Please Enter Order Confirmation Number

by | Aug 12, 2023 | Cryptids, Economy, Food & Drink, Markets, Musings, Products You Need | 110 comments

If in our brave new world we will be confined to an within a 15 min walking radius of your pod, how exactly do they expect anyone to be able to obtain goods from across town?

This is my review of Great Divide Strawberry Yeti Imperial Stout:

I realize the most likely answer is, “you don’t,” so lets set that aside.  If the expectation is an economy is still supposed to be possible if we are confined to the neighborhood, certain things will need to be ordered for delivery.  UPS recently negotiated a $170,000 annual salary with their driver’s union.   The capitalist in me wants to congratulate the driver’s union for creating a market distortion for drivers that other other companies will probably struggle to meet.

While this is the max for UPS and there is a fair bit of difficulty required to get to the top of the payscale, it is a lot more than the average truck driver currently makes (H/T:  Gordilocks).  This will only mean investment in drone delivery will likely be more fruitful as the cost of delivery includes paying a driver making as much as the Executive VP of Sales.

The issue then are the drones will do exactly as they are programmed to do, in spite of what is in its way.  Another potential problem is if the thing in its way is the looter trying to get what’s inside.  How does the delivery company ensure delivery by a drone without having a drone resort to violence to complete its task?

You have 30 seconds to comply. Please provide order confirmation number. Confirmation number not accepted. Please provide order confirmation number. *readies plasma rifle* Confirmation number not accepted. Please provide order confirmation—Accepted.  Thank you for ordering Chick-Fil-A. It was my pleasure.

Now I don’t think the widgets I ordered on Amazon are worth more than the looter’s life, but on some level I don’t think its too much to ask for my widgets to get to me.  I paid for them after all, those widgets inside are my property.  Turning the delivery drone into a tank is costly and likely defeated by turning it over.  The FAA is already having a fit over figuring out how to regulate flying drones.  The solution may very well be to arm the drone with a not quite lethal, but sufficiently painful countermeasure.  Like a taser, or flames shooting out the sides.

Which is probably a civil rights issue, if not an obvious liability issue.  I guess the answer is still, “you don’t.”


Did any of you guys hear that STEVE SMITH was gay?  I totally didn’t know that, and I can say that behind the relative safety the internet provides.  This is…not great.  Its not enough for me to hit the White Girl Beer alert, but there are some things that probably shouldn’t be combined.  It must be frustrating, when you run out of ideas and are forced to come up with …something.  Anything resembling a solution. Great Divide Strawberry Yeti Imperial Stout: 2.2/5

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. John Nerfherder

    I think STEVE identifies as non-binary.

    • kinnath

      pan sexual

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Pots, pans, whatever. As long as he’s forking.

      • SDF-7

        I figured he was try-sexual.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Soylent Corp will provide all your necessary bug-based nutrients via a network of tubes.

  3. Common Tater

    “Great Divide Strawberry Yeti Imperial Stout: 2.2/5”

    That sounds 2.2 points too high.

    • cyto

      When I think “imperial stout”, I definitely think “you know what this could use? Some fruit!”

      • Nephilium

        I’ve had some quite delightful fruited imperial stouts. Think along the lines of the dessert stouts or imperial pastry stouts.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, I could see some fruits working (cherry, raspberry), but not strawberries.

      • Nephilium

        Chocolate covered strawberries are a popular thing. It can work, but it has to be done well. Almost all of the Great Divide Yeti variants I’ve had have been good, but their distribution to my area has dropped off quite a bit over the past decade.

        On the raspberry front, Great Lakes put out a 4-pack for February years back that was a Chocolate Raspberry Porter that was amazing (from memory, it was called Alberta Clipper, and was based on their Edmund Fitzgerald porter).

      • SDF-7

        I think out of shape stormtroopers… but I’m weird that way.

      • Tres Cool

        San Francisco Ale ?

  4. The Late P Brooks

    It must be frustrating, when you run out of ideas and are forced to come up with …something.

    It reeks of desperation.

  5. Gender Traitor

    WebDom’s Weekend Links: Cryptid Edition

    Posted by WebDom | Aug 12, 2023 | Cryptids, Daily Links, WebDom’s Browser History | 153

    Please Enter Order Confirmation Number

    Posted by mexican sharpshooter | Aug 12, 2023 | Cryptids, Economy, Food & Drink, Markets, Musings, Products You Need | 4

    Guess it’s Cryptids Week here at

    Sure beats hell out of Shark Week on the Discovery Family of Channels. (Thank goodness THAT’S over! I thought it would never end!)

    • mexican sharpshooter

      This was purely coincidental.

    • Suthenboy

      Peoples fascination w
      Ith sharks puzzles me.
      It is a large meat eating fish. We are made out of meat. Stay away from them.

    • SDF-7


  6. DEG

    Did any of you guys hear that STEVE SMITH was gay? I totally didn’t know that, and I can say that behind the relative safety the internet provides. This is…not great. Its not enough for me to hit the White Girl Beer alert, but there are some things that probably shouldn’t be combined. It must be frustrating, when you run out of ideas and are forced to come up with …something. Anything resembling a solution. Great Divide Strawberry Yeti Imperial Stout: 2.2/5

    Hmm…. Probably would need some chocolate in the beer to make it viable.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      There is, it just doesn’t work.

      • DEG



      • Chafed

        Thanks for taking another one for the team. That sounded awful going in. Apparently it didn’t get any better once you were drinking it.

  7. Rebel Scum

    Hopefully it doesn’t tip over.

    Documents the U.S. military has released discussing the potential impacts on day-to-day life on Guam from the new air and missile defenses have offered a new look at the scale and scope of the project. A total of 20 separate sites are currently under consideration to host surface-to-air interceptors, radars, and other elements of the planned Enhanced Integrated Air and Missile Defense (EIAMD) system. In addition to changes on the ground, the system is expected to come along with new airspace restrictions, particularly around radar sites that will be in constant operation and present potential electromagnetic interference hazards.

    • Brochettaward

      What does the average UPS driver bring to the table above replacement level employee? The answer is…nothing. There are a lot of jobs that suck that people are fine getting paid jack shit but I’m supposed to feel bad for UPS drivers because of…because of what? The heat?

      • Brochettaward

        What I see are a bunch of unionized UPS workers trying to scare off new hires.

        Have you seen your average UPS driver? Physically demanding? I’m sure the shit isn’t fun, but please don’t try and sell me on it being even in the top 20 most physically demanding jobs someone can have.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I love the knee jerk reaction to unions.

      • Brochettaward

        I have no actual opposition to unions outside the reality that they often times kill the business supporting their existence with excessive demands.

        I am not rara employer/big business/corporate America. But there are a shit ton of jobs that suck more than being a UPS driver that aren’t paying that. It’s bad business and it will be bad for drivers in the long term. But let’s celebrate that short term victory, I guess.

        There’s a reason unions are nearly dead in this country despite massive legal protections outside the public sector where they don’t have to care about silly things like profits and growth.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Yes, anyone could do it but not everyone can handle it.

      Sounds like the military. In all seriousness, its great for them but it probably sucks to be FedEx right now.

      • Brochettaward

        I remember some Obama era bureaucrat publicly crowing about how the military was overpaid relative to their skill levels to justify giving smaller raises (it was when they were trying to squeeze troop numbers down).

      • Suthenboy

        Lemme guess…that fucktard never had someone try to kill him in his life.

      • Brochettaward

        No, but she graduated from a top school that her parents paid for, I’m sure.

      • Tres Cool

        Cannon-fodder. Politician’s kids and general’s kids dont go to war.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        If you take a standard 6 month deployment, it works out to pennies by the hour.

      • Brochettaward

        The enlisted military is the only part of the government where the government gets a good deal on labor. What they do with that labor is another story, but they’re getting it at a good price.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I don’t know why anyone does. GI Bill, maybe.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Fun, travel, adventure.

      • Suthenboy

        @Gustave….so tears and empty wallets.
        My adventuring days are behind me.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The original acronym FTA has multiple meanings…

    • DEG


    • Gender Traitor

      Nice! Hard to judge scale, but doesn’t look excessively huge for the sake of being huge. And blue! 👍

      • mexican sharpshooter


    • Sean

      Nice! Looks very clean.

      Wanna take it offroad?

      • Timeloose

        I’m not going to much more than a few logging roads and the typical trails we have up here.

    • Tres Cool

      Looks nice. Ex-gf (OG-1X-OG) had a Ranger. It was fun to drive.

  8. Tres Cool

    from the AM lynx, and the link to the ‘Cuda on bringatrailer…

    My rental for the trip to Steubenville this past week was a 2021 Challenger hemi. I was booked for general full-size, and they were out- so that was my option.
    Not a fan of the car in general. Didn’t care for the interior, including Fiat’s stupid new giant interface for all the controls. But….man, that thing is quick. And sounds really, really, nice.

    • Timeloose

      They are a great traditional coupe with a decent back seat. So much bigger than the original E bodys.

    • DEG

      I am in the process of buying a 2021 Challenger with a 6.2L Hemi and a manual.

      I liked the interior, though I’ll admit, I think my 2021 Mustang’s interior looks better. It sounds good. I didn’t try pushing the car on the test drive. The sales guy was riding along and the car was low on gas. I just wanted to take the car our for a brief trip to see how the transmission felt.

  9. Timeloose

    The delivery drone should use a skunk like spray when ever threatened along with some kind of dye that can’t be washed off without lacquer thinner or Xylene.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Creative but I like my flamethrower idea.

  10. Rebel Scum

    It will be disappointing of there is no Crowder stream.

    Fox News is telling everyone in media not directly affiliated with them that the August 23rd Republican debate is exclusively theirs and no one is allowed to air any clips of the broadcast beyond three total minutes, and never again after a 7 day window. In other words, they’re treating this debate as if it’s an NFL or MLB broadcast. It’s not. This has never been done and deserves a legal challenge.

    • Brochettaward

      Let Fox try to sue or go after every streamer. Even just the big ones. They’ll lose. There’s no good reason for Youtube or any other social media platform to play along. This is toothless.

    • Suthenboy

      I had the notion that FOX cooked it up, paid for it and coralled the participants. I just assumed it was thiers. I could be wrong. I already know who the nominee will be barring him shooting himself in the dick.

      Oh well, we will see what flies. Arent these debates usually a shindig put on by the parties national committes?

      • Suthenboy

        Ugh…pecking out on a tiny screen….

      • Lackadaisical

        Better than screening a tiny pecker.

  11. PieInTheSky

    Copenhagen is ridiculously expensive. I mean fuck me. Not literally i cant afford that

    • PieInTheSky

      A craft beer is like 9 of your American dollars. Good wine 15 a glass.

      • Nephilium

        That’s the price in some of the big cities here (if not a bit less expensive).

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Yeah what he said. Two years ago $25 for a good burger would be lunacy, now it’s normal.

      • Nephilium

        Funny you mention that. Our local Brewdog bar just “updated” their menu. They dropped the one item that the girlfriend and I got every time (the Hoppy Meal, burger/cheeseburger; fries/sweet potato fries; free gift; ice lolly; discount on a pint) and the new menu has the cheapest burger at $16.45 and individual tacos at $6-$10.

        I am not entertained by this.

      • Chafed

        So much this.

    • Ted S.

      I’ve never checked prices between Copenhagen and Skoal.

      • Tres Cool

        Thats why I dip Grizzly. Wintergreen longcut.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I just chew on bacon

      • Tres Cool

        “Be creative. Instead of making sandwiches with bread, use pop-tarts”

      • Rebel Scum

        Get used to elk jerky.

        There are apparently too many elk, particularly in eastern and northeastern Wyoming, and lawmakers, ranchers, hunters and the Wyoming Department of Game and Fish are in a quandary over how to handle it.

        “I always tell Game and Fish that elk are their wild horses,” Jim Magagna, executive vice president of the Wyoming Stock Grower’s Association, said Friday.

    • SDF-7

      I mean fuck me. Not literally i cant afford that

      Hey, if you head just a little ways up the road to Amsterdam you might find someone to pay you for that…

  12. Sensei

    Has anybody watched this?ár

    A friend of a friend recommended it. She’s a rather conservative Spaniard and said it was quite non-PC. That’s what peaked my interest.

    (She’s also a practicing dentist in Spain and vehemently hated the COVID vaccines and the EU mandates.)

    • PieInTheSky

      Why do you need to virtue signal you friends anti vax credentials?

      • Sensei

        I’m not. Just trying to describe background for the recommendation.

        If I tell you that X is Nancy Pelosi’s favorite film and recommends it. That tells me all I need to know about not watching it.

        There is no virtue signaling. It’s a statement of fact. I have another good friend who was completely pro vaccine.

      • PieInTheSky

        If I tell you that X is Nancy Pelosi’s favorite film and recommends it. That tells me all I need to know about not watching it. – well dwarf porn is not for everyone

      • R C Dean

        It’s not?

        *clears browser history*

      • SDF-7

        That weasel Dinklage shutting more people out of roles again?

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Grifter vs Grifter

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced it will spend $1.2 billion for two pioneering facilities—one in Texas, the other in Louisiana—that will remove millions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually from the atmosphere using a technology known as direct air capture (DAC). Part of a controversial effort to combat global warming, the awards represent the first phase of $3.5 billion in funding for DAC hubs set aside in last year’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and mark the first major governmental backing in the world for the emerging carbon capture technology.

    The program aims to create four DAC hubs over the next 10 years, each capable of removing and storing at least 1 million tons of CO2 each year. As part of the program’s rollout, DOE officials also announced funding for an additional 19 conceptual and engineering studies of potential future DAC plants.

    “This is a bold investment in a technology we think will be needed down the road,” says Sally Benson, a geochemist at Stanford University.

    But critics of the strategy are plentiful as well. Benson’s Stanford colleague Mark Jacobson, an atmospheric scientist, calls the program “a boondoggle” and “a complete waste of money.” He argues that because DAC requires so much energy to capture CO2, purify it, and pump it underground for permanent storage, it is one of the most expensive and inefficient ways to sequester carbon. A better climate strategy, Jacobson says, would be to simply spend the money on building out renewable energy faster, so that coal and natural gas electricity plants can be retired more quickly.

    Let’s just put them all in a sealed room and pump it full of CO2.

    • Sensei

      The important thing is how the “carbon credit” game works. Doesn’t matter how the process works or doesn’t. Doesn’t matter how much it costs as long as I can get a “credit” that is higher than the perpetual motion Ponzi scheme cost.

    • Suthenboy

      Plant trees. Oh, wait…leeches cant feed on trees.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    But although scaling up technologies has dropped prices for everything from flat screen TVs to solar panels, Robert Howarth, a biogeochemist at Cornell University, says he doubts the same will apply to DAC plants. The low concentration of CO2 in air makes the physics difficult, he says. “I’m skeptical that direct air capture is really going to take us anywhere,” he says.

    However, McCoy argues that money spent on DAC now could still pay off in the future. “It’s clear that removing carbon after the fact is a whole lot more expensive than mitigating it today. But we need to understand if there is a learning curve here.” If so, he adds, now is the time to get it started.

    Let’s throw a few trillion at it, and see if anything sticks.

    • Suthenboy

      The ice age is ending just like all the others have. We are on track just where we should expect to be.
      As the water warms and melts it will expell CO2 at a rate we have no chance of keeping up with. Unless someone can figure out how to cool the sun a bit the warming will continue.

      The climate crisis is the biggest scam in history.

  15. The Late P Brooks


    A Tesla Cybertruck release candidate was found broken down on the side of the road as the automaker is testing the electric pickup truck ahead of the start of production.


    The electric pickup truck is going through final validation ahead of the start of deliveries, which CEO Elon Musk said should happen around the end of September.

    Tesla is also testing several Cybertruck release candidates around California, and one of them was spotted on the side of the road, seemingly broken down:

    By the time he turned around to go back to the electric truck, the employee had covered the Cybertruck and abandoned it. This indicates that it likely broke down, and Tesla needed to come pick it up.

    I’m sure the guy is going to just leave his (multi)million dollar test mule on the side of the road and go look for a pay phone. Maybe get a beer and a burger, too.

  16. R C Dean

    “Now I don’t think the widgets I ordered on Amazon are worth more than the looter’s life”

    I’d say that’s the looter’s call, not yours.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Sounds like you approve of my flamethrower idea.

  17. Tundra

    The beer sounds kind of nasty. My daughter likes Breckenridge Vanilla Porter, though, so maybe I’ll track it down for her.

    Just got back from a week in Wyoming. I love that state.

    • Tres Cool

      I had a chance to go to Montana for a project this past week, but I knew it was going to be fucked start/finish. Wasnt worth the opportunity.

    • Rebel Scum

      That was neat. Shoutout to my homies in Farmville. I think the Bearing Arms guy is located around those parts as well.

      • Tres Cool

        Weird. I got family in Farmville.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Unless someone can figure out how to cool the sun a bit the warming will continue.

    I believe Bill Gates and his compadres are working on that.

    • Shirley Knott

      Giving a whole new meaning to ‘blue screen of death.’

      • Suthenboy

        Since their goal is to kill off half of the people on the planet, that would probably do the trick.
        Somehow I dont think they have really thought that through.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Half? More like 90%.

    • Suthenboy

      I have heard numbers between 50% and 95 %, I guess it depends on which watermelon you ask.
      As I mentioned…I dont think that they have thought that through. As my Grandaddy said “Hell is having your dreams come true.”

  19. Tonio

    “Now I don’t think the widgets I ordered on Amazon are worth more than the looter’s life…”

    Not a widget, perhaps, but what about medicine?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Further endorsement for my flamethrower idea!

      • Nephilium

        Welcome to Cleveland!

      • mexican sharpshooter


    • Sensei

      That really does hurt.

    • Rebel Scum

      As usual the Bee is on fire.

    • Suthenboy

      Meh, that isn’t our concern.

  20. Lackadaisical

    “During a July hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, some Republicans pounced on Khan’s failures, calling her a “bully” and arguing that her leadership of the agency had been a “disaster.””

    Literal ‘Republicans pounced ‘

    Luckily an expert rose up to save us.

    “But at least one expert says that the FTC is moving in the right direction despite recent misses.”

    She keeps losing all the cases based on the facts and that these companies are doing nothing wrong. Apparently filing frivolous lawsuits is the correct path for the FTC.

    • Gender Traitor

      “The business of America is attacking business!”

  21. The Late P Brooks

    “The business of America is attacking business!”

    Kkkorporashunz BAAAAAD!