Look at her go.
“Jason Blum Reveals That Patrick Wilson Brought the Cast Back for Insidious Sequel”
“Annapurna Interactive showed off the first glimpse at Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth”
‘”In Norway,” observed economist Peter St Onge, “Atlas shrugs.”‘
“Elden Ring’s Most-Killed Enemy Shows We’re All XP-Grinding Animals”
“I got too much on my chest; I got too much on my plate.”
Double-plus bonus link if you haven’t seen if yet (you square).
The re-casting must have been quite subtle.
Or, it’s a From Soft game, which means you need all the advantage you can get.
I can think of a few Glibs that are hoping for a CGI David Bowie now….
Wow! Had not seen the new Dune trailer. I am square.
I am square, granted… but I also have no interest in it. I read the book(s) back in the day… that was more than enough. I really don’t care about either the Sting vehicle or a modern revamp. Meh.
Part 1 of the most recent Dune was solid. I’m looking forward to seeing the second part.
The Stung vehicle is a hoot! The skin disorders alone are worth some viewing. The new one os not as exciting… But it is a better document of the book.
I didn’t see Dune 1 so I’m doubly square. I am stoic about it though so there’s that.
Read the book, the movie can wait.
That’s OK, buddy. We can be square together.
Just dance when you’re square
I am squire for having not seen that trailer. So, I got that going for me.
Which is nice.
+1 gunga, gunga lagunga
Walken is the Emperor? Hmm, that’s either brilliant or disastrous.
Looks good, from what I have seen… 🙂
I read the Norway story and I thought they were one of the “socialist” countries we’re supposed to emulate? Turns out it’s the other way around.
“Damn those unintended consequences! Who could have seen…?”
Don’t mention their transgender policies either.
I would think this would be too much on the chest, too much plate…
Not to mention impaling yourself every time you bend over.
Bend at the hips, not at the waist.
No armor between the bottom rib and the knee?
Better grab a shield.
Following its 2021 electoral victory, the Nordic nation’s Labor Party made good on its promise to soak the rich. Norway is one of just a handful of OECD countries that still taxes net wealth, and the Labor Party increased the country’s wealth tax to 1.1 percent despite warnings that such a move would “trigger capital flight and threaten job creation.”
Capital flight is exactly what happened, and it has left the Norwegian government with less revenue.
Well then, Norway just needs to pass its version of FATCA, and begin taxing Norwegians on their income and wealth no matter where in the world they actually live.
/Norwegian Labour Party, probably
Break out the longboats! Time for Viking raiding parties to bring in some escaped revenue!
Unless those English lasses know ice magic. Then it’s probably best just to leave well enough alone.
My first thought was this.
Minnesoda hardest hit.
It’s actually surprising that there are only two countries in the world that tax their citizens’ income no matter where they live: Eritrea and USA. Are the rulers of other countries afraid that they wouldn’t be able to enforce tax collection outside their borders?
I would assume Eritrea does so as a cosmic joke. Nothing funny about the US and taxation overseas.
“This week, the U.S. Supreme Court made prosecuting online harassment more difficult. In a 7-2 ruling on Tuesday, SCOTUS determined that a lower court’s decision to convict and imprison a Colorado man for stalking was flawed.”
Wood chippers everywhere rejoice.
If you want to kill innovation and investment with malice, I can think of no better way than taxing unrealized gains. I don’t know how a tax like that could even pass muster in the US, but what do I know, I was surprised it took this long to get rid of affirmative action, and not sure that’s even really dead. Also, will unrealized losses be allowed to offset gains or can I take unrealized losses in off years as a tax credit?
Just like inflation COLAs never go negative, the ratchet only turns one way.
It doesn’t matter as long as we’re sticking it to those Fat Cats.
WHELL! I’m off to physical therapy for my (probably) re-torn rotator cuff and my lower back. I’m not going to say physical therapy is the panacea for all things joints, but it’s pretty damn close.
We have a family physical therapist due to my wife’s numerous highly physical hobbies (roller derby, power lifting, obstacle course races). I’ve seen him a few times. He has a mastery of human anatomy and he can work magic. He’s also interested in renting space from us in our gym, which is awesome.
I’ve seen this arrangement at some gyms I’ve used. It’s a good one.
We also have a guy who provides vitamin shots, and he’s lined up an office. So we’re using our extra space to lower our rent and provide more services.
Getting in sub-lets is a great revenue stream.
Sorry. Best wishes.
Thanks. It’s just the price of growing old and not having kept yourself in shape for lo, a gazillion years. I accept my consequences with equanimity.
Sounds pretty stoic of you.
Her tits, they are calm.
It does, doesn’t it?
I will PT would do such wonders for my back, hip, ankle.
But, alas.
I’m sorry. 🙁
No good guys
I’m amazed he wasn’t released on $0 bail.
None of those were “hate crimes”. He was thinking good inclusive things during his other offences.
If he hadn’t dropped the slur in there, he would have been.
I wonder how many times he’s made the news before now.
“…unclothed cyclists pedaling through Portland’s Nob Hill neighborhood…”
Huh, huh, Nob Hill.
I thought you were gay, not identifies as gay
I’d identify as gay if it was important to getting the asshole behind bars.
Norwegian lawmakers forgot this simple lesson, and now they can do little but watch as the wealth creators in their country depart, taking with them their capital, ingenuity, and taxable income.
You get what you voted for.
No, I am assured that no one really votes for these wild politicians.
Welcome to the quasi-holiday weekend all. The (nearly) always running open and unmoderated holiday Zoom is here for your weekend entertainment.
How many days off for the holiday? I don’t want to get shortchanged.
Serious question. Do most companies pay for Monday as well as the 4th?
Back in my working days those that worked on a holiday got double days off (at their convenience) since that could easily be done at the local level and not get payroll confused.
We do not.
None here either.
I have to work Monday to post payroll. And cover for Reliable Coworker who’s taking the day off, as are my boss and the CEO. I’ll probably have to spend a big chunk of the day tracking down enough working supervisors to get all the timesheets approved. 😒
At least one company on a call I was on today mentioned that they were off Monday, but most places will only give Tuesday off (my work included).
Yeah, I’m not sure what happened to the tradition of giving the day off around the 4th to make a long weekend.
It would be nice if the HR depts said “Yeah, with Juneteenth, we had to cut back a day somewhere” and see how happy their employees are.
That’s exactly what happened with us, I think.
That said, they still gave us a half-dozen ‘wellness days’ off this year (covid holdover – I suspect they’re gone next year) and we have “unlimited” time off (in theory – in practice it’s 6 weeks for everyone), so no real complaints.
Fed gov laughs. “We gets boths, and they are the precious.”
Do most companies pay for Monday as well as the 4th?
Some do, some don’t.
My current company does not.
My company does one “floating” holiday each year. Usually it’s paired with July 4 to make a long weekend, but not always. This year it’s Monday July 3. Plus I’m using 3 days of vacation next week, so I won’t be back to the office until 7/10.
Coming back on the 11th is better, ’cause you can get a free Slurpy to make up for it.
Nope, I’ve never seen it for July 4th.
We usually do it for Xmas, though.
I’m happy that my current (and previous) jobs had the day after Thanksgiving as company holidays. I’ve worked at several places that had that as a regular day.
Oh sure, we’ve always had that day too. I just assumed that was normal. 🫤
I’ve never had a job where the non-holiday days between a holiday and a weekend were given as days off. Those were always normal workdays, no matter how many people burned their leave for the four day weekend (which would be rejected for the low people on the totem pole until coverage was reached)
We do it occasionally. Usually for Christmas and New Year.
Yeah, somehow I got Monday off. I needed to use up some PTO, so I asked my supervisor what days in July were available and preferably I’d like long weekends. She looked up her calendar and said, “Would you believe that July 3 is available?”
I’d just as soon work the day after Thanksgiving because I sure as hell don’t want to go shopping.
That’s gun shopping day!
Shouldn’t you only venture forth into Black Friday already armed?
You know I do.
The proper term is Friday of Color.
FedGov even works Monday…come on people
I give an unpaid holiday on July 3rd this year and a paid holiday for the 4th. You can use vacation time on the third if you so desire.
How many days off for the holiday?
This is my 30th consecutive day off work.
Damn layabout.
It won’t be long until you unretire.
“Resist the temptation to cut and paste the first thing you find on stackoverflow” – a line from a software security course my company required me to take. No shit? Who knew that some stuff on stackoverflow is bullshit?
IMHO the bullshit is at the bottom of the page. I have not seen much if any at the top.
So I might be a heretic, but I thought Dune sucked ass.
Didn’t help that I read it while riding a bus back from Ft. Lauderdale spring break trip. Horribly hung over after a 6 day bender. Also had to keep tearing off parts of it so my buddy had something to read.
I’d rather re-read the entire Wheel of Time series before reading any other Dune book.
I’d rather re-read the entire Wheel of Time series before reading any other Dune book.
Now you’re just talking nonsense.
*tugs braid*
Well, he’s yellow, that’s what it is.
His eyes, at least.
At least Brandon Sanderson put a decent end to WOT.
May thy blade chip and shatter!
You are a heretic [em]and[/em] Dune sucked ass.
“Dune sucked ass”
May thy knife chip and shatter.
Govt: The gift that keeps on giving
I’m sure the Minneapolis City Council is doing their job to make sure the Mighty Mississippi doesn’t jump its banks and cause all sorts of issues.
Issues like punish them for their sins?
Drinker Trashes Latest Indy Film
Raiders was the first movie we ever watched at home. I was probably 8 and we rented a Betamax machine for a month and that was the first tape. Seen it probably three dozen times at this point. Saw Temple in the theatre the week it came out and loved it, also probably watched it dozens of times over the years. Liked Last Crusade, probably watched it three times total.
That would have been a good place to end it, but Hollywood is utterly bereft of new ideas. So we got the last shitty one. I can only imagine how bad the new one is.
Ricardo Cortez was the ultimate Sam Spade.
Hollywood is utterly bereft of new ideas
Not exactly
They’ve got lots of ideas. They just all suck.
Re: the discussion about the coward Scot Pederson from yesterday afternoon and this morning. As suspected, they were going after his pension.
The money shot:
The Florida Constitution provides:
“Any public officer or employee who is convicted of a felony involving a breach of public trust shall be subject to forfeiture of rights and privileges under a public retirement system or pension plan in such manner as may be provided by law.”[1]
The Florida Legislature has implemented this constitutional provision in section 112.3173, Florida Statutes.[2] Subsection (3) of the statue requires that
“[a]ny public officer or employee who is convicted of a specified offense committed prior to retirement, or whose office or employment is terminated by reason of his or her admitted commission, aid, or abetment of a specified offense, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under any public retirement system of which he or she is a member, except for the return of his or her accumulated contributions as of the date of termination.”
But to yank the coward Scot Peterson’s pension, the state had to get the felony conviction. However, the legal theory under which he was prosecuted was flawed from the beginning. If the jury hadn’t walked him, the appellate court would have. He should still be shunned.
Yesterday I went a bit down a rabbit hole of “war propaganda” comparing the official story of a missile strike in Ukraine to the information from some random dude on Twitter.
Well, today provides more fodder. Greenwald posted a link to a 2020 article from Foreign Policy about the Hunter Biden laptop. Published 1 day before the election.
The Foreign Policy source caught my eye because it was cited as an excellent source for real (not propaganda) information by one of the paid shills on Reason.com in my diversion into war propaganda yesterday.
Check out this “authoritative source” correcting “Chinese funded disinformation”. No, really, it is worth a read, particularly in light of what we know today. Note the phrasing. Note the claims and the innuendo.
Some highlight quotes:
“Media properties tied to an exiled Chinese billionaire are behind waves of disinformation in the lead-up to the election.”
“A media network linked to Steve Bannon … has continued to act as a breeding ground for false stories about Hunter Biden, which have metastasized into wild claims repeated by mainstream commentators”
“the spread of alleged sex tapes”
“unsubstantiated rumors that the Biden family hid business dealings in China—fictions that were eventually repeated by President Donald Trump during the second presidential debate.”
“Twitter confirmed that it had suspended Guo-linked accounts that spread the rumors,”
“stories on the contents of Hunter Biden’s so-called hard drive,”
“escalating false claims about Biden, including Pizzagate-esque rumors of child abuse”
“Discussions of the alleged sex tape, along with baseless claims of child abuse,”
“The conspiracies—and their hardcore anti-CCP themes—”
There is a lot more in there… but it is an extremely dense source of spin and outright disinformation.
This article was clearly the source of or was sourced from the same resource as all of the talking heads and evening news shows.
Note the statements of fact that have zero evidence – not even a disclaimer from Biden. The laptop is “so-called”. The sex tape is apparently a proven fiction, despite your lying eyes. Allegations of child abuse are baseless, despite clear photographic evidence that is at minimum strongly suggestive.
And I love the laugher…. this campaign of misinformation is funded by a Chinese Billionaire and it is virulently anti-CCP, but also violently pro-china…. wtf?
The level of propaganda is staggering. Not just this article, or the suppression of the real story, or the Twitter stuff…. but that today we have someone funding rafts of activists who post on social media and websites like Reason to further the propaganda. So that today I have someone pushing propaganda sites like Foreign Policy as authoritative, propaganda free reporting… and more.
Interesting article from a surprising source. Pre-jan6, so suspicion of the FBI is allowed at Huffpo.
Did not realize or had forgotten about the prosecution of the wife and the FBI coerced (or wholly contrived) confession. They also held her without bail under false pretenses for 14 months. Sound familiar?
That is how pervasive the propaganda is. Huffpo was on the “FBI lies” story… and then? Crickets.
Yeah, that’s as stark an example as I have seen of the complete 180 that has happened since gee I wonder when.
“The dog that isn’t barking” is that they never provided explanations for any of the multiple businesses, bank accounts, and mystery money from foreign countries. It’s all “they did nothing wrong.” And that’s it. You never see, “Hunter provided x service and here is the receipt. The businesses are structured this way for this legitimate reason.” From my limited experience in business, I can say that all those businesses and bank accounts that serve no purpose, and payouts to family members who are not participating in the businesses, can only indicate money laundering.
I am amazed at this new propaganda strategy of just saying “those guys are disinformation and evil” and leaving it at that. “This has been debunked” without ever providing the debunking part.
It is pretty brazen.
This one may be the boldest ever. The Clinton draft dodge was brazen. But it was basically about nothing beyond the politics of the situation. This is a criminal conspiracy staring you in the face.
I also appreciate the retrenchment…. “Sure, Hunter may be gross for trading on his family name, but there is no law against that.”
Uh… Trading on the family name *is* taking bribes in this context. There is no other meaning.
That is a bold move.
The CIA isn’t shy. Hell, they killed a president.
More than one. Maybe even in this country, too.
It’s Foreign Policy, only one step removed from Foreign Affairs and the CFR, just with a more Millennial spin to it.
Of course it’s all lies.
Americans did Arcadia, by Tom Stoppard.
Hate it. But of course I would. It’s not great.
It’s not just Americans doing bad English accents, it’s how do you translate the whole notion of English countryside to a country that is all country? How do you translate Capability Brown for an American audience? And why have I only ever seen American performers in my little American town perform this play? None of the laugh lines get a laugh, it makes my skin prickle listening to these actors recite the lines and get no reaction, the audience is just as clueless as the actors, I HATE IT.
Anyway, I love it and it’s one of the most tragic off-screen deaths I can think of.
Also did Arcadia
I have to remind myself to calm down when painting. Getting frustrated causes mistakes which causes frustration…
So I’m “waiting for the paint to dry” while I calm down. I should have gotten into the mindset of reminding myself that painting light to dark is the opposite of what I’m used to so naturally the paints will all behave differently from what they do painting dark to light.
Those little figurines aren’t gonna get less painted while you breath.
It’s just one – the Gravis Apothecary from Leviathan. My normal army color scheme for the army he’s going in has black armor, so it’s details on black. The problem is, Apothecary armor is always white. Since the last apothecary I painted was a royal pain painting white on black primer, I started with a basecoat of silver-gray which reads as white next to any color that isn’t white itself. And of course, metallic paints do not like showing up against white. The red pops immediately, instead of taking three coats. The brown goes from one and done to needing two coats, and any slop in details for any of the non-metallics stand out like a sore thumb.
Wouldn’t you prefer they be painted by the manufacturer? Aren’t you awfully, horribly obsessed with the finish? When it’s all stamped out on a factory line it’s acceptable, what you unbox is what you’ve got, but when you paint it yourself, you’re stuck with it.
That seems horrible.
What is wrong with you? The act of creation is the whole point.
That’s what makes my skin crawl man, the disappointment is all internalized.
That is very much what you hope she didn’t say.
Believe me, she said it. WINK
Wait, don’t wink. Did you say wink? No wink She did not say that, there was no wink, good lord I take it all back
That is very much what she said.
Americans did Arcadia, by Tom Stoppard.
Hate it. But of course I would. It’s not great.
As a Tom Stoppard fan, I kind of wish I knew what the fuck you’re talking about. whatever that is, I’m not going to watch it.
Look, I’m compelled to defend it, because who else is? It’s a series of youtube videos with no likes, and the last comment is someone asking “Where is the cast listing?” That was seven years ago on an eight year old video. I appreciate they produced it, even if I hate it.
Från OBE: s hus
Swimming – check
Grill firing up – check
80s-90s punk on the radio – check
Life is good
Very local news:
Very sad, indeed. I have lots of relatives buried at St. Peters UCC on the south shore. It’s a man-made lake and apparently very convenient for boating accidents where one’s firearms collection is lost in the deep and murky waters.
I finished my novella last week. It’s my first. It’s about 40,000 words and is the longest piece of fiction I’ve ever written. I don’t expect fortune or fame from it, but it was good writing practice and gave me a sense of accomplishment. I wrote my autobiography last year; it’s about 45,000 words. If you’d like to read either, reply with an email address.
It’s been almost 2 years since I discovered this equation:
f(x) = (sin(x) + ln(x))^pi
Note that the initial value must be greater than 0 because of the domain of ln.
It looks pretty when you graph it in Desmos. And if you iterate it, it produces a random sequence that varies between roughly 100 and 200 after 10 iterations or so. I tempted to say I discovered a true 1-way function. The existence of 1-way functions is given as an example of an unsolved problem in computer science.
Gimme a link to buy the novel.
I’m not sure it’s worth publishing, electronically or otherwise. I’ve emailed it to a few people simply for feedback.
This article sent me to many interesting places.
I’m lucky in that I got a copy of 1 of Trakhtenbrot’s math books. That guy is really underappreciated in the west. His proof on the unsolvability of the word equivalence problem is elegant.
If it’s Derp it’s worth reading, I always say. My kids are kinda retarded, they hate me, but you ask them and they’ll tell you, if it’s Derp it’s worth reading.
Email me if you like. It’s OK. No one is truly anonymous online anyway. And I got tagged and bagged by Uncle Sam long ago.
That worries me, but maybe I shouldn’t worry.
Amazon is already banning you if your doorbell sounds racist to some asshole delivering your Amazon packages. Or if you complain about the fact that Amazon blacklists you for etc, Amazon bans you.
We’re already entirely exposed on the interwebs. I just worry people will realize I’m not as cool as the persona I make of myself here. You guys might realize I don’t bang goth chicks by the dozen at ICP gatherings. I’m actually pretty plain.
Sad gargoyle is sad
Dylan Mulvaney, the trans influencer whose brief promotional campaign with Bud Light led to calls for a boycott, broke her silence on the matter Thursday, saying that the company never reached out to her and that she encountered “more bullying and transphobia than I could have ever imagined” as a result of the partnership.
In posts on TikTok and Instagram, Mulvaney said she had been scared to leave her house for months, followed and publicly ridiculed. And she criticized Bud Light for what she said was a failure to defend her.
“I should have made this video months ago, but I didn’t,” she said. “And I was scared. I was scared of more backlash and I felt personally guilty for what transpired, so I patiently waited for things to get better. But surprise — they haven’t really. And I was waiting for the brand to reach out to me, but they never did.”
She added: “For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse in my opinion than not hiring a trans person at all, because it gives customers permission to be as transphobic and hateful as they want.”
Guess what, sonny. You were apparently hired to perform a task. That does not mean they have some sort of lifelong obligation to you.
If the primary focus of your existence is this female impersonator act you really shouldn’t be surprised if that’s what people see and react to.
The lesson is to not hire a trans person.
Hired? I thought Bud was putting out the story they merely sent “her ” a can of beer with “her” face on it as a way to honor some “achievements” that “she” had made in popularizing gender “change?”
Calling BS. Nobody knows where you live or is “following” you or gives two shits beyond the role you briefly played in helping this country swirl down the drain.
So you doubt she lives in the heart of MAGA country too? So jaded you are.
I’m slightly miffed at the alteration of the text in that trailer.
“He who can destroy a thing, can control a thing”
Somehow became
“He who can destroy a thing has the real control of it.”
That is like Disney-esque levels of butchering.
“I got too much on my chest”
Friday Funbags on topic!
I got a “not found”.
Even Q is censoring himself these days.
It works 4 me… 🤷
Now it works.
But being a bunch of webp images, it’s empty. Screw google and their format.
The past two days have been very good jurisprudentially.
So far SCOTUS is holding the country together with chewing gum and baling wire.
Sounds like an insurance company.
I expect it to be incorporated in your next novel.
*makes note*
Covering legal fees in case of tort?
“HAVING a threesome was always my biggest fantasy, but now I fear it’s ruined my life[…]I’ve started to suspect the guy my girlfriend and I invited to join us for sex might be the father of our baby.”
Right idea, wrong gender.
My wife suspected she might not be the mother of our daughter after she didn’t give birth to our daughter.
Is that like the girl who got an abortion because she didn’t think that the baby was hers?
That poor girl. I tried to tell her, You can’t be pregnant, you’re only 12.
Awful fact – the youngest recorded human mother was either five or six.
Yes, there were criminal charges involved after the discovery. Her son was born healthy.
UCS I want you to take back that fact. I’m not sure how, but I’d rather you take it out of my head.
I meant the pedophilia joke as humorous, I didn’t mean some awful, awkward pedophilia reality.
That said, humanity is amazing and horrifying. My God.
I guess when a chimp tears off some poor woman’s face, it’s equivalent to a six year old giving birth after being raped.
I would like to believe in a God that prevents and/or punishes these things. Or at the very least, helps make sense of the senselessness of it.
I’m not atheist out of preference, just habit.
I saw a Hispanic girl today who couldn’t have been more than 16 with her three or four year old kid. It was depressing.