They’re still trying to play catch up at Wimbledon…and not doing a good job of it. The F1 drivers are at Silverstone this weekend. And the Gold Cup quarterfinals are all happening this weekend as well. And that’s all I got. On to…the (mostly depressing) links.
Oh this is just fucking great. I remember when the former WH Press Secretary called the use of these a war crime last year. I swear, Biden is going to drag us into WW3 just because he doesn’t want to get impeached for all the shady shit he seems to have done over the years.

LOL, these fucking guys. Are they gonna sue the automakers when some cross-dressing BLM fan uses a car to mow down people in the future? Also, those PA gun laws are unconstitutional.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sure it has, you fucking rich, entitled assclown.
Has this man lost his fucking mind? I don’t know what else to say.
She’s almost beyond mockery. Pretty soon we will reach the pity stage for this gibbering buffoon.

Above the law.
Of course it’s the Chicago police. I’d be surprised if this wasn’t happening among their ranks.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
See? Global warming ain’t so bad after all. Now if only it could get rid of the more serious bloodsucking parasites like Hidalgo and Turner.
I can’t decide if I like this song. It’s grown on me over the years. This one, on the other hand, I’ve always loved. Just fantastic. Anyway, enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Friday as we head into a glorious weekend, dear friends.
Gah! Thanks for the cackle the main page image immediately evoked in my mind there, Sloopy. And a good morning to you, too!
The cackler in cocaine chief?
“Has this man lost his fucking mind? I don’t know what else to say.”
She can do better.
Everyone wants to stick it in crazy at least once,,,, or twice…
Ye she can.
That and I swear the DoD really, really wants to empty the armories so they can funnel all the money to their buddies they’re going to retire on the boards of.. *cough* *cough* Re-invigorate our supply chain to meet the needs of the 21st Century conflicts!
The Navy must be pissed that there’s no way we can send them the Nimitz classes next in line for decommissioning, I expect… More Fords to buy until they actually work!
What? You mean we’re not bolstering the Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet?
As I typed it I realized… you know, I’m really surprised they haven’t tried that. Maybe the Turks got pissy at the idea of stirring up shit and going through the Straits, I don’t know.
A Nimitz or two… those crappy LCS… I’m sure there’s potential there.
“Maybe the Turks got pissy at the idea of stirring up shit and going through the Straits.”
Most likely. The Montreux Convention gives Turkey control of the Straits and Erdogan is smart enough to keep out of the shitshow.
Ukraine being used as a place for the elites to launder stolen tax money from US & EU countries has led to the Ukrainians having everyone by the balls that needs to keep this shit hidden from the serfs whom would certainly be pissed they were rooked by their overlords.
the serfs whom would certainly be pissed
Would they though? Or would there be a collective Hyperbolic “Meh, no big deal”? You do know how important grifting is to saving our democracy don’t you? You don’t… hate … democracy, do you?
The serfs, especially on the left, will not bother as long as it is not in their face. But there will be many whom will complain or want action.
I’m sure they have wetlands that can be declared navigable waters, don’t they?
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sure it has, you fucking rich, entitled assclown.”
“I’m rich, white, and privileged and can pay cash for the best doctors in the world, but I’m still a victim!”
She is crying and pretending victimhood because she is worried that if the left really goes for another marxist revolution, she will be one of the ones sent to the camps or offed.
Utterly unrelated, honest, I need to find a chuck for my milling machine that will fit a half inch cutting steel. The ones it came with are just a tad off from being able to work.
Does it take R8 collets? I am pretty sure that whatever you have, Taig? Sherline? doesn’t uses Morse Taper, so I can’t help you, but I am sure that there is a solution.
It’s a Taig mini mill. I forget the exact model number. I don’t know if the R8 is the standard it uses or not – simple ignorance on my part.
Looks like the Taigs all use ER16.
Which means you’re limited to 9mm (juuuuust under 3/8″) You can find a reduced shank 3/8″ endmill that would fit, but I doubt you’ll find a 1/2″ with a shank small enough to fit in that ER16.
I had the cutting steels in question before I bought the mill. But that does explain why they don’t fit.
Sounds to me like there’s a market opportunity for an adapter… but that would take up so much vertical space I don’t think the work pieces would fit under it.
Gotta think.
What the end goal? Why do you need to use a 1/2″ endmill?
I don’t.
I’m mostly annoyed that I have a useless piece of steel.
I did find a 13/32″ Collet Here but that’s still too small. I think it stretches the limits of the standard anyway.
Little machine shop has incorrect info on the clamping range, apparently.
Obviously still too small for 1/2″, but at least you could go with 3/8″ should the need arise.
I stumbled onto a 7/16ths somewhere else.
But realistically, I don’t think there’s enough space to fit a 1/2 in the format.
7/16″ Wow. That’s really pushing it. I checked Rego-fix (the company that invented the interface) and 13/32″ is the biggest they go.
Save that 1/2″ for when you upgrade. 🧐
Would a Taig even have enough horsepower to make using a .500″ em worth it?
Depends what you’re cutting.
I do. But that’s rather my stock thought when it comes to celebrity gossip.
Eh, sometimes it’s good to point and laugh at the absurdity of their lifestyles.
I’ve never quite understood why the use of effective weapons, like cluster bombs, is a war crime.
“war crime” in and of itself strikes me as oxymoronic.
It always boils down to “Anything the loser did that annoyed the winner too much.”
Because if you actually fight to force the enemy to stop fighting back, well, that’s not gonna make the people profiting from perpetual war rich.
Backlash to WWII style total war caused by proliferation of on-site reporting, I think. Everyone wants to kill just the soldiers and no civilians now and thinks that’s somehow possible. I’m on the side of “do what you can” — so I could care less if these are used in say Desert Storm 3 1/2 or Fulda Gap (not that those are likely even if PPP starts WW3, honestly) where you’re dealing with lots of tanks, open spaces, few civilians… but yeah – if they’re dropping these in urban environments for little benefit and effectively land-mining the city and countryside? I don’t think that’s appropriate. And I trust the Ukrainians to use them as half-assed as possible.
The Brits have a longstanding beef with us anyway regarding how they think they can be more precise vs. we supposedly are “kill ’em all, let God sort it out” – which may well factor into Europe’s opinion on these. Never having served (just interested in military / military history reading wise), I can’t swear who’s right in that.
It is always the people that would just start the wars but never do the fighting themselves (or have loved ones doing it) that demand western nations fight with both hands tied behind their back. Them and the people that profit from making sure the enemy is never pounded into dust and cries uncle, because never ending war is very profitable.
“The Brits have a longstanding beef with us anyway regarding how they think they can be more precise vs. we supposedly are “kill ’em all, let God sort it out”
As I recall, the WWII air war against Germany was just the opposite.
As someone else who didn’t join the military, I don’t have strong opinions, but I do have opinions. I tend towards the avoid conflict/war, but if it’s necessary, go full bore.
They’re rather indiscriminate and that tend to leave unexploded ordinance behind that kids might think is a lawn dart.
But if you’re looking for rationality, I can’t offer any. Hollow point ammunition is banned but you can use depleted uranium.
^this. It’s the same rationale behind the prohibition on land mines.
Much of the laws of war/Geneva conventions is an outgrowth of related nobility fighting each other and using it to settle squabbles rather than traditional conquering.
Like a landmine, those things will be killing random people for years after the war is over.
Unexploded cluster bomblets were all over Kuwait when we went through there in 1991. First thing we did when we got to a new position was to put glowsticks around all the unexploded ordinance we found so nobody would step on one at night. That was open desert so they were easy to find – unlike the Ukrainian countryside in summer. Heard stories of livestock and kids being killed and maimed by those things long after we left. Like depleted uranium, they make an area much harder / less healthy to inhabit.
The Russians will immediately start using their own cluster munitions and / or fuel-air-explosives killing even more Ukrainians.
The Ukes have already been using old combloc cluster bombs from vids I’ve seen (Patrick Lancaster). Not sure whether or not the Russians have returned the favor yet or not.
NPR says they have been.
The Russians have been using both cluster munitions and arty emplaced mine fields in Ukraine.
Letting the Ukes buy DPICM causes no issues with me.
Nah — I remember what a cluster fuck (fuckbomb?) she was as CA Attorney General — I’m not going to pity her if she ends up homeless in the streets.
It would be karmic.
Karmic would be her being press-ganged into fighting California wildfires.
How is that going to maximize the use of her skillset? I mean, she can suck a bowling ball through a garden hose according to the aptly named Willy Brown, but that’s not gonna help fighting fires, unless the fires are in some people’s pants.
Nothing to do with her skill set — just one of the stand out fuckeries of her time as AG. Use prisoners as forced labor in fire camps, and go out of your way to make sure you keep them in prison so you have the bodies to do it. That’s the Kamala Harris Way!
Karma would be her getting literally sucked into the bowels of hell in the middle of a 60 Minutes interview and grabbing Leslie Stahl by the ankle and pulling her down as well.
And then the cameras rolling while the people she condemned through bogus evidence exact their revenge over and over and over for eternity.
I like the cut of your job…
“‘We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.'”
That’s some good stuff.
I think I know what the problem is:
Heh… hadn’t seen that one before. Cute.
That kid looks like he ain’t stupid enough to write the shit that comes out of Koh-moh-loh’s mouth.
Authentic urbane gibberish
So… we have to express thoughts and communicate with others without language?
Isn’t that sort of the f’ing definition of language, you cackling moron? (VP BJ, not you obviously Tater).
‘That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know,’ she added, before an audible pause and eventually breaking into laughter, ‘it comes in the morning.’
Kamala discovers morning wood.
Of course it was an exceptional word salad, she was at Caesars Superdome wasn’t she?
Some impressive work by a student pilot here:
Survival usually depends on keeping it together and following through the procedure to get the best outcome in a shit situation.
That’s a life changing experience. Nobody is going to tell her what she can and can’t do in the future.
Pope Jimbo is going to be disappointed that he didn’t get to use this. The lady remains calm and polite, the other pilots were good reinforcers as well.
That did have potential to be a Ray of Sunshine. Not only for the kid, but all the others helping her out.
I didn’t want to step on the Ray of Sunshine brand.
Feel free to use it as much as you want! You can only improve it.
Holy shit.
Perfection from everyone.
Of course the video doesn’t match the audio. The student’s plane N478DC is a DA20, the plane in the video looks like a Piper Seneca. Here’s the less edited audio
Here’s a very similar incident
I had the same thought when I saw the airplane.
Still nice thing all around, however.
Meet the new boss…
Read it. Was interested. The writer of the article does not understand the purpose of police. Fatal drug overdoses are not an issue for police. Property crimes are. The new boss is focusing on property crimes and putting people in jail. Druggies doing too much drugs? Not an issue for police.
I always understood the purpose of the police to be to write citations so the county/municipality can collect fines. They never actually did a damn thing about crimes.
Now you are talking about the traffic system. You know where for example some cop pulls into fast moving traffic risking everyone all so they can chase you down to give you a money making ticket. For your safety, of course. Or all them stop light cameras that take a pic of you and send you a ticket even though the light was green cause that municipality needed more moolah.
I wish the police would leave the druggies be, completely, and focused on property & violent crimes.
I disagree to a certain extent. Those druggies are the ones committing the property crimes, not to mention driving down commercial and residential safety by shooting up on the sidewalks and literally shitting in front of businesses. They need to enforce the laws against that sort of thing or at least drive the junkies into private spaces so the rest of the people can get on with living normal lives free from intimidation and blight.
Thank the city of Boise that can’t happen in 9th Circus land.
Drugs cost money and many of the users are unemployed so…
Like I said: when they do it to avoid property or violent crime, I am fine with the cops doing their thing. You don’t top them for the druggie shit, but because they are causing damage or risking lives (other than their own).
This. The cops have a role to play there.
I agree with the O.P. they have no role in “helping” them – that’s for all the NGO’s we’re throwing mountains of cash at.
Crooked Hillary bringing the hot sauce!
Well, she was married to the First Black President or something.
“I have seen my children of color be misdiagnosed”
Uh huh. Let me tell you about all of my wasted doctor visits because of misdiagnosises. I’m sure it’s because of my bronze skin color.
It’s twue, it’s twue. I used to go into the doctor’s lounge (well, the white doctor’s lounge), and they’d all be having a good laugh about the black and brown kids they had just misdiagnosed just so they could watch them die. Coming up with the most hilariously wrong diagnosis was how you scored points with your white doctor buddies.
I’m sure there are people that believe this.
I misdiagnosed a kid in Reno just to watch him die.
/accepts correction and feels shame for missing it
What larks!
Is that you, Joe Gargery?
L-O, Pip!
For the last time doc, it’s not lupus.
It’s lycanthropy. We’re putting you on wolfsbane and counter-curses.
I mean, just try requesting a blood panel beyond the basic physical.
“I have seen my flagging career of color be misdiagnosed…”
I’m only seeing one men’s match held over from yesterday and that’s because of their stupid “curfew”.
Anyway we’re quickly reaching the stage where I dislike everyone who’s left, at least on the men’s side, so my interest will be mostly gone by tomorrow.
Off-topic: my parents always call and sing happy birthday to a family member on their special day. They’ve done it for 30 years since me and my siblings started leaving the nest. It’s always been a neat tradition and one everybody in my family looks forward to. The last couple of years they’ve been doing it on FaceTime (since they finally figured out the technology for video calls). Anyway, when they called to sing for Banjos yesterday I actually watched them on video and it’s hilarious how into it they get. And knowing it is a great joy to them makes me really happy. But I also realize how old they’re getting and that someday in the not-too-distant future I won’t have the pleasure of seeing or hearing them do it, and what a lucky person I’ve been to have such caring parents who find a great deal of joy in celebrating with their kids and their kids families. I’ve truly been blessed in that respect.
All I can think — see if you can get them to record one so you have a moment you can come back to.
My wife’s Mom recorded reading a kid’s book for our son one year… that’s the only way we can still hear her voice, and it connects me (haven’t asked my wife about it) back to all those holiday moments visiting that side of the family. I don’t think it really connects with the boy, but that’s the way of the universe.
I don’t Facetime enough to know if recording is an easy option — but that would be my vote. As I increasingly worry about my own mortality (had a coworker die of a stroke not long back out of nowhere), much less my parent’s who are getting up there… I waffle between raging at the predator or taking solace in the companion.
Yeah… the deep Glibs around here toss around Stoicism lightly… I evoke Star Trek philosophy. What are you gonna do?
Yeah, I guess I need to try and record them for all seven of us. Maybe I’ll try and figure out how to do it before my birthday next month and then through to Banjos next birthday so I have one for each of us.
So you are at that stage in life where you are realizing your parents are close to the end. Wait until you start realizing you are the one getting there. That’s the revelation that really will knock you for a loop.
Every time I say “Goodbye” to my kids/grandkids I know it really could be meaningful and I want them to understand that. You are lucky guy, Sloopy,
Not off topic at all. At some point, it will be up to you and Banjos to pick up that mantle. Well, even more.
Yeah, it’s already a normal practice in our home to sing it at the top of our lungs. I think that has been genetically engineered into me and I passed it on to all five of my kids.
I am the worst person alive when it comes to remembering b-days. My wife does not like it when people forget her birthday. One year, I actually made a real attempt to remember her birthday. I got a card and a present, all the usual stuff. The morning of her birthday she came down and asked me a question. Being the helpful person I am I answered it, which took a bit of time because it was a tricky question.
Half way through my answer she started to pout. When I finished, I asked her what was wrong and she told me that I had forgotten her b-day again. It did not matter that I instantly was able to pull out the card and present, in her eyes I had forgot her birthday yet again. According to her, the first thing out of my mouth should have been me shouting “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. Anything less was obviously me forgetting.
Kids being kids, they thought that this was the funniest thing that they had ever heard/seen. So it is now our family tradition to have to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY first thing or be charged with “forgetting”. If you “forget” the birthday person gets to razz you all day for being a terrible person.
So when it is your birthday, you will try to trick other people into saying something else first. The normal way is to ask them a question and if they answer first before wishing you a happy birthday then you got them.
Of course, I fall for their ploys almost every year. The rest of the family thinks it is a riot.
That’s definately a “not funny” from me. Glad I’m far from it.
(In fact, I prefer those people who know what my birthday is to not bring it up)
Feb. 29, gotcha.
Almost completed my term of indenture with the Pirates.
Keep that tradition up!
My parents did the same thing (never figured out the facetime bit though). I’d get calls from them when I was at work and coworkers could hear the singing away. Embarrassing at the time, but I sure do miss it now that they are gone.
Wife and I are now calling our kids on their day. Hope I can embarrass them for years to come.
We have that tradition, and we got it from my mother in law. Mrs. TOK knows people in her life won’t be around forever either, so she keeps voicemails such as her mom singing happy birthday to her. One of those voicemails is just a regular message from a close friend who passed away 2 years ago. Some of them are from nieces and nephews when they were little.
My MIL usually calls us first thing in the morning, and my youngest kid’s birth mom calls her at the exact time she was born.
Philly leaders unwilling or unable to confront some real issues in the ghost-gun using community; Film at 11.
Do you ever wonder why these people always misdiagnose the reason for a problem like this one, and then demand others that tell them you can’t fix a problem whose cause you don’t address accurately, stop talking? And then they feel compelled to attribute bad intentions for wanting to correctly diagnose the problems. It’s almost like they have an agenda and really don’t kill about the ongoing fucking tragedy..
They’re misdiagnosing it because they’re dealing with black victims.
And the misdiagnosis makes it impossible to help the black victims in any meaningful way (but it sure as hell allows some awesome grifting). And they get to accuse anyone that tells them they see there is a problem here of being the ones with ill intent…
Obviously, we need to sue dress makers, tuck friendly bathing suit makers, and anyone else who panders to the transmurderers.
“Hero father-of-three who survived 9/11 on his second day on the job at Morgan Stanley drowns while trying to save children during boating trip on Lake Michigan”
What did he know about the Clintons?
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Thanks, Jimbo, we all should be so lucky
Nice that he got to have so many people with him.
Good one, Jimbo.
Pedophiles pissed about movie fighting their cause and child abuse….
See prior conversations here about “If the elite doesn’t want folks to think they’re evil and demonic….”
I’ve read several blurbs about the movie and I have yet to understand what is so “controversial” about it.
Other than it stars that super-Catholic, the one not named Mel Gibson.
The former Witcher?
I have heard some claim it painted the minor (a.k.a. pedophiles) attracted people in a negative light..
OMG I found the original story at The Guardian and it’s everything you would expect from a Guardian writer on this topic.
It seems to boil down to fAr RiGhT money and the word “God” making an appearance.
“Don’t look now, dad! Michael Jordan’s son Marcus, 32, shrugs off NBA star’s disapproval by MOTORBOATING girlfriend Larsa Pippen on her 49th birthday and smoking hookah from her cleavage”
Large breasts make men less intelligent.
The Surgeon General agrees and waits and waits for the line to form…
She looks completely plastic. I don’t get the fascination with the Kardashian style makeup.
Yes. Not attractive at all.
The main reason the elite today want a hereditary aristocracy is this shit. They see their kids pissing away the stuff they or their parents built (and in the case of those pissing away the things their parents did, they never see they pissed it away too) and know the writing is on the wall and it is all downhill from there.
Has there ever been a hereditary line that got better over the generations? Seems like they always degrade.
I think it’s baked in. The founder of the line just about has to be exceptional. From there on out, it’s reversion to the mean (or worse, due to perverse incentives).
According to Meghan Markle she is about to make that happen…
Kate got the better one.
Given that all the data about “warming” is fake and/or outright lies, I wonder if the skeeters are really down?
That is about 300 days here – and yet we have no mosquitoes. It’s almost like there are other factors at play.
You have mosquitos. You just never go outside to see them.
They would be begging to be let in at every window screen – skeeters loooove me.
You gots that sweet blood? Make sure Pie doesn’t find out…
But climate change is supposed to be killing people, not the insects that kill the most people.
They need standing water to breed, so a dry spring means fewer mosquitoes. I remember one spring the mosquitoes started getting active, then we had a late frost that killed off the larvae. That glorious summer there was hardly a mosquito in sight.
Interested in “intellectuals” climbing up into their own assholes? Here’s some wisdom from your favorite Bay-area cult (with links to purchase!):
And I’ve checked out.
You’re just not smart enough to be a rationalist. They’ll explain that to you if you ask them.
I simply cannot wait for the tech bubble to burst and for these people to go broke.
If you have to tell people that you are smart, attractive, or in charge – you’re not.
“rationalist coworking spaces and group houses in Berkeley”
Trying to put “rationalist” and “Berkeley” in the same sentence is always awkward.
Rationalists are the crossfitters of the interior design world.
Young people: what don’t they know? Just ask ’em!
Not my area of expertise, but I’m pretty sure this story can’t be true, otherwise there would have been much more entertainment prior:
For all the Glib foodies: This company is taking orders again!
No thank you.
I must not let the girlfriend see that. She once came home with a one pound container of dehydrated marshmallows. Yes. Those crappy marshmallows that are in Lucky Charms and the like, just a one pound container of those.
My son’s fiancé at 25 toasted marshmallows at a bonfire we had. We were impressed. I bought a pack of those for a wedding gift for them.
I loved me some sugary cereals when I was a kid (Cap’n Crunch w/Crunchberries > Cap’n Crunch w/ whatever those alleged peanut buttery things were, and Quisp > Quake) but NOT the ones with marshmallow bits. Not even Count Chocula. Not really into marshmallow at all. Two s’mores, please, but hold the white gooey stuff.
Come on now, Lucky Charms were and are the shit. The marshmallows have a unique texture though-more akin to styrofoam than a noncereal marshmallow.
My kid loved them – “Marshalow Cheerios!
Seriously? I think they were at the grocery store, I also think they’re sold at BA Sweeties and the candy store attached to Grandpa’s Cheese Barn. I can keep an eye out for them for you.
Or you know… I could take a second to search Amazon…
I stopped by on my way home, but they were not open yet.
Getting some for my girlfriends!
Good morning, Sloop!
The knives appear to be out for Harris. I mean, it couldn’t happen to a better person, but it’s still funny.
Also funny:
Celebs are tards. And Brady better wear a rubber, dude.
Good songs this morning. I’m with you, though, the first is OK the second is excellent!
My daughter has a patch of darker skin on her left shoulder that really, really looks like someone had grabbed her shoulder and given her a shake.
We had the docs put a note in her patient records about it after the first or second time that we got suspicious looks from the doc.
Just days after a man wielding two “ghost guns,” including an AR-15 rifle, shot seven people, five fatally, in a Philadelphia neighborhood, according to authorities, leaders of the city filed a lawsuit against two companies that manufacture parts for the untraceable firearms they say have been wreaking havoc on their streets.
Either someone has changed the definition of “ghost gun,” or I’m calling bullshit. A 3-D printed AR? GTFO.
I mean, our perp doesn’t seem like the type who could even manage a drop-in sear, never mind assembling his own firearm out of pre-printed parts.
Could be CNC or 80%, or bullshit. Who knows? Journalists are terrible about guns, and have been for at least 50 years.
Maybe he printed the receiver or something?
“Cornell medical school provides CRT class that trains students to become woke activists and hosted BLM speaker who defended riots by saying they ‘should burn this b**** to the ground'”
This shit is way out of hand.
Knock yourselves out but that’s a No from me dawg.
Does that not meet the imminent threat standard?
“Has this man lost his fucking mind?”
Yeah but dat ass tho!
Now that this is legal precedent expect a Jerry Nadler crime wave.
Nadlers of the world, UNITE!
Coo coo ca choo…
The British spelling of diarrhea alone makes me happy their empire fell.
May I buy a consonant?
Finland has them all.
Funny, that’s how I feel about “aluminium” (ugh).
About that Brady story…. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12274509/Kim-Kardashian-teases-PREGNANCY-announcement-leaves-family-gobsmacked.html
Also, Florio thinks the Fanatics party referenced is probably a violation of the NFL’s gambling policy (Fanatics has moved into the sports betting world) for anyone affiliated with the NFL that attended, but since an owner (Kraft) was there nothing else will happen.
“Bikini-clad woman goes on racially charged rant against family at Colo. apartment complex pool”
Not hot…now that girl on the plane who ranted about seeing the lizard person or whatever? She’d be a keeper.
This gal is hot! #1 with a bullet hawt!
The last line in the article killed the whole damn thing for me. Yuck!
Stop picking on them bonus holes, you wretched man!
Wow that thing was tough enough to stop a bullet! Once at roller derby practice one of the Mrs.’ teammates fell vagina-first on another player’s foot, and broke the plate on the other person’s skate. They called her “iron snatch” after that.
She must have been extra susceptible to “chick magnet” guys.
That second song is great. The future Mrs. TOK introduced it to me years ago, and for a while I could play it on guitar.
Manhattan Contrarian has a takedown of a couple of the high-profile dissents issued during the last SCOTUS term. He’s not impressed.
Comments are surprisingly illuminating.
That was good. Thanks for the link!
I never went to college, but there are some dumb people that did.
Maybe dumb isn’t the right word, but I’m not sure how else to describe the dissents here and in Part I.
It’s all feels with the lefty justices. It is amazing any of them has a law degree, because what they are practicing ain’t law.
A proggy friend of mine retweeted this (which is how it ended up in my feed). She (my friend) is upper middle class, no kids, been married for 40 years, lives in Boulder. I say all that to say, at first, I couldn’t believe she really believes this. Then I thought of COURSE she sees it this way because life for her is just dandy. Therefore, it must be dandy for everyone else too.
Does she not pay any of the household expenses?
I don’t know, but I’m not sure they would notice any increase.
Members of the laptop class, if they were good with their money, had plenty of room to correct for the insane inflation we have. Your discretionary spending pool just kept getting smaller, but it was not putting you in “Oh shit, I am going to have to cut spending or go without food” territory like most people without the disposable income. of course, I am doing the math and sooner than later, more and more people at the bottom scale of that laptop income class are also going to start feeling the pain. However, where the laptop classes are bound to get the pain are in their investments and if they choose to do real large purchases (homes, cars, and recreational stuff), and many are worrying about that.
Liberals of course can pretend that even if this is happening to them, it isn’t because of either their policies or choice of political hacks.
I’m sure she believes that all of those numbers are honest representations and are never manipulated to make it look better than it really is.
While I will never understand worshipping a politician, I really don’t understand it on behalf of Joe Biden.
Just to pick on one of those numbers: “lowest inflation in the G7”. That’s like being the tallest midget. And it doesn’t mention that the year over year inflation is the worst we’ve had in decades.
To pick on another number, he has not reduced the debt. The debt continues to grow. I suspect they are using their usually fuzzy math of “we expected the debt to be 50 trillion, but instead it’s 49 trillion, so he reduced it by a trillion even though it went from 45 to 49.”
No more junk insurance
The Biden administration on Friday is expected to propose a new regulation cracking down on short-term health insurance plans, five Democrats with knowledge of the matter, who were granted anonymity to discuss the specifics of White House plans, told POLITICO.
The long-awaited rule will curtail a Trump-era expansion of the skimpy health coverage, which Democrats and patient advocacy groups have criticized for undermining Obamacare and its broad protections for patients with pre-existing conditions.
The move comes as the White House tries to focus the nation’s attention on the administration’s efforts to lower prescription drug prices for seniors, crack down on so-called junk fees, fight inflation and improve the overall economy.
President Joe Biden is also slated to give a speech Friday touting his health care agenda, during which a White House official said he plans to “announce major actions to lower health care costs and crack down on junk fees.”
One size to fit them all.
Oh for Pete’s sake. Stay out of the insurance market.
But the White House’s budget office signed off on the proposed rule last week, according to a regulatory review notice posted to its website, a signal that the regulations had cleared the final internal hurdles. The new short-term health plan policy is designed to “ensure this type of coverage does not undermine the Affordable Care Act” and other health insurance markets, according to the rule’s description.
The Obama administration in 2016 limited short-term plans to three months in an effort to get more people on year-round plans sold on the new federal and state-based exchanges created by Obamacare.
The Trump administration adopted regulations in 2018 that let people stay on short-term insurance plans for 12 months and renew those plans for three years. Critics at the time derided short-term plans as “junk” that would not protect people with pre-existing conditions.
Trump hates sick people.
Hope I’m not reposting old news, but my job has kept me running the last few weeks.
Vivek Ramaswamy went on some radio show and was told that he wasn’t qualified for president because he had never run for student council.
Here is the whole show for those who can handle it:
The comments are 95% against the woman, so there’s a little hope.
I’m not a huge Vivek fan, but he seems better than most.
He has some wacky ideas, but he is pretty consistent and has thought through a lot of the issues.
There is no way he is going to win the primary, though.
There is no way Trump will win the general election.
Not sure what the Stupid Party can do?
Stupid Party is gonna pick Trump. He’s gonna lose to whoever the Dems shit up. Dems get a minimum four more years in the Executive branch. Maybe the ‘Pubs hold the House and they likely pick up 2-3 Senate seats so the slow decline will continue unabated.
She had no reasonable argument to make, and knew she would give away the game if all she did was say Vivek was an Indian version of an uncle Tom like she believes he is, so she made up this nonsense of calling him out for not having been a community organizer or going up to the corruptocratic pyramid of government work (because people join government to help others, not to fleece the productive tax payers, I guess). It was fucking cringe to the max, because she also refused to let Vivek get a word in knowing full well he would force her to admit that she felt success in the private sector was a negative.
According to the headlines, toxic forever chemicals are everywhere. That would explain all the dead bodies I see every time I leave the house.
How can they be toxic and forever at the same time?
That’s impossible, Rhonda. How can you sleep when you’re high on crack? Chinese riddle for you.
“YouTube Refuses To Remove Video Of Man Displaying His Anus, Says “No Violation” Of Policies”
GOATSE returns?
Vivek Ramaswamy went on some radio show and was told that he wasn’t qualified for president because he had never run for student council.
Look what happened the last time we had an amateur boat-rocker in the White House. He turned the place into Nazi Germany.
Don’t forget, that woman is a veteran, and she once stopped a teacher from grabbing papers!
“ She’s almost beyond mockery. Pretty soon we will reach the pity stage for this gibbering buffoon.”
Kammie has been frigging terrible since the day she was foisted upon SF as the DA of choice of the Dem power brokers. She hasn’t improved with time and her transition to the national stage has shown everyone just how inept and unqualified she really is. They’re trying to find a way to ditch her. Maybe in the end it will be something as simple as Hastings just offering her a 50 million dollar Netflix deal or maybe she will get the promise of a SC appointment. There is also the outside chance the Dems just say fuck it and run her in 24. With the help of some fortification and the media playing along and minimal exposure she would likely prevail over Donnie anyway. And when she wins she has proven nothing if not completely pliable.
My Favorite Kamala quote:
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day.”
I really want to print it out and hang it in my cubicle without attribution.
Someone made it into a T-shirt:
Heheh. That link is going to a buddy of mine who has always claimed to be “independent” yet voted for no one but Dems. He absolutely despises that woman, which I find hilarious as she is a less polished female version of Newsom, who he has voted for a couple times now.
Out of control
On the Fourth of July, a federal judge issued a ruling in a free-speech case that he said upheld Americans’ “right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country”—by limiting how certain Americans can debate significant issues affecting the country.
If that sentence looks off to you, you have company among First Amendment scholars.
The opinion documents regular do-more hectoring by Biden administration officials of trust-and-safety staff at those social networks—plus such statements by President Biden as his July 2021 comment that letting anti-vaccine lies run rampant was “killing people.”
But does scolding equal compulsion?
“There is a First Amendment line that the government could in theory cross if it coerced a social media company,” said Samir Jain, vice president of policy at the Washington-based Center for Democracy & Technology. But, he added, the ruling doesn’t show that line crossed.
Saying “I am no fan of the government butting into content moderation decisions,” Ari Cohn, free speech counsel at TechFreedom, a Washington think tank, added, “in this case, I don’t really see that level of coercion.”
To be sure, I believe in the First Amendment, but not when it interferes with government propaganda programs.
And besides, what’s a little gentle chiding among friends? It’s not like Biden said he was going to sic the SEC and the IRS and the NLRB on those guys. Not out loud, anyway.
Did I miss something? Is the govt not free to post whatever the fuck they want on their own twitter/facebook/instagram accounts?
This ruling just said they couldn’t coordinate (behind the scenes) with tech companies to remove other people’s content.
Let Joe and Kamala scold away on their own channels. Let the light of the intellect wash over the rest of us. Surely their message is so pure that it will convince us all that they are speaking nothing but the truth.
All they have is pretzel logic and word play at this point. As you said, any individual in the Biden administration is free to post whatever they want on social media. This person is arguing that allowing someone to speak freely somehow infringes on the right of another person to speak freely. And that people IN THEIR CAPACITY AS A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL have the right to stop individuals from speaking freely, but that that only goes one way. You or I couldn’t ask a company to suppress a government official’s speech.
“But, he added, the ruling doesn’t show that line crossed.”
It most certainly does. I think there were 25 specific incidents which were cited in the ruling.
British GP is starting free practice today. I love the Silverstone track, it’s one of the top races on the F1 calendar each year. I doubt anyone will challenge Max for top spot, but should be interesting to see if Alonso can fight it out with Hamilton and the Ferrari boys for 2nd and 3rd.
And, of course, there was no discernible resistance on the part of the “content moderators” at twatter and facebook and the rest of the social media narrative curators, so “threats” never entered into the picture.
The threat was to withhold government funding to keep the business afloat. Not that anyone is allowed to talk about that.
Did I miss something? Is the govt not free to post whatever the fuck they want on their own twitter/facebook/instagram accounts?
Dissent is treason, man.
Not being able to silence the heretics is tantamount to allowing the government to be overthrown.
I love the Silverstone track
They should go back to Brands Hatch.
David Greene, civil liberties director and senior staff attorney at the San Francisco–based Electronic Frontier Foundation, concurred.
“This is a serious issue deserving of serious attention and the court does not parse acceptable from unacceptable communications,” he wrote in an email. “It seems to find constitutional coercion in every interaction even when the record seems pretty thin.”
Aren’t these the same people who yammer incessantly about “power imbalances” in interactions between individuals?
EFF totally fine with government censorship, as long as it’s the right people doing it.
This story keeps getting better and better
The only way it could get better is if someone said that powdered coke is more of a white people thing.
They can’t get rid of Biden until they get rid of Harris.
Gruesome Newsom baby! It’s what’s for 2024!
Since we’ve determined that we can’t use Clapton…. Casey Jones