Shame they’re a pest; sort of pretty, really.
“Meg 2: The Trench drowns in oversized shark-movie silliness”
“Enter Pertinax and 193, known as the Year of the Five Emperors.”
Shame they’re a pest; sort of pretty, really.
“Meg 2: The Trench drowns in oversized shark-movie silliness”
“Enter Pertinax and 193, known as the Year of the Five Emperors.”
Five Emperors? Need one more for even division of months.
(Yes, I’ve heard of that chaos before)
65 day months. Better than what we have now.
I didn’t realize there was a Meg 2 coming out. That must be why I had a dream about me and a bunch of other people getting chased by a big toothy fish, but for some reason I found the situation funny.
Was it the one with humanlike teeth?
Meg Ryan looks like hell these days.
No, it was either a meg or a great white shark.
Not the Dopefish from Commander Keen ?
Meg 2 swims further away; it may be the first big-budget shark movie to so thoroughly rip off Deep Blue Sea, itself a champion of Jaws ripoffs.
I saw an advertisement for “Meg 2” on a TV at the gym. I said to myself, “Jaws Redux”. It makes sense now.
*Adds Meg 2 to movie post list
I’m not going to finish the movie last night. I accidentally closed the browser window with tubi in it. No, seriously, I killed the wrong window. Oops. But, I didn’t enjoy the movie enough to find the tubi link and find where I left off. Sorry.
Oh it was an awful movie! A bad choice to watch it blond, without previewing it. I am making up for it next two films, at least.
OK, Barbie.
Hey, Breaking Barbie was watchable.
Twas more an attempt at … ‘humor’? … since you “watch[ed] it blond” and all. I’ll go back to work now. Or maybe I’ll spend the afternoon watching “Buldur’s Gate 3” walkthroughs…
Ugh. I could be home playing* BG3 right now.
*spending the entire afternoon making a character
Feel free to write up a review (there’s an article — at least 3 of y’all have it, right? 3 different viewpoints). I’m a fan of the originals — but not Divinity so don’t have any feelings for the studio behind this one… and frankly, it looks too Dragon Age: Inquisition on first glance (and the Steam forums are just a cesspool).
Honest opinions from relatively unbiased parties would be welcome.
SDF-7: While I’m not a fan of the core Divinity games, I did love the combat of the Original Sin series, even as I disliked the world and was “meh” on the story. I do not think they would have gone the MMO-ish DA:I route. One feature that BG3 has that intrigues me is a co-op multiplayer option. When I finally break down and buy it, that sounds a very entertaining way to play through the game.
“Breaking Barbie” wasn’t bad.
Thank you. Hope you saw the first one. It was wonderful and terrible at the same time.
In his famous work, Roman History, Dio labeled him “an excellent and upright man,” who practiced “not only humaneness and integrity in the imperial administrations, but also the most economical management and the most careful consideration for the public welfare.”
In other words, Pertinax pissed off everyone that mattered.
He needed violent supporters to purge the Praetorians. That formation really wasn’t good for Rome or the Emperors.
Tomorrow is International Mead Day. So go out and drink heartily.
Note, it used to just be “Mead Day”. Then a cabal of commercial meaderies decided they didn’t like shipping mead in summer, so they declared the National Mead Day (US only) is in October, starting this year. The rest of the world either said nothing or said “what the fuck dude?”.
So, drink now and drink again this fall.
I’m out of drinkable Mead. You should have warned me sooner so I could high-tail it to Iowa.
Aw, Dang. There was mead in Iowa and I was just in Iowa?
How close to Fort Dodge is this mead ?
I don’t know where Fort Dodge it is.
Kinnath makes it.
Fort Dodge is West Northwest of where I live and a 2 1/2 hour drive.
Well, I did fly in and out of Des Moines….
Yes. I remembers. Still 2+ hours away from Des Moines.
I don’t know where the Des Moines airport is actually.
Its the big building with airplanes parked around it. But that isnt important right now..
Surely, you can’t be serious.
Don’t call me Shirley.
So, drink now and drink again this fall.
No need to twist my arm.
So, drink now and drink again this fall
Drink like you mead it!
* my wife doesn’t drink much, but she loves Kinnath’s mead at the Honey Harvest.
All I’ve seen are fucking cicadas.
Brood X is the worst.
“We, the Spotted Lanternflies, acknowledge that we are living on land stolen from the majestic horse fly…”
The lanternflies are supposed to be coming into my area, and we’ve already got the emerald ash borers, which is why there’s no moving firewood between counties.
They are still better than prior Asian invaders know as stinkbugs.
They are called turtle bugs in Japanese because of their shape.
We still find last year’s stink bugs hiding in corners of the garage. Hate those things.
We’ve got stink bugs here as well, they don’t bother me. The orange ladybugs (not actually the same bug) are the invasive species I really dislike. Those little bastards bite/sting, and seem to be driving out the local ladybugs.
Didn’t they already do that with Eddie Murphy?
Don’t know if you saw earlier, but I’m in TX now btw.
And for anyone from the Stoic thread, I figured out this time zone shit now. My phone even helpfully displays a “Home” time on the main screen since it thinks I’m roaming.
Nice! So you’ve discovered cicadas. You’ll love them! Their predators, the ground dwelling cicada killers, look like unbelievably big bees.
Sending you an email now.
Heh, I actually haven’t seen any here yet, but my neighbor’s tree in Pahrump was loaded with them. The droning was louder than the highway next to which I lived.
Email sent. Making sure it’s you first before sending more contact info.
Yessir, you got it.
Now only you and DEG have seen me with the human mask on.
And I lived to tell the tale, so, Pat, you should be fine.
Yes. So now they’re doing remakes of more recent movies. Maybe they’ll get to cartoon remakes of the live action remakes of cartoons.
Step 1: Make a live action version of Heavy Metal with Lizzo.
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit!
Step 2 is “Barf”.
Heavy Metal: The Horrible Yukbarf.
I’d have to be drunk off my ass.
The original “Heavy Metal” movie is perfect and needs no remake.
I half agree, It needs no remake, but it was a painful experience to try to watch. I don’t recall if I gave up or finished it, but the disjointed sequence of disconnected scenes failed to coalesce into a coherent narrative.
My comment is somewhat tongue in cheek.
The original movie is the magazine brought to the movie screen. If the magazine isn’t for you, the movie won’t be, and vice-versa.
It’s not for me.
The Bogart *Maltese Falcon* was the third version, and ten years after the first.
Shhh… Disney is really hoping this one is a hit. Because children’s horror movies are usually a big draw… in summer.
Now that they are remaking live action films, I want a remake of Condorman.
Almost on topic for Riven links
The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.
Management waited them out. I’m actually impressed given the usual caving to the progressive masses.
I’m not too surprised.
I wonder what kind of scratch API users were looking at as they protested.
I used to use a free API that went to I think 20 bucks a year. Instead of stamping my feet I just fucking paid it for a few more years before I lost interest and/or I think the service went away anyway.
From memory, for an individual user it didn’t seem very onerous. Most users wouldn’t even hit paid limits.
For commercial it was going to ramp up quickly. The big issue was that there was also no way to use an individual user license within a commercial app.
“They were first noticed in Pennsylvania in 2014, spotted lanternflies are now up in New England and have spread as far away as Indiana.”
We have enough guns and fireworks to put an end to that shit toot sweet.
They suck.
The jokes just write themselves.
Truck Spills Cans Of Nacho Cheese All Over Arkansas Highway
The police reminded any potential looters that’s nacho cheese.
can’t we taco ’bout it?
The weekend is back upon us, and I’m home this weekend. I’ll still give you the Zoom link you crave.
I can quit any time I want!
I just quit……….Hoe Lee Fuck…..the drones have arrived! Take cover!
Didn’t get to post this last thread, but this week and even today have been rather trying. But I did think of Stoicism and consciously accept each of the many things that were going on, so thank you for the weekly reminder.
We’re in no rush, really. Got to build up the tension a bit first, otherwise it’s anti-climatic.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation wildin
Also I just found out it’s Electronic Frontier Foundation and I’ve been incorrectly calling it the Electronic Freedom Foundation for years. So convinced was I that the name had been surreptitiously changed that I had to go a-searching for answers.
Nope. I’m there with you Pat. I remember it as the Electronic Freedom Foundation as well. What’s the name of the children’s books with bears in it?
The Bierstein Bears.
I thought it was the Beirstone Bears.
Definitely Berenstein. I even spelled it that way when I listed mine on eBay years ago. Somebody bought them, so at least it wasn’t just me. The Shazam one didn’t get me though. Although I do remember Kazaam, with Shaq.
Well there was that one movie where they oddly named it after the wizard intead of the main character, Captain Marvel.
“Babar? Isn’t that a children’s book about elephants?”
“Wouldn’t know. I don’t have any.”
“You don’t have children?”
“No. Elephant books.”
Don’t be a crybaby.
People are up in arms about some song. I found it.
Is anybody surprised?
Metro Atlanta woman trapped in driveway after man dumps piles of tires on her property
And Mojo thought she had it bad.
At least no one has shot her dog. Yet.
With all those tires just laying around? No way they will shoot her dog.
They are going to necklace it.
Sigh… Once again all the banks are going stonewall about fraud.
Phony bank accounts resurface at Wells Fargo, with a twist
Naturally, because this is NBC, they are going to conflate this with Wells Fargo’s prior reprehensible behavior. However, I expect similar stonewalling from all the banks is going to be the norm in this case.
Well, After seven years at this house and much longer living on my own, I have finally filled a kitchen with smoke. Thankfully the weather isn’t as bad as it had been, so I was able to air out hte house.
It was loose grease on a heating element.
Right after you discovered no kitchen smoke detector. Coincidence?
Speaking of, thanks for reminding me. I need to pick up a CO detector. This is the first time I’ve lived in a place with gas in about 20 years. Although tbh, at this point a nice peaceful gas leak wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
Big lol
Stay strong brother
Nope, no coincidence.
But then I remembered I don’t like smoke, so I won’t do it again, just for the air quality.
I was going to guess the new air fryer, but you took all the suspense out of it.
So shines a good deed in a weary world: The High Schooler Who Solved a Prime Number Theorem
It has great explanations that do not require mathematical expertise.
On an unrelated note, I’m surprised the Army did not rename those bases to unpronounceable symbols. The Fort Formerly Known as Bragg has a certain flair to it. Calling it Fort Liberty might not be enough. Later generations could be troubled by its association with the Statue of Liberty, which as we all know is a problematic symbol of American exceptionalism and offensive rhetoric against immigrants.
To recycle my own old joke, I thought they should have renamed Fort Hood to Fort Workplace Violence instead of Fort Cavazos
Ooh, that’s a spicy meat-a-ball.
I liked the name Fort Gordon because the main road on it is called Chamberlain Drive. At Appomattox, Chamberlain accepted Gordon’s surrender. Both had been delegated that by Grant and Lee respectively. Chamberlain wrote in his memoirs that he ordered his men to salute the surrendering Confederates and Gordon ordered his men to return the gesture. It may not have happened, but Gordon never denied it.
In his book Hymns of the Republic: The Story of the Final Year of the American Civil War, S. C. Gwynne states that this account is “one of the most cherished of the bogus Appomattox stories … [but] … there is no convincing evidence that it ever happened … [N]one of the thirty thousand other people who saw the surrender noted any such event”. According to Gwynne, Chamberlain was, in his later years, “one of the great embellishers of the war”.
Well this is two very different takes.
Family alleges boys mistreated by police
Family outraged after teens charged with attempted murder after assaulting police officer
It very much does sound like the usual prosecutorial overcharging.
I have no time to play video games. I haven’t even finished LOTRO yet. And I just was sent a copy of Baldur’s Gate 3.
I will confess to abusing the living fuck out of save game editors back in the days of the first two games (and Torment).
Who hates you that much?
Someone too young to know why they should have sent me the new System Shock. But I’ll send him that one so he can learn.
I hadn’t heard one was coming (or out).
Is it a sequel, remake, or reboot?
Remake of the original.
Does Shodan still stutter? Or has her processing been upgraded. 😛
(At some point I might get it anyway, because… well because)
I’ve got the System Shock remake sitting in my queue. I backed it way back when it was on Kickstarter. After getting my digital code of that, there’s only one outstanding Kickstarter I’m still waiting on. It only had an estimated delivery time of September 2018, so…
However crazy you think it is at Disney, you’ve underestimated it.
“ (Employees of the Disney company) continuing employment, opportunities for advancement, bonuses and salary increases were all dependent on showing this “virtue diary” and documenting all the DEI meetings and conferences they attended. In other words, if you wanted to keep your job, you were required to participate in the DEI indoctrination sessions.
The whistleblower further reveals that when the “My Not-So-Secret-Gay Agenda” videos from Disney’s woke “Reimagine Tomorrow” initiative were leaked, former “Chief Diversity Officer” Thon Newton issued the official corporate lie that these videos were “fake news” and instructed Disney employees to deny that they were real.
The whistleblower then revealed that if Disney’s DEI Police saw a Disney employee making any kind of traditionalist or conservative statement online, that person would be summoned to a Human Resources “meeting” and demanded to explain why they transgressed against the one true faith.
WDW_Pro notes that this intolerable intolerance had the desired effect of driving away almost all conservative-leaning or committed Christian workers at Disney.
The whistlebower says that Thon Newton also instituted a policy in which any minority — a member of the DEI coalition — must be seriously considered for any job he or she applied for, even if he lacked the very most basic, essential requirements for the job. Even for highly technical positions, job prerequisites were waved for DEI candidates.”
A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view…
Landing in Keflavik. Hope it won’t be rainy every hour in the next 6 days.
That is strange though. I know two other people headed to Iceland right now.
Evan is confused, or rather, depressed and trying to figure out my next play.
Sobriety continues w/o thought or difficulty. Next week I have three therapy/nurse/paperwork appointments Mon, Tues, Wed. I have Thurs off! Then Fri I see my GP. I’m gonna at least get an x-ray to see what those skullaches look like. I doubt it will progress. I’ve only had those three. But alarm bells, all three.
The other three are for intensive outpatient. I have more meetings the following week for ‘admission.’ I want to stress I want to focus on my depression. I think getting a job, part-time, to go along with IOP is sane. Schedule and stability are what I need. I also need money. Get two birds stoned at once.
Well. We’ll see.
I remember feeling very burned out after the climax of my ordeal in October of 2021. For the next 4 months or so, I spent most of the day in bed using my laptop. I took a job on the night shift in a golf cart factory, partly for money, but mostly for therapy. The job was dull, but good for me in the long run. If nothing else, it prevented me from binge drinking often. After a year, I quit. I’m not too proud to work with my hands, but I prefer not to.
Words I live by:
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
“I took a job on the night shift in a golf cart factory, partly for money, but mostly for therapy.”
Boom. Structure and a regular schedule is the best thing for me. Money and a step towards independence, my ultimate goal. There are many rungs on that ladder. The stone I’m now is important, and a great motivator to get inline with myself and the World.
Each step and rung matter. Onward. Upward. Always. (Plenty of falls and bruises along the way. That’s part of it.)
Your resilience and the struggles you’ve gone through make me feel like a total and complete bitch whenever I start getting maudlin, for whatever that’s worth to you.
It’s worth a lot. In detox the physician’s assistant/more would look at my chart and kinda get a “Woah!” moment. “I’m a strange cat, aren’t I?” I truthfully joked.
“Yep!” And they were all attentive and well-versed in their professions. I have a way with nurses. *Innocent smile. Shrug*
They were also surprised when they’d ask how I felt, as part of questionnaire data. “Chipper!” was my sincere response.
No use complaining when it won’t get you out of anything. (Sometimes it works, especially in politics and for children, but I repeat myself.) Pretty much a ‘suck it up and take it on the shoulder’ approach. That’s been good for me. However, I’ve taken it too far into complacency. “Meh” has taken over. It’s why I want to focus on my depression and employment, which I know will be the best for me. Responsibility and accountability are important to have. Sink into (comfy) darkness that way.
“What is best in life?”
So UCS asked how many turnstile jumpers there were in Minnesoda and I told him that there were 0. Because we don’t have any turnstiles at all. If you want to get on a train, you just walk on. There are ticket vending machines and you are supposed to buy a ticket, but there is no fence or physical barrier to stop you.
Looks like the good times are about to end.
Of course, if you think they are really going to start enforcing this, you also think that Special K has a real shot at being president. As soon as they try enforcing this, the local media will howl about how evil it is to fine someone who just needed a ride to work but didn’t have enough money.
I’m so sorry.
Here, I think only one station for the light rail (the RTA Rapid) has turnstiles. It’s the one downtown, and you have to swipe to both leave or enter the area with the trains. Other than that, there’s very little checking of tickets. On certain days (big sporting events, St. Patrick’s Day, etc.), the crowd overwhelms the system, so they just unlock all the turnstiles and ask people to just hold up a ticket.
The current issue that’s being reported on is that the homeless have realized that the last stop on one of the trains is at the airport. So they’ve been taking to sleeping in the non-secure side of the airport… where the cops have been “coached” to enforce the no loitering ordinances.
I remember it was not controversial to haul turnstile jumpers into the precinct as recently as 8 to 10 years ago. Half the time they were already wanted for some other crime.
It is not a great mystery why crime is ramping up even as many people pretend it is.
Broken window theory writ large.
I am pretty convinced it’s accurate. Because, you know, I have eyes.
Well to be fair, there will also be a racial component to it.
Let’s face facts, most turnstile jumpers didn’t mean to avoid the fare but their minds were too preoccupied with turning their life around and thinking about going to college.
lol there it is
Uffda. Finally! Everyone knows that when crime is rampant and you can’t even hire cops to join your police force, the most important thing is to send half your cops off to do who knows what.
The people who are religiously anti-cop are not going to listen to anything they have to say.
He’s talking about the innocent people who had their businesses destroyed by mostly peaceful mobs, right? Right?!
Hey, Breaking Barbie was watchable.
Is that supposed to be a joke? Holy fuck that movie sucked, and not even close to in a good way.
Soviet Onion vs. Anime.
Just picked up a pan that was sitting too close to the propane griddle and burnt off two of my fingerprints.
Take that, FBI!
That’s too bad fellow chatroom participant! Just curious; which two fingers?
Both middle ones
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?
What part of temporary emergency do you not understand?
Millions of people are set to lose COVID-era benefits this fall.
The expiration of these programs, created by Congress in the early years of the pandemic, will take away economic help that millions of Americans have received for years and many still rely on.
Many of these benefits came from the $1.9 trillion in aid that was passed by Congress as part of the American Rescue Plan in 2021.
OMG we owe them for life now!
Some people might have to get off the couch and find a fucking job?!
Holy crap that is so not fair.
That would totally harsh the Democrat vibe!
Welcome to the weekend. A nine day one for some of us!
Shame they’re a pest; sort of pretty, really.
The moth or Jimbo?
Speaking of Jimbo, I just sent out the first Honey Harvest email (he’s the star of the show)
It’s never too late to join the List: minnetundra at geemail.
September 17.
Do it. You know you want to.
I wish I could attend. Too close to my birthday concert.
And I just committed the dreaded “Reply All.” 😁 (Am I going to Hell?)
You’re a cool chick. Pretty much anything you do is OK.
Thanks! I’m going to print out that comment and carry it with me while I’m there. 😄
You can wear it instead of a name tag.
I’m not able to attend this year. 🙁
Too much going on at work?
Dangit! It is a bit of a drive.
For a sane trip, I’m looking at two weeks off work. It can be done faster, but I don’t do well on long driving days.
Quiznos is making a comeback.
It’s toasted!
It’s been here for a long time. Is it the crazy mascots coming back?
It completely disappeared in my neck of the woods. From Wikipedia.
Yeah there was one near work I liked. But that was Wall Street area – shit opens and closes constantly around there. I only got to visit it maybe three times.
So let’s see…due to Bidenomics, a meal for one at Quizno’s will now cost around $38
This judge is quite the liar.
Today I learned that for a time, the US had 4 different simultaneous authorizations for the use of military force in the Middle East. The first was in 1957 to counter Soviet influence and the others came in 1991, 2001, and 2002. The ones for 1957 and 2001 were repealed in 2021.
At least one GOP congress critter is trying to end the other 2. Good for him.
Good meme.
Awful government.
Great own goal there, Blinken.
The really sad part is he doesn’t see the hypocrisy of that statement.
That’s totally different.
sigh LOL
Some of us might be interested in what those charges were and what evidence the Kremlin had.
But I’m just thankful State told us how to feel about it.
Hasten Sweet Meteor of Death, hasten. If Graham and Warren collaborating on regulation isn’t a sign of the end of the world, I don’t know what is.
You need to sing the song to make it happen.
I was expecting the Doom Song.
The theme song sounds cool on an electric guitar:
Oh that is beautiful!
Here’s the non-paywalled link
Whenever Republicans and Democrats agree on something, you can be sure it’s a terrible idea.
That’s weird, the link worked from RealClearPolitics.
Maybe RCP has some deal with WSJ where their readers can get past the paywall, but if you copy/paste like you did it’s a no-go?
/no idea how the internet works behind the scenes.
I can’t wrap my head around the details but holy fuck this sounds disastrous.
This bit is nice:
I don’t know what Sen. Graham does with his ass, but someone needs to primary it.
OYAGERNASA has succeeded in re-establishing full contact with Voyager 2 by using its highest-power transmitter to send an “interstellar shout” that righted the distant probe’s antenna orientation, the space agency said Friday.
Launched in 1977 to explore the outer planets and serve as a beacon of humanity to the wider universe, it is currently more than 12.3 billion miles (19.9 billion kilometers) from our planet — well beyond the solar system.
A series of planned commands sent to the spaceship on July 21 mistakenly caused the antenna to point two degrees away from Earth, compromising its ability to send and receive signals and endangering its mission.
V’GER averted.
RIP Persis Khambatta
The bald hot Deltan chick?
Where the hell is it headed? There’s nothing to see for decades IIRC.
*throws bag of nickels at Reuters*
Ugh the actual article is even more enraging.
Reuters is worse than fucking [MS]NBC at this point.
There was an article recently that detailed how British intelligence got caught using Reuters “journalists” in Egypt as spies and saboteurs.
I’ll have to see if I can find it. Regardless, Reuters is fully captured and reports only in the way its master wants.
The ACLU is crossing over into evil territory.
They’ve been there for some time.
Why was he not put down?
He was executed last month.
Should have been before the second murder.
We want the ACLU to provide context would we?
Even Europe is rejecting this fiction. Why can’t we be more like Europe?
Good question, Daniel.
This is stupid.
Am I crazy or is there a mall or donut cop standing right there?
Shoppers and employees alike just calmly stand around watching. This is a dark road we are headed down.
It can be stopped tomorrow if there was the will to tell the Marxist set to pound sand and return to the law’n’order practices of less than a decade ago.
Fun fact: lawn is French for l’awn, which means “the awn”.
The first l’awn was a single blade of grass 40 feet high. It caused quite a stir at the Paris World Fair of 1878.
*cough* El Salvador *cough*
I’m too old to get my ass kicked by these young thugs. I think I’d just call 9-1-1 and tell them “a cop has been shot.” That might get some priority response.
I have been on vacation today, so am late with the Chess World Cup Rnd 2 update.
Today was tiebreakers. Nakamura and So won first tiebreaker 1.5 to 0.5.
Liang lost both his matches in second tiebreaker.
Round 3 starts tomorrow.
He was executed last month.
thirty(?) years too late.
So far, I’ve applied to 14 teaching jobs in the county I’m in. I got hired by one, then fired 10 days later, then applied to 13 more and got 4 interviews. Of the remaining open applications, 2 are still under review. One is for high school math coach and the other is for exceptional students at an elementary school. As an alum of the gifted and talented program, I’m partial to the latter. Also, the school is within walking distance of my apartment.
I never liked the name “gifted and talented”. It sounds pretentious. There’s nothing wrong with calling it “special education” or maybe “enrichment”.
Also, my book is up to 27,000 words. Yay me.
Gifted was always a poor choice. I told my friends I was going to a doctor appointment once a week.
Special is another word for handicapped.
In the district I was sentenced to, “Special Education” had a very different connotation from the “Gifted and Talented” program (which I attended).
Special Ed would mean the same classes as the nonverbal kid whose joints didn’t work quite right. That’s a very different set of educational requirements from the Gifted and Talented program students.
Those kids had a separate room and never left except for non-academic classes and lunch. Sort of the opposite of the gifted kids.
We called it “MAP” (major achievement program).
My school district had no such programs. The best they could offer me was to move up from sixth to seventh grade early in the school year (shortly after the round of standardized testing had ended.) I tearfully begged them not to make me do it, convinced that I would end up being hated by everyone in TWO grade levels instead of just one.
My sister was given a choice of skipping a grade or doing special classes. She skipped a grade and did summer school to graduate 2 years early.
Being short already, I did not anticipate any advantage to be had in hanging out with children a year older than me.
In the end, I think I made the right choice. Pushing myself too hard might have burned me out.
Speaking of which: an actual tortoise and hare race. The hare may have been distracted by a dog on the sidelines.
By the way when does the Zoom call typically start? I’m usually late to the game. I’m the only dope on right now.
An Exact Formula for the Primes: Willans’ Formula (from 1964)
For those who enjoy cryptograms and such, here’s a free online cipher identifier:
I used it unsuccessfully to solve the CIA Kryptos puzzle #4. It’s been unsolved for about 30 years.
Weird OT, but one of my hockey teammates is looking for an augmented reality dev/designer.
We have so many oddly talented people I thought I’d toss it out here.
I told my students a few months ago that I applied for a job building and repairing nuclear weapons, but because their school made me an offer first, that’s why I came.
It was fun to watch their eyebrows return from the back of their heads.
Besides, it’s a pain to convert KPW to USD.
Try millirem to RAD. Its literally apples/oranges since one is physics based, and the other more in Healthcare.
Don’t get me started on mBq-Gray. Or Sievert (Sv).