Things are happening in your linkster’s life! I was sent this funky little song by a gentleman who fancies me.

Screen capture of globe referenced below, image centered on Tycho crater.
MY NEW FAVORITE PROBE: Get your minds out of the gutter, preverts, I’m talking about CalTech’s Lunar Trailblazer. This perky little robot is going to map the water ice, bound water, and hydroxyl on the moon. Bonus fully rotatable moon globe with layers.
BREAKING – OCEANGATE SUBMARINE TOURISM COMPANY GOES UNDER: OceanGate said it is suspending all exploration and commercial operations after five people were killed, including the company’s CEO, during its expedition to the Titanic wreckage last month.
LOCATION CHANGES FOR COCAINE FOUND IN WHITE HOUSE: In updating the location of where the cocaine was found, officials said that area was also heavily trafficked. The cocaine was found in an entrance area between the foyer and a lower-level lobby, the sources said. The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV park. It is one floor below the main West Wing offices and the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area. LOL. It could have been anyone, anyone, I tells ya. The place is like Metro Center for chrissakes! (h/t to KK, and her little dog, too!)
CRY HARDER, NYT: The Gray Lady platforms (link to archive to avoid shitwall) people who think speech they don’t like doesn’t count as free speech: [The federal court ruling] is limited on paper to the government’s relationship with social media platforms, he said, but carried a message that misinformation qualifies as speech and its removal as the suppression of speech. Quelle horreur.
TALK IS CHEAP: Ostensibly pro-voucher PA Democrat Governor Josh Hawley Shapiro promises line-item veto of school voucher program to get budget passed by House. Senate Republicans not happy, feel played. [Name corrected. Thanks, Mojeaux.]
SURPRISE, SURPRISE: In a surprisingly good article, Psychology Today discovers decline in critical thinking skills, finds young people “stuck in practical or survival thinking as a result of the pandemic.” Notice they left off the L-word. But, astonishingly, they didn’t blame “misinformation.” [The link was missing when this article first went up, it’s now there.]
THE END-RUN AROUND THE SCOTUS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION RULING: “I’d call it class-based affirmative action,” Henderson said. “Class struggles have a huge overlap with race – that’s how we skirted the issue.” […] Henderson said that around 20 other schools have contacted UC Davis to request details about the SED ranking system. This comes after President Joe Biden claimed that his administration would create a “new standard for colleges taking into account the adversity a student has overcome.”
COLORADO MAN PURLOINS PANTIES, BOOSTS BRAS: Detectives said that the man has committed at least 26 thefts from various laundry rooms on each floor of the Lakeview Towers at Belmar Apartments between August 2021 and May of this year.
“Get your minds out of the gutter, preverts”
Well, OK.
To do that, I’d first have to descend into the gutter.
I think we were all preverts before now….
That was when we were pretty green. We’re through that now.
“OceanGate said it is suspending all exploration and commercial operations after five people were killed, including the company’s CEO, during its expedition to the Titanic wreckage last month.”
I’m thinking their lawyers were involved.
Frankly, one would hope an ounce of shame might have been involved.
But these days? Yeah… probably lawyers.
Well, lawyers are our collective shame.
Or their investors complaining about sunk costs.
I’m sure their financials were under water.
So, drowning in debt?
They’ve gone belly up.
The whole thing went pear-shaped.
Their business model imploded.
The University of California Davis School of Medicine has developed a “disadvantage scale” system that helps select students based on their “adversity scores.” This comes after the Supreme Court tossed affirmative action last week.
Everyone will have a “trauma story” to get the most grievance points.
“I was born a poor black child…”
Hey, it worked for Elizabeth Warren.
You must have been reassigned.
In theory, if you have two candidates who are otherwise equal, but one worked at McDonalds through high school to support his family, and the other had a trip to Mexico to work at an orphanage for a day or started a “charity” for hermaphroditic teens, I’d choose the kid who worked at McDonalds. That kid would be more likely to be poor and hence more likely to be one of the minorities benefiting from affirmative action. I’m not sure how often those situations arise in admissions though.
You would never be hired as an admissions officer. Your priorities are clearly off. You need to apply a melanometer.
Except its not poor minorities that affirmative action is trying to shoehorn into the ivy league. Harvard et al aren’t looking for smart black kids from the ghetto. Those kids probably wouldn’t take their programming near as well as marginally smart upper middle class blacks from the same neighbor hood as the WASPs that they really want.
Had a boss who’s kids went to Ivies. Black Executive VP at big company married to an MD.
Relatedly, when the Bosslady and her colleagues are ranking medical students for their residency program, one of her criteria is “Has this candidate ever held a paid job before?”
Turns out, showing up on time, adhering to a schedule, performing expected tasks, etc, beats just grinding away in school and ticking all the boxes to become a doc.
What do you call the person who graduated last in his/her/their/xer/??? class at California Davis School of Medicine?
Question – which subjects were their poor grades in?
It might be Director, or Senator.
Poppy ?
So ridiculous. When everyone is “disadvantaged”, nobody is. Well, except rich white kids who now have no means to educate themselves beyond high school once this crap becomes universal.
Rich white kids will be fine.
Middle class whites kids, not so much
The real workaround is dropping the standardized tests. Those are what provided the data showing the discrimination against whites and Asians. The rest is all eyewash.
Did you used to teach shop class at an Upstate NY Public High School?
Just call him Mister Butterfingers….
Tonio may have just been referring to the Myth series of books. One of the main characters is a dimensional traveler from the dimension of Perv.
Where does Perv come into it? Tonio’s just into time travelers from the past — you know, preverts.
Col Bat Guano’s line in Dr. Strangelove, the scene with the coke machine.
I don’t recall any such scene, but I only watched that movie once.
I just had a CAD class with a shop teacher who refered to himself as a ‘prevert’. I guess he mistook what CAD stood for.
“the same floor as the Situation Room”
Wolf Blitzer a cokehead?
It screams “Maybe we can get rid of Kamala this way and protect Hunter”… though I don’t think anyone is actually buying it.
Sure… the White House… and the location where someone found a bag of suspicious powder keeps changing… and no security footage or visitors logs can narrow things down… What’s next, someone could just stroll into Langley mainframes and no one would be the wiser? NORAD?
I mean — either they all think we’re idiots… or the Secret Service has a lot of explaining to do for lax security. I know which one my money would be on.
Why not the both? I suspect that ultimately the SS will be thrown under the bus. Not all the bullets they catch are made of lead; some are political. Procedures will be rewritten.
Maybe the SS was who brought the suspicious powder in in the first place?
“We can’t have Cobra’s son out buying crack in front of the White House anymore, dammit!”
“Jones, you assignment is to make sure he doesn’t have to leave to get his fix.”
“Don’t get caught. We’ll abandon you in a heartbeat.”
Just send it to NCIS. They’ll have it sorted in an hour with 15 minutes left for commercials.
Read that as snorted.
Does anyone need to buy it? All they need is a reason to get rid of her, good doesn’t enter into the picture.
Also, the reason we haven’t seen any video footage of who it could be, they are afraid to show Buffalo man being led around by uniformed SS officers offering “candy”.
They should hook him up with the Airport Bandit of PPP’s admin (don’t remember the name). That way they’d have full outfits and all.
You mean former Assistant Secretary of Energy Sam Brinton?
Yup… you win today’s round of Name That Wierdo! Hiro-san, show him what he’s won!
Oh, nice clapback!
Nonsense, it’s Hentai Kamen and he’s finally come to save us.
“misinformation qualifies as speech”
The New York Times would know.
I get a “secure connection failed” error trying to load that link.
I just checked and it works for me.
Here’s the link to the original NYT piece if you are subscribed, or have another way to bypass the shitwall.
“Notice they left off the L-word.”
Lesbian? Wasn’t that a show on HBO?
Anyway, link missing?
Don’t know. I was wondering myself. Liberal? Licentious?
Llama (Boo hoo… now they feel really bad…)
Anyway, I would blame the teachers unions.
Lockdowns, it is!
Yes, link was missing. Now fixed. I need to remember to “tip” Glibby, the head squirrel so there are no “problems” with my articles.
“Detectives said that the man has committed at least 26 thefts from various laundry rooms on each floor of the Lakeview Towers at Belmar Apartments between August 2021 and May of this year.”
So he didn’t steal them from the airport luggage return? Sure, he’s a prevert, but at least he’s not an idiot.
I can dig it.
The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV park.
God would that be priceless.
Maybe it was Kamala’s hubby? Did anyone swab DR. Jill Biden’s lips?
They’re finna pin the coke on the black lady
It would kind of explain the rambling speech.
She’s not on coke. She’s on Xanax or something like that
I don’t know… who knows what Willie Brown had in his system. Ingest enough and she could have become an addict.
Who knows? Probably a mix of stuff.
Speed balling.
Just de-schedule it already. Everybody in politics does it.
Josh Hawley is an R senator from Missouri. Did you mean Josh Shapiro?
Forget it. He’s rolling.
Does he wear one of those little hats?
Ugh, you’re right of, course. FIXED! Thanks.
I blame the giddyness of courtship…
But you’re still going with preverts, hmm?
Too soon?
Judge Terry A. Doughty granted a preliminary injunction on Tuesday, saying the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, along with other parts of the government, must stop corresponding with social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”
It’s not censorship when it’s for a righteous cause.
/Progs, probably
Not probably. They were labeling things as “disinformation” that they knew were true, for example the effectiveness of vaccines.
When you read the exceptions to the injunction (I haven’t but heard it), it’s essentially business as usual. This is all for show.
I predict that the government will increase cooperation with third party interest groups (that receive federal funds) that work with social media to “combat misinformation”
Cracky’s friend Dusty sure gets around. It seems he’s kind of jumpy.
I totally believe it. Been in survival mode most of my life, Getting out of it, much less shaking the mindset, is difficult. You just don’t have the energy to do anything more than let information wash over you.
Glad to hear that.
“It could have been anyone, anyone, I tells ya.”
The fact that they haven’t told us who left it there, and I know they know, tells me all I need to know to know who left it there.
Welcome back!
Yeah, obviously the dark skinnded one!
I was thinking the coke addict, but hell, could have been her i guess.
But he’s a white guy, sooooo….
Clearly it was the sneaky bastard that leaked the Supreme Court proceedings, since they couldn’t catch that evil white guy either.
Trickenology is real.
The Threads app logo looks like a pube and everyone knows it.
Strike One for me — Facebook in general. Talk about a “Zero Trust” platform.
Strike Two to Two Million — the information it purportedly harvests. Which I tend to believe because… again, Facebook. I suppose Generation LOL NOTHING TO HIDE, BOOMER! is down with it… but I sure as hell am not.
(Yes, moronic kids claiming that privacy is overrated is a pet peeve of mine — legacy of being helicopter parented probably… but they’re still dumbasses.)
My son is the exact opposite.
He annoys me by constantly rotating his MAC addresses and generating notices from my firewall. He’s probably behind seven servers at any given time.
Heh… good kid. 🙂
Look, if you weren’t doing anything wrong, you’d have nothing to hide. Who needs privacy?
Criminals. That’s who.
Won’t somebody think of the children?
You mean besides the NYC Pride Parade folks?
Oh, I think Joe and Hunter have that covered.
It even has a theme song!
Clarence Thomas signs up immediately?
+ can of coke
The Psychology Today article link was missing when this article went up. It’s been corrected.
I swear the website hiccuped on me today when I was editing. Save early, save often.
Have STEVE SMITH booked to visit the server squirrels. Should scare the hiccups right out of the site.
The little bastards adore him. They are his special favorites, and they know it.
Woodsman priviledge.
So you are saying it was the coke?
Did we ever update to the new look and feel? I can’t remember.
OceanGate had conducted over 14 expeditions and more than 200 dives across the Pacific, Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, according to the company’s website. A seat on its submersible to see the Titanic wreckage cost $250,000 per passenger.
A nice start, but they cracked under pressure.
Are there no depths to the depraved humor we will sink to, good sir?
When the puns get too deep they suddenly break up.
14-1 is a pretty decent record…
These jokes are sub* par.
* The word “sub” can be short for “submarine”, and is also used to refer to a submarine sandwich.
ToK, future Newsweek editor.
No truth to the rumor that the vacant corporate offices will soon be a new Five Guys.
Nah, it’s a subway sandwich to Newsweak.
That’s right. Sorry, TOK; maybe The Atlantic?
Well, that is were the sub went down…
This is even better.
Threads has to be an op.
If you know, you’re already scarred for life.
Once this happened:
The government owned Facebook. Called out for mis-using data, then forced to continue and pass it all to the government.
You can tell us Tonio. It’s DeBlasio, isn’t it?
Please, good sir! Tonio would never stoop THAT low. He has standards.
To continue with the NYT coverage of the federal judge ruling in Louisiana:
Yes, the NYT is claiming in July 2023 that it is debunked that the clotshots don’t prevent transmission.
Even the CDC stopped claiming that.
But they were saying, so he should have just accepted it at the time. At least that’s what sources familiar with the NYT’s thinking have to say.
Well that is definitely a fuckup. You aren’t supposed to give examples of things that have been debunked. You are supposed to keep things vague and let the reader fill in the blanks.
Me, thinking: “doesn’t look like it’ll rain today. I should probably water the neighbor’s plants”
Rain: * rains *
Rain: But I was helping!
KK makin’ it raaaaaaaiiiiiiiin!
“Harvard and Yale scientists investigate new condition dubbed ‘Long Vax’: Debilitating suite of symptoms linked to Covid shot that last months and resemble Long Covid – but scientists stress it’s extremely rare and benefits of vaccination outweigh risk”
In other news, scientists discover that the COVID vaccines cause fatal cases of herpes that make your balls blow off, BUT YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET YOUR VACCINE BECAUSE IT’S COMPLETELY SAFE
COMPLETELY SAFE AND WE NEVER KNEW OTHERWISE. seems topical to that. I strongly suspect the same underlying issue(s) in the claimants.
I think in the early days of so-called Long Covid, I said the people suffering from it were the same people who a few years earlier would have been suffering from fibromyalgia.
I was born with a condition called dick. It persists to this day. Guess I have long dick.
1 in 8 people who contract COVID get long COVID
a) I’ma call bullshit on this one. 40+ million people in the US along walking around with “long COVID?” Really?
b) What are the odds that a Venn diagram of “Long COVID” sufferers and people who were already neurotic hypochondriacs is nearly a perfect circle?
+1 fibromyalgia
I think you are leaving out a lot of people who are just lazy and Long Covid is even better than “lower back pain” as a reason to stay home and get paid. Even harder to prove fraud.
Would also bet that there are a lot of people who just want Long Covid to boost their victim cred score.
“benefits of vaccination outweigh risk”
As near as I can make out, the vax provides a temporary boost (around 90 days) in immune function against some COVID viruses. Mostly those that aren’t really around any more. With that weak an entry on the benefit side of the ledger, it wouldn’t take much on risk side to make it a net negative.
Plus who doesn’t want a sore arm and to feel like shit for 24 hours or more?
I think the odds that there is a Long Vax syndrome are better than the odds there is a Long COVID syndrome. COVID was a nasty respiratory virus – as far as I know, those don’t result in chronic conditions. However, fucking around with your immune system can absolutely trigger a lifelong chronic condition. It’s interesting to me how many of the pharma products currently being advertised are essentially for auto-immune disorders.
From the Science Beat: Earth sees hottest day on record for third straight day
Thank doG they had the Climate Reanalyzer instead of the boring old Climate Analyzer.
Rather curious how much is “satellite data” (and what’s the accuracy / range of error on that) versus “computer simulation” and whether their modeling has ever been verified using past data of their input sets correlated to actual measurements.
Because I know about GIGO and computer simulations and all…
I’m waiting for the Climate Re-Anal-Geyser
I saw one headline that claimed that it was the hottest the Earth had been in over 100,000 years.
FFS, we don’t even have good temperature records from 100 years ago, let alone orders of magnitude more than that.
Weird, isn’t it, that the HOTTEST DAYS EVAR come during the summer in the northern hemisphere, where most of the climastas live. Is there any reason why the planet would be hotter in northern hemisphere summer rather than southern hemisphere summer?
The sun has nothing to do with it.
“Now scientists say climate change is making us BLIND
Canadian researchers compared rates of vision problems among 1.7million people across all 50 states in the US.
They found those who lived in warmer regions were up to nearly 50 percent more likely to suffer serious vision impairment compared to those in cooler places.
Exposure to stronger ultraviolet light damages the cornea, lens and retina and also risks irritation and infection.
The experts said the findings were ‘very worrying’ in the context of global warming, which has seen global average temperatures rise by two fahrenheit (1.1 Celsius) since the late 1800s.”
That’s retarded.
But think of all the people saved from snow blindness
I’m pretty sure its all the masturbation.
*peers at screen through coke bottle glasses*
I’m trying to understand how that relates to global warming. It’s not increasing UV light, but maybe IR light. The only possible connection is that with warmer weather people will go outside more and have more exposure to UV light. It’s still stupid though.
I don’t get it either. Warmer regions tend to be near the equator, which means they get more direct sun all year round. In the north and south we have seasons so for half the year there is much less sunlight. It’s third grade science to state that more sunlight means more UV exposure, which means more eye damage.
Next they’ll have a groundbreaking study showing how in warmer climates, people’s skin darkens and can sometimes produce painful blisters and peel.
You should apply for a grant to study that.
He should re-write the grant to get rid of plastic straws.
No it’s the ready access to porn and a destigmatizing of masturbation.
LOL. Bolsonaro lost power and the Brazilian government is reintroducing visas for US citizens.
Now I know where I should travel this fall.
I remember back in the 90’s that Brazil’s work travel visas were a PITA.
Try Canada. The 2 times I did work up there, all our equipment had been shipped, and we breezed across the border as “sportsmen”.
Them Cannucks really, really, hate some outside labor (labour).
When I would travel to Canada, PR, misc. Caribbean islands for offshore captive insurance meetings, we were always told “Yes, you are traveling on business. No, you don’t tell customs and immigration that. You are here on vacation, right? Right?”
“Musk warns Zuck – I’ll SUE: Twitter says Meta’s Threads is a ‘copycat’ and poached dozens of employees to ‘misappropriate’ their trade secrets”
Do they settle this in the octagon?
I guess we know where all the Twitter employees that left when Musk cancelled the wine bars and whatnot went…
Oh wait… Threads is an actual product… they must have gotten a few productive people too…
It looks exactly the same. I think he has an IP claim
“Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping ‘forever chemicals’ linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds – with worst-hit areas in Cali, Eastern Seaboard, Great Lakes and Great Plains”
If they are forever chemicals, wouldn’t that mean they’re inert?
While PFAs probably aren’t good for you, I think (really, I know) they’re trying to deflect attention from the COVID vaccines when discussing the recent massive drops in fertility
Why not both?
I give zero benefit of the doubt to either the gov or the corps.
It’s certainly possible, I’m just drawing attention to the timing. There are no coincidences.
I’ve heard RFK Jr. talk about this. He says we have a lot of chemicals in our food and water, and says that might be causing a whole host of health issues. You know, one of his wacky conspiracy theories.
I wonder how well the increase in the level of these chemicals correlates to the increase in cancer and infertility. I would expect the increase to have been pretty steady and gradual, have the health problems increased at the same rate?
I sure do hope the Lakewood law locks up the lingerie looter.
A truly bra-zen criminal like that needs to be in jail.
Nah — we the elites we have these days? King Chuck III will just knight him into the Order of the Garter.
Lifted from his home and separated from his freedom.
They’re too busy getting spooked and firing on people who were shooting fireworks at homeless camps.
“As an agent was interviewing the man about the fight, the car turned around and began driving back to the scene, Oskel said. The agent was fearful that the car may try to strike him and he fired one shot, hitting the car, according to Oskel. Nobody was injured in the shooting, Oskel added.”
Speaking of dumb covid stuff – yesterday I saw a link to something called the Peoople’s CDC. No, your assumption was right the first time, the “people’s” part means it’s commie covid panic shit full of “equity” and mask wearing and how were all still gonna die. If someone you know is still freaked out you might wanna just casually block that website from their browser.
Most of my Twitter followers are thots.
Not sure what’s up with that. I’m quite striking, ’tis true.
What’s your credit score?
Ah, good thought. Real and spectacular.
You look like a Cabela’s ad !
Same here. I have 42 followers now. A bunch of Glibs, but a majority are attractive young ladies who go just by their first name.
They all have 12 followers, lol
Huh. I’ve got 71.
Glibs and even a few cool celebs!
Must have been the special pics.
Excuuuuuuuse me?
I said “most”
(BTW, they’re 20-something dudes in internet cafes in Lagos)
Even hotter
Crazy rednecks gonna crazy redneck, no matter the latitude: The Glacier View Car Huck.
That was great.
You should link your twatter handle, though, since your real fans read it an hour ago.
*wipes away one manly tear.
Man, if only they could rig them up with something like Tannerite to really make them go BOOM on impact.
Remember this?
The MRE Bomb
Way too many heaters. Just leave it somewhere to percolate.
Liquid Nitrogen, if you can get it, makes a super big 2 liter bottle pop. And pretty white ice dandelions of vapor.
One of the tests we do (EPA Method 25) uses dry ice. Plenty of bored stack testers took water, a gatorade bottle, dry ice, and did the same thing.
Nowdays, DHS would have us all jailed for making a bomb.
A shittier 4th tradition
Good song.
Hot and sunny. Perfect weather for hand-fighting the mower through ruts and gopher mounds. Also, boot top high grass and weeds.
You wouldn’t happen to be mowing my property would you? Sounds familiar.
What’s a lawn?
I didn’t use the word lawn. Weeds and gopher trails is a better description.
Roger that.
But it’s my 2.5 acres of paradise.
It was a happy day indeed when I left my lawnmower behind, for the joys of jumping cholla, prickly pear, rattlesnakes, tarantulas, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats, javelinas, and Gila monsters in the Sonoran desert. I already had scorpions, so they don’t count.
But I don’t want most of those. They sound stingy and bitey.
Still beats fertilizing, watering, and mowing the lawn. We’ve got about three acres, and probably 2.8 acres is raw desert.
I see what you’re doing wrong.
Yeah, they sound like they don’t pay their bills.
I was gonna add “they’re actually big spenders”.
Yeah, one of the circles of hell – not sure which.
Javelina are right good eating. Last one I killed, Mrs. Animal made green chili out of the whole damn thing. Delicious.
I had to look them up. I knew them as Peccaries. Does it taste as much like pork as they look?
Man, if only they could rig them up with something like Tannerite to really make them go BOOM on impact.
Don’t forget the JATO.
In what is considered to be a significant breakthrough in the transition to electric vehicles (EV), Toyota says it has developed new solid-state battery technology that will allow it to reduce the weight, size and cost of EV batteries by 50 percent.
The largest automaker in the world said that by using its new solid-state battery architecture, it can produce batteries with a range of 745 miles (1,200 kilometers), which can also be fast-charged in about 10 minutes, as reported in the Financial Times.
In its efforts to play catch up with EV segment leaders like Tesla and BYD, last month, the company released its EV roadmap, including its vision to produce cars with solid-state batteries by 2027.
Toyota, whose pioneering hybrid Prius model – favoured by Uber drivers the world over – was launched in 1997, has been reluctant to enter the EV game with a full-throttle, largely focussing on hybrids and fuel cells.
Now, it looks determined to shake up the game with a range of in-house developed technologies that will challenge its competitors.
They should just sell the batteries and let other people focus on making the cars. But that would be crazy.
Christ yes. Why bother with the cars?
Still smells like horseshit.
Well, they are a car company.
This is what the EV world desperately needs, though. Lithium ion batteries are clearly not the platform for widespread EV usage. Because Toyota announced it, I’m inclined to think it’s not bullshit. If this is the real deal, Musk is going to be in trouble because he has bet very bigly indeed on lithium ion technology.
Absolutely horse shit.
Fast charging a battery with that much stored energy to capacity in 10 mins?
Bull. Shit.
Better find a place to put all the heat generated.
Indeed. I absolutely do not believe them. This is a power play to scare competitors. Maybe they have a goal to have it, but they do not have one at the ready for testing. Show your work, Toyota!
It’s entirely possible they made something in a lab with serious engineering problems between that prototype and market.
There’s a gas motor inside the magic “battery”.
What the fuck is a NAFO?
North Atlantic Fucking Organization?
Would join.
Well, right now it is just you and Mike, but have fun!
No kidding.
Legal scholars
A federal judge’s order restricting Biden administration officials from contacting social media companies about moderating their content will face tough legal challenges on appeal, experts said.
Several legal scholars and attorneys said while the lawsuit challenging the administration’s communications with social media companies raised real free speech concerns, there was no precedent to support the sweeping preliminary order issued Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana that would sharply limit dozens of government agencies and officials’ communications with social media companies.
The Biden administration on Wednesday filed a notice with the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals saying it was appealing the ruling.
The lawsuit was brought by Republican attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri, as well as several individuals. The plaintiffs alleged that U.S. officials violated their right to free speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by pressuring social media companies to take down posts that officials worried could fuel vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic or conspiracy theories about elections.
We have to be able to memory-hole anything which contradicts the official narrative, or millions will die!
There was NO PRECIDENT!!11
Well, the censorship op itself was unprecedented, so . . . .
I eagerly await the court saying that restricting what government employees when acting as such violates their 1A rights. No more classified info, etc.
So the twist is that by limiting the government using source documents that limit the government from suppressing or conspiring to silence the People, it’s a violation of the 1st Amendment. That is the argument they are rolling with.
They should just say the cocaine was found in a restroom accessible to the public. It would at least have a faint shred of believeability.
I know there are a bunch of Glibs who have Twitter accounts, so if you feel like it, share your handle.
Here’s a good one.
Can you guess who it is?
At Living4Winter
Deffo a TX Glib.
Well I am unoriginal so
at 1trueathena
I think that individuals should be able to shoot anyone shooting fireworks at them without worrying about being charged.
I concur.
Drunken fireworks wars among friends are fine. Shooting fireworks at strangers or cops, not fine.
Burt Neuborne, a professor at New York University School of Law, was more skeptical of the free speech claims.
“I’m not aware of a single communication that conveys a threat or any form of either express or implied statement saying, You’d better do this, or else,” he said. “This opinion seems to think that when the government talks to you it inevitably is frightening you.”
The government just wants to help you. They would never resort to intimidation and violence.
According to his bio at NYU he’s “founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.” I assume that’s John Brennan of the CIA.
I think I’m going to name my Starlink network “Dr. Leo Spaceman”
Just name it Nilsson.
I don’t see how a professor of law, of all people, could make a claim like that without just bursting into flames.
I could be wrong, but I strongly suspect a search of that guy’s statements during the plague would find calls for people who refused to mask or get the vax to be tossed in the slammer.
I’m sure I missed it, but I haven’t seen anyone link Cocaine by Clapton.
This gives me hope.
Why the fuck would anyone link Clapton?
It’s Mrs OBE “I beat the weirdest escape room ever” day. Fine Italian dinner incoming tonight. Found a pretty necklace that had a sapphire inlay. I win right?
Ask us in 20 minutes.
The cock sucking replies to my dig at Preet show that lefty Twitter is still alive and well with a sprinkling of “law and order” folks.