Well, here we are again. The weather is spectacular, I’m on the mend and I have my driving privileges back.
Time for some links!

We should have listened.
I like Cornel West a hell of a lot more than I like Bernie. This could be fun.
Poor Boris, he flew too close to the sun.
“Somebody go back and get a shitload of dimes.”
I don’t know that Murhican kids are this tough anymore.
Okay, enough shenanigans. There’s time to waste on the patio. Peace out, Glibs!
Appropriate given the link pic on the main page.
They say these geeks are a dime a dozen — I’m looking for the guy who’s supplyin’ the dimes….
Except for that lady who tried living as a man for a year for a book and then killed herself.
And a bunch of YouTube / TikTok videos on the subject.
And maybe you could have just asked some men (not that if they were actual men they’d do more than shrug and say… it is what it is, probably).
And for a final comment — maybe the type of person with mental issues sufficient to transition (and think they need to) isn’t the best person to quote for mental health of society anyway….
Huh, I had heard of her but did not know that.
Sounds like the suicide was more the result of mental illness. I mean, it was twenty years after that experiment.
Looks like it was an assisted suicide in Switzerland due to depression.
Obligatory theme music for this chick.
More theme music.
It’s tough to be a man, baby.
Had a decent little steel match today. A couple personal bests. But It makes me sad that after 15k rounds through my iron-sighted gun.
Two weeks until I retire the gun for the season so hopefully I’m having an all-around improvement in shooting that I just haven’t had a chance to notice on the production gun.
You got the hang of your shoryuken, then?
Getting there. I will admit that the sighting system is just vastly superior for competing. Bring able see the hits on target before the sound gets to you is so helpful when you’re not exactly sure how well you let the shot go.
Huh, some how ate my own post. It should read
But It makes me sad that after LESS THAN 500 round through my optic-sighted gun I’m shooting noticeably better (against other optic shooters) than MORE THAN 15k rounds through my iron-sighted gun.
The Squirrels of Server Censorship stifle….
If you can use optics, it isn’t competition.
Must be sure to keep to THE MESSAGE even when discovering that maybe everyone else’s life isn’t wine and roses like you think and all… no, they’re still keeping everyone else down AND being miserable about it!
I’d say she’s crazy… but these facts are self evident.
Yeah, that jumped out at me too. Anything to not deviate from the orthodoxy.
The most marginalized group is the individual.
“ The most marginalized group is the individual”
and one is the loneliest number.
Sammy Davis Junior: “God is our co-pilot.”
Dean Martin: “We got two seats. Where’s he gonna sit?”
Burt Reynolds: “We could get a black Trans Am. … Naw, that’s been done.”
I suspect so had Sally Field at the time.
They like me! They REALLY like me!
Roger Moore: “You know what’s wrong with you, Mother? You’re too Jewish.”
I want Farrah Fawcett’s outfit. Peak 80s.
[Imagines Mojeaux in red bathing suit]
Not as fun as Smokey and the Bandit.
I remembered it from my childhood as being absolutely hilarious. And then in my 30’s I saw the DVD in the cheap bin at Wal-Mart and with much anticipation took it home to watch. Much disappoint.
Cannonball Run, I mean. S&tB is awesome.
I’d LOVE to watch a “directors cut” without the edits to Jackie Gleason’s cussing.
Yes, Smokey holds up. CbR has not.
I always preferred The Gumball Rally.
Would someone kindly post the open zoom link again?
I have it saved on my laptop but not on my mobile. I’ll probably log in around 5 pactime, with the hockey game on mute in the background.
I think this is it. I am on the phone so no pretty links.
Belmont Stakes is happening now!!
Having been disappointed by the results of my attempts to recruit my future army from the glibertariat, I have taken to creating my own soldiers – named the Furstukai – to do my bidding. I have taken lower tier Firsters and molded them through the magic of the Firstonomicon.
Fursuit-taki? Hey, y’all do y’all, bro, I ain’t gonna judge.
It’s Bro-kaki.
Hong Kong Pooi.
When you realize you need a Firstsei who actually knows what he’s doing, you let me know.
I’ll tell you to get bent.
Florida or Vegas tonight?
Charles Barkley is on the pre game. I love him.
Two teams from towns that barely know what frost is, much less ice, playing ice hockey in fucking middle-June. Hard pass. Too nice outside.
That’s turrble.
Every one of these kids came from cold weather. I get how fucking lame it is playing hockey in June, but holy shit are these kids good!
Truth be told, I didn’t watch them in February either. haha
But christ on a cracker is hockey in June dumb.
“Nobody told me how lonely being a man is,” the influencer claimed in the two-minute video discussing having more friends when identifying as a woman.
Well, the women don’t want to fuck you because you lack the necessary equipment, and the men avoid you completely because you’re a goddamn impostor with mental issues.
Maybe you should’ve thought of that before your “transition.”
“Nobody told me how lonely being a man is,” the influencer claimed in the two-minute video discussing having more friends when identifying as a woman.
*outright prolonged laughter*
And done.
And maybe you could have just asked some men (not that if they were actual men they’d do more than shrug and say… it is what it is, probably).
“Don’t be such a pussy.”
All of the F2M’s I’ve seen demonstrate a remarkable amount of emotional instability and always seem to be crying.
Sort of like how the M2F’s seem to be very aggressive and prone to violence.
I have two coworkers I’ve clocked as FTM, though they have not told me so. They could be dudes with some sort of growth issue.
From the waist up, they could pass easily. The beards and hair are a bit too perfect, but maybe they’re just really into grooming? They’re very short for a guy, and when they walk, the gait isn’t quite right, which makes you notice their hips.
Voices and mannerisms are also a bit too atypical.
*gnashes teeth*
,em>empathetic wail
As is so often the case when they “help”, the edit fairy came along and removed context.
Whell! *flounces off*
Fight. FIGHT. FIGHT!!!!!
I don’t think it would take much effort for her to beat the shit out of you.
*recalls that Mo’ has edit powers*
I mean, it was a good move this time. But some other times, like back before you could do it, it was bad. Or something.
ding ding ding
They’re doing it just to piss you off.
I know. 😤
Those dogs up there remind me of this.
I get the Rubik’s Cube on the right but what the heck is left dog working on?
I was wondering the same thing.
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87821224358?pwd=eW55MTRDbDNtQkh2aHd3M1Nmenlzdz09
Thanks, Edit Faerie!
West has no chance of beating Biden. But the fear in some Democratic circles is that West’s candidacy, and the fondness that he elicits from individuals in Sanders’ orbit, may provide a permission structure for a small percentage of progressives to sour on the president.
Good grief.
Letting people think they have the permission to think for themselves is dangerous. It’s better to just let the many malcontents feel as if they are alone and isolated in their disappointment by surrounding them with state-approved propaganda.
Hey, that’s what the left wants to do with the right on social media!
I’m wondering if there’s any perceptible difference between the Democrats and the “People’s Party”.
Same as between the D’s and the D’Socialists.
The People’s Party is open about their intentions.
What, the Jimmy Dore types? They’re pretty sour already.
Spudz Salacious Silicone Saturday Slootz.
White House Says China Has Had Cuba Spy Base Since at Least 2019
They’ve changed the official line from “Nuh-uh! The Chi-Coms aren’t in Cuba!” to “It’s Trumps fault!”
I think maybe that link is the paywalled version. Use this if it is…and if you care.
What a shitshow of incompetence from the administration.
“The clip opened with Barnes, sporting a beard and wearing a white baseball cap, declaring, “Nobody told me how lonely being a man is.” The user then noted how, as a woman, it was much easier connecting to other people in general.”
Boo fucking hoo. You made your bed and now you can lay in it.
“And what’s hard is, none of this invalidates how real and raw women and people who are in marginalized groups feels about cis white men, all of that’s valid.”
Go chew tinfoil shitbag.
“Barnes then urged viewers to reach out to men in their communities and “help them maybe be seen for a moment.” ”
Realizing maybe that seeing a psychiatrist would have been better than poisoning your body with hormones?
To be fair, I think she was poisoned before taking a different set of hormones.
“Pardon me, white man, do you need help being seen?”
Every white guy: “The fuck??”
It can be hard to see white people during the day. And black people at night.
She’s a nut bar who was sold a bill of goods as a promise to fix an issue that might be unfixable but manageable if correctly addressed. It’s sad really and I feel nothing but pity. As for the parroting of the gender and racial drivel, I don’t think there’s much of an organized thought process going on there.
All of this.
She needs to go to happy hour, have a couple beers, watch the game, and go home, Do it a couple times at the same place, and you will find you have friends. Or, at least acquaintances.
but muh male privilege.
I’m getting a new car. I’m so excited. It’s been almost 5 years.
I kinda thought it would be a fun journey. My first article even.
Nope. Nailed it on the first go around.
Model? Trade?
Curious what the retail market is right now.
2022 Jeep Compass Trailhawk (new). No trade.
Way under sticker.
As a side note, I also test drove a 2023 Hyundai Kona limited. That dealership was busier and the sales girl was hot.
Fantastic. You enjoy.
Only five years?
What happened? Did you crash the existing one?
Keeping the existing.
I’m on the mend and I have my driving privileges back.
The family loaded the bank bags onto two trucks, which were so heavy the trucks’ suspensions were visibly stressed, forcing them to drive in the slow lane from Los Angeles back to Reye’s home in Ontario.
The clip opened with Barnes, sporting a beard and wearing a white baseball cap, declaring, “Nobody told me how lonely being a man is.” The user then noted how, as a woman, it was much easier connecting to other people in general.
1) Don’t alert the media. 2) Ask a good coin shop for advice.
You’d hope a realtor would be more sophisticated. Sheesh.
Graham Hancock can sound perfectly reasonable and his ideas entirely plausible, then he starts talking about Egyptians using psychic powers to build the pyramids and…
Who? Seriously, I have no idea who he is.
Thanks. I like how the first six articles on his site appear to be straight science. Then it quickly goes into New Age nuttiness.
The basic of his argument is that there was an ancient mother civilization, and that a great cataclysm (the Younger Dryas) led to its downfall and has been forgotten.
At the end of the day, the general trend is that the story of civilization is getting older and older the more discovers that are made. But he is hated by archaeologists and he kind of hates them.
Morning links had an interesting line on transgenderism being radical individualism. There are a certain sort of squishy middle ground collectivist conservative who may make this argument, but the reality is that the people transitioning are the opposite. These are the people most easily manipulated. They are going in on the newest fad. They are the ones most susceptible to the propaganda of the day. The ones who would have walked backwards if you told them it would cure covid. They are group thinkers in the extreme who are so lost that they replace identity with the propaganda. They can be confused on something as basic as to who they are as their own gender.
I’m kind of tired of transgenderism being treated as a political movement. I’m talking about the real deal, all in, full surgery, making every effort to pass transsexuals.
I know one, and only one, personally. He was married and had a stable life. For whatever reason(s), he needed to transition. He divorced his wife, which was painful for both of them, and did the whole deal. Now a she, she returned to work. She did her work and didn’t pester anyone with her politics. Ironically, those politics are center right. She just wants to live her life and be accepted for who she is.
I also think of Deirdre McCloskey. I know she has made some public statements about her transition but all of them, that I’m aware of, are about the personal cost. I don’t think she has ever said anything political about it.
My sense of things is the all in crowd just want to lead their lives as they see fit. It’s the half-hearted ones that seem to be vocal and want to impose themselves on everyone.
Well said.
Ditto. She is “all in”, as you say, and I can go along with that.
It’s the side-show freakery like Bud Lite person that I know rubs most people the wrong way.
And the fifty-seven gender but who knows which one on which day nonsense even more so.
Deirdre “fits in”. Probably deliberately so.
The mission of these others is to NOT fit in. To provoke. To annoy.
What sort of person would seek to intentionally annoy or provoke others?
Hyperbole. That’s who.
I hate that guy.
Lol again.
It’s the new Goth but it’s permanent.
Just leave the kids out of it.
Or else.
I’ll be frank on this topic. The push to insert the state in between me and my child in order to remove my power to prevent the child’s self destruction is an effort I cannot tolerate.
One has to begin asking themselves whether they’re actually committed to their principles. It’s not a hypothetical question any more.
I love/hate this song, just like its lyrics state.
Wish me luck for next week. Hope to see y’all soon.
What’s happening next week?
Monday I am going back to Pahrump to pack my “things”.
Ex is being cordial but a little odd.
Bottom line, I’m a little scared. I think the odds of my coming back alive are hovering around 50/50.
But it’s been a good run.
Get a Deputy to accompany you. Less chance of a violent reaction with LE around. Don’t feel shy about it. You paid taxes there.
Very much this.
Excellent idea.
Notify lawyer. Bring cat carrier/s too.
Hayeksplosives, serious talk here for a minute. If you have any funny feelimg about this meeting, don’t go. Those funny feelings are your subconscious trying to alert you to something you missed. Just bail, don’t inform your ex, just don’t show up. You don’t have any obligations to your ex that require you to risk getting hurt. You are more important than that.
I don’t have so many friends, even online friends, that I can afford to have then get murdered. Please, please be careful.
I love you guys .
Back at ya. Be safe.
Get Pat to go with you, packing some heat. It’s a bizarre time we live in. Good luck, give us a jingle on your way out of Pahrump.
“And what’s hard is, none of this invalidates how real and raw women and people who are in marginalized groups feels about cis white men, all of that’s valid. But I also now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher in men, because this s— is lonely!”
It’s lonely at the top. What an amusing story.
If we’re going to be stuck with a democrat president, I’ll take RFK jr.
From his book “The Real Dr Fauci”:
Related: from Tablet. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/do-you-remember-2005-liel-leibovitz
Where has civility gone?
Good mornin all y’all. 😁
How’s life in NY?
Who becomes suspect #1 if a code enforcement office disappears?
Did you neglect to trim your blade of grass?
No, the cover for my front porch light was hanging by the hinge because the latch had rusted. It’s impossible to perch a ladder on the steps to reach the thing, so repairs are awkward and unsafe.
His broken step is not handicap accessible.
I was actually expecting the nastygram to be regarding the back step, but nope, it was the cosmetic light fixture issue.
Good morning, Sean, hayek, Lack, 4(20), EvilS, TO’G, U, ‘loosey, and Stinky!
In boring news, still having to medicate Little Black Cat at both ends twice a day and keep him in the Cone of Shame because he keeps trying to lick where the abscess was, but he’s in MUCH better spirits.
Partial roadway collapse. 😲
Let me guess, they used the poor state of that overpass to beg for funds for years and never used money on it.
Sunday morning coming down?
Good morning all!!!
Hope all is well.
Hayek, be careful and take the proper precautions.
HOW did search engines get way worse than they were fifteen years ago? Used to be you could search for just about anything and you’d have to use a filter to narrow results, now you get a half page of relevant results and then businesses and ads trying to sell stuff. Freaking ridiculous…
Search engines are now optimized to make you the product.
It’s not that hard to find porn…
Where’s Tres? 😂😂