Yellen said Friday in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “That’s something America hasn’t done since 1789. And we shouldn’t start now. So we’ve not discussed what to do.”
And where the fuck were you when these completely unfulfillable promises were being made? I thought there was a little more to being Secretary of the Treasury than putting your signature on Federal Reserve Notes. Silly me.
I love everything about this story:
Colorado fisherman reels in likely record-breaking trout, but there’s a catch
Good fisherman. Good dad.
I had no idea trout got that big.
Bigger than ocean going trout (steelhead).
I don’t mind the civics test – hell, give one to every voter – but they can fuck right off with “national service”.
When sitting members of Congress are required to pass a “civics test” covering the duties, responsibilities and limits imposed upon them by the Constitution before they are allowed to introduce or vote on legislation, we can talk about quizzing the citizenry.
I guess your terms are acceptable.
I don’t know what to make of this. But I’m surprised the riots haven’t started yet.
I watched the bodycam footage, and the cop definitely fucked up from the start, completely losing control of the situation. I seriously doubt he was following HPD procedures for a high risk stop, not even close.
That said, it’s hard to tell if it was a justified shooting, because the camera fell off and you can’t really see what happened once they started wrestling on the ground.
It takes chutzpah to allege SCOTUS was being charged with ethical lapses, when literally no one has pointed out a single law that anyone on SCOTUS has been alleged to have violated, and to apply that smear tactic about a 9-0 slapdown of the case in question. Are they alleging that the leftist judges are also being charged? Please.