What a crazy game
The Messi magic continues for Miami. The Astros blew their chance to go to the top of the division. F1 is back tomorrow. And college football is a mere two days away. Now on to…the links!
OK. Sure thing. These freaking people, I swear to God.

Stupid idiot.
Oh, so all of a sudden you give a shit? You could have prevented this at any time up to this point. But now that you can point a finger at someone else over your failings, you sure seem to be jumping at the opportunity.
Wait till the headline writer finds out who ruled in Roe. Or is that somehow different?
California is trying to be more like Texas. But why did they choose Waco as the place to emulate?
I guess they’re not fans of the First Amendment after all. They just want to secretly give porn to kids.

Straight to Chicago!
Sounds like they need more. Time to charter some more buses, Abbott.
That was pretty cool of the guy. But it’s not a bulldozer, “journalist.” It’s a wheel loader.
I hate to agree with a teachers union, but I have to on this one. I think they are right. A private company has more rights to set social media policies than a public employer. Still, their ability to lie doesn’t absolve them of their persistent failures. But they do have the right to lie.
This is one of my favorite songs from these guys. Just great all the way around. And so is this one. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.
Look, man, you’re just supposed to let the groomers warp the little minds however they wish.
Next up… mandatory Grindr accounts for PreK.
Kindr – The hook up app for Pre-K kids.
When signing up, there are 52 different genders to choose from. Missing are Male and Female.
Parents will be outraged at the spike in cooties as young elementary school kids use Kindr for anonymous playground hookups.
If only there was a simple test to determine gender.
Don’t worry, Geezr – the hookup app for assisted living facilities – still only has two gender options.
Checks internet for nearest Villages.
Jimbo knocking the ball outta da park today.
Glibr – the gay dating app.
Of course it is a gay dating app. There are no real Glib Women. So anyone you meet on Glibr is just another dude.
We aren’t all mythical.
We aren’t all mythical.
True… I have met a few of you.
Wait a minute…. how do we know you aren’t Deep State plants?
Deep state are lizard people, native to the planet. I am clearly an illegal space alien.
How do we know you’re not a Deep State plant?
Maybe it’s Deep State plants all the way down.
How do we know you’re not a Deep State plant?
The Deep State has better taste than to pick someone like me.
Yeah. Just perfect.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges people to “wear a mask with the best fit, protection, and comfort for you,”
Well, for me, that means no mask at all (especially since the goddamn things don’t work). Glad they’re giving us a choice this time.
Don’t they realize the election is next year? They’re jumping the gun.
Maybe they think it’s going to take longer to whip up a panic this time?
I guess the myriad stories of grandmas dying after eating in a restaurant full of unmasked white supremacists will be coming soon.
“This is MAGA country, granny!”
*cough* *cough*
Doesn’t matter, the election ads and stories have already begun here.
They’ve been going here in NH for a while.
They need to set the stage early for the various legal trickery and lawsuits (to enable nationwide harvesting)? Best guess….
Could be this is just a test to see who is really loyal to the state.
Float this balloon and monitor social media to see who starts wearing masks again. If you don’t mask up now, you will never be admitted to the inner ranks of the Party.
Here in NY the Dems are still trying to get their gerrymander on – the one that a court already threw out last year – so they can flip the House back to them.
There is literally nothing they will not do to amass power.
Here, that will keep the Up Ticks away.
My mask best fit in my pocket ’cause that’s where it will stay. Are the paper masks washable like a bandana?
I have washed a few and then used them when I had to pull it out of my pocket.
Did not die of CORVID.
Only wore it in the hospital and airport.
Even with an Unmask, I still get headaches if I cover my nose, so I always let it hang below my nose.
I didn’t wear it when I went for surgery and wouldn’t wear it afterwards.
They didn’t let me in for my last appointment.
I have another appointment on the 6th, we’ll see if they let me in or not.
Just a routine check up and I’ll probably have high blood pressure due to this stupidity.
The article mostly talks about N95s, which fine, are the best option even if you are eventually going to be infected anyway.
They are not fucking comfortable though and never will be.
Secretly? Out loud and proud, man! Let your freak flag fly!
If they were proud about it, they’d happily do these readings on their own. Instead they try to silence anybody who dares expose the public to what they want in elementary school libraries.
The book had already been removed from the district’s elementary and middle school libraries during the summer.
Should have never been in the elementary and middle school libraries in the first place, but it does seem like they already rectified the situation.
Why don’t the people who really like smut for kids just start a version of those little free lending library boxes? Proudly house a bunch of LGBT+ books in front of your house.
Because then their neighbors would know where the pedos live. And I reckon they don’t want that.
Didn’t that used to be a felony? I mean if having a cartoon of a possibly underage Japanese school girl gets you a CP charge (which is stupid, imho… laws that ban drawings of people that never existed are MindCrime at heart… and honestly, I’d rather they were supplied with plenty of fake stuff to get their jollies as long as no real people are hurt making it because I don’t buy that they’ll move on to real kids next… especially if folks stop encouraging the sexualization of kids in general).
Technically it is still a felony.
Those are the best!
Felonies that can be selectively applied to troublemakers are what The Man loves.
There are good atypical sexualities and bad atypical sexualities. Laws are only supposed to punish the bad kind.
Check the current edition of Big Happy Rainbow Weekly for an updated list of which are good and which are bad currently. (List subject to revision without prior notice).
Which implies it’s in the high school library. It should not be there either.
If parents really want their kids to read smut, they can probably find it at the public library, or definitely at a bookstore or on Amazon.
This isn’t about book-banning. This is about indoctrination.
I would say there is a disconnect between the librarians/curricula writers/activists and the politicians on the school board. The latter is elected the former are unfireable.
That’s even better than the policeman’s guide to dog breeds.
The Glock section needs a PopTart.
I thought a bull dozer was the narcoleptic guy your wife cuckolded you with.
Bull dozer is the security guy in a lesbian bar, right?
But only Top Government Men with training should be armed! REEEEE!
(Sorry — that’s a pet peeve Anti-2nd argument that drives me nuts… “training” only goes so far and the King’s Men are just as human (or more so given selection) as the rest of us…)
(Sorry — that’s a pet peeve Anti-2nd argument that drives me nuts… “training” only goes so far and the King’s Men are just as human (or more so given selection) as the rest of us…)
Based on their rate of domestic violence relative to the general population, they’re the last people who should be carrying.
Jobs that involve children attract pedophiles. Jobs that involve ordering people around and forcing compliance attract sadists and psychopaths.
Especially if you cap go for a ceiling on IQ and select for obedience to possibly unlawful orders then inculcate an “Us vs. Them” mindset.
I have respect for good cops — I can easily acknowledge it must be a shitty job often and carries actual risk. I think they should select and train a hell of a lot better and have zero tolerance for abuse of authority to earn and keep the public trust is all.
“cap go”… durrrr… I writ gud…. Sigh.
I think the job tends to warp even the best of people.
Cops have to deal with a lot of fucked up shit and fucked up people all day long. Doesn’t give them a right to beat on people or violate a person’s rights, but you can’t deal with some of the dysfunctions that they do and not be changed a bit.
Generally they are dealing with people who are having their worst days. That’s got to wear them down, even if they go into the job with the best intentions.
Someone should have just fired 2 shots (in the air) with a shotgun.
/Old gun hand
Obviously the solution is remove the LEO/Retired LEO 50 state carry exemption!
I prefer adding all US citizens to the exception.
DiStefano and Todo Para Todos — which translates to “Everything for Everyone”
Like manna from heaven, stuff just magically appears. It’s like they never heard of scarcity.
— is a part of a collective of people who came together to specifically help run the shelter at 21st and Racine, which is closing due to a mix of issues; lack of funding and volunteers, as well as insurance circumstances with the owner of the building.
Ah, but now they’re running out of other people’s money, so scarcity has certainly heard of them.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
My mom gave free haircuts but after seeing mine no other moms sent their kids over to our house.
Vernon is a good guy, thanks, Jimbo
The Altar Boys (and me a lot of time) would just get the backyard buzz cuts from Mrs. Holiness. Saves a lot of money and even if mistakes are made, we all grow our hair out in a couple weeks.
I was in a meeting yesterday where a lady wore a mask. About halfway through, she couldn’t stand it any more and nobody could understand her, so she gave up and took it off.
My Minnesoda Passive Aggressive move when dealing with a person wearing a mask is to keep saying “huh, I can’t understand you with that mask on” until they finally break down and take it off.
I like that. But I wouldn’t say the mask part – let them figure it out.
When I was a framing carpenter, one house had the siding being put on while we were building the house next to it.
Their boss was a Jamaican with a HEAVY accent.
One of my buddies said, “I couldn’t work for him, I would “WHAT?” him to death.
That’s what pops into my head when I have to deal with a mush mouth in a mask.
Like being completely incomprehensible…
What a cunt. I can respect a moron who at least wears it the entire time.
“Housing First” is a scam.
Finally, even lefty pols are finding it impossible to ignore the fact that most homeless don’t want your “shelter”.
The city should ship some campers to the sidewalk in front of these judges’ houses. Pick some of the crazier ones shouting gibberish for extra reality.
“most homeless don’t want your “shelter”.”
Yeah, people that think the majority of homeless people are like some poor guy who’s just a down on his luck and needs a boost most likely do not deal with homeless people are a regular basis.
Is it time to invest in Clorox stock? It looks like it’s back down again.
So did anyone watch the debate? I didn’t.
I thought someone commented in the late night thread that Animal was part of the RedState live blogging.
So it couldn’t have been unbearable.
I just saw clips on Twitter. Seems most people think Vivek stood out, Pence is done, and DeSantis did ok. Many said it was entertaining.
Pence is not done, he is the establishment pick. He’ll stick around for awhile at least.
Pence is dumb as dirt and he always has a look on his face that reminds me of those my laxative just started working commercials.
“Will and Maria Taylor, of Hull, East Yorkshire, pulled their four-year-old daughter from a pre-school nursery after they claim they were branded bigots for objecting to ‘two images of men in leather bondage gear’ in the pages of Grandad’s Pride.
One image shows the illustration of a partially nude man wearing a ‘studded dog collar around his neck and knee-high boots’, with a ‘leather cod-piece moulded tightly around his crotch along with garters running down his thighs’.
Andy Train, chair of Hull’s LGBT+ Forum, slammed the depiction of the gay man ‘stereotypical’.”
The real bigots in that illustration are the bondage dude and the black Scotsman. Look at the flag they’re waving. They’re literally trying to erase the trannies from existence!
Looks like a regular pride flag to me, but it’s a lousy illustration.
A regular pride flag? REGULAR?!?!?!?!
If you don’t have the trans-triangle on the left, you are committing a holocaust against them. Only a homo-centric cis-supremacist pride marcher would carry that simple rainbow flag.
Your failure to center black and brown bodies indicates that your allyship is performative rather than intersectional.
Do better.
Sounds like you passed your recent retraining.
Do we need to send NA a steak/whiskey/ammo care package?
…I wouldn’t say no.
You are doing this too well.
I guess I’m just happy that the news story actually showed the offending material.
I get tired of outrage stories when the journalo won’t even report what the horrible person actually said. “The bigot used a racial slur that traumatized everyone within earshot”. Given what these people believe is offensive, it is hard to tell if the bad person is actually bad.
For me, if they don’t say what it was, I assume it was something a normal person wouldn’t find offensive and maybe I would find it funny.
“A new school principal has outraged parents at a Florida elementary after she attempted to improve grades by ordering only her black students into a special assembly where they were warned they risk jail.
The fourth and fifth-grade students at Bunnell Elementary School were pulled together, irrespective of their test scores, and told that black students were underperforming.
‘It became racial for me when they included and boxed all of the black children together no matter if they were below average, average or above average,’ the mother of one high-performing student said.
Parents said their children were warned those with lower grades have a higher chance of going to jail, getting shot or getting killed.
But they were offered the chance to win ‘a meal from McDonalds’ if they improved their scores.”
Why not forty acres and a mule?
Remember the movie “Stand By Me?” Not the one starring Wesley Crusher but the one about the black principal. He was celebrated for scaring the shit out of kids and getting them to get their shit together.
Less than two generations later, someone doing something similar get vilified and will probably lose their job.
Wait…it was “Lean On Me.”
Great movie
All I remember is Morgan Freeman walking around the school with a baseball bat.
They used to call me Crazy Joe now they can call me Batman!!
I don’t think I’ve seen it. Did he also segregate the students?
I don’t remember. I just remember Morgan Freeman saying “I’m Batman.”
I have a vague memory that the school depicted was in a black neighborhood. No whites at all in that neighborhood.
You mean this one?
The real-life Joe Clark retired and moved to Big College Town to be close to his daughter, who probably eclipsed him in fame. I’d see him around town every now and again.
His wife passed in 2019, Joe in 2020.
As for the film, the scene that always stayed with me was when Clark’s character is getting dressed down by Benson, who utters a phrase that would probably get you nuked from orbit today.
A white girl.
She should have known better.
“‘You want to wash your hands, right? Yeah. And you you’ve seen this and you turn on the sink and it’s very little or you want to wash your beautiful hair right and you stand under a shower. Then the suds never got with the water that comes out very slowly. I’m sure you’ve seen this. It usually takes place in new hotels, new homes,’ Trump complained.”
Oh, how I wish Hunter S. Thompson were still alive to report on/savage all of this.
LOL. Never change, WGN-Chicago.
OFFS. “That trillion-dollar coin is going to fall from the sky any day now.”
Somebody should ask that asshole how many immigrants live in IL relative to Texas. Both legally and illegally.
At least it didn’t call them “anti-immigrant states”.
VIP Abortions
Worth a read
What that tells me is that the EU will deliberately get involved in a shooting war with Russia in order to keep the hoi polloi from catching on to their financial mismanagement.
Outside of Poland, do any of them have a military capable of actually shooting? Poland could probably take Berlin in a week if they wanted – probably a better idea than heading east.
A week? Why so slow? I’ve worked with the post-Wall Bundeswehr…ugh.
France does.
Their problem is projecting their power. They have no logistical tail worth mentioning.
The Foreign Legion is still fairly robust – but I assume they are all tied up in Africa right now.
What they really want is for the US to get in a shooting war with China and drag down Treasuries.
Excellent essay. Thanks for the link.
And I agree with Sloop – this is dangerous as hell for the Europeans.
Today is National Waffle Day, so I was planning on making some for breakfast. But now I’m not so sure.
Just as long as they’re not blue.
I can’t quite decide if I see what you did there.
Tomorrow is looking good. I think I’ll have a whiskey sour and banana split.
My wife bought one of these:
With good blackberry preserves inside, it is almost like having blackberry pie for breakfast.
Combined with 2 runny eggs and a few slices of crispy bacon, it is the perfect breakfast on Sundays.
I’m not hungry, but I drooled a little as I typed that out.
Good morning, Sloop!
But it’s not a bulldozer, “journalist.” It’s a wheel loader.
Is there a difference between wheel loader and front-end loader?
Cool story regardless.
I’m happy to have missed the ‘debate’ last night. One of the guys I subscribe to did a hilarious play by play but, as funny as it was, we might be a tad fucked.
A front end loader could also include a track loader. But yes, it could be called a front-end loader.
Some of the nomenclature is regional. (See also: excavator/trackhoe) but a dozer is something else entirely and this journalist is a retard for not knowing the difference.
I’m trying to get “front hoe” to be a thing.
Maybe “bonus hoe”?
Dude, it moves dirt. It’s all the same to them.
But the distinction between a gender and pangender is IMPORTANT.
Here’s your bulldozer
*hands journalist a garden trowel*
“Kevin Hart has called himself the “dumbest man alive” after he tore his muscles and landed in a wheelchair following a race with a former NFL star.
Taking to social media Wednesday, the comic explained how a 40-foot dash against former Patriots running back Stevan Ridley left him badly injured.
In a video on Instagram, the father of four told his 178 million followers, “44 and sitting my ass down!!!!! I got to be the dumbest man alive!!!!! What the f–k am I doing???? I blew my s–t….I’m done. FML.””
44? Maybe just warm up a bit first?
This is 56:
Ay caramba!
I like the refreshing honesty.
In September, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California sued San Francisco on behalf of homeless individuals and the Coalition on Homelessness, an advocacy group.
The right to wallow in filth shall not be abridged.
Dennis, there’s some lovely filth down here.
Reading this article, I wept silently lying beside my sleeping wife. It affected me more than most of the articles on the crimes against humanity committed by the various governments who rule over us. Every member of my family had their artistic endeavors throttled by the Branch Covidians.
My wife, who was a concert violist with a good shot at joining a second-tier symphony but chose to go into business instead, had taken up the cello a couple of years before the pandemic hit. She still can’t find someone willing to teach; all but two of the music schools in the area went out of business during the lockdowns, and they only teach kids, and none offer lessons at times that work with her schedule.
My daughter is just starting to paint again. Her mental health was seriously damaged by the attempts of the school administrators to induce anxiety and panic among students.
My son and I resorted to training jiu jitsu – illegally – at our and friends’ homes, on mats in the basement. Our school was reconstituted after the lockdowns ended,, but in a much smaller space and we lost a lot of students; many people could no longer afford the cost of membership.
I wept at all that beauty, all that joy smothered because we allowed ourselves to be bullied by psychopaths. I wept at the fog of despondency that settled on every member of my family. I wept silently so that I wouldn’t disturb my wife.
Covid Controls, the Cello, and Me
This hits home for me.
My son was the lead in the school play before covid. He was also on 2 championship travel baseball teams, on a robotics team that finished in the top 10 in the world, and was first chair trumpet in his middle school band as a 6th grader. His grades were outstanding and he was heavily involved in the church.
Post covid – the arts are gone. No more music. No more acting. Baseball is done. He did finally pick up lacrosse last year, and it has been good for him. His grades have been inconsistent. Robotics is barely a memory. He still does a lot with the church, thank goodness.
His younger sister is doing better, but she dropped sports. It might have happened anyway, but she was on track to be involved in pretty much all sports. Now it is spotty. She also had the lead in a play when covid hit. They didn’t get to perform, after months of preparation. she has not expressed any interest in picking it back up.
Learning our lessons from the older 2, the youngest really likes art, so we picked a different school for her primarily because they have a strong arts program.
There is no end to the damage these covid lockdowns did to the next generation. Nobody will ever be able to even remotely take the measure of it.
I’m always saddened when I hear stories like this. Our schools were back to normal in-person in august of 2020 with full activities and no mandatory masks (maybe 5% of kids wore them and no teachers that I know of did). I guess we got lucky that we moved where we did when we did, because the schools where we’d lived before that were effectively shut down for another full year and when they came back in 2021 it was masks for everybody and no extracurricular activities for elementary school kids at all.
My daughter just started her last year in college. She was a kid that missed everything her senior year: prom, spring musical, commencement. Everything. To say I despise these people is too mild. Woodchippers are too good for them.
This is something I’m keeping in the forefront of my mind at all times.
It’s easier for me, being single and unsociable. If I had a family, I don’t know what I’d do. It wouldn’t be fun though.
Luckily our youngest was in his last year of homeschooling in 2020.
I had enough run ins with teachers in the years prior, not sure what would have happened if he was in school, but it probably wouldn’t have ended well for me.
Have I mentioned I hate teachers?
My response to the Branch COVIDians is “No motherfuckers, you had your little hypochondriac party. Your time’s over. I never want to hear from you again. And if you push, I will push back harder.”
I despise them for what they did.
Thanks, tarran.
My mother spent about 10 days, alone, dying in the hospital with COVID. I picture her in her moments of consciousness cold, scared, wondering where her family was…why they weren’t visiting her.
The COVIDIANs are fucking vile human beings. There aren’t enough lamposts.
Sorry Mike.
My parents are in a home now. They need to move to another because they need care the current home can’t provide. Lately I’ve been wondering what will happen to them if the Covid Craziness comes back.
I still get pissed when I think of my old neighbor and his wife.
He spent his last year in the hospital suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
She wasn’t allowed to visit him often and he was terrified when she wasn’t there, even though he didn’t remember her name.
Makes me want to break out the wood chipper.
Sorry 🙁
I’m reminded of kids playing musical instruments through holes in their masks.
Anyone who saw that (and who didn’t?) and still didn’t get the scam…. I can’t even.
#2 son was bass section leader in his college chorus. After being forced to sing with a mask on, he left that group, never to return. He and I no longer sing in the church choir because… there is none, and we don’t care to go to church any more anyhow.
Big deal, I know. Many have experienced far worse. As MikeS noted there are not enough lampposts. Or woodchippers.
I’m kind of a hermit myself so I sailed through more or less fine.
I feel sorry and angry for everyone else. The wrecked economy is going to get me eventually, if nother else does.
“And since the masks that are most effective are N95 that are now readily available, that’s the kind of mask you should wear,” he added.
The Sharia Shame Muzzle is only effective at showing obedience and subservience.
Tensions high in San Francisco as city seeks reversal of ban on clearing homeless encampments
You reap what you sow.
He, at one point, reads off the line of one character asking: ‘Who wants my hot wiener?’
That line never worked for me.
Honestly? The grill marks on your wiener make us all wonder about your venereal health.
STD cure by Weber Grill.
Sick burn!
You have to cauterize the sore.
Just months after the exit of its sole female justice, the South Carolina Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld restrictions that would ban most abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy.
The 4-1 decision means the state’s abortion ban, which Republican Gov. Henry McMaster signed into law in May, can go into effect.
The decision brings an end to the brief relief abortion rights advocates found in January when then-Justice Kaye Hearn wrote a majority opinion striking down a separate six-week ban tied to a 2021 state law, arguing it violated the state’s constitutional right to privacy. After Hearn’s mandatory retirement, South Carolina was left with an all-male high court.
There are five justices on the South Carolina Supreme Court. If based on past performance, Hearn would have voted to overturn the law, then we’d have a 3-2 vote in favor of the law. Huge change there.
The mayhem began shortly after 7 p.m. as a domestic dispute between a retired sergeant from the Ventura Police Department and his wife inside the bar, sources told the news outlet.
Why am I not surprised?
You go grrl!
I did a little digging on his records.
There are two competitions where he did not come in first in the women’s league. Both looked like missed lifts were the reason.
So a woman can beat a man who pretends to be a woman if the man is incompetent.
Better to just not let men who pretend to be a woman compete against women.
“Masterdating,” the latest love and relationship trend to take social media by storm, is the practice of lavishing oneself with choice gifts, treats and outings in an effort to establish a healthy sense of self-sufficiency before entering a serious relationship with someone else.
“Taking yourself out on dates is an exercise in self-love and self-compassion,” Amy Nobile, a holistic dating coach in the West Village, told The Post…
“Make a whole day of it,” urged the expert, who suggests “masterdating” at least once a week. “Send yourself flowers in the morning, send yourself a sweet note saying, ‘I can’t wait to see you tonight,’ schedule a fancy mode of transportation to get yourself to the date — make it a full day of love.””
Think of how much rent money you could save in NYC by living up your own ass.
For dudes it would be:
Use the fancy hand lotion, not the generic brand
Pay for a subscription to brazzers, not that cheap free pr0n.
Lubriderm > Jergen’s
I always have to go with budget brand. Just because I need so much of it to cover everything.
Relationships are always successful when you love yourself the most.
Taking yourself out on date
I’d rather stay in with myself. I don’t need to spend money to get into my own pants.
Why would I want to date myself? I’m an asshole.
Damn. Beat me to it. Great line.
Climate communism is about control, not safety.
During President Biden’s recent trip to Arizona, I urged him to take action to address the extreme heat we are facing. Today, my team met with White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi and Homeland Security Advisor Caitlin Durkovich for a discussion on how we can keep Arizonans safe from extreme heat and better plan for future heat emergencies.
It’s never been hot in Arizona.
I think that Biden’s handlers have realized that even with medication, Joe can’t be trusted to talk in public.
I’m guessing Joe’s mask will have a built in speaker and will drown out what Joe actually is saying and replace it with what one of his handles is saying into a nearby mic.
Uffda. That was supposed to be about Biden setting an example by wearing a mask.
Don’t worry, Biden’s on the case! He just needs to get that ban on air conditioning he’s been talking about.
Good idea. Let’s start with a sane energy policy so they can afford to keep their AC’s going.
“During President Biden’s recent trip to Arizona, I urged him to take action to address the extreme heat we are facing….”
Tie that onion tighter on your belt and shout at the clouds.
“At least until the numbers start to drop again, it would be appropriate for President Biden to take some precautions and wear a mask in crowds.”
Two weeks should do it.
“That’s not going far enough. He should stay out of the public altogether. Perhaps take a long-earned vacation or ten in order to show how well isolation works.”
-WH staffer
This story is almost Ray of Sunshine material.
Question for the other Glibs: Is the racial covenants on deeds the hobby horse of the left where you live? Or is just us?
Used to be only Minneapolis proggies gave a shit about unenforceable words on the deed of their house, but now it is spreading. Good for Commissioner Bertram for standing athwart Progressives and yelling “this is a waste of time”.
I’d need to see a few examples of “racist covenants” before deciding if this is just a grift or something that actually exists.
The covenants exist. Deeds have restrictions on who the owner can sell to. No doubt that the deeds contain some real ass racism.
Before you panic, the courts have long ruled that the restrictions are null and void. They are just meaningless text in your deed.
The local proggies, though, act like the words might slip into your bedroom and strangle you in your sleep if they aren’t removed.
Like the commissioner said, if it bothers you that much, pay the fee and get rid of it.
How about just waiving the fee if it’s solely to delete unenforceable racist clauses? done and done, but that wouldn’t give a payout to the orgs looking to grift off of it.
Or when a deed is recorded during a sale or transfer or whatever, just delete the unenforceable clause then as well?
Grifting? Say it isn’t so
Interesting. I don’t think they should charge people for having the text of the deeds altered.
A deep dive into the racial covenant problem.
Here is an example:
Image of a covenant in a deed
I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything in local news about racial covenants. There’s talk of redlining and historic %ethnicity% areas, but nothing about covenants.
1. As is so typical here in NYC, we have a guy crossing the street completely absorbed in his phone
2. I’ve got the light so fuck you all!
3. Hilarity ensues.
Kalamazoo, MI guy gets blasted by clueless guy in convertible
(I’m not wishing the pedestrian hurt despite his obliviousness – he was crossing with the signal.)
Did he have the signal though? I’ve seen places that only give pedestrians the walk signal when all lights are red. Even so, dude in the Saturn should have been paying better attention.
Yes, I stopped the video and you can see the walk sign is illuminated.
Also Saturn dude turned into the turn lane instead of his actual lane.
But if you’re over 65, are immunocompromised or haven’t had Covid recently, and you haven’t had another dose of the bivalent booster, you should get it now to protect yourself, he added.
What the everloving fuck?
Do these people have any idea how stupid and insane they are?
*rhetorical question
“A man was assaulted by alleged members of Antifa in Portland on Saturday during the “Fash Free Festival” at Colonel Summers Park in the city’s eastern district. The “radicalization & recruiting event” was hosted by Rose City Antifa to claim victory after two alleged Antifa defendants were found “not liable” in the civil jury trial of journalist Andy Ngo v. Rose City Antifa, et al earlier this month.
Bennett Haselton, of Seattle, WA, was brutally bear-maced by black-clad Antifa members during the event, according to video footage. Haselton, who is a left-leaning moderate Democrat and is critical of Ngo, arrived to counterprotest the event with a sign that read: “Andy Ngo is wrong but so is beating people up.””
Not that antifa shouldn’t be rounded into camps and exterminated, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Notice that it is important to the writer that this guy isn’t a far-right MAGA racist hate monger. Because then assault would be fine. And failure to prosecute the perpetrators would be just great.
“Andy Ngo Is wrong”
Really? Dude simply reports on the actions of Antifa. Somehow this makes him wrong?
Pot getting bear sprayed and beaten: “Andy Ngo is Right!”
post. poooooost!
“Because then assault would be fine.”
That’s not how I read it.
Antifa is not an organization, therefore it is impossible that it is recruiting. You are clearly spreading false racist conspiracy theories, probably drawing form the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Yeah, we probably even believe that there is such a thing as pedophiles.
I suspect there will be fuckery in the primary.
Fox News security blocks Donald Trump Jr. from going into the spin room at the Milwaukee debate.
“It shouldn’t surprise us and it’s also why Trump was 100% right not to go to this debate,” he says.
Eh, if you don’t want to be in the debates, you don’t have to be, and the host is totally fine to kick you the fuck out if you refuse to play be their rules.
Interestingly, FOX had at least one direct representative from a campaign in their talking head panels. I don’t know who the lady was, but she was pushing Ramaswamy and kept using the phrase “DiSantis was the big loser from tonight’s debate” – clearly a tested phrase designed to create an impression that gathers momentum.
Casual observation seems to indicate that they also really wanted to push Christie. Not sure they want him to win as much as they want to use him to move DiSantis aside, but they definitely were pushing him in the clips they released and in their questioning.
Will Be?
Last night i was commenting on the relative sizes of Tucker’s interview audience and the network news. At the time, Tucker was at 70 million or so viewers. I tried to get estimates for FOX. So I searched on Google – “how many people watched the debate on FOX”
The first results were all video. And they were all CNN, PBS, CBS, etc. Zero links to FOX.
The news stories were all from the left. NPR, MSNBC, NYT, Politico, WaPo, etc. Even a lot of obscure left wing publications came before the first Fox news link.
That is in no way possible if the search algorithm isn’t being manipulated.
What this tells us is that the documentation of the rigging of the 2016 DNC primary and the documentation of the control of the media and big tech by the federal government has had no effect at all on their tactics. Shadow bans are still in effect. Censorship is still going full steam ahead. And despite all of the celebration of the “most secure election in history”, not one thing has been changed for the positive on that front.
It’s not just political censorship, web search results are markedly different today than a decade ago. The web is almost dead, or maybe it’s already dead.
So we’ve marked you down as “Biden/Harris 2024.” Thank you for your participation.
I really wonder about these polls too.
They were really wrong in 2016.
But in 2020 they had Biden up by 16 points. It wasn’t close at all. ….. yet….. the political class kept warning us that it was going to be super close – to the point that it would appear that Trump was winning on election night, and it would take court challenges and recounts to prove that Biden won. That didn’t make any sense unless they were looking at entirely different polling data.
And now? Nobody is opposing Trump at all. Impossible to beat. Historically high numbers in the primary. Biden is at historically low numbers for any president, ever in history. (and yet I am astonished at how high they are reporting them as. Nobody could conceivably think this guy is doing a good job – or even that he is doing the job at all. Dude clearly belongs in a rest home.
And yet? They show Biden beating Trump head to head? I get that they have driving Trump’s negatives up – but really? And they keep pushing new republicans to the front and attacking DiSantis. But the crowd at the debate seemed to indicate otherwise. They have Christie at about the same level as DiSantis… that definitely wasn’t the case at the debate, and certainly isn’t supported among anyone I know.
Polls are lies.
They used to just be inaccurate.
The Republican establishment has no clue that they are flirting with extinction. Too many people see right through their fake conservatism, pretend to oppose the Democrats bullshit now.
Both parties are in deep trouble.
But the Dems have a stranglehold on the conversation via the press and big tech, and they have done a great job of “securing the elections”. They also control the agenda at the local level with prosecutors and election supervisors.
So they are very strongly in control….
They had to rig a primary to keep Bernie’s populist communism from winning the day. And last time out they just decreed Biden the winner and cancelled the campaign (unofficially, of course). This time out they are not even pretending to have a primary.
But that doesn’t mean the populist anger went away. The dems are just as filled with populist anger as the republicans are. Trump plugs into that, and so does half the RNC primary slate.
But the democrats are refusing to give voice to this any longer. AOC and her cohort have apparently been bought out. No more populist firebrands on the left. Just good party members.
They have been venting their populist rage by directing the young people at evil white supremacists, police and store owners. That might not work much longer.
I would give money to Ramaswamy/Kennedy just to watch head’s explore if they won.
That would be epic. The primary overlap is on free speech, which is -as we all know – racist. So having a “person of color” who is a white supremacist for supporting free speech would be… special.
That might actually get me to vote.
Even my mom and dad, the die-hard Democrats, know the economy is terrible and the border is a huge problem. They are still in cognitive dissonance. But these problems are so in-your-face, it’s going to be hard to keep that up. The Dem establishment is controlling the narrative we see, but I also wonder what’s going on under the surface with those Dem populists who are being ignored.
I think everyone does. People vote Mitch McConnell in, constantly. That kind of fakery that brings home bacon is what they want. The is what the Repubs became, and now they will be absorbed into the Democrats. There is no functional difference between them. Only a handful of Repubs think differently.
Yeah, someone needs to find a candidate to beat that guy out. They need a dealmaker who isn’t controlled by the bureaucracy and the corporatist powerbrokers.
That jerk will be a head in a jar like in Futurama.
That kind of fakery that brings home bacon is what they want.
Some folks born and raised in Vermont said that’s similar to how Sanders gets reelected. Outside of Burlington, Montpelier, he’s not well liked, but he brings home the bacon. Maybe Richard can confirm this.
“We are seeing an increase in Covid cases, and in general the overall percentage of testing at home is low, so there may be even more Covid cases than we know about, especially since the vast majority of kids have no or mild symptoms,” said pediatrician Dr. Sara Bode, medical director of school-based health and mobile clinics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
All of this hinges on the false narrative that all COVID is very dangerous to all people. That is still the official position.
My wife got sick a month ago, coughing and a fever.
I got it from her, but not as bad.
I went to work every day that Dayquil kept the coughing under control.
Except one day when I couldn’t stop it, I stayed home.
If my co-workers knew I and my wife were sick, I would have been forced to get a COVID test and banned from the office.
I know, I am a horrible person.
You are, but not for that. 🙂
You might be, I am confused though.
If you declare you are sick, you must test for Covid and produce a test to your employer?
I work with some true believers.
My boss got sent home when he was sneezing from allergies and they wouldn’t let him come back until he had a negative COVID test.
So fucking dumb. All this does is encourage people who are sick to act like they aren’t. So now you have people with colds and flus who would have stayed home, in the office spreading their illness around. They are so fucking stupid.
This. Sorry Ron, you are not as horrible as you think you are.
The whole thing should have been “just stay home if you are sick” from the beginning.
Super fun, guys, super fun!
Risher told Fortune that September will be “official return-to-office time” for Lyft employees. “It’s going to be super fun, I hope,” he said. “We’re looking at three days a week being the mandatory rhythm, and then two days a week, you can either work remotely or work from the office.”
On the “mental health crisis” front – this work from home boom has been great for some people. Really great for some lazy middle managers who are good at BS-ing their way through life.
But it has also wrecked a lot of people who need social interaction and a daily routine outside the house to fight off depression.
My employer asked me to come in 3 days so I come in 3 days. Given the choice I’d pick 2 days, but I don’t have that option. I do find some benefit to being in the office.
Just don’t tell me that it is going to be “super fun”.
Is super duper fun out of the question then?
As a customer, I can attest that I really don’t need their constantly changing sales team calling me every other week. A few cuts would be well advised.
They were going to need to make cuts anyway. They went through a massive spree of growth and acquisition, culminating with the Sprint deal. There were bound to be loads of cuts.
An array of words
This primary may be the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats, but if we stop and pause for a minute, its effect is horrifically unhealthy for our democracy. Democracy thrives when there’s healthy debate and the ability to hold leaders accountable. What we witnessed from the Republicans onstage wasn’t just a lack of accountability, but a lack of political courage or interest in protecting our Constitution.
Thankfully, the responsibility for protecting our democracy doesn’t solely rest on our elected or aspiring to be elected officials. The American people have a role to play in shaping the political landscape. The upcoming election is about reaffirming our commitment to those principles.
Do we want to become a country led by used car salesmen masquerading as political candidates, or do we want to have a serious debate over differing ideas? What we saw onstage in Milwaukee is a party fresh out of ideas and substance, hellbent on embracing cultish personalities. That’s a losing combination.
Voters made clear in 2020 and 2022 that nominating Trump or a cheap imitation is a recipe for defeat. Yet somehow Republicans are determined to drive their clown car off a cliff.
Voters don’t want more anti-choice, anti-intellect and anti-democratic candidates. The Trump years were a disaster, we don’t need a sequel. Voters want stability and consistency, not pandering and weak knees.
If I string enough vacuous platitudes together I’ll sound serious. Here, Republicans, I have a stinging rebuke for you.
As soon as you invoke “our democracy”, I tap out and go buy more ammo.
The Trump years were a disaster
According to who?
Voters want stability and consistency, not pandering and weak knees.
Luckily Democrats would never pander.
Shipping is getting expensive. Have you noticed?
I ordered three items from Rockauto last night, total cost less than 60 bucks. The slowest cheapest shipping option was 20.
We just need more plug-in semis.
Yay for UPS raises?
Don’t forget increased fuel prices and other “temporary” inflation effected prices as well.
How in the world does Amazon do it? And Walmart for that measure.
The other day Walmart delivered some pickles via UPS. They didn’t have what we wanted for our pickup order, so they shipped it. The box alone probably cost more than they were going to make on the sale. I know if I shipped that thing it would have been a good $15. All for a $3 jar of pickles.
By ass-raping their suppliers STEVE SMITH style.
Amazon does it by taking a loss on the shipping for small orders to keep people buying the Prime memberships. They also spun up their own logistics team for delivery (which is one of the reason FedEx ended their delivery contract with them). There’s also the fact that (I think) Amazon makes more money on their cloud services than they do on their physical sales.
A good friend of mine built a macro that scans Amazon for prime items mis-priced at a penny, then he buys them individually with prime shipping and sends them to his friends. Genius and hilarious.
And Amazon is rarely the cheapest when it comes to pricing, unless it’s their own crap. The fees are in there.
I don’t have Prime so I group everything in amounts of over $25 and wait a day or two longer to get the free shipping. The last time I paid a dime for shipping was some special order from England a few years ago.
I don’t how they do it either.
I ordered shoe laces from Amazon (6 or 8 pairs). They wound up coming from several locations. UPS ended up delivering a single pair of shoe laces one day.
I got a 4oz bottle of tonic one day by mistake when I had actually ordered a case of pop.
It came in a cute little carboard box, wrapped in bubble wrap like a glass bottle should be.
Have you noticed?
For about three years. Being a small manufacturer sure has been fun! Shortages, long lead times, insane shipping. The good news is that we can completely disregard the effect of larger competitors and pass the increased costs on to our customers!
Thanks, government!
My latest little shit show.
Customer drops off $50K piece of equipment for repair in March.
Needs a new electric motor, $3k part. I order it.
Original due date in May, then July, then October. Multiple hours on the phone getting status from the OEM. Multiple phone calls to the customer explaining the situation.
I get a terse email this morning that the motor is discontinued and there is no replacement. Your purchase order is cancelled. Have a nice fucking day.
The customer’s been relatively patient till now, I don’t think he will be when I call him later this afternoon.
Ouch. How old is the equipment which now lacks replacement parts?
About ten years
Fuck me. That is not good.
Why do people waste time doing stuff for cash when it’s easier to sit on the couch and let the government pay you. I mean, come on.
I think I’m four years into waiting for the landscaper to replace our cracked front step. The girlfriend mentioned it to the landscaper, and agreed to the quote he provided (without my input). I’m more annoyed that she put down a deposit way back then, and there’s been nothing.
If my co-workers knew I and my wife were sick, I would have been forced to get a COVID test and banned from the office.
You were just saving them the cost of a booster.
Speaking of “sick”
My sinuses have been going crazy lately. “Allergies” I guess. I have been sneezing like crazy. I think I pulled a muscle in my neck.
Illustrating Cyto’s point above:
What is clear from suffering through two hours of Republican talking points is that the winner of debate night wasn’t the ghost of Donald Trump or the over-caffeinated governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. It wasn’t Vivek Ramaswamy, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Nikki Haley or the rest of the contestants who participated in a battle of self-immolation. The winner of the first Republican debate was nowhere near the dumpster fire; President Joseph R. Biden and down-ticket Democrats.
We should just declare Biden winner of the 2024 election now, and eliminate all the pointless theater.
That would be the only way to preserve democracy.
“Hospitalizations have not yet doubled, but I think they probably will, as the numbers lag a couple of weeks behind,” Wachter said. “It’s riskier that you will get infected now than it was a month or two ago, without question, probably twice as risky. If you’re trying to be careful, it’s time to whip out the mask again.”
Fingers crossed!
Fucking ghouls
Wow – people will get sick during “flu season”? That is some shocking news. Next they’ll tell us it gets hot in the summer.
Record breaking heat, record breaking flu. Unprecedented record breaking.
No thanks, I’ll just stick to using my anti-COVID rock. Hasn’t failed me yet.
Thrillseeking gone wrong?
Multiple people were killed on Wednesday night in a mass shooting at an Orange County biker bar, per the local sheriff’s department.
The gunman was a retired Ventura County law enforcement officer, according to a report by the Los Angeles Times, citing two sources who spoke anonymously.
The Los Angeles Daily News said the shooting likely escalated from a domestic dispute, citing unnamed sources. An unnamed law enforcement official told The New York Times that the gunman was going after his estranged wife.
Dumped him for a real man, I guess.
Archers throughout history
Memes make me hate the world less
Heheh, love it. I got into the sport about six years back as an alternative to shooting alot as that got expensive and I had to travel too far. Still love to shoot things that go bang, but I dig the zen and the relative silence of the compound. Really love the cost, which is essentially free now as I don’t lose many arrows. I’ve gotten good enough with my newest bow that I can hit dinner plate groups at 80 yards on a good day. Would love to bag an elk one day with an arrow, that is the dream and goal for the next few years.
I’ve never done any archery. It looks pretty fun.
I get a terse email this morning that the motor is discontinued and there is no replacement. Your purchase order is cancelled. Have a nice fucking day.
WTF? Can you replace it with a diesel?
15hp multi-voltage motor with manufacturer specific output shaft dimensions.
Probably going to have to cross-reference the housing and electricals (which is a joy) and then send it to a machine shop to get the shaft turned.
Check out the model of health here that is chomping at the bit to inject us with all kinds of mRNA products.
What can she inject herself to make herself skinnier?
Aaah yes, obviously someone that takes her own health seriously.
They got at taste of what REAL profits are and it was like a hit of crack. They’re looking for their next fix.
Chief Medical Officer for a company that has still never produced a drug or vaccine that has successfully passed through a full trial.
15hp multi-voltage motor with manufacturer specific output shaft dimensions.
Perfect. Take that, right-to-repair tinkerers.
Twitter feeds are still all out of chronological order. Seems odd.
Are you on “For You” or “Following”?
Chess World Cup is over.
Carlsen beats Praggnanandhaa in first tiebreaker. He won the first game with black in a tense back and forth match. Then strangled a quick draw with an Alapin Sicillian in game 2. He gave Pragg no chance.
In the 3rd place match, Caruana destroyed Abasov in both matches, first with black, then with white when Abasov was forced to force things to try to win.
Next years candidates tournament and the next World Championship qualifieers:
WC: Ding Liren is qualified to next world championship as defending champ. He will play the winner of the candidates tournament.
1. Ian Nepomniachtchi is qualified as last WC loser.
2. Magnus Carlsen – World Cup #1
3. Praggnanandhass R – World Cup #2
4. Fabiana Caruana – World Cup #3
5. Grand Swiss 2023 #1
6. Grand Swiss 2023 #2
7. Fide Circuit Points for 2023
8. Highest rated player, January 2024 list
Since Magnus has already said he is refusing his spot, it goes to #4 in the World Cup, which is Nijit Abasov. However, there is order of operations involved, for example if Abasov finished top 2 in the Grand Swiss, then I think he qualifies by that, and Carlsen’s WC spot would go to next highest rated player. The two spots in Grand Swiss are two highest finshers not already qualified, but must still be in top 4.
The Fide Circuit points is top points earner not already qualified by other two methods. Then highest rated players fill in however many spots remain.
The Grand Swiss takes place in October, IIRC, on the Isle of Man.
The first spelling of Pragg’s name is right, not the second. And I got Nepo’s right on first try.
Fabiano, not Fabiana. I should get those American names right at least.
Top 3 in Fide Circuit points right now are Anish Giri, Gukesh D, and Wesley So.
Top 3 in ratings, not otherwise qualified are Hikaru Nakamura, Alireze Firouzja, and Anish Giri.
Swiss is a format, not a location.
The tournament will have an 11-round Swiss format, with pairings made using the Dutch system for Swiss tournaments.
Just for extra confusion
Date for Grand Swiss is 10/25-11/5.
The SOBs want a reaction. They desperately want one.
I am wondering (hoping really) that this backfires badly on the Dems. They are getting the mugshot they so desperately wanted, but wouldn’t it be something if it ended up not working out like they thought? I read something the other day that MLK was highly unpopular until he started getting obviously harassed by authorities and getting his mug posted. Now it very well might not be analogous at all, but maybe enough independents get turned off by it that the margin of voter fraud can be overcome. Still think Trump is a longshot, but 190 million views on Tucker last nite is something. If it is indeed Biden he runs against it may not turn out in the Dems favor.
Fortification plans are in place.
I hope he’s wearing a giant shit-eating grin.
Guliani was allowed to keep his tie according to the mugshot.
And US flag pin.
So he could not-kill himself?
And another thing
Flash flooding in California caused by “potentially historic” rainfall from Tropical Storm Hilary could adversely affect the batteries of electric vehicles (EVs), after several caught fire after being exposed to flood waters in Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian in 2022.
At least 12 EVs went up in smoke in the Sunshine State after their batteries were impacted by floodwaters, according to federal estimates. Fire officials laid the blame on seawater from a storm surge reacting with the batteries’ components.
So far the flooding in California has predominantly been from heavy rains—but one expert warned that any flooding could be problematic for vehicles, including causing EVs to short-circuit.
California has far more EVs than any other state—in excess of 900,000 compared with just 168,000 in Florida, the state with the second highest number—and more than a third are estimated to be produced by Tesla, the market leader. Those pictured on fire in Florida following Hurricane Ian’s devastation all appeared to be Tesla models.
Elon Musk is trying to kill you.
Are they really trying to push the mask bullshit again? I think there will be a whole lot more pushback than last time if they make a serious attempt. There wasn’t any evidence before the Panic, and there still remains no evidence that wearing masks did a damn thing. I was very pleased that at my kids school back to school nite yesterday that the principal in his address requested that kids stop being sent to school in masks. It’s a pretty heavily Asian school and 95% of the kids still wearing them are Asian. How frigging sad to mask your kid for their entire childhood. We switched to this school during the panic as my kids went to preschool there and in October 2020 the preschool director called us up and told us we may be interested in enrolling in the elementary school there as they were about to open full time in a couple weeks. We jumped on it. As far as I know they were the first school in SF to open full time that early. Some of my friends had their kids in television school for a year and a half.
There’s at least one study that shows they did virtually nothing.
There are 100 years worth of science that show they do nothing.
This whole mask stupidity hurts my brain because it is so easily refuted, but the assholes in charge and their willing accomplices won’t look at the data honestly.
For sure. To clarify; there’s at least one study done during/post COVID that shows they did virtually nothing specifically for COVID. I’d look for it but I am actually trying to get some work done in-between glibing.
There were multiple RCT studies specifically for COVID that showed no effectiveness. There were quite a few more that were shut down early or never bothered publishing because they were just getting the same result as everybody else.
I’m sure the plexiglass industry is looking forward to new restrictions.
“EXCLUSIVE: Death scene photos of David Bolno’s Setai hotel room in Miami Beach where aspiring singer Camila Sterling overdosed show rumpled bed, condoms and baggies of pink cocaine
According to the medical examiner, Sterling died of an accidental overdose caused by a deadly cocktail of ketamine, MDMA, and the designer drug ‘Tusi’, aka pink cocaine, which was found in the room”
Tusi isn’t cocaine. It’s not 2C-whatever either.
“In Panama, a police spokesman said tusi was ketamine cut with the pharmaceutical opioid tramadol. In Venezuela, media claimed it was LSD with a dash of MDMA. In Uruguay, the Interior Minister suggested it was a mixture of cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD.”
The good old days.
Slapshot was really a documentary.
The sainted Bruins did that? I thought only the Broad Street Bullies engaged in such tomfoolery.
This whole mask stupidity hurts my brain because it is so easily refuted, but the assholes in charge and their willing accomplices won’t look at the data honestly.
It’s the perfect illustration of the desperate need to “look like” they’re doing something.
Since President Joe Biden took office, billions of dollars have been funneled into Nevada and other states through public infrastructure and clean energy investments.
But amid stubbornly high housing and gas prices, voters in Reno who spoke to NBC News are split on whether they notice a benefit.
“Everything is exceptionally expensive for no reason,” said Nicole Cooley, a food-truck-business owner and a Democrat, pointing to the cost of gas, meat and bread.
“It’s outrageous,” she said of gas prices. “It’s crazy. It hurts every time I put that pump in my tank.”
People are just too stupid to know what’s good for them.
“billions of dollars have been funneled into Nevada”
“Everything is exceptionally expensive for no reason,”
It’s a mystery.