Should be fun
The Women’s final is set, and it should be fun. The men’s semis are starting up here in a bit and they’re two fantastic matchups. Baseball gets back to business today. Northwestern just fired their baseball coach too. Pretty soon they won’t have any coaches left in any sports. And that’s pretty much it for sports.
Complain all you want CNN, but they’re right. It’s called racial discrimination. And it should have been illegal already, you dipshits.

Secret Service
You gotta be shitting me. I guess we’ll just all have to be grateful it wasn’t anthrax. You know, since the people in charge of securing most secure building in the country can’t figure out who brought something into the place where the president works.
Tough shit. If pumping drugs that alter their physiology into your minor child was what “kept her alive” when nothing was physically wrong with her, then you failed as a parent and she needs to be taken away. I seriously can’t believe this is the hill these media types want to die on.
This bumbling fuck is gonna get Americans killed. But at least there’s no mean tweets.
Well of course he was. It’s New York. That’s just the way things are these days.

Idiot contemplating idiocy
I can’t wait for the quotes. “Chicago is the windy city. There is wind in Chicago. And people, which make it a city. A vibrant city. Full of people. And wind.”
Wow, that makes it all worthwhile. Those extra 65,000 agents are really getting results. I’m sure an average of $584.62 per agent is way more than they’re making a year, right?
It’s a good start. Now sharpen those pencils and find some more cuts.
Here’s more 80s rock for you. What a time to be alive. And here’s the greatest video of the generation. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this hot-ass Friday and weekend, dear friends.
Well, I hope they studied.
Maybe I’ll have a dream where they show up to class naked?
*fingers crossed*
Yup… explicit racial and sexual hiring quotas (looking at you, stupid California state laws too) are so obviously illegal it amazes me that it took this long for the law to come around. Of course, like the colleges — they’ll just find another way to craft it more likely than not. Yay.
I agree that nothing will change but I count it a win that we can even have honest conversations about this now.
That was not the case before current
yearmonth.Any system of power that when corrupted will grant people undue advantages will be corrupted sooner than later. That’s the problem with big government, too big to fail private entities, and their alliance. Note that most people, including the progressives see one or all aspects of this. It explains why they desperately want to make sure nobody could question our 2020 election results since it came from a system where their efforts have been fully dedicated to making sure the vote results could neither be audited or verified.
“Complain all you want CNN, but they’re right. It’s called racial discrimination. And it should have been illegal already, you dipshits.”
All the hand wringing and the teeth gnashing is because they realized they jumped the shark when thought they had enough control of the narrative and the agenda to prevent anyone from stopping their long march to marxism and went full in on the evil only to watch massive backlash happen from the people once they became desperate that the other side – a side that had always played possum instead of fighting back – suddenly said :enough of this fucking lunacy.
It’s spoiled children mad that their parents caught on they were running a racket on the parents.
I’m fine if Target wants to discriminate. Do business with who you want. Let the shareholders sue if they go too overboard.
However, the flip side also has to be true. If Target gets to choose who it does business with, so does everyone else. Don’t want to bake that cake? Same principle as Target, so it is OK.
Yeah your holiness, the problem with that reasonable use of logic on your part, is that the people peddling this insanity want it both ways for themselves, and your accurate analysis and reasonable request won’t only be turned down, but you will be labeled a criminal for having those thoughts. There is no logic to their madness other than whatever will allow them to abrogate more power to allow them to stomp their boots on our collective necks.
The secret service did its job in the cocaine caper case. You just have to properly define their job.
They certainly protected the President… you have to give them that.
The president they are protecting is Obama. Remember that they put a lot of effort into making sure the massive criminality and abuse of power of the Obama years, a pile of scandals that no republican would have survived, was swept under the rug so they could turn that asshole into the left’s Reagan. These asshats always want to tell you how awesome that cunte was for a reason. If any of the other capos in the dnc crime syndicate goes down, especially those like Biden & Hillary Clinton that were close to his office, they would risk them taking Obama down as well. The cabal currently running the country into the ground (nobody really believes Dark Brandon is acting all though and in charge of shir, right?) knows they have to protect this idiot because if they let him face his due justice, they themselves all might be looking at criminal charges as well.
The people on the Steve Harvey Morning Show call him “Our forever President”.
That amount of worship makes me nauseous.
And the reality is that Obama is nothing more than a really good salesman for the Deep State. What they wanted, he gave to them and sold to the rubes.
Even more alarming, many of them are plotting to put the Wookiee on the throne.
Scary shizz right there…
It would be a refreshing change to have a President with an actual set of balls though.
That’s the only rational way to look at this.
It’s a banana republic at this point.
We have a three tiered legal/justice system. There are the connected and powerful elites that are above the law. Then you have the serf class whom will get none of the privileges the elite are afforded when dealing with the law. And the last group are the enemies of the state. The law is weaponized, to the point here they will make up crimes, against this group.
Don’t forget the class whose crimes don’t get punished in certain cities anymore because they’re “historically marginalized” or some other nonsense. They’re not connected or powerful. They’re just politically useful at the moment.
They are part of the connected.
Hunting down counterfeiters?
Didn’t they make all the Congress Critters troop on down to one of their super secret SCIF rooms to unveil the results of their investigation?
Can’t have anyone snooping and finding out that they don’t know who done it.
FTFY. We can’t forget the fucked up Afghanistan withdrawal, after all. And I’m sure he’s gotten CBP officers killed and who knows how many through the Vax mandates. And that’s just off the top of my head.
As many have pointed out, who in the West can the Russians negotiate with? Nobody is acting in good faith or is a trustworthy partner.
Always projecting. NATO is out of ammo. We are dumping old cluster munition on the Ukrainians to use because we are out of anything else to give them – and now we won’t have to go through the expensive disposal process.
It’s really a balance sheet contest. We’re trying to hold oil prices down and they’re waiting for us to run out of oil and gold reserves with which to do so.
Given that oil is the most necessary of the commodities, I think I know who’s going to win.
The green movement?
/bad joke
I saw a green movement the other day. But I’d eaten cake with black frosting.
Better than the horror that used to accompany the eating of a half a box of Booberry cereal.
*Dons MacBeth outfit, holds skull
“My poo is blue,
What shall I do?
This day I will rue
Because I have blue poo.”
Nobody, by design.
“This bumbling fuck is gonna get Americans killed. But at least there’s no mean tweets.”
The lame stream media will bury this story, but I am going to be the reason is that recruitment efforts at this time with the woke military are completely failing and this is necessary to plug in some serious gaps that have sprung all over our military due to this.
Note that other nations with ill intentions will also come to this conclusion sooner than later, and tat will not bode well for anyone. They are not just destroying the country, but they are pushing us all over a precipice.
So… assuming PPP doesn’t get us into an actual nuclear exchange and make the discussion moot (by no means assured, but a needed assumption) — anyone want to give odds on Dems bringing back the draft if recruitment stays down? The military has been rah-rah on “dedicated volunteer force” for as long as I’ve been alive… but when push comes to shove, they’re going to need young men (because you know they’re not going to actually draft women, regardless of if they can define them) to hump a ruck.
Makes 2024 even more important to me… Son is 14 — if PPP stays in and this shit hits the fan… 2027 would be in a Democrat’s turn. — and I have no desire to have him shot for the Uniparty’s stupid war boner. Further odds that if they try that shit, given the traditional military families are (or should be… I haven’t polled them) already disgusted with them, they’d actually get serious backlash? Though of course the Ivy League Set would defer all their offspring… can’t have the young nobility going to war, after all. That’s so Middle Ages!
“anyone want to give odds on Dems bringing back the draft if recruitment stays down? ”
To save themselves from the whole Ukraine debacle resulting in the Ukrainians telling the world about all the corruption and money laundering by the west in Ukraine, something sure to destroy their hold on power, they would kill most of us. Read that last part carefully. Their intention is to sacrifice us to save their racket.
I don’t think that would fly. This isn’t 1917 or even 1965. I fought in one of their stupid wars, my son won’t be hauled off to fight in a bigger dumber one.
It’ll work with their base if they expand it well beyond military service. They draft a bunch of people and all the “protected classes” get cushy assignments like working for the park service or some new dept of education program and all the middle class white makes get sent to the army and marines. You know, to make up for the historical disparity of drafts 3 or more generations ago (disparity that didn’t exist, btw).
The left will lap it up as they say “but I thought you white conservatives were patriotic!”
The one problem they have is tat most of those middle class white kids that actually would have made good military recruits currently are categorized as enemies of the state types. They would be worried that they are training a militia to fight them so the amount of prog indoctrination would make these fighting forces inept from the get go unless the goal is to just make them cannon fodder.
Yep – the old backbone of ground combat arms can’t be trusted.
The other problem is that MPs and / or recruiters would start catching bullets.
This is how empires colipase.
Bullshit. They/them will go where they’re told and kill who they’re told. Doesn’t matter if it’s Kiev, Keev, or Dallas.
Bullshit. All the they/them brigade can use is their ability to whine and pretend victimhood, and that shit ain’t gonna fly over there…
My son did a 5 year contract and got out.
It’s weird, I was happy when he went in, but more happy when he got out after seeing how things were going.
I was sad when my son whom wanted to follow the family tradition was not able to join for medical reasons more than a decade ago, but based on what I saw going on then, and more importantly, on what is going on now, I am fine with the fact he didn’t get in at all.
“After the Pearl Harbor attack the STSA was further amended (December 19, 1941), extending the term of service to the duration of the war plus six months and requiring the registration of all men 18 to 64 years of age” Wiki
Ah yes, Tawny Kitaen, peak 80’s.
RJ should feature The Perils of Gwendoline on some Thursday.
I think he did already?
Not yet. Adding to the list. I have a good schedule built up to the 2nd anniversary show. That could be a year 3 post.
Oh, right, that was SugarFree.
Anyway, it’s not a good movie.
I am ZWAK, and I approve this message!
About that Democrat monolith…
A few very loud and annoying people representing some real marginal and dumb ideas/shit, backed by key entities in the old legacy media and with control of the social media that go out of their way to amplify these people and shut down any others opposed to them, have fooled most Americans into believing a whole bunch of shit that ain’t so.
In case you were wondering why there is a Democrat monolith which does not need to bother appealing to moderate voters.
TL;DR – the Democrats are poised to illegally and unconstitutionally fortify their one-Party status in New York.
I.e. they play dirty.
Why should the West Coast have all the fun these days… sigh.
There is only one fix: No house districts, all house members elected state-wide with single transferrable vote.
With 26 districts, you would need less than 4% of the vote to get elected in NY. Libertarians might even be able to pull that off. You would end up with pretty good political/racial/geographic/etc balance doing it that way.
And it would move the representation even farther away from the voter than it already is.
And you would not get a good geographic mix when half the state’s population lives in NYC and another third or so in the NYC suburbs.
You would get a good geographic mix. If upstate democrates vote for upstate democrats and upstate republican vote for upstate republicans, you will get a proper mix of those, even if they have to transfer the vote to 2nd or 3rd choice upstate candidates. IF people care about geography, you will get geographic representation.
Hell, you will even get NYC republicans elected.
Lets assume the following (using 2020 presidential votes as a proxy) that people vote first for someone in their party and county, and then vote for nearest party member to them.
Combining the 5 buroughs, there is enough GOP votes to elect 1.5 reps. Nassau and Suffolk Counties would pretty much elect 1R and 1D each. Add in Westchester and Rockland counties, and you are looking at 4 GOP reps from the city and immediate suburbs, if they don’t transfer their vote out to an upstate candidate.
What would be more interesting is the political split within parties.
Centrist democrats wouldnt have to put progressive dems high up on their vote order, they could vote for centrist dems nearby instead of the progressive dem in their neighborhood, for example. And socialists could elect socialists instead of whatever dem they happen to have on the ballot.
And some GOP voters would vote for LP candidates but havent previously because of “wasted vote”.
You would create an environment where even fewer polling stations would need to be captured to manufacture votes to swamp the ‘will of the people’ Since corruption need not be in as many areas. In fact, removing the geographic qualifiers would wipe out upstate entirely as the downstate fraud machine could easily ramp up to swamp any upstate legitimate votes.
If corruption is bad enough, system doesn’t matter.
So yes, you could be right, but step 0 is make sure voting is legitimate. No need to even discuss changes until that is fixed.
I had a problem with the survey, as I favored 2 of the 3 positions on each question.
And on two of the questions, the two I favored worked well together, there weren’t even the least bit contradictory. On the other one, it was a bit.
I guess I could hate-watch Medvedev getting demolished but the outcome of the former is so not in question that I can’t be bothered to tune in.
Main reason I dislike the second week of majors. OK, most of the players I like are gone but the other main reason is that the few matches left are so predictable.
Aaaaand Djokovic breaks in Sinner’s first service game.
I thought the game might open up a little with Roger! and Rafa! gone, but then that smarmy Rafa! clone popped up out of nowhere to join forces with Novak! to deny major trophies to another generation of unlucky players. Sigh.
At least the ladies’ game is still somewhat open.
Break early in the second. This might be a fast match.
I guess the chair umpire is taking it upon himself to try and make this into a match by needling Nole.
Straight sets. Now let’s hope this other semifinal goes to five.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
The men’s semis
I usually start the day with a full.
You youngsters, I swear . . . .
Daily Stupid is as Stupid Does.
They look so pleased with themselves.
I’ve previously said that they should just cut the squishy bits when removing these speedbumps from the road.
Tragically, the consequences may require potential amputation of their hands.
“Tragically.” But the community note says it can be removed. So idk.
Best cut at the shoulder, just to be sure you get it all.
Republicans are escalating their legal threats against Target, pressuring the company to remove merchandise for transgender customers and backtrack on its initiatives to hire minorities and diversify vendors
Because Target is supporting the groomer and racist agendas of the left.
Interesting read.
All hail Bhaal!
solid read albeit longish
So we need a new tower of babel to break the existing protocols the networks run on?
“Well of course he was. It’s New York. That’s just the way things are these days.”
The Soros supported machine, those Open Society assholes, are hard at work criminalizing thought crimes and law abiding citizen’s rights, while decriminalizing real crime of any kind.
since the people in charge of securing most secure building in the country can’t figure out who brought something into the place where the president works.
You know who’s it is. I know who’s it is. And the SS knows who’s it is. Everyone knows. But the Biden’s are above the law.
I seriously can’t believe this is the hill these media types want to die on.
I can’t believe this is even up for debate.
You pay the bills, you get the shills.
I seriously can’t believe this is the hill these media types want to die on.
I think that the fairly universal disgust at harming kids is a feature, not a bug of the “trans rights” movement.
The proggies were caught off guard when all the normies shifted so quickly on gay rights. They had expected to be able to use the gay rights movement for decades. Preaching how hate for them proved the country was horrible. Then, as so many people came out, the majority of the people realized that they had known gays and liked them so they switched their positions. Now what were the proggies going to complain about (racism was already played out).
So they switched to trans rights. They didn’t have to worry about lots of secret trans popping up and ruining things. In fact the number of crazy band wagon jumpers, only made people more upset. They didn’t want to see these deluded kids hurt. So trans are the perfect minority for the left.
And it hasn’t cost the left so much as a city council seat. Yawn.
That article is just going to piss me off so I think I’ll pass. I have little tolerance for titanic piles of bullshit this morning.
Those must be the Latinx folks I keep hearing about.
That’s a lot of cops, and a lot of overtime.
Good practice before they get shipped over to Ukraine.
Biden authorizes sending an additional 3,000 reserve troops to Europe amid return from trip where he vowed to defend ‘every inch’ of NATO territory and said Putin had already lost the war
There is no threat to “NATO territory” because Putin is not insane. And it is Ukraine that has lost the war.
I didn’t bother to rtfa, but is this an additional 3000 or rotation of the 3000 that have been there since 2015 (We’ve had a rotating armored brigade combat team and a bunch of extra air assets in place since 2015).
The are reserve authorizations, so 3000 people on mobilization orders, 450 of which could be recalls from the IRR.
What better way to make sure the serf class knows they are the serf class than to deny them the luxuries only the elite are allowed?
Seriously, someone should pass some resolution that no law at fed or state level banning things for the people can be made active without government entities first giving it up. want us to give up our AC units? Make sure no government building is allowed to have AC first.
This shit stops right quick then.
That’s practically impossible.
FUCK THAT. I would be dying right now without AC
They have to reduce the use of ac because they are also trying to reduce the capability of the electric grid. Hopefully cooler heads prevail in this nonsense.
I’m sure they have our best interests in mind. Don’t sweat it.
You do realize that the green movement isn’t about replacing fossil fuel energy generation (and the fact that it allows for rapid growth in new energy generation as societies grow) as much as it is to reduce energy generation. After all, the plan also is to kill off 7/8s of humanity so you really won’t need that much power generated period.
Which also kills off the prosperity that supports the pseudo-nobility. Go ahead, cut off your nose.
While simultaneously multiplying the demands put on it. My prediction is that the majority of this nonsense will be quietly forgotten once even Democrats have figured out utopia isn’t happening. Of course, it might destroy the economy first but oh well.
Look who’s a ray of optimism this morning.
Utopia is always right around the corner, once we get rid of those who stand in the way of realizing it.
So everyone else?
“Hopefully cooler heads prevail in this nonsense.”
Ain’t nobody’s head going to be cool if they get their way.
“hopefully cooler heads prevail”
Paging Swissy for a narrowed gays
There is no colder place in the summer than inside a government building.
It would be nice if they decided to lead by example and banned AC in govt buildings first.
From my experience, the AC in government offices doesn’t work anyway.
It never works properly, but there is probably someone in your building with a space heater running under their desk because it is 40 degrees in that cubicle.
Incidentally, the thermostat that controls the heat in your area is in that area as well.
The visible thermostats are fake. Haven’t found the real one yet.
In the old office, I could tell you where the temperature sensors were (they were blue dots embedded in the ceiling tiles) I haven’t been in the new office long enough to have sussed them out.
Not fake, just randomly assigned to different areas of the building.
I remember the heat waves in the 80’s, where a number of elderly people died. If temperatures are rising as they claim, they’re putting a lot of people at risk. But I guess they’re willing to make that sacrifice.
Like COVID sure looked to me, cut down on Medicare and Social Security payouts to keep the ponzi schemes going. And no, at this point I really don’t put it past them.
Despite what they tell you, the biggest agenda item for the green movement is to get people dying. These are anti-humanists that see people as parasitic entities and the thing to correct.
What refrigerant would likely be in my AC units? Seems like maybe buying a few cans of it right now might be prudent.
Ah. Quick search tells me there should be a plate on the unit somewhere noting the refrigerant it uses.
I’d imagine. With the number of options over the years, recording it on the unit itself is prudent.
I had a guy come in and clean my indoor AC units after 4 years of use and damn those things were filthy. I need to have them cleaned at least every two years.
He cleaned the duct work, or are you talking window units?
I have no idea what kind of hvac setups exist in Europe so I’m genuinely curious.
there is an outside unit which does the cooling and an inside unit which does the filtering and circulating the air.
like so
Basically in the inside unit there were some filters and the fan / turbine thing and also part of the heat exchanger
Yeah, you need to do work to keep the air intake and outflows clean.
he pumped some pressured water going out as well to clean the ducts
You don’t change the filters every couple of months?
The filters are washable not changeable. I washed them two years ago. The AC guy told me I should do ti every two months. I probably have been breathing mildew in the meantime
Mildew builds character.
Yeah, don’t be a mildon’t
I mean I assume I can change them at some point but they are meant to be washed and disinfected or something
Here they call those “mini-splits.” They’re mostly used to replace window units in older homes, or add AC to garages. Didn’t know they got dirty that fast.
The black stuff is what came out of one
*Pedantic on!*
The inside unit absorbs heat from inside the structure and the outside unit releases heat to the environment.
Keeping both surfaces clean maintains higher efficiency of heat exchange.
The deranged man caught on camera stalking a group of musicians through Times Square with a knife was granted supervised release by a Manhattan judge on Thursday evening.
Prosecutors recommended the release of 22-year-old Deqon Massiah.
Idk what is so controversial here. It’s not like he meandered through the capitol after being invited in by the police.
Alternate story from local news:
‘I’m about to be sent to jail for nothing’: Mass shooting suspect gets $9 million bond
From the article:
“Jennings’ case is expected to go before a Cuyahoga County grand jury in upcoming days.”
They’ve already charged him. What’s the grand jury going to do?
He didn’t have one of those terroristic thought crimes about resisting the corruptocracy’s agenda or something….
There is no such thing as narrative control.
IOW Epps is a fed asset. I wonder what that cancerous* cunte Raskins will be saying now.
*Not because he has cancer (may he die in pain) but because his is cancer.
This 180 sure as hell shows you these fuckers are all about one political group’s agenda and not about news…
J6 was an intel agency op (and it succeeding is why the bomber guy that happened at the same time went the same way as the WH cocaine user: into the dust bin of history) run by the people that needed an excuse to label their political enemies terrorists and threats to the nation.
The Borg have nothing on the Left’s hive mind.
I’m sure an average of $584.62 per agent is way more than they’re making a year, right?
The ultimate purpose is to persecute political dissidents.
Enjoy surgical enhancement with your Friday Funbags.
To go with the music video, Crystal Heart was one of the greatest movies of the 80s.
Okay, its bad, but it features lots of naked Tawny Kitaen.
Mrs. Tree encountered “pronouns” for the first time yesterday.
It set me back for a second because, though we’ve always been no-TV people, I keep up with things in the outside world and she doesn’t. (Granted, my “keeping up” is largely through this site…). Anyway, her attention stays at home, with homeschooling, coaching, bees, garden, and generally running things. Last week she asked me what “woke” stood for, thinking it was an acronym, and I explained it.
Anyway, XX#2 is fixing to start college, and one of the notes from the school was from an administrator whose sig line had (she/her/hers) at the end. She asked what that was about and I briefly explained, and she jumped to “oh, so it’s really a man”. I explained that (in this case) it wasn’t, but was the tribal social signalling thing. I just got an eye roll and she kept going. So she’s gonna stay disconnected from all the social crap, which is fine as her head’s in the right place.
What it reminded me, though, is how many of the normal folks on the side of “leave me alone” truly don’t know what’s happening. To pull out a handy quote (Aragorn): “Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not.”
How can you know?
A large part of this is all about making the lower classes walk on eggshells.
’cause it’s not that big of a town and I recognized the name and job from jury duty awhile back and it was definitely an actual female
But you’re correct in general. Can’t really know without knowing, and besides the signalling, it’s largely out there to create a reason for feeling offended. But statistically, I’d also say that the vast majority of the pronoun crap I’ve seen actually does match the biology.
“So she’s gonna stay disconnected from all the social crap, which is fine”
Indeed it is.
“oh so it’s a man!”
Oh fuck me, that’s actually brilliant. Gonna start using that.
Citizenship means nothing.
Expanding voting rights to non-citizens in municipal and mayoral elections has become a prominent issue in the United States, particularly for Democrats. Advocates argue that it promotes inclusivity and allows those who contribute to their communities but lack full citizenship to have a voice in local decision-making.
At the forefront of this movement is the implementation of Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) systems, which have been implemented in states like Massachusetts. However, critics have raised concerns about whether AVR could inadvertently register non-citizens to vote.
Massachusetts, in particular, has been expanding voting rights for several years. As the state prepares for nearly 200,000 undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses, the costs of implementing the new license access law could reach up to $28 million. The law, known as the “Work and Family Mobility Act,” expands driver’s license access to immigrants without legal status. (Illegal Aliens)
And I daresay that the state should be reporting illegal aliens to the appropriate federal agency, not giving them licenses.
The elite have decided that because the citizenry doesn’t support their agenda and they have no way of convincing them to do so, that the only course of action to get what they want is to drastically change or replace the citizenry.
Nah, the draft is still limited to citizens so we’ve got that going for us
Just Stop Oil
🚨 Placards ripped up and banners snatched away, as peaceful supporters of Just Stop Oil face aggression this morning.
🛢️ We march in civil resistance against our genocidal government. If our government halted all new oil, gas and coal licences, we wouldn’t have to do this.
is blocking traffic peaceful? There was one time a woman ended up paralyzed because they blocked the ambulance. I don t see that as peaceful.
Stop all oil development and we’ll see an actual genocide.
They could lead by example by living without all oil products. Until then, there is no reason to take them seriously.
Penn and Teller had some fun pointing out the animal rights activist wearing a leather belt (even if it was artificial, it still would show leather is fashionable) on their episode on PETA. The whole episode is well worth watching.
I guess that makes it ok then.
Many young people in Italy are expressing outrage on social media, after a judge cleared a school caretaker of groping a teenager, because it did not last long enough.
The case involves a 17-year-old student at a Rome high school.
She described walking up a staircase to class with a friend, when she felt her trousers fall down, a hand touching her buttocks and grabbing her underwear.
“Love, you know I was joking,” the man told her when she turned around.
After the incident, which happened in April 2022, the student reported the caretaker, 66-year-old Antonio Avola, to police.
He admitted to groping the student without consent, but said it was a joke.
A Rome public prosecutor asked for a three-and-a-half year prison sentence but this week the caretaker was acquitted of sexual assault charges. According to the judges, what happened “does not constitute a crime” because it lasted less than 10 seconds.
Hopefully the girl’s family takes care of this guy.
*Alitalia suddenly receives rush of ticket purchases from rapists with premature ejaculation issues*
How very Italian
it was just not ha-ha funny. More an ironic comment on postmodern sexualisation of teenagers.
Can’t say I’m surprised, groping and pinching butts is a national pastime in Italy.
“she felt her trousers fall down”
I think I saw that documentary.
Beyond the BBC, with the growth of GB News in particular we see the stirrings of an entirely different broadcast ecology, one in which the right has its own pulpit, virtually unregulated,
oh noes unregulated speech
As a follow-up from my posts about having to move and meeting with the town council.
I got a test from the developer:
“The personal attacks are still happening on FB
Again I’d like to offer to meet in person and come to a resolution. My attorney will be present.
I am building my own home on an acreage similar to yours in Pennello and desire to be a good neighbor”
My wife has made a pannello group on FB.
She was a responder (not first) for the Murrow bombing in OKC. She was working recovery/rescue for the nursery area.
She will never go back,
The sounds of construction equipment is triggering for her….So when they start working on widening the road, she hears them and gets upset.
Anyway all of our assets are our house and retirement accounts. He sues us, we would go pro se for a while, counter sue i guess and runup billable hours of lots of lawyers, Everyone winds up bankrupt.
In the past i asked for him to build a common privacy fence. He said no.
Asked to buy us out for a fair price, he said no.
He still has not come up with a response to concerns about my livestock,
The fact that he is reaching out to me after the council meeting last night is interesting.
At the council meeting I did say that if he changed his mind and made it a min-farm community i would give him my wholehearted support. Otherwise the 80 acres would consume 2.2 MG water/week which would affect the local area in water pressure/water quality. I also said that since the LLC sprayed the area next to my farm i have stopped eating produce/milk/eggs stopped making cheese.
I still think i am doomed.
Something for the community to talk about.
& thank you for listening.
Maybe i said something that resonated.
From memory this is roughly a $2m development deal.
You’d be happy with a $70k fence.
Trying to be unbiased you’d think you and he could come to some kind of agreement they’re likely including you maintaining it.
OTH, he could feel like you are trying to extort $70k out of him for using his own property as he is already permitted to do.
My real estate experience is much more urban, but nobody usually wins in these cases. If the developer isn’t going to live here he isn’t going to care how he pisses off the neighbors.
Think what is realistically possible given the circumstances.
Notes on the French Intifada
France’s colonial legacy plays a huge part in today’s problems
“Like Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, France has had difficulties assimilating the children of immigrants from beyond Europe, yet its recent history has proved especially violent and troubled. Britain has jihadi terrorism – 2017 was especially grim – but it has never reached such intensity. Today, as over 130,000 police officers stand guard to protect the Republic on the day of its celebration, it is worth considering the journey that brought it to such a state.
Analysts have often compared Britain’s state multiculturalism with France’s system of laïcité, which tends to downplay the existence of ‘communities’ even to the point of not taking demographic statistics. Although neither country’s approach has entirely been a success, France’s refusal to recognise immigrants as anything but French has often been blamed for the widespread sense of alienation.
Others point to the housing system, which tends towards concentrations of North and West Africans in suburban banlieues, or the less laissez-faire economic policy which results in higher unemployment (in exchange for better social security).
While they no doubt play a part, the biggest single difference is history, as Andrew Hussey recounted back in 2014 in The French Intifada, in particular France’s history with North Africa. To put it in British terms, imagine that Britain’s rule in Pakistan had involved not a small number of administrators and soldiers but instead hundreds of thousands of British settlers arriving in the country, many with the intention of making it a ‘new America’ (i.e. driving the natives out).”
There’s also the distinct possibility that the Brits are stoking and underwriting some of the public rage in the country of one of their oldest rivals.
really? I’d say that’s unlikely
Why? That sort of thing has been in their toolbox for a very long time. Setting parties against each other in order to diminish both is one of their favorite tricks.
The CIA learned it from them.
the perfidious Albion?
We don’t deserver the journalo heroes we have. Local journalo cuts open a vein after receiving a hate email.
OFFS. If you’re public in any way these days, you’re going to get death threats.
Perhaps sticking to objective reporting and not constantly editorializing would help.
I can only assume this writer can back that statement up with references to the numerous criminal prosecutions that resulted from these threats.
Look in 2008 all we wanted to do is go back to the good old days of the 1950’s, when things were so much better.
“Journalism was once revered as one of the noblest professions”
Well, according to journalists, anyway.
“(several scholars argue Obama was not the first Black president, but the first openly identifiable Black president)”
Bubba Clinton?
Harding. Allegedly he had some suspect ancestors.
The “G” stood for “gangsta”?
Journalism was once revered as one of the noblest professions,…
Quite the boomer take. Journos have been loathed since the beginning, and for good reason.
La tensión actual entre el PCV y el PSUV es producto de una incompatibilidad ideológica y programática que algún día estallaría. Los partidos marxistas-leninistas que en algún momento se adhieren a plataformas progresistas amplias terminan siendo devorados, ejemplos sobran. +
one of these two are a bunch of reactionaries
don’t try to dodge the question, who do you support The Communist Party of Venezuela or The United Socialist Party of Venezuela?
Neither, both should be burned at the stake for their crimes.
Que te cojan en el colu maricon marxista.
Socialism Can Help Contain Humanity’s Worst Impulses and Encourage Our Best
“Capitalism leads to tremendous amounts of poverty, economic inequality, and financial stress. It disempowers the vast majority of the working-age population, who have no realistic choice except to spend half of their waking hours at workplaces where they take orders from unelected bosses. Outside of the workplace, decisions with major impact on society as a whole are made by CEOs only accountable to shareholders. And wild divergences in wealth turn the idea that all citizens will exert the same level of influence on the political process into a bad joke.
Surely we can do better. Why can’t we collectively own society’s productive resources, meet everyone’s material needs, and create a more meaningful kind of democracy? In other words, as the late Marxist philosopher G. A. Cohen once put it, “Why not socialism?””
why not…
Why not? Because of the famines, deaths, and terror.
This time they will get it right and it won’t be a mountain of dead bodies and the rest with the jackboot of the criminals running things on their necks!
where they take orders from unelected bosses
You know how those bosses got their position? By working their way up based on merit. Granted that isn’t a perfect system, but I trust it a lot more than one where bosses are elected.
Or one where they are moved up for physical characteristics that have nothing to do with competency or meritocracy.
Mediocrates has a sad!
Journalism was once revered as one of the noblest professions, but journalists today are somehow viewed as pariahs.
A stupendous whopper, right out of the gate. Well done.
Last night we had a friend over last night who works for Border Patrol in NM. We had an interesting conversation about his work. It is much worse at the border than you hear. He laughs at LA when they complain about a few busloads of migrants. The border states are completely overrun. And the cartels think they own the place. They watch border patrol, and if border patrol stops a small group, the cartels send another big group in somewhere else. If you live near the border, there is a constant parade of people through your property. He finds a dead body every day. And if someone calls to report someone crossing, he has to tell them there are no agents available, so call your congressman.
“Biden forgives $39 BILLION in student debt for 804,000 Americans: White House goes around Supreme Court ruling to give relief to borrowers who have been paying for 20 years”
(oh for fucking fuckity fuck fuck fornicating foggy frogs forever sake)
“Some 400 Pennsylvania State University professors have signed a letter backing antiracism teaching and administrative practices currently being targeted by a former colleague’s lawsuit against the college.
The ‘Letter in Support of Antiracist Faculty at Penn State’ criticizes Zack De Piero, 40, a former English professor at the college’s Abington campus, as well as a lawsuit he filed claiming he and other white staff were racially discriminated against.
The 36-page lawsuit from De Piero, who served as an assistant professor of English and Composition at the campus, claims he was forced to teach that the ‘English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.’
He also alleges he was forced to grade ‘Hispanic and Black’ students differently and was subject to exercises centered on critical race theory where white staff were made to feel ‘terrible.’ ”
So now people fucked over by this shit have a list of names to bring to court when they sue the fuck out of these crooks for fucking their grading over?
Won’t go anywhere.
The backlash against these companies comes amid a wave of legislation in Republican-led states to curtail LGBTQ rights and cut DEI programs in colleges and universities, alongside lawsuits to stop 401(k) managers from considering climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when selecting investments.
Taking us right back to the stone age, they are.
“Nine-month-old baby dies after his mom, 17, put enough FENTANYL in his bottle to kill 10 people because she wanted to take a nap – as heartbroken father shares his shock
The teen mother, from Florida, was arrested on charges of aggravated manslaughter and possession of a controlled substance, Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday.
The mother has confessed to investigators that she thought the fentanyl was cocaine, he said, and wanted to use it to help put her baby to sleep so she could take a nap as she was tired.”
I hope they have a special place for this idiot in hell.
Yes, cocaine would have done the trick.
I remember doing a couple lines whenever I needed to relax.
She wanted to give cocaine to the baby to get the baby to SLEEP? That seems… backwards.
‘The mother has confessed to investigators that she thought the fentanyl was cocaine, he said, and wanted to use it to help put her baby to sleep so she could take a nap as she was tired.”’
Somebody doesn’t understand how cocaine works.
Look, her objective was the kill the kid, whether she mistook one drug for another doesn’t matter.
If you just want the kid to sleep, you give it a microdose of Gin
What happened to old fashioned take of rubbing a bit of bourbon on the gums.
Dont you know it’d be illegal to sell a 17 year old bourbon?
/ignores the other illicit substances.
YAY! My tax dollars will now pay off the student loans of other people that didn’t pay theirs off like so many others did so the crooks buying votes can do more of that!
I’ve said before that I’m okay with loan forgiveness, but the colleges and universities have to eat large portions of it, at least half.
But since the colleges and universities are Democratic fortresses, that ain’t gonna happen under Biden.
If they don’t eat 100% and lose their infinite federal dollars, I’m not going to be satisfied.
The big schools are sitting on billions in endowments. Let them break open their piggy banks.
it is all numbers in a computer relax
Can someone ‘splain me how this gets around the Nazgul having put the kibosh on the earlier, bigger scheme? Other than the FuckYouThat’sWhy loophole?
I sure as hell can’t…. it still seems like changing the nation’s balance sheets without Congress approval to me, so should be “No f’ing way” to the Executive Branch.
If we assume the goal is to actually grant forgiveness, then the goal would be to get the paperwork processed before the court says they lack the authority to do this.
The goal is to trick idiots that fell for this loan racket and wasted time getting degrees that would never pay ff their massively idiotic debt load into voting for democrats. If you have not caught on that success is not as important as convincing idiots that think the government should make others pay for their stupidity to vote team blue, you are not getting the crook’s agenda.
It’s some gimmick where supposedly he can “change the terms” of the “loans” and that magically wipes out some “debts”. All transparent bullshit, of course, but with SCOTUS on vacay who’s going to stop him?
“The Court has made their decision; now let them enforce it.”
What is ignored or neglected by the media — but will be studied by historians?
Here’s the full list of 25 examples:
I only see one.
That’s the curse of no having a Twitter account. I am in the same boat. You will never see more than a single tweet at a time again.
You misspelled “Blessing”.
Very true.
The Twitter lockdown is bad, very bad.
Why would you say something like that?
Because it’s true.
Citation needed.
I’ve barely seen any impact.
“I’ve barely seen any impact.”
It’s obvious if you follow the news.
Why would I follow propaganists, spies, and gossips?
You’ve lost the plot here.
It’s obvious CT can’t explain why it’s bad.
“It’s obvious CT can’t explain why it’s bad.”
You do this often.
UCS is being obstinate because he doesn’t like Twitter, perhaps with good reason.
On Twitter, independent journalists often drag the “propaganists, spies, and gossips” — often pointing out when they are factually wrong. People can correct politicians and governments through comments and Community Notes.
Further, independent journalists, YouTubers, bloggers, etc. use Twitter to promote their work.
With Twitter on lockdown way fewer people — both journalists and the general public — are able to see it. So both the people who report news and the people who want news are less informed.
It’s not that complicated.
So why didn’t you outline your position to begin with?
So both the people who report news and the people who want news are less informed.
One could argue they are less informed because twitter exists.
Journalism has become a lazy game of telephone where the information becomes corrupted instead of validated by twitter.
When you said “if you follow the news” to someone who isn’t on social media, the mind goes to the major media outlets which are not worth following.
Had you elaborated, we wouldn’t have stared at you like you were a crazy person for so long.
Then why didn’t you say so in the first place?
The major media outlets also get information from Twitter. Especially the pundits and columnists. They not only want information, but what’s trending and what is the consensus among their group. When I worked for a paper, journalists were always on the phone. Now they rarely leave their laptops.
The YouTube one is dead-on, in my experience. My kids watch nothing on TV, only YouTube.
I can only see the first one as I am not of the Twitter body. That stat should be everywhere. It’s the main reason for the horror camping epidemic in cities, especially if you include debilitating drug addiction. Bring back the damn sanitariums.
Good morning, Sloop!
What a time to be alive.
Yes. Absolutely. We didn’t realize just how good it was.
And here’s the greatest video of the generation.
Tawny was soooo smokin’ hot back then, but my OCD went crazy. “Get the fuck off the cars! You’re gonna scratch the shit out of them!”
Good stuff, though.
A suspect was arrested in the Long Island serial killer case. Less than a mile from the home I lived in as a little kid. Crazy.
sounds suspicious. where where you on the night of the murders?
Nowhere near Long Island, as we moved away in 1984.
Really weird is that this guy was a successful NYC architect, yet his house is rundown and dilapidated.
First thing I noticed, too. And not just run-down, but the most architecturally dead thing in view. The rest of the street are decent post-war Craftsman-ish things or OK replacements, and he’s in the ugliest little ranch you can imagine.
Almost all of Massapequa Park was built in the early ’50s – my grandpa’s house, which is maybe nine blocks from this guy, was 1954, for example. They’re all pretty standard early suburban capes and split-levels. You’re right, you actually don’t see many ranches in the town.
“capes”!!! that’s the word I was looking for when banging out “Craftsman-ish” thx
No Capes!
Throwback Friday: (((pr0n)))? (SFW)
The Morph of the Month is worth checking out.
,em>Adelyn is one of nearly 30,000 people ages 13 to 17 who identify as transgender in Texas, according to data from the Williams Institute at the University of California, UCLA. It’s the largest young transgender population of the nearly 20 conservative states that have passed similar laws in recent months.
Adelyn, who wants to be an attorney like Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) in “Legally Blonde” when she grows up, wants to move to Washington, D.C., work in human rights and someday be a mom.
“It’s crazy what these legislators are trying to do, someone has to stop them,” Adelyn said about the state bill.
“I’m not crazy, you’re crazy.”
As far as I can tell, “gender affirming treatment” is nothing but a grotesque form of slow motion assisted suicide.
More like physician assisted munchausen by proxy.
Which makes the physicians a LOT of moolah…
Is it wrong that I hope they never make it that far in life? We don’t need any more clinically mentally ill people in DC.
Assuming that’s a dude? Yeah, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. 🙄
So… 30,000 teenage transgender people out of a population of over 30,000,000 (of which the census estimate says under 25% of which are 18 or younger). This is why we need drag story hour?
Fixed that for you.
Drag is adult entertainment for gay mean. It was never a “transgender” thing until that activist set latched on to it and decided to aim it at children for some mysterious reason.
Yep. Someone decided, like 10-15 years ago, that drag was going to become a thing for kids. It had existed for a long time and no one really had a problem with it. Wasn’t my cup of tea, but I didn’t care that other people enjoyed it as entertainment. Hell, The Birdcage was a huge hit in 1996 (and is a very funny movie)…but the drag performers in the movie worked at a nightclub for adults.
No one cared until it started being pushed on children.
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Another great movie.
It wasn’t just for gay men, there were several clubs that used to do frequent drag shows. Of course, those establishments were 21+, the events started at 2100 or later, and was mainly camp and singing.
It was always fun to run into the person who stumbled in who didn’t quite grasp the concept of a drag show.
“That girl is really hot!”
“That’s a guy.”
“No it isn’t! Check out the tits!”
“Fake. Look at the flyer… this is a drag show.”
“What’s that mean?”
It was the education journals.
OFFS horseshit.
In what other aspect of life does anyone take what a 13- to 17-year-old says seriously?
OK, there’s the “green” hoax about which they are supposedly wise beyond their years… anything else? Bueller?
Wouldn’t “gender affirming treatment” for a confused boy include pumping the kid full of testosterone so he becomes more accepting of his male body?
“someday be a mom”
Never gonna happen, bub.
Today’s exhibit in why the FBI at least, but really the whole IC should be burned to the ground and the earth salted.
Not that it will be, of course.
Staying in a cabin with a combo washer dryer, meaning it should wash and dry in the same unit without transferring clothes. Second time in a few years since I used one. This one couldn’t dry a wet napkin. Absolutely useless. It’s a Magic Chef. Avoid at all costs if looking for such a thing.
That just sounds like the worst of both worlds. I would assume that it probably isn’t washing very well either.
No, it did not.
I’ve been in places with those. Clothes always felt damp after drying. I think they tried to pitch it as a European thing and you’re cultured now!
Giant steaming pile of shitbox
$205,000. 4300 pounds of pointless complexity and up-your-own-ass technowizardry. And mood lighting. Can’t hold a candle to a ’67 Midget. Purity of essence, Mandrake.
Somebody linked to her videos a few years ago, and I wasn’t very impressed, but I started watching some of her current Celica project (V8 conversion in a ’74, I think). She has come a long way. I’m kind of digging on her FANATICAL attention to detail.
For $200k, you might think it would have more sex appeal than a Miata.
Staying in a cabin with a combo washer dryer, meaning it should wash and dry in the same unit without transferring clothes. Second time in a few years since I used one. This one couldn’t dry a wet napkin. Absolutely useless. It’s a Magic Chef. Avoid at all costs if looking for such a thing.
I have always wondered about those. It would have a supersonic spin cycle to have any remote chance of success. I suspect.
Tuping goo todau.
So…. in watching “Absolutely Anything” there is a scene where the romantic interest has a guy she briefly dated driving alongside as she walks home, trying to convince her to hop into the car. She says “curb calling is illegal in this country”
I know England is crap for free speech, but…. so I Google it.
In England it is illegal to drive alongside someone walking on the sidewalk for the purpose of soliciting prostitution.
So, apparently they wanted to capture people who didn’t actually solicit prostitution, but who were driving around looking to find a prostitute.
That isn’t good enough. At least one MP wants to make any kind of attempt to pick up a girl in public illegal.
Tranny hookers whistling at me is also creepy and should therefore be illegal.
This game is fun!
“Speaking to ITV news, the Peckham and Camberwell MP said: “If they have to walk home and it’s dark, they can find a man in a van or a car crawls along the pavement trying to get them into the van or car in a very menacing way, absolutely frightening them. This shouldn’t happen.
“Kerb-crawling is an offence if a man is seeking a prostitute, seeking to buy sex, but it is not an offence to kerb-crawl a girl home from school, and I think it should be.””
Unless they are Muslim. Then it should be ignored, if not encouraged.
How many of these extreme gender dysphoria cases highlighted by the media in the past year or so are likely to live to see their 30th birthday?
The MSM does not even seem interested in discerning what is the rate of satisfaction after the horror-show surgeries or even just the drugs that make you infertile.
Sheep. They’re just sheep, led around by the nose by the media and their insulated social groups.
Reddit is a complete prog echo chamber.
Drag is adult entertainment for gay mean. It was never a “transgender” thing until that activist set latched on to it and decided to aim it at children for some mysterious reason.
I don’t think it was ever intended to fool anybody. They called themselves “female impersonators” for a reason. They were men dressed up like women.
I don’t know what the fuck they are now.
Yup. There was time when a drag performer declaring himself transsexual was controversial. And within recent memory on a TV show dedicated to drag queen performances.
Daily Quordle 536
Blossom Puzzle, July 14
Letters: A E G N R S T
My score: 401 points
My longest word: 13 letters
💐 🌻 🌷 💮 🏵 🌺 🌹 🌼 🌸 💐 🌻 🌷 💮
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 536
Bottom left was a wrong guess on a coin toss.
Authoritarian regimes facing though times are prone to real bad moves. It sure looks like the globalist movement has decided to decouple from the CCP’s China, and that is going to be a huge problem for Xi now that he has made himself the sole authority in China. Let’s hope he doesn’t take a page out of the operating book of the old Argentine military junta from the very early 1980s.
When sniffing isn’t enough.
DayDream Swimwear Full Show / Miami Swim Week The Shows 2023
Is it dudes in bikinis? Because this is 2023.
I think it has to be dudes in bikinis or you are a misogynist
What if they declare war on Russia?
U.S. climate envoy John Kerry ruled out paying into a global fund to help poorer nations stricken by the devastating impacts of the climate emergency, saying that “under no circumstances” would the White House consider delivering on reparations.
It comes at a time when countries acutely vulnerable to climate-fueled disasters are pushing for wealthy nations — that have the greatest historic responsibility for the climate crisis — to pay for past greenhouse gas emissions.
A so-called loss and damage fund was established at the annual U.N. climate summit last year. The groundbreaking agreement seeks to compensate low-income countries for the losses and damages they’re experiencing as it becomes harder for many people to live safely on a warming planet.
Don’t worry, nuclear winter is coming.
Don’t worry if your peasants are starving, we’ll give the government money.
Surely that’ll fix it.
Such an ass. They need help developing power grids and plumbing. China gets it. There are no climate change disasters. China will own the allegiance of 2/3s the world while we sit on our climate change dildo.
The entire point of the US playing along with this hoax is to throw money at the third world (out of the goodness of our hearts, of course).
What this says to me is that Kerry knows this is all bullshit.
Looks like Costco has given Bud Light the asterisk of death.
I’ll be there later. I’ll check it out and report back.
Please do. I’ll have to do a Costco run in the next week or two. Interested also if this is just in a few stores. If it’s in the Bay Area as well Bud Light is utterly fucked. I’ve never not seen a big display of it every time at Ye Olde Warehouse of Massive Quantity.
“Mayor resigns after calling Bud Light ‘tranny fluid’
Dean Sawyer apologises for remarks against the beer company following its partnership with a transgender influencer
One meme, according to Oregon Public Radio, showed a case of Bud Light bottles with the caption: “I called AutoZone [a car repair company] to order a case of tranny fluid and this is what I got.”
Matt Diaz, another Oregon mayor, resigned from his Baker City post a day after Mr Sawyer, having faced criticism for sharing a meme of Pride flags arranged in the shape of a swastika.”
Come on .. not politically astute… but can’t you take a joke at all?
Also, grow some stones. You would have to go through the whole process to get rid of me.
Al Franken made the same mistake. Should have told them to grow up
Never. Apologize.
Some day they will learn.
“Car repair company”?
“frequently burned down by BLM”
Walmart had a small stack of Bud and Bud light in the little entrance hall of impulse buys. It was maybe 1/3 gone, no discernable difference between the Bud and Bud light stacks.
Price was back up to… like $23, IIR.
Not sure what to make of that.
I didn’t drink Bud of either variety before or after the sponsorship, so this is the easiest boycot in history for me. I am also boycotting Russian caviar and beets in support of Ukraine.
You need to reconsider your beet boycott. They are the bomb when roasted and some vinagrete added to make them a salad. Put on some Gorgonzola and walnuts and you have a killer side. I like the golden ones best.
The US grows beets in great abundance.
I prefer them pickled.
Tucker is dragging Tim Scott pretty badly right now. I’m kind of enjoying this no-fucks-left-to-give Tucker.
Link, purty please?
Here’s one:
And here’s the main feed:
Wouldn’t “gender affirming treatment” for a confused boy include pumping the kid full of testosterone so he becomes more accepting of his male body?
It might even include telling the kid, “You know what? Men don’t have to all be [insert pertinent current masculinity icon]. There’s no reason why you can’t be a man in a man’s body and still do lots of different things; cook, grow flowers, design clothes, be a nurse, climb Mount Everest, whatever motivates you.”
That’s just crazy talk.
The same people, the very same people who spent many years talking about how boys can play with dolls and girls with Tonka trucks and it was all normal and didn’t mean those kids were weird or probably gay (which is completely true) now have whiplashed into insisting that liking stereotypical things for the opposite sex means that one actually is the opposite sex. It’s ridiculous.
Or the same people who would yell and scream when someone, like Larry Summers, would say that women in general don’t have as much aptitude for math and science because there’s no such thing as inherently male or female abilities….those same people talk about how a man can have a “female brain” and thus is “in the wrong body”
Clown world.
The big schools are sitting on billions in endowments. Let them break open their piggy banks.
As entertaining as the thought of Sallie May clawing back defaulted loans from Places like Harvard and Colorado College might be, I don’t think there’s much likelihood of that happening.
[standard libertarian disclaimer]
My “solution” (it sucks, but would make me laugh).
1. End government guarantee of student loans going forward. First, stop the bleeding.
2. For outstanding government guaranteed loans, each of the following parties are responsible for 25% of the outstanding debt each:
Student, US Government, Bank, School.
I approve this plan. Let’s make it happen!
“Trans Miss Netherlands winner slams backlash from Dylan Mulvaney’s partnership with Bud Light”
I don’t know if Mulvaney is starting to grow boobs or that’s an optical illusion.
Didn’t Mulvany declare herself to be a lesbian? That would be a trick
Not that I recall.
I’m just wondering if Mulvaney is a LARP, or actually transitioning. Could be it started as a LARP, and now is actually transitioning?
He looks like a 44-year-old streetwalker.
Will read rest of thread later. Just came across this good breakdown of the hottest year claim by Travis Corcoran: https://twitter.com/MorlockP/status/1679838210086641668?t=KirFYzB4zjCpmeXiY3J9gg&s=19
What changes, if any, would be needed to conventional ammunition and firearms for it to work in, say, a Martian atmosphere (low-pressure CO2)?
Problems I’m thinking might arise – if manufactured in earth-like conditions (either on earth or in a human-friendly shelter) the cartridge’s internal pressure could pop out either the bullet or primer when carried into the low pressure environment. If manufactured in a low-pressure facility, would the stock primer properly ignite the propellant? (Also, Is modern propellant self-oxidizing?) While I believe the internal pressures in the breech and barrel will work as normal (possibly generating higher velocities due to a greater differential between the air in front of the bullet and the propellant gasses), I suspect any gas-piston systems would have issues cycling. I also wonder if the cyliner gap in revolvers would undermine the performance. Recoil, single shot and bolt action systems are probably fine. Would blowback work?
Gravity is also an issue.
Didn’t the Soviets experiment with firing traditional firearm designs in space?
I think there is some stuff on the net about that.
I’m at work, I can’t search for that stuff until I get home. (Darn office proxy)
Do you know offhand what the results were?
Not sure if this is primer ignited.
A gatling style feed mechanism. Being externally powered that sidesteps a lot of the questions about other conventional arms.
Primer setback, etc., isn’t gonna be a problem. The internal working pressure of cased ammo is so much higher than atmosphere, going down 1ATM isn’t going to make any difference at all.
The big problem I see would be lubrication freezing and boiling off under low temperature and pressure. Firearms built for arctic conditions would be preferred.
Hadn’t thought about the oil. I’ll have to check what techniques were used on rover projects and such (thought they probably spent too much, it could lead to options that are more sane)
No experience with it, but it sounds like the ticket.
Darn work proxy. I’ll have to check it out when I get home.
Today I found out that the most recent rover has been firing lasers at rocks almost thirty feet away from itself to do spectrographic analysis and to listen to the pop the vaporization made.
Be vewwwwy quiet- we’we hunting witches
Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Donald Trump, may have provided key details to federal prosecutors investigating fundraising efforts in the wake of the 2020 election, experts have said.
Kushner is a former Trump White House senior adviser married to the Republican’s eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump. He is among several witnesses to have testified to a grand jury as part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation, according to The New York Times.
During questioning, Kushner was asked about whether Trump privately admitted that he knew that he had lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden but carried on pushing the false claims that it was “rigged” due to widespread voter fraud.
As well as Kushner, other witnesses have appeared in front of a grand jury in recent weeks. They include Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former White House communications director, and former Trump aide Hope Hicks, reported CNN. The testimonies from key members of Trump’s inner circle add strength to the report that Smith’s election and January 6 work is coming to an end. The former president may be at further risk of being indicted again in a federal investigation.
“From Hell’s heart I stab at thee, Moby Trump!”
The US grows beets in great abundance.
I prefer them pickled.
If a food must be turned into ethanol, it should be beets, and not corn.
It’s confirmed, Brooks prefers beet vodka.
Sugar beets exist.
However, legal experts have said that Kushner may still have provided key testimony as part of the Department of Justice [DOJ] probe into whether Trump and his team defrauded the American public while seeking donations from his supporters to challenge the election results via the courts. This may have been done all the while with them knowing that Trump lost fairly.
Conclusion assumed. Nice journalisming.