Big weekend plans, right here.
“And as part of this ongoing backlash, some subreddits switched to NSFW.” (This link is SFW.)
“Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Adds a Host of Returning Characters to its Roster”
Big weekend plans, right here.
“And as part of this ongoing backlash, some subreddits switched to NSFW.” (This link is SFW.)
“Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Adds a Host of Returning Characters to its Roster”
Everybody’s a critic.
Are you saying we’ve reached Critical Mass?
We’re definitely picking up momentum.
Very sizeist. Gravity Man will have a word.
But, what does Lizzo say?
Pokemon Sleep may soon be followed by Pokémon Masturbate. Rule 34.
Getto da ze!
I was thinking Pokemon: NSA edition — have it spy on you and turn in your wrong thinking neighbor for super secret Pokemon!
Sheesh… who wants an app monitoring their every moment?!?
To catch a Charizard, I’d let the Pokemon company steal all my data.
I’d probably pay money for a Pokemon game where Mewtwo kicked everyone’s asses and liberated all the cockfighting slaves. Free Cascadia… *cough* Free Pokemon!
That doesn’t sound like fun.
It does if you’re part of the Mewtwo International Liberation Front…..
Big fan of the MILF.
You’re a MILF?
Surprised you haven’t linked this:
You know it’s bad when Pitch Meeting is openly calling you out for your woke bullshit.
That’s a good one. “Oh, it’s Star Wars!”
I believe I said yesterday that there would potentially be both of those on a plastic bag. They’re getting ready to cook somebody’s goose.
In totally unrelated news, Biden now wants regime change in Syria too. Wag the dog, baby.
A few weeks to test? *yawn*
They need a few weeks to negotiate the terms of resignation and figure out how to get rid of Harris.
And to steal some of her DNA.
Be careful, she has a history of getting others DNA!
They’re covering their bases. After an hour they’ll know who it is, but they’ll need the remaining time to fabricate a story, and hopefully they won’t even need to to that because by then everyone will have moved on to the next big thing.
Better question – who gives a shit? If they thought it was someone important, this would have been buried already. Regardless, one of these cunts bringing cocaine into the White House is among the least offensive things they do on a daily basis.
Well, we can’t bring charges against any of them for crimes against humanity. That would set a precedent.
The problem isn’t that they don’t think the perp is important, it’s that they know the perp is important. If it was some flunky, they’d already be arrested.
Or quietly kicked out of the White House. No, this is a chance to make a political move.
The political maneuvering going on behind the scenes right now must be insane.
They’ve buried far bigger stories than someone finding a bag of coke in the White House. It would have taken very little for this to be memory holed. My prediction is nothing comes of this. No big power play. No one of any note gets in any trouble.
Hasn’t that baggie been handled by who knows how many people by now?
I would be shocked if it takes a couple of weeks to get fingerprint analysis. DNA, I don’t know. But the question is, why did it take this long to order the tests?
And anyone who thinks they don’t already know, well, . . . .
Why is the Secret Service investigating this, anyway? They are Treasury agents on a personal protection detail. Bringing coke into the White House is neither Treasury business nor a personal protection issue.
Probably because it started as an investigation of a potential terror attack. White substance found in White House! Evacuate!
Oh, it’s totally a personal protection issue. If you have a bad dealer, and they let threw a baggie of draino, then the SS is totally responsible!
Beau died fighting Russian troops in Syria. He wants revenge. Or maybe Beau died eating a bowl of cereal. Either way, someone’s gonna pay.
It’s all well and good until it’s become self-aware and goes for global weed domination.
Damn. Guess I’ll keep on with the ladybugs.
I would love a tiny Terminator robot that kills squash beetles.
With the state of programming today we’d end up with a Cloud application that jumped Kubernetes instances, got into a wrecking yard and spawned a bot that went out and crushed only Volkswagen’s.
I’d be cool with that.
Or maybe reunite Paul and Ringo with John and George.
Happy Friday Riven!
Supermassive Black Hole would be a great stripper name.
“In short, you’ll need to keep your phone by you, in bed, for the app to monitor your snoozing, snoring, tossing and turning, and other restlessness.”
That seems like a terrible idea.
Reach for the stars. Well, reach for the weekend, anyway.
Reach for the Sky
“Supermassive Black Hole would be a great stripper name.”
I thought that was Lizzo’s nickname in college.
A little? That rapidly got into WTF did I just watch land… and I bailed early.
It’s a weekend, and in case you need it (looks over at MikeS), here be the Zoom link.
But… there might be people there.
Mostly just Feds
Glib Zoom as election season approaches…
I’m planning on wearing my new khakis.
I mean….you aint wrong.
Or well-feds, in my case. I could do with some weight loss.
I’m not a Fed.
Of course, if I was a Fed, that’s exactly what I’d say.
Heh. I finally bookmarked it.
Just got my shoulder shot up with steroids. Yay!
I know what effect it really has, but I can’t help envisioning lopsided muscular hypertrophy.
Hope that brings you relief.
Hope that helps.
Do you have a diagnosis?
Shoulder impingement, because I can do things to an extent, but they’re very painful. This is the shoulder that has had a rotator cuff repair. If it were my rotator cuff, I wouldn’t hurt; I just wouldn’t be able to do anything.
It just started one day in May with no lead-up to it and no let-up since.
Trying to get that shoulder swole? Is this so you do a proper Atlas Shrug?
Booo! If you’re gonna draw Swissy in you gotta ayn higher.
Hope it helps.
Hope that works. I’ve had a few shoulder issues, and I found the shoulder joint is super complicated, with structures that wrap around so one injury can cause pain in multiple areas that you might not expect.
Hope it helps. Mrs. Patzer got knee and hip shot up this morning, maybe we’ll be able to do some gamboling this summer.
I’m getting the same thing next week. Because of damage caused by a physical therapy move that I should not have been doing. So annoying. And painful.
Oh OUCH. So awful when it’s somebody who’s supposed to know what they’re doing.
I got hooked by one of those Youtube shorts videos…
I enjoy the giggle before he disposes of the tiny fellow.
The one under that, with the fake child kidnapping attempt, is a Daily Ray. The dude on the bench is on top of things, and while he doesn’t actually pull a gun, it’s pretty clear he’s got one and is about to deploy it to end the conversation.
Assuming it’s not all a setup, of course.
I see the CDC has just published guidance for men who “chestfeed”. My question: isn’t that term transphobic? Why can’t they just say that you don’t have to be a woman to have breasts? This is a denial of the legitimacy of MTF transers, dammit!
It’s structural transphobia.
XYs don’t get chest cancer. They get breast cancer, just like the XXs.
I’ve linked this before, but since our bad shoulders are once again in the news:
I’ve had great luck with this approach and I believe MikeS did as well.
So are you saying the two of you are well hung?
It’s twue! It’s twue!
A whole month? Sorry, but 15 is my limit on schnitzengruben.
Well, duh. You thought it was just our big brains that attracts all the chicks?
…heavy, black and pendulous…
And they done hung out together.
Yes, I did. I was amazed at how much moment I got back in my shoulder. And I’m sure I never even got to the seven (IIRC) cumulative minutes a day he recommends. I’d just hang as long as I could whenever I thought of it and wow. What a difference. I still do it whenever I think of it. It’s helped with my back aches, too.
“Supermassive black hole”
Actually have an article on the (far) back burner about the tension some of these data have the potential to create with the age of the universe. Things need time to form; as you observe dusty galaxies at very high redshift (closer to the beginning of the universe in the standard cosmology), balancing the age of the universe against e.g. dust formation timescales can cause problems. This supermassive black hole doesn’t break it yet, but it’s getting close…
Ride the Sky
Just finished watching the Russell Brand Tucker interview that TOK linked earlier.
Interview starts at 39 minutes
Hard not to like them both.
I really liked it. The long format gave him time to provide thoughtful answers. There are already tons of excerpts from it on Twitter.
My favorite was Tucker talking about climate activism. If a person is serving someone else, they’ll make sacrifices and do things for the other person even that they might not want to do. In climate activism, and in COVID, you see none of that. Everybody involved did things to benefit only themselves.
Smoothie Broker now in even more shit…
Finra sues smoothie-throwing broker for ducking cash reporting rules
“he made a series of cash deposits and withdrawals to evade triggering federal rules linked to anti-money laundering requirements”
I wonder if there are federal rules about having multiple business and bank accounts that just transfer money to each other, and distribute cash to a person’s family members who do not participate in the business. Probably not.
“by paying in cash, vendors also ducked a 6.35% local tax.”
Shouldn’t that be, “by getting paid in cash”?
Huh so because he used cash for his home improvememts they got suspicious of his banking activities?
Fucking monsters.
BREAKING: Biden says he is sending cluster bombs to Ukraine because they are ‘running out of ammunition’
Slow escalation…
I have said this before, but it seems like Biden has never met a situation he didn’t attempt to escalate.
He needs an incident and he’s working within the parameters that the DOD will allow him.
Believe me, if somebody weren’t objecting at the Pentagon, we’d already be in a full blown war.
Thank Buddha Koresh that fuckin’ McCain is in the ground.
More specifically they’re running out of 155mm ammunition and it just so happens we have a bunch of 155mm cluster munitions.
People are still getting hurt by them in fucking Laos, ffs.
Vile assholes. Oh, and dig this:
Stupid cunt.
Not stupid, evil, in the truest sense of the word.
Is there anyone, anywhere attempting to broker a cease fire? Jimmy Carter is too old, and JP II is long gone. We live in a time when all the world leaders are the shittiest people alive.
Full-speed ahead, I guess.
Why drop nukes and fuck up the landscape when we can just liter it will UXBs?
He’s an angry queer.
Likely a verbal power-bottom.
Wow, today Twitter is full of tweets that didn’t age well about this. Tons of people calling Putin a war criminal for doing this exact thing.
It’s war criminals all the way down. (Not even a joke.)
“It’s different when WE do it” is a core principle of many people.
Family reunion tomorrow. Sunday and Monday (and maybe Tuesday) I will be replacing all the old cast iron plumbing in the house with PVC. Not as big of a job as it sounds, but still a big enough job.
So tonight I’m going to fuck off. Some disc golf, beer drinking. Maybe a little Zooming if I can remember how to join. 🧐
Enjoy the game, I can’t play til Sunday ,
It’s noisy.
When we redid plumbing I wish I kept the main stack cast iron and used pvc for the branches.
Why not PEX? Is it less reliable than PVC?
Isn’t PEX generally for input?
Yes. PVC for drains
I guess if he’s replacing CI that’s true.
My mistake.
No Zooming for me. Finally gonna see my daughter’s band play!
They want free shit forever?
That the game still sucks?
The gameplay itself wasn’t terrible, but I really didn’t care for Johnny Silverhand and wasn’t really invested in the story. It was also fairly simple to cheese through fights with enough stealth and hacking.
Silverhand is easily the most annyoing thing in the game.
It would have been better without him.
I’m just gleaning from the fooferal that redditors are angry at a free service being removed or becoming less free or some shit. And “fighting back” with toddlerish crap like this.
TANSTAAFL, people.
Small amount of QOL mods and it becomes not bad. But like Neph said…can cheese the hell out of it if you min/max certain playstyles
Still shouldn’t smoke though.
Space Smith has massive advantages on Steve Smith. In space, no one can even hear you not consent.
The only alien story I’m even partially buying… https://www.cbsnews.com/news/avi-loeb-harvard-professor-alien-technology-fragments-us/
I can’t help envisioning lopsided muscular hypertrophy.
Galley slave syndrome?
I had to laugh at this:
“Until we change it back we’re in violation of Reddit’s sitewide rules,” wrote Tabnam. “We’re not going to change it back, because this is a sexually explicit game, and also fuck them.”
Yeah it’s a game where you can choose dick size.anyone seeking out CP77 material on the webz knows they are going to get digital art that is nude
Fred Meyer pissed me off. Part of their recent store “reorganization” apparently includes dropping the whole bean coffee I buy. I could never figure out where anything was in that place, anyway. So lately it has been Winco. The Pub Beer I like is $2.50 a box cheaper. Also, they have Modelo Negra.
This afternoon, as I was going in, there were three (presumably) Mennonite ladies also entering. On of them was a tall slender extremely pretty blonde. It made me briefly wonder where they hang out.
Fritz Grubmeyer was born in Germany, I don’t know where.
Bernard Heinrich Kroger’s parents were born in Westphalia and Hanover. Wiki says his nick was Henry; the correct answer is Barney.
It remains important for Kroger to characterize the purchase of Meyer (and other chains) as mergers, but make no doubt that Meyer was devoured as a snack and the deal only took weeks to arrange: Meyer shareholder’s stake in the resulting behemoth was a whopping 4%.
“It made me briefly wonder where they hang out.”
At their husband’s house. Or church.
/from a family of Mennonites
Your tax dollars at work
The special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents as well as key aspects of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol siege, has spent $5.4 million on his tasks so far, according to a newly published financial report about his first months in office.
More than half of the money expended by Jack Smith, a former war crimes prosecutor who also once led the Justice Department unit that investigates public corruption, covered salaries for lawyers and other DOJ employees. Another $1.6 million went to litigation or investigative support, the new filing said.
Smith, who has been receiving threats, is protected by a security detail from the U.S. Marshals Service. His office spent $1.9 million in salaries for marshals through March 31 of this year, the Justice Department said.
How do they double dip “litigation expenses” if they have an army of salaried attorneys on staff? And fuck him. Loan him a Glock and a vest from the U S Marshals’ inventory.
I’m guessing those salaried attorney’s have to fill out a timecard stating what project they are working on and their salary is counted as part of that $5.4 milllion.
The project code is “OMB.”
JFC Biden’s criminal exploits make Trump look like a choir boy but one of the two does not have a deep state backing him up so oh wellz.
An earlier investigation by special counsel and former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III took nearly two years to charge Americans with ties to the Trump 2016 campaign and several Russian individuals and entities. That probe spent $32 million, the Justice Department said.
Bidenomics, the science of stimulus.
Is that the one where they dropped the charges against the Russians when they hired attorneys who showed up in court?
yep. that’s the one. Made me laugh imagining the faces on the AUSA’s when the lawyers appeared for the defendant.
Yeah it’s a game where you can choose dick size.anyone seeking out CP77 material on the webz knows they are going to get digital art that is nude
Aubrey Beardsley knock-offs?
In other news, trying to cure MS is an attack on those who are differently immune abled.
lol good one
Speaking of the stars – my Starlink dishy, aka Dr. Leo Spaceman arrived today! I just need my neighbor to help me put it up, but he says he has to cook dinner first. Nobody needs dinner when my internet is on the line!
/rant on
The Area 7 (NY+ New England) match is turning into an enormous clusterfuck. The first day seems like it will be sane, but the second day they’re embedding ROs in the squads, which guar-ron-tees that there will be reshoots and abysmal turnaround times. Plus the staff hotel was used by Bangor as a homeless shelter during COVID, I can only imagine what sort of condition it’s in. And yet… next year may be worse because for some reason TPTB are pushing to have the match on Staten Island.
/rant off
No idea where they shoot in S.I. but there are some really nice areas. And some really bad ones.
There is a stereotype-breakingly large number of shooters there and also Long Island
But the overall point is nobody from New England wants to come to NY to shoot since their equipment is illegal here. Which means they wouldn’t need a very big facility I guess.
Apparenlty Here: https://colonialrpc.com/
I don’t know that area but it’s probably fine, being pretty out of the way of anywhere that anyone really goes.
Because getting firearms into NYC doesn’t require any parsing of many laws nor have any ambiguity.
And even if you beat the rap, you can’t beat the ride.
No way I’d voluntarily participate in a match within NYC.
From their website:
All those restrictions sound unconstitutional to me.
Yeah, I’ll just explain that to Officer Friendly.
At their husband’s house. Or church.
Just as I feared.
It remains important for Kroger to characterize the purchase of Meyer (and other chains) as mergers, but make no doubt that Meyer was devoured as a snack and the deal only took weeks to arrange: Meyer shareholder’s stake in the resulting behemoth was a whopping 4%.
I haven’t heard anything about the Kroger-Albertson’s deal lately. That would eliminate just bout the only non-Kroger alternative in town.
There is a stereotype-breakingly large number of shooters there and also Long Island
Lots of cops?
Lol. Cops get their own category in order that they can feel like they’re winning something.
And the winner of this year’s mag dump trophy goes to…
Akshually, a dude won $30k last week doing somehting similar
(footage of that is not yet out in public)
It’s twue.
Teh vigilanteez!
A man shot and killed two people he says tried to rob him at a South Side ATM, according to San Antonio police Chief William McManus.
The shooting happened before noon on Friday at a Chase bank near SW Military Drive and Interstate 35, not far from South Park Mall.
McManus said a man drove up to an ATM to withdraw money and saw two people approach him, who he believed were trying to rob him.
The man then shot the two men, killing them.
“It was a robbery that didn’t go well for the robbers,” McManus said. It is unknown if the alleged robbers had weapons.
Nice journalisming- I’m surprised there weren’t scare quotes around rob.
McManus said they are speaking with the man, and no charges are expected to be filed at this point.
“They’re going to interview him further. That could potentially change but right now, what we’re looking at is, he’s the victim of a robbery and was acting in self defense,” McManus said.
The victim and the suspects are believed to be in their 20s.
Two fine well mannered young men who probably just wanted to ask for directions to the nearest ice cream parlor.
There was a story today about a guy who shot two dogs. Ordinarily I’d be mad, but since the shooter is also on the hospital with injuries, I’ll buy his story that he was attacked.
He was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm.
No way I’d voluntarily participate in a match within NYC.
“Welcome to this year’s Staten Island Drop Gun Invitational!”
Exceptions: Any Federal, State or Local Government Peace Officer and active members of the U.S. Military.
Name that flick!
Heavy Metal?
You win!
Cool what did I win? Hot nubile woman or the glowing evil green orb?
Major Boobage!