Biden’s vision of armed IRS agents
The Terrifier film series took advantage of nauseous movie patrons to promote the series. Nothing wrong or unusual about that. It’s a fine B movie tradition that dates back to things like Mark of the Devil and the William Castle films. Personally I wish branded Terrifier vomit bags were available at the theater! Oh wait… I really need to get one of those off eBay when the prices come down. I can put it next to the Shaun of the Dead cricket bat I got at the premiere in Texas.
So! For those of you not familiar with this film series, it’s about Art the Clown, a killer in the same vein as Michael Myers and others. He popped up initially in a short subject called Terrifier which is hard to find and considered excellent (link provided), then the anthology All Hallow’s Eve, then later became popular enough to fund a another film (Full-length Terrifier). Then another film. A series is born! Terrifier is suitably gruesome and has some nice twists. I did enjoy Terrifier 2 (the ending was creative) and I wanted everyone to see something… other than Cocaine Shark. Bro suggested this series. It seems a capital idea. None of this is as gruesome as something like Tokyo Gore Police, or Meatball Machine. So fair warning that this is middle of the road gruesome.*
Who do we thank for all this gore? Damien Leone, who is the sole writer and director on our films tonight, the short subject, and All Hallow’s Eve. I love one-man-bands the best. Films by committee usually fail. I see he has Terrifier 3 under consideration. Well and good, but I would love to see him develop more properties. Damien is a young man and there is clearly a lot of creativity in that head! Show us!
To discuss: Are you terrified? Are you ready to barf? Are you entertained? I don’t often do straight up horror films, so let me know what you think!
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until some clown stabs you to death! Next week is dealer’s choice. Not sure what I will post. As always I am open to suggestions.
*In general, straightforward slasher films are not my thing. I have seen so many of them, I suppose I am jaded. So my opinion of gruesome may not be yours.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
A double feature. I have already seen both. First one is pure gorefest. It is killing for killing’s sake with the flimsiest notion of anything resembling plot. Second attempts to add an 80’s style supernatural element to the plot to up it to slasher level movie standards of plot. Both have some good kills. The clown killer is creepy and endearing to me as a horror fan.
I think this will be too extreme for the Glibs who need to pull their panties out of their asses.
It is not the most extreme. It is on the limit of what you could show in theatres these days. I’d say what will bother more people is the nihilistic killing for killing’s sake. That first one didn’t even bother to try and cobble together a reason to have it’s killer go after its bimbo characters. The second was produced by Shutter, and they told the creators they had to class it up a bit.
All Hallow’s Eve isn’t a bad watch, either. Saw that ages ago and didn’t even connect Art to Terrifier.
I did some research and put it together.
On that note, I’ve developed a new way to sell the “conspiracy theories” about the government. It’s a really simple standard to use to judge whether it’s likely they did it. It’s a simple, “If they could do this, wouldn’t they have done it?”
Let’s look at a few scenarios.
If they saw covid as an opportunity to discredit Trump, wouldn’t they have taken advantage of it?
If they could have cheated to get rid of Trump in 2020, wouldn’t they have done it?
If COVID provided a justification to force the Fed to print trillions and forestall the ECB’s financial apocalypse, wouldn’t the WEF crowd have done it?
Of course they fucking would have. They’ve started wars to save banks, destroy them, or provide cover for their failures.
The only thing that makes me somewhat doubt that covid was an intentional leak at this point was that supposedly Chinese researchers came down with it first, and some/at least one died. But we have no clue who is leaking that to US press because it isn’t like they are doing on -the-ground journalisming in China. The source for that is likely Western intelligence agencies with their own motives for leaking such info.
But yea…a lot of people wetted their beaks with covid and a lot of people made their bones. It furthered their agenda completely to the point where if it wasn’t done intentionally, you couldn’t really tell the difference with the end result.
Yeah, the PI dying points to a lab accident and a cover-up.
With the 2 biggest governments in the world both implicated, a cover-up is pretty easy to buy.
The CCP has zero respect for the lives of its own citizens so don’t let that faze you.
I mean, I guess there is a scenario where they’d expose their own researchers first to add a level of plausible deniability…
But they could have just leaked it somewhere far from Wuhan and let it take its course. Their own people getting infected first indicates screw-up, but again…I have trouble taking anything reported on the origins of covid at face value.
I do look at the incredible lack of interest in how it was leaked and the general shrug at the basic acknowledgement that it did come from the lab and get pretty damn prickly. China screwed up bigly or committed a massive act of war. Our politicians don’t care.
that could be explained by the fact that they are in bed with the Chinese to such an extent that there is little they could do without provoking major conflict and spiting their own noses, and/or the fact that we helped fund the shit and there is little interest among the uniparty in incriminating themselves.
Maybe PI was guilty of wrongthink so CCP killed 2 birds with one stone.
that could be explained by the fact that they are in bed with the Chinese
At least one of them.
“Everything is voluntary until some clown stabs you to death!”
Story of my life.
I found an awesome Romanian science fiction cartoon. Almost beyond effective description. I need a translated version for posting. Called MISIUNEA SPAȚIALĂ DELTA.
Maybe Pie might be able to help
I hope. If not I may post in anyway. It’s mesmerizing.
Count Potato might find it, if he attends tonight.
I watched the first bit, and I thought I was watching a new Venture Bros. Kept waiting for Hank to come on in a Batman mask.
It goes completely psychedelic. No idea what is being talked about, for all I know it’s a long-form ad for communism. It looks great though.
Diving in….
The survivor gal probably has an easier time getting a date than the average guy.
At the end of the second movie, the survivor gal gives birth to Art’s living, severed head.
Post credits. Don’t turn off early!
Spoiler alert, dude.
Apologies. Pretend I said nothing.
The boy is getting bored with his burger flipping job. 15 years old. Hard worker.
Wants to quit.
The job has been good for him. He has gained some needed self esteem. (He attends an elite magnet school where he can’t skate on ability and charm, and where the baseline is being gifted.)
Any suggestions for real jobs a 15 year old rising junior might be able to find? I had a line on a job at an embroidery shop, but the guy turned out to be a flake. He isn’t a programmer (much to my chagrin), but he was really good in his maker class running the 3d modeling software.
I know a lot of you have been there, done that, so I welcome your suggestions.
It’s going to be tough at the age. If he wants something other than fast food or retail, then I think he is going to need to network his way into a job.
I made my best per hour in my teen years mowing yards, raking leaves, washing cars, cleaning gutters, shoveling snow: negotiating prices, setting my own hours, managing equipment and quality, no taxes….wish everyone could do that.
is there anything he can do that is self-directed and a bit off the grid where you also might learn something: 3D printing service, fixing wifi connections for little old ladies, guitar or Spanish lessons…..what’s he good at?
Good advice. That is actually his sister. She has built multiple food carts, sells shaved ice and Popsicles at the park, bought a thousand crock buttons from china…. she hustles. Babysitting, graphic design… whatever… it is on the table. And is only 13.
He needs a team or supervised job situation.
He might be good at sales… I might send him to do sales somewhere. I have computer connections, but he isn’t interested in that. Too bad. Good suggestions guys.
Some sort of (paid?) intern opportunity?
I worked in my mom’s office at that age. Mostly boring AF but it got me used to a life of sitting on my ass in the middle of office politics.
All my suggestions to my teens at that age were scoffed at and understandably so. Much to my dismay. I gave pointers and hints but they were going to go after jobs they wanted.
Is there some sort of machinists program available? It isn’t a job per se, but the skills learned and the connections with the industry could be very valuable for a smart kid.
My problem was I started working a dream job at 22, used bookstore clerk, and dropped out of school, not realizing what it would take to make money at it. In other words, be very wary of gumption traps.
Gumption trap. I like that.
Never become comfortable with less, that is for sure. Also works for your romantic life. (My sister in law did that… hung around with the “not getting married” guy until it was really late. Next guy went 3 years and fell apart… and then she was done. Never got to have kids.
Him: keep working. Work is work. Boredom is irrelevant. There’s advancement where he’s at or at another store/chain. Or he finds it sucks so much he will do anything to stay out of there. Or it’s a fallback in pretty much any location.
Too many people think a job is there to provide fulfillment or finding yourself. Great if it is, but that’s not it. It’s getting money to do the things you actually want to do. Particularly at entry level.
You: let him sink or swim. Let him find job openings or talk his way into one.
I did freelance technical writing / editing as a teenager for an oil services company that shall remain nameless.
So if he has grammar and editing chops, maybe look in that direction?
Burger flipping is a “real job”. Lots of “gifted” people do it every day.
If he likes and is good at the 3D software, see if any local manufacturers with 3D or “old school” CNC machines are looking for interns. Drive home to him that to be a better than average designer/programmer, you have to understand what actually happens day in and day out at the machine.
Waiting tables and eventually bartending can be great if he is personable and friendly. That is the one job I wish I kept up with. I ended up doing lots of manual labor for half the money.
Both had their appeal, but meeting girls and figuring how to deal with people is a good trade off compared to learning how to dig the most efficient hole.
I don’t regret what I learned, but once you backpack blower a parking lot a few times you aren’t learning much new stuff.
Damn. That was predictable.
“Some douchebag in a costume acting like a retard because it is Halloween.”
I like the cutting back and forth there.
That line could apply to any number of leftist protests.
I wonder how many kinksters considered the woman bound to the chair scene to be porn.
oh… and then the reveal of the friend.
maybe a bit extreme
Japanese body horror movies….
Dropping off for a zoom, will finish this tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
Thanks for coming!
OT as all get out, but this is good,
Diving in…
Yeah what a colossal fucking mirage that turned out to me. Fukuyama should be hiding under a rock in shame for that shit.
Good article. Will anyone in power notice? I doubt it.
Everyone in power has their heads shoved so far up their asses I don’t see any way out of bad times ahead.
mebeCould it be that, in the long run, Russia will be in greatest danger not from the West but from China in the East?
Washington and Moscow might find it to both country’s advantage to end the saber-rattling and adversarial rhetoric.
Excellent article! Thank you.
“Don’t go in there.”
*walks away whistling*
I have to skip tonight because gore really bothers me. There is obviously a following in the Glib community. So, everyone else enjoy!
This is fine. Go OT and discuss other things. No rules on Thursdays.
What Is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?
African, or transexual?
Something something embrace something both
Anglican or Presbyterian swallow?
Spit or swallow?
I think Tipper bothers all of us.
Tipper Gore?
Tipper Canoe?
Tippi Hedren?
Tyler too.
I skip the movies, of all kinds. I’ve been to one movie in a theater in the last 50 years, saw a few on TV but probably not the whole movie. Hardly watch TV anymore, a little news is about all.
Still cleaning up the winter damaged trees in the yard, I can’t get into the woods to look at the jungle.
Probably better for you.
At least you didn’t get snooty about the gore stuff as so many are prone to do.
It isn’t the element I watch slasher movies for (though I’d have trouble articulating what I enjoy about them – I’m just a basic bitch when it comes to horror). Some can be fun. I’m just immune to being offended.
Fuck off, you seconder trash.
I got 99 problems, but being second? That aint one.
I am a Glibertarian. Everyone has stuff they enjoy. Some of it I like and some of it I don’t. Live and let live.
*raises glass*
Ideas for next week. Any preference?
Space Monster WangMagWi
Night Feeder
Nude Nuns with Big Guns
Breaking Barbi
I saw a new trailer for the Barbie movie, and not that this shit is made for me, but I can’t help but think that they greatly resisted the urge to play Barbie off as you’d really imagine her in your head…a dumb bimbo blond. Margot Robbie looks good, but she doesn’t really come off as being a dumb blond. She has that self-aware sass to her. It’s good for a Harley Quinn role or for Wolf of Wall Street. Not so much for Barbie.
But it was probably intentional because they had to make this thing for a modern audience aka Twitter.
It could have been worse. Breaking Barbi came out in 2019. It’s about a fitness model fighting off an alien invasion after a bad Tinder date.
That… actually sounds like fun.
Ok, two votes. Lord help is all. I haven’t watched it yet.
Looks like we’re going in bareback.
Breaking Barbi?
One vote tallied.
Anyone else notice in the afternoon links someone named Epstein is flying women across borders for nefarious purposes?
North Dakota Highway Patrol hopes to educate drivers through Grand Forks sobriety checkpoint
I just can’t even with these lying assholes.
I think they are setting themselves up for a Constitutional challenge. The shitty SC decision permitting these stops still put some modest limits on them. If officer dipshit is keeping me there to chat me up it may be unduly prolonging my detention a la the cases chucking drug searches because Officer Doggy wasn’t immediately available.
But you got straight to the point. Fuck these lying liars.
And coincidence of coincidences, it just happens to be the county fair weekend. So there will be thousands of people from out of town coming and going. Just think of all the appreciative citizens they will be able to educate!
Couldn’t they just get a booth at the fair like other do-gooders?
But they already have the cars with the blinking lights!
Can you not stop or just drive the speed limit through it? No? It’s an unlawful stop, by armed agents of the state using coercion and intimidation against people that are not reasonably suspected of any crime.
They only want to educate you. The newspaper said so!!!11
Septic problem is still not fixed. Problem is in the drain field.
I guess I’ll be shitposting for a while.
I missed the details. What’s up? I have a septic system, too so I’m interested in this crap.
Given what you are, I’d think would be more interested in what’s in the septic system.
I go #1 on your #2
Tank isn’t draining properly. Crew that pumped it two weeks ago, was thinking it was the baffles. It’s not, drainfield isn’t accepting effluent when they pumped it today. Next step is get a camera out and scope the lines.
I don’t know where the distribution box is so I’ve got to find that this weekend and dig it out.
Also, I smell shit like an afterimage from being over the hole this afternoon.
Ugh. That sucks.
Probably too simple of a question but I’ll throw it out there just in case; the drain field stoppage isn’t due to being saturated from heavy rains or high water table?
No, on the contrary, it’s been quite dry.
My wag is either the drain field has failed (it is older), broken pipe, or the tree I felled nearby disturbed the pipe directly or via root network.
One of my colleagues said today, off-hand and factually, “No one ever panicked their way to a brilliant solution.”
It is now a quote indelibly printed on my brain.
Enough time has passed to where we can reveal a woman gets sawed in half from her vag on up while she is hung upside down in the first one of these movies.
Scene was a bit off putting.
One more reason I don’t watch horror movies.
well that’s a nope.
Why do I need that in my life?
Yeesh, Black Dahlia territory.
Yikes, Imma pass on these movies I think.
Currently reading a biography of Gen Grant by Ron Chernow.
Absolutely excellent.
High functioning alcoholic.
What did you just call me??
Time to get up Glibbies!
At least it’s Friday, get out there and kick some ass.
Fridays Suck. They’re the worst day of the week.
Au contrere, Friday is the best day.
On friday I still have to be at work, and hear people blather on about how good it is that it is friday while having checked out and failing to actually do the work I need them to do to get my own work done. I’m sick of the vapid comments and the checked-out coworkers. Give me a tuesday or a thursday if it must be a workday.
On friday I still have to be at work, and hear people blather on about how good it is that it is friday while having checked out and failing to actually do the work I need them to do to get my own work done.
*mutes Zoom audio*
Problem solved!
Your distance from the office has warped your perceptions.
Good morning, Sean and U!
I hear Little Black Cat crying from his prison. I’d better go give him some attention. 🙄🐱👤
Ok, now he’s purring up a storm on my lap. 😸
Are you insured for purrstorm damage?
Uh oh. 😳
Wonderful track. Did not know who that was.
LOL that was a misthread.
I was replying to Grossy’s Friday-themed track.
Reopening today. Partially.
That’s fast. I don’t remember how long it took when the overpass failed in Atlanta, but seems like it was a lot longer.
To be fair, it probably took half a month just for the Atlanta crews to reach the site through traffic. And nobody really noticed the impact unless they needed that particular overpass.
Because of that traffic, I think 10s of 1000s of people noticed everyday. I was one. I used to hop on 85S a little north of the collapse and then switch back to 75N out to 75/285 every morning.
It’s partial. Only 3 of four lanes each way on I-95. The road under the bridge is closed.
Vin Diesel. Break dancing.
He’s to break dancing what he is to acting, passably OK but how the hell’d he get all that work?
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie (and Stinky!) Hangin’ in there?
Today, I shall attempt to complete yet another mandatory sexual harassment and discrimination training course. Management doesn’t seem to realize that I already know all there is to know about sexual harassment – I wrote the book on it. And I am a man of discriminating tastes. But I’m glad they are teaching the younguns how to misbehave. Much like 1984, it is a training manual.
::momentarily ponders linking “A Secretary is Not a Toy” from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Watches a couple of minutes of the song, thinks better of the idea::
Mrs. Patzer and I saw that play – Sunday matinee on Jan. 7, 1996. I now realize that the casting of John Stamos was her primary reason for wanting to see it.
We got stuck in the city for 3 days. Here’s why.
I think we might have got a snow daw out of that storm.
But only one.
We actually showed up to our deserted office in downtown Brooklyn on Monday, subways were running. CEO showed up around noon, asked what the hell we were doing there, and sent us home. We earned a comp day for that.
I found a clip of the cast of the most recent revival – starring Daniel Radcliffe (AKA Harry Potter) – doing the big showstopper, “Brotherhood of Man,” at the Tonys (Tonies?) I was impressed as hell – Radcliffe not only sings well (certainly well enough for that character) but most of all dances his ass off!
As long as it’s not the low-quality government training videos with a cast pulled from those that showed up to the office that day.
I’ve been saying this for days.
“Top secret” is used like we don’t know that the Navy listens all the time.
It’s so top secret that we’re going to tell everybody about it.
My brother and I fell for that vomit bag gimmick when we were teens. Turned out the movie wasn’t even a slasher or gross, just a really bad supernatural movie. We kept waiting for the promised horror scene, and it never came. And to top it off, there were no fucking vomit bags! Ripoff!