A rocking little number for you.
LATE-BREAKING SCOTUS NEWS: In a victory for property rights and a defeat for the regulatory state, SCOTUS smacks down EPA’s expansive definition of wetlands.
(MOSTLY) HAPPY LINK OF THE DAY: SCOTUS rules in favor of 94-yo woman whose condo was seized, sold by county who then kept money. TL;DR: County seizes condo for $15,000 in taxes, interest and penalties. County sells condo for $40,000, keeps it all. Now, the stealth nutpunch – SCOTUS didn’t award her the $25,000 she is owed, but is only allowing her to sue for it. The law is an ass.
ACTUAL CONSERVATIVE ANTI-GAY BIGOTRY: The American Conservative rants about Soros-backed candidates who they describe as an “effeminate public defender” and a “lesbian-adjacent-student-body-president.” Lesbian-adjacent? Like sitting next to one on a couch? JHTFC, what about some principled criticism of their policies instead of cheap shots about them as persons? What about not living down to the left’s propaganda that all conservatives are homophobes? What about not alienating normal LGB people who often feel they have no political home on either the left or the right?

Moira Donegan
YOUR STEAMING PILE OF LEFTIST HORSESHIT FOR THE DAY: This piece has more logic problems than The Hyperbole’s recent story, except these aren’t intentional. The author is her own best enemy when she brings up the “puberty is not a disorder” argument, with which I was unfamiliar before now. And who, exactly is Moira Donegan, you ask? She’s famous for creating the “shitty media men” spreadsheet, which eventually got her sued and paying a six-figure settlement.
PANTS-SOILING HYSTERIA FOR THE DAY: Because Twitter no longer censors people and viewpoints it has become a far-right social network. “It can no longer be denied.” –The Atlantic, a once-respectable publication. The illo is the most clever thing about this article, and that only because of its petulance.
SPACE ROUNDUP: ESA finally gets JUICE probe antenna unstuck. JUICE is on its way to explore Jupiter’s icy moons Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa from orbit (no landing). Virgin Galactic, the sub-orbital space tourism operator, returns to space (sorta) for the first time in two years. Flights with paying customers expected as early as July.
GLIBS WEBSITE UPGRADE RESCHEDULED: Well, the special candles finally arrived today, and WebDom says she has everything she needs for the ritual. The stars will come right again next Tuesday, May 30, around 8:00 PM Eastern. Expect disruptions, or what DB aptly described as “in-and-outages.” This is the long-awaited big website upgrade which will hopefully fix the intermittent problems with site access and comment posting. WebDom: “I have to update the infrastructure to make it more secure and stable. To do so, we can’t use the current theme. It’s not compatible and the theme developers stopped supporting it. I can replicate the look and feel *pretty closely* with the new design, but our [readers] are going to have to deal.” IOW, you may see a sidebar when accessing the website from some platforms. Suck it up, cupcake.
“In a victory for property rights and a defeat for the regulatory state, SCOTUS smacks down EPA’s expansive definition of wetlands.”
Good, then they can smack down the EPA entirely.
Nutpunch, it only took over a decade and two, count ’em TWO trips to SCotUS.
…and not a single regulator or judge will face any adverse consequences for this.
And they still don’t have their permit to build. No one here has probably ever been to Priest Lake Idaho, let me tell, it is in a corner of the middle of nowhere.
Heh, that’s where you’re wrong, bucko.
You gotta admit, it is as isolated as it is beautiful.
Oh it definitely is. When people from Sandpoint call it the sticks…
We drove up there for a day at the lake when I was a kid, my parents not quite realizing how long it would take from Spokane. By the time I took a piss, ate lunch, and had a swim my dad was already rounding us up for the 2+ hour drive back.
Are you saying it’s…. their own private Idaho?
But that also begs the question of how the f*** did some EPA inspector come to be nosing around there?
Are you saying it’s…. their own private Idaho?
But that also
begsraises the question of how the f*** did some EPA inspector come to be nosing around there?Via a B-52, no doubt.
My Own Private Idaho is really a love letter from Van Sant to Portland. I lived there when it came out and got almost all of the in-jokes.
a love letter from Van Sant to Portland
That’s pretty every Van Sant movie.
What legal fiction is used to justify the existance of the EPA? It is clearly beyond the remit of the government.
Pollution can travel across state lines making it a federal issue. Now if a molecule of pollution can cross states lines this affects interstate trade and can be regulated including anything that may cause said molecule of pollution.
The EPA as implemented violated the takings clause of the 5th, and the excessive fines clause of the 8th.
The agency should be paying for any remediation efforts it mandates.
I mean at 94, she’s got plenty of time to spend another 5 years pursuing the lawsuit all the way back up to SCOTUS…
“The law is an ass.”
True. Although, $40K doesn’t sound like much for a condo.
It smelled like old woman.
Hey, just a damned minute!
Well, OK, but still, how long did it take to run up 15K’s worth of owesies.
She should have taken a reverse mortgage and that nice young man would be over to explain how it works.
If you quietly auction it off to your friends and associates, you don’t run up the price very much.
The auction was publicly held in Room 3114, Sub-Basement B, behind the door marked “Beware of Leopard.”
Does this prove or disprove O’Sullivan’s Law?
“What about not living down to the left’s propaganda that all conservatives are homophobes?”
Oh, they are just getting warmed up.
“What about not alienating normal LGB people who often feel they have no political home on either the left or the right?”
Also, T, as conservatives have recently spouted such opinions as people with gender dysphoria shouldn’t be allowed to buy guns, and there can be local laws against males wearing women’s clothes in public.
“Also, T, as conservatives have recently spouted such opinions as people with gender dysphoria shouldn’t be allowed to buy guns,…”
What dingleberry spouted that piece of assholery?
Eh, I’ve seen the following from shitposters on Derpbook after that FtM shot up the school in Nashville:
1) Mentally ill people should be red-flagged from buying guns
2) Troons are mentally ill by definition
3) QED, mothafucka
Personally, I think that buying a full-auto MP5 should be about as difficult as picking up a can of WD40 at the hardware store, but others disagree.
It does weigh more so technically picking one up does require slightly more force than a can of WD40.
“She’s famous for creating the “shitty media men” spreadsheet”
I was naïve because I thought that the focus would be on the anonymously sourced, completely unsubstantiated and almost certainly fabricated behavior described in the document, rather than on the document itself.
Fixed that for ya, Moira.
“The wetlands on the Sackett property are distinguishable from any possibly covered waters,” Alito wrote, because they are not directly connected to them. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett joined Alito’s opinion.
Alito said that the wetland had to have a “continuous surface connection with that water, making it difficult to determine where the water ends and the wetland begins.”
But nothing about the government’ claim on wetlands having to pay fees to impact them.
Hoping the upgrade will make the site work better on my android phone… praying that it doesn’t turn it into one huge sidebar.
Which reminds me, I was going to mention this before, but you can likely use uBlock Origin on your favorite browser to simply block that element on the page. You can use uBO on Android-based OSes with Mull or Fennec.
Thank you for that info.
“ Well, the special candles finally arrived today, and WebDom says she has everything she needs for the ritual.”
*Puts gimp mask back on
*removes lid from 55 gallon drum of lubricant
Planning on really enjoying the long weekend?
That’s just for casual Friday at work.
Full-coverage gimp suit only for client meetings?
You have to wear a tie.
Did you get invited to that orgy too?
I want to party with you, cowboy.
Apparently the mistress has him cuffed up already.
*prepares RJ’s pass into the Inner Sanctum*
Sanctum? Darn near rectum.
Twitter Is a Far-Right Social Network
It can no longer be denied.
Because being insufficiently controlled by and censored for the left is “far-right.”
Yes, because everone, except their token, puppet conservatives (Cheney, Romney) is “far-right.”
But no kink shaming.
TBH I don’t see a lot of that – The American Conservative is a notable exception.
And you’re right. I was just in a bitchy mood.
There will probably never be a cultural conservatism that is fully accepting of homosexuality until the last vestiges of Christianity are effectively wrung out of society, which is still likely a generation or two out. There really is just a baseline incompatibility there. It also hasn’t helped that the sort of people who have made themselves the public voice of gay issues, whatever individual gay people might actually want or think, have thrown in with the trans cause and basically lived up to every “worst case scenario” prediction the most fearmongering religious conservatives could concoct 20 years ago.
Radicals are always the loudest so yeah, it was always going to play out that way. Oh well.
I don’t think that’s fair. Andrew Sullivan and Jonathon Rauch were leading gay advocates 20 years ago. It’s people like them that advanced their cause. Of course, once the rights were won, then the crazies took over and are today’s face of the movement.
Movements fueled by moral righteousness are guaranteed to get sucked into a purity spiral and become increasingly extreme and intolerant.
We used to have sort of a social immune system that protected us against extreme and intolerant movements. No more.
My brother has been a rainbow-flag waving, gay rights activist for more than two decades.
He doesn’t have anything positive to say about the trans movement.
Now the site itself has unquestionably transformed under his leadership into an alternative social-media platform—one that offers a haven to far-right influencers and advances the interests, prejudices, and conspiracy theories of the right wing of American politics
The Twitter is no longer censoring or shadowbanning the wrongthinkers! Now we have to defend our lefty ideas! Community Notes are debunking our nonsense! Right-wing! REEEEEEE!
You cuntes are really going for it, aren’t you?
Two of Donald Trump’s employees moved boxes of papers the day before FBI agents and a prosecutor visited the former president’s Florida home to retrieve classified documents in response to a subpoena — timing that investigators have come to view as suspicious and an indication of possible obstruction, according to people familiar with the matter.
Trump and his aides also allegedly carried out a “dress rehearsal” for moving sensitive papers even before his office received the May 2022 subpoena, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a sensitive ongoing investigation.
Prosecutors in addition have gathered evidence indicating that Trump at times kept classified documents in his office in a place where they were visible and sometimes showed them to others, these people said.
Taken together, the new details of the classified-documents investigation suggest a greater breadth and specificity to the instances of possible obstruction found by the FBI and Justice Department than has been previously reported. It also broadens the timeline of possible obstruction episodes that investigators are examining — a period stretching from events at Mar-a-Lago before the subpoena to the period after the FBI raid there on Aug. 8.
If you reach any further you might hurt yourself.
They will quite literally assassinate the man if they have to, but he will not be on a presidential ballot again as long as he lives.
Literally the best thing that could happen.
I’m inclined to agree, not because I hate Trump uniquely more than any other politician, but because once he’s out of the way and the exact same weaponized IC gambit is played against whoever replaces him, it will finally put the lie to the “We had to do it because Trump was uniquely evil!” story, and possibly motivate the NeverTrump crowd to take notice that the golem they helped create might need to be dismantled.
Most wishful thinking I’ve read today.
Even if they did somehow experience their come to Jesus moment, it’s most probably far too late to dismantle their golem anyway, but I’d still like to see their noses rubbed in it. But I dream…
Trump and his aides also allegedly carried out a “dress rehearsal”
I can just see Trump in there for hours with a stop watch. NO, RUN IT BACK AGAIN! FROM THE TOP! WE NEED TO BE FASTER PEOPLE!!
I say go for it.
Maybe it will finally incentivize the GOP to grow a pair and go after the Obama/Biden swamp.
Maybe it will finally incentivize the GOP to grow a pair and go after the Obama/Biden swamp.
I’m sure the eGOP is just as happy as the Dems over this.
I’ve been in the Uniparty camp for awhile. Now I’m starting to think more and more that the intelligence groups are the power behind the throne. With their overriding goal being to funnel taxpayer money from 700+ military bases in foreign countries and US troops currently fighting in 80+ countries through the politicians and into their own pockets. No single grandplan puppet master or anything like that, but definitely shadowy groups battling each other and foreign paymasters (see the tens of millions being funneled through Biden’s shell companies).
Fuck, pass me the tinfoil.
Make sense, given how much they are getting away with and nothing else happened.
Goes all the way back to Hoover. There’s a reason the FBI had files on just about everyone in government. Secrets are leverage.
The FBI was in charge of this, so no doubt it was honest, fair, and in no way political.
b a n a n a
r e p u b l i c
b a n a n a
r e p u b l i c
you are free!
.♪♫ ..and freedom tastes of reality!
Enforcing immigration law that has been on the books for decades is just politics, man.
DeSantis said Wednesday he would seek the 2024 Republican nomination for president and vowed to build a wall on the Mexico border, the latest in a series of hardline comments on immigration that he says resonate with Latino voters who want strong enforcement.
Lopez Obrador dismissed those comments.
“All of his playing politics with migrants was because he wanted to be the Republican party candidate,” Lopez Obrador told a government press conference. “I hope the Hispanics of Florida wake up and don’t give him a single vote.”
DeSantis is collecting the right enemies already. Impressive.
The president of Mexico instructing US Hispanics how they should vote certainly goes a long way toward shutting down those crazy conspiracy theories about illegal immigrants voting in US elections or having dual loyalties.
Sounds like he’s meddling in our elections.
Lesbian-adjacent? Like sitting next to one on a couch?
Operating the camera.
Good news at Chez Mojeaux.
1. I got the job.
2. No cardiologists rushed into the room where I was having my cardiac stress echo.
1. Yay
2. Even better.
Congratulations on both counts!
Woohoo! 🥳 🍰
Love it!
Congrats, winner!
Mazel tov
Party time at Mojeaux’
OJ and homemade biscuits!
Good show, Mojo, but that’s what we have come to expect from the Glib ladies.
Hooray. And, hooray!
O Frabjous Day! 😃
Kalloo Kallay!
Last week I was in Florida…
On the way back I was stuck in Charlotte waiting for my next flight. With nothing else to do I just people (okay – girl) watched. And I came to the conclusion that the world is filled with ugly people (myself included). Where do all these Instagram “models” and likewise live? Because they certainly weren’t in the Charlotte airport.
I live in an SEC university town. Come to campus during sundress season, and you’ll have a case of priapism so
badgood that you’ll have to go through ten years’ worth of the Dianne Feinstein Swimsuit Calendar to cure it.Let me just be the first to say FUCK YOU for putting that thought into my head.
The calendar is held together with Velcro.
Stop that, Shpip…
Not Insta-thots, necessarily, but dayum.
I like the rocking chairs at CLT.
I’ve only been to Charlotte airport once.
If you’re wondering where the beautiful people are, I usually drive to places in my pink corvette convertible.
The Beautiful People.
Exactly right.
They probably live in the same place the hot Mexican telenovela stars live.
With their equally hot evil twin sisters?
Florida, btw, was humid. Like HUMID. Even 80 there felt like an inferno. Mid-80s – walking around – was almost too much to bear in May. Luckily the house we rented had a pool and hot tub. Needless to say by the time the afternoon rolled around we were in the pool, drinking gin ‘n’ tonics, and just lazed around.
Life, lived well.
NYC is bad enough in the summer but from what I understand it just gets worse and worse as you move down the east coast.
Florida is, yeah, not on my bucket list.
The Hat made conservative to right wing natsoc pipeline watch list. The Hair hardest hit.
Parody is obsolete.
Prager U. Run by a devout Jewish man. Obviously part of a pipeline to Neo-Nazis.
I’m happy all this is coming out, but damn is it disturbing.
It’s the FNC to InfoWars to Kek to Neo-Nazi pipeline.
I don’t see TOS on there.
Why would you?
Do you have to be management, a paid member, or just a follower? Asking for a rat.
It’s fascinating that the actual nazis are less nazi than some of those modern nazis.
Now the site itself has unquestionably transformed under his leadership into an alternative social-media platform
“Alternative” = “Not Scripted by the Cathedral”
A rocking little number for you.
One of the best ever. Makes me want to take up smoking!
Thanks, Tonio!
In Re the Theme update – do we know which platforms will see the sidebar? I don’t want to accidentally complain about the article writer when it’s my machine instead.
From my understanding, it may be there for every platform. However, it shouldn’t compress the comments anymore.
The whole attack on Twitter is part of what seems to be an increasing cognitive dissonance mostly (for the moment) on the left:
– academics and authors (whose livelihood largely depends on freedom of speech & authorship) decrying non-censorship on Twitter.
– political scientists and historians citing FBI figures on “right-wing extremism”; following decades of historians and political scientists trashing the FBI for its unconstitutional and inaccurate attacks on advocacy groups in the 20th century.
More and more I’m convinced that the left’s problem with Joe McCarthy wasn’t the tactics but the target.
I take slight issue with the first assertion.
For a large portion of academics and authors, their livelihood depends on conformance to the agenda. For them, freedom of speech is an anachronism from when the Left didn’t have near absolute control over the institutions.
I have academic friends who are sincerely scared to death that their state legislatures and/or governors are going to start censoring what they teach while at the same time cheerleading against twitter not shutting people down.
But, your broader point is well taken. although I would also say there is a generational issue: I think a lot of leftist academics in the 60s and 70s were really committed to freedom of speech. But we’re two or three generations removed from them.
Ya think?
Why not just drop a nuke and get it over with?
Not sure of the veracity, but I won’t be surprised if it’s true.
And they better not just copy Chase’s homework.
It’s meh. NYC isn’t going to deposit it’s money in the banks.
OFFS. Such brave.
Capital One and KeyBank face deposit freezes in NYC for their failure to submit plans to eradicate discrimination
Florida, btw, was humid. Like HUMID.
Ugh. Reminds me of the time I spent down there. We went to the Atlanta race, and all the guys based in Indianapolis were crying about how miserably hot and humid it was. It was beautiful, compared to Stewart, Florida.
I could never live in the south.
Singapore was the most humid place I have ever been.
Once I visited Tokyo in July. All other trips there happened in the fall or winter.
Summer, Winter, Spring . . . it’s all the same in Singapore.
Summer days are 9 minutes longer than Winter.
Panama for me.
Christ, I’m already so tired of the GOP primary cheerleaders. They both suck – who else ya got?
I’m already seeing “most important election EVAR” and “the future of the country is at stake”.
Never heard that before.
rockin’ little number
Rockin’ stroll
That album is a guilty pleasure.
No guilt for me. Evan is one of my faves.
Maybe it’s just that he’s so pretty. Which famous babe was he linked to?
Capital One and KeyBank face deposit freezes in NYC for their failure to submit plans to eradicate discrimination
Does “Kill them all, and let god sort them out” count?
Now we know what it takes to get a POC professor in NY fired. Holding a machete to a reporter’s neck.
I still haven’t seen that any criminal charges have been filed or an arrest made.
I’d assume the NYP has an angle on that too.
Someway to make the complaint that embarrasses the prosecutor office and/or mayor.
I know if I were that reporter I’d be making one and find it hard to believe the Post is going to stop it.
You can bet the school board really had to think about it…
Intravenous ketamine effective against treatment-resistant major depression in study
Shouldn’t be surprising, considering they’ve been conducting studies with similar findings for over a decade now. Too bad we can’t have nice things because somebody, somewhere might get high on them. It’s worth thousands of probably-preventable suicides and billions of dollars in treatment costs and disability payments to make sure some junkie can’t get high on drugs of known purity and provenance.
There are a ton of therapies that work better than the stupid fucking SSRIs.
K is probably no better overall than any of the psychedelics, but it should obviously be in the mix.
For whatever reason, ketamine has punched above its weight class in terms of breaking through treatment-resistant depression. Could be that it’s just more difficult to study some of the others for legal reasons. MDMA has had similar efficacy in PTSD treatment.
I thought the serotonin depression link had been debunked or at least called into question. The fact they still hand out SRRIs like candy doesn’t make a lot of sense.
The money is great.
hadn’t heard that.
thank you
I think ketamine must be gaining more mainstream medical acceptance? The doc gave it to me for my first few days in the ICU. On top of all the other sedatives and painkillers. The hallucinations weren’t pleasant.
So I hear.
I apparently was administered ketamine for my first colonoscopy; only time in my life where chunks of time just disappeared. Not pleasant at all. I was like – people do this for FUN?
Sometimes it’s best not to remember
Heh. I was like that for a while. Not that specific drug, but most anything I could swallow or snort.
I’m over recreational drugs in general. Except alcohol.
The rainbow racket
LinkedIn censors Vivek Ramaswamy (sic? spelling? Hell if I know) for saying Biden’s beholden to China and that fossil fuels are required for human prosperity:
And so it begins…
Why is he saying that on LinkedIn anyway? That’s like posting on My Space.
Heh. I would imagine that his PR team just posts shit everywhere.
Husky Vs GSD
The noises that husky is making are otherworldly. Is that normal?!
From this morning:
ng Ukraine is really good. It wasn’t a debate, but if it was Dave won.
It wasn’t a debate, but KK sounded retarded. Time to end this fucking war.
Agreed, it was hard to listen to the Ngo interview. I like the work he does but he’s not a good interviewee.
The Kisin – Smith discussion was interesting, but while I thought Kisin made a good case for European involvement he didn’t really have any strong points for why America should be joining yet another European war.
Meanwhile, on the fringe
“This is not a typical hearing. There’s been no case like this before the board. No physician has been as brazen in pursuit of their own agenda,” Voight said in opening remarks.
But Bernard’s lawyer, Alice Morical, said that Bernard did report child abuse in a manner consistent with Indiana law, since she informed a social worker at her university about the 10-year-old patient. Where HIPPA is concerned, Morical added, Bernard did not violate the law because her comments to The Indianapolis Star did not include identifying information such as a patient’s name, date of birth or date of hospital admission.
“Physicians can talk to the media,” Morical said.
That whole story is so bizarre. I find it hard to believe that girl would not have fallen under a “health risks” exemption, and quietly been made unpregnant, but there were obviously people (on both sides) who wanted to publicize and politicize an extreme outlier case.
Unrelated to the story, but just once I’d like to read a news item from a professional, national news organization that actually gets the HIPAA acronym right. You’d think they’d do it accidentally at least once.
I really really really wanna HIPAA HIPAA 🎵. There’s the mnemonic.
She didn’t need to leave the state to get an abortion. The whole thing was a stunt by people using her for political gain.
THICC Thursday.
Has anyone noticed a significant decrease in delivery efficacy from Amazon? My tinfoil hat was wondering if it was due to poorly performing electric vehicles. All my delays happen after going out for delivery.
There was some wonkiness over the winter but it seems back to normal for me now.
*Tinfoil hat grows 4 sizes
You should get that checked.
Well, if it lasts more than 4 hours, anyway.
Just had a pair of shoes delivered squarely on time. Think I’ll wait till tomorrow morning to see if they fit properly.
This business is going to get out of control.
My favorite part about that Atlantic piece is that they posted it to Twitter. Twitter is such a far-right platform that it allows The Atlantic to freely post there, lmao.