I think I see a broom.
Florida are about to get the brooms out on Toronto. The other two games yesterday were goalfests, as those series sit 2-1. What a crazy second round. Max plowed through the field from 9th to cruise to a win at the Miami GP. Not even his teammate could compete from the pole. West Ham beat ManUre to get themselves safe from relegation. And four of the five teams trying to avoid the drop are in action today. And that’s it for sports.
You’re not gonna do shit, you douchebag. It would be funny if the SC issued an edict that the Senate members were retroactively forbidden from trading in stocks they had any regulatory oversight for and made the penalty expulsion. That might teach these creeps a lesson about reading the Constitution.

What we’ve become
Shouldn’t this require some form of legislation? I’d consider a financial penalty some form of punishment. And that would require a law be enacted. Also, this should be up to the market to determine, not the government. But still, if the feds get involved, ruling by fiat is bullshit.

Yes…YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Make this happen as quickly as possible. No half-measures either. Hell, make part of the reparations process to have all white people find the nearest black person and grovel at their feet for an extended period of time. Or have public atonement sessions. That’ll get everybody onboard with this completely insane, and unconstitutional, idea.
I’ll believe the feds are taking this seriously when the indictments start. But I guess they’re too busy combing through footage looking for random people (but not Ray Epps) walking casually through or near the Capitol to look into the myriad violations that are pretty damn clear.
If that’s the case, then maybe start negotiating now. It would save countless lives.
That’s some nice security you’ve got there. Might want to get your lawyers on the phone. You’re gonna need them.
So much for checks and balances. I remember people being locked up recently for refusing to appear. And those weren’t even government employees. Lock this asshole up if he doesn’t comply.
I think this is a fantastic idea. There’s no reason for high school kids to be up at 5:30 to get ready to go to school. Or 6:30 for second-graders. It’s completely insane.
Here’s a rollicking number. Just jumps straight in. What a difference 14 years makes. It’s like it’s not even the same band. Oh well, they’re both good songs for their time. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.
Now that’s creative finger
bangingpuppetry…“You’re not gonna do shit, you douchebag. It would be funny if the SC issued an edict that the Senate members were retroactively forbidden from trading in stocks they had any regulatory oversight for and made the penalty expulsion. That might teach these creeps a lesson about reading the Constitution.”
The fact that the criminals in congress not only block any attempt to prevent them from abusing the government system to make money trading stocks but then flaunt the money they bank, tells you all you need to know about how serious they take either the responsibility of their jobs or the people they are supposedly representing. It’s a crime syncdicate.
“Shouldn’t this require some form of legislation? I’d consider a financial penalty some form of punishment. And that would require a late be enacted. Also, this should be up to the market to determine, not the government. But still, if the feds get involved, ruling by fiat is bullshit.”
This is not about helping the public as much as it is an opportunity to grand stand and through bullshit drop the value of airline stocks – which congress people will than vacuum up cheaply – before doing nothing, letting the stock soar back up, and then make a killing selling it all while picking winners & losers based on which airline donates the most.
Of course, the government will not compensate for delays they cause. FAA system down, suck it up peasants.
You’re not trying to blame OBE now, are you? ;-}
OBE has all the duct tape, paracord, and bailing wire necessary to keep those systems up.
We are back under ordering restrictions…so…I will make it last. Now where is that roll of flight line and bucket of checkered paint.
the paint is behind the prismatics, but stop before you reach the stripes.
We’ve got flight line, but you’ll have to provide your own cloud anchors.
Other Ukrainian officials are out there stating that the whole of Russia will panic when their counteroffensive steamrolls the Russian army. Regardless of whether a panicking Russia is good (or very bad) thing for the world, it’s bullshit 24/7 right now. Even the alternative news sources seem conflicted on the situation.
General consensus seems to be that the counteroffensive will begin in earnest tomorrow.
Tex Cobb, after 15 rounds of Larry Holmes mauling
“I was just getting ready to take him”
“I will go another 15 to get him off Monday Night Football.” – Tex Cobb, after Cosell quit announcing boxing matches over the Holmes-Cobb fight.
Will interesting to see where it’s launched. Lots of activity in the Zasphoroza region, including Bradleys being grouped. Russia in turn has evacuated roughly a dozen towns in the same area. Seems likely this will be the push comes, unless it’s a fake similar to Karkhiv and Kherson last winter. Of course Russia pulled their forces from the Ukranian push to Karkhiv to save Kherson and ended up losing both.
The videos coming out of Bakmut have been crazy. There was a lot of resistance to the notion that Russia had kept Bakmut open intentionally, but I noticed both of the only two paved Ukrainian supply roads into the town were immediately seized by Wagner as soon as Wagner announced they were done grinding through Ukranians and were taking the city. Just days ago Prigozhin turned the narrative around by saying Wagner was pulling out of Bakhmut due to no ammo and getting slaughtered. Then Wagner turns around 12 hours later and light up the sky over the remaining Ukranian-controlled Bakhmut like it was the US bombing Baghdad. I haven’t seen Russia show that capability before, at least in Bakmut. I guess we’ll know if Russia seizes by Bakhmut by Victory Day whether their claims of control are bullshit now. Although, now that the field are dry, it looks like Ukraine is sending reinforcements in through every wheeled conveyance that can be found.
May and June will be decisive and very bloody.
War planning is being done by the U.S. State Department for the purposes of “optics”. It has nothing to do with achievable objectives and the lives of Ukrainian men are irrelevant.
If only there was a way to lock the Ukrainian asshole and the Russian asshole in a room together and let all the soldiers go home to their families and live a full life.
The Ukrainian asshole is just an actor our government hired. You could but Joe, Blinken, or Nuland in a cage with Putin.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think a cage match between Biden and Putin would be kinda one sided?
Is that supposed to deter me from wanting to see it?
“Yes…YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Make this happen as quickly as possible. No half-measures either. Hell, make part of the reparations process to have all white people find the nearest black person and grovel at their feet for an extended period of time. Or have public atonement sessions. That’ll get everybody onboard with this completely insane, and unconstitutional, idea.”
How many people do you think believe this is actually a thing and are out there already spending money they have not collected yet?
We’re still talking about the Feds, right?
They are part of the group thinking they have money in the bank because of this, yes…
That’s the fallback, or perhaps real, plan. Get a bunch more people saddled with debt and outrage, depending on the government to both take care of them, and take care of their enemies, old and new.
“I’ll believe the feds are taking this seriously when the indictments start. But I guess they’re too busy combing through footage looking for random people (but not Ray Epps) walking casually through or near the Capitol to look into the myriad violations that are pretty damn clear.”
So how did this play out? The DOJ gets evidence that the Biden family, like the Obama, Clinton, Bush, Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnel families, are yet another criminal enterprise working on behest of the greatest criminal enterprise, the Fed Gov, and then decide that the best candidate to put up on the guy threatening their lucrative rackets- the one they accuse of doing all the shit the gang of criminals do – in the 2020 election? Then they bury this truth, censor and prosecute anyone pointing it out, and presto, they have a new puppet to make dance for the low information crowd.
Seems apropos and exactly what you would expect from a cartel of criminals.
According to test scores they are learning anything anyway so why not cut a couple hours off the school day.
The dumbing down is by design. Dumb people, especially using fear, are easy to control.
The reseters need less people that will call them out when they roll out phase two.
Colorado has the lowest number of required school days in the nation. AFAICT, it has no effect on educational quality.
One of the better private schools( in KY) I know of( relatively cheap, great results) does 4 day weeks. Monday is “project day” at home.
We home schooled our kids for a year or two. It was challenging, but it was also amazing how much they could get done when they concentrated on school things. At home, school took maybe 2-3 hours a day if the kids were behaving. The rest of the day at government school was nothing but fluff, doing non-education things and moving from room to room.
Indoctrination requires exposure time, man…
Same thing we’ve experienced. It’s amazing how little of the school day is spent on actual learning. It’s mostly time wasting.
It’s training for the same thing at many jobs.
I once got government office job through a temp agency. They gave me a months worth of work. I got it done in less than three days.
Did someone yell at you about making them look bad?
I’ve never had anyone yell at me for making them look bad, but I have been frosted out of office socializing, gossiped about, and generally made to be miserable.
So you’ve worked with women*.
*not all women, she coughed delicately
*longsuffering sigh* Sadly.
It’s why I’m desperately hoping any coding job I get will be remote. So easy to regulate one’s speech in email instead of regulating it where they can see my face say, “You are a fucking cunt.”
Most of my female coworkers have been fine. The ones who stuck out, though, oof.
I’ve done that. It’s hell.
/continues a dead stare due to 6 weeks of onboarding training.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t 9 hours a day, based in Mountain time, starting late every day with half the day being dead time. Don’t even get me started that it’s far too much reading powerpoints and PDF’s than hands on work.
Yeah, what happened? /tenter🪝🪝
“So much for checks and balances. I remember people being locked up recently for refusing to appear. And those weren’t even government employees. Lock this asshole up id ghe doesn’t comply.”
Peshaw! It’s like you don’t understand the legal concept of “One set of rules for thee, and none for me” these crooks live bye.
It’s an extension of the “no reasonable prosecutor” argument.
I was told the reason HS started at 7:30 was to save money on bus drivers.
What I heard was that it was done so kids had ours left at the end of the day to work. These days people don’t want to work, especially kids in high school, so there is no need for this other than to piss on the legs of non morning people and telling them it is warm rain…
Ultimately this doesn’t solve the problem of public education. It doesn’t suck because of the time it starts.
I think it could at least create a better learning environment and home environment for the kids to be there around the same time their parents get to work instead of an hour earlier, in most cases. It would give them one more hour in the evening to spend with their family rather than sleeping early because they’re getting up at 5:30.
At this point, everyone drives their kids to school, so, what need of bus drivers?
By the time I was in HS, no one took the bus if they could avoid it. It was a small enough town then, so unless you lived in the one suburb, you walked. And waited despairingly to get your drivers license and a car. But now, they get chauffeured by parents. No wonder no one wants to drive now.
My daughter doesn’t like driving and I’m not sure she’ll ever get used to it, or at least be at peace with it (she’s a nervous driver). She would rather be a “passenger princess.”
Would she like to live in NYC or another old large city? In such places carlessness is freeing; otherwise it’s hell.
As far as I know, no. However, she does know how to hail a cab and catch a subway train.
A good start.
The local schools stagger starts so they don’t need as many buses and drivers. I grew up where buses weren’t a limiting factor so all grades started at 0800.
Back when very few households had both parents working, who knows why school started when it did. Ours started at around 8:00 through my whole 12 years, more or less.
These days, with so many families having both parents working, they need to be able to drop their kids off at de facto daycare in time to get to work. School start times aren’t even a pimple on the ass of the problems with government schooling, though.
HS and middle school started at 8:10 I think for me. Elementary at 9:00. They were staggered for bus purposes. At least in HS, my bus was an “early arriver”, we were usually there about 7:50 … you couldn’t leave the main hallway to the rest of the building until 8, I think, so we were waiting there most days. Once I started driving myself, I arrived just on time.
My daughter gets the bus at 6:35 am.
Ours staggered because of the sheer number of busses and schools.
7.30 HS
9.00 MS
8.15 ES
That sounds like a huge PITA.
There’s no reason for high school kids to be up at 5:30 to get ready to go to school. Or 6:30 for second-graders. It’s completely insane.
Logistics? Transportation costs, traffic, parents work schedules, afternoon extracurriculars…
I’m not sure high school kids being in home room or first period at 6:35 has to do with any of those things, aside from traffic.
As for extracurriculars, shouldn’t they be secondary in importance to the curricular part of school?
But how is my kid going to be the next multimillionaire athlete while wasting time with academics?
Is 6:30 the norm?
Anyway, I agree. Kids need more sleep, extracurriculars should not be part of school, we all know this. I’m just not impressed by kids that are now awake in school but still not learning anything.
In 51 seconds, this man blows the electric vehicle ‘green’ argument out of the water.
Not that logic will change minds.
Collapse is the point. Vandalism of the country is the point.
Wishful thinking can’t bother with such mundane shit as real work rules of physics, chemistry, biology and economics. That would block all those lucrative rackets the good people that promise utopia bank on to get stinking rich.
This has always been a bait and switch just like “nobody is going to ban gas stoves.” The point isn’t to keep things the same and just swap out vehicles. The point to lower our standard of living and reduce consumption. Just coming out and saying “We’re going to cut everyone’s driving by 75%” won’t fly. So they’ll force everyone to switch to an EV, then oops, not enough power, so you don’t get to drive as much.
“…and reduce consumption.”
You can boil the whole thing down to this. The left, which has been driving this, has always, in one form or another, hated any culture of consumption, relative to what they believe people should be allowed to consume. This is the push for central planning, “environmental” concerns, TV watching, transportation, you name it. It goes back to the actual Luddites and Saboteurs, both of which were people who revolted against the technology that they created, once they found it displaced them.
…as they tweet from their new iPhones…
I’m always reminded of that TV show The Purge, where the rich had roll-down security doors for their houses (doors and windows), and the poor were left to cower in their unsecured apartments. The left wouldn’t hesitate to use their money to further their own interests.
The left is great at virtue signaling, but the expectation always is that someone else needs to sacrifice.
You have no idea how often I pointed out to young people incessantly babbling about climate change that they could really help if they got rid of all their electronics only to watch it register and them immediately becoming angry at me for calling them out.
Last time they wanted people to reduce consumption (WWII), they encouraged people to dig up their lawns to plant Victory Gardens. Not this time. Now they try to suppress Amish Farmers – and next week they’ll let a million third worlders cross the border. What are they going to eat?
Sometimes I thing they want our consumption reduced to zero.
Innn her vict’ry garden / The seeds grow all around 😉 🎵
Speaking of victory gardens.
From tOSU: Victory Gardens – Let’s Grow Ohio!
I am 100% certain the green movement is anti-humanist. Their goal is to drastically reduce humanity’s numbers (always with someone other than themselves being the ones getting culled), and occasionally one of them lets it slip in conversation. Paul Ehrlich is a hero to them because he advocated for murdering people in poor countries to save Gaia.
No, they’re anti-icky people.
whaddup doh’
whats goody
Im off tonight (this is my Friday evening)……TALL CANS!
It’s car maintenance and prep for the next long toad trip here.
You reminded me I need to change the oil in POS Envoy.
Today, in Happy Days news
“Potsie is married! Former Happy Days star Anson Williams marries Sharon MaHarry at a private residence in Ojai, California”
“‘Happy Days’ star Scott Baio is leaving California and selling his $3.85M mansion due to rising homelessness and ‘rampant’ crime in the state – saying ‘it’s just not a safe place anymore'”
Doesn’t he know karate?
Am I missing a joke or are you confusing Baio and Ralph Macchio?
Pat Morita actually did do a karate episode on Happy Days. I don’t know if he did so on Joanie Loves Chachi though.
And Henry Winkler, at age 78 is doing the best work of his career in Barry.
Is there any shark jumping in that?
Not yet. Barry has been amazing so far (still have to watch last night’s episode). And it’s got Steven Root in it.
I started watching it the first season and drifted away.
One of these days I will need to revisit it.
You should. I think it’s the only show left on TV that I get excited about when it comes back on. If you like pitch black humor, it’s amazing.
This season is going from black humor to just straight up black.
Not WCC update – there is a tournament going on in Romania, the Superbet Chess Classic Romania. Today, in round 3, Ding and Nepo are playing. I figure they are sick of playing each other at this point. Thru round 2, Nepo is at 1.5 pts, Ding at 1.0 pts. It is a 9 round round-robin tournament with 10 players. $100k first prize, which is a bit less than the $1.2MM they were playing for in the WCC (1.2MM to winner, 0.8MM to loser, so I guess they were actually playing for 400k).
“REVEALED: Neo-Nazi Texas mall shooter Mauricio Garcia, 33, was removed from the Army in 2008 over ‘mental health’ concerns”
Neo-Nazi, Mauricio Garcia
You know, those AR2000 rifles can shoot you so dead your face looks digitized.
Too soon?
You know what else is weird about that photo? There’s not a drop of blood anywhere on the ground around him. After getting shot in the head…..
He got shot in the eye. Lord knows were all the spray went. You can see his wound in the uncensored photos. Since he is wearing black it’s hard to tell how much blood is on his clothes.
It’s pixelated, but it looks like a pool of blood under his head.
Must be one of them white hispanics I’ve heard so much about.
The FBI and police raided dead Garcia’s Dallas home just one hour after the massacre and requested a translator to speak with his family.
I guess none of the spooks spoke German, right?
Two Mexican White-Supremist attacks in one week. What are the odds?
1 – White Hispanic, like Zimmerman.
2 – Does NPR roll their r’s when covering the story?
And jump on every Tilde!
15 years ago, so at age 18?
I can already see the spinning that more mental health records need to be accessible to background checks and they should be grounds for denial.
Well, that should discourage people from seeking mental health care if they want to maintain their 2nd amendment rights.
So he was a New National Socialist?
Muh Nick Fuentes.
“Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt defends decision to close state’s PBS station OETA over ‘indoctrination and over-sexualization of children’ including reading of kids’ book about drag queen’s hips”
“‘They’re trying to force the agenda on others’: Ultra liberal Manhattan church that holds gay-friendly mass every Sunday is slammed for hosting ‘God is Trans’ exhibit”
Surprising how quickly this shit got out of hand.
It was out of hand years ago.
I’ll say it again. The Left is incapable of drawing a line on this stuff. They’re either on board with the perversion, overly eager to stick it to the troglodytes, or terrified of backlash against themselves personally.
They will not check themselves.
The herd will not tolerate straggles. Deviate from the hers and the herd will kill you and leave you for the predators to eat themselves.
Foreseeable consequences
Yellen said the U.S. has already been using “extraordinary measures” to avoid default, and it’s not something the Treasury Department can continue to do. She said Congress needs to take action to avoid “economic calamity.”
“It’s widely agreed that financial and economic chaos will ensue,” Yellen said.
And where were you when the these unpayable bills were being run up?
Let it happen.
Left it happen, I think you mean.
Calling for more spending?
Daily Quordle 469
#waffle472 5/5
🔥 streak: 116
🌟 #wafflecenturion
Daily Quordle 469
#waffle472 5/5
🔥 streak: 128
Daily Quordle 469
New car + new driver = disaster
I recall that Chinese businesses put in special women only parking areas in upscale malls and received international scorn. The issue is that you have lots of affluent people with no prior culture of driving or generational experience.
Ah, sort of like in Seattle, where people with limited to no driving experience are buying AMG’s and M Class sedans, Porsches, and Tesla S’s – and driving like someone’s senile grandmother.
In my town we have lots of ex-pats who had drivers in their home country.
So we have the exact same issue. Expensive German cars that randomly stop, pull out, and cause chaos. Chance of using a turn signal approaches zero.
If you signal intent, the other drivers will surely do things to prevent you from doing what you want to do, so it is better to never let them know what you are thinking and just let them find out at the last second where they have no time to counter you, right?
I see you have driven in Los Angeles.
San Gabriel Valley, ahem…
You joke, but I have seen that way too many times when I use my blinker before a lane change.
Checks mirror…2-3 car lengths of space to change lane…turn on blinker…car in lane speeds up to close the gap. Every damn time.
Nobody likes a line cutter unless they cut someone behind them…
My wife has told me the only reason she doesn’t take out either the large maglite or baseball bat to other cars is because we have the kids. They are graduating…I just realized my wife may go all Falling Down sometime soon.
So, every college that offers a CS degree?
Good morning, you people. I have lots of things to do today. The problem is, I don’t know what they are, and if I did know, I wouldn’t know where to start.
Pick the the things that can’t wait until tomorrow first?
I really need to study, but I’ve been avoiding it. I’m 90% of the way through. I just need to trudge through that last 10%.
In software, the last 10% is 90% of the effort. I’m now quite sure that generalizes.
(Pity the software folk are bailing on that last 10%. Crapware is now the rule, not the exception.)
For those interested, this was the group I originally was going to help set up in Montreal but my friend who headed the Montreal chapter had serious problems with what he perceived to be too many conflicts of interest. So he decided to pull out and I agreed with him. Regardless, the National Citizens Inquiry moved forward (largely ignored by media) and they have collected many interesting testimonies from citizens and experts from Canada and the USA. For your pleasure:
Some of those testimonies are INFURIATING.
I thought of you when a puff piece ran in the local news:
Quebec offers public childcare for $6 a day. Why can’t the U.S.? Rethinking Childcare
Because it’s not $6/day.
The next thing you will tell me is that the emails I get about attractive women in my area who want to me me aren’t really real.
Now, hear me out here…
It’s not $6 a day, the rest is just paid for by other people.
There are no free lunches.
How much is that in real money?
About 0.002214 XAU (i.e. troy ounce gold) according to the intertubes.
Mornin’, reprobates.
Hangin’ out on historic St. Augustine sippng on Covfefe and enjoying some fine tobacco. Chatted with a homeless lady sitting in her wheelchair in front of the Cathedral a few minutes ago. She claimed to have been wiped out by medical costs 10 years ago. I have no idea what really happened, but it’s a sad situation.
I guess if you’re homeless Florida beats New York, winters are milder. Seem to be a better class of homeless here, none of them were ranting incoherently or brandishing makeshift weapons.
All the real crazies are still passed out.
in that weather? yeah. the sleeping hours are something like 4AM to whenever it’s too hot to stay confortable.
homeless people prefer to stay up all night, for safety. the downside is that is makes you even crazier.
Florida is where the New York homeless go to retire so the ones you are seeing are more relaxed.
Thomas is an ass with blinders on.
Money for nothing
As schools across the country struggle to find teachers to hire, more governors are pushing for pay increases, bonuses and other perks for the beleaguered profession — with some vowing to beat out other states competing for educators.
Already in 2023, governors in Georgia and Arkansas have pushed through teacher pay increases. Ahead of Monday’s start of national Teacher Appreciation Week, others — both Republican and Democratic — have proposed doing the same to attract and retain educators.
More than half of the states’ governors over the past year — 26 so far — have proposed boosting teacher compensation, according to groups that track it. The nonprofit Teacher Salary Project said it is the most it has seen in nearly two decades of tracking.
More and more for less and less.
As a former stock analyst I particularly enjoyed this useless piece of social science research.
Male Stock Analysts With ‘Dominant’ Faces Get More Information—and Have Better Forecasts
Who would have thought that attractive and social people are more plugged in to events and networks?
Rule 1: Be attractive
Rule 2: Don’t be unattractive
3: Don’t be Jim Cramer
Inverse Cramer Tracker ETF
I see that it just started in March. For the first two weeks it was doing better than the general market, but has headed south since then.
Yeah. At the moment it’s random walk. Too little history.
This counts as financial advice. right?
/runs off to liquidate everything and put it in SJIM and VICEX
3a) unless you’re Jim Cramer
That Indiana hospital is about 20 minutes east from me. I used to drive by it taking my kid to volleyball. Sigh.
Here’s a fun version of today’s song from my high school daze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWT15bK8jOc
Great version! I love me some AO.
Me too. I still listen to them a lot. I like both flavors of AO – that raw garage punk, and the polished stuff from This is the Voice.
Arab League readmits Syria as relations with Assad normalise
Neo-cons sad.
Here’s one for Mojeaux.
How ‘Bridgerton’ Author Julia Quinn Works Through Sex Scenes and Writer’s Malaise
Does she talk about what she does to herself if she gets excited while writing this stuff up?
I write stuff that would get me off if I were in the mood to be gotten off, but mostly my head is so full of plot, dialogue, character, and continuity that sometimes it’s a drag to write. See Chapter 18. Also, since I hit menopause, it’s gotten even worse.
Menopause is why I believe the universe doesn’t like women…
Could say the same for men with their low-T and their prostate cancer and having to get up 5 times a night to pee. Live long enough, every man will get prostate cancer that’s usually only diagnosed at the time of autopsy.
…or their husbands.
I think it’s why it likes grandmothers though.
Sometimes I write sex scenes to expose more of a character (which does kind of further the plot). In my pirate novel, my hero and heroine are always laughing, even during sex. They have fun together.
But otherwise, yes, I do write lots of pillow talk.
I like the part at the end about the infected wound.
Jazz Jennings’ vagina?
Sniper fire from the treeline
Wall Street is firmly in the Never Trump camp. Finding a Republican who can make “never” happen is another question.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had been seen as the top pick to lock down the support of financial titans who have already pumped millions into his state campaigns.
But as he stumbles through gaffes over everything from his personal demeanor and stance on Ukraine to his snacking habits, Wall Street donors are keeping the door open to his competitors, according to more than a dozen bankers, attorneys and political consultants interviewed for this story.
“People will change horses,” said Dave Carney, a veteran Republican strategist for both former Bush presidents. “You may get really excited about somebody and then all of a sudden realize, ‘Eh, not really my cup of tea.’”
Where Wall Street puts its money matters because financial industry executives are among the biggest donors in presidential elections. And while bankers and asset managers generally favor lower taxes and lighter-touch regulation, they also value stability and experience — and they spread their money around to candidates of both parties, meaning they’re very much in play in each cycle.
I have never been that impressed bt Desantis, but it’s interesting how much attention he gets from the legacy media. If it’s Anybody But Trump you want, Biden is your man!
It’s all part of Fortifying now. The media will slam any Republican worth anything as worse than literally Hitler.
boss gave me the fakest smile and asked me how I was doing knowing fully well three key people will leave the department this month and more are on their way. the problem is his deputy director is an inexperienced narcissistic control freak who insists all communication goes through him before the department head. I think it’s too late to turn this around when my field has the strongest jobs market it has had in my entire adult life.
weird times. might go on some interviews.
Micromanagers are the worst. Get out
ok talking to a recruiter. I have six that are champing at the bit to get me into a position that won’t even require relocation. I just need a push to make a move sometimes.
Dee Snider finds out it’s never enough for the woke mob
*searches field for fucks to give, finds none, moves on*
The libs cried “MOAR, MOAR, MOAR”.. And not with a rebel yell, either.
Is he not going to take it anymore?
He’s requesting you remove the pledge pin.
IIRC he was all in on vaccination requirements, so here come them chickens coming to roost.
He was pissed that people were singing We’re Not Gonna Take It at anti mandate protests.
At least he’s not groveling (yet).
With Trump surging in the polls following his indictment on criminal charges stemming from alleged hush money payments, one executive at a New York bank said confidence in DeSantis’s ability to win is flagging.
“DeSantis is certainly a better option than Trump at this point,” the executive said. “But he’s a really weak option.”
The executive said many are growing resigned to the possibility of a general election rematch between Trump and President Joe Biden.
“What we probably wind up with is a choice between a guy who is very old and wants to raise our taxes and reregulate everything, and a guy who could be running from prison,” the executive said.
Save us, Mitt!
Damn. This video is gut wrenching.
A Soldier’s View of the Battlefields and Trenches of Bakhmut
Looks like the comparisons to WWI weren’t that far off.
That word, I don’t think it means what you think it means…..
He messes up his words a lot, I think he means “horrible”.
So one off the cuff random official that remains anonymous claims the Texas dude had a RWDS patch and everyone just runs with it?
The gunman wore a patch with the acronym “RWDS,” which stands for “Right Wing Death Squad” – a popular phrase among white-supremacy groups, a law enforcement source told The Associated Press.
I thought it was because nobody likes FWDS.
Narrative uber alles…
And when that person is proven to be a lying sack of shit, nobody will correct the lie, apologize and ostracize this asshole either.
Two can play this game.
He was dressed all in black. Just like . . . Antifa!
“To improve kids’ mental health, some schools start later”
Not just mental health, inadequate sleep causes all sorts of physical health problems. I agree with this idea… It isn’t going to solve the problems created by government lockdowns and school closures.
i watched this yesterday. If you like amazing craftsmanship.
It’s mindboggling what some people can make out of a flat sheet of aluminum.
The gunman wore a patch with the acronym “RWDS,” which stands for “Right Wing Death Squad” – a popular phrase among white-supremacy groups, a law enforcement source told The Associated Press.
If by “white supremacy groups” you mean left wing sensationalist fearmongers.
Its so popular that I have never heard of it.
I get on /pol/ every once in a while and I’ve never heard of it. You’d think it came up once in a while.
RWDS also can mean:
Rural Women’s Development Society (est. 2001; Ramallah, Palestine)
Real World Decision Support (journal)
Reuters Wireless Delivery System (software)
Recycled Water Distribution System (various locations)
Beat me to it. And it could have been his security guard shirt, company initials. Could mean anything. Not that anything is routine with shooting – but this one seems off. Who would go shoot up a shopping mall in the name of neo-nazis? That is mostly a leftist thing, anti-consumer, etc… Correct me if I am wrong.
FBI is leaking “documents” on the NeoNazi shooter to Rolling Stone. It’s all bullshit.
What the fuck are we doing?
This seems like a bad plan.
This is getting interesting.
Sanctuary City NYC decided to rent housing for the “undocumented” outside the city.
Rockland County exec warns cops are ‘deployed’ if NYC tries to bus migrants there
I’ll be curious what happens. Are they going to to shoot the bus drivers? Run them off the road?
They are going to give them tickets that the tax payers will have to pay…
A TikToker traveling in Vietnam shared a video of herself crying over a local who rowed their boat and added the ‘poverty’ hashtag. She’s getting blasted for ‘slum tourism.’
Anything on that spyware is toxic, keep away.
Did you see this thing I posted yesterday?
That’s on point.
Seems accurate. I’m definitely in the middle.
So you are self identifying as a meritocratic white supremacist?
The funny thing is, following the middle column well and you could end up wealthy…but not wealthy class. But possibly wealthier than some in the wealthy class.
Its very “Millionaire Next Door”.
I wouldn’t want to be in the wealthy class because it sounds utterly exhausting and devoid of any depth of meaning.
+1 Edith Wharton.
Deffo. Manicures and clubs and galas and other extroversion, blech.
The occasional gala would be fine because clothes! But sitting around chatting about nothing? Hanging out with people you don’t like because they know somebody or you are somebody? Dealing with people who want a piece of you? No.
Kissing people you dislike, being photographed… And people seeking a bit of your fortune. No.
If you like dressing up, there must be local occasions for that.
Last time I picked up MND, more than a decade ago, it seemed out-of-date, since it was published in 1996.
I checked, and there is now a “The Next Millionaire Next Door” published in 2018. New co-author, but I think its just updated with new research and targeting Gen Z myths about wealth.
I read “Stop Acting Rich” and didn’t like it nearly as well as MND, but NMND has potential as an up-to-date version.
Just checked amazon reviews: Generally, not as good as the original. The new co-author is his daughter, and apparently she is the primary author. Good, but not great, like the original seems to be consensus. But I saw no bad reviews, which is a good sign.
Hmm, I wouldn’t want to be a celebrity but I would definitely take being a (preferably anonymous) wealthy guy.
I think most people would. “Fame sucks unless you want a good table at a restaurant,” I hear over and over.
Take the money you spent on the trip and gift it.
Then shut the fuck up.
Goal achieved. On top of her normal views…news will spread it further.
Take the money you spent on the trip and gift it.
Donate it to a “charity” whose directors and executives are paid mid-six-figure salaries.
Poland wants a vax refund.
“The evidence base for gender-affirming interventions is sparce and of very low quality. While the evidence of benefits is highly uncertain, the harms to sexual and reproductive functions are certain, and many uncertainties about the long-term health effects exist. As a result, it is hard to ethically justify continuing to use hormones and surgeries as first-line“treatment” for gender dysphoric youth.”
Shouldn’t the first line treatment be, I dont know, counseling?
Assume effective counseling to begin with. Assume a can opener.
Do scorn and derision count as counseling?
Sorry, anything that isn’t “Let’s drive you to the clinic and get you some puberty blockers right now” counts as conversion therapy, and should be illegal.
While the evidence of benefits is highly uncertain, the harms to sexual and reproductive functions are certain, and many uncertainties about the long-term health effects exist.
I mean, how many times a day does one urinate? That functionality is pretty important.
Like that’s ever stopped anyone before.
Especially when they stand to profit.
“Why isn’t the media covering the fact that Daniel Penny was complemented by other passengers and also put Jordan Neely in the recovery position?
Seems like key details to leave out.”
Don’t worry, the jury will be ignorant of that.
I still think he walks. Despite the knives out for him.
I’ll consider Daniel Penny in jail if we can get some lengthy prison time for those responsible for Neely on the street. And it will take more than 1.
Ray of sunshine?
“Parents Demand Answers for Alleged Sexual Assault of 6-year-old Girl in Plainview ISD
The little girl was allegedly recorded being sexually assaulted by a boy in the classroom while a teacher was present.
Parents are demanding answers as to how a 6-year-old girl was recorded being sexually assaulted in a classroom by another student while others screamed and cheered him on.
The teacher was allegedly in the classroom but was wearing earphones and not paying attention….
That’s when the child told her she was recorded being bullied and hurt by students in her classroom. It was later revealed the incident was recorded on a password-protected, school-issued iPad.
The video allegedly showed the little girl being forced to perform an oral sexual act. A large group of kids was screaming and encouraging the perpetrator, a male student in the same class.
The perpetrator allegedly was recorded pulling the little girl under the table as she hit him with her poetry book, begging him to stop.
He refused.
He then allegedly pulled her legs hard enough she fell to the floor, pulled her under the table by her hair, and forced her head to his genitals.
“His penis went inside her mouth,” the great-aunt said between sobs. “All under teacher supervision.””
Kids don’t do that unless they’ve been abused themselves.