Simple. Direct. I like it. I wanted a poster with French language but all those had bad resolution, probably to save the earth by reducing pixel counts or something.
So now, one of the highest rated (on IMDB) movies I have ever shown is going to be a French spy film. Why is this so awesome, you ask? Because it is one of the better spy parody movies I have ever seen. As a bonus, this is a series. A second film is available on TUBI, and the third one is rentable. In true sequel style the first move is great and the sequels degrade the awesomeness a little each time. That should be an Iron Law.
The look and feel of this movie is just fantasic. The lead actor exudes a Sean Connery vibe. The humor will catch you off guard. No punches are pulled here. Our lead is brutally crass and funnier for it. I even like that the current IMDB customer review has to point out how non-woke this film is and then admit grudgingly that it’s F-ing hilarious.
This is based on a novel series by Jean Bruce should you wish to read the source material. Jean died in 1963, leaving behind a ton of OSS 117 novels. His novels were serious, where as this film takes the rough plot and forms a parody.
I have written enough. It’s getting late and I must finish with the catch phrase. So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a big Frenchman beats your ass for singing at night. Next week, I will be on the road again so expect something… Unexpected.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*continues watching*
How did you get a head start?
“In true sequel style the first move is great and the sequels degrade the awesomeness a little each time.”
I don’t think the first Matt Helm is the best one?
That series is an exception. So I suppose it is not an iron law. Brass Guidance?
Probably. Terminator 2 is better than Terminator.
The Road Warrior
Magnum Force
In Like Flint
A Shot in the Dark
Ok, so it’s a rubber rule.
I recall the rule to only watch the even TOS films, odd TNG films, and none of the reboots.
Oof I don’t recall that one but the other two rules are solid.
But I am the only human in the galaxy who likes Insurrection so I might be an unreliable witness.
You are correct, sir!
Meh. ST I was boring, and ST V was offensively bad, but III was fine.
The look and feel of this movie is just fantasic. The lead actor exudes a Sean Connery vibe. The humor will catch you off guard. No punches are pulled here. Our lead is brutally crass and funnier for it. I even like that the current IMDB customer review has to point out how non-woke this film is and then admit grudgingly that it’s F-ing hilarious.
This looks good.
I’ve got some stuff to take care of, so I’ll watch this tomorrow before I drop off to head for PA.
You enjoy!
So Citibike Karen was telling the truth.
Lots of lines to read between.
But he called it.
In Firsting culture, calling dibs is a formal declaration that must be honored.
Could this be an on topic first?
I’m still want an article on the legends of Firsting.
Something like “Highlander the Firstening”?
Firsthalla. The heroes of Firsting have chunks of seconders in their stool.
First of the Dragon.
Unfortunately I will pass this one, I hate the French. Surrender is their last name.
You make me sad.
That really is what the kid seems to be claiming. It’s a bike rental isn’t it? If it’s in the dock anyone can rent it, right? What am I missing?
That is what he’s claiming. Basically, it’s common for people to dock before 45 minutes to avoid extra charges. He thinks that while he docks it and waits for it to reset or he’s ready to go, that he’s entitled to the exact same bike just because.
On her part, she kind of knew they were looking to use it but seems to have wanted it anyway if their story is true.
The bike was a newer model so bitches be fightin over it.
The only thing you need to know is that the prominence of this story revolves entirely around the race of the participants despite the fact that it quite obviously had nothing whatsoever to do with what happened.
Ain’t current year grand?
I do believe that race impacted how both parties responded. The black teens know they are a protected class and can film the uppity white woman, who refuses to acknowledge their dibs and the uppity pregnant white woman is still hoping that the sight of a group of unruly black youths surrounding her will draw sympathy. But she failed to realize that it is current year and that she is further down on the victimhood food chain that makes up the ecosystem that is NYC.
Don’t harsh my buzz, man.
I do have to give her props for not backing down though to a group of young males who were strongarm robbing her, albeit in a mild fashion. Maybe not the smartest thing but she’s got balls, I’ll give her that.
Hey, Sensai, sorry to hear about your cat. That sucks.
+1 🐈
I think I might watch What Is A Woman seeing as its free tonight on the Twatters. Sorry, RJ.
It’s food. You can watch this anytime. That may not be up long. Report back on it!
It’s good. My turn for miscorrects.
It is funny that as soon as you go to the Daily Wire’s Twatter page, the tweet with the video is hidden behind a warning that it may violate their rules about hateful conduct despite what Elon said.
He was just quoted about that on ZeroHedge. I believe he is peeved about that and people may be fired. His trigger finger is still twitching from firing the guy who fucked up DeSantis’ campaign launch.
From what I understand Musk has cucked, at least partially. He’s initiated something akin to a shadowban on the video. Nicht gut if true.
Not true. He fired at least one person already.
“Following Elon Musk’s comments earlier that the cancellation of a deal to show Daily Wire’s ‘What Is A Woman?’ documentary “was a mistake by many people at Twitter,” Fortune reports that Twitter’s head of trust and safety is no longer in Twitter’s internal slack, citing an unidentified person and a screenshot of her deactivated account.
Reuters later reported that Ella Irwin told them that she has resigned from the social media company.”
Maybe we can elect Musk to drain the swamp. He may not get it on the first try, but he’ll at least keep trying.
He does have a track record of firing underperforming / mutinous people.
Well good.
I think you know the ending.
Well, huh. I have passed over this one a bunch of times.
*grabs beer, hits play*
*Sound of Late Brooks judging R.J.
If anyone wants to have a Zoom, here’s a link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87821224358?pwd=eW55MTRDbDNtQkh2aHd3M1Nmenlzdz09
I’ll be there for an hour or so. BTW, RJ is pretty much right on sequels.
Anybody else show up? I’m in process of a haircut. Might miss the tail end of your hour.
I will totes do a zoom if any are willing! Gotta sling on some clothes but heck ya!
I First completely in the nude on a regular basis.
Sadly, I am working, and once I start my new gig, I won’t be on any of the Zooms.
Now I really am sad. I am glad you have a new gig though.
aw shucks
nobody is there
i will keep it open a while just in case
He had a free account and only had an hour.
we could use the unmoderated one:
Penguin jump on?
it’s truly awful.
Permanent lifelong consequences to fleeting whims.
And whims that were encouraged by sociopaths.
Watching the bankrupt academics and medical “professionals” and even a politician cut Walsh off as he asks basic questions to their idiocy and propaganda is fairly entertaining. You could probably do a more hard hitting documentary just focusing on various people who transitioned and regretted it, though. The most impactful moment is with one female-to-male who is a mess as a result of what they did.
What I can’t grip mentally is why these adults obsess about the kids!!
Get ’em young. Teach them early. That whole “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” thing works both ways.
Not sure if you watched it, but this is in the movie.
Team B will just counter that with a list of F2M who are happy with their reconstructions.
I would find honest stats to be more powerful than whatever human-interest stories either side trots out. I.e. what percentage are a mess.
what percentage are a mess.
…I’ll just round to 100%
I finally watched too. The worst person in the movie is the Professor at Tennessee.
Yes, the movie interviews surgeons and pediatricians doing terrible things to kids, but I still hate him more.
Oh, hell yes!
404 says hell no
THICC Thursday after dark.
In the previous thread Kinnath had a link to a story which included a link to a site with many of photos from Hunter Biden’s laptop. It must be getting a lot of traffic because it wouldn’t load for me.
I posted this in the dead thread, so in case it was missed:
Also in the article is a link to his emails, bidenlaptopemails.com, which loads right away and is way more interesting, to me anyway. They have a search feature and I found > 2000 emails with the word “Ukraine” in them (out of 128k total emails). A lot of the “Ukraine” emails are actually news aggregators being sent to Hunter, so not really interesting, But there are also emails relating to Burisma, bank accounts, and Hunter’s salary.
I have not been able to get the photo site to load since late afternoon.
I wasn’t aware of the link to the emails.
I hope this is being archived in many places.
I had no idea that existed. I imagine a combination of independent journalists, right wing journalists, and tech savvy tweeters are going to have a field day.
Good flick. Picked this one and the sequel up on import DVDs years ago. Not sure if the third one ever made it onto a subbed release – maybe by now. Love the politically incorrect bits – esp the call to prayer and other elements – a little surprising given when it came out in France IMO.
Completely OT though – think we found out what OMWC has been up to:
Maybe he’s bonking a Chinese honeypot.
Please an NPR-listening Chinese honeypot.
It seems there are a lot of glibs who like the Asian pussy.
We had a name for that back in high school.
Yellow fever is real, yo.
The only thing wrong with the CI is that they aren’t sending their best honey pots.
The plot thickens.
Despite all of the noise, occupational licensing continues to move in one direction. As July 1, the state of Washington will require all non-speciality electrical trainees to be in formal apprenticeship programs.
“Click” goes the ratchet.
AZ prepares to receive more emigre electricians.
No homo, but I would totally have sex with myself if I could.
Wtf Swedes? Decilitres as a unit for baking? You fuckers are cray cray.
Happy Felon Day, brace owners!
It’s that time again.
Rise and shine, bitches.
::yawns:: Good morning, Sean!
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning, U! Are you up early or still up?
What’s a brief nap count as?
They’re still after Bill. No, not the white ones…
Junk food.
Cake or fried? While I will eat cake donuts my preference was for the fried. Now I rarely eat either and never bring any home.
Croissants > donuts. I could stick several more kinds of breakfast pastries into that hierarchy, but it would just leave me craving some.
Dunkin Donuts = junk food. Krispy Kreme = food of the gods. Fight me.
Krispy Kreme is only edible for five minutes. Once it starts to cool down, it rapidly turns disgusting.
Only takes a minute to devour one of their divine jellies. I don’t see the problem.
I know we formerly had Krispy Kreme stores around here in the past, but they appear to have exited the Dayton market entirely. There’s only one near Cincinnati, one near Indy, and a handful in Columbus. Around here, I don’t know whether the lack is due to a chain-wide contraction or whether they just couldn’t compete against the favored local establishments. (North of town = Jim’s, south of town = Bill’s.)
It’s because their product isn’t any good the moment you try to eat it anywhere but their parking lot.
I’ve got a question for the morning crew regarding something I see during my commute days.
What is your view on retail employees taking the best parking spots in the lot simply because they’re going to be there before opening?
I always thought that was frowned upon and that employees were instructed to park further away from the doors to leave the closest spaces available to customers. After all, the customers aren’t going to be there for eight hours straight. Hogging the best parking spaces all day strikes me as poor customer service.
Yes. We had to park away from the best spots at the grocery store I worked at.
Seconding GT. TL;DR: Assholes.
My rule was employees did not part in the front row. We had a lot of stores in strip malls but some liked to park as close to the front door as possible. I explained that our goal was to try to make money, to pay the rent and their wages. Most understood. Make it easy for the customer.
And Good Morning to all the Glibs, wherever they are. Hope everyone of them has front row seats and parking.
Good morning, 4(20)!
Mornin’ GT, UCS, G’Pat, Sean, and any other early risers.
Mornin! I had a front row seat in my yard yesterday watching a single bumblebee attempting to pollinate the vast expanse of Japanese Wineberries adjacent to the patio. Serious shortage of bees this year, sage is in full bloom and nary a bee to be seen. I hope yours are doing better.
We are in a drought here, April showers turned to July. Seems like the bees are not busy, my non-sciencey belief is that there are fewer flowers. 10 day forecast is hot and little moisture. I’ve been running the irrigation in the garden 5-6 hours a day.
Temps are more like July than May-June.
I always had designated employee parking areas.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Prepping for a weekend getaway with Mrs. Patzer at Peddler’s Village in SE PA (waves at Sean). A nice quiet weekend, R&R is sorely needed.
Good morning, ‘patzie! That sounds like fun! Here in SW OH, an establishment by that name is more likely to be an outlet “mall.” 🙄
Not too far off, ackshually…
Most of the outlets on the other side of the street have closed up AFAIK. The stores in the village are interesting, and there’s liquor!
Other side of the county, but not that far. 🙂
We haven’t been there since Covid, but we used to like this joint.
On Topic of movies,
Now that Indiana Jones and the Death of a Franchise is out, Harrison Ford can notch another kill up there with Star Wars andBlade Runner.
Are there any other actors that can say they were there at the end as many times?
He is the Alpha and Omega.
Road trip starts tomorrow. Need to clean up, pack, and write up next week’s post today. Amarillo, then Santa Fe, then Estes Park.