My first idea for this week was sci fi, as it was requested. The film I wanted is called Paul, and I would encourage you all to seek it out. It’s a little known film from Simon Pegg. It expired on TUBI just before this post.
This is my second idea. Mexican Sharpshooter published a piece about the death of Jerry Springer. I remembered a film Rodney Dangerfield made about talk show hosts called Wally Sparks. He had Springer in mind when he made this. Jerry is even in this film as a cameo and some stock footage. This is a seldom seen Rodney Dangerfield picture. And a damn good one.
Rodney plays the titular (pun intended) character Wally Sparks, and Debi Mazar plays Wally’s producer. Mazar looks fantastic, so even if you don’t care for Dangerfield she should keep your attention. David Ogden Spears plays the governor and Burt Reynolds shows up in this film as well. I like Wally Sparks because Rodney seems natural in this film – he wasn’t trying to be the every man, he was being himself. That is a change for anyone familiar with his other works.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a politician wants to take you off the air! Next week, a quick fill-in until I get back from this latest trip. Witching and Bitching! Then we go Italian Sci Fi!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Paul is an excellent flick.
Still a chance to post it. They Live just came back to TUBI. Paul should come back too.
It keeps looking like it’s going to be a cheap stupid movie, but it has a real heart. That’s a tricky balancing act; Pegg has done it, or come close to it, before.
Are you checking out my cookies? I just rewatched Paul last week.
*hits play*
This looks interesting. I will queue it up for later viewing. I might not get to it until next week.
Thanks RJ!
Funny, I recognize the names, but forgot the names of most of those talk show hosts.
I intended to have a list ready to show but I am dead. I got California poisoning on a business trip and am now recovering. Many pills to take.
So you’re saying there really *is* something in the water out there?
I avoided the water. It might be the air, or some wretched disease secreted into my martini.
BTW, still have your email. Birthday, then business trip and now illness. Might be a gypsy curse keeping me from progress. I saw a couple of good choices on your list. My pal KJ who lives around Kilgore will be back Monday, and I can query him about properties.
No worries, I appreciate you doing that. I just reached out to the agent I’ve been corresponding with to see if they can maybe have somebody local do a video tour for me on a couple of those as well. Hopefully I can snag something.
Baja California?
Get well soon!
The Hot Seat With Wally George?
Haha yeah!
Hot Seat was a great show for upsetting hippie liberal boomer parents in the 80s.
*tap tap tap*
LOL never heard of this but that’s funny.
The man who made Morton Downey, Jr look like an intellectual.
I have been to the cemetery in the photo up top. That real is Rodney’s gravestone.
Whoa. *tugs collar*
Maybe I will.
I just finished watching a thing (doc? infomercial?) about Randy Grubb, an automotive artist, for lack of a better term, who makes cartoonish vehicles like this thing. Some cool art-deco-y stuff, and some good footage of the fabrication process.
Maybe I’ll grab a beer and hit play. Take a night off from my Hell on Wheels binge.
I think that guy was on Jay Leno.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Late to the evening links party, so I’d like to respond to Pope Jimbo regarding his comments in the links regarding Musk’s Boca Chica launch site – won’t somebody think of the salt marsh mosquitoes?
Yes. Join me in Boca Chica and summon the female marsh mosquitoes to nuzzle your flesh and drink your blood…
Next time I talk to Richard, we will debate who has the lowest comment totals on posts overnight. I think this wins.
I’m busy watching the Seattle Kraken stink up the rink.
But never say die this postseason. It’s been crazy.
I have a good game of Retro Highway going. I shall amuse myself with that.
The flick sounds good, I just can’t multitask with video – it’d be this or playoff hockey.
And you chose hockey?
To be fair, commenting has been a bit on the slow side in general here lately. Spring fever or some shit.
Slow slide. It’s been falling off since before spring.
I have noticed that too.
Pipe down! I’m finishing a movie.
A fantASStic collection for THICC Thursday.
If Tres Cool goes missing, I’ll know where to look for him.
I think even these are too small
You know how Paul Stanley asks and answers “You want the best? You got the best!” at every show? It’s good to see NYS ignoring that advice.
He/she tut-tutted from the safety of his/her not being trapped in a train car with a violent crazy person.
While being protected by armed men/woman/human adults.
Funk has no place in liquor descriptions, except as derogatory.
What if I’m ordering a funky monkey?
You asked for it.
I’ll call it ‘overripe banana flavor’ if you insist, but I think ‘funk’ is more concise.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and bruised his crown and then poor Jill had to help him into bed while gazing upon his starfish.
Morning Festus. Get thee well.
Dude probably did commit the Idaho murders but in this interaction I root for him. The State designed this traffic law to extract monies from as many drivers as they can.
A good morning and peace to all Glibs of good will.
🎶 🎶
Morning like and the rest of y’all.
May your day be filled with tequila and tacos.
Stupid autocorrect
Morning, dude. Thanks for reminding me that I have an “eat me today or never” avocado in the refrigeratrix.
Too carby
Old un but a good un.
New one to me.
Good morning, limey, Sean, U, TO’G, Roat, and Shirley!
The closest I’m coming to observing Cinco de Mayo is having a bowl of Atkins chili for lunch. Which is to say, not at all.
I look forward to the annual lectures on how a US drinking holiday is cultural appropriation from a country that doesn’t celebrate it.
Or maybe this year they’ll pivot back to the old ‘Das rayciss’ and point at novelty sombreros.
I’ll be passing through the Carolinas Sunday morning. I’ll be stopping here to stretch my legs.
I’ve only been through South Carolina once. I stopped for lunch at a deli that served Gyros with a side of sweet potato fries because it was the only place open. I believe I was going from Wilmington to Knoxville on that particular trip. I need to go back and actually visit south carolina some day.
And do you hear those lectures on St. Patrick’s Day?? No! For some reason, it’s apparently OK to appropriate IRISH culture!! ::sulks::
They tried, but ran into a bunch of guys with Irish surnames who ran the festivities each year.
¡Hóla, pelirroja! 👩🦰
(err, ‘hola’. “Just plain ho.” )
Alt + 0161?
But who’s going to remember that¿
Buenos dias! (I can’t do those upside-down punctuation marks. Except for the periods.)
¡Buenas nachos!
¡Buenos Dios!
Vaya con queso! 😃
You can’t let him leave with all of our cheese!
Mi queso es su queso.
“Hey! That’s nacho cheese!”
Btw, limey your link above “not available” in ‘Murica.
Ah balls.
James Figurine – 55566688833
I pray the beep beep boop finds you. The crunchy snare is lovely.
I know who that is. Another solo moniker. That guy is (or was) busy.
That’s chill, as the young folk might say. I spied a ‘Garcetti for Mayor’ shirt in there.
“We should send the perpetrators to the state penne tentiary.”
“It was pasta expiration date”
“Oh, please, this isn’t something to make light of. The food waste alone is pastatively gross. Cleaning this up will cost the town a pretty penni. I don’t know what the criminals were on, they had to be totally sauced to do something like this. But I hope we spaghet justice.”
I saw this last night but it was pasta my bedtime so I figured it would farfalle to other Glibs to post a link-guini to it. It will be interesting to see how this story un-raviolis over the coming days.
A pasta dump is truly a sight to behold. I hear the video was a big hit on German TV.
Somewhat relevant:
Yesterday’s NYT crossword theme involved embedding a capital city in the answer. So one of the clues was “Author Morrison”. Answer: Rigatoni.
Happy Cinq Mai!
Ahem. Cinqo de Miracle Whip.
Yesterday was fun. Had an eye exam, got the eyedrops that make everything bright a blurry. Now I’m waiting for the new glasses.
I hate those eyedrops.
The worst part is when they then have to shine a light into your eye and leave you blind for a while afterwards.
La vie en jaune 🎵
You never got the dye that temporarily makes your vision yellow? Maybe it isn’t done anymore.
Can’t say I’ve had that test.
Inorite? I see an ophthalmologist twice a year since my cataract surgery, and also pay a twice yearly visit to a retina specialist after my boutique with vitreous detachment. The retina sessions are especially annoying.
Bout with, I assume.
I hear there are corneal ophths or retinal ophths.
Bout, yes (thanks, autocorrect). And I am seeing the retinal opth (she is very easy on the eyes).
I should do that at some point before my birthday this year, when my current driver’s license expires. Now all I have to do is find a vision care place that takes my insurance. 🙄👓
The places that take my insurance are shitty places with low quality products and the sorts of staff you get at the lowest pay. I paid out of pocket the ~$850 it ran me.
Damn eyes.
Ouch. I hope that included a fancy new pair of spectacles.
yes, with even more fancy new lenses. In fact, most of it was the lenses. The exam was the cheapest part at under $150.
Mornin’, reprobates!
This week cannot end soon enough. Up until 1:30 AM Wednesday night after spending the entire day fixing a data issue caused by a rogue update upstream. Staggered through yesterday looking forward to catching up on sleep last night. No such luck, I got paged this morning, another data issue from a different upstream partner, there goes my day. Fuck me.
Good morning, ‘patzie! I’m sorry these issues cost you so much sleep, but it IS important to keep your rogues updated.
Looks like the King’s security people dropped the ball on this one. Someone is going to pay for this cock-up.