The expectation…

The reality…
Boy, am I excited! A rare, almost undistributed Kaiju film from Korea! Woo!
Things I liked:
- During the whole movie there is a Greek Chorus of two guys riffing on the monster and each other. The are constantly placing bets on what will happen next, etc.. It’s like having Glibs in the movie.
- The little crazy boy should be the spirit human for all of us. I don’t want to spoil anything, but he is a badass with his little knife. Fear is for the weak!

Boss! I got my PPE on! Where’s the spill?
Things I accepted:
- The special effects were done by people who look like they decided “Hey, let’s make a movie today” and brought everything out of grandpa’s garage to make stuff. Old rubber diving suit? Got it. Add some papier-mâché and roll with it. “Uncle! Put down that whisky bottle and make a monster mask!”
- Feels a tad long: This is one of those films that, at 1:22, might could have been 1 hour straight up and worked great.
- And those space aliens… I just love Kaiju movie space aliens. The guys from Invasion of Astro-Monster looked like they could be a Devo cover band. These guys? The dudes look like they’ve been visiting the Grainger store.
This movie has spirit. It is a labor of love, inspired by the Kaiju films of Japan and King Kong in America. Absolutely worth watching in all it’s wacky glory. Some trivia:
- This film had a crazy amount of extras. 157,000 to be precise. Sucks to be you, catering! For a GlibFlick bonus point – who can tell me the name of the film with the actual world record for extras?
- After the film’s theatrical release in South Korea, the film has been shown at Korean Film Archive screenings and has been available to view on computers on-site at the Korean Film Archive’s library. Basically it fell into copyright Hell. It wasn’t until 2022 that SRS Cinema licensed the film for home media distribution in the United States. (Thanks, Wikipedia). The chances that any of us have had a chance to see this is really small.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! I hope this makes for a fine 4th of July week movie. Remember folks, freedom isn’t free! TANSTAAFL!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
I have things to do, but I believe I will watch this FIRST
Firsters know how to be both First and fashionably late.
It is pretty fashionable having MikeS’s balls gently resting on your forehead.
Ya got it down, when you appear to be in pain.
MikeS, a little pron for you
I’ll be in my bunk
#%#$% Grainger. What’s the point of having brick and mortar stores if you don’t keep any drill bits in stock? !!@!@!$
Haha. But hey if you need a $500 garage fan, they have you covered!
You meant bathroom fan. They have those, too.
What kind of medical issue do you have that needs a 500 dollar bathroom fan? You don’t need a $500 fan you need a healthcare professional.
Grainger is the anti-Harbor Freight and I honestly didn’t know they’d branched out to retail. They’re where the Defense Department goes to spend $600 on toilet seats.
Absolutely. Crazy prices. Unless it is something I bet my life on, I do Harbor Freight.
My experience with Harbor Freight has been so bad that I won’t even shop there for one time use items I intend to never use again.
I have one item from Harbor Freight. It’s low-speed, high-torque drill that I use to drive my grain crusher for brewing. Dozens of people on a discussion board recommended this drill for this purpose. It’s worked beautifully so far.
Yeah, Harbor Freigh is a no-go, dawg. I was a tech for too long to trust that stuff.
Harbor Freight might be cheap-ass stuff, but Grainger’s prices are way out of line with even the best quality.
Harbof Freight’s quality has been noticeably improving over the last decade or so. There is good deals to be had there on decent quality tools.
And Grainger…yeah. That place is for medium to large company buyers that don’t know what things should cost, and don’t have anyone who does ever checking what they’re spending.
Or they have account/contract pricing.
Daytona is pretty good quality. Badlands has a good reputation. Their US General cabinets are a good value. Their other hand tools are varying quality but at the price you can have a drawer full of spares and warranty a break quicker than a tool truck brand.
Gustav is right, Grainger, along with McMaster Carr and Fastenall, are Speed of Business joints. Anything you get there is universily tacked onto the clients bill, or you are operating on such a budget that it just doesn’t matter. You need a mercury thermostat, three lengths of 4L belting, new wrenches and a box of 10-32s? Right there.
Yeah, I forgot about the contract pricing. We use Fastanal and our contract prices are far below the terribly inflated list prices.
Gustave is also right about Harbor Freight. Icon is another good quality line, although like he says, just get a drawer full of the cheap hand tools and throw them when/if they break. And their cordless tool lines certainly seem to be good enough for a weekend warrior, possibly even light duty-pro use. I have a pair of their folding/adjustable saw horses and they are very nice.
I’ve also bought some shit tools there, but I didn’t send much and I didn’t expect much from them.
I just ordered three 1/4″ tees and three 1/4″ – 1/8″ reducers from them yesterday (all in PFA so the bill was ~$500.)
They’ve set up a punchlist which bypasses may (all) the approval steps, so it’s very convenient.
So far it’s just a bunch of squiggly lines.
I see space aliens in ridiculous masks, About a minute in.
You must be premature.
Now a glowing penis with a cock ring. Huh
I was enamored of how the cameraman could not hold the camera still while filming the credit slides. Prop it on a table or something!
I couldn’t decide if that was for effect or not. haha
I think a different crew shot that. The rest of the movie is 1960s B movie competent.
“A cameraman costs too much, it’s just credits, hold the camera and point it here.”
How did this movie not sell a million tickets?
I got it from archive org, but no subtitles.
Sadness! The version I am showing has subtitles. I can’t type fast enough to transcribe the movie.
Quite honestly, I don’t think you need them for much.
That’s a fine looking Buick for South Korea.
Is that a disco ball?
Well. That was a surprisingly sexy shot.
There is some good work in this film! Then some drunk mother fuckers made the monster and aliens. I need to see what the cameramen went on to do later.
I see I was lazy and did not pick a movie for next week. I will see what’s in the hopper.
Vampire Happening: Softcore German Vampire film
Castle of the Creeping Flesh: Drunken party goers chopped up to make the perfect woman
Punk Fu Zombie: (2017) “During a zombie outbreak in 2028 seceded Quebec, a prophecy pegs the chosen one to battle a ninja army—if only he can be peeled away from his Gameboy.”
The Thousand Faces of Dunja: (2017) Nice Chinese mythology / action film with CGI and Kung Fu
RJ, have you thought about Daisies? 60s Czech art/hippy flick.
Pia Degermark FTW.
On Movieland (I think), I came across a 1970s West German gangster movie, “Battle of the Godfathers”. Amusingly bad, and the print suddenly switched from dubbed to the original German for 10-15 seconds every now and then.
The movie also has tits *and* kung fu fighters.
I found the trailer on Archive.org. I may eventually find it streaming. Added to the list.
I think you had suggested Vampire Happening a while back, that’s a good one.
That wasn’t me. I’ve recommended to others the Anthony Quinn movie The Happening.
Randomly, some Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition for part of the soundtrack.
If this flick can get on Tubi, I don’t know why They Came From The Stars isn’t.
Distribution. Tubi has spent the last three years signing deals with every distributor in the business. May not have gotten to that one yet. I haven’t seen much of an upper limit on the movies they have available for streaming. Seems like the only reason films leave is contracts and distribution.
Think about it. “Return to Blood Fart Lake” and “Terror of Blood Fart Lake” have been out there since Tubi started. If there were bandwidth or storage issue I’d think those would have been pulled already.
I can tell you didn’t actually click my link.
“Cut the cord” morphed into “another stream for every distributor”.
So convenience, much price conscious.
Kind of. It gave us Tubi, and Pluto. And a bunch more. If I ever get off my ass and finish that TV article you will see just how many free streaming opportunities are out there.
Pluto is Paramount. I dunno what Tubi is restricted to.
I wonder, does Tubi do “TV”? I’m onion belt so I prefer TV – just turn it on and see what comes.
Yes. Tubi now has channels.
Not so secret, I made my bid to program one. It probably won’t go anywhere,
Cool! Good luck!
Tubi is easy to use. It currently has both Farscape and Babylon 5 (and The Hebrew Hammer) so basically they do no wrong.
Pluto shows Farscape too. Honestly don’t know any more what goes where. But cool – I will check out Tubi.
I heart Farscape.
For once, I get to watch this with you guys while I’m 2/3 shitfaced.
/Stands, salutes, single tear running down cheek
Hell yeah!
*Sips lukewarm vodka martini
I’m pre-weekending with some vodka + diet peach-orange bubbly stuff.
Switching to sugar bubbles soon which is how I know the weekend is almost here.
“vodka + diet peach-orange bubbly”
Pride was last month 😉
It’s Pride Summer now, bitch.
*two snaps in a circle*
The hell it is.
One of Biden’s appointees said so. Who am I to argue.
Pretty much anyone has more moral authority than those degenerate criminals.
I remember why I prefer road trips. My son is done with 2 hours before we land.
leave him bored for longer?
He enjoys watching the scenery as long as you let him sit up front. Maybe he would tolerate long flights better if he was in the co-pilot’s chair.
Road trips are so much more interesting.
Clearly you did not set the timer properly.
I’m torn with an upcoming 4 to 5 hour bus trip versus 1 hour flying but who knows how many hours of bullshit getting to the airport, waiting there, etc.
But… man, I hate five hours on a bus.
Train? Not that it is much better.
I do prefer the train when that is a choice, and I did that many times in/after college even when it was usually more expensive.
But there is no train where I’m going. Modern buses make me less bus-sick than they used to so there is that I guess.
I’d carpool you but you live completely across country.
Ugh I get car-sick too.
Hyundai has an acting school too?
Is there anything they cant create ?
A decent monster costume?
Sign of the times.
Oh, and not quite related to Hunter Biden, but I also watched the sci-fi film Crack in the World.
Again with my dementia. Can’t remember if I showed that or not. I definitely saw it this past year. I am prepping the anniversary show for August, that has the full list.
The space penis just fired a “Peter North” @ Korea….
Murder mines!
The monster likes tities!
He has a gasoline zit on his forehead?
Ha! This kid kicks ass
Q from Outer Space!
I know! Speaking of, I wonder how he will theme it tonight? Or will he just forego any theme?
Yellow fever. Duh.
Who doesn’t?
My husband’s dudebropal totaled his wife’s minivan yesterday or the day before (not his fault). She has not let up about this yet.
Me to husband: I would never do that to you.
Husband: I know. THANK YOU.
I appreciate my husband more by reading r/AmITheAsshole, and he learns to appreciate me more by hearing what his dudebropal’s wife does.
A totaled minivan is an opportunity to make better life choices.
Unless its a supercharged Toyota Sienna. Then its a chance to make upgrades.
I totaled my ex-wife’s Sienna (not super (not supercharged) when I hit a deer coming back from the dog park late at night.
Yeah, there was no “upgrade.
Seriously? Two days for a collision he didn’t cause?
Sure, it sucks, but that’s borderline abusive. In fact, depending on how it’s being done, it could have easily crossed that line.
They have an interesting dynamic and she is a bit of an odd duck. However, she has her good points, which is deftly managing the finances, whereas he cannot. Also, they have reared a shit-ton of kids together.
I’m not willing to call it abuse since I’m not in their marriage, but I do find it a bit distasteful. Whatever you call it, it works for them, so …
They look like Cybermen.
They look like drugstore costume versions of Cybermen. Just you wait!
OK, sixties Cybermen. Same difference.
They really do look like original black and white cybermen.
Today’s my oldest sister’s birthday, so I dropped by to see her briefly before she and my BIL went out to the local dinner theater. She retired a few months ago from her job as a research librarian at the local AF base, and she (and my BIL) are active up to their eyeballs in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA, home of a very special kind of nerd.) [Note: this is the sister who spins and weaves – the kind of spinning you do to make yarn/thread, and the kind of weaving you do to make fabric, not the kind of spinning and weaving you might do in boxing or martial arts. She’s not the sister who makes stained glass windows. That’s the other one.]
She says she’s currently writing a research paper on types of (Medieval?) linen that were NOT made from flax. I don’t think she’s doing this retirement thing right. 😕
I don’t ever want to retire.
I keep encouraging my kids to start businesses so I can some in every day and raise hell with the youngsters!
When I retire, it will be to do something I enjoy. Like run a bookstore, or a drive-in. I just want to stop working corporate jobs as soon as the house is paid off.
Yeah, as a retirie, I got all day to do nothing, and I still don’t get most of it done.
But, seriously, I look for cool things to buy cheap and sell on ebay. I spent 10 years in bookstores, that is a recipe for going broke.
I may do eBay. I would buy and sell vintage handheld games and casino paraphernalia. Another odd hobby of mine.
Tools and antiques for me. I just horde books.
Nice. I did SCA in my youth, when I was flexible and able to deliver a whupping.
(SCA, home of a very special kind of nerd.)
You rang?
this is the sister who spins and weaves
My wife does this.
writing a research paper on types of (Medieval?) linen that were NOT made from flax
Would love to see that.
I got the impression she was trying to get it done in time for Pennsic – they go just about every year if they possibly can. Don’t know if those sorts of documents get published online anywhere. I’ll try to find out.
Generally passed from person to person.
Is it really linen if it’s not made from flax?
That is my understanding.
But I am a brewer, not a weaver.
She says yes – apparently it can also be made from plants closely related to flax. (She mentioned hemp, among other plants whose names escape me, so maybe at least some sorts of hemp fabric qualify as linen.)
I am having issues with this.
She is wrong. Linen by definition is the cloth made from spun flax fibers. Hemp cannot qualify because it is hemp and not flax.
There are many conversations within the SCA along the lines of 1) I am looking a fabrics similar to linen 2) made from plants similar to flax 3) but I don’t have all day to explain this to a newbie 4) so I am going to use a short cut and call it non-flax linen.
I generally disagree with this process, but I’ve seen it many times before.
It sounds to my ear like “I’m looking for cotton made from animal fibers.”
No, that get’s you in to wool, alpaca, angora (rabbit), etc
That’s exactly my point, those are wools. Cotton comes froma specific plant, linen comes from a specific plant, Silk comes from bugs, and so on.
No, Silk comes from almonds.
I thought milk came from almonds.
*backs slowly out of chat room*
At the risk of starting another argument:
Frozen custard > ice cream
::dives into last of Culver’s Cappuccino Cookie Crumble::
+1 Abbot’s
hometown favorite
I had a friend who called it the Society for Consenting Adults.
No. You will nazi it coming.
The Longest Day
“Triumph of the Will” is my bet.
Because you just know some party functionary was counting them all.
Ja. I’m changing my guess.
The Nazi film “Burning Hearts” held the record for most extras in a film. “Space Monster Wangmagwi” had about 167,000 throughout the film. The Nazis got 187,000 in a film. This was later bested by “Ghandi” in 1982, which somehow got 300,000 people in a film.
“Because you just know some party functionary was counting them all.”
Entirely plausible. Then again, H might have counted them himself; after all, Trump counted the number of folks at his largest of all time inauguration ceremony.
Did anyone get to the scene where one of the Greek chorus drops his drawers and craps like it’s San Francisco?
hahaha. Yeah. Right after he steals a paper from a guy who punched the shoe shine boy and took his
hahaha. and it gets better. hahaha
Whats with the Korean Abbot & Costello ?
Just wait. There’s more.
They rock.
@ CMDR Fish, I can set up a tee time any day you wish, lemme know
RJ, thanks for the t-shirt website. Obviously, I’m interested.
*grabs hammer, eyes piggy bank*
Heh heh. I may fit in more shopping sites as time goes on. Trying to expand horizons. I need to get back to having a short subject cartoon too. So may things to make Thursday interesting.
From my Electric Co.:
“You used 110% more electricity this week.”
LOL no shit sherlock.
June was cool. July is fucking Hades so far. Not super hot yet but crazy high humidity and dew points.
We hit an 87 degree dew point a few weeks ago. It was a holy crap moment. The windows beaded up like the sides of an iced tea glass.
Holy shit – I didn’t think that was possible.
I added that measure to my Rainmeter based on a recent discussion with you lot – we’ve been around 72 all week. Oh, just flipped to 73.
Yeah, NYC summers are weird. Generally hot but the need for AC varies wildly from year to year. This year it’s 24/7 need.
There’s a competition between me and some pals in India. They won for sure last month with 108 degrees. This month India cooled off and Texas has 104. Oy! My basil and pepper plants! I am moving pots around to keep them in the shade.
Yeah… Texas and India are both on my “hell nope” list.
Texas isn’t so bad. We have pools and margaritas!
And Mexicans! To suit any sexual preference!
I donno, I doubt there are a lot of mexicans who are pale gingers with an Irish brogue.
We had an 87 degree dew point yesterday. Then it stopped raining.
I was traveling for 2 of the past 4 weeks so I had a low electric bill. Which I will compensate for this weekend in laundry costs.
But coworker is coming up on Sunday so I gotta have some clothes.
From what you have said about earlier visits, I gotta question your last statement.
Welllll, we usually start with a dinner out somewhere.
This time some other coworkers are traveling up from the Southern Outpost so we will have to discreetly shed them at some point.
Nope. Still not convinced. It is July in the PNW. A Glib T-Shirt, shorts, Birkenstocks, underthings of choice will get you into 99+% of dining establishments. A “Moose Drool” t-shirt, same shorts, Birkies and underthings of choice will get him back to Sea-Tac. Why make unnecessary work and expenses?
If you are going clamming (spring tides now) then substitute mud boots for the Birkies and add one shirt.
Sea-Tac? Negroni, please. Paine Field or forget it.
Also, I do have a lacy number or two that he enjoys unwrapping.
And since he’s about to be gone to Australia for a while (long overdue trip with his kids) this has to last a while.
Yes, please!
Mezcal negronis (a.k.a., “smokey negronis”) are the bomb.
That is all.
Wait, no:
Boulevardiers (rye negronis) are also fantastic
Slumbrew is a bad influence.
*reaches for bottle of rye
If you are going clamming (spring tides now) then substitute mud boots for the Birkies and add one shirt.
Man, these euphemisms…
Tempted but yeah that’s a true weekend thing for me.
I’m off tomorrow, so it’s been an enjoyable night of $1 oysters and cocktails/wine (plus that beer while we walked the dog down by the beach).
Just gotta get outta here early enough tomorrow so we’re not sitting on the LIE forever…
Thanks, RJ. The ending seemed like, “OK. We’re out of ideas. Let’s just have them jump to safety.” but it was still fun!
I enjoyed it a lot. A movie from a country that made so few films back then. Pretty darn good! Thanks for coming!
That little kid had to live to be the Glibs mascot.
“I’ll cut you mang!”
Ribeye for dinner. Perfectly buttered, salted, peppered, seared, and damn near raw, nomnomnom
You had me until that almost raw part.
I grew up snitching raw (well salted) hamburger out of the pan. Apparently, my dad and brothers were doing this also. I fed my kids raw hamburger. Not pork or chicken, though. I also teethed XX on chicken gizzards.
I still love steak tartare – almost a guaranteed order if it’s on the menu.
I eat my meatloaf mix before I put it in the oven. I call it my poor woman’s tartare.
Almost raw steak is excellent. My preference as well.
I do not understand you people.
The taste and texture of raw beef is inedible.
With you here.
I snuck raw hamburger a couple times when I didn’t know any better. Though it’s better than rare steak – that squishy texture makes me shudder.
<== Points to avatar
Those teeth aren’t made for overcooked hamburger!
I enjoy raw onions and jalapeños with my steak too.
We mastered fire for a reason.
Yes. For searing.
And cooking the rest of it.
With you on raw onions. I hate cooked onions.
The only reason I didn’t teethe XY the same way was because my grocery store deli stopped selling them.
I was a raw ground beef kid. Cannot explain it, surprised I never got sick
That’s what I thought the first time I saw my husband do it, but it does add a tiny little sumpin.
That’s fairly standard at steak houses.
Yeah, no. I have been to Peter Lugars and a couple in Vegas, and that was never an option.
OK, that was a little rude. But I have never seen that.
No worries, it didn’t come off as rude.
The bar for rudeness is much higher when we’re having a Glibs food-war 😀
It’s usually not an option, per se – they just hit it with some clarified butter before it comes out.
You might have been a butter on steak guy this whole time and not even known it 😉
This ^^^ From a ‘How Peter Lugars Cook Steak” article
Next a bit of melted clarified butter is added to a serving platter. The steak is taken out of the broiler and sliced atop the butter. This happens immediately, the meat is not allowed to rest. Instead, the juices mingle with the butter in the platter.
Huh, did not know that. I watched a video of them cooking, and I don’t remember butter.
I was just about to link to this video from Peter Lugars
Nah, I still like steak!
Seriously, dairy is almost universally disgusting. No butter, no cream, sure as shit no rotten cream, cheese is chalk, and so on. And don’t even get me started on milk.
Look, it’s one thing if your digestive tract knots up, but you’re talking crazy.
Well, it helps that I am not much of a food person.
I… can’t even.
“I am so, so sorry.”
/every modern incarnation of The Doctor
***slaps Zwak***
So, how YOU doin’?
Butter is good, normally as part if a sauce with garlic. Steak and Ale used to do that. I miss them.
Yeah, the cooking shows have them drowning their steaks in butter. Helps with even cooking too.
The F word in true well cooked food is not an F word
Fat. Fat is the F word.
I generally like it medium rare, but rare can be nice. Thick steaks really benefit from the reverse sear, it is the best method to cook them. An hour at 200-225 in the oven on a rack then take it out and drop it on a red hot cast iron for 60 seconds per side. Take it out to rest and drop a large pat of butter in the pan with a couple whole cloves of garlic and a rosemary sprig. Pour over the steaks and serve.
This is amazing.
Useless cunt cop shoots lab.
I hope he gets dick cancer.
I can’t watch.
I hate that guy so much I’m gonna be on yet another list.
I really want him to die in a horrible, painful manner.
It’s a shame the neighbors weren’t armed.
I started to watch but had to punch out.
Fuck that guy. I, too, hope he dies a painful death. He should be nowhere near a firearm.
No “due process”. Straight to the woodxhipper. Feet first.
Nope. Your suggestion is too humane. I am leaning towards the old KGB method used on intel officers suspected of treason.
But in reality, the only losers will be the taxpayers of that city. The family will get a payout and that fuck won’t be out his job or even a dime in civil penalties.
The family are losers too. If it were my dog, no amount of money could bring my doggo back.
Mmm, Northern Irish for dealing with prostitutes that cross sectarian lines. Both knee caps, both elbows, both hips.
I saw “lab” and thought it meant “laboratory”. Then I clicked.
The calamari was overcooked, they forgot my asparagus, pasta fagoli might as well been out of a can…entrees though were good. Clam linguine and eggplant parm
Fuck you DJT, you orange turd.
How else is the movie cliche of incarcerated perp teaching himself the Law in order to set himself free going to happen I mean come on.
I dont see a problem. If you’re incarcerated by the system, and you have free time- get a degree to figure out how to break the system from the inside.
Of the billionn things our government wastes money on, giving people incarcerated a slim chance of breaking the cycle that got them in prison isn’t one of the things I’m going to complain about.
Fuck that. They can earn a degree on the outside, like anyone else.
They’re going to end up on the outside with absolutely nothing, often times still stuck in a system designed for them to fail.
The let’s be excessively punitive to people who made mistakes attitude has amounted to jack shit but more problems. Some violent felon who is able to turn their life around and find a way to support themselves honestly going forward is a hell of a lot better for society than one who goes back out with nothing and who goes back to whatever got them into prison in the first place.
I realize that doesn’t satisfy the animalistic urge to PUNISH, but it’s a far better plan.
Torn here.
I’m settling on the idea that imprisonment is not about punishment, and it’s not about rehabilitation. It’s about keeping them from harming the innocent.
No matter what you think it’s for, it’s failing.
What we do know and should all agree on is that those people who are in will get out. Almost all of them, at least. And when they do, society is far better off if they are positioned for success in a legit field than if not.
I think it’s all a matter of degrees. For the most part it should be about punishment AND rehabilitation.
But then there’s the Ted Bundy type dudes and it’s just about keeping the animals locked up until they die.
So no more jailhouse law degrees. I’m down with that.
It’s funny how much people mock lawyers as sleezeballs, then they flock to the polls to elect them to govern us all.
I’ve been saying forever, lawyers should be barred from being legislators due to conflict of interest.
Lawyers should also be barred from being judges.
Jail/prison is there for punishment, for society to feel redress to a violation. And it isn’t really there for rehabilitation. If that comes, then society is happy, but if not, then society is not unhappy. But, if a person makes the most out of the time they are serving and learns a trade that is useful on the outside, that is great, and of net benefit to society, and so should be rewarded. Therefore it should be on offer, but that should make no difference to the punishment, which should fit the crime.
On the other hand, if you do not meet the terms of the punishment, then it should be modified. So, if you spend the time fighting, then the punishment should be lengthened, and so on.
I don’t think anywhere in the history of having laws with consequences has anyone decided that punishment and only punishment is the reason for having them. Nor does it make any sense to argue that punishment is the sole reason, and I don’t even think it makes sense to argue it’s the primary reason. Even if someone were arguing that it should be punitive, you have to break down the why’s of that and the why can have multiple potential explanations.
This isn’t some objective question, but I sure as hell can argue that your position doesn’t accomplish much at all.
Hammurabi would smite you for saying that.
Last week’s movie was lame. Pathetic. Sad.
Thats a first.
I’ve mentioned it before RJ, and my avatar is from its opening scene, but if you are looking for an absolutely insane movie, this 70’s masterpiece is in HD for free on Internet Archive. There is no way anything like it would get made today. It’s quite the visual feast.
I just watched the first 20 minutes – man, that’s bananas.
What did I just watch? I made it about 14m.
The fuck is this shit?
Oh, the El Topo guy.
Roommate made me sit through that once.
I have been busy lately developing awesome new Firsting powers. I haven’t been able to keep up on the news. What corrupt shit is our government up to the last week or two?
Enact my labor the way I enact Firsts for you people.
How close are the contractions coming ?
“essentially surrendering centuries of progress in America regarding higher standards of life”
By design, I assume.
At least part of it has to be the same problem as with new housing; people don’t want a truly “starter” house/apartment anymore. All the amenities that aren’t considered options anymore cost big money. Americans are getting more spoiled each successive generation, but all that is ignored with these articles bemoaning the lack of “affordable” housing.
I posit without evidence that the majority of Americans won’t choose to live in truly affordable housing because it doesn’t have enough baths, or stainless appliances, or granite countertops, or…
granite countertops,
That’s an option?
Haha. You make me realize I should make a small edit:
…the majority of Americans who need affordable housing won’t choose to
I dislike stainless appliances.
Stained only?
I wish made the Shadow 2 in stainless.
If (when) it ever needs major repairs, I’ll have it hard chromed.
Zero interest rates were the main culprit
The housing market has to bust
Working on a metal art project and need some help:
Anyone have a used motorcycle chain laying around they could drop in a USPS flat rate box and send me? The size you’d typically find on a typical Harley Davidson. Oily/greasy/dirty is fine, but not rusty. I’ll pay postage as well as a little something, ya know, for the trouble.
It might be hard to weld to the belts they use instead of chains these days…..
I’d visit a local bike shop that services Japanese bikes and dirt bikes, They would likely give you a bad one for free.
Hey Glibs! Good mornin’
Unplugged and remixed 🎶🎶
Makes me want a Manhattan and a cigarette.
Mornin’ Sean.
☕ 😃
Good morning, Sean, U, and (somewhere up there) Roat!
I don’t want to go to work.
*looks around office*
Crap, I’m already here.
I was supposed to get a filling replaced this morning, but the dentist’s office called yesterday and said they had to reschedule, so I got a reprieve until next Thursday morning. Yay, I guess? 😕🦷
Not a yay. I would be subconsciously prodding the tooth in question daily.
It’s not causing me any discomfort, so I’m not even sure which tooth it’s in without looking in a mirror.
::runs tongue over right lower molars::
Dammit. Now you’ve got me doing it.
Ugh. Dentist. You’d think that by now someone would have come up with better anesthesia, but no, stick me with that big ol’ needle.
…and just because we don’t have enough to worry about, apparently exploding ovens are a thing.
“What do you mean I’m not supposed to store aerosol cans in the oven?”
Seems like that’d get companies sued into nonexistence pretty quickly.
The dangerous explosions are real and leave homeowners
not happyhot under the collarSo dangerous they found one (1) person who had been (lightly) injured? I mean, I’m sure it sucks, but not OMG WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE sucks.
It’s a manufacturing issue which does not permit for the full range of thermal expansion required of the door materials at the self-cleaning temperatures. Either it’s a design flaw or a defect in some units, but it is objectively not an explosion.
From the headline I thought these things were filling up with gas and then igniting in a bomb-like manner.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! How’s it shakin’?
Me go to dentist tomorrow for implants. Enjoying my morning pipe and Covfefe, probably will need to put that on hold for a while.
On the work front, managed to reduce our storage by 400TB without breaking anything. I think I done good.
I’m just going to imagine all you did was walk into the datacenter and unplug a SAN array.
You kid, but someone actually did this while I was running a database performance test at the ATT/NCR facility in the nineties. Wasted a day recovering the DB and rerunning the test suite.
You were the one who said your reduced your storage.
Oooh! Good luck with the implantation! ::refrains from including applicable emoji::
“HI. I’m Grosspatzer and I’m a white person.”
Comedy in 1985, reality in 2023.
Ugh. I may have said something unwise.
In my email box, a mandatory 3-hour Instructor lead “Cross-cultural intelligence workshop”
“reason for assignment: direct assignment.”
Find out who complained and make them disappear.
Along with all of HR, the Diversity Department, and whoever had you assigned to the indoctrination session.
Eh, I need someone in HR to accept my vacation requests, and the person who transfers the stock options to my account should stay employed.
Both of those are easily automatable functions.
Some of those lines from Martin Mull will come in handy.
Ruh-roh. Re-education camps coming to a workplace near you
Sorry. I would be seething.
I had to do it. Just make it through with job intact.
I had fun counting the times the instructor contradicted xerself. Because logic has nothing to do with that training.
You mean you didn’t point out every logical contradiction with the presentation as they came up?
Shame. Speak up! Make them face their shortcomings. Drive them out of the scam by making it too stressful for their little safe space hearts to bear.
Oh, and the best qay to drive them batty is to do it in the innocent confusion tone of voice. “I’m so sorry, I’m having trouble. Earlier you said X, but if you include Y wouldn’t that mean…”
“Having examined these foreign cultures, I have found them to be deficient. Their practitioners should convert.”
ask for the process to integrate 73 genders, ask for color coded charts?
“And the following genders are assigned to off-white, egshell, taupe and ecru respectively…”
I have a contract meeting this morning. It’s an hour away. 🙁
“Your cross-cultural workshop is creating a hostile work environment for My People.”