Some time traveler managed to get this shot of me at the lake tomorrow.
“Absurd Ventures to ‘create new universes and tell great stories,’ Dan Houser says”
“Miyazaki movies for the soul” long weekend.
“It OnLy CaReS aBoUt MaKiNg MoNeY”
Some time traveler managed to get this shot of me at the lake tomorrow.
“Absurd Ventures to ‘create new universes and tell great stories,’ Dan Houser says”
“Miyazaki movies for the soul” long weekend.
“It OnLy CaReS aBoUt MaKiNg MoNeY”
If you aren’t First, you’re last.
Looks to me like, “Noh, the train has not arrived yet.” on the main page.
I’ve got a shirt with No-Face on it holding a sign saying “Free Hugs”.
Video game designers crafting worlds and honing stories? Just absurd these days.
Making money keeps the lights on in the server room, redditors.
Can’t imagine why after they forced people to isolate, devastated the economy and supply chains and tried to turn a good chunk of the population against the rest or anything.
Crazy enough that people start babbling about Firsts and all.
Also, mental illness is currency these days.
What about the stunningly brave new game with a trannie lead character?
Ms PacMan?
Sweetie, I think she already knows..
That show was amusing.
I was thinking- “there’s now way he’s going to link Drawn Together”. Then you did.
You rock.
Or as on of the ESG drones at my company calls her Pacwoman.
Actually hadn’t heard that version before (which is surprising because I like PostModern Jukebox… stupid YouTube algorithms never actually serving new stuff I might care about). Nice rendition of T-Swift bewailing her Starbucks Lovers.
That’s how I sing that line every time. No idea what it really is and I don’t care.
For me, it’s the filthy Frank version.
Reddit has existed for almost two decades as a weird, sometimes awful, sometimes tolerable collection of human communities.
So… just like the rest of the internet?
It has even recently become a lot of people’s only way of searching for useful content on the internet.
Okay, that’s just pathetic.
Or just like the rest of human communities, yeah.
Where “a lot” might be “a dozen”.
It’s the weekend, and this makes things easier for me, so I give you the open Zoom link.
Thank you!
Some of us are supposed to work all night. But since Ive already gotten my orders for NewJob™, Im honestly tempted to call in.
Bad part is that I dont have enough beer to sustain me.
There was considerable geographic variation in the prevalence of depression, with the highest state and county estimates of depression observed along the Appalachian and southern Mississippi Valley regions,” the CDC said in the report. Among the most affected states were West Virginia, where 26.4% of respondents reported suffering from depression, Arkansas and Alabama (23.5% each), Kentucky (24.2%), and Tennessee (24.1%).
Flood the region with cheap fentanyl, and this will become a self-correcting problem in no time.
I blame country music.
Spirited Away #1 – quite the shocker. My kids liked several of those movies, but that was the best. From the number of times I had to load up the DVD, I’d guess that Howl’s Moving Castle was their #2.
Princess Monoke.
I will also accept Porco Rosso.
You will accept 2nd and like it!
The only seconds I take are the ones I leave on your chest every time I First.
I prefer Princess Binoke.
It’s a wonderful film of both female independence and simply growing, becoming autonomous and realizing your parents are both human and imperfect.
Learn Japanese Through Anime Titles – 千と千尋の神隠し – “Spirited Away”
It’s amazing, but there was a time not that long ago where films telling female stories with actual female characters and leads didn’t bother me. I could even watch action movies with female leads. Now every female character needs to be written in the same stereotypical way where I’m supposed to admire them for how…masculine they are.
I watch so little new big box office films with female leads now I don’t really have an opinion.
It’s rather sad that I have no more interest in most mainstream films anymore.
I blame Grace Jones.
Also Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is a tour de force.
It was also very environmental focused long before that became so fashionable.
In a move that will shock exactly no Glibs, Dylan Mulvaney has decided he’s done with girlhood. I do admit, he seems to have read the room and got out while the gettin’ was good.
The grift is good. I’d like to hear Drew Barrymore comment on that.
Nothing at all accept for people naturally being born in the body of the wrong gender could possibly explain the growth of the transgendered from a tiny minority to a slightly less small minority and the extreme number of young people who “outgrow” being transgendered. And any attempt to even suggest such a thing is gatekeeping.
The social contagion is passing. I wonder what the next one will be.
Human sacrifice.
Honestly, I’m surprised the Extinction Rebellion/Climate Crisis crowd hasn’t had their first mass suicide yet. That whole thing is just ripe for someone mildly charismatic to take over one of the cells and get them all to kill themselves. I’m actually kind of curious if there’s some internal mechanism preventing something like that from happening, or if it’s because the crowd isn’t actually as fervently cultish as they behave (i.e. they’re paid, rather than genuine).
They do have that covered, according to orthodoxy your gender is so fluid it can change from day to day.
How much do you reckon AB Inbev paid him to revert?
Marketing works!
“I drank Bud Light and it made me stop being trans and be masculine” would be a solid gold hit.
Yeah, I’m waiting for the commercial where he’s riding a rodeo steer and belting back some brews.
Backward-hat bro playing beer pong at a frat party.
This may be the only way to take the piss out of the boycott movement. But these are humorless assholes at Bud Light and they would never even consider they paid a grifter.
I was born to be a cowboy. I am going to be a cowboy. I want to be a cowboy.
I want to be a cowboy.
That came up just yesterday – a friend needed terrible 80s songs to torture her kids with.
It’s impressively awful, isn’t it?
Damnit, I was hoping xer would destroy a couple more crappy beer brands before xim retired. People realizing Miller High Life is undrinkable is way overdue.
Do not besmirch the Champagne of Beers, dammit!
Hell….says it right there on the label. I cant argue with that.
Hmmm…. Maybe I shouldn’t have surgically rounded my face.
Thankfully he didn’t inspire a bunch of impressionable young kids to make permanent changes to their bodies or anything.
He used to be a reasonably attractive gay guy. The “girlhood” has done damage to his looks.
Cost of doing business.
“is now sexually attracted to himself calling himself”
Narcissist loves himself. News at 11.
I had one bottle of North Coast’s Old Rasputin in the house. I poured that bottle into a glass and am now drinking it. Delicious.
The cover song is good. The woman with the pink fan looked way too much like someone I used to know through swing dancing. I wondered if the woman vamping in the back with the dark green fan is the woman who played the upright bass and stole the show in other videos of this type.
Among the most affected states were West Virginia, where 26.4% of respondents reported suffering from depression, Arkansas and Alabama (23.5% each), Kentucky (24.2%), and Tennessee (24.1%).
I clicked through to the study. I was surprised Massachusetts was as low as it was.
Old Rasputin is so good. My favorite fireside beer.
Spouse returns home from work early, prompting bear to attempt daring escape…
Women and children hardest hit.
If ever there were a night to join Zoom, it’s tonight.
Shitfacery fixin to happen
Atta girl! Congrats!
I’m already a bit tipsy on beer & champagne
A humble recommendation for the occasion…
Hell yes
Wow, flashback. Does that stuff even exist anymore?
You know who else was Free ?
+ shoop shoop
And you’re not helping my argument for going into work tonight
These guys?
Or maybe Mr. Humphries.
The Kinks, The Stones, The Who, Cream, and so on and so on.
You forgot Sting!
I had until you mentioned him, thanks a lot buddy.
My work here is done.
In honor of your homepage thumbnail I’ll present the oddest Japanese and Irish pairing.
ジブリ】千と千尋の神隠し / いつも何度でも・木村弓 (フルVer.) Studio Ghibli Cover
It’s Spirited Away with Irish instrumentation. She’s got a wonderful voice.
Probably already covered, but <a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-65932944the good leaker died at 92.
Whoops. Well, at least the link works…
RCR goes to Radwood Philly 2023.
I enjoyed that. Also his bitching about the music because of copyright strikes on his video.
Welcome to your new green future for those in both CARB and non-CARB compliant states.
Stellantis Has Stopped Shipping Gas-Only Cars To 14 US States
What a mess, other manufacturers sure to follow.
*looks at cars under Stellantis umbrella*
Oh no….
(Yeah, I know, this could be a canary/coalmine thing)
I hopped on the jeep bandwagon at the perfect time. Yay me.
Elections have consequences.
Mastriano wanted PA out of following CARB.
Gonna get that charger?
How many amps?
Charger is a four door.
A Dodge dealer near me has a Challenger with a manual in stock. It doesn’t have the color I want, and I suspect the packages aren’t what I want. But… I could test drive it and see if there are any deal breakers before I do anything. So, over the weekend at some point I’ll head over there.
Poking around the Intertubes, I see Dodge has a website where you can see what factory order allocations for what models are still available at dealers near you. The dealer with the manual transmission Challenger in stock only has two more factory order allocations. Another dealer in the area has five left.
NPR had an interview with Steve Huffman this morning. He does seem like an insufferable lying prick.
“HPV Ignites Unexpected Cancer Surge In Middle-Aged Adults”
So be careful whose ________ you _______. Now I’m starting to briefly dating that stripper back in the ‘90s. Ah, who am I kidding? I regret nothing.
starting to regret I meant
I thought you were implying you had a time machine.
conveniently Sacramento is debating a bill to force every kid in CA school to get the HPV vax. hm.
Bad news Japanese Glibs…
Japan raises age of consent and redefines rape
This was always outside global norms, but I didn’t realized it had support for change.
“14 in Germany and Italy.”
What is it with The Axis?
Words absolutely fail me…
Michigan teen convicted of killing father with drain cleaner over hair salon appointment
Good lord, what a horrible way to go.
Unlawful use of irritants?
OK…she has the remnants of a shiner in that mugshot. And all the times I’ve burnt myself (stupidly) with numerous acids, bases, and strong oxidizers in the lab, I never failed to get to a sink to wash that shit off. Im guessing pops got loaded, passed out, and she dumped the lye on him. He laid there for awhile before he noticed. Like any burn, it left him susceptible to infection.
Good lord, what a horrible way to go.
Jesus. Second.
Wow. I don’t know how that got around.
Note: I did not mean to forward that vid
Here you go Tres, FUPA and all proudly on display (NSFW?):
If you don’t profess your attraction right now I’m going to have to assume you’re racist.
6/10 likely would.
Im going to bed.
That lardass wasn’t doing eighty miles a day on a bike unless it was all downhill.
Heh, I missed that-only if she was eating 30,000 calories a day.
Yeah, not buying anything I saw there.
Yeah, black and other America is totally ok with complete fatasses taking control.
First First in the what what…
In a move that will shock exactly no Glibs, Dylan Mulvaney has decided he’s done with girlhood. I do admit, he seems to have read the room and got out while the gettin’ was good.
Performance artist looking for a new stage. I saw something about that a few days ago, but I didn’t know (or much care) if it was legit.
I wonder how they’ll spin it when some militant queerbag stabs him in the neck.
The militant internalized hatred of trans because of right-wing patriarchal society causing them to lash out at Dylan.
I have a feeling that if this guy ever owned a computer, he would’ve been one of us.
He will be moderately missed.
That was the best part. And really, you can’t ask for any more than that.
I don’t know if I can get anybody to write me an obit in that vein, but I want one.
Like everything else in life, if you want it done right you’ll probably have to do it yourself.
I just want Ambrose Bierce’s: “Alone. In bad company.”
Wait, doen’t Sugar Free live in Kentucky?
Or, should I say, did?