Way to stereotype!
I remember that in school (the student body of which had a sizeable Jew proportion), the teachers felt obligated to somehow tie in a Jew with the American Revolution. And it was always the same guy, a fucking moneylender. I was repelled by the obvious pandering and wanted to know who the Jewish Crispus Attucks was. Answer: ummmmm…. Hey, it was a Jew who gave George Washington a loan!
American birthdays on this auspicious day include an American whose book was typeset in red; an American to whose memory we should all drink; a brilliant and very, very American composer; my choice for the best president that the US ever had; an inventor who was even better than Edison; (((our))) true contribution to American culture; a true American who is Zardoz’s spirit animal; the female Donald Trump; the most American playwright; the father of the funniest looking billionaire in America; one of the Americans who ruined our National Sport; a great American songwriter who worked in a truly American genre; and finally, an icon of American capitalism.
However, we are not independent from Links.
At some point, (((we))) are going to run out of patience.
Note that they’re making a big deal out of protective clothing.
Whatever happened to The Black Widow?
Why this is a big deal eludes me.
Old Guy Music features a birthday boy (whose name came up in Zoom last night) singing a song of freedom. And the theme is something we can all get behind.
“my choice for the best president that the US ever had”
Huh, never knew he was born today.
And his entire speech on the Declaration, since that is the document of the day.
You left out the best part:
I figured we all knew that by heart.
“Note that they’re making a big deal out of protective clothing.”
Does NOT light John signal.
Interesting perp photo. Trans?
Sure looks that way to me — but who knows these days. Like the Nashville shooter, if they are — I’m sure they’ll be immediately “deadnamed” to avoid “incitement against the community”, especially if their mental health issues / all the “it is a genocide!” commentary stirred things up.
“Gunman arrested for Philadelphia mass shooting which left 5 dead is BLM activist who wore women’s clothes: sources”
I made a reference to PPE on Thursday. Jinx!
I am unapologetic of our nation, our ideals, our hopes for all mankind.
I’m still all for America the ideal — our current implementation really needs a rollback to a couple of checkpoints ago (pre-9/11 would be a start).
The infiltration of education and other culture drivers causing us to lose the credo of “Anyone can be an American” / the melting pot view of society in favor of tribalism and factionalism is such a tragedy.
Weirdly – following Charles CW Cooke – in spite of some rollback, the 2A and 1A protections have been much more robust and broader the last 20 years than most of the previous century – depending where you live. So I’d say there’s still some hope in spite of the uniparty.
2A? Sure.
1A? Has been comprehensively gangraped by the agencies with their disinformation/censorship op on the media and Big Tech.
Amen! Endless war ROCKS!
Let me rephrase. You have those ideals as well as I, but if you think “this nation” as in the jackasses who run it and the evil pieces of shit in the military industrial complex who are making bank on our tax dollars funding un-ending war are with us you are a moron. And I know you are not a moron. Fuck the people running this country and the people sending us to war over and over again.
I do not. This nation is not our government. This nation is us. Few as we may be, the idea of a free people cannot extinguish
That is so cute! You think you are free! What was your property and income tax last year?
I get it…but I won’t be black pilled.
Right there with you OBE!
Black pill means they already won.
…and besides that, they probably taste like licorice. 😝
I focus on small issues and my own life to keep from being black pilled.
You see me talk about cross stitching and TV and music and whatever insignificant bullshit I plop down here in the comments … all to keep from thinking about it because I’m aboutthisclose to being black pilled. Desperation, if you will, because I’m sort of with Agent Sloper.
Maybe it’s hope springs eternal for me
I’m riding this bitch into the ground and will enjoy it to the end.
^^^This. I’m stuck here whether I like it or not and there’s LOTS in life to be thankful for/happy about. Black pill is the adult equivalent of a 2 year-old temper tantrum.
Yanno, I’d throw fewer tantrums if prices of normal shit weren’t skyrocketing while my income remained the same.
Exactly right, Q.
Mo: Amen.
I focus on sales at the supermarket in a way I have not in a couple decades.
What’s next – coupons? Trading stamps?
Even the discount warehouse grocer isn’t that much cheaper for much of stuff.
Getting tired of the gimmicky game playing retailers are doing turned up to 11.
Amen OBE, well put in your original post. Gonna go shoot off some fireworks once the sun sets.
I could say the same about my state and my city but goddammit there has to be hope.
Maybe when hope is gone, that is when the averages wake up and fight. My nightmare is that is when it is far too late. And I think history is on my unwilling side.
You’re probably right, but stranger things have happened.
I sincerely hope you are correct. My half-empty glass outlook is a burden at times.
I am with OBE.
Great concept. Terrible execution, lately.
Yeah. But we could be… anywhere else.
Frankly, I honestly expected Israel to about 15 years back now. And my stock of fucks to give about the backlash when groups of people declare war on a country and keep attacking it started low and is fairly exhausted in this case.
I think this is the real fear on the left regarding Bibi’s judicial shakeup. That Isreal is starting to not give a shit about what the “International Community” cares about, and where it will lead them. I can totally see them going full BRICK, leaving the US shadow, and that center left losing all the influence it still thinks it carries.
Re: God Bless the USA from the ded thred – 2 things told me we lost the war on terror before it even started – 1. George Bush telling us we can’t let the terrorists win and then promptly handing them the victory with the passing of the PATRIOT ACT and 2. – the resurgence of God Bless the USA as a popular song again. I’m pretty sure Lee Greenwood was a Canadian sleeper cell and no short form Hawaiian birth certificate will convince me otherwise.
DHS is probably when I really started question intentions and/or competence. No one with any sense of history or brain who believed in the ideals of this country could have thought that was a good idea.
“started question” >>> “started to question”. i wrte gud. (Ugh)
Also from teh ded-thread…
It isn’t American soil that is magic in a way French soil isn’t. It’s the culture, the belief in the ideals in the Declaration and the Constitution. Those are accessible to those who want them in a way that nothing in France possibly can be. It isn’t the people coming here that have reservations about that – it’s the people born here.
Moving to Texas: Everyone there knows Texas is the best place there is, are happy that you figured it out, and welcome you into the Texan fold.
Moving to New York: Everyone thinks you’re here to take their shit.
Texas had some good points, but the weather drove us out.
Maybe we should stop giving away so much shit.
“It isn’t the people coming here that have reservations about that”
Some? Sure. Many? OK.
But the millions who ditched their ID on the south bank of the Rio Grande, crossed the border, lied about being refugees, and disappeared into the interior with court dates 5 years from now that most will blow off? I doubt it. And there are millions of them. I am very dubious that the erasure of the southern border and mass migration from Central and South America are going to be a net benefit for American citizens generally.
Remember a maximum 4 beer per person limit is in place for this day.
More like one for each of the original states.
Y’all can donate to the site on my behalf to purchase my 4 beer credits (like the carbon credit marketplace if the allusion wasn’t clear) since I don’t drink and still won’t have anything to do with Paypal.
A federal judge in Louisiana ruled Tuesday that the Biden administration likely violated the First Amendment by censoring unfavorable views on social media over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, calling the efforts “Orwellian.”
U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty also issued a sweeping preliminary injunction barring numerous federal officials and agencies — including Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and all employees of the Justice Department and FBI — from having any contact with social media firms for the purpose of discouraging or removing First Amendment-protected speech.
The ruling and order from Doughty, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, are the latest developments in a long-running lawsuit spearheaded by Republican-led states alleging that the administration pressured social media companies to remove posts containing purported misinformation about the coronavirus, election security and other issues.
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Doughty wrote in his 155-page opinion, which was released as most federal courts were closed for the Independence Day holiday.
he can’t do that. He is violating the government’s right to free speech.
/David French
I’ll just copy what I wrote about this in the dead thread:
JuDiCiAl AcTiViSm
I am unapologetic of our nation, our ideals, our hopes for all mankind.
That’s just what an anti-government white supremacy terrorist would say.
a brilliant and very, very American composer;
Happy birthday Supply Belcher!
I would have thought Al Yankovic. Who’s more American than a polka parodist?
Sheetz slashes gas price by 50% to $1.776 per gallon. But only for one day
You can’t fool me into filling my car with that trash.
Never mind that I assume this only applies to 87 octane.
This is why we can’t ha e nice things. I will fill my car with 87 and if you think less of me, then so be it
All grades of gas except diesel and ethanol free.
My car requires 93. And I stick with Shell.
Requires or prefers? Most newer cars run fine on lower octane, but require higher octane to reach advertised horsepower. Some cars, like the Dodge SRT cars mandate 93 octane or engine damage could occur. My ’91 Corvette says “Premium required” at the fill neck, but the owners manual says will run fine, but at reduced horsepower on lower octane.
You don’t want to get overpriced linens for cheap?
Hardly overpriced compared to actual high end linens. We have a couple of their fitted sheets and they’re not bad. Don’t pull up easily either.
Heh that ran through my head too.
We have those (I think). Nice sheets, but we didn’t pay that much for them.
a true American who is Zardoz’s spirit animal;
Happy birthday Pauline Phillips!
Alternate take: Happy birthday, Lorena Bobbit!
“REVEALED: Just 8% of new cars cost under $30,000, down from 38% before the pandemic – as experts warn it’s the ‘least affordable motor market in modern history'”
Thanks, Obama
God that fucker had long tails.
How much of this is due to the forced electrification of vehicle fleets?
It’s some of everything, a lot of the pandemic lockdowns. I think there’s only one model left under 20k.
The always handy “supply-chain issues”.
“My city is supposedly bleeding thousands – why is the rent still too damn high?”
“Supply-chain issues?”
There he is!
Carriker has yet to be charged, but District Attorney Larry Krasner said at a Tuesday afternoon news conference he expects Carriker will be charged soon with multiple counts of murder.
Skin pigment calculus is all wrong and likely Trooney Tune. This will be forgotten.
Yeah, when the suspect’s picture was posted, a million leftist boners cried and were silenced.
an inventor who was even better than Edison;
Happy birthday Nikola Tesla!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Popeil!
Ron! Ron! Ron!
Requires or prefers? Most newer cars run fine on lower octane
As long as it has a knock sensor, you’re good. Hardly anybody drives around at WFO, anyway.
*Wide Fucking Open
I’m currently on vacation and our cab driver from the airport to the hotel would like a word. 120km+ in a 40km zone. It may only be in kms but it felt fast when we went through the yellow turned red light he was gunning it to get through. If you ain’t first you’re last – Reese Bobby and probably Broketard.
our cab driver from the airport to the hotel would like a word
Tommy Friedman, is that you?
Only if he also had some observation about local politics.
Turbos are an exception to this. They require higher octane to keep exhaust gas temps in check and lower octane can detonate and cause a dangerous lean condition that will put a hole in the pistons pretty quickly if temps don’t get brought into check quickly that retarding the timing only exacerbates. Cadillac had a 3.0 turbo (not to be confused with the newer Cadillac twin turbo 3.0) in the early 2nd gen SRX that was suffering from this condition. I think they were Opel sourced and only offered 1 or 2 years before the 3.6 became the only option.
Turbos, shmurbos. No Replacement for Displacement.
I like displacement, but turbos can be compelling in their own right when done properly. I’m thinking ’87 Buick Grand National or GNX.
Supercharged or GTFO. The good news: you can turbo or supercharge a high displacement engine!
Por que no los dos, mis amigos?
You know, Lancia did both on the Delta S4
“The Lancia Delta S4 is a mid-engine, all-wheel-drive car with a 1.8-liter inline-four engine that combined supercharging and turbocharging to reduce turbo lag at low engine speeds. The engine generated a maximum output of 490 PS (360 kW; 483 hp), but some sources even claim that it was capable of generating 507 PS (373 kW; 500 hp). In 1985, when Lancia engineers tested an S4 engine under extreme conditions, it developed around 1,014 PS (746 kW; 1,000 hp) at 5 bars of boost pressure.
I had to look it up, it was 2.8 turbo Saab motor offered 2010-2011.
You mean I should be running high octane in my turbo diesel?
*tugs nervously at collar*
Went to town and picked up chicken from a church fundraiser setup in the fire dept parking lot. Had a hamburger and played kayokyoku. Picked up corn from the grocery store for later. Appropriation is grand.
Music for today, thanks to other Glibs who opened my eyes.
Bueno song. Almost as good as his hit “Hot Tub”.
That’s a James Brown lyric!
That is an American original.
I’m sorry, I just now saw the 4 beer rule. I promise to make amends somehow since I broke the rule prior to seeing it.
Just texted with MikeS. He’s behind us but catching up.
No worries, I’m not keeping up my end of the average, so you can have my share. Sober since I’m on-call (fire company).
About to head out for a short sail. I am pretty sure that beer will be consumed.
envious……………I did get the drift boat on some water. It was fun
Streams are fucking crazy! Did you catch anything?
A buddy and I took it to a lake for sea trials and uneventful fishing. The local river is still running fast. Maybe next week. Water here is idiotic……CLIMATECHANGE DROUGHT/TOO MUCH WATER/SHUT THE FUCK UP….
It’s almost like there’s a cyclical and seasonal effect that’s been going on for eons…
But no, it’s gotta be KLYMUTT UHPOKALLIPSS!
IE millinarian Mathusianism.
Some people just think the world is going be destroyed my man every 1000 years like clockwork.
*does the thing about the chest and head* I hope Swiss and those who don’t like loud sounds make it through the night as best you can. Someday you will learn to live in places like I that have very few sounds. I am almost to the point I hear a sound I pull a pistol. Not that I am paranoid or anything. Call first before visiting……….Happy fuck the Brits day!
Thanks for the lynx Old Man!
And a Happy Independence Day to you and the sparkler.
My Favorite Rube Goldberg machine.
That video is my usual AV test loop at work. I haven’t gotten tired of it in fifteen years.
All of their videos are great — even if they’re cheating mofos with the amount of editing that goes into them.
Allegedly, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is expected to blow up tomorrow.
Does that mean I can sleep in again? Or should I plan on going to work?
I’m sleeping in regardless. My flight is delayed. Won’t get home before 2am.
Today is my last day alone.
Tomorrow I’m getting picked up by parents w the two oldest nephews (8/10) taking a four-day trip to Chicago. I’ll MOSTLY have my own room, but I will have to be careful with what my tendencies want me to do. I wanna go out with a bang and enjoy booze before i check into inpatient Monday.
I have edibles and a weed vape. And a nicotine vape. I should be ok. But. Having a weekend of uncle responsibility right before I check myself into what I consider a prison sentence is…uh…making me feel slightly doubtful if I should go up w them. But as of now, I’m being picked up at 10 am. I plan on getting incredibly stoned.
Good luck, Evan!
I wish you well my friend.
He’s checking in…! 🎵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QCgT1IWsNI
Don’t waive your rights.
Don’t wave your genitals either. This is also frowned upon.
…or so you’ve heard. 😉
Just find a PRIDE parade and you’re fine.
LOL my favorite musical number in which Dr. Zaius does not appear.
Godspeed. I’ve whittled down my dependencies to ethanol plus a bit of caffeine.
“I plan on getting incredibly stoned.”
I think you have a mindset that almost guarantees failure. You are fighting against your decision before you ever start.
Maybe try showing up sober?
Turbos are an exception to this.
Another reason (as if I needed one) to hate them.
What’s the four drink rule? Is it a minimum?
On the ded thred Pie says 4 drink limit today, no hard liquor.
As posted from SW “Oi be trinkin’ zoider” England. 🍏 🍺
Holiday schedule, imo
Normal AM links
Single 2pm PM links
Let the off topic flow. Or on topic, since it’s all Murican/fuck off slaver today.
Don’t tell me what to think!
My gf: “you have too many hot pepper plants. You need to give a couple away.”
Also my gf: “let’s clone your apocalypse pepper tree”
I just grabbed two healthy jalapeño plants. Two hours later, one was suffering hear prostration. I watered it again, hope it makes it!
Heat prostration dammit. I’m taking away my own license to comment.
They usually bounce back.
Jalapenos have a prostate?
I just checked the tomatoes, I’ve got fruit on several including a couple that I transplanted (and wasn’t sure they’d make it).
Titty Tuesday on a patriotic day!
Thanks for the patriotic swimsuits earlier today.
The cause of all discord and discontent
President Joe Biden on Tuesday again called for further gun restrictions following a string of deadly shootings as the nation celebrates Independence Day.
“Today, Jill and I grieve for those who have lost their lives,” Biden said in a statement. “We pray for the day when our communities will be free from gun violence.”
Biden has been a staunch advocate for stricter gun laws, saying in early May that he would “immediately” sign new gun legislation in the wake of a deadly shooting in Allen, Texas. In March, the president tried to bypass Congress to tighten gun measures, signing an executive order aimed at expanding background checks.
In addition to bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, Biden on Tuesday called for safe gun storage requirements, the end of gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability and universal background checks.
“I urge other states to follow Illinois’ lead, and continue to call upon Republican lawmakers in Congress to come to the table on meaningful, commonsense reforms that the American people support,” he said.
Imagine a world without guns. People would instantly become kind and loving and generous.
Fuck off, senile slaver.
My community is free from gun violence! Hey maybe you assholes need to look at the COMMUNITIES instead of the guns?
Or the people within them.
What a laugh. If Illinois is his argument for gun control then he has no argument.
So, let me get this straight. If someone, after that shooting in Tennessee, put a law saying Trannies can’t have guns, he would sign it?
Imperial presidency, rule by idiot god.
Numerous gun measures have repeatedly stalled in Congress in recent decades, though legislation was approved in June 2022 and signed by Biden that was intended to keep guns out of the hands of people experiencing mental health crises.
Intent is all that matters.
See! A no guns for trannies law!
I am going to start watching Independence Day which is as about as realistic as what happened back when whatever the fuck we are supposed to celebrate today happened back in the day. You can hang on to your ideals, and your hopes, but ya, they have won. Deal with it. The pharmaceutical companies own the health care system, the war machine industries own the pentagon and all branches of the military, The banking system is ran by a handful of jackasses…..well even you fucks know about that…..Ya, we are fucked. HAPPY 4TH!
Well, we skew middle-aged and dipsomaniac, so… A good run.
Who you calling we?
Ain’t no we in Glibs, but there is an I!
Is sixty the new middle age? I can’t keep up with these trends.
I sure as hell hope so.
Ugh that stupid meme again.
I’m sorry but the 80s version is still closer to reality than Jennifer fucking Lopez and her army of trainers and buckets of product.
You might wanna think about getting laid. Just sayin.
Aaah, thanks for the assumption. And ya, ones sex life relates to whether or not one is delusional about the united states of america being a free country or not. Ho much did you pay in taxes last year Sean?
1. I’m just teasing.
2. I literally have no idea. I let my accountant deal with that.
How about WS is right about the state of liberty in this country, *and* needs to get laid?
And the idea that one doesn’t know how much one pays to the IRS because one needs an account to do one’s taxes, along with the idea that you’re making a killing if you get a refund, are two of the more pernicious ideas in the US tax system.
My contribution to the day’s soundtrack: Founding Fathers
I think he’s busy with that EBT fraud thing.
Did he finally find an American bride?
I’m sure George Gascon will be eager to prosecute if the thief is caught.
/sarcasm off
Where have you been, you giant stone head?
*waiting for the gift of the gun*
Who’s more right about economics: ZARDOZ, or Winston’s Mom?
Winston’s mom. But Zardoz defying of economic laws is more fun.
random homeless guy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul Krugman
I’m not sure I buy his Zetan-based monetary policy.
Xenu comin’!
/Random Drunken Asshole
There he is!
@Atanarjuat for the best Twitter moniker of the day. https://twitter.com/alabamadekchain?s=21&t=_5qgM6NjbnA1ysKx3cLlGQ
16 days left to Tacoma FD season 4.
*flips to NBC out of curiosity*
Yep, the “popular” music before the ‘works start is still fucking garbage.
Though that pointillist lighting effect over the water spelling out “LL COOL J” is kind of neat.
OK reciting the D.o.I. with accompaniment by Donna Summer is an improvement.
The rappin’ SSGs can fuck right off.
They have a bunch of Staff Sergeants…rapping?
Must be in MEDCOM