Ninja: The Final Duel

by | May 25, 2023 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 160 comments

Ninjas on giant spiders. Steel Panther should have a song about that.

Ninja: The Final Duel

I had a tragic movie viewing week.  I was going to show Metropia as my main film, with The Old Man Movie as a backup.  Metropia was just so damn boring.  I agree with the critics that the plot was just too hard to follow.  And the dialog isn’t just low volume, it’s listless sleep whispers.  Old Man Movie was flat-out bad. I didn’t last 5 minutes. Links provided if you want to see for yourself.

Thankfully I have a massive watch list on Tubi so I was able to reach back and find something. So here’s the Hail Mary pass for tonight.  Ninja: The Final Duel!  I have seen this in the past, so no chance of me pulling a Godfrey Ho and posting the same movie twice, with a different title each time. I hope.

Cool things about this film:  It originally had a totally nude female ninja scene in it.  This copy doesn’t have it, but in best Q fashion, I have the footage here. (NSFW) Only the best for those of you who show up Thursdays.

This movie also has an amphibious attack on big spiders.  You read me right. Big, clearly inflatable spiders. With ninjas as riders. This is one fun ninja film.  It is also one fuzzy ninja film so don’t waste time trying to clean your bifocals. Someday, I will find the blind guy who transferred kung fu films to video and kick him in the nuts.

Until then watch!  Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a ninja on a big inflatable spider chops your head off! Next week, who knows?  There’s no earthy way of knowing…. Which direction we are going…

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After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.

(h/t: The Hyperbole)

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Scruffyy Nerfherder

    “ totally nude female ninja scene”

    Finally found my fetish

    • R.J.

      *High fives

    • The Hyperbole

      It is also one fuzzy ninja film

      That scene at least.

      • R.J.

        Not a merkin fan I take it?

    • Chafed

      Totally nude woman ninjas. R.J. referenced Steel Panther. Throw in some Dweezil Zappa and this is what you get:

      • Rat on a train

        read “feat” as “feet”

  2. R.J.

    I am previewing a film called “The Naked Witch.” Nobody is naked. Narrator is still giving the history of witchcraft, and I am ten minutes into the movie.

    • Chafed


  3. The Late P Brooks

    I watched Last Woman on Earth (Roger Corman) last night. Actually not bad. For what it is.

    Ninjas, riding spiders? I might just watch Ninja Cheerleaders instead. I’m on the fence.

    • R.J.

      Everything is voluntary.

      • R.J.

        Bikini Samurai Squad is also good.

      • Bob Boberson

        I humbly suggest Samurai Cop

      • R.J.

        Also good. I see the sequel to Machine Girl is out on streaming too,. Brooks! Look at all these suggestions!

  4. Gustave Lytton

    My company’s IT: Be careful with your password! Don’t use it on other sites. Make it impossible to remember without a password minder. Oh, too many attempts so we’re going to expire everyone’s password.

    Also my company’s IT: let’s turn on password authentication at every system using MS SSO including every webpage but not pass authentication so the users are prompted dozens of times every day to enter their password and will quickly do so without checking what is popping up. Excellent!

    • R.J.

      I experienced that. Can they turn on fingerprint authentication at least?

      • rhywun

        I have to thumb my way in several times a day but that’s in addition to typing my password a few dozen times.

    • rhywun

      The whole “password” thing is so fucking broken it’s not funny. It does not scale.

    • Pat

      let’s turn on password authentication at every system using MS SSO including every webpage but not pass authentication so the users are prompted dozens of times every day to enter their password

      I’m not an IT professional, but doesn’t that entirely defeat the whole purpose of SSO?

      That having been said, just keep KeePassXC on a pen drive and set up autotype – you don’t even have to ctrl-c/ctrl-v at the password prompt.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Oh like the remember me box that does nothing?


      • rhywun

        pen drive

        Is that like a thumb drive?

        Prohibited on work machines.

      • Pat

        One and the same, yes. It can be installed locally, if they’ll allow that. Or just go ultra-secure and store it in plain text in the browser…

      • rhywun

        I have my current work password pinned in my clipboard so I don’t have to type it in so many times.

      • hayeksplosives

        Pat, I was asking about bug and camera detectors for use at hotel rooms and the like.

        Any recommendations?

      • Pat

        Sadly, I am more or less clueless on that front. I would think one of those handheld RF detectors would be able to sniff out most anything WiFi or NFC connected.

      • Pat

        Also, I’m sure you already know this, but IR shows up as a green-ish flash on the viewfinder of a digital camera, so if you suspect there’s an IR camera hiding in a vent or electrical outlet or something along those lines, just aiming your phone’s camera at it will make the IR emitter visible.

      • rhywun

        bug and camera detectors for use at hotel rooms

        LOL I’m traveling this weekend and now I have thoughts.

      • rhywun

        Heh thanks but my thoughts aren’t that deep.


      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m still in the touch the mirror and see if it fully reflects your finger stage of the surveillance state.

      • Pat

        I’m still in the touch the mirror and see if it fully reflects your finger stage of the surveillance state.

        Do a Goatse in front of the mirror. If you don’t hear any retching sounds, you’re in the clear.

  5. Count Potato

    Crap, I forgot about the 3 link rule and now “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

  6. Count Potato

    Anyway, there doesn’t seem to be a good version of this movie.

    • R.J.

      Sad. Can you find Bikini Samurai Squad?

      • Count Potato

        Is that the same movie?

      • R.J.

        No. But I would watch it with you and comment. I have to power to watch two movies at once. It’s the googly eyes.

      • Count Potato

        Oh, I see. I looked it up. Apparently is based on a video game.

        I’ll see if I can find a better version later.

        Is Big Tits Zombie on Tubi yet?

      • R.J.

        Not yet. BUT… A ton of new material did hit, I have a half-dozen films on the watch list.

      • R.J.

        Although if the problem is that there isn’t a “good” version, remember this was copied to digital through a screen door. Every copy will be fuzzy. Trivia – This is part of eight hours of footage shot for multiple films at the same time. The footage was randomly cut up and reassembled to make three separate films. Kind of like a Godfrey Ho tribute.

      • Count Potato

        I’m thinking since it was 1986 the DVD is made from a VHS.

      • Count Potato

        I got a DVD rip. I just think no one made a decent DVD in the first place.

  7. The Bearded Hobbit

    Hey, RJ, a request. Can you find Little Fauss and Big Halsey for a flick? It was a staple of my shattered youth, going as far to call my biker buddy “Halsey”

    • R.J.

      I will look for it. If not on Tubi, it could be in Internet Archive.

    • Pat

      going as far to call my biker buddy “Halsey”

      I wouldn’t recommend doing that nowadays, he might think you’re referring to the abysmally shitty pop singer and kick your ass for it.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        He (like me) probably has no idea who the hell that is.

        Rumors have abounded for years that Robert Redford was so embarrassed that he tried to suppress distribution. I can’t find it on DirecTV.

        I might even sit through my crap internet connection (5 seconds of video, 45 seconds of buffering) to watch it.

      • Pat

        It’s available on Paramount+ if you’re a subscriber. And if not…

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Thanks, Pat.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Well, fool me. Just checked again on satellite and there it is, two day rent for $4.

      • R.J.

        They Are Listening…

      • Plinker762

        They are always listening.

      • Count Potato

        If it weren’t for the stupid tattoos she would be absolutely gorgeous though.

      • rhywun

        Holy cow that is heinous. I wanted to check out the male eye-candy but the “music” got in the way.

  8. hayeksplosives

    Well well. The Dallas Stars (*spits*) are determined to keep things interesting. It’s game 4, series at Knights 3, Stars 0. Stars just tied it at the end of the 2nd period, 2-2.

    • Grumbletarian

      Same thing with the Celtics. Managed to not get swept, and how have an 18-point lead heading into the fourth quarter of Game 5.

      • Chafed

        That explains why slumbrew isn’t here.

      • slumbrew

        Meh, I was watching the hockey (fine – I was watching Top Chef, _then_ I was watching hockey).

        I’m indifferent to basketball.

      • Chafed

        It seemed nicer than saying you were furiously masturbating.

      • slumbrew

        In memory of Martin Amis:

        “Jack-knifed over a furiously flying fist.”

  9. Brochettaward

    Not every first is a First.

  10. DEG

    I was at a coworker’s retirement party. I’ll get to this movie over the weekend.

    Thanks RJ!

    • Chafed

      If Bud Light had any sense, they would bring these commercials back.

      • R.J.

        No sense at all. Commercials increasingly are just social justice lectures. It will get a lot worse before it gets getter.

      • Chafed

        I left you a little something up top.

      • R.J.

        That was awesome. Thanks!

      • Chafed


    • rhywun

      Wow. Blast from a by-gone era.

  11. Annoyed Nomad

    Speaking of streaming channels, today I got a Netflix email about sharing passwords outside of the household. Then a little later when I opened up Netflix on my TV, they asked to verify if this device is in the household (answer: yes). So my two step-daughters will probably have some difficulty using the account we shared with them.

    It’s kind of annoying since I paid for the premium service, which includes streaming up to four devices at one time. Does it really cost Netflix anything more if the four streams are not in the same house?

    • Rat on a train

      Think of it costing Netflix similar to how Democrats view tax cuts as costing the government.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      In lost revenue yes.

  12. Shpip


    Cathie Wood’s Ark Invest is probably wishing it didn’t sell nearly 1 million shares of Nvidia between early October and today following the chipmaker’s massive year-to-date surge of more than 160%.

    Nvidia stock soared as much as 30% on Thursday after the company announced jaw-dropping guidance as it benefits from a wave of demand for its chipsets that support generative AI technology platforms like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Alphabet’s Bard.

    Cathie had a helluva run for a while, but things haven’t looks so rosy the last couple of years.

    • Chafed

      Wow! That’s quite a miss for a tech investor.

    • Pat

      Call me cynical, but part of me wonders if his much-publicized court battles regarding the 2020 election and his having soundly thumped George P. Bush in the 2022 AG primary election might have anything to do with the the nature and timing of the investigation and allegations. If true, he sounds like a slimeball.

      • Chafed

        I think this is what it appears to be. I remember reading he went to the legislature to ask it/them to pay the settlement. Some members started asking why it was so much. That lead to more questions and the investigation that ensued. To top it off, it’s his inner circle that sued him.

      • Pat

        They’ve got the full articles of impeachment up here. There definitely does seem to be some “there” there, although it looks like the type of slimeballery that would probably have been overlooked if he hadn’t pissed somebody off, and there’s probably some articles that may not stick in a trial where a defense is allowed to be put forth (I have no idea how the Texas senate conducts impeachment trials). His career’s done.

      • Pat

        Heh, and then there was this from yesterday. What a shit show.

  13. Ownbestenemy

    Well they did it. Teens officially graduated

    • slumbrew

      “Congrats! Rent is due on the 1st.”

      (seriously, congrats)

      • Ownbestenemy

        You ain’t wrong and thanks!

      • Gustave Lytton

        I moved out the morning I turned 18.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And congrats OWE. You’ve done good.

      • Rat on a train

        I left before I turned 18. My parents did offer one month after graduation before they would start charging rent.

      • Lackadaisical

        Yeah, I left when I was 17, but on good terms, and I did eventually move back in.

      • Rat on a train

        I came back for “the college years” then left again.

    • Lackadaisical

      Congrats, my son just graduated too (from Pre-K)!

  14. Pat

    Lol, now this is how you do story framing:

    NYC tabloid tale of machete-wielding ‘woke’ professor ends in arrest

    May 25 (UPI) — An artist has been arrested after she allegedly threatened a New York Post tabloid reporter with a machete as he tried to interview her at her home.

    Reuven Fenton, a reporter for the conservative tabloid, had door-knocked the home of Shellyne Rodriguez on Tuesday unannounced to question her about an exchange she previously had with a pro-life student group at Hunter College in Manhattan, where she worked as an adjunct professor.

    • rhywun

      Aw, the poor dear.

      The whole thing is a hoot.

      • Not Adahn

        “Right-wing media organizations are weaponizing and sensationalizing this case to further their agenda, and using me as a prism through which to project their attacks on women, trans people, Black people, Latinx people, migrants, and beyond.”

        Indeed. She’s the actual victim here.

      • Sensei

        Also from the comments:

        Curiously she was not arraigned on any criminal weapons charges. I would think the video would make the case very easy to win. I guess the laws apply to some people but not all people.

        So the good news for Sensei is that would appear that open carry of a manchette would appear to be OK in NYC. Woot!

      • UnCivilServant

        If and only if you are a leftwing nutjob.

        Anyone else will get 5-10.

      • rhywun

        Curious how the left always seem to have lots of free time to pull stunts like this.

  15. Festus

    We have a lovely French-Canadian fellow that shores up our lives. I have no idea why he does such things but it is much appreciated. This feller is the boyfriend of the girl that is the sister of the boy that was the step-son that wound up marrying my step-daughter. 20 feet.

  16. Gustave Lytton

    Who thinks motion smoothing makes anything look better? Anyone? Bueller?

    • Sean


      • Sean

        Should be a good day. Things are good.


      • UnCivilServant

        Last workday before vacation, but it’s an office day, which I’d rather not.

      • Lackadaisical

        I just hope I don’t get called out into the field. A cluster eff not of my making is going off during my telework days. Q.Q

      • Not Adahn

        Kayaderosseras match tomorrow!

      • UnCivilServant

        What type?

        I’m at the office, so I can’t pull up the club’s site.

      • Not Adahn

        Action Pistol.

      • UnCivilServant

        🙁 I still can’t do pistol matches. NY refuses to obey the law.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Sean, Lack, and rhy.

      • Lackadaisical

        Good morning GT.

      • UnCivilServant

        Morning, how’s the 🐱‍👤?

      • Gender Traitor

        Still not back to his old self, but last night and this morning got him to lick up some of the pureed cat treat goo. (Chicken-flavored, so… chicken soup for cats?) He’s getting around – at the moment he’s in the basement in his favorite spot on a patio-style loveseat. He has a follow-up appointment at the vet’s tomorrow morning, so we’ll see if there’s any unusual issues.

      • UnCivilServant

        At least he’s improving. That’s good to hear.

        Though I knida feel sorry for chickens being born with universal medicine in their bodies…

      • Gender Traitor

        …and he just came upstairs – he may have used the litter. 👍🏼

        So.. are chickens the O-negative of the animal kingdom?

      • rhywun


      • Gender Traitor

        How are you holding up using the patches in your attempt to wean from the nicotine? (And have you also considered the lozenges?)

      • rhywun

        Fine, thanks. Good enough that I am not motivated to cheat.

        Mornings were a little rough so I switched to applying them before bed. 🙄

        I have not tried the lozenges and my understanding is you shouldn’t need an extra jolt while you’re on the patch.

    • Lackadaisical

      That’s always a good thing.

      The people who love bear me are dumb and keep voting in odious people for the school boards.

      • Gender Traitor

        The people who love bear me

        (Hmmm…. Maybe Tonio can tell me what that means…)

      • Lackadaisical

        I even proofread that. ‘Live near me…’

        “Love bear me” sounds cuter than I’d actually find it.

      • Gender Traitor

        I suspect auto-correct is becoming sentient…and at least mischievous if not downright evil.

    • Lackadaisical

      NJ seems to be a consistently oppressive state, with a legacy of actually not that bad laws (at one point far in the past)

    • rhywun

      In 2018, Wildwood police approached a 20-year-old Philadelphia woman on the beach and questioned her about some nearby alcohol. They also asked her to take a breathalyzer test. The woman passed the test and the alcohol wasn’t hers, but an altercation ensued and a police officer pulled her hair, slammed her to the ground, and punched her twice.

      Ha expect more of this, I guess.

      • Lackadaisical

        She should have refused the breathalyzer. I was watching some police interaction videos, NJ cops seem nasty.

    • Grosspatzer

      Times have changed. Back in the late’70s we’d fire up joints while playing speed chess on the Belmar beach and no one batted an eyelash. Now you can get arrested for smoking a cigarette (joints are probably OK, though).

  17. Lackadaisical

    Clean water act ruling from yesterday’s links, kagan writing for the dissent: “The Court, rather than Congress, will decide how much is too much,” she said, adding, “that is not how I think our government should work”

    Maybe Congress should have defined a key term in the law then? Realistically they should have stricken the whole law for being unconstitutionally vague, because she IS correct that they’re making it up as they go in regards to what waters are included.

    • UnCivilServant

      The rule should be that the waters only apply to waters that are currently navigable or have traditionally been navigable but have temporarily silted up.

      • Gender Traitor

        Be sure to define “navigable” so some field rep with delusions of competency doesn’t say, “My little paper boat floats on it. Therefore, navigable.”

      • Rat on a train

        We start with what we want and rationalize how to get it.

      • Lackadaisical

        If after 40+ years the courts, regulatory agencies and the elected executive can’t figure it out, just toss the whole thing and tell them to try again the right way. There really isn’t a clear definition.

      • UnCivilServant

        My ideal response is “This is all beyond the defined remit of the federal government. Everyone at the agency is now on the unemployment line and this law is void”

  18. Ownbestenemy

    Mornin all.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, OBE! And belated congrats for your teens’ accomplishment/milestone!

      • Grosspatzer

        Mornin’, GT. Good to hear that LBC is on the mend.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks, ‘patzie, and good morning!

    • Grosspatzer

      Mornin’, OBE. Seconding (take that, Bro) what GT said, congrats.

  19. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    • juris imprudent

      And a reprobatin’ good morning to you.

  20. Grosspatzer

    Good week in Casa Patzer so far. Youngest Patzer got his sheepskin Sunday, summa cum laude Comp Sci/Philosophy, and the eldest spawn got a promotion. Nice birthday presents (I will be 3.5 score on Memorial Day).

    • Sensei

      Omedetou gozaimasu.
