Bob was a national treasure that evokes memories of a happier time.
Bob was an American icon. How many people remember he started on Truth or Consequences?
As an animal rights activist, Bob sees this story from the fishes point of view.
The Truth or Consequences stint lasted 18 years. And then it was on to The Price is Right.

Bob had it goin’ on.
Bob isn’t sure the price is right here, but he would approve.
Bob retired in 2007, but that didn’t take him away from the limelight. We will always have his cameo in Happy Gilmore.
Maybe replace the rooms full of autosucks with actual women. Don’t go looking for that. Srsly, you don’t want to know. Bob would have approved of the trend.
And now, Bob is hosting that great game show in the sky. RIP, bitch.
Dicks out for Harambe Bob.
He was part of the fabric of our lives.
You have to imagine the soap opera music.
OK. Leo Rojas makes me want to slap the piss out of some people west of me.
I’ve heard the same thing from the Celtic producers. It’s getting tiresome.
Whistle. Yay.
Where does it go when you get in your M3?
And yes, I’m testy. It was 103 here today and the humidity was “cloying”. I learn new words when needed.
Bob Barker was every school sick day for me.
And snow days.
Not sure if you were in an area that got snow days.
Not in MN & VT when I was a little kid. Many more in high school in CT, but by then I wasn’t interested/capable of sleeping well past the broadcast time of TPIR
Bob Barker, a couch, saltines, and Sprite.
That’s the one…the Sprite was flat (purposefully)
Some people have the good taste not to like carbonated beverages.
I knew you would chime in with the same outrageously wrong opinion.
I love carbonation. But the going wisdom of my Ma’s generation was you don’t give bubbles to a kid with an upset tummy
Ahh. I never heard of that.
Can confirm.
The wisdom here was exactly the opposite — inducing burping would relieve the pressure that the tummy troubles was causing.
No, we had ours spicy.
That said, I don’t mind flat pop. I don’t really care for carbonation at all.
I love bubbles. My biggest gripe with Mountain Dew is that it’s too flat – and they don’t sell it in six-packs around here.
This will change when I have easy access to a Wegmans in a few weeks.
7-Up. Carbonated.
Here’s the Zoom link you lazy fucks
Glass cracks at a mile/second. Fortunately we live in an agre where oyu can see it for yoursef.
Better than ass cracks.
That really depends on who’s ass crack, doesn’t it?
How did it go from 88 at 6pm to 93 at 6:30?
Climate change. Duh.
And people still go to the beach for “fun” despite everything there wanting to kill you. Even the water itself. SMDH.
“SF is so expensive I had to move to Solano County to find something affordable.”
“I want to build thousands of homes in Solano County.”
“No! Build them somewhere else.”
I’m just impressed by how close he got to 100 without going over.
*wild applause, tosses garlands*
Shpip wins the internet for the week
MikeS, got my little mill. This one isn’t mine, obvs, but this is what I got: http://www.lathes.co.uk/barkermiller/
That looks really cool. Those small machines a super cool. One day I’d like to get into something like that.
Going for BBQ to a place I have not yet been. It’s 80F, wind chill 82F. Fucker cooled >20* between yesterday and today.
Oh. Also, HI NEPH!!!!
Slaps is the next place I need to check out.
Slaps is lovely but you have to get there before about 2p because they close when they run out of food.
Lucky. It was 103 here earlier.
I’m hoping that cooler front comes down this way.
This guy is obsessed with NY pizza as I am
This one’s for Swiss.
OMG dude. Pun overload.
That said, I think I’m off beef after seeing the thing.
I thought you were into sausage, anyway.
Why not both?
You swing both ways?
You have to go to the linked New York Post article to see a pic of the offending steak.
That’s one sad looking piece of beef.
Euros have terrible steaks, apparently.
European beef sucks.
Yup, at least the NL and Ireland have fairly crappy beef in comparison to the US. Pork and diary are both great tho.
They excel at dairy. Especially runny, unpasteurized cheese. At least they used to, before the EU cracked down on things that taste good.
Cheese should be able to retain its shape when placed on a level surface.
You are missing much in the world of cheese.
You misspelled “Flavored Dairy Spread”
I’m sure it is fantastic, but it hasn’t quite made it over the line to cheese.
The opposite, it’s gone way past the line. It was a blander solid cheese before the wee beasties started an extra ferment step.
It’s sauced.
I’d have to be sauced to eat that gnarly hack of beef.
Explains sauerbraten too.
“Any developer who had any sense at all would not have spent four years secretly buying up land and suing local landowners,” he said. “They would have spent four years working with local community interests to develop a proposal that is beneficial to the communities and the state.”
My palm. Grease it.
“We are proud to partner on a project that aims to deliver access to good-paying jobs, affordable housing, clean energy, sustainable infrastructure, open space, and a healthy environment to residents of Solano County,”
Sounds like someone is trying to sell something.
And everyone gets a free pony.
After dudebro gets his tax breaks and matching funds he will disappear like smoke in the wind.
I lived in that area for many years. It’s not exactly desirable land, that’s why there’s an AF base there. The dudebro is currently suing the ranchers for overvaluing their land, in the hopes they can pick it up for pennies on the dollar in a judgement, or forcing them to settle because of ruinous legal fees.
I should sue my landlord for “overvaluing” my rent. 🙄
Spud is right, I lived in Vacaville for a few years, and most of Solano county is a shit hole, with Fairfield being about the worst of it.
Naval rations in the days of the Spanish Armada.
You are right. I dont want to know.
Take one toe and put it in the water off of the beach and you have entered a wilderness, aworld where all of our notions of a civilized, developed world do not apply.
If that’s a veiled criticism of Autodesk, I will hear it and agree with it.
I’ll second the motion.
My rapid improvement proceeds apace. I went about a half-mile walk today. I can almost walk w/o the need for crutches. I make sure that I don’t do it.
The Kroger gig likely fell through. For the best. Just gotta find a place with a legit office, a gig where I have a physical responsibility to be there. We shall see what I can scavenge and scrap together.
I hope y’all goeth well. Tomorrow will be better than today, ev. You’ll do your best to see that come true.
Dude. Keep on being a fighter, FR.
Price is Right guy just died? Bill Cullen passed away in 1990.
He didn’t say “Password Guy”.
Those of us with onions in our belts recall the days of Bill Cullen on The Price is Right.
And the instant after posting I see Homple’s comment.
\kicks pebble
You’re old. We understand. 😛
*sad trombone and groaning audience*
Instead of browsing GunBroker after drinking… I should be working on my FreedomFest article.
Gunbroker…alcohol. There is a recipe for trouble.
I was one drink away from my coveted win 94 20” barrel, full length magazine chambered in 444 marlin once.
I found a couple rare Mosin variations which might or might not be legitimate.
Plus a reproduction De Lisle Carbine, which the seller seems to be describing as legitimate but with a non-functional suppressor. Hmm….
The only thing I bid on was a case of GP-11 with the current high bid plus shipping at less than $1/round. I haven’t seen GP-11 that cheap in a long time. I put in a bid, we’ll see what happens.
No puppies today. Farm emergency at the litter home so tomorrow.
Added another camera to the deep state’s network today. Wife can watch the driveway from the other side of the house now.
I thought Truth or Consequences was a town in NM?
Per Wiki:
Glibzoomers are in bed already? Or still out getting drunk?
in bed and getting drunk.
atta boy
Real Glibs are out Firsting. You wouldn’t know anything about that. It’s just me, my cape, and The First.
It’s outstanding. Still laughing about faggot/retard hill
Good morning!
*raises coffee*
Does anyone remember the Fyre Festival? It’s back….in pawg form.
And it already supposedly sold out its first round of tickets. Because people are very slow learners.
*should be pogs. Not phat ass white girls.
Damn, you had my interest there.
And one of the photos has a rider wearing a mask. Blech.
Mad Libs! I can fill this dozens of ways from experience.
We went here yesterday:
First time. Nice place.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody yo