I couldn’t play this game.
“It’s now June, which means a new batch of LEGO sets is either now available or coming soon.”
This was a new one for me last weekend, which is surprising because I’ve enjoyed this one for a minute. (Second video is probably NSFW.)
Lookit me go. (Yeah, yeah, doxxed, who cares, them’s the rules.)
Congrats! That’s the second one at another site in the last few weeks right?
Yes, it is.
Both were great stories.
If I was 35 years younger you’d have a neighbor (but not too close, I am a Glib, after all)
Red State’s token libertarian…
Tonio from the top rope!
Shot in the groin.
He gave cons… a bad name.
He played his part in a crooked game.
I love it.
Great article also.
The fake telegraph blew my mind, all of his other schemes seemed like a normal crook, but that one was a stroke of genius.
Wire fraud without the wire.
Or an early man-in-the-middle attack if you were.
Just goes to show that there’s really nothing new under the sun — just new tools to implement it with.
So they took money and claimed to “send” telegraphs? Did they even go through the motions of running telegraph wires to nowhere? Enquiring minds want to know.
You semi-professional bad influence, you… nice writeup, Animal. I’m actually surprised we haven’t seen more vigilantism springing up in the cities, personally.
Black Guns Matter, coming to an inner city near you.
Animal, Animal, Animal!
Very nice!
I was holding onto this one as to not steal Riven’s links, but since she’s a young whippersnapper:
For those of you too young to have played it, this was probably the best story-driven FPS of all time. I will be buying it.
Dammit. I was hoping that this would be half-assed. See you guys in a month or two.
I’ve already got it in my library as I backed the project many, many, years ago.
Glad it finally came out, but it’ll be a while before I get to play it. TOTK is the game I’m playing through now.
Is TOTK worth buying a Switch for? Or should we wait for the port?
I wouldn’t buy the console for a single game, and there won’t be a (legal) port as it’s Nintendo. It builds on BOTW, adding a sky and the deeps as other areas to explore. Still doesn’t really have “dungeons”, just a couple of areas with set goals (BOTW:Sacred Beasts::TOTK:Region Issues). There are shrines all over, each of which either requires solving a puzzle to open it, or has a puzzle inside of it to figure out. I understand that there’s emulators out there that may or may not be able to run the game at higher framerate and with better graphics than the Switch, but I haven’t delved much into console emulation beyond MAME.
I’ve been enjoying it, and have only cleared two of the regional issues (out of four), acquired the Master Sword, and maxed out my stamina so far.
They’re still leaving out the best part? SMDH.
Creosote Achilles? Is that you?
I remember playing that!
You didn’t preorder?
I did — and installed a couple of days back. Poked around the medical center a little and realized quickly that I’ve forgotten most of what I knew about the original (other than destroy every camera you find).. so that’s good. Relatively fresh experience when I feel up for it.
SS2 still holds the “creep me the hell out” crown, though… the sound design of that game was fantastic… some damned zombie monkey made me jump out of my chair early on.
Have you played Prey (the modern one by Arkane studio)? That one has some great jump scares with the little enemies.
Nope. I’ll keep it in mind for if I get constipated and need a rocket assist from the sound of it.
Here’s the game on Steam. Alternate future, really well built world (the only real miss was sleeping quarters), completely different game mode in the DLC.
I was a big fan. Of course, that entire style of game is my jam. I must have played through the first Deus Ex dozens of times when it came out.
“I must have played through the first Deus Ex dozens of times when it came out.”
I knew there was a reason I liked you…
People are still trying to game on Apple computers? I mean, I saw that Bungie was doing some Marathon reboot, but really?
As I mentioned below, it was pretty good during the Intel era although missing many AAA titles which I rarely play anyway.
But all the indies and such were there. Now, it’s mostly dried up (again).
Air Force denies running simulation where AI drone “killed” its operator
The “misspoke” excuse.
I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave. Why don’t you take a stress pill?
New LEGO Jurassic Park Sets
Something for the clever girl in your life…
This made me inordinately happy (if there’s such a thing as inordinate happiness)
That was fantastic.
– Unknown (usually misattributed to William Butler Yeats
A band I follow (Too Many Zooz) announced some show dates in the UK. Commenters were saying things like “gutted you’re not coming to [insert UK city/town]”
Like, OMFG – everywhere in the UK is no more than 3 hours from everywhere else. Suck it up, sissies!
I have similar conversations with my Japanese friends about travel distances.
Maybe they’re Scottish so they can really complain about things.
Americans think 100 years is a long time. Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance.
Hah! I follow this non-league football team and last season they complained about the LONGEST trip the supporters had to make for an away game – a 6 hour drive.
For next season, they’re in a different league and were noting that some of the away games would be, gasp, 150 miles away.
Europeans think 200 miles is a long distance, Americans think 200 years is a long time.
Why do both you and Jaime have the wrong number? It’s 50, not 100, not 200, 50!
Same reason I post without scrolling all the way: laziness.
Wut. That makes no sense, technologically. I wonder what the reasoning is.
Mac gaming peaked during the Intel era, say, early teens. It fell off a cliff when they dumped Intel and it is one reason I switched back to Windows last year.
The M1 and M2 Macs have far superior GPUs compared to what Apple offered on their Intel based offerings.
That makes sense. My first guess was they simply compiled with some SSE-style exclusive processor extensions only on M1/M2 and hence Intel chips wouldn’t work (and they couldn’t be bothered to recompile).
Side comment — yes, I have played Stray… though I haven’t finished. There’s one spot that my reaction time just sucks for (getting old, most likely… shhh, Fourscore… let the whippersnapper bemoan the years in ignorance… 😉 )
That game is on my wish-list, waiting for a sale.
So not a processor issue. Makes sense.
Mac Pro users can install their own graphics cards but I guess they’re shit out of luck.
I mean, we’re comparing years-old iGPUs to modern fabs, but in relative terms compared to the market, the Intel-based Macs were closer to equivalent PC hardware that game devs were targeting at the time. Also Apple’s GPU numbers are… let’s say, highly optimistic and based on a handful of extremely-well-optimized titles. If devs were targeting Apple hardware specifically you’d probably see decent numbers, but the Apple gamer market is too small to make the optimization worth the cost, and porting comes with a huge performance penalty from x86-64 to ARM.
My old gaming box was 2011-era Mac Pro with an upgraded GTX680 video card; the Xeon CPUs held up pretty well to any game that the GPU could handle. I had it bootcamped with Windows 7 and at some point I just stopped booting it into MacOS, so the new gaming rig was built for Win 11.
Great song choice for a Friday. They are a goto for the ride home after work on Friday.
Speaking of that…….burnout sound effect here…………..
Black bill notion for today.
If as generally seen, people in cities are more pro-government than people in rural areas. And as the population becomes more urbanized. Aren’t we running against the tide as these larger and larger cities vote for more government?
Some of it is voluntary. Liberal suburban kids seem to want to move to the big cities. More conservative minded people are fleeing them. I would guess that the white birthrate in the cities is way below replacement and it’s minorities and immigrants making cities grow.
That’s why I’m a fan of decentralized power. Let the cities and states do the stupid things they want to do. Let the rural areas do the stupid things they want to do. Just don’t try to make it one size fits all.
I don’t think the issue is that more people in cities are voting for more government. Rather it’s that the politicians running the cities control how votes are counted. There were no end to the events in 2020 that revealed the whole process is fraudulent.
Is that black-pilled? Only if it causes despair. I think it’s more liberating to let it all go.
That’s the spirit!
The weekend is here, and I’m planning on getting a ride in when I can log off of work, so I give you open, unmoderated Zoom link to keep you entertained.
Thanks, and good riding.
For what it’s worth, my online poker site with the amazingly bad user interface is hosting a “WSOP-Style” tournament every day from May 30th through July 18th at 5pm Pacific. Details here, but you can ask me about it in the Zoom.
The interface sucks, but the server itself is highly capable. Although tonight’s tournament (starting in about fifteen minutes) is only 7-card Stud, it can deal many more poker variants than any site I know.
The LEGO Pac Man is great. I may break down and build it.
Once the Macintosh came out, Apple starting sucking for games. Still does. The iPad partly solves this but I think the demographic that buys Macs just don’t play many games on them. I would bet, if you went back and counted, the old Apple II had more games released for it than the current Macintosh, which has been around longer.
Easier dev cycle for the Apple II than the modern games.
*turns on green screen
*loads floppy disc
*starts original Castle Wolfenstein
Floppy Disc? No, my friend, it came on a cassette!
TRS80 for the win!
Yeah, I don’t care about games on my Mac – I use it for work. I’m trying to think about the last thing I played on here… Subnautica, maybe? Before I got burned out by it (I can get weirdly obsessive about such things).
I have a PS3 I should really get rid of. Although I did re-play Far Cry 3 a year or so back – still wildly enjoyable.
I was thinking about re-playing Deus Ex the other day…
Still playing Nintendo with my daughter right now. It’s enjoyable. Totally different from Windows based games. If I have spare quiet time it goes to game emulation.
Is this one of you people?
I have been informed by a usually-reliable source (Mexi) that the alleged flamethrower is a common torch used for roofing and weed removal.
Also, need help with flag identification. I recognize the US flag, the flag of Ukraine, and the smiley face flag. Anyone recognize the flag with two bars and three stars? Looks like the District of Columbia flag but the colors are wrong. Also, black flag with gold shield(?) and red “S” (again, ???).
Two blue stripes with three red stars is the City of Chicago flag.
Thanks. Also, wow.
He will turn out to be a reliable leftist voter.
The black one is a 1st Infantry Division flag.
Regardless of his politics, I am 100% certain that I could talk this dude down with nothing more than a large pepperoni pizza and a 12-pack…
Black Flag is the 1st Infantry Division flag. It has the Number 1 in red. That’s the same as the shoulder patch worn on work uniforms
We none Infantry folks would say “If you’re gonna be 1 might as well be a big red 1”
Damn, too late. ES is correct. Wear a 1st Cav patch and challenge him to beer drinking contest
1st cavalry patch
“The man will sit on his roof and fire his gun sometimes, and he’ll scream, “I’m gonna kill you,” the neighbor said.”
That either didn’t happen, or the cops are really not doing their job in Chicago.
I’m pretty sure that cops are really not doing their job in Chicago – in many cases not allowed to.
The only thing they are allowed to do is arrest homeowners who defend themselves.
I also love the order of the items: swastika flag and weapons. It kind of tells you that either (1) the reporter thinks the flag is better clickbait than the weapons or (2) he actually thinks the flag is more scary than the weapons or (3: always the most popular): both.
Glowie or legit nut job?
while blasting audio with the words “F– you” and a recording of “Eye of the Tiger.”
I’m guessing nut-job, but the music choice is just fantastic for this situation.
Not wearing Dockers, so legit nut job.
Jorts? ‘Cause you know who wears those…
Need a place to store your growing
familyworkforce of orphans, with a veneer of plausible deniablilty and built-in training opportunities? Oklahoma has you covered.NGL, I’m tempted.
For $60k? I mean the maintenance will be kind of a bitch…
Oof, that disintegrated wall implies other structural issues.
Nevermind, it’s just a rotted curtain.
Also, it is quite likely that there is no A/C there.
Think of all the free asbestos you might find!
Maryland is promoting gambling
Stagflation is a bitch. So was (“in the long run, we’re all dead”) Keynes.
Fair warning
President Joe Biden will address the nation from the Oval Office on Friday after Congress voted to cut spending and extend the debt ceiling for two years.
Biden’s press secretary said the president wants to reinforce how bipartisan cooperation helped avert the potential economic calamity of a debt default. The speech, Biden’s first Oval Office address, will be at 7 p.m. ET.
“Senators from both parties voted to protect the hard-earned economic progress we have made and prevent a first-ever default by the United States,” Biden said in a statement overnight.
Will they have him securely fastened in a chair?
He’s the new FDR.
“It protects the core pillars of my Investing in America agenda that is creating good jobs across the country, fueling a resurgence in manufacturing, rebuilding our infrastructure, and advancing clean energy,” as well as programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, Biden said in the statement. “It protects my student debt relief plan for hardworking borrowers. And it honors America’s sacred obligation to our veterans by fully funding veterans’ medical care.”
Historians will call it the Biden Boom.
Go fuck yourself.
Vote buying plan…
You mean the plan that just got voted down in the Senate?
Who somehow won’t pass a similar bill with a Republican in the White House.
Ah, fuck, forgot to mention – good write up, Animal.
Once William ended his conversation, his wife followed his lead and exchanged a few hugs and kisses with Rajwa. As Kate spoke to Rajwa, she appeared to be complimenting her wedding gown.
Although he was still standing to the side, William then stepped into the conversation, as he could be heard softly saying “chop chop” to his wife. In the video, he also told her to “keep going” and moved his hand in a circular motion, seemingly encouraging her to wrap up the conversation.
Spousal bullying. Cultural appropriation. Racism. You name it.
I’m sure the narcissistic little golddigger was completely oblivious to the fact that there was a long line behind her for the bride to receive and was yammering on like she was the only person there.
I’ll just leave this here:
South Park still has it.
This was William & Kate – i.e., the good ones (and the future King of England).
It sounds like every wedding I’ve been to with my wife.
Meh. There is a video of William reacting to South Park. Apparently he smirked.
Who fucking cares…
Seriously, they all deserve the gallows.
Along with William and Kate, first lady Jill Biden, her daughter, Ashley Biden, and US climate envoy John Kerry were at the royal wedding on 1 June.
They traveled together in the Presidential Sloop, I’ll wager.
Nothing left to cut.
Dr Jill’s fashion choices for the coronation got trashed on social media. Also, his choice of delegation to attend was blatant jet-setting.
Presidential Sloopy is a good nick name.
He’s the new FDR.
They should wheel him around on a refrigerator dolly like Hannibal Lecter.
I laughed, I suppose I shouldn’t.
He could use a Walmart electric with a basket on the front for his “important papers”
Mentioned this game once or twice before, but I’m a big fan of the mobile game “Arknights”. A fun little parallel universe tower defense/strategy game with a crap-load of characters.
They regularly put out EPs/singles themed around each individual character. This is the new one for the “Siracusan” Judge Penance. They’ve probably got well over 50 of those singles posted on this official channel (although the Chinese version is a few months ahead – and posts on some other youtube channels.
A couple other favorite tracks:
for the Gavial character (alternate appearance)
For Specter – a living eldritch abomination.
Not too easy to track down these songs on itunes, but pretty easy to find all of them on spotify by using the song title from youtube. A lot of repeating composers, etc – but in some cases, some fairly big names too, especially if you listen to a lot of soundtracks, Anime OSTs, etc.
Its way past my bedtime, since some of us work all night. Alert Rufus.
“There was talk…of gerbils”.
Work? I’m still on vacation until the end of the weekend.
A) Macs have never been gaming machines. B) Changing CPU architecture every 10 years means that even games ported to last generation Macs aren’t guaranteed to be playable in the future, especially not on gimped ARM chips. C) Linux shares this “problem” as well: APIs and ABIs move faster and break more in POSIX systems. Shit that was written for win32 in 1993 still runs on Windows 11. Case in point: a bunch of Valve devs lost their shit when glibc incremented about a year ago because it broke some calls they were using in their Linux-native game ports. Wine/Proton is getting so good that it’s usually an easier target than native. With Apple’s bankroll they could develop something just as good or better, but see A.
Are there still Mac users?
It’s a bygone era
I was happy with the level of game support when I was a user, roughly aligned with the Intel era. I don’t play AAA games, most everything else got love. The OS was always way more pleasant and I could play all the games I wanted.
Things started going downhill when Apple more or less hung desktop users out to dry in favor of mobile.
Convergence will be a thing by
2010201520202025!Shuttleworth still deserves the boats for pushing that shit into Ubuntu, which inspired the Gnome devs to plant their flag on peak retard for the next 15 years. Different machines for different tasks still makes sense, boyos.
This is all true.
Yes. Yes there are.
About 8,000 at my company alone (by comparison, 3,500 Windows desktops and 2,500 Linux desktops – out of 10k users, so there’s overlap – i.e., I have all 3 for $reasons)
APIs and ABIs move faster and break more in POSIX systems
*single tear rolls down cheek*
Shodan > GLADoS
Also, got my chonky boi baseplate in. Installed it, I’ll gauge it and run it in the match tomorrow to see if I need to buy three more (and the springs).
Shodan might have a better name, but her constant stutter undermined her as a villain.
/looks over at the occupant of the Oval Office
Sure about that?
It’s not her fault you refused to update your audio drivers!
Bling bling!
Plus I can load it in a slingshot and kill a deer in a survival situation.
Why would you pick on a deer that is in a survival situation? Doesn’t the deer have enough trouble already?
It’s more about the +5 capacity* and the 3oz of brass helping the mag drop free.
*it won’t actually give you +5 unless you uses an abbreviated follower that won’t lock the slide back on empty.
For a week, instead of iron sights and 10rd mags, I’ll be optics and 20(21?)
All you free state bitchez be cheatin’.
But we’re trying to undermine Democracy! here.
Talked to my best friend from junior high today. Hadn’t spoken to him in a couple years, and I thought our last convo may have been our last convo.
Turns out he and his wife are total lefties. Good thing neither of us wanted to talk politics. Thing is, he’s actually moving to Canada with his wife. Credit due: following through. I have to give respect.
I don’t even remember the names of my friends from middle school. I have trouble with recalling people I knew in high school.