GlibFlick Second Year Anniversary

by | Aug 17, 2023 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 147 comments

Stunning poster. I like how the distributor made it look like a sleazy video tape from Blockbuster.

Astonishing Tales of Terror: Rocktapussy

This film features the sizable talents of Brigette Kingsley, who is a triple threat of actor, producer and writer.  Pretty incredible for her age.  She has produced a stunning 30, yes thirty films (mostly romances and Christmas films, not B movies).  You go!  I can only hope that she does not let her acting talents go to waste, we need to see more of her in films like Rocktapussy. This is an entertaining B monster film with a fair sprinkle of sleaze to keep you all interested.  It’s also a newer film which means most of you have probably not seen it. I agree with CPRM, it is hard to find a decent new B film anymore, so I consider this a rare gem in a sea of crap. I hope you all enjoy it.

So watch!  Or don’t!  Everything is voluntary! And I appreciate all of you who voluntarily show up on Thursdays to watch films and chat. See you next season for more films, new concepts and endless snark.

GlibFlick Second Anniversary Celebration

As long as the government is coming clean about UFOs, I might as well too. I am an alien freak. I hereby certify that this statement is just as truthful as the news on CNN.

I will continue to make this an oasis from bad news for another year. If somebody told me two years ago that I would join this site then post 100 movies in two years, I would not have believed it. I hope any aspiring lurkers can get inspired by this and start providing content.  If the Gliberati tolerate my writing, they can  certainly tolerate yours!

One thing, although all the links to the Glibs episodes below may work, the links to some films may be down.  Sadly I am not in charge of movies coming and going on the internet.  Any click on the Glibs episodes will open a new window for your convenience to avoid closing the this current post.  Without any further ado, here’s the films of season 2:

Note for TBTB: I did not put film titles in italics as that many italics would make people go blind.

The Assassination Bureau
Punk Fu Zombie
If You Don’t Stop It, You’ll Go Blind
Kung Fu Wonder Child
Vampire Ecstasy
Space Monster Wangmagwi
Breaking Barbi
Is The Terrifier That Terrifying? 
Italian Space Opera Festival
Cocaine Shark
OSS 177: Cairo, Next of Spies
Ninja: The Final Duel
The Shape of Things to Come
Witching and Bitching
Meet Wally Sparks
Tunnel Vision
I Sell the Dead
Another WolfCop
The Barbarians
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
Giantess Attack vs. Mecha-Fembot!
Flesh Gordon
Dead Ant
Abar: Black Superman
Frankenstein’s Army
Ninja in the Claws of the CIA
Soylent Green
Troll Hunter
Anna and the Apocalypse
The Hebrew Hammer, 2022
Black Christmas
Rare Exports
They Live
Brain Damage
A Fantastic Fear of Everything
Basket Case
GlibFlick Halloween Show
Ghost Stories
Diani and Devine Meet the Apocalypse
Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell
It Can Be Done Amigo
When Women Ruled the World
Barbie and Kendra Save the Tiger King

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. DEG

    This film features the sizable talents of Brigette Kingsley,

    She has no boobpedia page. Sad.

    Diving in in a few minutes…

    • R.J.

      Very surprised at that.

  2. DEG

    I will continue to make this an oasis from bad news for another year.


  3. Common Tater

    CONGRATS!! 🙂

  4. DEG

    I’m enjoying a bottle of Brewery Ommegang’s 25th anniversary beer. It’s delicious.

    No cigar though.

    • pistoffnick

      Green beans fresh from the garden fried with bacon, tossed with hoisin sauce.

      Just Almost like Wong’s*

      *(prankster) *rings up Wong’s*
      (prankster) Hello, I’d like a cheeseburger and fries, please.
      (Wong’s) I’m sorry this is an Asian restaurant. We don’t serve those here.
      (prankster) Sorry, I must have the Wong number!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Every true old school Chinese restaurant, except perhaps in SF or NY Chinatowns, serves cheeseburger and fries. Which reminds me, one of these days I need to order fries and a side of egg foo young gravy.

    • R.J.

      Had a pork chop tonight. Not drinking. Fridays are a major work effort now from dawn to dusk.
      Saturday I am meeting old friends for a Rangers game, so that will be nice. Definitely getting a beer then.

      • UnCivilServant

        Filet Mignon, because I didn’t want it to go bad in the fridge.

        Not drinking.

      • The Hyperbole

        Had Chicken Cordon Bleu sammich with Cajun fries and three Strohs at the bar, made a bowl of popcorn when I got home and am working on my 2nd old fashioned.

      • Mojeaux

        Chicken Cordon Bleu sammich


      • rhywun

        Box rice pilaf with pre-cooked chicken.


      • rhywun

        Enjoying the Overwerk EP that someone posted a track of, with Browns/Eagles on mute.

      • Shirley Knott

        That was me. Very glad to see it getting more appreciation!
        Do check out the official video for Winter, off the EP. The musician did all the video work.

      • rhywun

        Do check out the official video for Winter

        Watched when you linked it. Much enjoyed.

      • Not Adahn

        I really like the effort they made in making the synthdrums sound like drums.

      • The Hyperbole

        It was one of the specials tonight, they need to put it on the everyday menu, it was that good.

      • dbleagle

        Thursday night race followed by grilling bratwurst and drinking homebrewed beer is on tap here.

  5. DEG

    Did he just use a 19502 camera like a modern digital camera?

    • Common Tater

      DLR’s are cool.

  6. DEG

    That’s almost James O’Keefe style there.

  7. DEG


  8. Common Tater

    How come we don’t get news coverage like that?

    Also, that Korean guy looks familiar.

  9. DEG

    Listening to the Hunter/Asian dude conversation, I wonder if Kingsley is playing herself.

    And I see Hunter might hook up with a bartender…..

  10. DEG

    and commercial… at least it’s not a political ad.

  11. UnCivilServant

    Do you have enough episodes to go into syndication?

    • R.J.

      Good question. There are 102 episodes at this point. Removing (really bad) duds would leave about 90.

  12. Shirley Knott

    I don’t know whether it counts as a B movie or not, being effectively ‘blind’ in that range, but Kung Fu Hustle is great fun. Count Yorga, Vampire, scared the crap out of teenage me.
    Thank you for 2 years of an entertaining regular series!

    • rhywun

      teenage me

      OMG fresh meat.

      I was in my mid-30s when that came out – and it was one of the last movies I saw in a theater. It’s great even if it is only IMHO the auteur’s third-best film.

    • R.J.

      Kung Fu Hustle was a successful attempt to go mainstream. It remains an excellent film by any measure. His soccer film prior to that was good, but not that epic.

      • rhywun

        Shaolin Soccer is one of those movies I can watch over and over and never get tired of it.

      • R.J.

        The Cooking God is a movie from him that is a decade earlier. If I can find it I will play it.

      • rhywun

        I have it – gift from an ex. I gave it the college try but it’s not really accessible for a guailou like me.

      • R.J.

        Round eye!

      • R.J.

        Then Journey to the West would really do you in. Chinese folk lore, over 2 hours.

      • rhywun

        I haven’t seen anything since CJ7 – I does seem like he gave up on the American market doesn’t it 🙂

      • rhywun

        It’s crazy that Stephen starred in like two dozen movies before that, which I will probably never watch because too obscure, but he bears such a strong resemblance to the ex I mentioned that I kind of want to seek them out….

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

      Hey, Shirley, saw your post the other day, and I am keeping you in my thoughts.

    • creech

      OMG Count Yorga! Almost forgot about that. I watched it on TV while lying on the bed in the New York hotel room of the woman who knew Hitler’s wife as “Aunt Eva.”(No, our clothing did not come off.)

      • creech

        I was told Eva was a horny chick who found other outlets when Wolf was occupied elsewhere.

      • Chafed

        I regret looking.

  13. DEG

    “Have a blast!”


  14. Common Tater

    That’s a great 40.

    • DEG


  15. DEG


  16. Fourscore

    Some of us are not movie goers but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate your efforts. I just watch the news, that’s scary enough for me.

    • R.J.

      You don’t have to watch movies. All Thursdays are open post. Stay and talk.

      • Fourscore

        I enjoy lurking. Surprisingly I don’t have a lot of free time. Well, OK, so I waste a lot of time.

  17. DEG

    And Hunter is being rescued by her new love interest

    • DEG

      Or maybe not?

      But, she is wearing thigh-highs.

      • DEG

        Oh, he did

    • Common Tater

      No spoilers!

      • DEG

        You gotta keep up so we can properly MST3K this thing.

      • Common Tater

        I have things to do.

  18. DEG

    She does need a big strong man

    • R.J.

      As enjoyable as this movie is, I am surprised she hasn’t done another. The title almost leads one to think it was a planned series.

  19. Brochettaward

    I am a triple threat. I First, First, and First.

    • R.J.

      Well, this isn’t the first time I played a movie with a chesty star, but it is one of the better ones.

  20. DEG

    I thought she had implants.

    • R.J.

      Don’t know! Where is Q with an appraisal?

      • DEG

        It’s pretty obvious in the bondage scene.

  21. DEG

    “Tell me more about the orgy”


  22. DEG

    I detect some shades of “Heavy Metal” here.

    • R.J.

      I know where you are! It turns into another movie for a bit. It all fit together, but felt like it was just a chance to show off that steel under bar bikini.

      • R.J.

        “Hey, how are we gonna get our moneys worth from that wardrobe piece? We’re making a sci fi film?”
        “Hold my champagne…”

  23. The Bearded Hobbit

    That was fun. Thanks.

  24. DEG

    All’s well that ends well.

  25. Brochettaward

    I’m going to fuck up your face so much that it’s going to look normal again by the time I’m done.

  26. Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

    Speaking of Blockbuster puriant covers, I was wondering through one in the ’90s, when firstwife was out visiting her mother for the weekend, and while looking for a good crime movie, I spoted out of the corner of my eye, your typical Blockbuster boobs flick but I noticed that it had, on the cover, two thumbs up from Siskel and Ebert. So, I figured what the heck and watched it that night. I ended up being one of the most intense, moving films I have ever seen.


    • dbleagle

      He looks like the man with no dick from “Ghostbusters”.

    • rhywun

      Vague memories of that but wow… 90s overload.

    • pistoffnick


      • pistoffnick

        How ’bout you lower taxes?

        /the peanut gallery guffaws

    • Brochettaward

      How cheap of a whore do you have to be to let your vote be purchased by 1/16th of a budget surplus and/or $260 dollars or whatever it was?

      • Fourscore

        $20, same as downtown

      • Chafed

        So very much this.

  27. DEG

    I’m off for the night. Thanks RJ!

    • R.J.

      Thanks for coming!

      • rhywun


  28. ron73440

    RJ, I probably manage to watch about half of the movies you post.

    Two weeks ago my wife watched Bubba Ho-Tep with me.

    She thought it was hilarious, especially black JFK.

    Last weekend we watched The Assassination Bureau and she like that one too.

    I don’t think she would appreciate tonight’s feature, so I’ll probably have to watch it by myself, it sounds like one I would enjoy.

    • R.J.

      Yeah. Tonight is a dude film. Starring a woman who directs and stars in romance and Christmas films. You could pitch that angle? I know I am going to start looking for her when I am forced to watch Hallmark movies.

      • Chafed

        I had no idea she was in those and it’s hilarious that she is.

    • slumbrew

      Local theater is showing Bubba Ho-Tep! As a midnight showing…

      Not sure I’m up for that anymore.

      • Common Tater

        I tried it but all the narration was annoying af. Is it worth it?

      • slumbrew

        I own it and love it. Seeing it in the theater would be cool but a midnight showing…

      • Chafed

        Have some coffee instead of your usual Sanka. You’ll be fine.

  29. Chafed

    First, happy anniversary, thank you for two tears of movies, and for your commitment getting this done.

    Second, Rocktopussy? Rocktopussy! 🤘🤘

    • R.J.

      You enjoy! This is a good post movie.

  30. Gustave Lytton

    “Hilary Close to Hurricane Status”

    No comment

    • Chafed

      Bill has a few thoughts.

  31. Common Tater

    I worked at a place that had a Chicken Gordon Blue burger. It was a 1/2 pound burger, 1/2 pound fried chicken breast. 1/4 pound smoked ham, 4 strips bacon, swiss, cheddar, red onion, pickles, lettuce, mustard, and Russian dressing.

    • UnCivilServant

      Drop the pickles and pickle the red onions.

      • Common Tater

        You need acid with over a pound of greasy meat.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s why you’re pickling the onions rather than cucumber rounds.

    • Not Adahn

      No blue cheese?

  32. Gustave Lytton

    Corn soup and Doctor Who. Another night on the road.

    • Chafed

      Hopefully it’s not the chick Doctor.

      • Gustave Lytton

        He may talk with a lisp, but Jon Pertwee is no chick.

    • Gender Traitor

      When is the next, long-overdue regeneration scheduled? If I’m feeling magnanimous at the time, I might just give the franchise another chance.

      • Common Tater

        “I might just give the franchise another chance.”

        They should put your likeness on candles.

      • Gender Traitor

        I think this (the most recent Doctor) is one of those instances where it would be forgivable – perhaps even advisable – to resort to the trite, hackneyed cliche of erasing all that unpleasantness with “it was all just a horrible, horrible dream.” (Maybe Capaldi awakes with a start and promptly REALLY regenerates?)

      • UnCivilServant

        If they don’t do something along those lines, and purge the people who made the decisions from decision-making positions, they might have a shot at redemption.

        I epxect the BBC will instead go “It’s those filthy, unenlightened proles who are the problem.”

      • Gender Traitor

        Can they still lock people up in the Tower?

        For that matter, it’s been a while since they had a good (state-sanctioned) beheading…

      • UnCivilServant

        Make them a part of the tour?

      • Gender Traitor


  33. Brochettaward


    The only thing MikeS has ever given anyone is monkeypox.

    • MikeS

      You promised you wouldn’t tell.

      • Brochettaward


      • MikeS

        Hey Boomer….your caps lock is on.

      • Brochettaward


  34. Shirley Knott

    Good morning all!
    Today’s music comes from another band my late friend introduced me to. From their first album, when This Mortal Coil was the 4AD house band, It’ll End in Tears.
    A Single Wish
    Not Me

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Shirley!

      The first song is certainly getting off to a lovely start! 😊🎼🎶

      • Shirley Knott

        Good morning! Yes, most of the album is along those lines. Then there’s ‘Not Me’ to rouse the spurned 😉

      • Gender Traitor

        Well, I’m certainly roused, though as far as I know I haven’t been spurned.

      • Shirley Knott


    • rhywun


      I adulted with Filigree & Shadow.

      • Shirley Knott

        I missed my chance to get the boxed set, much to my regret. Love all 3 albums, but probably love It’ll End in Tears the most.

    • UnCivilServant

      Is there any way to punish both the buyers and the sellers?

      • Sean

        Nipple clamps and a flogger?

      • Fourscore

        What ever happened to Caveat Emptor? Anyone that’s ever bought a used car knows the seller isn’t selling because the car got too good of gas mileage.

      • Grosspatzer

        What ever happened to Caveat Emptor?

        It died when Latin was replaced by Ebonics in the standard curriculum. “Gotta get paid!” is the new mantra.

    • Grosspatzer

      Nice! The barkeep strongly resembles my sister.

  35. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    RJ, thanks for posting these gems. I’m usually otherwise occupied in the evening, but I appreciate having this reference available; I do love me some B movies.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie & Sean! Gratified that you both still join us of an early morning even while you’re on vacation! 😎

    • Fourscore

      I get scammed every year on April 15th. Then the local governments send me a bill so the waifs can learn to read and write. I’m waiting.

    • Grosspatzer

      No shit. I get daily calls from nice young men with the same odd accent, offering to reduce my credit card debt, reduce my cable bill, pay off my student loan… Variations of something for nothing. I think “don’t be greedy” might be more appropriate – it’s tough to scam an honest man.

      • UnCivilServant

        If my creditors haven’t caught me by now, I’m home free.

      • Fourscore

        Gov Walz is sending me back some of my own money, can’t beat that. Better than my brother in law.

    • Gender Traitor

      One of my not-so-dumb annually-required training modules at work is on preventing/stopping elder abuse, and one of my co-workers, our resident Anti-Fraud Goddess, has to be ever vigilant. In addition to the often tech-based “stranger danger,” far too many older folks are victimized by trusted caretakers and/or members of their own family. 😟😡

  36. Not Adahn

    I won’t link it unless it’s not in the am lynx, but I will pull this quote from a super technical guntologist speaking sciencewise:

    “This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger,”

    So you see, Arek might NOT have pulled the trigger, because a rearward depression could also have made the gun go boom.

    • Fourscore

      Accidents happen. Same as a 6 year old with a gun in school.

      “Don’t take your gun(s) to town, son”

    • Not Adahn

      Troo Professionals

    • UnCivilServant

      Simple fix – eliminate all armed federal agents.

      The IRS doesn’t need guns.

  37. DEG

    Mornin’ all.

    My computer was awake before me. I put it to sleep last night, and woke up to it being on. I’m a little behind on patches/updates, but I suspect there is something the Linux folks didn’t thoroughly test.

    • UnCivilServant

      You’ve been hacked! Do a bitwise overwrite of all your drives, then scrub them with steel wool!

      • Sean

        Drill and thermite.

    • Grosspatzer

      Mornin’. Did you check the thermostat?

    • R.J.

      Morning. A happy Friday, at least?