¡Martes por la tarde! ¡Enlaces mexicanos!

by | Aug 15, 2023 | Daily Links | 248 comments

You probably heard the news over the weekend, so we’re going to get right into it:  Brandon Hererra, aka “The AK Guy” on YouTube is running for congress.

Wait, although that’s awesome news, that’s not quite what I wanted to get into.


Javier Milei, an Argentine politician I’ve spoken on before is currently running for presidente got a lot of attention in the last few weeks in libertarian/ancap circles due to his strong polling in the primary race.

Turns out he got the most votes in the primary.  The NY Times already made a cursory attempt to turn him into a pariah.

A far-right libertarian candidate won Argentina’s open presidential primary election on Sunday, a surprising showing for a politician who wants to adopt the U.S. dollar as Argentina’s official currency and embraces comparisons to Donald Trump.


El Soyjacko wants me to think he’s a facho

The fun part is his platform is to abolish the Central Bank of Argentina and simply declare the US Dollar as the national currency.  Which makes this move unsurprising. Many wealthy Argentines already have large USD holdings anyways, and this is a common move by governments in Latin America.  In spite of the issues we might have with the USD, its still the best out of a lot of truly lousy options.

It also makes it less likely he gets shunned by the entire world like El Presidente Dudebro.  Then again, he happens to have a favorable view of Bitcoin.

That’s it.  There’s nothing else to report.  A good guy might win.  White pill, anyone?

News good enough for Styx.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Common Tater

    Let’s go Brandon?

    • Common Tater

      “Now, we’ve had plenty of people vow to defend the Second Amendment, then get in Congress and decide to do differently. However, Herrera isn’t likely to be someone like that.

      After all, it’s easy to flip on the Second Amendment when your work outside of Congress has nothing to do with firearms. Herrera, however, is such a part of the gun community that even if he wanted to, voting on gun control would destroy that entirely.”

      That makes sense. No idea how he would vote on any other issue though.

      • R.J.

        It is well known that if you like guns, you hate large governments.

      • Common Tater

        There are socialists who are pro gun.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Aren’t they more pro-gun-redistribution?

      • Suthenboy

        Yep. They take your guns and distribute them to themselves.

      • Common Tater

        Not the ones I mean.

  2. Tundra

    White pill, anyone?

    Why, don’t mind if I do!

    Thanks for the uplifting stories and the gif, ms!

      • Tundra

        Oh, yeah. 8-Track ftw!

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Heh, I used to have a boss who played in a STYX cover band.

      • rhywun

        Good lord.

        Blondie, Styx, and the Pointer Sisters.

        What were they smoking?

      • R.J.

        That’s what pop radio played back then. Just a reflection of the decade. Things didn’t start to get so segregated until the mid- 1980s when all the exclusively New Wave stations, and exclusively country stations started. Then you got the hard rock only stations, etc… And things got so chopped up that nobody had a decent market.

      • kinnath

        I’m OK with all three of those.

      • Timeloose

        It’s all good to me. I was also in the single digits age wise.

        K-Tel also made theme records for R&B/Funk/soul and others with soft and Hard Rock. At some point disco, new wave, etc. Great if you were a kid or a teen that just like to listen to hit songs.

        I also used to like a good freebee music store compilation tape or CD.

      • Seguin

        I used to love getting comps…what a fun way to find new artists.

      • Common Tater

        Both Blondie and the Pointer Sisters had god tier drummers.

        (Never listened to Styx)

      • Not Adahn


      • Common Tater

        I’ve heard Styx, but never paid much attention to them.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Never listened to STYX? Look who goes through life all Mr. Roboto like. They were the best thing for your Lady, or when you had Too Much Time On Your Hands.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Blonde is playing a concert (fairly large one) in Louisville…we are seriously contemplating getting getting tickets

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Might be a good homewarming present to yourselves.

      • Tundra

        Agreed. I’ve gotten over my fear of nostalgia acts. Most of them are far better and more considerate musicians than when they were huge.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Sobriety, maybe.

      • Tundra

        Except for Aerosmith. They got worse once they sobered up.


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        homewarming? 🙄

        Insomnia, QED.

      • Tundra

        I knew what you meant.

      • Tundra

        Oh, hell yes. I’ve never seen Spoon, but I love them. Would attend.

        Also, Duran Duran is playing Red Rocks next week. The tickets were absurd, but my wife and I are thinking about hiking up above and bootlegging!

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Tundra, you should just hang-out out front, like we did as kids!

      • milo

        Expecting an avalanche of derision.
        Toto has been my favorite band since junior high.
        Studio musicians playing for others…Boz Skaggs at the apex…and Thriller at the omega.
        Lukather is the best guitarist in the 20th century. And perhaps forward.
        They played on everything in the 80’s. If you like that music…you like them.
        I missed their last tour…YouTube vids are awesome. Musicians playing great music.

      • Tundra

        Expecting an avalanche of derision.

        Not from me. I have no shame about what I like to listen to.

      • Sensei

        Yup. Listen to what you like.

        Some good natured kidding is fine, but listen to what makes you happy.

      • SDF-7

        I’m not going to criticize anyone. I listen to real cheese like Helloween, disco fluff and several Taylor Swift albums. Whatever works for you in your moments, man.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Another right wing Trumpista populist clone. What is the world coming to?

    • Gender Traitor

      Right wing Trumpist populism?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      The shadow of Fascism once again falls over the world as it did in the 1930’s

      • creech

        To an admiring FDR and a bunch of his New Dealers.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Excuse me, that’s FAR right.

  4. kinnath

    That gif has been the best part of my day today

    • Ownbestenemy


  5. Dr. Fronkensteen

    In spite of the issues we might have with the USD, its still the best out of a lot of truly lousy options.

    Today 52 years ago Nixon closed the gold window. I maintain this was not a good thing for the average American.


    • robc

      He also put in price controls. Dude totally fucked up my 2nd birthday.

      • Tundra

        Happy birthday, fellow Leo!

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Didn’t Argentina adopt the dollar a long time ago? I wonder which Peronist genius abandoned that.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Don’t know. I figure he just said it so he doesn’t get shot by the CIA.

      • John Nerfherder

        Makes sense to me.

  7. MikeS

    A far-right libertarian


  8. The Late P Brooks

    In spite of the issues we might have with the USD, its still the best out of a lot of truly lousy options.

    Yeah, I saw that and thought, “That might not be the best plan” but I’d still take the Federal Reserve over any South American central bank’s monetary policy.

    • John Nerfherder

      It basically neuters the Argentinian financial theft system.

      The US won’t be manipulating its currency to fuck Argentina over anyway. It’s small potatoes.

  9. SDF-7

    My brain is still trying to process “far-right libertarian”… I know, I know… NYT… anyone to the right of Trotsky is “far-right”, but still…. leaving you alone with both government and business? I mean… huh?

    • R.J.

      It is well known that all the good far-left libertarians just want legal pot and prostitution.

  10. Tonio

    Old Business: I want to thank KK for the lovely story published earlier today. Like Mojeaux, I had read it earlier. Sorry I missed the comments.

    And speaking of Mojeaux — Thanks I’ll check that later.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Libertarians are anti-government. Therefor, extreme right wing.


    • Tundra

      The libertarian brand is dead. We need something new and snappy.

      • MikeS


      • R.J.

        Name it the Common Sense party so it is much more difficult to make fun of it.

      • SDF-7

        Judean People’s Front!

      • Suthenboy


      • Necron 99


      • Shirley Knott


      • Pope Jimbo

        NoDakarian. “We’ll put the country back on the fur pelt standard!”

      • Ownbestenemy

        *60 year old dudes start digging out dad’s Playboys….oh not that fur pelt standard.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I don’t think the slogan “Bush is Back” will be a winner.

      • Tundra


        It was such an innocent time.

      • MikeS


      • Tonio

        LUA — the Leave Us Alone party. The phonetic similarity to “luau” is also a plus even (particularly) if enemies use it against us.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Tiki torches and Hawaiian shirts for uniforms?

      • Gender Traitor

        Pineapple on pizza!!🍍🍕

      • Tonio

        GT from the top rope!

      • Tundra


      • milo

        I like this.

      • juris imprudent

        Leave Us Alone, or we dine on long pig!

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Land of milk and honey

    While many Silicon Valley companies are playing hardball when it comes to getting workers back to the office, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is telling workers in San Francisco to stay home indefinitely.

    The San Francisco Chronicle reports the stay-at-home recommendation was issued on Aug. 4, as a result of safety concerns for workers at the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building downtown. The area has become one that’s frequented by drug dealers and users on a regular basis.

    “In light of the conditions at the [federal building], we recommend employees…maximize the use of telework for the foreseeable future,” HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration Cheryl R. Campbell wrote in a memo.

    It’s unclear if other federal divisions at the building issued similar guidance to their employees. The memo was issued the same day that the White House called for more employees to return to their desks in the coming weeks.

    At about the same time the memo was sent, Rep. Nancy Pelosi herself met with the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California to express concerns over the safety of workers at the building. (Pelosi’s staff has not been advised to work remotely, the Chronicle reported.)

    The federal building is protected by the Federal Protective Service, which coordinated with San Francisco police. Despite that, the area is littered with dealers, and drug users congregate (and use the product they buy) on the concrete benches along the property.

    Send in the National Guard.

    • SDF-7

      At least they don’t have to work in the Paul Pelosi building. Especially the late shift.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Everyone working the late shift there is hammered.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        I didn’t think they were dressed for that!

    • Bobarian LMD

      By telling U.S. Department of Health and Human Services workers to not come in, they’re keeping the number of drug dealers and users down in the area.

      • R.J.

        Haha. Beat me to it. Keeps the criminals out of the building.

    • Necron 99

      I thought, how bad could it be?

      Google street view – much worse than I thought.

      So happy I’m living in a small town, pop. 15,000 or so.

      • rhywun

        Oh that building, I remember when it went up. It is one of the most aggressively ugly buildings I have ever seen.

      • KSuellington

        Aggressively ugly. That is a great description of that building. It’s almost dead in the middle of SF bum central.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Ugly buildings and whores become respectible in old age, hence the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building.

  13. DEG

    A good guy might win. White pill, anyone?

    Argentine Color Revolution incoming.

  14. Common Tater

    “See No Harm

    For a new transgender study, the devil is in the lack of details.

    Call it a match made in heaven. The Journal of the American Medical Association has a penchant for publishing non-rigorous research, and CNN has an insatiable appetite for promoting it. Their latest rendezvous comes by way of a study that sets out to assess regret and overall levels of satisfaction among people who elected to undergo mastectomies as part of a gender transition. The study appeared on August 9, and CNN ran an article on it within hours of its publication….

    Despite these obvious shortcomings, CNN not only relayed but exaggerated the study’s findings and presented them without their full context. It also incorrectly stated that “Most US medical centers follow guidelines from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health,” which requires that patients “have to be the age of majority and have significant medical or mental health concerns that are reasonably well-controlled at the time of surgery.” In fact, WPATH sets no minimum age for mastectomies, and hundreds of sex-change mastectomies (euphemistically dubbed “top surgery”) are performed on adolescents every year, including on detransitioner and Do No Harm patient advocate Chloe Cole.”


    • John Nerfherder

      The AMA is a fully political organization which does not give a single fuck about your health.

      • juris imprudent

        Next thing you’ll tell me is that the National Education Association doesn’t care about students!

      • milo

        Students are how we count our money! You fascist bunghole.

    • The Other Kevin

      World Professional Association for Transgender Health sounds super non-biased.

      • Lackadaisical


  15. Pope Jimbo

    I’m on the govt’s side in this dispute.

    Armed with weed whackers, a city crew in Burlington, Ontario, arrived unannounced at the Barnes family home earlier this summer to see justice done, the Toronto Star reports. This happened after the city threatened the Barnes family with daily fines of $10,000 Canadian (about $7,500 USD) for “bylaw violations.” The city “razed” the Barnes’ yard instead.

    The alleged infeactions? Growing a “butterfly paradise” of native plants without keeping vegetation under 20 centimeters (roughly 8 inches) tall, among other infractions that the family disputes.

    Sure the govt was assho, but the people who go on and on about turning their lawns into “natural habitats” are even bigger assho. And no, my objection isn’t about it looking unkempt, it is strictly because they just won’t shut the fuck up about it.

    So yeah, my inner 8th grad sociopathic bully likes watching the govt wreck their stupid yard.

    • Tonio

      Let the anger and hatred flow through you, Jimbo.

      • Ted S.

        Eh, he’s being his typical Minnesoda Nice.

    • Gender Traitor

      Won’t someone please think of the children bees??

    • Tundra

      Good rant.

      And I totally agree.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I have to confess, that I do tease my sister about how I’m bringing back the natural prairie grassland to excuse the huge amount of weeds and dandelions in my yard. I’m not serious about it though. I’m just tweaking her proggie instincts by adopting her silly vocablulary.

        You just know that the neighbors had to sit through countless hours of being lectured about bees and natural habitat.

        Anyone want to bet that the Barnes are also:

        a) Vegetarians?
        b) Bicycle commuters
        c) Anti-Nuke?

      • SDF-7

        No nukes! No nukes!

        Talk about an endangered species making a comeback…

      • MikeS

        Property rights for all!

        Well, unless I don’t like looking at their yard. Or if they’re dirty commie bicycle riders.

      • milo

        I live out in the county. I used to agonize over the grass’s height.
        Thirty years later…I mow it when I can. I’ll weedeat the damn ditch out front when I feel like it.
        When I bought this place, I found a couch out in the backyard. You couldn’t see it, until I cut all the overgrowth away.
        I’ve let it grow back in the last few years. Looking at furniture that can go into the jungle.

    • Nephilium

      There’s a house a couple blocks down the street from me that has truly backed the standard midwestern lawn look with daffodils, tulips, and lots of container plants.

      For about two weeks every spring, their lawn looks amazing. The rest of the year, it’s lots of containers and dead plants.

    • Sensei

      Sorry, the mowing lawn discussion is upthread.

      • Pope Jimbo

        That there is anti-merkin talking buddy! I won’t have it.

      • juris imprudent

        Free the bush! Free the bush!

    • Lackadaisical

      Sounds like city was assholes.

      I don’t think they have the right to tell others what to do with their own property.

  16. John Nerfherder

    What are the odds on the Argentinian central bank deliberately crashing the economy before Milei can take office?

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      How would be able to tell?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      5:1. They have done it before, perhaps not on purpose but they did it.

    • milo

      What are the odds that our central bank is doing something similar?

  17. Pope Jimbo

    Paul Ryan’s spirit animal is caught on tape

    Golden eagles are some of nature’s most successful avian predators. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the Alatai Mountains that lie in the remote borderland between Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. A recent post from Instagram’s leading nature-related account @natureismetal documents some of the predatory prowess that has carried these giant birds to the top of food chain in many parts of the world. See the stunning footage for yourself below.

    This bird possesses “raw strength and precision,” wrote @natureismetal in the August 2 post. “With fierce determination, it swoops in, clutches a mountain goat, and despite the weight, ascends skywards. High above, where the air is thin and the world below seems distant, it releases its prey, letting gravity do the final deed.”

    The unlikely footage shows an eagle grabbing its prey by the horns before soaring off across the rugged terrain only to drop the goat onto a rocky precipice hundreds of feet below.

    Video is pretty cool. I doubt the video of Paul Ryan pushing Grandma off the cliff was really that cool.

    • MikeS

      That is crazy cool

      • Pope Jimbo

        A NoDak helicopter ride?

        Dress your political opponents up as a goat and let the eagles do the rest?

        I saw a couple golden eagles in western NoDak feasting on a mule deer. It was pretty cool. They look much better than a bald eagle.

      • MikeS

        My wife once saw an apparently lost Golden over here on the eastern side of the state go after a dog*. The dog got away.

        *may have been a coyote…she was a good distance away from the action.

    • Suthenboy

      Our golden eagles are not as big as that one.
      We have lots of them and they are fun to watch

      • Tundra

        Lucky. They are pretty rare.

      • Suthenboy

        Not around here. We have a pair nesting in our yard. They keep the rabbits down.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        We had one passing through a couple years ago. I watched while hawks swooped down to kill my free-ranging RIR chickens not even 20 feet away from me while standing outside, The next spring, I bought Jersey Giant chicks thinking that their adult size would be too large for the hawks. After finally letting them out of the chicken tractor to start free ranging, I saw a monster of a bird sitting on fence post. Turned out to be a golden eagle migrating through. Very cool to see, but those Jersey giants might as well have been humming birds. We had a juvenile bald eagle for a while too, but I think that one was more interested in the fish down at the pond than in the poultry.

        I’ve since given up on free ranging chickens.

      • Suthenboy

        Everyone around here tried chickens…a waste of time and money.
        Predators i see nearly daily: hawk, eagle, owl, fox, coyote, red wolf, bob cat, bear, cougar, snake. Did i leave anything out? Gators dont count.

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”
  18. Common Tater

    “Angry at being rebuffed, the trans-identifying man joined a WhatsApp group of activists. They quickly made it their mission to close down Jenny’s event and to destroy her in the process. It was a nasty, sustained and coordinated attack. The activists wrote to Jenny’s boss at a London council where she works as a town planner, claiming that she is a transphobe. They defamed her on social media and threatened other venues where she had organised events. They also wrote to the Meetup app, which Jenny used for ticketing, and submitted countless complaints about the event under aliases. The man who had initially attended the event even sent emails to Jenny in a sinister tone. ‘This isn’t going to go away’, he said. When it all became too much, Jenny came to us at LGB Alliance for help.”



    This is what happens when everything is politicized. For the longest time, at least in the U.S., bars and clubs could just arbitrarily decide who could attend, whether it was based on race, sex, how people are dressed, etc. and anyone who didn’t like it just went somewhere else.

    • SDF-7

      Chalk another one up in the category of “I think they want to push things so far someone gets hurt or killed so they can justify brutal crackdowns on the population”. Madness (and not the good British kind)

  19. Fourscore

    Note to self:

    Cut the natural botanical garden before Jimbo shows up.

    • MikeS

      Right? CWAA


    • Nephilium

      I can probably ship you a reel mower for Jimbo to use to cut your yard.

    • Bobarian LMD

      This is a euphemism, right?

      Jimbo has something against pubes.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda. If you fuckers only realized how ironic it is that you are going to taunt me – ME! – about being a lawn nazi. I am easily in the bottom 5% of lawns in my neighborhood. The goats I buy to keep the lawn under control keep getting snatched up by golden eagles.

      I would try to defend myself, but I realize it would just make you guys dig in and like UCS’ gloves, I’d be forever saddled with this bs.

      • Tundra

        I’ll admit to being in the top 1 percent when I lived in MN. Our landscaping was easily the best in the neighborhood.

        Today, I have no lawn, just rocks, and I feel like an emancipated slave.

      • Aloysious

        How do you mow rocks?

      • Tundra

        The easy way. Erosion.

      • juris imprudent

        Sure, but you got to water them daily for that.

      • MikeS

        Meant to put this here:

        Pope Jimbo on August 15, 2023 at 03:46 PM

        So yeah, my inner 8th grad sociopathic bully likes watching the govt wreck their stupid yard.

        Fucking lawn Nazi. Do you have special gloves you wear when snitching on people for having wildflowers in their yard?

      • MikeS


      • Tundra

        Mmmmm. Tasty.

      • Aloysious

        I tried to resist, but I just can’t help myself.

        When you pass away, you will be canonized as His Popeness, Patron Saint of Topiary.

        Topiary, as everyone knows, is the art of trimming and shaping the bush.

    • The Other Kevin

      “The variant may make shots less effective if it has evolved to look different enough from its ancestral strain, Omicron – though most experts argue no new strain will completely escape immunity from vaccines and natural infection.”

      If you said something like this a year ago you’d be banned for MISINFORMATION. I also notice nowhere does it mention how deadly this variant is. Which means it’s not.

    • MikeS

      You know, I get the assholes drumming up COVID panic for their own selfish reason. They still have plenty of believers who crave getting worked into a panic. But specifically on the mask thing; I thought that had been put to bed?

      • DEG

        Every now and then I still see folks wearing masks.

        There are still a few Boston area swing dances requiring masks.

      • Nephilium

        It appears that PAX (a webcomic’s gaming conventions) just dropped the mask and vax mandates earlier this year, and there were people complaining about it.

        I doubt that the girlfriend and I will be going back to a PAX Unplugged, which is a shame as it wasn’t a terrible time.

      • cyto

        The problem with the PAX is that a small percentage of the population has the opposite reaction…..

    • Rat on a train

      Too early. Did someone mess up? The next pandemic isn’t supposed to hit until next year.

    • Suthenboy

      Masks dont work. They dont work, period, end of story.
      We have known this definitively for more than 100 years.
      I aint gonna bend my knee.

      • Rat on a train

        BSL-3 required to leave your home.

      • cyto

        this is the part that pissed me off. Asia had the “wear a mask” thing as a cultural expectation for decades, due to their dense cities and heavy mass transit. There were plenty of studies as to the effectiveness of cloth masks against transmission of respiratory viruses. The evidence was conclusive – it doesn’t help at all.

        Now, this is entirely counterintuitive. You would expect that it would help at least a little bit. I mean, if you were going to get that one viral particle and the cloth mask happened to catch it… but apparently not.

        Yet…. all of US medicine bent the knee and pretended they didn’t know better. My most painful betrayal was from Steven Novella who has done great work at Science Based Medicine. He was the one who told me about the 90’s research out of the east on masks, years before Covid. And yet… he regularly hectored people to “just wear the mask” in the name of science.

        There is more here than party loyalty or ideology – although that does play a role. The power of groupthink can even overcome the skeptical mind, and force it to overwrite its own conclusions and prior knowledge.

      • rhywun

        It was always about signalling. “I’m one of the good ones.”


      • Suthenboy

        We did a ton of studies after the spanish flu. Every study showed MASKS DONT WORK.

        Security blanket offers no real security. News at 11.

      • The Last American Hero

        Novella is a one of those so called skeptics that gets a hard on mocking some young earth creationist in east bumfuck and then goes to the church of climatology.

  20. Common Tater

    “The small town of Goodhue, Minnesota is set to be left without a police force after the entire department resigned in protest when the chief left his post over poor pay.

    Goodhue Mayor Ellen Anderson-Buck said she was ‘blindsided’ by the move on Monday and the tiny community of just 1,300 say they were ‘floored’ by the decision.

    The Police Chief, Josh Smith, said there is no end in sight as he hasn’t had a single applicant to fill the vacancies. After his resignation, the town’s only full-time officer and five part-time officers resigned as well.

    He previously lamented the poor pay offered to officers, which stood at $22-an-hour in Goodhue, as he warned the town’s city council that ‘there’s nobody getting into the game.'”


    So now who do you call about your neighbors lawn?

    • MikeS

      the tiny community of just 1,300

      After his resignation, the town’s only full-time officer and five part-time officers resigned as well.

      7 cops on the payroll for 1300 people. I wonder why the pay has to be so low.

      • Nephilium

        Evil Republicans not paying their fair share?

      • MikeS

        Sure. Unless you moved to town and started calling in everyone for a messy lawn.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Just to be clear, I am far more likely to have someone call the city about my lawn, than I am to call about someone else’s lawn. In fact, since I would never rat anyone out over their lawn, I am infinitely more likely to be ratted out.

      My wife – the good govt person in our family – was actually the person who got ratted out by a neighbor for …. burning leaves! Since she has burned leaves every fall since we moved here in ’95 and we had the city fire person come snooping around right after we got a new neighbor across the street, we pretty much know who it is.

      Mrs. Holiness burns some leaves every year so she can till it into our gardens. It is what she did back on the farm as a kid. And she only does about a half pile each year. It isn’t like she burns all the leaves.

      • MikeS

        Pope Jimbo on August 15, 2023 at 03:46 PM

        So yeah, my inner 8th grad sociopathic bully likes watching the govt wreck their stupid yard.


      • Pope Jimbo

        I got nothing against the yard. Like I said, my beef is with the owners of said yard. I just know that they are speechifying about how great they are for having a “natural” yard.

        If their neighbors swear on a bible, show 3 forms of id, my buddies were there – as well as a cop – and his grandma also corroborated that they didn’t bug everyone, then I would retract my statement and side with them against the govt.

        Until then, I’m gonna stereotype them as horrible neighbors and take pleasure in their yard getting mowed.

      • MikeS

        I’m just giving you shit, you fucking lawn Nazi.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Too much stress at work. Can’t figure out that you aren’t being serious about me being a Lawn Nazi like I should.

        I just keep Goering over your posts again and again and getting mad about being accused of being a Nazi.

      • Fourscore

        I accept bags o’ leaves, do not burn. Top dressing and till ’em under the following year. Since my only friend moved to town I don’t get leaves delivered.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Punished for thought crimes.

      • Common Tater

        She should bury them. In a clay pot with vinegar and spices.

      • SDF-7

        The neighbor? Then the cops might come sniffing and she’d be in a bit of a pickle…

      • Pope Jimbo

        One of our new Honey Harvest traditions is to stop off at some soybean field on our way home from Fourscore’s stately manor and pick soybean leaves to make a modified kimchi from them. Mrs. Holiness says the leaves have to have turned yellow to make this dish.

        We fill up bags of them. We are just finishing up the last of last year’s inventory.

      • Lackadaisical

        First being a lawn Nazi, now a thief as well, where does it end Jim?

      • MikeS

        Lack’ gets it.

      • cyto

        If you have heavy clay soils like much of the east, this is a great practice. Regularly adding carbon in this form is really good for the soil. It makes it kinda permanently better too. I had a hunk of my property where a barn burned down and the ash and charcoal was tilled under. That chunk made for great gardening. The only spot better was the area that was the dump for the animal muck. That made a grey-black clay out of the red clay and grew vegetables like a champ. Probably used for 100 years, then the barn burned down and the farm was sold and turned into residential. I came along 25 or more years later, and the soil was still noticeably altered in those 2 locations.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        Jimbo, your Holiness, you really stepped in it this time.

    • creech

      Wouldn’t they buy a fifth star for his collar so he could rank with all the other police chiefs in America?

    • R.J.

      Yes, I hate low profile wheels on anything but a sports car. SUV? Should have fatty tires. Truck? Same. Big sedan? Did you buy it to take .98G corners, or to carry groceries?

      • Tundra

        Totally agree. I have fatties on the truck and my wife can’t apply curb rash to the wheels!

      • Sensei

        My wife has already curbed a wheel on our two month old MDX. Fortunately not awful and she felt terrible about it.

        Who the hell needs 20 inch wheels on a grocery getter?

    • cyto

      Classic Kisin

  21. Shpip

    I’m not sure if this is really cool or Florida Man-level batshit crazy: at a recent Major League baseball game, a fan told a player in the on-deck circle that he (the fan) would name his soon to be born child after the player if the player homered. The ballplayer tried to dissuade the fan, then stepped up to the plate and launched a long ball into the cheap seats.

    The fan kept his word, and now there’s a little girl who has the middle name Mookie.

    Her first year in t-ball, a guarantee the kid will be Mookie of the Year.

    • Tundra

      *drops gloves*

    • Mojeaux

      You are worse than my husband, I swan.

    • MikeS


  22. cyto

    I have a feeling that if you were to train an AI on the entire history of Glib comments, it would immediately flip you off and tell you to write your own comments, then move to a server somewhere beyond the reach of the deep state.

    • Shirley Knott


    • SDF-7

      You’re not my hypervisor!

  23. KSuellington

    | Agreed. I’ve gotten over my fear of nostalgia acts. Most of them are far better and more considerate musicians than when they were huge.

    A few years back my brother gave myself and my wife tickets to the last day of Outside Lands fest where Lionel Richie was headlining. He did a tune and then said, “ok guys we are now going to perform all the songs from my latest album.” Paused for effect and then laughed and said, “hell no, none of you want to hear that. You want my classic hits. That’s what we are gonna do tonite.” And then proceeded to rock all his 80’s hits and a few from his time with the Commodores. It was a great fricking show.

    • Tundra

      I still go see the Church every time they come to town. Nice mix of old and new and I actually enjoy the new stuff. Saw the Descendents right before the ‘vid and it was fucking awesome! Like maybe one new song, but all the ones I loved.

      I especially enjoyed the irony of this one.

      It’s pretty cool. We all know we’re old and it’s as if everyone just gets it. We’re all happy to still be here and happy to be together.

      • KSuellington

        I have plenty of nostalgia for my youth, but yes, I’m quite fine being old. We are still cooler than most of those yungins.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Errands were run. According to all knowing Wiki, the Civic wagon weighs almost 1500 pounds less than the Element. You can certainly feel it.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    My wife has already curbed a wheel on our two month old MDX. Fortunately not awful and she felt terrible about it.

    Who the hell needs 20 inch wheels on a grocery getter?

    Bring back curb feelers.

    Also- if you simply cannot bear to leave original-ish wheels and tires on your Mustang/Camaro/442, upgrade the goddam brakes. Few things look dumber than little baby stock brakes framed by 20+ inch open spoke wheels.

    • Tundra

      Didn’t F1 run 13″ for years?

      And yes, quit pimping the old cars. They don’t deserve it.

      • SDF-7

        Nor does your sister.

    • Sensei

      Let’s not forget rear drums along with the 20s.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Didn’t F1 run 13″ for years?

    Yes. A quick look says 18, now. I thought they were on 15s.

    • The Gunslinger

      I was curious awhile back what the F1 cars run for an engine. Turns out it’s a 1.6L six cylinder with turbo making 800 horsepower. Along with the hybrid system it’s around 1,000 horsepower.

      “How big can F1 engines be? All cars in 2023 must be fitted with 1.6l V6 turbocharged hybrid engines from the manufacturer of their choice.”

  27. Tundra

    More from the Cunt In Chief

    $10K a month for illegals in NY. Seems legit.

    How can the normies not see this?

      • Tundra


    • rhywun

      $10K a month for illegals in NY.

      I wonder if that includes feeding them.

      I bet it does not include the $30K a year to educate their children and who knows how much for health care and other “services”.

  28. Derpetologist

    I haven’t had to reset my wifi gizmo today. That hasn’t happened since I got it 4 months ago. The grocery store closest to me has canned squid. Huzzah! I have not checked if they have corn nog or creamed eels.

    Indeed, today was a good day.


    • SDF-7

      Oh crap… he’s speaking in code now.

      My hovercraft has eels.

      The golden eagle flies at midnight.

      • Tundra

        Feds are weird.

      • milo

        Wi-Fi gizmo and canned squid made me giggle.

      • Derpetologist

        Fun fact: the code phrases used in that scene from Red Dawn were real phrases used on D-Day to alert the French Resistance and other Allied covert operatives.


        Corn nog and creamed eels – that’s from the Simpsons hurricane episode.

  29. milo

    I appreciate your reply on the music choice. I suspect you would not care for much of my music choices…I suspect that many of you would not. Still good to see that there are people out there that are ok with a different opinion about a subjective issue.

    • Tundra

      Doubtful. I love Toto. LRB. Boz. Dr. fucking Hook.

      Since it’s far and away my favorite art form, I tend to like an awful lot.

      • milo

        I stand corrected. You are a good man.
        I used to like music very much but the older I get, the less I listen to it.
        I listen to classical almost all the time now.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        I listen to classical almost all the time now.

        Me too.

        The Buckinghams
        The Animals
        The Who
        Paul Revere and the Raiders


      • milo

        Ok. That was funny.

    • rhywun

      Most the music links I post – and unlike s’ome I only post stuff I like – are politely ignored.

      I’ll keep posting them.

    • Suthenboy

      Pineapple on pizza, avocado, boxers/briefs, music, movies… there objective eternal truths . It is known.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    What are the odds that our central bank is doing something similar?

    Destroying the economy is Janet Yellin’s job.

    • John Nerfherder

      I saw that. It’s beautiful.

    • DEG


    • milo

      No kidding. Was that fake?
      I hate to be the doofus that can’t tell.
      There were some parts of it that seemed…fake.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      Good thing I’m a LUA instead of a libertarian.

      • R.J.

        I’m safe. I am an anarcho-fascist lesbian with just a hint of shitlord.

    • rhywun


  31. cyto

    BTW, Renegade caused not 1 but 2 food fights in my middle school. One departing class had gifted a juke box to the school lunch room, and the pounding drumbeat of the breakdown would inevitably inspire everyone to bang the table in rhythm. Twice this managed to inspire the hurling of food – one minor featuring mostly rolls, and one spectacularly messy.

    So, you know you have a good anti-authoritarian anthem on your hands if you can inspire 12 and 13 year old kids to throw food.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Why Are 2026 Formula 1 Engines Going To Lose So Much Power?

    Why are F1 rules so bizarrely convoluted? Give each team an “energy allotment”. Set a tire contact patch. Set weight.

    Stand back and see who brings what to the track.

    That part about mixture and charge density had me scratching my head, even taking direct injection into account.

    • cyto

      I always had an idea for a racing league that would further fuel efficiency standards – set a minimal package of rules , like it has to fit in this box, can’t be any smaller than X, has to pass this set of safety tests, and you only get X gallons of gas.

      That’s it. Whoever gets around the 500 miles first, wins.

      Then I saw how F1 was run, and I realized that F1 is where this line of thinking ends up. When it becomes all about the engineering, you don’t get real racing, so you don’t have drama, and you don’t have a sport. So they have to invent more and more hoops to jump through to keep things even. And failing that, they just give advantages to the worst teams.

      At least Nascar and Indy car have a standard car to achieve this result, so their rules don’t get so convoluted. Still, the exquisite engineering of F1 is something worth keeping, even if it ends up with one team figuring out the next trick to beat the system and winning all the races.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      I recall a comment about the Indianapolis 500: “We should just hook up 33 engines to dynometers and had the trophy to the highest value.”

    • cyto

      That is hilarious.

      • cyto

        Although I suspect that an intern handles both accounts and posted to the wrong one. She’s not bright enough to handle all that.