I posted this move, then I went to the box and I feel shame.
Ladies and gentlemen, the votes are in. The people have spoken. And the people will get what they want. It’s democracy! Sometimes, people vote for bad things, so buyer beware. It is entertaining to know that a new Barbi film came out the same time as I show this. Breaking Barbi is directed and written by the same guy, Edward G. Negron, so it is a one-man show. It is co-written by the lead actress, Vera VanGuard. Vera is famous for modeling and cosplay.
Trivia blatantly stolen from IMDB: Vera VanGuard is one of the top child-sized hand models in the industry and is a 2017 Natural Ms. Olympia.
RJ Note: I can’t verify this and can’t find a picture. I will say she was on Tales from Elm Street in at least one episode in addition to other films.
Breaking Barbi became popular enough that it spawned a series which is currently under development. So maybe we will all be pleasantly surprised! The quick scan (I have not watched this thoroughly) of the film showed that Vera VanGuard has awesome bimbo lines mixed with sarcasm. I think as long as nobody is looking for Turner Classic Movie levels of quality this may be very entertaining. Much to the pleasure of the Glibs sausage party there are tons of gratuitous, semi-covered T&A scenes. Fear not, those who prefer men! Paul Logan is also in this film as the hunk of the week.
To me it looks like some solid B movie lovers reviewed this highly, then a dog-pile of haters all gave it 1/10 on IMDB. What will you say after watching this? Don’t let the crowd win! Watch Breaking Barbi tonight! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a democracy votes away your rights and dreams! Next week we have a little science fiction, a little Kaiju, and a whole lot of papier-mâché in Space Monster Wangmagwi, a lost Korean Kaiju film that just surfaced on streaming and has TWICE the IMDB score of Breaking Barbi, which shows there is no justice in the world for B movies.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
“Celebrating one billion views”
*shoots self*
If you did that, you wouldn’t be able to drive Lil’ Mater.
Gangnam Style?
Kamala and Joe Biden’s version of Barbie girl
The Trump and Obama version
“top child-sized hand models”
No clue what it meant. I just took the trivia. I think it means she has child-like hands. She is also a prankster and may have faked that trivia.
I think it’s a real thing? Maybe?
It is a thing:
Makes it look bigger, okay?
Ladies and gentlemen, the votes are in. The people have spoken. And the people will get what they want.
I was one of those people and I am just getting here now. I was out drinking with a coworker. I’ll get to this movie tomorrow.
Thanks RJ!
Somewhat on topic, since it’s a movie, but in case you were unaware Freaky is available on Freevee (formerly IMDB.tv, part of Amazon Prime, and ad supported). Same “world” as Happy Death Day, it’s a slasher comedy horror with the conceit that the slasher and one of his victims (a teenage girl) wind up in a body swap.
Nice. I shall add it to the ever-growing list to keep this Thursday running.
2nd anniversary show is coming up. Can’t believe it has been two years.
Me neither. Glad you joined us, R.J.
RJ is a guy who knows his place is second to that of a Firster. That makes him OK in my book.
Two years already?
That’s nuts, no way.
Wow. I didn’t realize your feature has been going for 2 years.
Jesus, what a night.
I’m in New York with my son.
Wide and neighbor found receipts for the coins in the hoarder situation that list the dealers, amounts, types and denominations. Good news on that front.
Then my wife’s kidney stone decided to move and now she’s in the pain phase, puking her guts out.
Sorry to hear that. About the wife. I hope it clears without intervention.
I didn’t want to leave her but then I thought about her passing a stone and stressing about our son at the same time and decided it was safer to leave.
This is wise.
Ooo… those receipts are good to have.
I hope your wife passes the stone quickly.
Oh no! I hope your wife can get something to relieve the pain! 😟
Hope Princess Non-Non-Man gets better soon.
And now the wife is at the ER getting drugs…
Can’t leave town without her going all junkie on me.
Hope she gets better soon. Hang in there.
THICC Thursday sez dangerous curves ahead.
Girl#2 has a penis finger if I’ve ever seen one.
Not clicking.
Just weird camera work.
This was a good set, especially strong right out of the gate, plus goth girl.
Look at these credit spreads and tell me they reflect reality. In what world does Portugal and Spain have lower yields on their bonds than the US?
When reality reasserts itself, it’s going to be ugly.
‘In what world does Portugal and Spain have lower yields on their bonds than the US?’
A world where their currency is tied to all the other Euro nations and they have lower inflation and debt (and dropping) as a bloc?
2017 Natural Ms. Olympia.
*hits play*
Where is that bitch ass-sucking fuck MikeS?
Doing Firster stuff. You wouldn’t understand.
I think the website has the vapors.
I did just arrive. It has been known to happen. Like the asteroid in Armageddon knew Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck were there to destroy it. The websites know I’m here to First it.
Spudlicious posted a comment so profound it could not be displayed, then it was wiped from the universe.
WP can suck my ass. Still can’t add photos or gifs on edits.
It caught the vapors
Oddly, the video has the ‘explicit’ tag, but it’s the edited version; “Nigga please, you work for UPS!” is seared into a young Slumbrew’s memory (and not “baby please”).
Maybe that was just the video version?
This is the version I remember from the radio: https://inv.in.projectsegfau.lt/watch?v=mBgnGYe6FSY (or https://youtu.be/mBgnGYe6FSY)
They had no issue playing that on Rap Attack on WBLS back in the day. Not so much anymore.
It also caught the vapors.
The veteran Thomas was not kind to the rookie affirmative action pick.
As brutal as the BB was earlier, this takes it up a notch. I don’t think Thomas will get a kwanza card from her.
Ooof. Is it common to directly call-out another justice like that? That was brutal.
Yup. He was spitting fire.
I think he referred to her by name because there was more than one dissent.
Nice references to Thomas Sowell, too.
Multiple! That was great.
Damn, he also calls out West Indian descended blacks as atypical, smacking VP Kneepads just like Barry, who tries to use their skin color to present themselves as representative of average black Americans.
Phew, as long as it’s not the Irish.
‘JUSTICE JACKSON then builds from her faulty premise to call for action, arguing that courts should defer to “experts” and allow institutions to discriminate on the basis of race. Make no mistake: Her dissent is not a vanguard of the innocent and helpless. It is instead a call to empower privileged elites, who will “tell us [what] is required to level the playing field” among castes and classifications that they alone can divine. Then, after siloing us all into racial castes and pitting those castes against each other, the dissent somehow believes that we will be able—at some undefined point—to “march forward together” into some utopian vision. Social movements that invoke these sorts of rallying cries, historically, have ended disastrously.’
Thomas is based AF.
Clearly better understands history than the other justices on the bench right now, but not surprising form someone who is quoting Sowell. Deference to ‘experts’ is my new deal breaker of politics.
I can’t find the direct video, but here’s the most pathetic thing you’ll see all week. White guy calls cop on homeless black man threatening him and his family with a knife. Gets upset and argues with cops when they show up and arrest the homeless man for brandishing a knife because…can you guess?
Because he didn’t know affirmative action is dead in college admissions?
Have we reached peak derp yet? Please stop, I want off this ride.
Nude Nuns With Big Guns is a thousand times better than that. Ten thousand. Easily.
Morning, Glibs.
This is way too early to be up if I don’t have to.
*waves from airport*
Meant to be a reply to UCS
That’s okay.
How annoyed would the other passengers be if you started singing “Leaving on a Jet Plane”?
I’d put a First so far up your ass if you did that.
You’d never walk straight again for the rest of your life.
Threats are the weapons of the weak.
Firsters are not about idle threats. You have never seen the damage a First can do to a man when weaponized.
You contradict yourself and grow even more idle in your remarks.
Grow a new schtick, thie one has been boring for years.
Nobody wants to hear me sing under any circumstances, trust me.
We will probably board in about 30 minutes, at which time I will promptly fall asleep.
San Antonio to LAX, then LAX to SEA.
Well, if it has to return to LA, it will at least be a Re-LAXing flight.
I’ve already arranged for a wheelchair to meet me at the gate in LAX to get my butt to wherever the gate for the Seattle flight is.
This week has not been easy on me. Sooooo ready to get home and have a nap!!
Sleep tight, don’t let the methheads bits.
Wheelchair? That does not sound good.
Good morning!
Fun song 🎶🎶
Good morning, Sean, U, hayek, and Lack!
Got an early dental check-up this morning. Hope I don’t end up needing oral surgery the way the cat did. 😳
Went to the best rated dental clinic in the area yesterday, first appointment of the day. The dentist still shows up 30 minutes late and doesn’t even apologize for wasting my time.
I wish supposed professionals like doctors and dentists could get their heads out of their asses and start acting right.
Good luck at your appointment!
Thanks! These guys are all right, I guess – they took over the practice from the guy who’d attracted us there. (He retired.) Kinda tempted to switch to the guy Tres recommended to me, whose office is an easy walk from my house, but I think he has a long backlog of appointments, so I don’t know how soon I could get in.
‘These guys are all right, I guess – they took over the practice from the guy who’d attracted us there. (He retired.)’
This happens too often sadly. We had a great set of care providers in Buffalo, but had to switch when we moved down here, and I’m still not terribly happy. Got kicked out of one practice for not being vaccine freaks, but found someone decent enough, but not great, imo.
Hey, GT and Lack! Happy to say my dental appointment yesterday went as well as could be expected. The new hygienist is a fetching twenty-something young lady from Peru, very easy on the eyes and gentle with the cavitron. All on time.
The estimate for my full treatment plan is not so great…
Also, got my first deposit from the Federal ponzi scheme. Yay. But it seems my instructions to deduct a percentage were ignored. As much as I hate giving an interest-free loan to DC, I don’t need grief from the IRS at this stage of my life. Need to straighten that out pronto.
‘The estimate for my full treatment plan is not so great…’
I dropped big bucks at my visit (technically my son’s visit) too. Which is why it was more disconcerting I was treating with such disregard.
That’s pretty fucked up.
Indeed. It’s script-checker or ad-blocker-blocker insists I have no internet connection. Which is patently false as their little page would never have loaded in such an instance. They are lying from the word go.
That’s pretty fucked up.
That’s Philadelphia. And New York. And Chicago. And …
Reason interview of RFK jr.
Not sure if it is just his fanboys in the comments or what, but apparently the interviewers got BTFO’d?
Practically right out the gate he comes at the tragedy of the commons, he ends up having to admit that privatization can work but switches to ‘its not democratic’, shifting the goal posts and a shit argument anyway. Private property shouldn’t be up for a vote.
The libertarians that are simping for RFK Jr. are seriously misguided. He’s good on war, vaccines, the surveillance state, and little else. Sure, he’s better than Biden but who ain’t?
Both drove wives to suicide, allegedly.
Bobby’s uncle was the best driver in the family.
And swimmer?
Don’t know how John-John turned out fairly decent.
Agreed Stinky. That is why I question if they are actual Libertarians or just RFK fanbois popping up where they usually aren’t.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Good morning! I woke up today, so that makes it good, right?
As long as you woke up on the right side of the dirt.
“I was in a fallout shelter, how did I end up on the surface?”
How can you tell which way the dirt is facing?
Are you that out of touch with mother earth?
She keeps spinning around.
It’s a wonder tall trees ain’t layin’down.
Mornin’ all.
Slept in a bit. Now I need to get my ass to the gym.
Vacation starting soon.
I am up as well. Cleaning house, making breakfast for once instead of just sitting down and working.
Started my vacay yesterday, but I need to make up for that today. The place is a mess and I need to do some work…