Vegas cruised to another blowout win and are up 2-0. I fear the Stanley Cup Finals may not return to the desert. The Astros are playing strong but can’t seem to make up any ground on the Rangers. The CWS regionals are proving to be wild. And the French Open is getting to crunch time. Now on to…the links.
Bonus link of complete retardation. This makes “republicans pounce” seem tame by comparison.
Is it really just about the pensions? Seems to me the Frogs are pissed about a lot more than that, CNN.

What the world needs
This is good news. In fact, I think they should all walk off the job…forever.
She obviously didn’t pass the Hunter Test. Which, as everybody knows, is that if you’re connected to a president the drug use doesn’t matter and you are not charged.
What a moron. I’d hope the shareholders would remove him for neglecting his fiduciary responsibilities, because this will only embolden more people to steal their shit.
What an incredible story. I guess MAGA Country now includes the city of angels.

King of the grift
I doubt we’ll ever know the truth. Also, Ben Crump must have some kind of radar for shit like this because he’s already running the race-baiting shitshow.
That’s a lot of dough. Aaaaaaaand its gone.
I’m glad I left that place. These retards are just buying votes. Which might be necessary now that the state is taking their ability to manipulate elections away.
Not sure I’ve played these guys before. And I probably should have. And this is probably their best. Such a lovely pair of songs. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this muggy Tuesday, dear friends.
NYT: Reality doesn’t matter — only our perception of reality and how we can spin the narrative so our perception becomes the standard.
Yellow journalists were pikers.
It’s always been about the narrative and programming the lemmings.
Given that all they seem to do is find a prior screenplay, play gender/racial darts with the casting so it is good for “Modern Audiences” and all… how would we ever know?
They must adhere to “THE MESSAGE.”
Do most people even know or care they are on strike?
She probably just ran into someone who suffered through fucking Juno and is still pissed… then embellished for victim points.
‘I’m going to f–king gay bash you, fa—t’
Line this one up with other over-the-top descriptors of what people say when they are getting ready to do violence.
This came from the people saying MAGA monsters want to genocide poor clowns dressing up like women to dance for elementary school kids?
Also “standing on a corner in West Hollywood…”
Uh…WeHo is a QUILTBAG+ sanctuary
Well then make the new acronym LGBTQIAMAGA2S+, because it’s now apparently red hat central for hate crimes against Hollywood has-beens looking to stay in the spotlight.
Who says ‘gay bash’ anyway? Sounds kinda homo.
Sounds completely made up, as do all the other anecdotes in that puff-piece.
Was? She has a new dedname now?
The “conservative” NY Post can go get fucked.
Has she legally changed her name?
‘Cause, if he hasn’t, then she is still Ellen Page. End of story.
it must be hard not getting parts, not having attention. I wonder if page or some publicist came up with this.
It worked so well for Jesse!
apparently she/he/they has a book coming out
Mentally unwell actor looking to sell tickets has a wild story about being attacked. How do you not believe?
Yeah – today; with a book tour running for the next week.
What a coincidence!
79th Anniversary of D-Day.
Did you leave Harris County/Houston, Sloopy? Why didn’t someone tell me?
We moved 15 miles north into the sweet, sane town of Montgomery.
OK, thanks, good move. Katy was my go to place for a number of years.
Katy is a beacon of sanity, but it’s too damn crowded for me.
I’m thinking about TRF in November.
I remember when we used to go to Katy to street race because Westheimer got to hot and Katy was empty.
I hear they’re dragging on Washington now? Seems dumb to me but whatever. We always hit 288 or the beltway when I was young and reckless
Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.
Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.
…FDR is many things but whoever wrote his D-Day prayer deserves some mad props. And if his, deservedly so, was a prayer of prayers.
$445 million to figure out that you need to stabilize the oven if you try to cook pizza while driving (especially on California roads!)?!? I strongly suspect there’s some inflated salaries in there somewhere… those repurposed food trucks aren’t going to be that expensive.
And boy did I miss out not having the instincts to be a scam artist, apparently. Probably got loans from SVB or something… but VCs apparently were funding just about anything.
Oh… forgot to mention — my first instinct before I followed the link was that this was going to be about the Pork Trough Formerly Known as Ukraine again. “aaaand its gone…”
Small Business Admin/Taxpayers probably had some money in there somewhere, too. There are a lot of great ideas out there but you have to ask why hasn’t someone thought of this before?
A lot of people have ideas that might have potential but then never carry through.
With investors such as SoftBank’s Masayoshi Son who bet on WeWork what did they think would happen?
At least most of it was from soft bank, which apparently picked other winners like wework to invest billions in.
Missed it by that much
*shakes fist*
It’s a great example of how loose monetary policy results in malinvestment.
I immediately thought of this<.
but VCs apparently were funding just about anything.
Marx wasn’t entirely wrong about the excesses of capitalism. Prosperity creates the ability to waste money, as we do on silly things and the parasite class – both of which have never been larger.
Had me a revelation yesterday. While it looks like our government bureaucracy is corrupt as fuck, I am starting to think they aren’t so much protecting the Biden crime family as they are trying desperately not to have the revelations of how corrupt the government is expose their attempts to protect the Clintons and Obamas.
I does seem like they’d throw the Bidens to the wolves but would fight to the death for Obama and the Clintons.
The Biden family appears to be Springer-guest level trash in it for graft. The Clintons and the Obamas have more deadly connections, I strongly suspect.
They’re a corrupt collection of drug addicts and drunks who bang each other, sort of akin to the country being run by a bunch of hillbilly Teamsters.
But far less sexy…
They sold their soul t the Clintons & Obamas, destroying their personal dignity lying to the people to hide how corrupt & evil the Obamas and Clintons are, all so they could preserve the legacy of progressivism. Biden on the other hand always was a dunce they hated and made fun of until the machine picked that moron to replace the bad orange man. He is expendable without supposedly doing too much damage to the progressive veneer of legitimacy.
And that’s their dilemma right now: they have not figured out how to save Obama and the Clintons if they sacrifice Biden now that he has become useless.
Note that the whole campaign of lies about Trump being a Russian agent planted by the KGB in the 1980s and colluding w/ Putin to steal the 2016 election was about protecting Obama and Hillary. Hillary created that dossier that then was used by the US 3 letter agencies – under auspices of intel gathering to avoid the legal barriers to having the party in power using the government agencies to spy on their political enemies – to go create that lie about Trump. All because the media was unable to hide the fact that as SecState Hillary basically was a crook that broke the law constantly to profit with Obama’s blessing (he knew she was using a non-governmental email cause WACA had to approve the email going to Obama’s blackberry) and then Obama, in order to help Hillary so his legacy wouldn’t be torpedoed by the revelations of a mountain of scandals kept from the people, authorized the criminal operation to take Trump out.
Biden is a dream come true for the three-letter agencies. He’s letting them do whatever they want. All the other candidates (Trump, Desantis, Vivek, and Kennedy) are at least talking about reeling in the deep state. That’s the last thing they want.
Comey all but admitted that.
Calling the NYT Nazi symbols thread retarded is an insult to retards everywhere. Looks like the NYT’s target audience has progressed from erudite latte drinkers to fentanyl addled gas huffers. Lord have mercy…
Looks like the NYT’s target audience has progressed from erudite latte drinkers to fentanyl addled gas huffers.
That would explain the decline in USAToday subscriptions.
I figured that was due to the decline of business travelers and hotels no longer leaving one out in front of each door every morning.
Amusing AF, though.
Ya know in Finding Nemo when the sharks are at their meeting and chanting mantras of not eating fish, I am thinking it really was a subliminal message to the masses to go against your nature as is the incessant calls to lop of dicks and breasts. Would have never had that thought when I was younger.
I can’t even see any Nazi symbols.
The two with the death’s head seem to have kind of a generic skull and crossbones more than a Nazi specific one, doesn’t look like the standard SS one anyway. The female though absolutely has a Black Sun on her chest.
Thanks Canada. Felt like I was driving to work in LA smog.
Absolutely obligatory.
Huh. Was wondering why all the alerts here in NY.
I think it’s the correct policy for shopkeepers to let the criminals go – I doubt they are trained or paid enough to deal with those animals properly.
Firing them for making the attempt is bullshit, though. And is not helping their brand.
Tip o’ the cap, rhywun –
I was skimming the comments on last night’s post, and your “I am Uncle Tom of Finland“ comment made me laugh out loud
IMO the dumb thing is that it’s a “zero tolerance” policy, meaning they treat the employees trying to stop stealing the same as if they were stealing themselves.
They made no attempt to stop them. They even said “get out” as they were stealing stuff. They simply followed them to the parking lot and got their license plate and called it in to the police.
The CEO makes $16M a year selling overpriced leggings (are they still sheer?). He understands theft on some level.
the firm planned to cook pizzas in the back of a massive truck, with robots, while en route to customers’ homes.
Sounds legit.
It does sound pretty cool, honestly. But not something I’d invest 500 million in.
The problem is that there are already pizza joints that deliver all over the place. It would be hard to think of a more “red ocean” market.
I am fairly certain that Slice Line from Silicon Valley was the parody of Zume. Not exactly the same, but concept of trying to reinvent pizza delivery and be given a stupid amount of money for it.
I thought it was just ripping on the actual Slice application. I think this is the second or third iteration of a similar concept.
Maybe a mixture of both. Slice is more marketing and moving independent pizzerias into the digital market. Zume is reimagining pizza delivery. SliceLine does both while delivering independent pizzerias pizzas in their own marketing devices.
Hah, could be. It was definitely a parody of that kind of startup.
How do the pizza oven trucks robots going from making pizzas to terminating people in the post apocalyptic Skynet world?
Ding dong (door bell).
You: who is there?
Them (in terminator voice): Pizza delivery…
You open door…
Terminator pizza robot w/ giant spatula: Terminating human!
You know who else put people in ovens?
Witch Hazel?
Jeffrey Dahmer?
Great guesses by both our contestants, but we were looking for Sylvia Plath.
Dang… I was hoping for crazy PETA lady.
Ukrainian Nazi’s?
Raise announcements going out today. No COAL, small merit increase, but it’s better than nothing. Not enough of one to make me splurge on silly luxuries though:
^owner of the company is a club member. He was a big enough sponsor to CO Nats that they gave him slots so there’s several Saraspa peeps shooting it.
Ah yes, when cola is small, companies are happy to dish it out (less a percent, of course) then when cola is high, just don’t give any. Wonder why people are leaving to greener pastures, at least here that’s the case.
He sounds like a good dude, but range carts are still gay.
I’m starting to come around on having a portable chair/loading table/umbrella combo.
I’m still in between contracts, so no raises for me.
The federal charging documents allege that Taylor lied about being a marijuana user when she signed a mandatory federal document last year when she purchased a Taurus 9 mm handgun.
“In fact as she then knew, she was an unlawful user of marijuana,” the filing says.
Another puzzle piece falls into place.
Notice how they pick this unsympathetic person as a test case and the right will walk right into it by being all for it. Allowing the feds to do this opens up all kinds of highly undesirable possibilities.
You’d think the left would WANT stoner gun owners. I bet the stoners shoot far fewer people than the drunks
You’d think but probably upwards of 99% of gangbangers are potheads I’d figure.
I bet they do more than weed. And I bet most of the violence occurs either sober or on other substances. I have hard time picturing someone breaking couch lock for the purposes of murder
Maybe they were hangry.
So this is why that ATF memo was released? Prepping the ground for this?
Yes, enjoy your medical marijuana and if you you’ve purchased a firearm know you’re technically a felon.
Not seeing how this is constitutional under Bruen. But FYTW I guess until it works its way through the courts.
I think it may be constitutional since pot is still a Schedule 1 drug.
The Feds don’t care about states legalizing something.
Except Bruen requires that there be a historical tradition of similar restrictions on bearing arms in the 18th century, which this fails.
Of course the constitution gives no authority to fedgov to restrict drugs in the first place.
Yup. One would think the logic of “If FedGov required an amendment for alcohol, why do the rest get a pass?” would sink the DEA on its face.
The answer, of course, being — “We weren’t that brazen and hadn’t brainwashed enough people yet.”
Keep in mind the first way that they started to outlaw marijuana was through tax stamps.
It was also racism.
It’s one thing to limit rights following a conviction for a crime. This isn’t that.
Now, is SCOTUS willing to stick its dick that far into the current gun control regime? I seriously doubt it.
“I’m going to gay bash you”?
Yeah, no one said.
In all the timelines in all the possible universes and at any of the infinite possible moments is Zwak’s comment incorrect.
445 million? I bet we can make a gyroscopically stabilized oven and bring in even more pointless VC. Pay ourselves a few million in salary and then fold the company when no one wants to pay $50 for a pizza that is mere minutes fresher than the competition. Who’s with me?
Did they label this effort as a green energy one? Cause that’s the green energy business model in a nutshell right there..
It looks like the Rooskies bombed a dam. Better get your checkbook out, Uncle Sam.
Who bombed it depends on who you ask. It’s a hell of a mess for civilians in the area either way.
“I’m going to gay bash you”?
Sounds like something an out of work screenwriter might say.
Sounds like something one guy at the “Blue Oyster bar” says to another guy.
Was it Jessie Smollett?
“Bonus link of complete retardation.”
Holy shit, the comments, people actually believe the U.S. is a white supremacist country.
Yes, yes they do. Probably a majority of people.
Why else is support of dei so high?
I sometimes think the plan is to keep poking and kicking whitey until they really have had enough and become what the left fears most.
If you understand that what they mean when they say “white supremacy” is the belief in meritocratic systems and expectation and rewarding success, instead of promoting mediocrity and equity, then yeah, they are correct.
It is literally being taught in every school in the country now, so… yeah.
To rooms full of black, asian and hispanic kids.
I once though about building one of these to protect the house, but this guy did it to scale, in his garage, and using bbs.
I for one am horrified that someone would threaten to gay bash Elliot Page. After all, Page is (now) a straight man who dates women…. clearly this threat was an abuse against the English language.
History in the making
Denver voters will choose their next mayor Tuesday in a runoff contest that could see Colorado’s largest city elect its first female chief executive.
Kelly Brough, a former CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, faces former state Sen. Mike Johnston in the race to succeed term-limited Democratic incumbent Michael Hancock. Both candidates advanced to the runoff after finishing in the top two in the crowded first round in April, Johnston with 24% to 20% for Brough. While the race is officially nonpartisan, both candidates identify as Democrats.
Brough, who would be Denver’s first female mayor if elected, is no stranger to making history. She was the first female head of Denver’s human resource department and the first woman to lead the local Chamber of Commerce. She previously worked as chief of staff to Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, now the state’s junior US senator.
They identify as Democrats; you don’t say.
First this. First that. So fucking tedious; what do they propose to do? Does either of them have a plan for making Denver a better place to live and work?
Withour a Final Solution to the homeless problem, Denver will remain a shithole no matter who wins
As some Twitter denizen asked yesterday, “if anyone who declares themselves to be a woman _is_ a woman, what makes womanhood special? Why does “first female X” matter in that case?’
All the false firsting by progressives is a way to demean the real
work of Firsting.
A female head of HR? Really breaking new ground there.
The $500 monthly dole story and my neighbors trapping wild pigs had me thinking of this Matt Bracken essay that’s full of unpleasant truths.
Love me some Crowded House. That first video is still cool.
In TOK news, after a year Mrs. TOK finally signed a lease for our gym. It’s right here in town. Not as warehouse-ish as we’d like, more of a showroom kind of place, but it has a big space and lots of windows. We are subletting from another woman business owner who makes wine and cider. She’s still going to make wine in the building in the back, so she’ll be around a lot and will hopefully be a good mentor for Mrs. TOK. So far they are getting along like besties. Our target for opening is July 1.
That’s awesome. Congratulations.
Go you!
Best Crowded House song.
what kind of gym?
Lots of iron, very few machines. We’re aiming for power lifters, Olympic lifters, cross fitters, and strong men. You are allowed to use chalk and drop your weights.
Sounds less profitable than pilates… Also what if they bend your bars? Is it a you break it you buy it kind of a deal?
Me I like a pec deck and cable crossover for some isolation work, though iron is also good.
I don;t think I know a gym in Bucharest with place for Olympic weightlifting.
Anyhoo make sure you sell sups and smelling salts for extra $$$ . I recommend plenty of Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, if you plan on having music.
But best of luck and get that gymbro dough
Thank you! You’re right, it isn’t going to be as trendy and popular as a pilates place, it will be more niche. But we don’t have machines to maintain and we’re not in an expensive strip mall, so rent isn’t as much.
The popularity of Rippetoe’s starting strength program has a lot of people doing at least some training on Olympic lifts.
“To be a big strong man, you have to do big strong man things.”
Sounds like my kind of place.
May the sweat beat out the blood and tears.
Good Show, TOK
Congrats, businesses can be stressful at times, try to keep a level head. I hope you do well, which I’m sure you will.
Cool beans.
Congrats, Kevin!
I hope you guys are wildly successful!
Nice synergy opportunity with who you are subletting from too. Congrats and to years of separating people from their money voluntarily!
“Astrud Gilberto dies: Girl From Ipanema singer passes away age 83”
The Girl From Ipanema is a far weirder song than you thought.
32 minutes? What’s the gist?
Click bait to make ad revenue?
It’s a music theory / genre deep-dive video.
Went back and re-watched/listened to this. As awesome as it was the first time.
And now I’m watching more of this guy’s vids. He quotes somebody (don’t know who, don’t care) (Yip Harburg, turns out): “Songs make you feel thoughts.”
Which I think pairs nicely with Heroic Mulatto’s “Words don’t have meaning. Meaning has words.”
Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes were musical geniuses. Jobim has a ton of great albums, I love the Samba Jazz album that he did with Stan Getz and Stone Flower is a Brazilian jazz masterpiece. Wave is also fantastic.
Well. What’s not to love about Stan Getz?
Getz was indeed awesome. Baia on that Samba Jazz album is my favorite, just fantastic stuff. If you dig that Brazilian bossa sound check out my fav Brazilian artist, Jorge Ben. His first album is more in the Bossa style ( his mid to lat 70’s stuff is my favorite tho). Samba Esquema Novo.
Somebody here linked me to Thievery Corporation and this album, and I know I’ve linked it many times. It’s an album I played a lot while I was building walls for my kid and doing other DIY chores. Put me in total Zen mode.
Yup that’s a great one, I dig pretty much everything they’ve put out.
Yeah, RIP-that song’s the epitome of the classy ‘60s sound.
On last night’s convo re the Monument of the Unknown Rapist:
Don’t fall for the “hurr-durr, both sides dun it” on this one. I have no doubt that the Germans committed their share of rapes in Russia, but for the Soviets it was a policy decision. They declared Berlin an “open city” after conquering it, meaning that their soldiers had license to murder, loot, rape for, I think it was three days. That particular kind of official barbarity hadn’t been seen in a European city in a very long time.
And as usual came from the east.
That particular kind of official barbarity hadn’t been seen in a European city in a very long time.
Except for the roundup, rape, torture, and death by the German government of undesirable civilians in every European city they conquered. 3 days of “open city” status on Berlin was remarkably restrained. The Germans deserved far worse than they received.
Dan Carlin had a really great series on the German-Soviet front. It was an open policy of rape, torture, and murder on both sides for every conquered town and city. I recall one story from the podcast where a Russian solider looked down and saw the road had been paved with Nazi soldiers with their eyes open. They had been laid out across the road, sprayed with water, and frozen alive.
There is a reason they call it The Bloodland.
Well, except for the Jews.
“‘Your tax dollars hard at work!’ NYC unveils $11,000 ‘safe drug-use’ vending machine in Brooklyn that gives out crack pipes, Narcan and fentanyl test strips for FREE – and the next one will also have syringes!
New York City officials yesterday proudly unveiled their latest offering to residents – a free, ‘public health’ vending machine dishing out crack pipes, the overdose-reversing drug Narcan and fentanyl test strips.
The machine in Brownsville, Brooklyn, is the first of its kind in New York. The city’s Democrats hailed it as a watershed, public health moment, calling a press conference to tout their initiative and promise more down the line.
To access the machine’s contents, residents simply need to punch in the right zip code.
Then, they’ll have free access to the strips, Narcan, condoms, tampons, nicotine-gum, first aid kits and the ‘safer smoking kits’, sanitary pads, Vitamin C and COVID-19 tests.”
Vitamin C?
Can’t be right, I believe doctor’s were threatened their livelihoods when advocating vitamin C….
There are a lot of 18th century British sailors in NYC.
How long until it is vandalized?
Just create a big enough problem and the government will subsidize your bad actions, what a great society we have.
How long? Won’t even last as long as those F-16 fighter jets going to Ukraine.
I’m sure it won’t be looted so the contents can be sold for drug money or anything. Absolutely not a foreseeable consequence.
It’s not “free”, it’s paid for by other people.
The test strips and Narcan aren’t such bad ideas. Not sure about the crack pipes though.
We’re putting a lot of faith in drug users not to destroy the machine.
AKA the worst ghetto in NYC. Interesting message you’re sending, NYC officials.
I’m sure PPP will get right on this. After all, it is the system his Chinese masters like and all. JHTFC.
One repair needed on the condo – pretty big one (water leak). Probably will cost me $1000, but it needs to be done.
At any rate, closing is proceeding. The title company will FedEx the papers and I’ll send them back, probably next week.
So, I dropped my phone (and myself) in water a few days back. It’s still working well and I stopped getting messages that there is water in the USB port, however the back facing camera is now occluded with condensate.
Any tips?
Don’t fall down.
Same advice I got from my ortho doctor
Overnight in a ziplock bag of rice to draw out the moisture? That’s the usual approach in these cases.
and it also totally usually works
When your personal racism causes you to lose your cushy racism
fightingpromoting job….Why’d they drag poor Zaxby’s into it with the article picture (yeah yeah… “smiling faces”… still, not something I’d be happy about if I was Zaxby’s corporate).
Good morning, Sloop!
Yeah, the Panthers sure haven’t brought their best. I expected better, but I guess being done with hockey is cool since it’s fucking June!
Savior of the Republic
The Biden team and the Democratic National Committee are launching a six-figure ad campaign Monday touting the bipartisan agreement that the president reached with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy last month to lift the debt ceiling in exchange for some spending restraints and restrictions on food aid eligibility.
The spots, which were first shared with POLITICO, make the case that Biden managed to protect essential government programs as well as his own accomplishments in the face of far-right Republicans who wanted to strip them away during the high-stakes talks over the debt ceiling. And that he did it all while avoiding a devastating outcome that would have hampered the economy.
The advertisements also tout Biden’s handling of the economy overall, pointing to the country’s low unemployment rate and millions of jobs that have been created during his presidency. The spots will run digitally and on billboards over the next week in battleground states and Washington, D.C.
We’d be crazy to turn the reins over to anybody else.
1) Force the economy to shut down, causing massive job loss.
2) Eventually lift the restrictions, allowing people to earn a living again.
3) Claim the economy struggling back to life is “job creation” and take credit!
4) Steal underpants.
5) Soil underpants doddering around the stage.
6) Profit!
3.5) Continue ignoring the millions of people who gave up looking for a job
3.75) Continue throwing billions of dollars at them so they don’t even bother thinking of looking
And the “millions of jobs” are just jobs that were destroyed during the Covid lockdowns gradually coming back after restrictions were lifted, and there are still fewer than there were pre-Covid.
What asinine bullshit, yet millions believe the lies.
I can’t figure out what the market for this is supposed to be (beyond “people with money burning a hole in their pocket”, of course).
AR hasn’t been a thing for some time (‘member Google Glasses? Pepperidge Farm does…), and at $3.5k… and with what looks like the comfort level of strapping a hornet nest to your face… why the hell would anyone want one? Maybe the enhance Facetime for “as if you were there” videoconferencing… but I really don’t think that’s that big of a deal for folks.
Hmm… given Apple’s health data kick… maybe they’re really planning to pitch this for teledoc stuff? Virtual office visits and all? Still seems niche to me.
Unless they include teledildonics of course.
Dildopolus hardest hit.
Mixed reality has some legitimate business and industrial use.
Imagine overlaying labels and instructions while repairing a piece of equipment. Or doing a virtual walkthrough of a something.
I was discussing it here at the office and none of my coworkers can justify the thing at its current cost.
“Imagine overlaying labels and instructions while repairing a piece of equipment. Or doing a virtual walkthrough of a something.”
That’s always the promise but AFAICT it ends up just being bad videoconferencing apps.
Gaming, I suppose.
Apple dumped a bunch of money into this project and need to get it to market, even though the VR craze is over (remember how “the Metaverse” was gonna change everything?).
It’s all AI now.
The headsets will be quietly killed in 18 months.
I still see new games coming out with VR support but yeah I’m not dropping several hundreds of dollars at a minimum to try it out.
The headsets will be quietly killed in 18 months.
There is no market for people seeking constant validation?
Sloop – great choice on Crowded House – how can it be you’ve never played them? But I will argue that their best work was Woodface, in it’s entirety. Yeah, I had to pick one – tough choice, but this is the most Glib tune.
Why do we only investigate police shootings where the victim is completely unsympathetic?
Because if it was a sympathetic victim everyone would agree and actual police reform might happen?
Completely unsympathetic?
I wouldn’t go that far. Speeding isn’t the worst thing people have done.
Speeding, evading police on a high speed chase and resisting arrest?
“Completely” for me. He put other people in danger with his evasion on the highway.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
The guy seems dumb and definitely not a particularly sympathetic character, but doesn’t reach the completely unsympathetic level like some other cases.
‘Play stupid games win stupid prizes.’
So you wouldn’t vote to convict?
Honestly I don’t know. I’d like to know more.
But I have some very rare sympathy for the cop.
‘I’d like to know more.’
I think that’s fair.
I don’t like NY police shooting PA
nutjobsresidents.There was an 18 y.o. white kid shot by PA state troopers yesterday. Doing drag races on I-95 at 3am.
Deliberately tries to run down troopers, who open fire and kill him. We are supposed to be sympathetic because “he was studying for his real estate license.” Probably a gentle giant too. Anyone else starting to feel even less sorry for seemingly good kids who do something really stupid as opposed to thoroughly rotten kids who behave like we expect?
Where is the multi-nation invasion force dedicated to freeing the oppressed and enslaved quiltbaggers?
For the first time in its four-decade history, America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization has declared a national state of emergency for members of the LGBTQ+ community, the Human Rights Campaign said Tuesday.
“LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived – they are real, tangible and dangerous,” the group’s president, Kelley Robinson, said. “In many cases they are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia that puts the safety of each and every one of us at risk.”
Alongside the emergency declaration, the group will release a digital guidebook, including health and safety resources, a summary of state-by-state laws, “know your rights” information and resources designed to support LGBTQ+ travelers and those living in hostile states, it said.
Nothing but gibbets and crucifixion, no matter where you go in this godforsaken MAGA wasteland.
“know your rights”
Don’t advocate/persue cutting up children and the majority of people won’t be bothered with you, but I suspect that you WANT this attention.
But if they don’t push too far, how can the HRC grift from the backlash?
Oh, fuck off. You courted the radical T’s and Q’s.
Reap the whirlwind, as Chuck Shumer might say.
Hey, it’s the group of far righters that the feds handcuffed but DIDN’T UNMASK- Is that standard procedure?
The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived – they are real, tangible and dangerous
Show your work, grifter.
They’re going to the mat over the mutilation and banging of kids. Seems crazy but what do I know?
“triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia ”
Gays and whatevers have never been more accepted by Americans than they are in 2023. Even Democrats such as Obama, Clinton, and Biden have abandoned previously held views that they couldn’t marry. Knock off the shit with kids and the vast majority of Americans would not give a crap if you want to impersonate a woman, dress like a ho, or walk hand in hand in public.
Page — whose deadname was Ellen Page — revealed he was transgender in 2020. Now, he says he no longer feels safe in Los Angeles.
I can’t even imagine.
Welcome to 1988 Ellen
The headsets will be quietly killed in 18 months.
1) Buy headset
2) Leave it in unopened package
3) Wait 20 years
4) Profit!
It will be worth 10 times more in nominal dollars, but half as much in actual value.
In Local news, Romania is in it’s 3d week of public teachers general strike. Slightly less traffic. Probably sucks for the kids having exams this year.
The public opinion is split but mostly favoring the teachers. I hate to be all libertarian about it, but in the end the negotiations are about arbitrary numbers with no objective basis.
And it seems more focused on just salaries rather than what else needs dong to improve the abysmal education. The main demand is that the wage of a beginner teacher should be set at national average wage and grow from there based on seniority.
Meanwhile, the US Supreme Court is poised to issue an opinion in a case over whether a business can deny services to LGBTQ customers.
Really? Why do I presume this framing to be completely dishonest?
It would be an interesting question if a sex worker at a legal brothel should be forced to serve all customers
Can a LGBTQ business refuse to bake a Nazi cake?
Sure they can, because Nazis aren’t a protected class. It might be different, however, if a Muslim bakery refused to make a Bar Mitzvah cake.
Cause you’d be right. Replace cake with website and its the same idea.
New data from Australia, which pioneered plain packaging and has the highest cigarette taxes in the world and has always banned nicotine vapes, shows that youth smoking has increased six-fold since 2019. Way to go
That policy is upside down.
I dont know if you need an “order”. Avoidance seems like common sense to me.
Council issues warning about scum found near Twatt
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BR fucked me.
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Ex-boyfriend repeatedly stabs star Florida high school softball player before cutting own throat
Am I wrong in thinking this entire goddam country has gone insane?
there’s something in the water.
Must be leaking out of Twatt.
Revenge of the gay frogs!
Yes, it’s just the news trying to get you to feel that way. Lots of good people around.
That’s a tale as old as time, sadly.
Michael Sheen: ‘I find it very hard to accept actors playing Welsh characters when they aren’t Welsh’
Cannot get enough phlegm to say the words properly?
Headline: Actor doesn’t understand his own profession. Demands make believe be real believe.
No actor should play a superhero who doesn’t really possess said super powers.
Sheen also has a grown-up daughter, Lily Mo Sheen, 24, from an earlier relationship with British actress Kate Beckinsale.
How did this five-headed dweeb land Kate Beckinsale?!!
Newsweek Cover, June 5, 2000: The War Over Napster
🚩☭ Lefty Polls Ⓐ 🏴
Requested by: Anon
Should families exist under communism?
No one should be subjected to communism, so no.
Learned it from The Shawshank Redemption they did.
Everyone wearing masks, very appropriate.
I wouldn’t want him breathing on me either. Or inviting me to go hunting with him.
Caution- right wing extremists at work
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives this week will take on what some lawmakers see as a burning issue: protecting Americans from new restrictions on gas-fueled stoves.
The House is set to vote on two bills preventing regulators from banning the stoves in the future or setting new energy conservation and health standards for new models.
Some state and local governments have begun banning gas-fueled furnaces, water heaters, and gas stoves in some new buildings as a way of reducing fossil-fuel emissions contributing to climate change.
They claimed, without evidence.
One of the complaints the prog run cities here have had about the Republican run state is that the state is removing their ability to ban things. One of the things that the cities were prevented from banning was natural gas hookups for new properties.
You don’t say.
I have zero doubt that the Biden administration would throw Ukraine under the bus for the attack.
Reality remains that America had the most capability to carry that attack out and it is our president who is on camera in front of the world stating outright that if Russia invades, Nordstream would be no more. So, while Ukrainians had motive, America sure as fuck did, too.
At the very least, we paid them/provided everything they would need to blow it up.
I guess compartmentalization is only a fiction they teach in regards to securing documents.
What didn’t that 20 year old have access to is now the correct way to address that.
It has parallels to the Snowden issue. I remember the Jacket made this point early on in that affair: the question being ignored was how a contractor could have access to highly classified material and simply walk out the door with a copy of it.
On the Lulu lemon bullshit – people need to be made aware that it isn’t just them with that policy. It is every retail corporation at this stage. Employees, even if threatened physically, are to curl up into the fetal position and do nothing. They are not to call the cops unless they get approval from higher ups.
Corporate America sells this as caring about safety. There’s some kernel of truth to that, but it’s really about liability and the optics of things going bad (particularly for the criminal – see the outrage generated when Walmart’s LP guy called the cops on the guy with the knife and the cops shot him). It’s an extension of the property isn’t worth killing over only it goes further. Property isn’t generally worth arresting someone over in corporate America’s eyes.
They’d rather lose money hand over fist from thieves than be seen as the bad guys.
Many years ago, I took a class with a woman who had worked as a bank teller. One day a guy came up to her counter saying he had a gun, and tried to rob the bank. Instead of complying, she calmly talked him out of it. I’m not sure exactly what she told him, but the dude just turned around and walked out.
Now, even back then that was against the rules. So she got a verbal warning, the kind they write up, and then discard after a year. But she also got a letter on official letterhead from the bank president, thanking her for what she did. Of course, today she would probably be immediately fired.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
“The White House wants to limit your ability to purchase and use gas stoves,” House Rules Committee Chairman Tom Cole said on Monday.
Democrats say they are trying to ensure new gas stoves do not lead to carbon monoxide poisoning or put children at risk of developing asthma. They also aim to reduce carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels such as natural gas.
“Contrary to rhetoric out there, the government is not coming for anybody’s gas stove,” Democratic Representative Mary Gay Scanlon said on Monday.
If you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.
“The full range of gas stoves absolutely is not affected. In fact, half of the gas stoves that are on the market right now wouldn’t even be impacted,” -Jennifer Granholm
Well, its okay if you only ban half of them. Fuck off you twat tyrant
Boat and trailer + parking garage. What could go wrong?
That was painful to watch.
Thank you.
Does not fit in pigeon hole
Kennedy is an example of the erosion of straightforward ideological formations in our political era. While he shares some views of progressives, his idiosyncratic modes of distrust also put him in alignment with many outside of center-left politics. Between that and his famous surname, he could plausibly build an ideologically diverse following in the coming months, or theoretically even lend the prestige of his name to a GOP presidential ticket. But the unusual makeup of his ideology is exactly what’s likely to doom him in the Democratic primaries.
Kennedy’s main value proposition as a candidate is that he will pull back the curtain on the nefarious workings of the state. His speeches involve cataloguing a mix of true and false claims about government deception, especially as tied to national security and public health. The first policy priority he lists on his website is “honest government,” under which he promises to “roll back the secrecy” in American politics. But Kennedy’s relationship to empirical truth is tortured. Despite an absence of evidence supporting his theories about vaccines, he has peddled misinformation about vaccine safety for many years, including the debunked myth that vaccines cause autism and the outlandish claim that philanthropist Bill Gates wanted to use vaccines to install microchips in the public. Kennedy’s extreme views on vaccines are what underpinned his crusade against the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom he accused of orchestrating “fascism” during the pandemic. Kennedy also repeatedly suggested that public health measures during the pandemic were equivalent to or worse than the Nazi Holocaust.
Kennedy’s conspiracy theories aren’t limited to public health matters. He also believes the unsubstantiated theories that the CIA killed his uncle President John F. Kennedy and his father, Robert F. Kennedy, a former attorney general who was running for president when he was assassinated in 1968. Kennedy’s beliefs about those incidents appear to resonate with Dorsey, who tweeted last week, “Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds,” alongside an image of JFK.
Sounds like he should stay the hell away from restaurant kitchens.
Pre Church Commission it was the left that believed JFK was killed by the CIA.
Anymore, left and right have lost most meaning. It’s just fascists against people who want to be left alone, and the fucking fascists are winning.
Sure those Nazi symbols that Ukrainian soldier have are bad, but it could be worse. They could be making the OK sign with their hands.
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There was an 18 y.o. white kid shot by PA state troopers yesterday. Doing drag races on I-95 at 3am.
Deliberately tries to run down troopers, who open fire and kill him. We are supposed to be sympathetic because “he was studying for his real estate license.” Probably a gentle giant too. Anyone else starting to feel even less sorry for seemingly good kids who do something really stupid as opposed to thoroughly rotten kids who behave like we expect?
These stories re getting weirder. It used to be, when the cops showed up everybody would scatter. It was a game.
The scholars in Minneapolis have taken to ramming squad cars. It’s almost as if they don’t fear consequences.