Put a fork in it.
Looks like Arizona is about to bail on the Pac-9. ASU and Utah will be gone in short order. But will Oregon and Washington beat them to the punch in leaving? The NFL started its preseason slate last night. The Browns are off to their best start yet. And that’s about it for sports.
Oh no! What ever shall we do? Also, do these dickheads not remember the words from Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, that bald black congresswoman, and about a half dozen others who all but called directly for rioting in the wake of the George Floyd situation and a few select Supreme Court rulings? Or are they just scummy hypocrites?

Still smiling now, weirdo?
Actions have consequences. I’ll file this in the “Oh well, I don’t give a fuck” column.
Now this is going to cause a crisis? Strange it made the front page when the states and cities dropping AP classes altogether for racial equality didn’t merit a peep. Also, these kids can still take classes that mention sexuality. In college.
What the fucking fuck?!?! I’ve seen civil war reenactments, but never anything from Iwo Jima.
Uh, maybe they shouldn’t have let him go. But he’s one of their own, so he got treated differently. And now he’ll probably get a disability pension on the taxpayer dime.
I assume there’s more to this story. Namely a bunch of people who are three years behind on rent payments. And the dude is studiously following the law. But I bet the city figures out a way to screw him over.

LOL. LMAO, even. This is how you do it. I assume the owners saw Coming To America and figured they’d give it a go. And I bet their fries even taste better.
Let’s see how this goes. I’ll be curious if their desire to perform in front of kids is successful or not.
Here’s an underrated song. From a great catalog of music. And here’s another outstanding track. I won’t be dragged into a debate. They were a fantastic band. Enjoy them.
And enjoy this lovely Friday and weekend dear friends.
I’m going with scummy hypocrites, yeah.
Morning, Sloopy.
It’s SHs all the way down.
Well, thanks for the serious journalisming there, NY Post. One would think having someone talk to the guy to find out why “he deserved it” might cross your minds.
Pure speculation:
Deranged anti-“colonialism” lunatic maybe? Bonus points for going back to a spear (heritage!) even if it was a makeshift one, I guess.
“Only” an eye?
The line before that one was
So, all things considered… could have been worse.
That was the shittiest article ever, by a hack journalist. Agree. What a tool, didn’t get any details.
Indeed. Would not read again.
No no, the victim was a Ninjun.
The mugshot of the perp looks like a stereotypical homeless crazyperson.
Plus he apparently has retard strength.
They don’t even have cake at Sonic.
“Oh no! What ever shall we do? Also, do these dickheads not remember the words from Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, that bald black congresswoman, and about a half dozen others who all but called directly for rioting in the wake of the George Floyd situation and a few select Supreme Court rulings? Or are they just scummy hypocrites?”
Why do you assume they care what you think when they see you ass the existential risk to their hold on the corruptocracy they have straddles us with?
whaddup doh’
The ceiling?
“Actions have consequences. I’ll file this in the “Oh well, I don’t give a fuck” column.”
My prediction is that the cabal that foisted ESG & DEI on us will do their best to seek revenge for their racket being derailed.
At this point, they’re gonna end up having to just lean into it and rebrand it as the the beer of choice for the quiltbag.
My hope is that some industrious lawyers seeing this shift finally start multiple class action suits on behalf of investors like me that were defrauded by the DEI/ESG peddling brokerage firms (Vanguard, BlackRock, and so on) and this racket.
Alex is right, as usual. InBev actually saw profits go UP by close to 7%, beating estimates. They have only a small sad for Bud Light. Some dim bulb over at InBev figured out if they just try to sell the beer and stay out of politics it might recover over time. So that is at least one positive piece of info, no more stupid marketing decisions. In the meanwhile, that DEI shit will be crammed down our throats like a flagpole wielded by a homeless person.
OK, I think a Glib meme has been created. Note the date.
I think we forgot to document “drugs ass”, “Check the stat”, “at least we still have Lou Reed”
“InBev actually saw profits go UP by close to 7%, beating estimates.”
Globally, their revenue (not profits) were up,. Beating estimates is close to meaningless as far as actual performance goes. The article doesn’t say what their global profits were.
The key data point is “Anheuser-Busch’s core profit in the U.S. fell by more than 28%,”.
Is that 28% value also a revenue versus profit conflation?
Looks like profit to me.
Yep, that was profit. Revenue was down 10%. Or maybe that was sales volume.
Which makes sense, due to fixed costs. A drop in revenue is going to cause a larger drop in profit, in most cases. Which is why layoffs occurred.
I think I saw somewhere that AB stock is doing relatively fine despite revenue suffering a massive drop off. I’m not a stock market/finance expert but that would tell me that there’s powers trying to pump the value
There are people betting that eventually the storm blows over, not a crazy bet.
That makes more sense, thanks.
I was waiting for the stock to crater worse than it did.
It’s how I got into BP, Ford, PG&E, and some others.
InBEV never really took a major hit over this, but it could still happen…
When your product is basically indistinguishable from your direct competitors, you can’t fuck up the branding.
“Now this is going to cause a crisis? Strange it made the front page when the states and cities dropping AP classes altogether for racial equality didn’t merit a peep. Also, these kids can still take classes that mention sexuality. In college.”
Considering psychology is mostly quackery, I feel this assault on other forms of quackery being though in psychology class is not warranted. Make them also teach astrology and alchemy!
Despite its reputation, alchemy formed the foundations for modern chemistry.
So you saying quackery like these studies and other dumb pseudo sciences could develop into some real science?
Not holding my breath…
It did take a few centuries.
Universities started off as the useless sons of the rich having bullshit sessions before becoming priests, so yes?
Nope, they haven’t changed beyond becoming coed.
Hey now! The University of Chicago built an innovative heating system for their squash courts!
Heh… very very nice one. I larfed.
The whole article is complete horseshit. The class is not “banned” in any way but the article is so overloaded with Pride! and Don’t Say Gay! bullshit that most readers will walk away with the lie intact.
This is the College Board playing politics with Ron.
Psychology is a worthwhile field of study that has, unfortunately, been subverted for the goals of the state.
/someone who studies psych in college
I guess you were not the linkster who posted the article about the Bucc-ii’s and the Guataburger in Matamoros.
Nope. But I wish I’d been around to have read it. Stuff like that always makes me chuckle for some reason.
Might have been MS.
Yup, it was him:
What are the ingredients in a Guatemalan hamburger?
Banana, cocaine, and corruption.
Sounds like the Washington D.C. burger except sometimes the cocaine is replaced with crack.
And A LOT more corruption.
“I assume there’s more to this story. Namely a bunch of people who are three years behind on rent payments. And the dude is studiously following the law. But I bet the city figures out a way to screw him over.”
I was born so gimme free shit!
“LOL. LMAO, even. This is how you do it. I assume the owners saw Coming To America and figured they’d give it a go. And I bet their fries even taste better.”
McDowell is that you?
I assume there’s more to this story.
“Reality” should be in sneer quotes.
While I think that TV house flippers are mostly assholes I do have to agree with Sloop that we’re probably only getting one side of the story. Especially when I saw “rent-controlled”. That’s a big red flag that they are likely a “protected class” that the city has told to not worry about paying their rents.
That NYP article is well edited — nothing superfluous, informative, and every line a bit of WTFery.
They can start by telling me why there’s a Sonic with an actual dining room. I thought they were all drive-in and drive-thru only.
You’ve always been able to walk inside if there was a problem with the ordering system. I think some of them had the bathroom entrances there too.
I think it’s long past time to declare the wars over, dissolve the tribal nations and the BIA, turn over any land held in trust to the people actually living on it and get rid of any remaining special status laws and regulations. We made these people citizens about a century ago, time to treat them like it.
Nah. Go the other way and make them fully independent nations outside the jurisdiction of the USA. Honor the treaties.
It would be easier to absorb a few hundred piss poor communities inside the country than three hundred piss poor third world countries who are entirely encircled by our lands. The cross-border crime alone would lead to new wars when a local criminal could just be prosecuted.
I think the cross-border crime would be easy enough to prosecute through extradition agreements. And if they don’t want to sign those agreements, seal their borders. Problem solved.
So you go for the more expensive, intrusive solution.
Got it.
How is sealing a border and ensuring only specific points of entry to our country be used “intrusive?”
Because you’re excising parts of the country to create new borders with more border agents creating new problems when you could skip the bullshit and normalize statuses instead.
You think that will cost more than the perpetual welfare state those communities have become costs now?
Did you miss the part of my plan where that crap gets purged?
You can’t do that without making the treaties null and void. You want to do that unilaterally?
How do you have treaties with your own citizens?
They were void decades ago.
The treaties aren’t void. Unless I missed the case where Cherokee Nation v Georgia and Worcester v Georgia were overturned.
Dont forget the “within 100 miles of a border” bullshit.
Created 300 internal borders basically puts everyone within that 100 mile range.
Oddly enough, “easier” for governments/LEOs isn’t really something I care about.
I’m thinking about the people living nearby.
People live near borders all over the world. And in most of the states where most of these new nations would pop up, the government doesn’t go after people who defend themselves or their property with violence. I don’t think that problem would be as pervasive as you think. And if there are a few instances that go by without the defenders being charged, I’d assume the potential perpetrators of future crimes will quickly reach the conclusion that the risk simply isn’t worth it.
Besides, I doubt those nations would last very long before begging to be absorbed back into the USA and incorporated into the states they’re surrounded by.
Then why go through the nonsense?
For two reasons:
1. You will have honored a treaty you signed rather than ignoring it.
2. Readmission would end the legal pseudo-states who manage some of their own affairs, often with bias against non-tribal members, but rely on the state and federal government to fund all of their infrastructure and pay for a large percentage of the people there who do not provide for themselves or their families.
One counterpoint to them being their own nations. First you would need to get rid of the Border Patrol’s 200 mile (or whatever ridiculous zone it is) zone around all borders that they can search without a warrant, lest you bring that fuckery to the interior of the country.
Good point, Neph. But those zones should be illegal everywhere to begin with.
Except Border Patrol considers international airports borders… so that ship has long sailed (airplane has long taken off?)… they interpret it so they can do whatever they want, wherever they want… there’s almost always an airport in range.
this is not very supreme overlord of you… you should want to put them in the miniature mines
You do not want to know what I’d do as a Supreme Overlord.
Appoint me to run the place while you go paint minis?
Where would people gamble if you sealed of the Indian casinos?
The Drag Show lawsuit from Texas was interesting. They claim it is so broad it would capture bachelorette parties. “In front of children”.
exactly how often do bachelorette parties include the kids? I mean, I’m all for laughing at rubber penises and such… but do the ladies really bring a bunch of elementary school kids with?
They might have a free association claim, but in doing so, assuming they win, wouldn’t that mean states cannot regulate entrance to bars and strip clubs based on age?
That is kinda the point, isn’t it. The strip club is the obvious precedent. And nobody claims misogyny because they don’t allow strippers to perform in elementary schools.
Well, you say that. But…
As a yute I wandered onto the red carpet around slot machines at a Nevada store. Employees quickly moved me away. I look forward to kids going to casinos like I went to arcades.
In high school ski trip to Tahoe we walked through the casino to the buffet. One kid would put a coin in the machine, the next would pull the lever, and the third would collect any winnings.
How about age restrictions on movies?
Isn’t that voluntarily agreed to by the MPAA and theater operators? Or is it actually illegal for a kid to go into an R movie?
I don’t think it matters. If it’s a violation of your rights to not be allowed to take your kids to see strippers, etc., that doesn’t mean a private business can prevent you from doing so. This battle was lost when the Civil Rights Acts passed.
People bring kids to kink events now.
Two decades ago we were regulars at Fantasy Fest in Key West. It was just becoming “big”. Within a couple of years, it became fully corporatized. But still fully gay culture and adult. Naked people. Impressively built gay strippers going well beyond the limits of public decency.
And people were starting to bring kids in fairly large numbers.
I had a hard time figuring out what they were thinking. There was nothing kid-appropriate about it. But there they were.
I assume the thought is “If we don’t go we are bigots”. Telling people they have gone too far is an attack on people who haven’t gone too far.
I get pissed when people bring their kids to the bar. Don’t want your brat to hear something salty, don’t sit at a bar asshole.
There are levels of it to me. Bar/restaurant with a kids menu? Free range, expect children there, tone down language a bit. Bar/restaurant with food: start wondering why the parents brought their kids, no toning down of language, start getting judgy depending on the time. Bar with no food: Immediately figure they are bad parents.
There can be adjustments for local sports games, parties and the like, The breakdown works for me.
Unfortunately the tasting room (no food service, but carry-in allowed) of my hyperlocal nanobrewery* is infested with the stroller crowd.
*(in before anyone else with “album title”)
Swearing in front of children in strollers is fine in my book, as they should be too young to retain anything.
This used to be a good argument for the smoking bar/restaurant. Now I stop checking my language in a Bar that serves food, while in a restaurant with a bar I will be courteous and “watch my mouth man”.
Hang on! My dad would regularly grab me to go fishing on days when the wind was blowing 100mph or it was raining and we’d just tow the boat over to a roadhouse where he’d drink with his buddies and us kids would get some quarters to go play the arcade machines in the back. The fishing ruse was to get points with mom for spending time with me. (We would go real fishing a lot too).
I turned out just fine. In fact, I probably learned more useful things listening to the old farts drinking and bs-ing than I did in school.
Why were you playing video games with those quarters rather than gambling with them?
The video games provided a more reliable dopamine hit?
Would your dad have kept you in line?
Would your dad have complained about the other patrons using foul language?
Back in 1984, I played a great game of1942 in Gatwick airport. It paid me back more than I had put in, so apparently you can do both (at least in Maggie’s UK).
We did have to act like semi-civilized humans. But the arcade was in the very back of the roadhouse so it gave a decent buffer between the adults and kids. They could curse a bit and we could fuck around a bit.
Dad and his buddies would sort of try to watch their language around the kids, but no one was too offended if there was some cussing.
As a kid you definitely had to mind your p’s and q’s around others who weren’t part of his crew. Had to be polite around them.
As a kid who went to many bars, the rule seemed to be 1. sit at the table. 2. Don’t approach bar. 3. Leave before dark. 4. Optional: play pinball/shuffleboard/jukebox.
I though broad was no longer an acceptability term for the women
Who the fuck said that? Lizzo? Cause she felt it was body shaming her broad ass?
Single mothers who don’t want to shell out for a babysitter?
Gavin McInnes suggested showing up at these events with for real women strippers and having them perform. The single moms couldn’t really complain, they’d just go home.
Interesting. Help put another generation of young women through pre-med.
You were saying something about scummy hypocrites?
My favorite political statement about the state of the nation. Team red is run by morons and idiots that can’t seem to do anything other than talk. Team blue is a crime syndicate and getting and holding power as its only mission.
I try to fix (even more) left wing memes: enlightened centrism
Ok I laughed
In regards to the Pfizer employee special vaccine lots, it might be possible to determine if they got placebos with a blood test. You’d be looking for a vaccinated employee who never caught COVID and see if they have spike proteins in their system. If not, well….
Arthur Schopenhauer on avoiding the Current Thing:
Who wants to tell him?
Al Sharpton Asks: Can you imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government?
And I believe Jefferson made himself president by accepting an alternate slate of electors while serving as vice president. Dig him up and charge him Mr. Smith.
Trump’s surreal arraignment day in Washington augurs ominous days ahead
Considering the federal government is eviscerating what remained of the constitution, sure. But I don’t suppose that is what you mean.
I definitely have an ominous feeling about the days ahead. But like you say, not the way they think.
Yeah, so much for “it could never happen here”.
Yale University collected an interest payment on a 375 year-old bond, originally issued to Dutch dike-builders in 1648.
Nice to see that Yale valued diversity so long ago.
“I won’t be dragged into a debate. They were a fantastic band.”
Agreed. Debaser also spawned the name for a fun website and now facebook page called Slicing Up Eyeballs. A site that discusses and provides info on classic college radio bands from the 80’s and 90’s.
Ha, someone took a snapshot of my old cassette collection.
An Oklahoma man is lucky to be alive after a convict drove a flagpole — with an American flag attached — through his skull at a fast food restaurant Wednesday, police said.
I’m questioning the mechanics here and I’m getting a headache.
There is about half a skull that doesn’t contain brains, and so long as you don’t open a major artery, there are survivable paths.
If it was some sort of overhand stab for the face, you might get a downward trajectory through the eye socket, into the sinuses and out throught the cheek. That’s “though” the skull. Not pretty, but survivable.
I spel gud
Phineas Gage
I’ve heard of it, but the chances of surviving an ad hoc lobotomy are low, so my first assumption is it missed the most vital parts.
Go read a bit about Richard Burton (the one famous for his Arabian Nights translation). Took a spear sideways through the head at one point – interesting scars.
But yeah, cheeks and sinuses and so forth make up a lot of skull frontage that might take a bit of a wrecking while still being recoverable.
The scar is visible.
I’d like to see this as well.
More than three dozen congressional Democrats want the federal courts to allow live video of proceedings in the criminal case against Donald Trump in Washington, arguing extra steps are needed because of the high-stakes nature of the prosecution.
The group, which includes members of the now-disbanded House select panel that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, sent a letter Thursday that requests the Judicial Conference “explicitly authorize” the broadcast of proceedings on charges connected to Trump’s efforts to overturn his loss in the 2020 election.
The letter, led by a member of that Jan. 6 select committee, Rep. Adam B. Schiff, D-Calif., urges that policymaking body of the federal courts to take those steps to “ensure the facts of this case are brought forward, unfiltered, to the public.”
If anyone knows “facts”, it’s this pencil-necked cunte.
Ah so now it is imperative to have cameras in Federal court?
In which Youtuber lawyers will provide 1000 times better coverage but I would suspect would be hit with bans for streaming this pile of dung of a trial.
BREAKING NEWS IRELAND: Trans identified male Barbie Kardashian has been transferred to a male prison.
Kardashian, currently serving time for making threats to rape and murder his mother, had recently threatened to rape female prison officers.
they sure do get the finest people
GAH! WTF is that thing?
You can’t fool me. That’s the clown emoji.
John Wayne Gacy in a wig, yet somehow more offputting.
A Kardashian.
there is a X account for everything
Sometimes when people sell mirrors online, they can’t figure out how to get out of the way.
Hey! I can see multiple twits!
Including NSFW https://twitter.com/SellingAMirror/status/1524310252291829760/photo/1 NSWF
Me too. Very excited.
That breakfast looks tasty…
And so does the food on that cart…
[Brooksing here]
1. You will have honored a treaty you signed rather than ignoring it.
A. That herd of horses left the barn many years ago; the barn decayed, collapsed and the pile of rubble burned – now you’re going to close the door? We abrogated every tribal agreement we ever made to one extent or another.
B. We are a faithless ally to all we have ever partnered with in any cause. You would think the world might have learned that by now.
Friday Funbags is going to appeal the conviction.
LK-99 Update: Researchers at Varda Space Industries share a video showing a partially floating flake.
Their samples will be further analyzed by USC.
One of the co-authors of the original LK-99 paper shares a new video demonstrating levitation using a different sample than was used in the originally released video: https://vp.nyt.com/video/2023/08/03/110377_1_03superconductor-vid_wg_1080p.mp4
A partially floating flake…
Are we talking about Obama’s chef again?
Diamagnetism != Meissner effect.
True, It doesn’t prove that it’s a superconductor, only that it’s possibly exhibiting the behavior of a superconductor.
And since the number of known diamagnetic materials is >> than the number of room temperature semiconductors…
Also nobody outside of the authors has proven anything in the real world yet.
Assuming this stuff is all real – What practical effect will we see as ordinary folk? And on what kind of timetable?
It could make anything done with electricity or magnets smaller and more efficient. Cheaper power, cheaper transmission, faster computers, faster switches, portable MRI’s, maglev vehicles, electric motors, etc. etc.
As far as timetable, if it turns out to be real, that depends on what it takes to mass produce it. The yields for the current process are incredibly low and don’t seem to create pure samples.
The Greens are going to try to kill it, aren’t they?
It should be their wildest dream… but yeah, probably.
Conservative legal scholar J. Michael Luttig tweeted after Trump’s latest indictment on Tuesday that it was a day made “all the more tragic and regrettable because the former president has cynically chosen to inflict this embarrassing spectacle on the Nation – and spectacle it will be.” Luttig warned that the world would no longer consider American democracy to be the same inspiration as it has been for almost 250 years.
Look what you made us do.”
The world in Collinson’s head is a strange and terrifying place.
A spectacle so tragic that multiple DC judges showed up in court to watch because they’re invested in it.
I took that as a warning to the defense not to try to get a different judge assigned to the case. “We’re all on board with the hanging judge stringing him up, so don’t waste your time.”
Trump’s lawyers don’t just want a new judge in DC, they want the whole thing moved out of DC. Which is reasonable.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Yet there is little sign that it will prevail in the short term, given Trump’s success in convincing millions of his supporters – with the help of a sympathetic conservative media and genuflecting GOP politicians – that he won an election he lost. A New York Times/Siena College poll released on Friday morning found Trump retaining a massive lead among likely Republican caucusgoers in Iowa.
How could this be, Shirley? You can’t expect anybody to believe those lies about Joe Biden and the job he’s doing. All those Trumpistas are obviously insane, or worse.
that he won an election he lost
Now do Hillary and Stacy.
And Algore.
It’s just a small fringe of far right white supremacists, who can somehow muster enough votes for him to win a national election.
Funny yet depressing when lobotomised and extremely ignorant US people -who live in a dystopian late capitalist, neoliberal hell hole that they think is socialism- feel smart posting embarrassing shit takes.
Peanut butter works better.
I am dumber for having parsed that jumble of words.
Dumb enough to think socialism works?
Not that dumb. So far.
George Floyd? I remember the sequel when Maxine Waters visited Minnesoda for Duante Wright protests/riots
Even Snopes couldn’t figure a way to sugar coat her words
But we all know it doesn’t matter because this shit isn’t about facts and logic. It is all about “getting Trump”.
But not attempted murder.
Former Mississippi Officers Plead Guilty in Attack on Two Black Men
Hold on. I was just told that the kids all wanted to move to our Progressive Paradise Minnesoda because we had rad abortionz and tranz shit. Now you are telling me that the smart kids are moving away?
It is hard to have a profitable only fans while wearing three layers of clothing , I assume
The real problem is that it is pretty easy to add/hide 10lb every winter when you can wear baggy sweaters. Only when spring rolls around does it show up.
Gals in warmer climes can’t fall behind like they do here, so they are ready for bikini season.
AKA Corn fed.
You’d see the same pattern with highly selective schools in high demand. Need to know the test scores of the cohort leaving v the cohort coming in.
Seems like they are getting rid of troublesome independent white people?
There’s smart, and then there is “Minnesoda Smart™”.
nobody tell him
Breathtaking stupidity and stunning ignorance, all wrapped in a nice little package.
“EXCLUSIVE: Migrants kept in CAGES in 113 degrees in Arizona as border crossings surge again”
Kids in cages!
Damn that Trump!
Wrong party in control for that criticism. Plus, it’s a dry heat.
“Trump officials don’t get to eat dinner in peace – not while kids are in cages”
Mon 25 Jun 2018 06.00 EDT
“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a record breaking $299,997,000 million fine against an auto warranty scam call operation.
The fine hit an ‘international network of companies’ after more than five billion robocalls were made to more than 500 million phone numbers in a three-month period in 2021.
The companies were said to have violated federal statutes, FCC regulation and federal spoofing laws by using more than one million different caller IDs to trick people.
They’ve also been accused of dialing numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry, making pre-recorded voice calls and failing to give a call-back number so people could block the unwanted callers.”
Off with their heads!
Too lenient.
Death by slow slicing.
Feet first into a giant meatgrinder. Those marketing robocalls are the absolute worst.
Just make it $1bn.
You’ll collect the same amount, but capture fewer breathtaking headlines.
Wait, scam callers have 300 quadrillion dollars? Sign me up!
‘Random Acts of Medicine’ Review: Paging Dr. Chance
So what you’re saying is, we should seal the hotshots in the conference center and keep them away from patients?
That is intriguing.
A group of North Hollywood renters is outraged at the threat of being evicted and displaced by HGTV reality star Tarek El Moussa for a new real estate project.
El Moussa is best known for the hit HGTV renovation series, “Flip or Flop,” which he co-hosted with ex-wife Christina Hall from 2013 to 2022. He launched a second show in 2020 called, “Flipping 101 with Tarek El Moussa.”
Residents of the rent-controlled apartment property on Hartsook Street near the Arts District said El Moussa plans to transform the nearly 100-year-old complex into a state-of-the-art residential complex.
That’s when the eviction notices started showing up, tenants said. But the people who live in the building said they will fight for their homes and they’re not going anywhere until they’re able to have a serious conversation with El Moussa and his company about their future.
Do you hold legal title to the property? If not, pack up your shit and GTFO.
One wonders why this is.
The draconian rhetoric, once reserved for the likes of tyrants and dictators, has become commonplace in right-wing media when referring to President Joe Biden and the elected government he leads. The dark and sinister language, normalized on mainstream conservative platforms such as Fox News, has been on full display this week during coverage of Donald Trump’s third indictment.
The Biden White House is referred to as the “Biden regime.” Federal law enforcement are referred to as the “Gestapo” and Biden’s “personal police force.” Institutions such as the Department of Justice are referred to as “the Department of Injustice.” The indictments against Trump are referred to as “political war crimes” and an “assassination.”
No need to listen to the complaints of the plebs. They don’t matter. Onward to utopia.
Shut the fuck up, know your place, and be grateful you serf!
More evidence that we need a strong system of censorship. Censoring people who call the president a tyrant will make the public like him more.
The progjection is strong here.
“The draconian rhetoric, once reserved for the likes of tyrants and dictators…
We’re on our way to living under tyrants and dictators, so let’s get in practice.
Calling half the country Nazis is just level-headed analysis.
“Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Twitter killer’ Threads struggles to retain active users – with daily user count down a staggering 81% and just eight million people logging on daily”
As far as I can tell, it was Twitter, but with Facebook’s rules.
Twitter with extra agency spooks and data collection.
People hate twitter but can’t stay away… Sort of like
Mormons Can’t Be Warriors?
“I see some dumb shit takes on Twitter but there was one this morning that made me snort laugh. One of those pseudo intellectual, wannabe philosophers (dork named himself “commodore”) was barfing up some hot takes about “warriors”, and said that the Amish and the Mormons can’t be leaders, only obedient peasants because we’re so peaceful that we don’t have warriors…
Okay, I can’t speak for the Amish, but this dude has clearly never met a Mormon. We can be accused of a great many things, but pacifistic ain’t among them!”
Hell, Fallout: New Vegas had an entire DLC about LDS taking back a section of the world as their own.
Amish and Mennonites, both are pacifist, so probably not the people you want leading you into battle.
I would have gone to the initial exodus to the salt lake valley, fighting a (minor) war with the United states, the typical conflicts with the local indian tribes, etc.
There are many a Mormon among the Army’s linguists.
Cunning linguists?
I will say this: There are silent/stifled warriors amongst many a stoic/genteel society, but often in MY observation of my culture (military aside), it comes out as Saturday morning savage church basketball and/or high-stakes litigation. Socially acceptable rampant testosterone-fueled aggression.
The men in my church are expected to accept injustice, evil, immorality with stoic gentility. It breeds people like Romney who, when the chips are down, buckles in the face of an Obama or Trump.
So, the idea that Mormons aren’t warriors has merit because the loudest example we’ve seen of it is Romney who couldn’t play dirty in an election that counted. It got bred out (see: Porter Rockwell). That was a long time ago.
Anyway, that’s how I’ve described it in my books. Savages not welcome.
Texas A&M will pay $1M to Black professor following botched hiring and internal review
On the plus side I’m assuming it is income and not a legal settlement so it should be taxable.
But think about the planet!
Biden admin quietly revises gas stove analysis, reduces projected benefits
Same as usual. Pitch something to the plebes touting all kinds of benefits that never materialize, meanwhile the only ones who really benefit are the ones in charge.
How do you know Germany is fucked?
This is a one shot deal. You do this and you have no ammunition left.
Otter chaos
Three women were injured, including one flown by helicopter to a hospital, after an otter attacked them as they floated on a Montana river Wednesday, officials said.
The incident occurred shortly after 8 p.m. on the Jefferson River, when the trio was on inner tubes three miles upstream from the Sappington Bridge, around 10 miles southeast of Caldwell, the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks said.
The women spotted “one or two otters,” and one of the otters swam over and attacked them, the department said in a statement.
The otters left after the women got out of the water. One of the women suffered injuries serious enough that a helicopter flew her to a hospital, the wildlife department said.
The woman who was flown to the hospital had severe bites to her face and arms, NBC Montana reported. The other two had superficial wounds, the station reported. The women all are Montana residents.
The wildlife department said it doesn’t plan any action against the otter.
Not even a sternly worded reprimand?
A month?
New Jersey to hold three-day state funeral for late Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver
Union rules – if the guy is required to come out to adjust the height of the flag more than once a month he gets double time and a half.
Alternative joke – the guy who adjusts the flag only shows up to work once a month.
Punchline A – If we tried to make him show up more often we’d find ourselves in a piscene repose.
Punchline B – We’re in the process of firing him, but it will be thirty years before proceedings complete.
You wouldn’t anyone to think that she wasn’t a hero. And God forbid, you wouldn’t want to be accused of racism for not flying it at half-staff long enough.
“Shoot the first person who stops applauding.”
At least it is for an official that died in office.
Looks a little young to die, of course, no cause of death.
Until shown otherwise, I’ll assume it was complications from the clot shot.
I thought I read she was 70-something, in which case she looked pretty good.
Or maybe old file photo?
I guess 2018. Black don’t crack. Lol
Gerontocracy strikes again.
Yes, 70 something.
Philly news ran a *real* old photo or it was doctored up big time this morning.
What is the Official Glibertarian position on the ratio of gin to tonic in a g&t?
Keep the gin our of your quinine.
We talking first G&T or third or fourth G&T?
I only drink one. Therefore it’s mostly gin, a lime slice, two ice cubes and a splash of diet tonic.
1 part gin, 2 parts tonic.
I tend to put more lime juice than recipe – almost a gin gimlet.
Yeah, pretty much this here. Right down the extra splash of lime.
I think the Official position is “You do you.”
that sort of thing leads to anarchy. ANARCHY
If only it was that easy.
At a bar it depends on the size of the SOP glasses.
Scurrilous slander and lies
Republican allies of Donald Trump are stepping up their attacks on Washington, D.C., District Judge Tanya Chutkan and the D.C. court itself, arguing it would be impossible for the former president to get a fair trial in the nation’s capital city.
Judge Chutkan’s ruling against Trump two years ago in a legal dispute over handing his presidential records to House investigators and the tough sentences the Obama appointee handed down to Jan. 6 defendants are drawing scrutiny and criticism from Trump’s allies.
Her record of contributing money to former President Obama’s presidential campaigns — and the political leanings of D.C.’s residents, who would comprise the jury pool — are also coming under Republican attack.
A growing number of Republicans say the odds in the D.C. District Court are so stacked against Trump that a guilty verdict would lack legitimacy.
“I don’t think any Republican, much less any America-first type Republican, could ever expect to have a fair trial in a D.C. setting with a D.C. judge and D.C. jury. It’s all meant to rubber-stamp what they already want to see happen,” said Ned Ryun, the founder and CEO of American Majority, a national grassroots conservative group.
“Of course it’s a rigged game. I think any fair-minded person would step back and say, ‘If you really want this to be a legitimate pursuit of justice, you would not be having it in D.C.,’” he said. “I don’t think it’s fair, I don’t think it will be legitimate.”
He’ll get a fair trial. And then we’ll hang him.
It has to be in DC! It’s the only place he would get a fair conviction!
Does this tick every rich Russian stereotype?
$9.3 Million Birkin Bag Stolen At Airport Check-In Counter
I will victim blame. Don’t show off your wealth when travelling.
Don’t show off your wealth
when travellinganywhere.They have special bags for their merkins?
Sam Brinton again?
With that kind of scratch, why were they flying commercial?
Am I the only one thinking “insurance scam”?
You are not alone.
President Biden carried Washington, D.C., with more than 92 percent of the vote in the 2020 election, while Trump won only 5 percent. Clinton beat Trump in D.C. in 2016 with nearly 91 percent of the vote.
Republicans predict that Trump will almost certainly face a guilty verdict in a trial that takes place in Washington, D.C. They say he has a better chance of winning on appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court, depending on the makeup of any appellate panel that rules on his case.
“The likelihood that a D.C. jury will vote to convict Donald Trump is exceptionally high, and the facts don’t matter. The laws don’t matter. They hate him,” Cruz said on his podcast, “Verdict.”
Oh, pshaw. That’s not even relevant. Why, if anything, the fact that Democrats win overwhelmingly just proves how fact based and deeply rooted in American democratic ideals people in DC are.
I’m still trying to figure out what is the legal basis for any of the indictments. You know, other than as distractions from Biden’s actual crimes of treason and such.
Someone here listed it out pretty well yesterday. It is all dubious and depends on people reading Trump’s mind, but there is a certain logic to it.
kinnath on August 3, 2023 at 1:01 pm
The case against Trump as far as I can figure it:
1) It’s blatantly obvious to all people with a brain that the election was just fine
2) Therefore, Trump knows the election was fine
3) Therefore, Trump was lying about the election not being fine
4) Therefore, all actions taken by Trump and Trump allies to discredit the election are fraud
5) Therefore, Trump and Trump and Trump allies violated the voting rights of all Americans.
Open and shut case. Send the dude to prison. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
Someone followed up with a link to Dershowitz stating the prosecution needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knew he lost the election and then tried to overturn the legitimate election results.
Is he orange, bad, and a man?
Then you must convict. /Prosecutor
I assume the prosecution strategy is based on the fact that 12 random people on the street in DC can be easily persuaded to convict Trump of being Trump.
Exactly my point. 🙂
The agency’s new analysis showed consumers are now expected to save just 9 cents per month under the gas stove regulations.
See? That new stove will pay for itself in no time at all.
And all you need is the assumptions of the analysis to be exactly correct for the next 100 years.
Good morning, Sloop!
“”Are you lookin’ for the mother lode?” Huh? No!”
Underrated is right. What a fantastic song!
You people are weird,
Gloriously weird.
Where is my mind?
They do nothing for me.
Daily Quordle 557
Meh x100
Daily Quordle 557
Blossom Puzzle, August 4
Letters: A C E S I O R
My score: 365 points
My longest word: 12 letters
🌻 🏵 🌹 💮 🌷 🌼 💐 🌸 🌺 🌻 🏵 🌹
Play Blossom:
Daily Quordle 557
Wrong choice on a 50/50 guess for lower left.
Otherwise, another boring game on the Tundra line.
So Florida changes the standards of what can be taught and therefore a psychology class is banned. But changing standards on cars, lightbulbs, gas stoves, [insert modern convenience here], is not a ban, it’s just modernization.
And the class isn’t even banned – the College Board is pretending it is in order stick it to DeSantis.
“Volunteers with a group that has been feeding Houston’s unhoused population since 1994 are facing a potential $80,000 in fines after a crackdown by local police.
Food Not Bombs is currently disputing 44 tickets issued by Houston police department for giving food to homeless individuals outside of the Houston Public Library. If a jury finds them guilty, they can be fined the maximum penalty of $2,000 per fine, with the group noting they could owe over $80,000 in fines at this point.
A homeless encampment in Phoenix, the capital of Arizona.
‘Criminalizing kindness’: US woman arrested for feeding homeless people sues
Read more
The fines stem from a city ordinance passed in 2012 mandating that groups get permission from property owners, even if on public property, to distribute food to more than five people. The ordinance was never enforced, according to the group, until recently. A petition to rescind the law was signed by more than 75,000 people and submitted to the Houston city council in 2015.”
TW: Guardian
So did they just set up in the library lot and start handing out food? No prior arrangements? Couldn’t find private property that would let them set up?
Didn’t Hizzoner do the same thing because the food wasn’t made in a commercial kitchen and wasn’t properly labelled for fat and sodium content?
Was that the same town?
No. Houston’s mayor doesn’t use that title.
There is such a thing as a public nuisance. Drawing crowds of homeless people to the library with food strikes me as a plausible candidate for creating a public nuisance.
Wha about drawing them to the library with climate control and internet access?
A warm place to shit with a door on it?
I’m sure you’d be singing a different tune if you lived next door to it.
FNB is vegan food IIRC, so maybe not such a draw.
She was never hot, but damn is Kamala looking rough.
Still just as retarded though.
All of the Xanax is catching up with her.
I would comment more, but I only have a limited amount of span in which to do so.
When she was just AG, they’d use some super flattering photo of her and you’d think she was a lot more attractive than she was.
Then when she first started running for Pres and photos became a lot more candid, it started to become apparent that she was not as attractive as you first thought.
She presided at my wife’s citizenship ceremony about 10-12 years ago. She looked alright then.
behavioral differences between men and women are not so much apparent at the individual level but rather, between homosocieties
if you want to see sex “differences” with the naked eye, contrast the behavior of a group of only men with that of a group of only women
Can’t see the whole thread, only the lead tweet. I assume it is awe inspiring.
Is there even a thread?
Someone mentioned the other day that if you are not logged into Twitter, you will not see lengthy chains of tweets but will only see the root that is referenced in the URL.
So, I have gotten used to seeing the root of the thread with no other post. I just tune those out now.
Try that mirror selling one. For whatever reason I can see lots there.
that one worked for me
But all you’re really seeing is just a reflection of what the sellers want you to see.
The Obama Factor
A Q&A with historian David Garrow
Very long
It’s Tablet.
Hate speech is not free speech
The union for NBA players, the NBPA, released a statement Thursday regarding the Orlando Magic’s recent political donation, calling it “alarming” and unrepresentative of “player support.”
In an uncommon move for professional sports teams, the Magic donated $50,000 directly to a super PAC which supports Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential bid, according to a new filing this week with federal regulators.
The NBPA opted not to name DeSantis in the address.
“A political contribution from the Orlando Magic is alarming given recent comments and policies of its beneficiary,” the statement began.
“NBA governors, players and personnel have the right to express their personal political views, including through donations and statements. However, if contributions are made on behalf of an entire team, using money earned through the labor of its employees, it is incumbent upon the team governors to consider the diverse values and perspectives of staff and players.
“The Magic’s donation does not represent player support for the recipient.”
What is happening to this country, when the owners of sports teams can make political contributions to whomever they please?
Now do Unions…
“Florida State University criminology professor Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that “systemic racism” infests America’s police and American society.
Now he’s out of a job on account of “extreme negligence” in his research.
The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.
College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.””
There’s good money to be had in telling leftists what they want to hear.
/Paul Krugman
Of course, it was a white man that told on him.
Always trying to keep the dishonest race hustlers down.
The Magic are owned by the Michigan-based DeVos family. The wealthy family is prominent in Republican politics and hails its riches from the multi-level marketing company Amway. The company was co-founded by the late Richard DeVos, who donated to DeSantis before DeVos died in 2018. Betsy DeVos, his daughter-in-law, was the country’s education secretary during Donald Trump’s presidential administration.
Stealing the labor of all those black players. It’s slavery, all over again!
This is the greatest post in the history of Reddit
Filled under ‘play stupid games, win stupid prizes’.
lmao. As they say on Reddit, “hoist by her own retard.”
I got this new anime plot. Basically the ex-President hires this lawyer except she’s got huge boobs. I mean some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packin some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers. Then another lawyer shows up one day with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. Humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous.
I give that a 210% chance of already existing.
Hey! That’s my script!
grilled a steak and as it is too fucking warm, to drink red wine I am force to drink beer. I feel like a peasant.
How many acres of land did you reap today?
You should.
Drink a martini, FFS.
Martinis are a much better way of drinking gin than G&T’s. So are Pimm’s Cups.
There’s nothing wrong with a beer (a nice nut brown can complement a steak very well), but I would lean towards an old fashioned, or perhaps a Manhattan to go with the steak.
Shiner goes well with jut about any red meat too, IMO.
Today in border integrity.
This just gets better and better.
We have the best experts running the country./s
I’m still thinking about this.
I think he might be right.
I’m 100% convinced he is.
Criminal enterprise
The American Academy of Pediatrics has reaffirmed its support for gender-affirming medical care for transgender children, even as the treatments face a growing push for bans and restrictions from Republican lawmakers across the US.
The board of directors for the group, which represents 67,000 pediatricians, unanimously voted to reaffirm its 2018 position on the treatments. The board also voted to provide additional documents to support pediatricians, including clinical and technical reports, and to conduct an external review of research regarding the care.
“The additional recommendations also reflect the fact that the board is concerned about restrictions to accessing evidence-based health care for young people who need it,” Mark Del Monte, the academy’s chief executive, said in a statement released by the group, calling the restrictions enacted by states “unprecedented government intrusion”.
Between this and their plague bullshit, every member of this organization should be disbarred for malpractice.
There’s a reason my kids see a family physician and not a pediatrician.
Around here, girls under 18 will not be seen by an ob/gyn. They must go to a pediatric ob/gyn, which are almost exclusively at Children’s Mercy, and they have long waiting lists. My kid had a problem. Getting her seen required a late Saturday night visit to the ER, where they wouldn’t deal with her problem and got her a Monday appt with Children’s Mercy. The whole thing left a nasty taste in my mouth, but I’m kinda glad to have someone used to dealing with tweens.
People opposed to such treatments for children argue they are too young to make such decisions about their futures.
Every major medical group, including the academy and the American Medical Association, has opposed the bans and has said the treatments are safe if administered properly.
The academy and the AMA support allowing children to seek the medical care, but they do not offer age-specific guidance.
What a silly objection. Imagine having doubts as to whether a child truly comprehends the full ramifications of such a decision. Or, for that matter, wondering if those ramifications have been fully and honestly explained.