Thursday Afternoon Links

by | May 18, 2023 | Daily Links | 315 comments

Appropriate music.


TOO-LOCAL NEWS: There is a perfectly good four-lane road at the edge of my neighborhood. The speed limit is 35 mph, and the county makes a shit-ton of money from speed trapping along this road. The usual suspects have colluded with some idiot county planner and want to steal two travel lanes and turn those into bike lines which are not needed since there is a network of quiet residential streets that go through the neighborhood in the same direction. The only good part of this plan is a turnout lane in the center, but that, too, is unnecessary since in practice the existing two inner travel lanes serve as turn lanes. I’ve written before about how the anti-car movement co-opts naive do-gooders and neighborhood activists.

BOOT GIRLS OF ATLANTA: No, not the type of boot girls in your femdom fantasies, you sick little monkey; these fierce chicks will remove the parking boot from your vehicle for a reasonable price which undercuts the private parking enforcement companies. Sure trespassing (parking) is a dick move, but so is booting the car: “It is a crazy thing to say the normal cure for an unauthorized entry on your property is to insist that the trespasser remain on your property,” according to the Chief Justice of Georgia. Apparently parking boots use a limited number of keys and the article links to a totally legitimate business which sells such keys, no questions asked.

SADBEARD STRIKES AGAIN: Matty Yglesias throws a tantrum because DC government can’t suspend Virginia and Maryland drivers licenses over parking violations on DC city streets. This is the same little shitweasel who loves to take photos of the license plates of illegally parked cars and post them on the Twitter.

BELOVED OSCAR MAYER WIENERMOBILE RENAMED: It’s now the “frankmobile.” Way to suck all the fun out of things, Oscar Mayer.

LONG, SERIOUS READ OF THE DAY: “In the wake of the Durham report, we must ask whether our state security apparatus is compatible with republican government.” –The American Conservative


LUNAR FLASHLIGHT MISSION FAILS TO ACHIEVE LUNAR ORBIT: We had such high hopes for this little cubesat which was supposed to measure the amount of water ice in the permanently dark craters at the moon’s south pole. “[I]ssues with the original propulsion system for the Lunar Flashlight spacecraft, a solar sail, forced managers to switch to an alternative design using non-toxic ‘green’ propellant.” Notice the word “forced.” Hopefully NASA will redo this mission with proven technology.

IMPORTANT WEBSITE ANNOUNCEMENT, TLDR VERSION: Be prepared for website access disruptions next Wednesday, May 24, starting at 8:00 PM Eastern, for a planned upgrade. Be prepared for change.

IMPORTANT WEBSITE ANNOUNCEMENT, LONG VERSION: The long-awaited big website update is tentatively scheduled for next Wednesday, May 24, starting at 8:00 PM Eastern. This update will hopefully fix the intermittent problems with site access and comment posting. WebDom: “I have to update the infrastructure to make it more secure and stable. To do so, we can’t use the current theme. It’s not compatible and the theme developers stopped supporting it. I can replicate the look and feel *pretty closely* with the new design, but our [readers] are going to have to deal.” IOW, you may see a sidebar when accessing the website from some platforms.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. Count Potato

    “the private parking enforcement companies”

    I thought it was mostly police.

    • Tonio

      The article seems to indicate that the Boot Girls only remove boots placed by private enforcement companies. Probably a wise strategy given that any time you try to fuck government back that government comes down hard on your ass.

      • SDF-7

        But enough about Winston’s Mom….

      • Count Potato

        Well, that’s true. I thought it was the police that booted cars. Still, regardless who is doing it, wouldn’t it make sense just to tow them?

      • Tonio

        But then they’d have to share revenue with the towing companies.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Assuming it’s not being abused, booting is usually better for the car owner vs. immediately towing.

      • R C Dean

        Of the various options, I think booting is probably the best. Sure, it sucks, but it’s the stupid prize if you play stupid games.

        I am, of course, ruling out “do nothing, and let people use your parking lot however they wish regardless of how it affects you”.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Many cities contract out for parking/towing; and it is sanctioned blackmail and extortion.

      • invisible finger

        +1 Lincoln Park Pirates

  2. Count Potato

    “This is the same little shitweasel who loves to take photos of the license plates of illegally parked cars and post them on the Twitter.”


  3. Count Potato

    “Way to suck all the fun out of things”


  4. Dr. Fronkensteen

    “In the wake of the Durham report, we must ask whether our state security apparatus is compatible with republican government.”

    No, Next question

    • SDF-7

      Can’t argue with you there.

    • R C Dean

      It’s certainly proven incompatible with Republican government.

  5. Count Potato

    Anyone else read that as “lunar fleshlight”?

    • SDF-7

      We don’t even want to know where your green cheese came from then.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Lots of craters in that surface.

      • pistoffnick

        Frumunda cheese


      • juris imprudent

        This is why men are circumcised.

  6. Count Potato

    “Be prepared for change.”

    *stocks up on rice and canned goods*

    • Sean

      I don’t like change.

      • SDF-7

        Have some hope it will be pleasant change. At least they’re not building it back better.

    • Bobarian LMD

      So this is where all the pennies went to!

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      *checks Geiger counter batteries*

  7. Count Potato

    “IOW, you may see a sidebar when accessing the website from some platforms.”

    You mean some operating systems?

    • Tonio

      I think it’s more a desktop/tablet/phone thing.

      • Pat

        For those affected, Mull and Fennec allow you to request desktop sites from the mobile browser and set that as the default if you wish.

      • Count Potato

        Well, I hope there will be a way to turn it off.

  8. Fatty Bolger

    Your bike path story reminds me of Columbus, where the mayor would constantly brag about spending millions on bike paths. Meanwhile, I had to navigate ~1000 potholes on my way to work.

    • Nephilium

      It’s not just down there. Same shit up here in CLE.

      One of the nearby roads just recently went through a similar change that Tonio pointed out above with one major difference. No turning lane through most of it (just at intersections), and there being a median garden through it. Instead of doing that, why not fix the streets that are more pothole than road?

      And honestly? I prefer road riding on a five lane (two lanes each direction, and one turn lane in the center) than on the two lane with bike lane roads most of the time. There’s plenty of room to get around me, there’s less of a chance of some idiot/asshole turning directly in front of me, and it doesn’t piss off the drivers who lost two/three lanes of road that they could be driving on.

    • Raven Nation

      Auckland Transport (an agency of the Auckland City Council) spent around $NZ118million to build/re-sign a bikeway from downtown Auckland to the airport (33km).

      Advocacy group, Bike Auckland wrote “Who wouldn’t want to zip past airport traffic jams, and park right at the gate, by getting out of the car and onto a bike? It’s an appealing thought not just for travellers, but for the many people who work around the airport.”

      • Sensei

        It’s not like when you fly for more than a few days you bring a suitcase.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The state DOT is spending millions to change every crosswalk curb cut in the state, most of which are ramps and have been for the past thirty years, to dangerous trip hazards. And removing automatic crosswalk lights in favor of on demand push buttons (with separate support poles for each direction in the middle of the walkway).

  9. Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

    As a cyclist, I have made the exact same argument to other riders, only to be met with “Critical Mass, dude! We need this to grow the movement.”

    No, you ass, shit like this harms the “movement.” People hate, hate, hate it when unused bike lanes take up space.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      So, does anyone (other than me) know the difference between a Frankfurter and a hot dog?

      And this relates to how both titles are wrong.

      • Not Adahn

        Frankfurters claim the hot dog comes from Vienna. Viennese claim it comes from Frankfurt.

    • Tonio

      And this is even more egregious since they are stealing two existing travel lanes, and turning them into bike lanes.

      These people believe that they can social engineer people into riding bikes and using government transit if they just increase the misery level enough.

      And never, never forget that they are doing the dirty work of the anti-car people, whether consciously or not.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        And the incident in New York the other day shows why people do not want to take public transport.

        Also, I would bet they put love putting themselves directly in with the anti-car people. The one thing the left hates more than guns? Cars.

      • Tonio

        I suspect that behind closed doors with their fellow activists they let their true intentions out. Now I wish I had gone to their stupid ass meetings and trolled them into admitting that while recording video.

    • juris imprudent

      You want a movement, plunk your ass on a toilet.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        Oh, can it.

      • Fourscore

        Oh, butt out!

    • Nephilium

      Fucking critical mass and slow roll riders. I come very close to actively hating them.

      • R C Dean

        Two words: Pepper spray.

        Just double-check the wind direction.

  10. db

    I, for one, want to know what WebDom really said about the [readers].

    • robc

      Better or worse than what Virginia Postrel said about us?

    • Swiss Servator

      *insert stream of righteous anger and profanity*

      wait, that is me.

      • db

        SwissCast: Now streaming on Rumble

      • Ted S.

        Nah, WebDom would just hurl a stream of puns in your direction.

    • Nephilium

      “And some, I assume, are good people.”

  11. robc

    I am gonna push back on the four-lane road thing.

    As someone who is pro-car and bike indifferent, I still think you may be wrong.

    First, 35 mph is (with rare exceptions) a bad idea. 55+ or 25-. Is this a road or a street? Is it designed for high speed traffic between points A and B, or does it have lots of destinations along it?

    If the former, the bikes need to be kept off, the lanes need to remain at 4, and the speed limit needs to be increased.

    But I bet its actually a street with lots of businesses and entryways and turnoffs and etc. In that case, lower the speed limit to 25, and save some money by getting rid of the extra lanes. As I said, I am indifferent to bikes, so add bike lanes, dont add bike lanes, whatever. Streets should be car, bike, and pedestrian friendly. If there is a business on the north side and another right across on the south side, it should be convenient to walk between them.

    These in-between bullshit is the problem. You can’t serve two masters.

    • robc

      Or better yet, turn the ownership of the street over to the local POA. Lets the businesses or whatever along the street decide what they want. If it is business oriented as I suspect, they will want to slow down traffic, and won’t want to pay for any more lanes than they actually need.

      • Tres Cool

        MUH ROADZ!

      • robc

        No, muh streetz!!!

        I am making a distinction.

      • Tonio

        TC is correct. See below.

    • Tonio

      I couldn’t remember who on here had that 55+/25- fetish.

      “But I bet its actually a street with lots of businesses and entryways and turnoffs and etc.”

      Then you would have lost money. It is indeed a road with a grade-level median. There are two churches along that stretch of road, everything else is residential until you get to the last block where this road crosses another road (again, proper road, this one with a raised median).

      • robc

        Then they need to raise the speed limit and redesign for 55+.

        Is it residential with lots of driveways? I would still define that as a street, unless it is more rural. You can’t have a 55+ mph urban/suburban road with driveways every 50 ft.

        If its rural with a residential driveway every 1/2 mile or so, 55 works.

        It is rare to see this can of change proposed in a non-street situation.

      • robc

        Churches and houses are destinations, still not sure I will classify this as a road. This could fall into my rare exceptions category, but I doubt it.

      • Tonio

        Oops, one of those churches does not have a driveway opening on the road in question; it must be accessed via a side street. The other church has a parking lot that accessible from on the main road, as well as another entrance on a side street.

      • robc

        And the residences? If they are mostly off side streets than agree, its a road. If so, killing off 2 lanes is stupid.

      • robc

        Its more an anti-fetish on roads with a posted limit of 35/45, but you average 15 because you have to stop at a red light every other block.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      How about we have cyclist WALK their bikes on the sidewalk if they cannot keep up with cars? Bike lanes only serve as an added danger, to cars and cyclists. We have sidewalks as a slower moving area, and we don’t need to add problems there.

      • R C Dean

        Tucson spent a crapload on some kind of “hedgehog” bump thingies to try to separate bike lanes from roads. They tore the everloving crap out of cars and bikes, and they had to take them out.

        Of course, Tucson has incredibly shitty roads, and just can’t stop doing more bike lanes and “traffic calming” nonsense.

    • Rat on a train

      Just keep cyclists off our high-speed, no-shoulder country roads.

      • Nephilium

        Trust me. I try to stay the fuck off those. Last year a route I took for the first time had me on a two lane road, 55 MPH speed limit, and rolling hills.

        I will never ride that route again.

      • Rat on a train

        But the country roads are so scenic and my tax dollars paid for them.

      • Drake

        So all the rural roads in SC?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I guess two things can be true, towns and cities should have better infrastructure for biking and walking but also traveling in between cities/towns should require a car.

      • robc

        That is basically the street/road distinction in a nutshell.

      • robc

        Also, the initial design of the interstate system was correctly done, then someone fucked it up.

        Fortunately Bowling Green*, where I used to live, and Fort Collins*, where I live now, are small enough that the original design stayed, which is interstates are tangent to the cities, not through them. The interstates were not originally meant for commuters to get from the burbs to downtown. If the cities want a road for that (and I mean a road), they could have done it themselves. Or not. Either way works.

        Big cities got fucked over by the change.

        *I was outside city limits for both, so Warren and Larimer Counties respectively.

      • R C Dean

        The issue with better infrastructure for biking, in particular, is that it is orders of magnitude more expensive per person/mile. If you are doing any kind of ROI analysis on your limited road budget, biking will have a hard time making its way onto the priority list.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Seems like you and Tonio are arguing the same thing. Central planning either overbuilds roads to absurdity, or builds unused bike paths to nowhere.

      • robc

        I think we are, its just unclear which category this particular one falls into.

        Hence my ulitimate libertarian solution suggestion, turn it over to the Property Owners along the road/street and let them do as they damn well please.

      • invisible finger

        My issue is all the infrastructure for bicycles but there is no bicycle registration/tax. The bikes are free riders.

      • Tonio

        Try telling them that. “I pay taxes, too!” is the standard reply.

        I will also note that in recent years progs have co-opted the term “taxpayer” which used to be used only by conservatives and libertarians.

  12. The Other Kevin

    I watched some of that whistleblower thing today. The FBI really is corrupt as fuck. And of course the Dems are at their vilest defending them. Sickening.

    • Pat

      Seems like only yesterday it was the left that was railing against the FBI and intelligence community’s abuses going back to Hoover.

      • juris imprudent

        That was before the Long March. Now sitting on top of that power, fuck if they’ll give it up easily.

      • Tonio

        ^This. Great analogy.

      • Night Watchman

        “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.” — Frank Herbert, Children of Dune

      • The Other Kevin

        If you’ve ever seen the show Dharma and Greg, I completely identify with Dharma’s dad now. They are watching us, and they are out to get us.

    • Drake

      Did the Director excuse himself halfway through so he could illegally hop on an FBI plane to start his vacation? Most blatant “fuck you” I’ve seen thrown at Congress.

  13. Rebel Scum

    because DC government can’t suspend Virginia and Maryland drivers licenses over parking violations on DC city streets

    Wtf jurisdiction does DC have over MD and VA licensing to drive?

    • Tonio

      Apparently the several states (and DC, and the territories) have reciprocity agreements for moving violations, but not for parking violations. Back before I started driving you could apparently ignore any speeding ticket you got out of state.

      Grosspatzer? FourScore? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

      • robc

        I ignored an IN ticket for about a decade before they started sharing info with KY and I had to pay it.

      • DEG

        When I received my first NH driver’s license after moving to the state, I received a letter from the state DMV. The letter looked like an attempt to inform folks moving into the state about NH motor vehicle code.

        The interesting thing in it was that the NH DMV said NH will enforce traffic code violations from other states only if the violation is also a violation in NH. I thought to myself, “Oh, so if I get a ticket for not wearing a seat belt in another state, NH won’t care about it? Interesting!”

      • Sensei

        I suppose more the reason is in every other state insurance is required.

        I haven’t checked in a few years, is that still the case?

      • Tonio

        In Virginia you can go without insurance, but the state charges you an “uninsured motorist fee” of several hundred dollars, and which does not provide any coverage for either the uninsured drivers, or those injured by them.

      • Rat on a train

        That ends in July. You will then need insurance or proof that you could pay minimum coverage levels out of pocket.

      • DEG

        I have a vague memory that at the time, there were other states that did not require insurance for most motorists. Either as Tonio points out, requiring extra fees or just not requiring insurance.

        Contrary to popular belief, NH does require insurance in some cases.

      • Not Adahn

        NY has one with fraking Quebec. Ontario too, I think, but don’t quote me on that.

  14. Tres Cool

    “Frankmobile now identifies as Francismobile”

      • R.J.

        *Golf clap

      • Tres Cool

        I can already smell it.

      • invisible finger

        How did they get the beans in front of the Frankmobile?

  15. DEG

    The Frankmobile – which can be seen on the road this summer – will be debuting a new exterior, with “The All Beef Frank Frankmobile” and “Please do not lick” painted across the vehicle.

    No kink-shaming.

  16. The Other Kevin

    We survived our day watching those two kids. The rest of the day didn’t go very well either. But there’s a check on the table and their parents have arrived. Meanwhile, my 4yo nephew, who we watch during the week, continues to be an absolute gem. He’s in the middle of his 2 hour afternoon nap.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Benadryl and scotch is a wonder drug!

  17. Pat

    In the wake of the Durham report, we must ask whether our state security apparatus is compatible with republican government.

    Talk about closing the barn door after the horse already left, had a successful career, sired offspring, and died. Where the fuck were you guys in 2001 on the PATRIOT Act, or 2013 on the Snowden leaks? Oh that’s right, you were rah-rah-USA-USA’ing for this shit until the moment it blew up on people about whom you actually give a shit.

    • Swiss Servator

      “I didn’t know I was going to have to pay for this!”

      • juris imprudent

        Exact same fucking mentality, just different side of the street.

  18. prolefeed

    I’d boycott Bud Light, except I suspect I’ve never drunk a Bud Light, due to this algorithm:

    1) I haven’t bought shitty beer for decades, once I was no longer broke.

    2) If I went to a party, I’d usually bring a gift of wine or craft beer that I could drink in a pinch.

    3) If the host had supplied all the alcohol, and it was all proletarian beer, and I didn’t want to offend their hospitality by being a beer snob, I would drink a Bud Heavy before a Bud Light.

    4) If all they had left was shitty lite beers, I’d choose a Coors Lite over Bud Lite.

    5) And since I recently developed an intolerance to alcohol and acidic foods, I don’t drink at all, since four hours of painful gastric distress starting at 3 am is an unacceptable price to pay for a buzz.

    I may have, in my twenties, fished a Bud Light out of a cooler in preference to Rainier or Beer Beer or something equally awful.

      • Mojeaux

        I sent you an email at your non-work addy. Did you get it?

      • Count Potato

        That pic is huge. It takes up the entire screen.

      • mexican sharpshooter


      • Count Potato

        Well, could you please knock it off?

      • Not Adahn

        Developed to create a RIGHT VALUE?

        Jeremy’s Beer existed in the ’80s?

      • Penguin

        Hey Otto, have a beer.

    • Mojeaux

      So lovely when your body punishes you so severely for your misbehavior you develop an aversion to that thing. (Skittles finally broke me.)

      • Swiss Servator

        Broke you, or your teeth?!

      • Mojeaux

        Broke me. I get short of breath, heart palpitations, and flushing. It’s yugely unpleasant.

      • Pat

        Are you certain those are official Skittles and not some alternative pharmaceutical product designed to look like them?

      • Fatty Bolger

        Wow. Do you have any idea what ingredient in the skittles is causing that?

      • Mojeaux

        Sugar. I get the same response only much less if I eat pretty much anything with sugar in it.

      • Gender Traitor

        You’re a big lemonade drinker, aren’t you? How do you sweeten it?

      • Mojeaux

        Splenda, and less than would make the equivalent sugar measurement. So, for instance, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, I would put 3/4 c Splenda in it. Tart’n’sour, baby.

      • Pat

        I only rarely drink lemonade, and then only jalapeno lemonade, but I’ve found liquid sucralose works well for the task, as well as a sugarless Tom Collins.

      • Gender Traitor

        Yeah, I usually use Splenda (actually the generic/grocery’s house brand, AKA “the yellow stuff”) in my coffee, and I find a little goes a long way.

        jalapeno lemonade


      • Pat

        More throat-ripping deliciousness for me then…

      • Sean


      • prolefeed

        It’s like my body is trying to make me act Mormon-ish again.

      • Mojeaux

        Welcome back to the fold, Jack.

    • Bobarian LMD

      since four hours of painful gastric distress starting at 3 am is an unacceptable price to pay for a buzz.

      This is just your body’s way of telling you to sleep sitting up.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      prolefeed never went to college or had a party in a cornfield.

      • juris imprudent

        a party in a cornfield

        Euphemism, or literal meaning?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Popular place for a HS kegger.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        You people. Literally, drinking beer in a cornfield. Surrounded by stalks of corn.

      • prolefeed

        And if you’re drinking Coors or Miller Lite, drinking beer brewed with corn.

      • robc

        And plenty of english beers too.

        Fuller’s for example. I think they may have changed their recipe, but it used to be made with flaked maize.

      • pistoffnick

        That’s how my high school friend, Brad, made money. He would pay his mom to buy a couple of kegs. He’d charge $5 for a red solo cup. It kept him in gas money.
        As long as the bon fire didn’t get too large or the music turned up too loud, nobody minded.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        They were children, and they were of the corn.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s where highschoolers go that have neither woods nor quarries.

  19. DEG

    Democrats and NH Primary

    Top Democrats are scrambling for ways to avoid a catastrophe in New Hampshire in which Joe Biden may not appear on the primary ballot, ceding the first unofficial contest of 2024 to a fringe candidate.

    The bizarre predicament is one of the president’s own making, after he pushed for changes to the party’s presidential nominating calendar that stripped the Granite State of its first-in-the-nation primary. The move was designed to reward South Carolina, which catapulted Biden to the nomination in 2020.

    But there’s a state law requiring New Hampshire’s contest be held a week before any others, and Republicans in charge of the governor’s office and state legislature are refusing to touch it. If they don’t, a primary may well be held without the sitting president putting his name on the ballot.

    • Tonio


      Does that mean they think RFK Jr. is a fringe candidate?

      That NH primary law is incredibly stupid. What if another state passed a similar law?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Thermo-Nuclear Destruction.

        The Browns win the Super Bowl.

        Or no more primaries.

      • robc

        I believe the NBA (or was it the NFL) had a problem once that 3 players had a contract guaranteeing themselves top 2 pay for their position.

      • Sensei


      • slumbrew

        “What if another state passed a similar law?”

        They’d spin into an endless loop of trying to schedule before each other, ripping open the space-time continuum. I assume.

      • Sensei

        That’s what I said above. It wasn’t clear? 😉

      • slumbrew

        I don’t understand your crazy moon language.

    • kinnath

      Iowa has a similar as well. The caucuses must occur before any other primary or caucus.

      The Republican house, senate, and governor are not going to change that law.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        They shouldn’t. Let the D’s pay for that particular bit of idiocy.

  20. Rebel Scum

    For the first time in nearly 100 years, the iconic Oscar Mayer Wienermobile has a new name: the Frankmobile.

    Kraft Heinz Company announced the name change Wednesday to celebrate the brand’s “100% Beef Franks” as the company debuts a new recipe.

    That’s not why. And now the song doesn’t make sense. Dick move.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Inside every progressive democrat is a stone cold totalitarian mass murderer yearning to break free.

    • The Other Kevin

      I have neve seen people so filled with hate in my life.

  22. Rebel Scum

    “In the wake of the Durham report, we must ask whether our state security apparatus is compatible with republican government.”

    No. Next question.

  23. R.J.


  24. The Late P Brooks

    Way to suck all the fun out of things, Oscar Mayer.

    I’m just surprised they didn’t have it (them) crushed.

    • R.J.

      Or just cut them off.

      • Bobarian LMD

        And turned inside out?

  25. Rebel Scum

    As House lawmakers continue to investigate the politicization of federal agencies under the Biden administration, numerous individuals within those organizations have come forward with claims of misconduct at the highest levels, and have often reported severe professional backlash from their superiors in the process.

    Some whistleblowers are more equal than others.

  26. mexican sharpshooter

    @NotAdhan. To answer your question from last night’s thread. It was a collaborative effort, with its root from an inside joke.

    AI Sugarfree

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Mmmmm hydrogenated fats and yellow food dye

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        Grover Cleveland, Steamer.

    • Sean

      That art work is groovy.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      more AI

      • Bobarian LMD

        Frank Cannon, WarHammer Enthusiast!

      • Not Adahn


  27. The Late P Brooks

    Be prepared for change.

    *moans disconsolately*

    • R.J.

      Haha. “The Legion of Elderly Gentlemen recoiled as one.”

  28. Nephilium

    Video that is on topic. Apologies that it goes to the book of face, as this video doesn’t appear to have been posted anywhere else.

  29. Pat

    The war for your child’s soul

    Just when you thought the woke couldn’t get any weirder, now they want the right to cause psychological distress to your children. How else do we explain their agitation with one part in particular of Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s Stop WOKE Act – namely, the bit that forbids schoolteachers from making kids feel ‘guilt, anguish or other forms of psychological distress’ on the basis of their race, gender or national origin?

    Sure, DeSantis-bashing teachers and leftists are not taking to the streets to chant: ‘What do we want? The right to mess up children’s minds! When do we want it? Now!’ They’re not waving placards demanding the liberty to terrorise the minds of innocents. But their bristling at DeSantis’s ban on the guilt-tripping of children is incredibly revealing. It points to the real reason Ron irritates them so – because he’s locking them out of children’s souls.

    The full name of the Stop WOKE Act is the Stop Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (WOKE) Act. Its official name is the Individual Freedom Act. It was signed by DeSantis in April last year.

    DeSantis describes it as a ‘fightback’ against ‘woke indoctrination’. The law limits the right of both schools and workplaces to inculcate their students and staff with critical race theory and other ‘discriminatory’ ideologies. These belief systems are discriminatory because they’re designed to induce guilt and shame on the basis of skin colour, specifically the white skin colour, says DeSantis. And just as a decent state would not permit ideologues to go into workplaces and schools and bemoan the scourge of ‘blackness’, so it shouldn’t give a green light to attacks on ‘whiteness’, either.

    He has a point. If campaigners were going into offices and instructing black members of staff to be ‘less black’, we’d expect some action against that, right? If black employees were being taught by external visitors how to ‘heal from their blackness’, we would think that unacceptable, no? If black schoolkids were being told that they’ve been morally stained since birth, we would surely say: ‘That is racist. Stop doing it.’

    And yet all of these things are being done in relation to ‘whiteness’. Coca-Cola encouraged its staff to ‘try to be less white’. There are training courses in Washington, DC and New York City on ‘Healing From Internalised Whiteness’. A school in Manhattan was found to be teaching white kids as young as six that they were born racist. Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t think anybody, white or black, should be racially shamed in their place of work or place of study. It is wrong and regressive.

    • rhywun

      leftists are not taking to the streets to chant: ‘What do we want? The right to mess up children’s minds! When do we want it? Now!’

      I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

      • Count Potato

        Well, not in those exact words.

    • db

      That’s a pretty common pattern to fly for mapping missions.

      • slumbrew

        Yah, I assume I’ll have some up-to-date pictures of my house on Google Maps or Bing soon.

      • slumbrew

        Looks like the Google Maps image layer for my place are from 2023 already, so somebody else…

    • db

      Newer avionics will let you program a search path and then you can just put the autopilot on and let it do its magic while you look out the window for other airplanes.

  30. Pine_Tree

    Maybe Frankfurt offered them more sponsorship money than Wien?

  31. Rebel Scum

    Dems must defend the tyranny apparatus at all costs, I guess.

    Rep. Plaskett: “This hearing is evidence, as if we needed any more, that MAGA Republicans are a threat to the rule of law in America … my colleagues on the far right are on a mission to attack, discredit, and ultimately dismantle the FBI. This is defund the police on steroids.”

    Plaskett: “But when the FBI investigates conservative Christian white men who are actually threatening violence, suddenly my Republican colleagues are rushing to defund the police.”

    Show your work. I mean, you people literally just say the words and pretend it’s true. “White-supremacy is the greatest terror threat” and yet I couldn’t name an instance of one in the past several years (other than the ones that glow, much like the Fed Patriot Front operation). So, kindly go fuck yourself.

    • Grumbletarian

      Everyone knows that when a Republican says “Peacefully and patriotically have your voices be heard,” it’s a dog whistle that really means “Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their transwomen.”

  32. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Car and bike related. My daughter parked in the wrong spot and got her car towed. They were closing the streets for a pedestrian and cycling thing the next day, and she didn’t pay attention to the signs. Because I’m the registered owner I had to go down to get the car out. We show up at the towing company, and the yard guy is taking his sweet time to help us, probably so the car stays an extra day. We wait about 30 minutes for him, after they said he’ll be with us in 5. Finally, one of the drivers asks if we’ve paid the fine at the the police station. Uh, no, nobody told us about that. So we have to run over to the police station to pay a $120 fine, and the clock is ticking before the yard closes for the day. Luckily we get back to the tow yard before closing. That’s $260 for the tow and $120 for one day of storage. So we’re in for $500. Now on Monday, I get a parking ticket in the mail for another $55. The city wants to wet it’s beak too. This is effing predatory.

    • Sensei

      Plus let’s find out what the tow company scratched or broke.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Blackmail and Extortion, as discussed earlier.

  33. Certified Public Asshat

    Disney scraps plans for new Florida campus, mass employee relocation amid DeSantis feud

    Sounds bad.

    D’Amaro reiterated in his memo that the company still plans to invest $17 billion in Florida over the next 10 years, including the addition of around 13,000 jobs. The company currently employs more than 75,000 people in the state.

    Disney declined to provide specific updates on that investment, but has previously announced plans to update park attractions, expand existing parks and add more cruise ships to its fleet in Florida.

    Doesn’t sound bad.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Yeah, it had nothing to do with the DeSantis “feud”. They canceled it for the same reason most companies are pausing or canceling new office construction right now.

    • R.J.

      Sounds like the feud had little to do with it. Tanking profits do. The move was to drastically reduce expenses, as CA is cray-cray on taxes and property. I don’y think that long-term plan is viable when every one of your recently purchased franchises starts tanking, and your streaming business blows. Sounds like there isn’t even enough money to build a new campus.

      • Urthona

        To be fair, Disney’s streaming business has never stopped growing in North America.

        If Americans hate their content or politics, they haven’t shown it yet by canceling.

        Their plummeting subscribe base is mainly due to losing cricket games in India.

      • R.J.

        You said “To be fair!”
        *Takes drink, per rules

      • Urthona


      • Pat

        To be fair, he was going to take the drink regardless.

    • The Other Kevin

      They’re also shutting down that super expensive star cruiser hotel. So scrapping that new employee campus is probably related to them tying to stop the financial bleeding. For a decade or more, they’ve been cutting quality and increasing prices. Their troubles have just as much to do with people getting tired of being ripped off as with the woke stuff.

      • Rat on a train

        For ~$2.5k per night I can’t imagine how it failed.

    • Rat on a train

      Separately, the company confirmed Thursday that it would shut down its Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser resort at Disney World just over a year after it opened.

      The popular attraction “will take its final voyage” at the end of September, Disney said, adding that it is working with guests to rebook reservations for later in the year.

      It was too popular.

      • The Other Kevin

        Nobody stays there anymore, it’s too popular.

  34. Scruffyy Nerfherder

    Words have no meaning.

    Washington is launching the “Ukraine Content Aggregator,” an artificial intelligence program designed to detect so-called Russian disinformation online. Secretary of State Antony Blinken unveiled the project at the Freedom House 2023 Annual Awards Ceremony last week.

    “Russia continues to push a steady, relentless stream of disinformation about its war of aggression against Ukraine, to lie about and cover up horrific abuses it’s committed, to try to justify committing others,” Blinken said at the Freedom House event. “In response, the State Department has developed an AI-enabled online Ukraine Content Aggregator to collect verifiable Russian disinformation and then to share that with partners around the world.”

    The top diplomat added that the government would be “promoting independent media and digital literacy,“ as well as “working with partners in academia to reliably detect fake text generated by Russian chatbots.”

    • Sensei

      It was unveiled at Freedom House. It has to be good, like freedom is good.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I bet you don’t like The Patriot Act either. It’s right there in the name you loser!

      • Sensei

        Anything that sails through Congress with some huge majority is almost always awesome!

      • The Other Kevin

        Woah woah woah. Hold on. I thought “Patriot” was a watch word for dangerous white supremacists. What would that make the Patriot Act?

    • Pat

      That should help with all those pesky fake documents that leaked out demonstrating Washington’s blatant lies about the situation there, which are nevertheless highly classified government work product for which somebody needs to be jailed for leaking…

  35. Certified Public Asshat

    I was supposed to go on Tim Pool tomorrow but I’m refusing to after this. You can say whatever you want, but I’m not associating with someone who calls my vagina a “wound.” Regardless of if that’s scientifically accurate or not, it’s disrespectful af and I won’t stand for it.— Kelly (@kelly_cadigan) May 18, 2023


    • Certified Public Asshat

      Tim’s tweet for context:

      the attempt to normalize men having homosexual sex with a surgical wound grafted to another man's pelvis is quite alarming— Tim Pool (@Timcast) May 18, 2023

    • Pat

      Regardless of if that’s scientifically accurate or not…

      That’s a bigger concession than you normally get.

    • Count Potato

      She generally has good opinions.

    • Bobarian LMD

      If you paid on credit to have that “vagina” installed, then is is really yours?

      If taxpayers paid, then I would say community property, like a park that no one wants to go to.

      • Sensei

        Why install a recreational area next to waste disposal?

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        Are there any Steel Panther lyrics that are SFW?

      • KSuellington

        Vagina Repo Man.

  36. Tundra

    Car lynx! My favorite! Thanks, Tonio.

    I’m still triggered by your article, though. Restricting people’s ability to travel is the worst of bad commie ideas.

    Fuck them. And dumb bike paths. And Sadbeard. And Oscar Meyer marketing (Smith grads?). And the state security apparatus, especially the FBI.

    Love the boot girls, though! And Gary Neuman! And web site improvements!

    All in all, a very superior PM lynx. 10/10 would enjoy again.

      • slumbrew


        Nothing says “ready for off-roading” more than “all-electric”

      • slumbrew

        In quarter one, 38 per cent of all Wranglers we sold were [electrified] 4xe models

        That sounded too high to be true so I did some searching – maybe it’s 38 per cent of sales, but the 4xe is a plug-in hybrid, which is quite a bit different than all-electric.

      • Tundra

        My buddy leased one. It’s a nice vehicle, but he’s not gonna keep it after the lease is up. There have already been a bunch of issues.

      • slumbrew

        As long as you’re just a gas-can away from being back on the road, I could see some appeal. 20 miles of electric range would be enough for mid-week trips around here, I suspect.

        Gotta be heavy, though.

      • Tundra

        Heavy and too technically complex.

        Simple is good.

      • Tundra

        Cool. But lease.

      • Tundra


        And not in a good way.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I’m sure that will work out well. The torque on those will probably be pretty good, but I wouldn’t want to run out of juice in the wilderness. Last year I was talking to a camp host in the Sierra. He was regaling us about some group that had stayed there recently. It was led by a guy who had some new age cult for wealthy women in Marin County. They’d go for hikes in the woods and swim naked in the lakes. Quite the scam. Anyway, there was one woman that nobody could stand so they left without her. Her car was electric and the battery was dead, so she had to get towed. The nearest towing company was about 60 miles away with about 15 of that on a bumpy dirt road.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Do drivers dream of electric Jeep?

      • Tundra


      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Only the sheep

      • The Other Kevin

        More capable of what, sucking money from your wallet?

    • Rat on a train

      But think of the government’s ESG score.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Extra Stuff Grabbing?

    • R.J.

      You said it too!
      *Takes another drink

      • Count Potato

        Don’t pass out before the movie starts!

      • R.J.

        I actually found a film called “The Old Man Movie.” It is stop motion, from Latvia, I think. Looks like it needs to be added to the list, if just for my own humor.

    • rhywun

      Trump only chose the second worst possible person for every position.

      • Bobarian LMD

        To be fair, only the worst kind of people apply for those jobs.

      • R.J.

        You said it too!!!
        *Takes another drink

      • rhywun

        To be fair, you have a point.

      • R.J.

        *unconscious body twitches in pool of spilled vodka

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!


    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      I think the only real difference between Trump’s people and Bidens people is the media reporting.

  37. rhywun

    our [readers] are going to have to deal

    I’m going to have to update my heavily-modified CSS changes, aren’t I.



    • slumbrew

      I knew who it was right away. So I’ve got that going for me.

    • SDF-7

      Troi! Barclay escaped the holodeck again!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How’s George Peppard doing I wonder?

    • Ted S.

      It’s not “cookery books”.V

  38. Tundra

    Another car lynk:

    I think this embodies FAFO.

    What the hell is going on? It’s only gonna take one of these little fuckwits to get clipped before the hammer comes down on the rest of us.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      That’s beyond idiotic.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      It’s all fun and games until someone gets an sucking chest wound.

  39. Brochettaward

    Taylor Lorenz is the subject of the latest Twitter files release. For those who don’t remember, she is the little proggie princess who presents herself as a journalist while unashamedly being a progressive activist. She is the one who doxxed Libsoftiktok. The releases basically detail her many attempts to get people banned, her questionable relationship with the “sources” she uses for her opeds masquerading as reporting, and even a successful example of her using contacts at the DOJ to open an investigation into the targets of one of her stories. This little bitch, who comes from a very wealthy family and grew up as the picture perfect example of a privileged upper class white girl, had special access to Twitter’s moderation teams and apparently even in government.

    Lorenz has shut down her Twatter, and directs people to follow her on her Linkedin. Funnily enough, she has The Quartering blocked when he tries to view the page. Because of course.

  40. R.J.

    I will be late tonight, I am attending my daughter’s graduation ceremony from elementary school. I left you in good hands with Jack Palance.

    • Count Potato


  41. creech

    It will always be the Wienermobile to me. I had to compile the cost for a new one for Phila. Plant. Original “Little Oscar” had been moved inside by then due to too many nasty exchanges with punk kids who provoked him. Anyway, he gave me a ride home one day when my car was in the shop. He could barely see over the dashboard and it was the scariest ride of my life. I was not particularly surprised to learn years later that he had caused a crash that killed his wife. But wow the stories he told about the orgies the Munchkin actors had while filming “Wizard of Oz.”. (He played the coroner.)

    • Tundra

      Well, that sounds like the outline for a pretty interesting article!

  42. Tundra

    Finally turned off Malice’s interview with Andy Ngo about half way through. I’ve followed the guy for a long time but Sweet Jesus is he boring.

    No FOMO on this one, kids.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Ngo seems to be a decent enough guy but you can tell he’s walking on eggshells so no one can accuse him of fomenting violence and whatnot. You’re correct, it does make for a boring interview.

    • Count Potato

      I listened to about half, and I’ll probably finish it later.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Yeah it’s terrible.

  43. Count Potato

    “A neovagina is a surgical wound that will close if not dilated with a medical device

    The purpose of a neovagina is for a homosexual male to penetrate for sexual pleasure

    This is not disrespectful

    This is factual”

    Gay men are not attracted to MTF.

    • Pat

      Gay men are not attracted to MTF.

      Whoa, cool it with the bigotry dude.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats


      • slumbrew

        As featured in Akira

      • Count Potato

        Post-op pussy.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!


      • Mojeaux

        Srsly. They dig a hole in your taint. Do they take the prostate out too?

      • Count Potato

        No, and no.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Only closeted straight men?

    • rhywun

      Yeah, that is not at all the purpose of the thing.

  44. Pat

    Racial identity politics has melted liberals’ minds

    There has been a good deal of talk in the US over the past few weeks about ‘Hispanic white supremacy’. The idea itself sounds darkly funny, but its widespread prominence says something serious about the mainstream media’s embrace of race essentialism.

    The recent prompt for all this talk was the mass shooting at an upscale outlet mall in Allen, Texas, on 6 May. Nine people were killed, including the perpetrator, and another seven were badly injured. Almost immediately, the national media looked beyond the tragic reality of the murders themselves to focus on right-wing activism and, more specifically, on white supremacy.

    The Washington Post’s first social-media post addressing the shooting read: ‘The gunman who opened fire on an outlet mall in a Dallas suburb… was a man in his early 30s who may have had white-supremacist or neo-Nazi beliefs.’ Meanwhile, Salon seems to have simply assumed that the shooter was a white supremacist, asking in a headline: ‘When a mass shooter is a white supremacist. Does it even matter?’ The UK-basedIndependent similarly honed in on a potential white-supremacist motive, running a long piece on the gunman’s ‘white-supremacist social-media footprint’.

    One important detail was rarely mentioned, however – namely, that the Allen mall shooter, Mauricio Martinez Garcia, was actually Hispanic.

    Yes, it is true that Garcia displayed a fondness for elements of the radical right. He was active on 4chan-style websites, like the obscure Russian platform, where he posted photographs of swastika tattoos, ‘praise for Adolf Hitler’, a range of incel gibberish, and – perhaps unsurprisingly – ‘complaints about the state of his mental health’.

    However, Garcia does not seem to have dreamed of an all-white society (which he would presumably be excluded from). His rambling writings suggest that he actually believed Latin Americans to be the planet’s superior race. Nevertheless, several major publications tried to square the circle by running headlines like the Nation’s unforgettable ‘White supremacists don’t have to be white’.

    • R.J.

      Dude wanted Mexico to conquer Texas. He was El Azteca Suprema.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Please, only whites think they’re the superior race. If any other race thinks they’re superior, they only could have learned it from their white oppressors. Which is why any form of supremacy thought is white supremacy.

      • Pat

        Just like that white supremacist Santa Anna! Wake up sheeple!

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        La Raza. It is a pretty common thing on the left

    • Count Potato

      “Mauricio Martinez Garcia was actually Hispanic”

      No way!

  45. Brochettaward

    That awkward moment when you have to break the news to one of your seconder groupies that you don’t want to fuck his wife while he watches in the corner…

  46. Mojeaux

    I swear the universe does not want me to have this job, so maybe I should just take a hint.

    It’s been rescheduled twice now, and NOW I find out my son’s going to have surgery on his broken nose tomorrow morning during my scheduled interview time. I’ve emailed the scheduler as quickly as possible, but it was close to 4:30p my time and they’re on the east coast, so…

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Or the universe is testing you to see if you’re willing to pay the price of determination to improve you life. I suppose it’s all in how you look at it.

      • Mojeaux

        The universe knows I will go to the ends of the Earth to get what I want, even if it’s bad for me (which I don’t know ahead of time). Experience has told me when I keep getting roadblock after roadblock, and then still end up getting that thing, it was detrimental to me.

      • Pat

        The universe knows I’m a lazy quitter, but it still likes to fuck with me. The universe is an ass.

    • Pat

      Sorry to hear. About the job and the nose…

      • Mojeaux

        The nose was an unfortunate consequence of sticking it where it didn’t belong. He stepped between a punchER and a punchEE.

      • Pat

        Oof. No good deed…

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      “ It also has a high price tag with trips starting at $4,809 for two guests for a standard cabin, which has one queen-size bed and two twin-size bunks. The price increases if you add more guests, with a family of four looking at upwards of $6,000 for a standard cabin. ”

      What the hell?

    • Pat

      Pathologizing and “curing” mere thoughts and feelings was always fraught with this sort of social control from the get-go. Freud envisaged psychotherapy as a cure for bumpkin religion. The Soviets envisaged therapy as a cure for un-Soviet politics. Up until 40 years ago it was envisaged as a cure for homosexuality in the west. On top of which the entire field is as pseudoscientific as chiropractic.

    • Gustave Lytton

      When I was looking for a therapist, one of the largest local practices had a screed on their front page about BLM and other wokeness. Wrote them off right there.

      • Mojeaux

        A law enforcement officer who decided I need some serious self-care recommended the place I contacted. They had a pretty detailed questionnaire on their website about what you thought was wrong with you, what you wanted to work on, other stuff like that. Now, I ended up with a therapist 25 miles away, but it’s worth the drive, and I the questionnaire was so thorough I didn’t have to doc shop.

      • R C Dean

        “A law enforcement officer who decided I need some serious self-care”

        Gotta be a story there.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, now, see, if you were on the Zooms, you’d know. 🤪

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        My cousin is an MFT, working mainly with at risk youth, and, while I know she is Liberal AF, I also know she takes her job very seriously, and would never go down that route. But, she is also pushing sixty, and isn’t part of that mess.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    What the hell is going on? It’s only gonna take one of these little fuckwits to get clipped before the hammer comes down on the rest of us.

    That guy (the one with the pistol) showed impressive self-restraint.

    • Tundra

      There are a fuck-ton of videos like this. I saw one today of kids just walking into people’s homes. It’s a retarded provocation which makes me think someone is behind it.

      • Tundra

        Found it.

        More FAFO

        They want the white people to respond so badly.

      • R C Dean

        In England. People are just as stupid here, but I doubt anyone would try that in the US. If it happened in my house, they’d be facedown with a shotgun pointed at the back of their heads until the cops arrived.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        My house, they would be face down in a puddle. If you are breaking into my house when people are home, you are breaking in to rape and murder. I have to start with that assumption, and react accordingly.

    • R C Dean

      I’d likely have pulled a gun on the little shit, too.

      While I was running errands today, a truck with some landscapers (I think) was parked next to me. I imagine they would have dished out a hell of a beat down if he tried it on them. Seriously, one had enough ink I thought “cartel” for a second.

  48. The Late P Brooks


    I reckon “gash” is not the preferred nomenclature.

  49. Gustave Lytton

    our [readers] are going to have to deal

    *flips keyboard*

    Attica! Attica! Attica!

  50. The Late P Brooks

    They want the white people to respond so badly.

    That crazy honkey shot him because he asked for a drink of water!

  51. Scruffyy Nerfherder

    Just went to TOS for funsies.

    Nothing but spineless sops to the regime with the occasional spattering of mild criticism, usually taking pains to go at “both sides.”

    They’re as bad as the GOPe.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!


  52. The Late P Brooks

    Pathologizing and “curing” mere thoughts and feelings was always fraught with this sort of social control from the get-go. Freud envisaged psychotherapy as a cure for bumpkin religion. The Soviets envisaged therapy as a cure for un-Soviet politics. Up until 40 years ago it was envisaged as a cure for homosexuality in the west. On top of which the entire field is as pseudoscientific as chiropractic.

    I watched a movie last night called “They Might Be Giants”. George C Scott. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t awful. But- thinking about it earlier today, I had this thought. It was part of the “normalization” (I hate that term) of mental illness so popular in the ’70s. He’s a charming eccentric who thinks he’s Sherlock Holmes, and his evil brother(?) wants to forcibly institutionalize him and take his money.

    Charming and harmless delusional paranoiacs are a vanishingly small subset of the mentally ill population.

  53. The Late P Brooks

    Nothing but spineless sops to the regime with the occasional spattering of mild criticism, usually taking pains to go at “both sides.”

    “This ditch is full of dead people. Why did you bring me here?”