Jack Palance is safe from your polyester disco farts in his space helmet.
What the Hell have I done? I mean, this is sci fi. It’s not Italian sci fi. It’s disco sci fi. With one of my favorite seventies scene chewers, Jack Palance. Maybe better known as Voltan in Hawk the Slayer, or even Kaleel in Buck Rodgers in the 21st Century. He started his career in Westerns, including in Shane, and ended up in 128 movies as an actor. And he generally looked like he was having fun in every one of them. He was the most over the top villain in Hawk the Slayer, and here he plays an equally over the top bad guy. To disco music.
So why the Hell am I playing this tonight, you ask? This movie has some awesome and timely dialog. Get past the 70s cheese and listen to this line from Jack Palance:
”Once you accept me as ruler, there will be no acts of aggression, only peace. Under my rule, the people will want for nothing.”
Back then people at least KNEW you were a total asshole when you said that. Now people just want to fall all over themselves to give up their rights. Sometimes, I come across a gem like this and realize you can get a good message with your 1970s TV style special effects.
One bit of trivia for the comments! How many movies do you think have this exact title? One hint – it’s definitely more than just this one.
Now watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until some clown wants to rule over you and make you want for nothing! Next week, if all goes well, we will watch an artsy sci fi film by the name of Metropia.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
”Once you accept me as ruler, there will be no acts of aggression, only peace. Under my rule, the people will want for nothing.”
What could possibly go wrong?
I’ll queue this up for later viewing. Thanks RJ!
Jack Palance
Jack Palance
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Mr. Rat–one of the simple pleasures of life in the 80’s was being able to watch Ripley’s on Sunday evenings. And, by extension, watch good ol’ JP say that line.
/Pepperidge Farm remembers.
*finally hits play*
I am back. Child is now officially in middle school.
mine is still a Texan
but a PNW blonde has stolen him away
I wish he were still in middle school
if I could save time in a bottle * runs crying from the room *
Thanks for the heads’ up. I’ll start anti-depressants now.
Mine is a New Yorker, where a redhead has stolen his heart.
It’s what we do best.
keeping for the summer?
I’m flying to DC tomorrow for oldest’s college graduation. Time flies. Enjoy your kid/kids while you can.
Now, wasn’t that a fast 22+ years, no?
Way too fast.
Just wait until your baby turns 40. Then you’ll ponder where the time has went while on the tree of woe.
Yeah, mine is at 28, and while he stares down the barrel of 30, I am staring down the barrel of 55.
And I can’t handle 55!
My youngest is 57, my youngest grandchild graduated from college 3 years ago.
I’ve forgotten whether you’ve ever mentioned – any great-grandchildren?
The days are long but the years short.
More than one because I thought this was that other one that I have seen. Bit older.
Here is another one – bit newer.
I counted 5, by looking at the years. The latest was made in Spain in 2021. Definitely a popular movie title.
Thank you for playing, your guess entitles you to the beverage of your choice when you visit Dallas, total value $30.
Are any of them based on the H.G. Wells book?
No, they’re based on the Yardbirds song.
How many of them are porn?
I didn’t think to check that. Probably another one there, too.
Those are called “the Shape of Things That Come.”
I only knew the title from the book and didn’t know it had been adapted to the screen. Although from what I understand, this particular rendition really only shares a title and some character names.
I think only the 1936 film used the book. Not even H.G. Wells could foresee disco.
Didn’t H G Wells do one with this title?
Orson Welles?
Orson did the radio “war of the worlds” thing that either did or didn’t cause mass panic depending on who you ask. Every so often SiriusXM plays an interview/chat between Orson and HG on the old timey radio station, it’s pretty interesting.
Wells Fargo?
Dawn Wells?
Mary Ann > Ginger
/ subscribes to Pat’s newsletter.
I’m going OT,
I can’t watch this movie but I will in the future.
Happy Birthday to Mark Mothersbaugh
Nice! Something different from his career:
I’m too old to hear much of the cartoons he did the music for in the 80’s and 90’s.
I did like the cover Devo did in the 90’s for a Jacky Chan movie.
I did not see that coming.
I forgot that existed. Great cover.
A god among mortals.
I’m waiting for the Mel Brooks version.
About to run out of time for that.
*grabs beer, hits play*
Thanks, RJ 🙂
MST3K’s latest ‘season’ on PlutoTV covered this.
Is Jack Palance’s helmet made from a 5 gallon water bottle?
Pshaw! Takes much more than a 5-gallon bottle to contain the awesomeness of Palance!
Good point.
3 overtime periods, heading for a forth.
“Uncle!” I’m going to bed.
Thanks to all for your comments on part one of my travelogue to Germania.
To answer one question about where the commie bastards went the national socialist bastards took over. Some went to Stalin’s USSR where a sizable percentage were sent to gulag (if unlucky) or just tortured and shot out of hand (slightly less unlucky) as spies. Some escaped to western countries where many ended up meeting the NSDAP again. Most tried to just lay low in Germany and so ended up in a concentration camp. The really unlucky got to meet the conquering Soviet Army, and end up in a concentration camp. A very very small handful were blessed with power by Stalin to run his puppet state.
Truly fantastic:
-band name
-song name
-album name (just so that we have the music industry covered)
-Glibs screen name
Morning y’all. ☕
Here’s a song that doesn’t get enough love, even though it deserves it.
Good morning, Sean! (And Diggy, if you’re still around.)
Boss is working from home today, his last day before vacation next week…and thus the start of a virtual vacation for me.
Good morning, U! How’s it going?
I overslept, but managed to get out the door on time. I still can’t figure out a good structure for Iztak’s story, so I might refocus on Jasper again.
I’m in the office, having a breakfast salad and lamenting that the store didn’t have any grapes.
Good idea! You ought not to leave Jasper in the predicament he’s in.
No grapes? Is this a full-sized supermarket or just a small neighborhood market?
Well, they had large bunches, but I can’t drag those into the office. Normally I’d make/get a smaller cup of grapes to go with breakfast. I had none at home, and their snack cups were sold out.
Joe Biden kills little girl:
He still wants to sniff her though.
Jack Palance’s greatest role is in the greatest movie, Tango and Cash, of course.
Mornin’ Scruff
Good morning, GT, Sean and UCS,
Yesterday started bad but ended well. Bear tore up 2 bee hives but fortunately no serious damage. Bees weren’t happy to see a pseudo bear with a dark jacket show up to rebuild their homes.
Then finally some chimney repair guys showed up said “Yep, we can fix that up” and quoted a price I can live with. So all and all a pretty good day. Now I have to go back and check the bees, hate those late night visitors
Glad the bees survived. Bears can be a bear. Hopefully this doesn’t become a habit for the ursine invader.
Good morning, 4(20)! That IS great news about your chimney! Hope they’ll get the work done quickly and well. And I guess there’s not really much you can do to protect the bees from bears, short of prohibitively expensive barriers.
We do have an electric fence powered by a solar charger and it was working. I have to look to see if a bear could reach over the top. I put a gamecam out yesterday, if my ‘friend’ returns I’ll see how he/she gets in.
A few years back I got some great night pictures of a bear reaching over the top wire, I expanded the fence and had no more trouble.
Spoiler: 4(20)’s gamecam catches a bear flying a drone over the fence.