I was convinced to post this film by a couple of good reviews. I enjoyed what I saw so far. It’s a mix of freedom for Quebec, zombies, ninjas, and punk rock. The cast and director shared enthusiasm for this project, which in my mind is always a plus. The special effects range from poor to Atari 2600. Don’t let that put you off. Consider it as part of the overall style of the movie. I think this may sum up the movie in a few brief, AI generated sentences:
In 2028, Charles Maurice, Quebec’s prime minister and national hero, made a pact with the Devil in order to bring Quebec to independence. But the Devil tricked him and a zombie apocalypse was unleashed on the country.
So watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary! I ended up getting to see about half of this film so far. I will watch the other half with all of you. Is it good? Is it terrible? Is it boring? Let me know in the comments. At the very least, it is something new. As always, even if you hate the movie you can open post about something else. Thursday nights have no limits. Next week: A classic that fell between the cracks when I assembled post schedules. The Assassination Bureau, starring everyone’s favorite wild man, Oliver Reed and the quintessential British woman, Diana Rigg.
Note: August 17th is the second anniversary of doing this post to cheer up all you black-pilled Glibs. Gird your loins and order the 55 gallon drum of lube from Amazon.
Reminder: The Glib Cruise is coming in 2024! Click here for details. Am I really a green alien from outer space? Does OMWC exist, or is he a figment of Sugar Free’s imagination? Are we all a figment of Sugar Free’s imagination? You’ll have to go to know!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Thanks, RJ 🙂
I won’t be able to watch it tonight though.
All good. Thanks for stopping by!
Give me a few minutes and I’ll dive in….
For those diving in, the film is in French.
English subtitles work
I forgot about that. Wrote this weeks ago.
There is French and there is Quebecois. One of the two I have vague chance of comprehending.
Next thing you will tell us is this film broke up the first couple of Canada.
I wish. Pretty sure laughing boy Trudie did that all himself. Imagine what a dick smack he must be like at home. Every time he speaks he sounds like a condescending 9th grade English teacher.
I am First-pilled, thank you very much.
Are first pills black? What is the color of a first?
A First appears gold, but it is really both the absence of all light and the light of all colors at once. It is everything and nothing. If you must, think of it as tasting like a rainbow and as skittle colored.
How would you know what a first looks like?
Witcher producer provides another key reason Hollywood product’s suck. They assume their viewers are idiots. They needed to dumb down the complex Witcher for the small screen because American’s are fat and stupid and don’t understand nuance!
Forget that the video games are a smashing success and that this is a show and book series primarily about a strong man killing monsters. We needed to make the 3rd season about a gay romance and empowered women because American audiences are stupid. Which is why they rejected the show or something…
You are a failure, asshole. Your show bombed. Shows with nuance like House Of The Dragon are thriving. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
Seems the reverse would make more sense. Make a shallow film because it is easier to translate to multiple languages and relate to multiple cultures.
You will still wind up with crap, but I guess you can’t bash America if you say that.
Yeah, that is how I usually hear the dumbing-down explained.
But explaining it that way would be racist. Safer to blame Americans.
Good evening Bro.
I did not say anything but I was lurking last night.
Your concern for Derp was obviously earnest and your advice to him sound. I am sure I can speak for others as well as myself when I say Thank You.
There but for the Grace of God….
+1 I noticed the same.
I said my piece. I can’t do much else for him online. Only thing I’d add to what I said last night or re-emphasize is that when you are hallucinating, it’s not always obvious at all. There are things I swear people said to me that I’m told didn’t happen. Or couldn’t have happened and made sense in an other way beyond the narrative I told myself.
You don’t always know you are hallucinating when hallucinating. And schizophrenia is a spectrum, an often misunderstood and misrepresented one. I was able to go to work and function for months before shit blew up in my face in a way I couldn’t fix.
So that’s all I’d say to Derpy. A psychiatrist would probably be the best bet.
It was a bitter experience in the Army that so many people were more willing to believe that I was lying, suicidal, or insane than that my squad leader was a piece of shit. When I got out of the psych ward, that scumbag put a no-contact order on me, like I was the one who had been hounding him. The wicked flee when none pursue.
As for my more exotic explanations of certain events, it would be one thing if I was a skid row drunk in a tin foil hat ranting about CIA mind control beams. I am not.
I won’t be able to see a psychiatrist for some time even if I wanted to.
Tactics and methods employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim’s private or family life. This often included psychological attacks, in a form of gaslighting. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim’s family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, and bugging.[46]
Derp – I can say with experience that if you go to the VA and tell them you may be having an emergency and suffering from paranoid thoughts, they will see you and most likely that day. I don’t know if you trust the VA, but you are seeing them for your drinking you said.
There will be ass-covering questionnaires about if you are suicidal or thinking of harming others. That goes with the territory of mental health treatment. I can understand why you would be sensitive to that because believe me it grinds my own gears when I see my psychiatrist and every god damn session starts off about whether I’m suicidal.
I don’t wish to get repetitive. From the outside looking in, I was relatively stable if just acting weird to the people around me. I went to work every day. In some ways, I was seemingly more motivated than I had been in some time quitting both drinking and smoking cold turkey at once. But I had episodes, minor shit like walking out of work. I didn’t think I had super powers. I would have told you I wasn’t hallucinating because, again, hallucinations seem real. Very real.
Schizophrenia does not have to manifest the way you see in Hollywood. That wasn’t my experience with it.
But from what you’ve told us, there’s reasons why I and a few others are questioning if you are stable. And that does not negate any of your interactions with the government/Army/NSA.
These things aren’t mutually exclusive. You could have been screwed over by the Army and the stress may have brought about symptoms of something you never knew you had and never thought you’d have in a million years.
It was well-said.
I appreciated Bro’s concern and sincere advice. Please also understand that I have already been through many hours of psychiatric evaluations and other similar sessions.
I can shut-up on this. I didn’t intend to rehash last night. I think the above captures the entirety of what I could say on the subject. Wish you well and I hope I am wrong.
If you have more to say, feel free. I’ll be up for another hour or two.
I don’t have anything meaningful to say or offer and missed last night, but I hope you find what you need and your are loved here.
/an imperfect person
This is why I love this place. This is how people who love each other deal with each other. Our little community is built like a family. A weird family, built of oddballs.
But a pretty great family.
You have people here who care about you and your wellbeing.
To Bro’s advice I will add this from my experience with my mother and her periodic hospitalizations – they had hot chocolate in a machine! You could just put a styrofoam cup under the thingie and push the button and it would fill it with hot chocolate. Like, for free and everything. I got to go back and get as much as I wanted.
So… if you needed a reason to go to the VA and seek help from the professionals… just remember…. they might have the free hot chocolate thing.
We didn’t know the difference – we were kids. Mom had conversations with the Virgin Mary, among others. She had rages that came from nowhere. Apparently she tried to kill herself a few times – but they never told us kids… not back then. After a few years and a few rounds of trying different medication during a handful of short hospital stays, they got her mostly sorted out. That was way back in the dark ages.
Her life was much better for it. The suicide attempts went away for decades at a time. She was a sweet lady, defined by her over-the-top ability to always see the best in others. I’m glad she got help, even though she didn’t want to at the time.
I’ll second what Suthen said first.
Lame excuse for shitty product.
Nothing like a good depression to flush the shit out of the system.
Wife and I watched season three, but it was rough. They took so much nuance out (if you want to be charitable) that there were just random events happening without explanation.
Also, aren’t all the female witches supposed to be hot? They picked some real fat uggos that even tres wouldn’t pork. /Inclusive
I like how Claude mixes German and French.
Swiss, or Luxembourgish?
Late mideaval English.
Tori can’t read, and I can’t spell.
30 minutes in. What have I done?
You have become Neil Breen, the bringer of shit movies.
Yeah. Bad choice. Next two are great. This is what I get for trusting somebody else’s review and posting blind.
I can’t believe you recommended this movie, I can’t believe you recommended this movie, how could you have done this!?
Would you rather watch this or the new Snow White?
I was referencing this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tklPboieVX4&pp=ygUWRmF0ZWZ1bCBmdW5kN25ncyBkZWF0aA%3D%3D
Tough question: shitty French-Canadian horror schlock versus soulless cash-in Woke Disney live-action remake?
I think some Bad Choice Cinema nights may be needed to freshen up year 3.
Yes. Sounds fun. Painful, but fun,
Winston loves tune, confirmed.
I’ll pick this up later. I need to join a Zoom. I’m not sure what to make of this movie.
Thanks RJ!
Might be a mistake. Next week is much better, then a new monster movie with babes, Rocktapussy!
Where’s Rufus?
I didn’t know Turdeau Jr. Was a separatist.
Rufus sensed this movie was a loose bowel movement and stayed away out of spatter distance.
Lia Thomas banned from competing against biological women.
Good. Also the concept of an open category so trans-humans can compete is a decent solution.
That so won’t fly with the hard-core, “I am a woman if I say so” types.
I could care less what they think. If you want to become a new category of person, you can compete in a new sports category. If the trans-humans get disruptive and violent about it, things will not go in their favor.
That’s all well and good but they already have all the institutions on their side.
I’d be delighted to see things settle in that direction but I very much doubt they will.
It is so ridiculous we are even having this “conversation”.
Why is the world letting a tiny handful of transactivists and a somewhat larger if still rather insignificant number of far-left “allies” hijack so much of society?
Gender is at the very core of culture and society. You undermine that, and you undermine everything else. You confuse children about who they fundamentally are, and you breed a generation of fucked up, easily manipulated weaklings who will do as they’re told.
Yeah, that is the point and for those who choose to listen they are not shy about saying so.
Bro, will you be my First ally? I’m going to organize a First week and I’d like you to march in support of my Firstness.
I’ll organize an ass-whoopin for impersonating one of my people. You know nothing of our strife and have none of our strength and dignity.
I’ll take that as a “yes”.
Just saw this in the semi-local paper. I guess one whole month wasn’t enough.
LGBTQ+ Pride events kick off in Grand Forks this weekend
Some choice quotes illustrating the things I was saying in the “Pride” convo we had last week.
OFFS. It’s all just performance art at this point.
“I’m a queer ally! No, I’m not queer. I’m an ally of queers!”
They just want some your gay coolness to rub off on them by association. Don’t bogart it.
I haven’t been cool-gay in about 25 years.
Somewhat related note(?)
When NSA invited me to take online tests for the code breaker job, I was reminded of the code breaking scenes in A Beautiful Mind.
Turns out Nash had schizophrenia and hallucinated all the code breaking stuff. At least I have screenshots and other evidence to bolster my claims.
My time at NSA was kind of like this. I suspect if they ever hire me, I will be in an isolated basement in Fort Meade.
With a red stapler?
Why not? I can be the Milton of NSA. In a way, I already am.
They have plenty of unusual people there. I was in an office near some. One guy would drop trou at urinals. Another put his head on the wall and folded his arms. Wall walkers were common. The analyst civilians were more normal than the cryptologists.
Home! (sorry I missed the movie)
Yeah, I worked 9 hours in a stinkin’ paper mill. Yeah, it rained and we got dumped on. Then I had to make the drive back to Ohio.
But I will say, despite how tired I am, I didnt get fucked over by an airline like my last 3 trips.
Home is where the tall cans are.
I love home, wherever it is. I lost whatever Wanderlust I used to have ages ago.
I dont have wanderlust. Anything other than overnight travel is a pain.
However, I generously compensated for that pain.
Im a whore. No doubt about it.
And I just drained one to counter-act all the caffeine I took to not doze off.
In fact Ill have another, just to be sure.
“[Zaphod] poured a drink down his other throat with the plan that it would head the previous one off at the pass, join forces with it, and together they would get the second one to pull itself together. Then all three would go off in search of the first, give it a good talking to and maybe a bit of a sing as well. He felt uncertain as to whether the fourth drink had understood all that, so he sent a fifth to explain the plan more fully and a sixth for moral support.”
“If there’s anything more important than my ego on this ship, I want it caught and shot right now.”
-Zaphod Beeblebrox
You missed nothing. This was a blindfold movie miss.
Were there tits ?
No. Two weeks out, Rocktapussy has lots.
I just watched the trailer. Looks fun.
I just finished it. Very entertaining.
You’ve put up a number of gems. Hold your disgusting, alien head high.
I do. And I shall redeem. Sadly I will still be an obese green alien who needs his googly eyes fixed.
Reposted from dead thread:
“My divorce became final in May 1 2023. The “paperwork” was filed electronically, including the final decree with the scanned signature of the court clerk. Very easy, very efficient.
But when I went to get my WA driver’s license, I brought a printout of my decree which clearly states “Electronically filed” by the clerk’s signature.
WA won’t accept it. So I wrote to Clark county NV to request a certified copy. It will cost $10 (not a problem) but they say they will contact requesters with instructions for payment—problem. They haven’t contacted me.
So I still haven’t changed my name on any IDs. I need this handled so I can get a passport too. No passport, no GlibsCruise!!”
I am darned close to pulling the trigger. Just have to figure out what class of room. Some of the differences seem pretty subtle so I might call the travel agent to figure it out.
I think I’ll be a curmudgeon at first and book for just me (at I assume a 2 x deposit charge), but who knows? A lot can happen in a year.
No roommate is an option?
Now I’m envisioning a half-booked cruise ship full of curmudgeons.
That would be a proper GlibsCruise wouldnt it?
Fully booked, half occupied. To do a single you have to pay the whole double rate.
Now I’m envisioning a half-occupied ship full of techinically-correct-is-the-best-kind-of-correct autists.
And this is a real Glibcurise.
Yep, I’m aware of that. I plan to pay a 2 c deposit in anticipation of NOT sharing a room,
But as I said, a lot can happen between the deposit and the final payment. I might have a roomie by then,
But I’m a curmudgeon,,,
Look at cruise critic review boards.
I can make myself available….
The name “chain” and proof of identity is such utter bullshit. It’s not permanently tattooed to you, it’s an assertion and assumption.
Still rolling my eyes from when we got married and the DMV clerk eventually just put down what my wife asked because the out of state license doesn’t show the same fields this state does.
The Transporter holds up.
I started watching Monster, the Dahmer shit made by Netflix tonight. Shit is more like a biopic of the dude than a series focused on a serial killer. Shit is too dull to even be offensive let alone creepy.
And there’s absolutely no reason to edit it out of order. Just tell a fucking straight forward story.
It makes it “artsy”.
Nonlinear storytelling is a sign of superior intelligence. If you didn’t get it, then it is because you aren’t as smart as everyone who did. (thinks every film critic, everywhere)
I hate fridays.
Fridays hate you too. Call it a day and go back to bed.
I can’t We have a meeting about getting our fax lines out of New Jersey.
Don’t ask me why we have a datacenter in New Jersey.
“We have a meeting about getting our fax lines out of New Jersey.”
I’d rather have a root canal.
Meetings are less expensive. They pay me to attend.
Happy Friday morning!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ziuu93gFaGg 🎵
Good morning, Sean, U, TO’G, Cyto, and Stinky!
Hoping the Post Office knows where my Duluth Trading swim suit top is since UPS handed it off to them. Already got the bottoms (sold separately, presumably so one can mix and/or match at will. I prefer to match.) For better or for worse, I’m pretty sure I need both parts for my Rec Center water aerobics classes, and SW OH is inexplicably short on topless beaches.
We got an expensive cooler at Walmart for my daughter’s birthday party. We didn’t notice until the party – it was missing the cap on the drain.
We kept forgetting to take it back and exchange it. The wife finally took it back yesterday. We actually discussed whether it was OK to do a return if they couldn’t exchange it, having used it despite the missing part.
Our world has bifurcated. In one world, taking stuff “because you need it” is seen as just fine – and even objecting to those people stealing from you is not just wrong, but evil. In the other, one treats others with respect and carries oneself with a sense of personal dignity that supersedes any need for external rules or judgement.
Ballsy yes but also doomed to failure if it’s done on a continuing basis. Still, 300K is a pretty good grift.
I can’t believe he got above 10 grand. That is pretty amazing.
I’m hoping that means something like his jaw is wired shut after getting his ass kicked by a Home Depot employee or better yet customer.
If you refuse to enter a plea, the judge will take that as ‘not guilty’ as a matter of course. It’s just the default, since the defendant hasn’t made an admission of guilt.
Ah. I law gud.
Am failing finding in History the recent video of the 7-11 employees in Stockton beating a cigarette thief.
The vids embedded in the article:
Quite an ass, err…leg, whooping if I do say so myself.
That was glorious.
I can’t believe cigarettes are that cheap in California. Do better, California.
How to title this?
“Jezebel.com comes to Reason magazine”?
“How I learned to stop worrying, and loved progressives”?
I know…. this is it:
“The Glibertarians were right.”
But did you know you can $15k / month from your home?
Reason is a joke, a bad one.
Scamming Home Despot?
Shilling for Democrats pays that well?
That is the article I would like to read.
There are clearly paid shills in the comments at Reason.
Reason is not all that big of a deal. Judging by the comments, they have a similar viewership to Glibertarians.com. Yet there are at least a couple of people who are by all appearances paid to go around being anti-fascist and gum up the works of any discussion that attacks progressive or DNC orthodoxy.
Reddit is infested with what are clearly well-funded and well-organized efforts at political propaganda.
How does that work? I know HRC was praised in the press as far back as 2008 for her “rapid response teams”, cubicle farms filled with people paid to monitor social media and take over any political discussions, pushing Herself and her agenda.
I have rarely seen this mentioned since. Herself had offices in Michigan dedicated to the task – at least 2 companies providing the services. Surely this is a fairly large industry today, with large budgets. Yet – nobody is covering the beat. Does anyone here have any knowledge of the industry? Where do you even apply for a job?
Where do you even apply for a job?
Follow the links!
I see they found a replacement for Cathy Young.
That isn’t the same person?
Been a while since I checked out TOS. Your post was on point, nicely done.
I am clearly an addict. I was obviously the inspiration for this XKCD classic
It makes me sad, and a little angry. Reason was important to me – way back 30 years ago. Watching it devolve into a shallow, partisan shill operation designed to distract and deflect the libertarian community for the benefit of the DNC has been painful. I’m totally brokeback on this one… “why cain’t I quit you?”
xkcd, LOL. Have a song.
Reason was important to me
Led me to this den of scoundrels, so yeah.
Oh, and I didn’t mean to link to my comment. Ooops. Just happened to be the URL when I went to copy and paste and I didn’t check it. sorry about that. (still, my stuff is the second best reason to go there – after Fist of Etiquette. That dude is the best headline writer in the business)
Wait, you expected us to read the Article?
Moment of honesty – i only skimmed it before jumping to write a screed. It was that terrible. I did go back to read it more carefully before hitting post, just in case I was being one of those crazy internet people. A careful read left me certain of my justification, despite being one of those crazy internet people.
What the hell is this shit?
“Mysterious Land Acquisition Group Sues Farmers After Buying Land Surrounding Air Force Base”
Suing both the farmers they bought from for demanding too much money for the sale AND the farmers who didn’t sell in order to recoup lost profits or some shit (actually to bankrupt these people so they can be hammered and not afford to litigate the hammering). Just nuts really…
There needs to be recourse for this tactic – the “litigate them into submission, even if you don’t with the case” tactic. With these super-deep pockets, there are organizations out there who can steamroll pretty much anyone.
This was actually part of the plot of the new season of “the Lincoln Lawyer”. A restaurant owner is harassed by a big developer who wants to buy her property. He uses regulatory processes, the courts and general disruption of her business…. she fights back with community organizing and protests.
I’m not sure why more people don’t see the dangers of accruing more power to the state – it just gives a bigger cudgel to the rich and powerful.
There are alternative methods of recourse. I will not list them here.
The Lincoln Lawyer included direct application of force to the cranium with a framing hammer as one such alternative measure.
Carefully not a spoiler. It is the initial crime that kicks off the action.
A worthy sequel. The casting is pretty good. Age appropriate actresses playing the women in his life. They are unnaturally attractive, of course – but it isn’t like they have Tom Cruise with a 29 year old love interest.
One weird moment that I’d love to see what other people think about – Robert Horry of NBA fame has a cameo. Dude is 6’10. Actor playing the Lincoln Lawyer is 6’2″. Yet they appear to be within maybe 4 inches or so. It went by fast, and I didn’t rewind. But it did strike me as odd. Odd enough that I looked up the height of the actor with the reaction “I didn’t know he was that tall”, thinking he must be at least 6’6″.
Also, Horry moving with a noticeable gimp. Getting old with an NBA body and NBA knees must be tough.
claims lost profits from land it did not buy
There is a lot of land I haven’t bought.
They should not only lose, but the penalty be transfer of ownership of the land they did buy to the people they sued.
nah… I am with the Rat. I didn’t get any profits either. They should be paying us. There is a lot of land we haven’t bought. Rat and I can get pretty hammered on all the profits we didn’t make from the land we didn’t buy.
Pay up, assholes!
Five years ago, I would have thought that China belligerently gobbling up land around military bases was a bad conspiracy theory.
Holy fuck, I mean just… holy fuck…
Do they even realize what they just said?
“ BOMBSHELL: Pfizer employees were given a *special batch*… different from what was forced into the general population 🚨🚨🚨”
There are a lot of ways to parse that – most of which have bad implications. Only a couple involve “they knew the vaccine they were giving everyone else was dangerous”.
I can tell you exactly how anyone with a family member who died after taking the vaccine is going to parse it.
I wonder if LeBron James will be joining the people questioning the vaccines? They have kinda gone silent on that one.
Interesting, I’ve seen analyses where different vaccine production lots had radically different side-effect profiles and this seems to be an indirect confirmation of that and maybe more importantly that they were aware. Otherwise, why do it?
That study indicated that the pfizer employees and select others got a placebo. 0 injuries vs. a group of batches that had a normal amount of injuries vs. another group of batches that had significantly higher injuries.
1. Drug companies lobbied to be immune from any liablity for any damage done by vaccines.
2. Drug companies helped to lobby for vaccines to be mandatory for all.
3. Drug companies lied their asses off about the protection the vaccines offered and their safety.
4. Drug companies helped fluff the numbers of covid deaths and hid info on damage done to recipients of the vaccines.
5. The number of vaccines and boosters recommended kept increasing also covered under mandates.
6. Mask mandates instituted when we have known for over 100 years that masks DONT WORK. They dont work.
7. Watching the numbers it was clear that the lockdowns had no effect.
8. Now this comes out.
On and on. How many fucking red flags do people need? I came to a screeching halt on #1. Never touched the stuff and didn’t pay any attention to anything after that. Most people here in my area were the same. Now they are trying to stir up another panic. I didn’t pay any attention to them last time and I have no intention of paying attention to them now.
“If you can scare people they will do anything you tell them to.”
– Otto Adolf Eichmann was a German-Austrian official of the Nazi Party, an officer of the Schutzstaffel, and one of the major organisers of the Holocaust. He participated in the January 1942 Wannsee Conference, at which the implementation of the genocidal Final Solution to the Jewish Question was planned.
I know, I know, I am going over the top again. Fine by me, the view is nice up here.
Dude – you can skip all of those and just put down item zero:
0. Drug companies gave generously to the DNC, DNC candidates and spent prolifically on advertising on news and infotainment shows and print and online media.
Over the top? Hardly. Here we have an actual, for real greedy corporation making bank by forcing millions of people to buy their dangerous product, and the usual suspects who love to beat up on “greedy capltalists” are totally on board. A pox on all their houses.
You have to admire the game though. It was one of the greatest grifts of all time.
I wonder if we will ever get an accounting.
I remember when my city bought millions of “doses” at something like double the market rate just for funsies.
Good times.
Mornin”, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! Tasty “baching” it dinner with Jungpatzer last night, I trust?
Did not exactly go as planned, I got involved in a serious incident at $employer and was on a zoom when I should have been making dinner. The eldest spawn picked up the slack.
Ruh roh! “Serious incident” sounds…serious. You lived to tell about it, so I hope it wasn’t too dire!
Ackshually, I can’t talk about it, even within the company, save for a few lucky folks who are dealing with it. Way above my pay grade.
Sounds shady as fuck,
He’s boinking the CEO’s wife.
Why is it that in generic fantasy, lizardfolk have developed a stereotypically mesoamerican aesthetic?
Not the first thing that comes to My mind about the cultures. But I underestimate the ignorance of others.
We have lots of lizards in semi-tropical and tropical Americas. They scatter as you walk along the sidewalk.
Just yesterday a little anole jumped (yes, jumped) into the car with the wife and the girls. He ran onto the dash and into the vents. Haven’t figured out how to get him to come out. He keeps peeking out the vents, so he can get around in there. But so far he hasn’t been motivated to leave.
Plenty of reasons for lizard imagery to evolve in local cultural depictions, alongside the large predatory animal depictions.
Ask him about car insurance rates.
Provide a heat source, like your phone outside the vents. Turn on the air conditioner
I always thought the Wendigo was more appropriate than lizard people but it would not be fair to hang that on mesoamericans. Every culture since the dawn of man is guilty of that.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Man it feels good to be home for at least a few days.
Being on the road is tough, but ya gotta keep the customer satisfied.
(thank G_d Im not (directly) in sales)