Hot dog eating is not a sport. Wimbledon is, and there’s a five setter going right now worth watching. Let’s see if Fritz can escape. And since I’m running behind, that’s it for sports.

“Give me more money.”
I rarely read these propaganda pieces, but sometimes they’re hilarious. Also, there better be no chance whatsoever of a NATO invite.
The “White” House sounds like the place to be. Whether you’re wanting to do a little coke or flop your fake trans-titties out in front of kids.
I feel bad for our Pennsyltucky friends. Maybe it’s time to head to Cleveland.
Somebody at the hand cream company needs to tell these dumbasses to STFU. Unless it’s a ruse to tank the stock and buy their old company back.

Piece of shit.
What a crazy asshole. I guess nobody saw it coming…if literally nobody that knew this guy was paying attention or simply didn’t care.
This is quite the headline. “Working with” is not what’s happening here. “Pressure to censor people” makes more sense.
Damn, this sucks. I actually feel bad for them, since the police there have no idea how to solve crimes anymore.
I wonder if this will impact the climate. I also wonder why no climate scientists are talking about it. I guess it’s because the sun doesn’t write grant checks.
Here’s a great tune. What a wonderful arrangement. And here’s another one. I miss those guys playing together. Oh well, they’re never getting back together. So I’ll just enjoy what they did when they did agree ago. Hopefully you will too.
And hopefully you’ll enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.
“Plus, Sen. John Fetterman, elected last fall as an unabashed progressive, first rose to prominence as mayor of Braddock, a former steel town about 8 miles from downtown Pittsburgh.”
LOL. Great example.
So what they’re saying is the future of PA politics is sentient tumors fostered by genetic mutation? The Pitt… here we come!
The Lump in the Pit.
Sounds like a Poe story.
The Tell-Tale Lump.
Rose to prominence for actually doing WHAT as mayor? Oh, that’s right, he pointed a shotgun at an innocent black man.
Never change Democrats, never change.
When you have to old legacy media apparatus to cover for you, you can get away with a shitton of real evil and creepy shit.
Wait, I’m forgetting – he got a tattoo for each homicide in the city. That shows how much he cared.
Purportedly, some gang members got a teardrop tattoo for each person they killed. So is he saying he was the source of all death in the town?
I think it was the date, nothing else.
So, he’s Calendar Man?
To be fair, he also managed to vandalize a black-owned business too.
JFC haven’t they done enough damage to that poor city already?!
Damn, their population is still dropping too.
Given some of the discussion here the last couple of days, could be the Limeys sowing discord to get their Empire back for all I know.
Since I assume everyone from Ben&Jerry’s is going to be Leninist tripe, the only surprise is that any of their customers were surprised.
If the “give back the land” crap keeps up in Canada — the only logical conclusion given human history is going to be “When you take over an enemy tribe’s resources — wipe them all out so they can’t complain.” Because none of these “Indigenous” groups did anything different (okay, maybe they didn’t get to move into a lot of areas behind a wave of pestilence because the folks they’re displacing were so isolated their immune systems were susceptible… but you know what I mean…)
Morning, Sloopy… we’ll see how functional I am after periodic mortar strikes on the neighborhood waking me up last night.
is going to beLeninist tripeThey really ought to put that out as a flavor, I’m sure it would top Cherry Garcia.
Is it more commie or Scottish celebrating?
What’s the difference?
PRI menudo, obvs.
It would probably be pho tripe.
The flavor would be Che Guava, Rah!
The local tribes are so diluted Elizabeth Warren may qualify for membership.
The weird thing is that with those two hippies gone, this message must be coming straight from corporate & they think it is a wise financial move.
I guess it’s because the sun doesn’t write grant checks.
Or host cocktail parties. The most you can credit the sun with is sundresses.
It certainly won’t help them subjugate the proletariat, so no point in potentially generating wrongthink, comrade. Zero emissions good — private jets for the elite, better!
Hopefully this inspired Q.
Yes, jumping very much to conclusions here — but from the rhetoric, Nashville and the fact that it is pretty obvious the folks who want to chop off functional bits from their body have issues — a serious conversation about what’s actually good for mental health of these folks, whether the hormone “treatments” imbalance them, etc. would be nice.
The odds of that happening given the political climate are, of course, minuscule.
Shades of “Silence of the Lambs.”
I’m no fan of big government, but perhaps it’s time to fund the lunatic asylums again. There’s plenty of people to fill them.
They’ll put the wrong people in there.
“A staunch belief there there are only two immutable sexes? That’s a sign of insanity. A desire to own weapons? Violent crazy. Noncompliance with mandates? Clearly off their rocker.”
Or what UCS said… since it is much shorter. Damn my hyper-loquaciousness.
You are absolutely right this would happen. They no longer see real world problems as problems they need to take seriously or even solve, but they sure as hell see political enemies as an existential threat.
Something about nimble fingers…
+1 Soviet psychiatric system
“psychopathological mechanisms of dissent”
Know your terms.
Yeah… I waffle on that. It is patently obvious that some forceful treatment / “shoot yourself up til you croak” program is needed for the lunatics / drug addicts currently making communities unlivable across the country (or maybe it just seems worse here in CA where it looks like the old pictures of the slums of Rio along every highway now… tent and cardboard trash towns within towns). But do I trust the current group of assholes not to flip over quickly to Soviet style “You disagree with the propaganda… you must be crazy!”? Hell no… after the “winter of death for the unvaccinated”, various “Western Civ == White Supremacy”, “My political opponents are an existential threat to our (D)emocracy”… there’s Less Than Zero trust that only the insane and addicts would be treated.
“but from the rhetoric, Nashville and the fact that it is pretty obvious the folks who want to chop off functional bits from their body have issues”
That’s like Salon going on about white men. I don’t know if this person was trans or wanted to chop off any bits, or whatever, but the vast majority of trans are not mass shooters, and the vast majority of mass shooters are not trans.
Meh. Turnabout is fair play.
Turnabout how? His politics seem all over the place.
If you don’t think that most-flogged stories about mass shootings are “ZOMG RACEIST WHITE MAN,” then I’m not sure we have enough in common to have a discussion.
Just a couple of examples: The Dayton shooter and the AMP shooter.
“If you don’t think that most-flogged stories about mass shootings are “ZOMG RACEIST WHITE MAN”
They are, especially from leftist outfits such as the aforementioned Salon.
So then, how do you not understand the turnabout?
I would postulate that the ZRWM technique is used to try to link guns to racism, and the moral disgust making it easier to ban them. By focusing on counterexamples, you can neuter the “the only people against gun bas are the racist yt Xtians who use guns.”
Wouldn’t that be pointing out he’s black then?
It’s like the Navy yard shooting, as soon as the MSM learned he was a black guy who drove a Prius, they dropped the story. I also remember people arguing, “He rented it, it wasn’t his car!”. As if that mattered.
It’s about favored v. disfavored identities. Trans is favored more than Black at the moment. Black cishets are the white men of BIPOCs.
No, but I would argue that the vast majority of mass shooters have mental issues — and folks who want trans surgery also have mental issues — and we shouldn’t be surprised if there’s some overlap, especially if the hormone treatments exacerbate the problems. Addressing the mental issues properly instead of encouraging their derangement would reduce the pool for said intersection — the same way that if we had a known indicator for psychotics (besides CEOs and politicians, that is), we’d want those folks helped as well instead of “Feel free to prey on the weak! Psychotics are wonderful!”
“No, but I would argue that the vast majority of mass shooters have mental issues”
Anyone that decides the recourse to some problem/concern is to shoot up innocent people, has mental problem. Stable/sane people are not gonna shoot at random others. America doesn’t have a gun problem: it has a severe mental health problem. And that’s happening because the community things that held people together and made these sorts of random violence reactions night impossible have been destroyed by those that profit from making people feel alone and lost so big government can come to the rescue.
Gender dysphoria doesn’t mean someone is deranged, or more likely to commit violence.
Where is the evidence that either of these shooters were on hormones?
Well, they hushed up everything about Nashville — so we don’t know. And it is too early here.
But I’m sorry that “Obvious mental health issues due to wanting to CUT UP THEIR OWN BODY” isn’t enough of a warning flag that arguing a closer look at actual treatment instead of pumping with known mood altering chemicals like hormones as the standard “treatment” currently is somehow controversial to you. I didn’t say “Oh, all trannies are waiting to gun everyone down”, you know — I said “a serious conversation … about whether the hormone treatments imbalance them”. Stop arguing with your strawman already.
We’ve had two trans mass-shooters in the space of 4 months. Given their incredibly low percentage of the population, they seem a wee bit over-represented, no? Might it be prudent to look into possible reasons for that?
“I said “a serious conversation … about whether the hormone treatments imbalance them”. Stop arguing with your strawman already.”
You did say that. Again, where is the evidence that either of these shooters were on hormones?
If I were too look at “mood altering chemicals” involved with mass shootings, I would look at SSRI’s.
It would not surprise me if they were also on a raft of those antidepressants.
“It would not surprise me if they were also on a raft of those antidepressants.”
It wouldn’t surprise me either. Just because someone posted a couple cross dressing photos doesn’t mean that person is on hormones.
I don’t even think Dylan Mulvaney is on hormones — sure doesn’t look like it.
Meh — I’m fine with “working with” Since half of their “misinformation departments” (whatever they call them) are revolving door IC, they’re just continuing their working relationships. There’s no pressure when they all have the same goals and mindset, after all.
It’s like calling all the members of a church a conspiracy group because they all share the same beliefs.
NPR was reporting the response from FedGov not as “we aren’t doing this,” but “if you don’t let us do this then MISINFORMATION will occur.”
Yeah, misinformation like the Hunter laptop was a Russian op, the covid vaccines stop infect/sickness/transmission, etc. etc.
Since Gavin has wineries — maybe the government will care enough to look into it. And from the sound of it (knowing how to stack things to get to the roof, where to cut to avoid alarms, what to take) — it screams “Inside knowledge” to me. That should narrow the investigation, at least initially.
For all we know Gavin bought the stolen bottles.
Anyone remodeling? Follow the evidence
Quick Question:
If i was to ask for some thinking help in an mini-article post, to whom would i address it?
Tonio cleans up my illiteracy…
You f you submit it through the “new submission” link and leave notes, you will be contacted for assistance.
The propaganda piece has a scary line.
“Ukraine says it has procedures in place for a potential Russian assault on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant”
Since Russia controls and runs the plant, and uses the power in the territory they control, that’s an odd statement. Unless the Ukrainians plan to attack the plant and trigger a nuclear accident.
It sure sounds like their next false flag if they can pull it off.
Oh please, the Russians are well known for purposely attacking their own military and economic infrastructure in order to…well I don’t know why’d do that but a lot of people lap that nonsense up.
The Ukrainians have been harping on this for weeks.
And Graham and Blumenthal introduced their resolution to make attacking a nuclear power plant an attack on NATO that would invoke Article V.
And the Brits have been talking about it.
And the NATO summit is next week.
Do the central banks think an actual nuclear war is gonna save their bacon? None of this makes any sense.
FWIW, I don’t believe Jerome Powell is on board with this insanity.
But the Bank of England is coming apart as we speak and the ECB isn’t far behind. There’s no telling what those ghouls would do in order to be able to blame their thieving on something else.
I’d really like to tune out of the news and focus on my garden. Hard to ignore it when the psychopaths in charge are trying to start a nuclear war.
Here’s one of those psychopaths.
The Brits are desperate and very dangerous. They will drag us into a full-blown conflict if given the chance. They can’t fight that war. They want us to throw ourselves on that grenade.
Insane. The Brits hardly have a military at this point. They’ve literally lost the capability to build new tanks due to factory closings. Meanwhile their economy is collapsing.
Like I said, they want us to go to war. The only rational reason for pursuing that would be to bring the US and Russia low while also destroying rivals in Europe.
Fuck the Brits.
Ok. Sean calmed my tits yesterday when one of my new jalapeño plants went into heat stroke. This is good. It sprang back overnight with watering and a move to shade. I can’t leave it in shade though, because the rabbits will get to it. I’ll be moving it back to the stand at noon. Looks like a daily effort. Shade to stand.
Pray you don’t get aphids. We’re still battling them.
2nd wave of ladybugs deployed and waiting for the mantises to hatch.
Next thing you know, Sean will be complaining that winter didn’t take care of the gorilla problem.
I saw that episode of Star Trek.
This part especially:
“make attacking a nuclear power plant an attack on NATO”
W even TF?
NATO has laid claim to every nuclear power plant.
It appears the late 90’s site was ahead of its time.
“What a crazy asshole. I guess nobody saw it coming…if literally nobody that knew this guy was paying attention or simply didn’t care.”
I am sure it was all the hate from people that told em that they were not just going to go along with whatever crazy game the perp to be was playing that caused this. Which is also why we will never get to see why from either the media or the government. This wouldn’t fit the narrative that the problem is the people that are not crazy demanding an end to the progressive lunacy. So they will blame everyone but this batshit crazy evil fuck.
Did it pick up again this morning? Cuz I’m showing rain delay. I have no idea how they’re going to play three days worth of matches in one day but what I do know is that ESPN’s coverage will suck even more than usual with all the players I like being out of action.
I’m shocked. SHOCKED!
It’s amazing that companies don’t want to hire people who advertise themselves as mentally unbalanced.
Mentally imbalanced, or looking for lawsuits? All the same in the end, T-R-O-U-B-L-E
Embrace the power of “and” Zwak.
I wish employers would do this to anyone peddling any kind of pronouns. You know you are dealing with some shithead that will cause problem. and you know double so if they are HR people.
I’m shocked too since HR does not select for competence.
I know of several companies that fired HR departments wholesale after discovering HR was demanding pronouns from job applicants. The pushback is here.
HR’s primary job is to prevent the company from ending up in court. While fucking around with the proles gives a lot of those green/blue haired HR types orgasms, their primary function is always to avoid a lawsuit. And these multi-personality pronoun types are just a big lawsuit waiting to happen.
HR’s primary job is to prevent the company from ending up in court
Historically, that’s been the case. I think we’re shifting to a different game where it’s HR’s job to push DEI with the knowledge that the liberal courts will protect them or the outcome doesn’t matter because of funding from places like Blackrock. Pronoun suits are nothing more than a nuisance, and suits from icky white guys aren’t bad publicity.
My company gives a bounty to managers for hiring anyone but white people (male or female). Trshy mentioned the same at his. Separately, I ran into the guy who handles employee disputes at my company. The serious disputes that escalate to potentially legal involvement. He’s considering quitting because he’s being told to put his finger on the scale for DEI employees.
I have idea how this effect sustains itself when there are literally not enough “diverse” people to fill the spots but everyone keeps chasing them anyway and this has been going for decades.
No wonder so many whiteys have “dropped out”.
“I have idea how this effect sustains itself when there are literally not enough “diverse” people to fill the spots”
As a temporary measure, not hiring for competence gives you a little more runway.
For some reason I am reminded of a black Supreme Court Justice hammering on for pages about systematic oppression of blacks, while blacks are statistically over represented on the highest court in the country.
HR’s job is still compliance. With both the law, and the C suite. And if the later wants pronouns, or DEI, or any other bit of current idiocy, then HR will comply.
I don’t know how people thought it would be a good idea to include. That’s like including a photo of a clown when you send in your resume.
I briefly saw some ass hats including a photo of themselves in their email sig. I’m glad that fizzled.
But what if you’re applying to clown college?
You include a picture of Joe Biden.
“Companies should have clearly-outlined initiatives and timelines for improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. On top of that, they should measure their employees’ sense of belonging.”
Companies should do no such thing, you fucking idiot.
They should if they want to fail as a company and/or get sued by their stock holders if they are public.
Otherwise they should hire based on competency.
I do hope this nonsense is fading but who knows.
Some credit outfit (Lending Tree?) has a commercial playing the pronoun game throughout, in reference to a “non-binary” person straight out of Central Casting.
I’m sure pronouns are terribly important to their customers.
We strictly employ amateur nouns here, buddy.
If they’re employed, they’re getting paid, so how can they be amateurs?
Who said anything about paying them? You can employ employ in more than one manner.
Employees belong to companies like slaves belong to a master.
Good morning, Sloop!
Sure, that oughta do it. You can drink it while posting all your lefty horseshit. Dummy.
I’ve mentioned it before, but the Smiths are a band that I hated back in the day but have come to really dig. Weird.
a band that I hated back in the day
AC-DC for me. I don’t know what was wrong with me back then.
No attempt to get me to like AC-DC has ever succeeded. I don’t think it’s possible.
MikeS hardest hit.
Same here, Juris. But I still can only get into Bon Scott era AC/DC, for whatever reason.
Back in Black is a great record.
For me it’s the Beatles. No wait. I still think they are still a mediocre bunch of asshats. Never mind.
I’m usually checked out by the time you comment. So I never get a chance to wish you a good morning as well…until today.
Good morning, Tundra!
For me it’s hair bands like Van Halen, Poison, Motley Crue etc. I hung out with the “alternative” crowd and turned my nose up at such music. But now I have plenty of those bands in my rotation.
I was on board with The Smiths from the get-go. And Still Ill is my 2nd favorite track.
I am with Tundra on this. They have grown on me, both Morrisy and Marr. The later I didn’t thing was possible, as he was always a great guitarist.
AC/DC has, on the other hand, narrowed it’s appeal. I can do little bits of early, but no late stuff.
“The “White” House sounds like the place to be. Whether you’re wanting to do a little coke or flop your fake trans-titties out in front of kids.”
Over and under this belonged to Joe and not Hunter? I mean, they need to juice that guy up before they trot him out to sound incoherent, and cocaine doe that. Then again, Hunter might have just misplaced his stash of parmesan cheese and the secret service was called in to help em find it.
It could have been anybody.
I have read (a) the library where it was found is not open to the public (although public tours go past and you can look in) and (b) it is under video surveillance.
If that is true, they absolutely know who left the coke there, and for some reason they aren’t telling us.
Please let it be KJP, please let it be KJP…
Plot twist – it was Chuck.
I didn’t know HRM has been to the White House lately.
Chucky would never use cocaine. It’s adrenochrome or nothing for him.
This is how they get rid of Harris.
oh fuck…
you’re right, it’s so damnably obvious
I have heard over the years that there’s rampant drug use in DC so I don’t find this surprising. I doubt it was for Joe, I’d expect them to have him on name-brand pharmaceuticals.
I would be more shocked to discover that the town was actually clean.
Yes. And I’m sure they’ve had plenty of incidents like this, it’s just that these days “white powder” could be a terrorist attack. Fingers crossed it was a MAGA extremist – oh crud, it was only someone’s bag of coke. That’s the only reason it was reported.
It is just a collection of bits from Rocky.
I’ve known coke fiends. They do not leave a place until the coke is all consumed. Based on this, I dont think it was Hunter’s.
He should have know his place was on the donkey plantation…
More Fourth fun in Minneapolis
And yes, it’s Twitter. So if you don’t have an account you can’t watch the carnage.
Which is probably a good thing.
I am loving Elon walling off the garden.
I think he had to, not only for bots but for the constant drumbeat of countries demanding he censor. He can just ban people from signing on from certain countries and get around censorship as well.
Read Scruffy’s link below. It goes into detail about the hows and whys.
“He will do everything to consolidate his power. He will execute necessary purges or will reshuffle some people. He will not just let it go,” said Alexander Korolev, a senior lecturer in politics and international relations at the University of New South Wales in Australia.
Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle “negro.”
Pittsburgh is renowned as a city of bridges, industry and championship sports teams — and now, in a much newer development, as a powerhouse of progressive politics.
Which will collapse all that may have ever been good about it.
Ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s sparked outrage with a July 4th tweet calling for the United States to return ‘stolen indigenous land’ starting with giving Mount Rushmore back to the Lakota Sioux tribe.
Now do whoever they stole it from.
The Solutreans were unavailable for comment.
So the Europeans of the 16th through 19th centuries were just reclaiming the land that was stolen from their ancestors by the Asian invaders.
I like it. Pisses off all the right people.
What a crazy asshole.
I think we all know that the real culprit is guns. Also, white-supremacy.
Also, white-supremacy.
Why else would a black person shoot other black people?
“We had it on credible account that the individuals involved had quote ‘a beef’ regarding a particular intersection. We can only conclude it was some sort of planned cookout gone wrong.”
Black face of white supremacy, duh.
Daily Quordle 527
Blossom Puzzle, July 5
Letters: E I R P S T X
My score: 332 points
My longest word: 10 letters
🌸 💮 🌼 🌻 🌺 💐 🌷 🏵 🌹 🌸
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 527
just another 22
Daily Quordle 527
Daily Quordle 527
Blossom Puzzle, July 5
Letters: E I R P S T X
My score: 389 points
My longest word: 11 letters
💮 🌸 🌼 💐 🌻 🌷 🌹 🏵 🌺 💮 🌸
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 527
A judge on Tuesday prohibited several federal agencies and officials of the Biden administration from working with social media companies about “protected speech,” a decision called “a blow to censorship” by one of the Republican officials whose lawsuit prompted the ruling.
We can’t have freedom without the government telling us what is true and untrue and censoring people that disagree with the regime narrative.
This is interesting.
Right-wing street fighters take on French rioters
I guess when the government won’t act, someone will. I wonder when it will happen here.
The gov’t will stop the vigilante menace while allowing the riots to continue.
What, as if they were some sort of boys who are proud of France or something? That kind of smear campaign and government infiltration/takedown would never happen in a Western country….
Low intensity civil war? Reinforcements in the way of more North African migrants… France eventually becomes something like the Balkans or Lebanon.
Not really. The immigrants in France don’t get control of parts of the governing system – French bureaucrats aren’t that dumb or self-destructive.
*glances over at Minnesota*
Exactly this.
Doubleplus yes.
“To lose 10, 15 year’s worth of work overnight is devastating. I’m not sure if I will recover emotionally,” Haque said.
Do you want some cheese with your whine?
As a shock reaction after a serious burglary, it doesn’t sound particularly whiny.
Yeah… I’m more than willing to cut them some slack – especially if the reporter stuck a recorder in their face asking for a quote while they were trying to clean up the place and all.
They’re lucky they got out more than “Fuck off… this is complete shit, man!”
“This administration has promoted responsible actions to protect public health, safety, and security when confronted by challenges like a deadly pandemic and foreign attacks on our elections,” the official said. “Our consistent view remains that social media platforms have a critical responsibility to take account of the effects their platforms are having on the American people, but make independent choices about the information they present.”
2 + 2 = 5
I’m not even willing to give them the first premise as I think the actions they promoted were irresponsible.
Which is, of course, rather the point – I know.
I wonder if this will impact the climate.
Reasonable people would argue that it is the main driver of climate.
During this period of increased solar activity, more sunspots appear on the surface of the Sun, prompting more solar flares and storms that could potentially disrupt communications, damage power infrastructure, and affect satellite operations on Earth.
That could inhibit our ability to get our message about the devastating effect of carbon emissions out.
You mean it might make some people resistant and even object to the graft this racket allows these crooks to peddle?
And today we are ruled by corrupt cuntes that sell out their country and wouldn’t know sacrifice if it bit them in the ass.
This sounds like it was cribbed from a long-ago talk by Paul Harvey.
Somebody at the hand cream company
I tried the hand cream suggestion, but it is too cold and now I can’t feel my hands. Also a little sticky.
It could have at least had the decency to explode instead.
I was going to make a pun on damp squib, but it was the literal definition, so it wouldn’t have made a stable linguistic foundation for wordplay.
“‘Microscopic’ Louis Vuitton-style handbag sells for over $63K: ‘Smaller than a grain of salt’
The Louis Vuitton-inspired neon-green miniature purse was created by Brooklyn-based art collective MSCHF and is “smaller than a grain of sea salt and narrow enough to pass through the eye of a needle,” according to the group.
Measuring 657 by 222 by 700 micrometers — or less than .03 inches across — the handbag, which sold for $63,750, was made using two-photon polymerization, a 3-D printing technique usually used to make mechanical biotech structures.”
And it still manages to weigh three tons and contain two craft stores worth of random crap between the owner and what she’s actually trying to find.
Might as well be a NFT.
And for a followup, the guy that bought it should place it atop a single sturgeon egg, and eat it.
I wish I had enough money to be that caviar about wasting it.
Ruh roe, Swissy ain’t gonna like that pun.
There’s no bubble.
“But, what does it do?”
“It costs $63,000.”
“Okay, then.”
Good read.
Ok, bot.
lulz. sort of.
Very interesting. Thanks for the share.
The part about Erica Marsh is wild.
Yes. And the mechanics of the whole process. Valuable insight.
I don’t think the big boys need to scrape.
Eric Schmidt (google) founded The Groundwork for the HRC 2008 campaign (amd democrats). In an article crowing about the democrat tech advantage that I have shared here many times, they describe how it connects to the back end of companies like Google, Facebook. Twitter, etc. The company claimed to be able to directly affect search results and promotion, as well as monitoring trends..
I suspect that the email and meeting schemes that Twitter files was able to expose are only the tip of the iceberg.
It looks like Twitter turned the API’s off, as Nitter doesn’t work either.
Administration lawyers said the government left it up to social media companies to decide what constituted misinformation and how to combat it. In one brief, they likened the lawsuit to an attempt to put a legal gag order on the federal government and “suppress the speech of federal government officials under the guise of protecting the speech rights of others.”
“Plaintiffs’ proposed injunction would significantly hinder the Federal Government’s ability to combat foreign malign influence campaigns, prosecute crimes, protect the national security, and provide accurate information to the public on matters of grave public concern such as health care and election integrity,” the administration says in a May 3 court filing.
Stop it. You’re killing me.
“suppress the speech of federal government officials under the guise of protecting the speech rights of others.”
Fuck off…
and die please
Won’t someone please think of the poor federal government officials!?!
Damn, never felt that Corporal Klinger from MASH was actually a historical warning of things to come….
Ignoring the physical fitness standards, these people are batshit.
And they’re trusted with critical military issues.
We’ve lost our ever-loving minds.
“Now use that e-tool to dig a trench!”
True story:
Factory Gun nationals, Frostproof FL 2018
A downpour caused stage 1 to flood. The USMC shooting team was given shovels and they dug drainage trenches that made the stage usable.
It’s not new.
The army should start a military boy band to attract recruits. That would have greater success. Or has that been tried too?
My review is – a competent but unremarkable shooter.
Fun fact, during the tutorial, if you shoot the drill instructor, the screen fades out and fades back in in a prison cell where the game will continue to run indefinately, but offer no action beyond wandering the interior of the cell.
Yeah the original iteration, back in…2002 was pretty fun and one of the only shooters I was willing to actually play co-op
To be fair, he was trying to get a discharge. I do recall an episode where a Swedish doctor offered to surgically mutilate him, and he was rightly horrified.
Damn your nimble fingers!
my appologies.
Remember that Klinger donned a dress in order to garner a section 8: “judged mentally unfit for service.”
Yup, and he explicitly refused a discharge on the basis of homosexuality.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with it.”
/Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine
A direct lift from Catch 22.
You must request a discharge for being crazy… but if younrequest the discharge it is proof that you are mentally sound.
In regards to moving to Cleveland from the Pitt, an oldie.
Procedures were followed
The White House was temporarily closed on Sunday evening after Secret Service agents discovered a white powder substance suspected to be cocaine inside a work area in the West Wing.
The Secret Service said in a statement the White House was temporarily closed to allow members of law enforcement to investigate the substance and that the District of Columbia fire department assisted in evaluating the substance.
The fire department “quickly determined the item to be non-hazardous” after an initial evaluation, a spokesperson for the Secret Service said.
A fire department and emergency medical services field test Sunday evening identified a “yellow bar, meaning cocaine, hydrochloride” after a dispatch at 8:49 p.m., according to a publicly available recording of the encrypted call.
I like how they swooped into action. Just like on the teevee. My guess is they’ll hang it around the neck of somebody on the cleaning staff.
Yellow bar? Yellow bag maybe?
NM, misread.
When’s the next White House presser, anyway? I’m looking forward to the Q & A on this. I’m expecting something along the lines of “Have the police released the identity of the white MAGAt who planted coke in the White House to discredit the President?” Possibly a follow up on how the insurrectionist Repubs have pounced and seized on the story.
“Look, we have been consistent on this… all procedures were followed. We have addressed this question…”
When I saw that headline last night, I immediately thought: It’s Cracky!!!!
Time’s up
Monday, July 3, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.
The southern U.S. has been suffering under an intense heat dome in recent weeks. In China, an enduring heatwave continued, with temperatures above 35C (95F). North Africa has seen temperatures near 50C (122F).
And even Antarctica, currently in its winter, registered anomalously high temperatures. Ukraine’s Vernadsky Research Base in the white continent’s Argentine Islands recently broke its July temperature record with 8.7C (47.6F).
“This is not a milestone we should be celebrating,” said climate scientist Friederike Otto of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Britain’s Imperial College London.
“It’s a death sentence for people and ecosystems.”
I thought weather not same as climate. Huh. What do I know?
What about LA, which is experiencing it’s Coldest summer on record?
See, we told you. “The climate is changing.”
We hold these strings to be self-evident…
You know, I’ve often say — and you’re tired of hearing me saying it, probably, but — children are the kite strings — they’re not somebody else’s chi- — they’re all our children — are the kite strings that lift our national ambitions aloft, and you hold those strings. You hold those strings. And our job is to make sure you have what you need to do what you do best.
Give him a break, he’s not an aerospace engineer!
Also, it’s interesting how he uses Independence Day to spout communistic horse shit.
I can hear the German government panicking from here.
I can see them passing an emergency bill banning AfD candidates from being seated in the legislature.
Democracy is important, cant let them choose the wrong party.
You have to destroy democracy in order to save it.
The former east is their stronghold.
Have no fear, the adults in the room – i.e. the western states – will vote properly.
Balls made from Depleted Uranium
Hey, twitter works again
That link does. Do the others?
Don’t know /drinker
Seems like videos are working but nothing else.
Freedom is slavery
The Fourth of July is rooted in America’s independence, but some have mixed feelings about the holiday.
According to a 2022 Gallup poll, 38 percent are “extremely proud” to be an American, which is a record low.
“Just in the last week it’s been so crazy here with all of the decisions,” Thronswood said. “It’s kind of unfortunate. It feels like the states are taking a big step back.”
In the last week, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a case some say limits LGBTQ+ rights with businesses. The justices also killed President Joe Biden’s student loan debt plan and struck down affirmative action in higher education.
“I feel like everything is messed up in a way,” Antonette Reff, Minnesotan, said.
Some explained the definition of freedom is not the same for everyone.
“I think freedom means equity and making sure everyone has the same opportunities no matter what,” Reff said.
Nothing says freedom like coerced “equity”.
You are free to fail.
some have mixed feelings about the holiday.
They are called “communists”.
I think freedom means equity
These things are diametrically opposed to one another.
True freedom is the freedom to have your choices completely divorced from their consequences!
“I think freedom means equity and making sure everyone has the same opportunities no matter what,” Reff said.
You’ll feel that way until it’s your stuff they come to take in the name of equity.
Your side was in full control for more than a half century. All that’s happening here is that the court is starting to do its fucking job again.
But have no fear; it will be your turn again probably sooner rather than later and they can start legislating from the bench again.
“Your side was in full control for more than a half century. All that’s happening here is that the court is starting to do its fucking job again.”
That’s precisely their grip: this was not supposed to happen at all. They expected their ability to use the court to abuse the legal system was a done deal and never a problem that could end up erasing all the bullshit that was done in the name of their ideological capture.
I am amazed that “people are allowed to disagree with me” is causing them dismay, instead of a year of state promoted riots, forced unemployment and a decade or more of intense pressure to create a racist society.
One hurts their agenda. The other helped their agenda… Its about power and agenda.
“I think freedom means equity and making sure everyone has the same opportunities no matter what,” Reff said.
And I think you are intentionally confusing “opportunity” with “outcome”.
Equal opportunity does not guarantee equal outcome.
Equal rights don’t even guarantee equal opportunity.
Equal protection under that law. That’s it, that’s all you get.
Equal protection under that law. That’s it, that’s all you get.
If you are lucky. It is the only thing plausible. But we don’t even have that.
But we don’t even have that.
And trying to correct that would be a legitimate cause.
Irrelevant factoid is irrelevant.
You can’t understand 1776 if you don’t understand 1619. July 4, 1776 when the colonists declared independence, 1/5 of the population of the 13 colonies was enslaved. They would not gain freedom for a century. This, too, is the 4th of July. This, too, is the story of America.
It also lacks any semblance of context. But you know that.
Or Libya if you want to keep it current.
Now please STFU and let the adults talk.
Blue Anon cracks the code.
As Twitchy has reported, a lot of leftists are butthurt after parental rights group Moms for Liberty had a successful summit this past weekend in Philadelphia. This was not long after the SPLC had declared the group an extremist group “rooted in white supremacy.” Something about parents speaking up at school board meetings against critical race theory and transgender bathroom privileges has really agitated the Left. As we’ve said many times, “parental rights” is to the Left just as good as white supremacy or fascism. Public schools should be allowed to indoctrinate children as the state sees fit.
Here’s proof, though, that Moms for Liberty are just “straight-up Nazis.” One member posted a photo from the summit, and her Twitter name happens to be @JamieHh88.
Because that number can mean nothing other than Heil Hitler.
“This was not long after the SPLC had declared the group an extremist group “rooted in white supremacy.”
Oh, the SPLC? Well, then that settles it.
If those Slander merchants say they’re bad, I’m going to have to assume they’re doing something right unless contradictory evidence emerges.
Michael Irvin, Dez Bryant, Marvin Harrison hardest hit.
Yeah, the Left never counted on parents fighting back. It was smooth sailing to commie utopia until then. Now they are scared shitless that the window of opportunity is closing.
It was their COVID policies that exposed what the kids were being taught.
And lifted the scales from at least a few people’s eyes that too many teachers are lazy mediocrities in it to get the most money for the least effort.
That would be an improvement from my opinion of teachers.
Muddying the waters
Lawyers for Colorado wrote in their brief to the Supreme Court in August that it did not amount to an actual request for a website and the company did not take any steps to verify that a “genuine prospective customer submitted the form.” It’s not clear whether the state took any steps to verify whether Stewart — whose contact information was included in court papers — was a real potential customer.
Stewart told The Associated Press last week that he didn’t even know his name had been invoked in the case until he was contacted by a reporter for The New Republic, which first reported his denial. Stewart, who declined to give his last name for fear of harassment and threats, said he was incredibly surprised, adding he has been married to a woman for 15 years.
While the revelation cannot change the decision, “it’s something that should’ve come up in the litigation,” said Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley Law, “because then what the court should have done is say we have doubts about this, we can’t resolve it, we send it back to the federal district court.”
Kristen Waggoner — the president of Alliance Defending Freedom, who argued the case before the high court— has said her client doesn’t have a way of doing background checks on those requesting business nor is it her responsibility to do so. On Monday, Waggoner slammed suggestions that her client made up the request, adding that “the more likely scenario” is that “‘Stewart’ or another activist did in fact submit the request.”
“To say that Lorie Smith or ADF fabricated a request for a same-sex wedding website is a lie,” she said in an emailed statement. “It would make no sense to have fabricated a request because one wasn’t required for the court to decide her case.”
Has this been discussed?
The claim is being made that the “customer” in the gay wedding case was bogus. Apparently, the great legal minds of the left think that should require a do-over, despite the issue of standing having been settled independently.
Wow. I just can’t believe it was fake. Would not the representatives on both side verified the info?
“It would make no sense to have fabricated a request because one wasn’t required for the court to decide her case.”
This is really the key, the entire thing was based on her asking the state what they would allow her business to do. No actual client was necessary.
“The Declaration of Independence was written by enslavers and didn’t recognize Black people as human.” Cori Bush said.
“Today is a great day to demand Reparations Now ✊🏾” she said.
Slaves always have been recognized as human and in the US they were given a 3/5s status as a population count to determine congressional representation in the House of Representatives. I know these nuances are difficult, but actually no they aren’t. And go fuck yourself with that reparations nonsense.
Murray has thoughts
They are gonna have to cancel him after that, because letting people see this and realizing this shit is now devolved into a racket is problematic for the grifters peddling this racist shit.
“The plan is working.”
/the left
Update from the language wars:
The Left opened a new front in recent weeks, bastardizing the word “enslaver” (which means someone who takes a formerly free person and turns them into a slave) to mean “slave owner” (or even, member of a slave owner’s family). Few to no white people were actually enslavers in 1700s and 1800s – those were blacks and MENA Muslims, who sold their newly enslaved inventory to white people.
Fun fact: the enslavers had no compunctions about enslaving white people, and did a good trade in white slaves to fellow MENA Muslims.
Party of lawlessness and anarchy
Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.), a leadership ally, predicted that conservative colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee’s government politicization panel and their allies would take their battle against FBI and DOJ to the chamber floor. Those Republicans, he said, “believe the best way to send a message is to use the power of the purse.”
Whether they prevail in the form of budget cuts, impeachment, or other measures remains to be seen. Conservative efforts could backfire, instead exposing tension with centrist and more establishment Republicans who embrace the party’s pro-law enforcement roots — the prevailing sentiment inside the GOP before Trump came along.
The fault lines emerged during closed-door House GOP spending meetings in recent weeks, as some lawmakers warned others to think twice about how they use spending bills to target specific agencies. In one session, conservative Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) said he privately urged his colleagues to “be careful” about how they talk about Justice Department funding, adding: “I’m not in favor of cutting DOJ.”
Their testimony is part of routine oversight hearings. But it coincides with GOP chairs ramping up a leadership-blessed investigation into FBI and DOJ that’s sparked renewed chatter about impeaching Garland. The Republican probe — which spans the Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees — centers around whistleblower claims that DOJ and a U.S. attorney’s office hampered the Hunter Biden investigation.
The impeachment threat has sparked fierce pushback from the White House and congressional Democrats. They say Republicans are carrying out a political vendetta that won’t meet the bar of a high crime or misdemeanor. White House spokesperson Ian Sams argued that House Republicans are “proving they have no positive agenda” and “pushing more partisan stunts intended only to get themselves attention on the far right.”
Do these people even cast a reflection in a mirror?
When they do it it is to some noble reason (protecting themselves is noble to them). When their political enemies do it, then it is evil. It’s all about mind reading. Team blue scumbags always mean well, so no matter how obviously criminal or corrupt, it is for a good cause after all, it is not bad. But those team red people, they are all evil, and that is why when they do things it is always towards evil ends.
That’s some mighty fine progjection.
If this happened for real, and I am sure tat if it did it happened a lot more than we know about it, these people are no longer anti-science: they are evil.
And again with the language wars: “bottom surgery” does sound much more benign than “genital mutilation”.
I am saddened to have to point it out, but just because technology has reached a point you can override the laws of nature doesn’t mean it will be able to fix a greater existential mental problem.
Maybe in decade or so, trying to use massively invasive surgeries on lots of mentally confused young people will be looked upon as the equivalent of telling anorexics they’d look better with 15 lbs less and maybe they should try stomach stapling surgery to achieve their true identity. It’s gonna take a fuckload of lawsuits to bring that turnaround, but it might just happen. Then again, maybe we are deeper down the rabbit bonus hole by then.
Those investigations are likely to stretch into the fall, as Republicans have not set a hard timeline on the impeachment inquiry. The House will be in Washington for only a few weeks before a break until Sept. 12, when they’ll be consumed with trying to avoid a government shutdown.
Lawmakers expect that debate will extend into the holidays, which brings them to another end-of-year deadline: reauthorizing a surveillance authority known as Section 702 that’s used by the FBI.
Both of those legislative pushes have significant consequences for FBI and DOJ. They also threaten to splinter the GOP.
GOP critics of the FBI want to do even more. They acknowledge Congress won’t embrace nixing the surveillance authority completely, but they have suggested not allowing the FBI to search data collected under the program or requiring a warrant for any such search.
Intelligence officials and their congressional allies in both parties say such a step would effectively neuter the entire program, with national security consequences.
Whatever. The real threat to America is domestic white nationalism and anti-government insurrectionists.
The NYT took a similar tack in their response to the injunction blocking federal censorship pressure online.
They start with “this is all crazy right wing conspiracy stuff because nobody ever proved that this is actually happening” but then the pivot to “this is essential to prevent extremist violence”…
The coup de gras is when they claim that getting rid of the thing they aren’t doing will enable pedophiles and sex trafficking.
As we have seen with FISA, requiring a warrant is no impediment beyond creating a paper trail.
The “indigenous” of the colonial United States included many groups who forcibly removed the actual indigenous from the land that they occupied long before and as the first Europeans arrived and began to settle the continent. Most of those groups were pushed to less desirable lands and to the south.
Also, once again fuck those Marxist fucks Ben and Jerry. I hope Unilever gets their overpriced ice cream Bud Lited from their idiotic comments.
I’ve boycotted those dipshits for 20 years.
I’m not a fan of young commies, but at least they have the ignorance of youth to plead. Old commie fucks I have much less patience for, if you harbor such ignorant beliefs about the very nature of humans by the time you have reached middle age you are hopelessly obtuse or evil or both. If you are fabulously wealthy and old and commie that just makes you a hypocritical obtuse evil fuck.
+1 Clovis people….
Everything of our law and custom of ownership is an artifice created to displace the natural order, which is “the strong take from the weak”.
Yup, indeed. The oldest and most widespread human practice. The “indigenous” knew this down to the vary marrow of their bones.
The stunning logic of an award winning journalist:
The motte and bailey is strong in this one.