For this installment of learning Japanese through anime titles by a vote of 2 to 0 we’ve chosen “Oshi No Ko”. I tried twice to read the original manga (comic) and failed both times. Three protagonists end up dying within the first volume of the manga and it turned me off. The work is supposed to be a black comedy, but at the time it was just simply too black for me.
It is wildly popular in Japan and it didn’t surprise me that it became an anime. The anime was done by a first rate studio and the voice talent is top notch. Given the studio and the voice actors I decided to give the work one more shot. I’m happy I did as this production is quite good. I also knew what I was in store for with the anime so it was less shocking. What is really interesting is the studio decided to make the first episode 90 minutes. In this way it could encompass the three deaths with less spoilers. The remaining season is 10 episodes of the standard 22 minute length.
The show is a black comedy about the Japanese entertainment industry. It starts with the idol industry and branches out into other parts like low budget movies and reality TV as the series progresses. I don’t want to put spoilers here so I’ll link to the Wikipedia entry if you are interested in a plot synopsis that includes spoilers.
Oshi no Ko (【推しの子】, “My Favorite Idol” or “Their Idol’s Children”
This is the rare anime that uses Japanese for the title globally. The translation used by Wikipedia was done by Wiki contributors before the work was translated to English.
推し – Oshi – the usual definition for this is “1. push, pushing, 2.weight, pressure 3. authority, forcefulness, boldness, audacity, persistence”. In casual usage it can also mean a “recommendation”. The usage in this work is new and mostly used by younger people.
This new slang is used in the context of an entertainer or similar figure that you wholeheartedly support – i.e. a fanboy or fangirl. It’s commonly used in the idol industry, but it doesn’t have to be. The Wikipedia entry uses the translation as “idol” here and is perfectly acceptable.
の – No – Japanese grammar particle that works like ‘s (apostrophe s) in English. It shows possession or can be used to link multiple nouns together.
子 – Ko – This is commonly used for child. However, it does often sometimes refer to young women in their teens and early twenties. It also a very common way that female first names are ended in Japanese. So, for example. if you read the name Yoko Ono there is a high probability Yoko is female as well as likely to break up a band.
The English Wikipedia translation of “My Favorite Idol” or “Their Idol’s Children” is perfectly fine and can work with either meaning of “Ko”. Given events in the story the second translation is entirely valid, but I prefer the first.

Source: Pixaboy
A Student of Japanese Reacts to this Billboard First!!!
I listen to lots of music on YouTube and the “algorithm” picks up music commentary and analysis in addition to music. Nothing sets my teeth on edge more than the usual clickbait nature of these videos and their thumbnails. The thumbnail is some long haired dude or quirky gal wearing a ridiculously big pair of cans with a faux shocked expression and the title, “Music Teacher Reacts to Latest Awful Pop Music Hit”. Bonus points for the text using an obnoxious font and color. Any video with the word “react” in the title is an absolute “no-click” for me.
The opening music for “Oshi No Ko” is done by a dance and electronic music group called Yoasobi. Their music is heavily, heavily processed and mostly annoying. It’s a shame because the lead singer when she doesn’t have the Auto-Tune turned up to 11 has a really nice voice and wonderful phrasing. However, they have managed to capture a Japanese music first.
YOASOBI’s ‘Idol’ Surges to No. 1 on Billboard Global Excl. U.S. Chart
YOASOBI’s “Idol” soars to No. 1, from No. 6, on the Billboard Global Excl. U.S. survey (dated June 10). The song, originally sung in Japanese, hit the top 10 six weeks earlier and now becomes the duo’s first leader on the list following the May 26 release of its English-language version.
“Idol” is also the first song originally performed in Japanese to top the Global Excl. U.S. chart.
The song is sung from multiple people’s perspectives including a J-Pop idol. The perspective includes that of a young woman with the Japanese equivalent of “vocal fry” It’s as annoying in Japanese as it is in English.
I’m still reading that as “anime titties”.
Hoping Q does a cross-over?
There is absolutely no difference from that
titletittie to the other.I’d love to know what the hell WordPress did to the YouTube embedded video.
Here is the song link.
YOASOBI「アイドル」 Official Music Video
Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon
‘Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes
That make me think the wrong thing
Many Japanese (and other nationality) women of a certain age love that franchise. It has strong, but clearly feminine characters.
I know, too soon for OT (so I’ll go to the box and feel shame) but I’m doing it anyway. The power of Trump compels me.
Reciprocity is really a fundamental social value, and here we see Trump’s absolute lack of it. How he can continue to appeal to people, demonstrating his utter faithlessness to anything but himself just astonishes me. How can you possibly buy into his bullshit that he cares about you? Are you that fucking desperate for God’s presence in your life, that you will offer up to him [Trump] just so you don’t feel completely alone in this universe?
Trump is as faithful to the Republican Party as the party has been to him.
Loyalty is a two-way street (like trust). How you re-establish it once it has been broken, I don’t have a clue. If the Trumpists break off to form a third party, it would probably be the second biggest party. Something the establishment GOPers should probably think about.
Of course, our true rulers are the leftists in the agencies. The partisan dog and pony show is mostly just to drive fundraising (and pocket-lining).
establishment GOPers
I have no doubt the prospect terrifies them and they think of it constantly, to the point of paralysis. But I’m not concerned with them, but with the people that insist on believing in Trump as an avenging angel; both those who pray for that and those terrified of it. Both are going to end up disappointed.
It’s more like Trump is the inner spirit animal of a lot of the GOP base and says the shit they want him to say.
I’ve argued this for year. It aint about Trump himself. Trump is a symbol. He’s a great big fuck you to the political class and the more they hate him, the stronger he gets.
Yeah, but the problem is, when that is the only vessel for that, it’s impotent. That rage needs to rake through Congress if it is to be effective. Otherwise it’s just more performance art politics.
There are a handful on congressman who qualify too. Not enough, of course.
I would argue that all of politics is performance art.
The performance is a magic trick – only pay attention to what I want you to see.
^This. Trump is basically a giant “fuck you” to the feckless establishment.
I’m not stealing this from Razor Fist, but here’s Razor Fist making the same argument for the hundredth time himself.>/a>
^^ That was good.
Winner winner, about 18 chicken dinners!
*choke snort*
As I have said before, all of that about Trump was clear with the way he destroyed the USFL.
John Bassett was the only owner who would stand up to him, and once cancer took him out, no one could stop him from trying to do what he wanted to do.
I actually saw the title and thought “good for him”. Now maybe his reasoning is not principled, but rather utilitarian, but there’s no way in hell I’d sign that pledge either. I’m not going to endorse Chris Christie for president. Likely not Haley either. In years past, McCain, Romney, etc. If the party requires that I pledge to endorse them – for what: party loyalty? “reciprocity”? Well, I’m not loyal to the ‘party’, I’m loyal to principles and ideas. Reciprocity is not a value in this context either- if the other candidates want to endorse me on their own judgement, great, that’s valid reciprocity, but because of party uber alles? No thank you.
Shorter – Your use of Trump’s unwillingness to pledge to endorse crappy candidates put forward by the party to bludgeon people who would still support him (because they see this as a good thing) as implying that they “buy into his bullshit that he cares” and “need a God” is a non-sequitur. I don’t think he cares about me. I’m not desperate for God in my life and somehow using Trump to fill that void – really, what the fuck does this even mean? But of the reasons I don’t support Trump, this isn’t even on the radar – in fact it would go the other way.
Did I say shorter? I meant just as longer-er.
If he’s only about himself, he should not be standing as a Republican. Let him run purely on his own brand.
Yep, that really encapsulates my thoughts about Trump… his sentient hair is GLORIOUS!
“Sorry you didn’t get the nomination, we’ve decided to go with Mr. Hitler over here. Remember to pledge your support to Herr Hitler, you must be loyal to the Party, it’s part of reciprocity after all. And you are a narcissist that hates reciprocity are you?”
If he wants to play in the party, he should play like the others. If his point is – FUCK the parties, and hell I would agree with him on THAT – then don’t play this stupid fucking game. You’re in or you’re out. This is exactly the same bullshit Sanders pulled on the Democrats except he didn’t win.
If he wants to play in the party, he should play like the others.
That’s our fundamental disagreement then. I’ll leave it at that.
his sentient hair
A product of our own little bubble. Expose his antagonists to that and they will stupidly assume you mean it as a signal of support; to his supporters, you might as well insult their daughter to their face.
I can remember when conservatives demanded party loyalty and were pissed when Scranton and Rockefeller wouldn’t support Goldwater. And Reagan’s 11th commandment has been erased from the tablet.
I can remember when conservatives demanded party loyalty and were pissed when Scranton and Rockefeller wouldn’t support Goldwater. And Reagan’s 11th commandment has been erased from the tablet.
Hell, if it was utilitarian I could understand, but I don’t think Trump operates on that basis. Just narcissism.
And I guess I don’t get what appeals to other people about narcissistic behavior, which is to say, I don’t understand why most people have the politics they do.
Narcissistic behavior is not the appeal. I actually don’t care about his motivations (that’s not strictly true – I actually do and my evaluation of those motivations do not reflect well on him), but this is the right thing to do. That’s what appeals to me. You conflated (to my reading, maybe my reading comprehension leaves something to be desired) people not seeing this as reflective of Trump’s personality failures as being blinded by their need for a savior and thinking he’s it and he cares for them, that’s why their cheering him on. That’s just a non-sequitur and insulting.
I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 and wont in 2024.
But he does the right thing sometimes. For horribly wrong reasons, most likely, but still the right thing. More right things than any president in recent history I can remember.
What is the Friedman quote, the proper system of government is one that encourages bad people to do the right thing. Something like that.
I’ve always said that Trump is in no conceivable way, a libertarian, but he is likely the most libertarian president any of us will ever see.
He actually got some libertarian things done; taxes and regulations, mostly.
but this is the right thing to do
What is the right thing to do? Mind you, I agree with some stuff he did, and wish he done things he said he would but then didn’t. So what exactly is this right thing? It ain’t a principle, because he don’t got any.
The right thing to do is not agree to endorse whatever candidate the party comes up with. That’s just blind loyalty to the party and I object to that on principle. I may or may not endorse whoever the Party comes up with, but it will be based on my evaluation of them. Demanding that I support the party contra my own mind will lead to a dark place. Now did Trump come to that action using that evaluation/principle? Almost certainly not. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s the right thing to do.
Assuming you’re not a registered Republican, and heck even if you are, that doesn’t mean you are obliged to vote for whoever they run. But how they determine candidates is a legitimate party function.
how they determine candidates is a legitimate party function
Of course it is, never disagreed with that. Demanding that, in order to be allowed to debate, I endorse whatever candidate they end up with though is, in my opinion, not legitimate. If I were a candidate for the Republican nomination and agreed with everything in the party platform and thought it was the bee’s knees, I still would not sign that pledge. You are saying I have to since I’m playing with the Republicans – that’s our disagreement. I will try to change it to make my party better. And it’s important enough to me that I will not accede to it – maybe that will be enough to change the party position, making it even better (in my eyes). If they don’t want to change it, I will still not support it or agree to it. Maybe they kick me out, maybe they don’t, but by no means do I, IMNSHO, have to agree to those terms to participate in the Republican party, they can toss me if they disagree. (none of the above should be taken to imply I’m an R or think their platform is the bee’s knees; neither is true).
The main thing that set me off about your comment (beyond the perfect opportunity to avoid starting something at work that will be all consuming – where’s that Stoic post when you need it) is your (perceived) conflation with supporting Trumps decision to not sign the pledge with thinking he “cares about me” or somehow using Trump to fill a desperate need for God in my life – still trying to figure out what that sentence/thought means.
Demanding that, in order to be allowed to debate, I endorse whatever candidate they end up with though is, in my opinion, not legitimate.
Why? The party has a legitimate interest in insuring loyalty to whoever wins the nomination. If the whole thing can be fractured on a whim, then the party serves no purpose. And I’m more sympathetic to the perspective of no loyalty or purpose than you probably imagine. But let’s be honest about that – Trump expects the party behind him if he wins. Disloyalty to him is a serious matter. And that’s what sets me off.
The parties interest in insuring loyalty does not – should not – trump my ability to judge the quality and character of the candidate they come up with before endorsing said candidate. I am not loyal to a party; I may be loyal to the principles they espouse or at least pretend to, but I am not loyal to the party. If they disagree kick me out or don’t let me play in their sandbox and we will both suffer or benefit from whatever consequences come from those decisions. Obviously, my bias is on the side of the person who refuses to sign a loyalty oath, but that doesn’t mean they are not free to exclude me from their playground and deal with the consequences of that exclusion. I don’t object to either party acting this way; I do object to conflating support for Trump’s refusal with somehow substituting him for God in my life.
I wasn’t making that point about your support, but whether the party should allow him to play if he won’t abide losing. You have full freedom to decide to support the nominee or not. This is about whether he gets to set the rules, or, should he have NO expectation of party loyalty if he does win? That would be fair in my mind – if he can piss on them, they can piss right back on him.
Many of us joined the LP because we couldn’t stomach working for libertarian positions within the GOP and being expected to work for the likes of Specter and Santorum.
It is exactly why I started all of this with reciprocity. Trump only wants it to work one way, and I say fuck off to that.
Trump only wants it to work one way
May very well be, I’m not, thankfully, in his head. My position is that one can be ‘loyal’ to the party (or more properly, loyal to its state principles which is the more important loyalty) while refusing to commit to support of the eventual candidate sight unseen. If party loyalty requires that you agree to support its candidate regardless of who it is, that’s not the ethical moral form of loyalty, that’s the insidious dangerous form of loyalty and reciprocity is not a virtue in that context – it’s I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine cronyism. I’ll judge Trump for demanding loyalty from party leaders who don’t think he should be the nominee and I’ll judge the party for demanding Trump express loyalty to a someone he doesn’t think should be the nominee, largely based on their respective reasoning. I have no control over the corruption of either the party’s or Trump’s principles, but I do over mine – How’s that for Stoic!
In my opinion, it remains true that, for whatever reason, Trump got to the correct answer. And that doesn’t not make me desperate for a savior.
loyal to its state principles
Yeah, smaller govt, right. We two are better on that than 99% of party members. Honestly, the fuck-the-whole-party position resonates with me, just not fuck-em if I don’t win.
Trump got to the correct answer
Maybe. He ate everyone up in the debates last time around, so foregoing them may not be the smart move. But that’s Trump too.
And you don’t appear to be the subject of my contempt[?] because you aren’t blindly supporting Trump as he weasels his way around. That would be LC1789 as I recall. Not someone I miss.
The elephant in the room is needing to use one of the two parties to get on the ballot in the first place.
The parties are not private entities anymore. They have manipulated the law to give themselves many pivileges which are not available to an independent candidate or to a minor party.
Bonus: アイドル (“idol”) is literally “aidoru”.
How the fuck did this end up in here instead of the bottom?
Yes, that play on words is all over this work.
I figured. Three deaths in the opener sounded like they were all over that shit.
Trying to get other people to adhere to your moral paradigm is a fools errand. Especially when you have shown a complete lack of morals.
R’s who have shit all over Trump are getting exactly what they have given.
He should lie to our faces like everybody else.
How he can continue to appeal to people, demonstrating his utter faithlessness to anything but himself just astonishes me.
Who is the alternative? Not the clown we need. The clown we’ve got.
It’s clowns all the way down.
Stopping just one level above us, of course.
/not meant as mean as it might sound, but all the way down is all the way down
Honestly, we’re just a different kind.
And that will justify the trains, and the camps, and the ‘unexplained’ smoke.
No, nothing will justify that, just as nothing will prevent it except killing those who would run that operation.
Hasty writing on my part. Insert ‘ used to ‘ before, or scare quotes around, ‘justify’, as suits your sense of style
6 of the 16 Chess World Cup Rnd 4 matches had a result, the other 10 go to tiebreakers tomorrow.
2 I have been tracking had a result:
*Fabiano Caruana defeats *Ray Robson
Alexey Sarana defeats *Wesley So
Amongst the tied matches, Magnus Carlsen ground out a endgame win with black to force his match to tiebreakers. There were arguments the other day about whether he is the GOAT, but I don’t think anyone doubts it when it comes to endgames. His specialty is grinding a win out of a drawn endgame.
It’s more like Trump is the inner spirit animal of a lot of the GOP base and says the shit they want him to say.
President Flaming-Bag-of-Dogshit-on-the-Establishment’s-Front-Porch.
This is how you talk Japanese.
Funny Japanglish Song for Tokyo Olympic!【Tokyo Bon 東京盆踊り】Namewee黃明志 Ft. Meu Ninomiya & Cool Japan TV
Sorry- the closest approximation of this sort of Japanese pop culture I’m familiar with is a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop.
The Anime was good, the live-action remake was shit.
Pretty much a given for any live action made after an anime.
Ehh… I didn’t mind Alita.
I believe both the anime and live action tv are on Netflix.
Both are so over the top that they work.
Sorry to dirty up your post above – I usually try to avoid OT comments on the mid-morning posts but I’m trying to avoid work here. And while I like anime boobies! I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable about the genre (or the Japanese language) itself to contribute anything on-topic.
No worries. I generally refrain for a bit on some of the fiction here and feel badly when I do the same over lunch.
It does occur to me that we aren’t entirely off topic, our politics are a kabuki.
Now as I said above, I’m not really up on the genre other than boobies and pooters (maybe that’s a sub-genre on anime), but I’m pretty sure kabuki is waayyyy different.
Well, it’s no Noh
My politics are more hentai.
Since we are half hour in I’ll OT my own post.
I’d love to know the full story here. Infant delivery and alleged malpractice. Family has private autopsy. Funeral home alerts the state and they felt compelled to investigate and refer to appropriate boards.
I can’t imagine losing a child like that.
Second child of mine had his shoulders stuck in the vaginally canal…the amount of force and manipulation was tough to watch as the widwife guided him out.
I can tell you from experience – what’s in the complaint ranges from “partial” to “utterly false”.
I can also tell you to a high degree of certainty – if the baby’s head popped off during the delivery, the family would have known about it immediately. Oh, they wrapped the body in a blanket and propped the head on top, and nobody could tell? That’s their story?
Very likely, the doc should have gone to a C-Section. My question (and I have seen this) – did they ask the mother and she refused? Because I had a couple of bad baby cases where that happened.
Yeah, there is more to this. I’m assuming broken neck and not detachment.
” [Attorney and physician] Edmond claims that by the time Ross was taken in for a C-section, a fetal monitor had stopped registering a heartbeat.
“The couple had asked for a C-section earlier, when they believe the baby could still have survived, but were denied, Edmond said.”
I’m glad you started writing these again.
Thought police.
UK 🇬🇧, this may be one of the most uncomfortable videos I’ve had to watch. This is what hate speech legislation that prioritises certain groups over others, looks like in action, poor child
What a bunch of fags.
Looks like the Fascists won WWII.
They only lost the countries they launched from, but overall, yeah they won.
FDR was as much a fascist as any of the other world leaders, he just had to work within a less cooperative system.
The New Deal was fascist to its core, right down to clearing the way for Labor to join Capital and the State at the big table (straight out of Mussolini’s playbook). FDR was an unabashed admirer of fascism. Oh, and let’s not forget sending the undesirables to the camps; I’m mildly surprised we didn’t implement a Final Solution for the Japanese in this country. And the refusal to let Jews fleeing Hitler settle in this country.
Another great piece from Warby in the series. There are going to be some painful points in there for some.
I guess I’m a hateful bigot.
I beg to differ on the alleged buffering effect of Christianity. Measuring salvation has been its stock in trade since Paul usurped the infant church.
Not that this is unique in any way to Christianity — it’s a human thing. I’m quite sure the ancient Egyptians had the notion of ‘holier than thou.’ It took down Akhnaten after all. Gave Hatshepsut a run for her money too.
Yep, he references Maat in that piece.
If he’s only about himself, he should not be standing as a Republican. Let him run purely on his own brand.
Why build your own road when you can just drive on one already there?
Yep, I think it was 2000 where he tried to get Perot’s party nomination, but then dropped out.
Perot scared the shit out of both parties. They learned their lesson. There will never be a viable independent/third-party candidate again. That’s why Trump had to pick one of the two major parties to run for president. Obama insulting Trump to his face at the White House Correspondents diner made that choice obvious.
Because the road that is there has rules and he doesn’t want to abide by them. So yeah, in that build your own fucking road.
Not a Trump fan but why the hell should he? He’s already got the nomination. The (R) brass may as well be a bunch of kids on ten speeds who declared themselves state troopers and Trump’s candidacy is a fully gassed up, military grade Humvee.
Indeed. Also building your own road has failed repeatedly. Remember make your own social network? Ross Perot? so much easier to take over the party from within, as Obama figured out.
And not for nothing, I don’t see how this is breaking the rules in this instance. The Republican party says sign the loyalty oath or you can’t debate. Trump says he doesn’t want to sign it, so he won’t and won’t debate. Not playing the game in the first place is not breaking the rules.
Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure Trump will be the nominee. If you don’t think the GOPers and the Dems are hand in glove on the indictments and whatnot, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Notice the lack of pushback from most GOPers? Don’t think they haven’t been looking for a reason to bar him from being the nominee, and being under indictment for sedition wouldn’t be just a dandy reason?
Never forget: GOPers would rather lose to a Dem than have the wrong people win as Repubs.
Is it a nice bridge?
A political party has rules? I mean other than the one that they exist to self-perpetuate and enrich themselves at the public trough?
I’m trying to figure out why this matters to you. It’s not like the GOP without Trump is some bastion of purity.
Besides, there will be no change of any significance without some destruction. The political system has to implode. It will not be reformed.
I tend to agree with that last point, and why I made mention of performance art politics. We’re still just being entertained. We aren’t serious about governing ourselves.
Where do you get this “we” shit, kemo sabe?
Referring to the electorate as a whole.
That road was built to give us losers like “Jeb!” So if Trump has crashed the barriers and gone a little Mad Max on the party, well, tough shit. It’s their own fault.
It’s almost Trump indictment day…again.
I hovered over that expecting a Bee link, mildly disappointed.
I refuse to have any sympathy/respect for the RNC, based on the parade of stiffs they have puked up in the 21st century.
Sadly, they could’ve done even worse.
Like, knowingly electing a tyrannical authoritarian with senile dementia?
Nominating two almost Democrats to run against Obama was a plan meant to fail.
there were fuck-you guys who weren’t so far out there that would probably prevented Trump, had they acknowledged the base.
I think Trump was pretty unique. He won quite a number of counties that had gone Obama, twice. Would most any other Republican have done that? Would any Republican have pulled that off? Of course neither McCain nor Romney were blessed with running against Hillary.
Biden reaches $6B deal to free Americans in exchange for jailed Iranians
President Biden has secured a $6 billion deal to free Americans in exchange for jailed Iranians.
The New York Times first reported the prisoner swap agreement Thursday. Once five Americans imprisoned in Iran are allowed to return to the United States, the Biden administration is said to have agreed to release a handful of Iranian nationals serving prison sentences for violating sanctions on Iran.
Sources told the Times the United States also agreed to unfreeze nearly $6 billion of Iran’s assets in South Korea, transferring the funds into an account in the central bank of Qatar.
More stupidity from Brandon. But, it raises the question of how the US is freezing/unfreezing funds in South Korea. Do we run the banking system there?
Oh good. More pallets of cash to Iran.
Then stop inviting illegals into the country.
Everyone needs to see what I saw in Eagle Pass today.
Clothing stuck on razor wire where families got trapped. Chainsaw devices in the middle of buoys. Land seized from US citizens.
Operation Lone Star is barbaric — and @GovAbbott is making border communities collateral damage.
As if Democrats give a shit about this.
Lol ‘chainsaw devices’. It must be really fun knowing you have a compliant media behind your everyday idiotic verbal diarrhea
If you got stuck on razor wire at the border, it’s because you walked into it willingly. No sympathy here.
so much easier to take over the party from within, as Obama figured out.
Is Trump really much different from Obama? He was/is a blank screen on which people project their own hopes or fears.
Obama had more of an agenda and was much more effective at implementing it.
Obama and the bureaucracy were on the same side.
They got the clotshots on the childhood schedule. They can now relent on the cheap therapeutics.
Can’t wait for all the news stories about the FDA allowing people to take HORSE PASTE!
Didn’t the horse paste get banned from general purchase at Tractor Supply and other stores?
I can’t wait for the medial boards to reinstate the doctors who got run out of the profession for prescribing it.
Actually, I can’t wait for those medical boards to end up on the gallows.
Well, not all the doctor’s who lost their licenses…
Text-book gaslight operation and We the People ate it up.
Err, some lawyer saying it doesn’t make it so, you know.
Sadly, they could’ve done even worse.
It wasn’t for lack of trying.
This amuses me.
Join a union
Give up autonomy
Ignore that you need to work for years at entry level shit work before potentially getting the chance to get the driving job…
you need to work for years at entry level shit work
Sounds like engineering to me.
Most career paths work that way.
Sounds like any job that is worth its weight. Or what UnCiv said.
Quit and deliver for UPS. Have fun with 12hr+ days of physical labor.
We’re gonna need a bigger magic hat
In comments released this week, the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to rethink how it will go about trying to reduce climate pollution from electricity.
In particular, the group’s official comment to the EPA raises concerns about the technologies on which it is proposing to base emission cuts.
Under the EPA’s proposal, existing coal plants would be required to reduce their emissions by 90 percent based on the potential of emission-capturing technology. New natural gas plants and some existing gas plants would be required to either carry out the same cuts or run mostly on hydrogen energy.
The EEI said the carbon capture and hydrogen energy technologies on which the rule is based are not “not deployable, available, or affordable across the entirety of the industry.”
If the technology doesn’t actually exist, you’ll just have to shut all those plants down.
Nobody’s coming to take away your power plants.
I assume the EPA is fully staffed by lunatic morons by this point.
Just institute rolling blackouts and blame it on climate change. That’s been the plan all along.
The government finally got Dale Gribble.
Squashed him like a bug?
Damn. Only 64
In January, Hulu announced plans to reboot King of the Hill with Hardwick reprising his role. Original series voice actors Kathy Najimy, Stephen Root, Pamela Adlon and Lauren Tom also signed on for the revival.
20th Television Animation exec Marci Proietto told emmy Magazine in April that the new King of the Hill will see “the characters we love with a slightly more modern sensibility.”
Fuck. Right. Off.
For… MODERN AUDIENCES. [technical difficulties]
Judge is still involved, that alone gives me hope.
I pray so. He may be old and just want money at this point.
So it is going to be woke garbage.
Asked to respond, an EPA spokesperson defended the proposed rule in an email to The Hill, saying it is based on “proven and cost-effective control technologies that can be applied directly to power plants.”
“The proposed limits and guidelines also provide power plants with ample lead time and substantial compliance flexibilities, allowing power companies and grid operators to make sound long-term planning and investment decisions, and supporting the power sector’s ability to continue delivering reliable and affordable electricity,” the spokesperson said.
They also said that last month, the agency released additional modeling to supplement the proposal.
According to our model, you’re just a bunch of profit seeking whiners.
The SOAR Act.
Some excellent responses.
I can’t see them, but I am up for providing some here.
Same Old Assy Retards bill
Seek Over Active Reparations Act
Make no mistake.
The scene in Lahaina, Maui this morning is absolutely devastating.
The entire town is being destroyed by an intense wildfire, forcing residents to sheek shelter in the ocean.
Make no mistake, climate change is making scenes like this more frequent.
ChangeInferno.Oh fuck off…
Sure, nothing ever burned before climate change. Getting so tired of these quasi-religious kooks blaming everything on their superstition.