I’ve received a missive from OMWC, and I think we have to stage a rescue mission. He awoke in the wee hours to discover Short Bus arguing loudly with a squirrel about pinecone architecture. To say OMWC wasn’t amused would be an understatement. He’s already sleep deprived as Short Bus kept them up late with her makeshift woodland fashion show where she somehow managed to talk a sassy raccoon into walking the “runway” while sporting a bedazzled acorn necklace.
The aliens are coming in 2027 apparently
But these aren’t they. These are gold miners on jetpacks
She probably has an OnlyFans but I ain’t looking for it
Obscure colours you probably don’t know the names for (or care about)
Every few months I take this hue test to see if my colour vision is still accurate
My iPhone 14 isn’t even paid off yet
This dude is really pissed off about his Ford electric truck
Uhm…9/11 survivors offered housing overlooking Ground Zero?

Lina, who is from Germany but lives in San Francisco
I must have a shocked face somewhere around here.
a) I see no signs of robotic implants or circuitry. You’re an overly tattooed weirdo, not a cyborg.
b) Given that first impressions will always be a thing (because that aspect of pattern analysis is hard wired into “Is Og coming over hill from next tribe coming to kill me?” and all)… yeah, maybe making yourself a tattooed weirdo isn’t the best for having people get to know the “real you”.
c) Yeah… totally shocked.
Solid plan. What kind of 401K do tattoo models get?
At least we know there will be butt stuff on the only fans.
Speaking of meth…
Wild… Looks fake.
That’s impressive.
The Strong Female Character.
Bane of our existence. It seems like most films made in the last decade have to feature the emasculation of an existing character to bolster the bona fides of a Strong Female Character. A character that has no character arc – she is terrific at everything, much better than existing male characters, without even trying. She just has to discover that she was great all along and show everyone that they should have believed in her. It is bad story-telling and it makes for bad movies.
“We need strong female characters” the producers and directors and actors say. You just hate women, that is why you don’t like strong women in film.
So the counter-argument is made. People bring up strong female characters from the past. Sarah Conner from Terminator. Ripley from Alien. Leia from the original Star wars. Sometimes they will even harken back to the leads of two of the highest grossing movies of all time, both from 1939.
Well, I would like to add another one. And this from an unlikely source. Disney.
Yes, Disney. And not that long ago.
Brace yourself.
Yes, Tinkerbell, from the Disney animation studios, a John Lassiter production of Tinkerbell. It is a fairly cheaply rendered 3d cartoon, direct to DVD. It is surprisingly good (for what it is). My daughter wanted to watch it with me last night. I hadn’t seen it in years, so we curled up with a bowl of popcorn.
Tinkerbell is a real example of a strong female character. Not one of these New Coke disney female leads where it is a woman usurping the role of a male character and having a character arc that is a straight line. Nope. She has the entire heroes journey, plus she checks all the feminist complaint boxes.
She is a tinker. That means she is an engineer, scientist and mechanic. All traditional male roles, particularly in film. But unlike the Strong Woman that the Drinker ridicules, she has flaws. She yearns for more than the life of a tinker. She wants to see the world.
So she trains. She tries and fails at many other jobs. She has discussions about her dreams with other female characters… passing the Bechtel test. She is sabotaged by the villain – also a woman, so no “all men are incompetent and/or evil” tropes. The sabotage leads to a disaster and her humiliation in the community. She is distraught over her failures and considers leaving forever. But her friends come to her aid and remind her that her true talents lie in being a Tinker, so she should be proud of who she is.
She puts her head down and comes up with devices that will help repair the damage she caused. She doesn’t whine about the woman who sabotaged her and actually caused the damage. She “mans up” and gets to work. She leads, convincing the others that her plan can work, and then teaching them how to execute the plan. The plan is a success and she is rewarded with acclaim in the community.
It is the full hero’s journey for a fully realized character. No need to wreck existing male characters. No need to Mary Sue the whole thing. In fact, spending most of the movie on her journey of failure and self-discovery makes her eventual triumph more satisfying. You know, like a real story with real characters that you can identify with.
So, Disney can do it. They do know how to make a movie with a strong female lead without being preachy and making her a Mary Sue and “deconstructing” some existing male character in the process.
If you have little ones, the Tinkerbell series from Disney isn’t bad at all. And the lesson for girls isn’t damaging either. It is actually pretty good.
Okay Tinkerbell
So you are saying that Tinkerbell is a far-right extremist/bigot/Nazi/etc.
Probably why Lassiter was cancelled.
The aliens are coming in 2027 apparently
Millions of them cross the border every year now. They are among us.
Obscure colours you probably don’t know the names for (or care about)
Paging Heroic Mulatto to the third-color courtesy phone
And are those colors defined in the RGB space or the CKYM space?
I think they’re defined in the Sherwin Williams seasonal colors update space
That is extra funny. We are about to do a refresh on the master bedroom. The wife wants blue. There are hundreds of blues. Strike that. Probably thousands.
“How about just white”.
Yeah, exponentially more whites than blues.
75 years on, it’s still relevant, and funny because it’s true.
And have fun sleeping on the couch tonight after you show it to your wife.
Honorable Bue is the best blue.
That’s the color I painted my bedroom.
My wife is convinced I barely know the primary colors, much less hues. (There are some things I swear are “aqua” or “mint green” and she’ll say “that’s purple!” or “grey” or something).
So — almost certainly don’t know the names, don’t care.. It would just let my wife throw more shade.
She’s colorblind. Green appears grey to colorblind folk.
I thought women couldn’t be.
She’s smashing the patriarchy!
“But these aren’t they. These are gold miners on jetpacks”
That’s really neat!
I really thought the Marilyn Manson thing was true.
2×4 Forest is real.
Also, Webdom, I get the weird feeling you’re not a big fan of the latest NPR lady. Sounds like omwc is having a great time, I just hope the girl is okay with him around. 😛
I thought OMWC reported they got along famously at a meetup.
Of course — that could have just been her lulling the Old Man into a false sense of security…
WebDom, or NPR Lady?
“I really thought the Marilyn Manson thing was true.”
In the ’80s, Rod Steward passed out on stage. The pumped six ounces of semen out of his stomach.
She’s not the easiest person to get close to. Squeaky squeak squeaker squeaken.
Morning, WebDom… several funny meme pics there, not going to rate each one. 😉
39 Colors You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Outside of the normal colors (red/blue/yellow/white/black/grey/green/pink/etc.), I know cyan and magenta because I work in CAD. All other colors are just numbers to me.
official Bud Lite straw
Way to ruin hotdogs.
First they ruined beer. (Okay, “beer”). Then they ruined hotdogs. Baseball better watch its back.
My iPhone 14 isn’t even paid off yet
I bought a cheap prepaid phone-in-a-box. The first one lasted seven years; my current one is a little over a year old.
This is a job for…***dun duh DAH!!!*** the G-TEAM! ::chomps on cigar and grins::
I don’t think we can afford the 10,000 rounds that we have to shoot towards cars, trash cans, lamps, electrical outlets, crates…..
I thought the G-Team was for hitting the G-Spot.
If our lot’s job is to hit the G-Spot I pity everyone involved.
Day 3 Kentucky….nice mornings. Yesterday went to Cincinnati and watched the Red Bull Flutag. That was interesting and fun. Ohio River valley here is gorgeous.
Scout a couple houses today and drive down to Louisville.
Check to see if they still do a big fireworks show on the river Labor Day weekend, ideally sponsored by one of the big local rock stations (WEBN, if they haven’t changed in the past [redacted] years.) Whole show synchronized to a rock soundtrack, usually kicking off with “Rock of Ages” (the Def Leppard song, not the hymn.) School had always already started by then, so friends and I would make it a road trip down from Oxford, OH. Good times.
Here’s the lowdown from last year, so it seems it’s a pretty good bet it’ll happen again.
School starting before Labor Day?
Looks like it will be going on but I won’t be here yet. Dang looks fun.
Something to look forward to next year! 🤘😃🤘
OMWC continues on his quest to expand the universe of those of us that live in Flyover Country. Not sure if we’ll be better for it but it’s coming anyway.
I got a 6 on my schmutzy laptop screen. Is that good?
I got a 0, which the explanation claims is perfect. Then, it goes on to say that the best score for my gender [sic] is -1000000.
I got a 2 and yeah that seemed… off.
I will be the little spoon
I like to be the little spoon sometimes.
introverts at church
Introverts everywhere.
Marilyn Manson
I was there for that.
And I would have given the credit to Gen-X, but since it said elementary school, I suppose it was a team effort.
Ford Lightning: If you’re going to drop north of 80 large on a vehicle, especially one you use for work, you need to do your research you shithead (and the asskissing car magazines don’t count). I do more research when I’m buying a new microwave it sounds like.
The magazine’s can only take you so far. I’ve had to have this conversation with multiple customers “the magazines don’t have to live with their mistakes and they as individuals pay zero financial penalty for making said mistakes.”
Don’t worry, we will just roll it all into the loan for the replacement vehicle.
Oh, Anna.
The crowds for 47 @TeamTrump were incredible. The crowds were so large fair goers could not get within 10 blocks of the fair. Trump 2024! Iowa don’t forget to vote on Jan 15 for TRUMP!
We’re gonna need bigger FEMA camps.
The neolibs are in the process of bypassing the FEMA camps and are going straight to slit trenches for the MAGA crowd (and the libertarian crowd, and the tradcon crowd, and the principled leftist crowd-anyone who disagrees with them really).
So, so much would.
Anna, not Trump.
She’s local to me… Her radio ads were silly.
“Trump endorsed Anna Paulina Luna” x10
Better late than never.
Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week.
“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
The government is defending the FDA’s repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said “Stop it.”
The case was brought by three doctors who allege the FDA unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine with the statements. A federal judge dismissed the case in 2022, prompting an appeal.
“The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no,” Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.
Fuck the FDA for ever blocking this. You cuntes killed millions by pushing a false narrative about things, such as apparent miracle drugs like Ivermectin, to treat cold/flu just to give billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry for a fake vaccine.
What should I do with my stash of apple flavored horsepaste now? Maybe my dog will like it.
Maybe my dog will like it.
Actually, yes. It’s what we give our dogs instead of heartworm pills. Same active ingredient not marked up a ridiculous percent buying from a farm store vs. vet script. It costs me $40 for 3 year supply that treats 5 dogs.
Narrator: It is not.
I had no idea WebDom was Canadian!
Cause she’s not circumcised ?
Why does the regime hate trees?
The Biden administration on Friday announced its first major investment to kickstart the US carbon removal industry – something energy experts say is key to getting the country’s planet-warming emissions under control.
Direct air capture removal projects are akin to huge vacuum cleaners sucking carbon dioxide out of the air, using chemicals to remove the greenhouse gas. Once removed, CO2 gets stored underground, or is used in industrial materials like cement. On Friday, the US Department of Energy announced it is spending $1.2 billion to fund two new demonstration projects in Texas and Louisiana – the South Texas Direct Air Capture hub and Project Cypress in Louisiana.
“These two projects are going to build these regional direct air capture hubs,” US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told reporters. “That means they’re going to link everything from capture to processing to deep underground storage, all in one seamless process.”
I’m going to have to leave my car idling and the fire pit going in order to help compensate for this nonsense.
Now that you mention it…
Kamala Harris says she wakes up in the mornings thinking about “what an erosion of democracy will mean”
…we need less democracy…because democracy is assho.
I got a perfect score of Zero on the hue test.
I’m sure this will be the highlight of my day.
Obviously Trump is interfering and a threat to Democracy just by running for office.
TRUMP IN IOWA: “We don’t take plea deals because I did nothing wrong.”
“Man forced to ditch Ford EV truck during family road trip to Chicago: ‘biggest scam of modern times’”
Sounds like a Ford problem rather than an electric vehicle problem. My buddy has an Explorer and said to get vehicles out during the recent great parts shortage crisis Ford used 1 bolt instead of the necessary 3 (or 4?) bolts to attach the transfer case to the transmission.
Reading some of the other things he paid for…dude should have bought a Tesla.
This dude’s pond is lit.
In this video, I feed my fish and the colder weather has them really hungry. The catfish were very active and kept coming right up to the bank! They loved the shad and when I would pet them it seemed that they liked it!
Just had a slightly concerning thought: Thursday afternoon, OMWC described Short Bus as NPR Lady’s “project.”
Are we quite sure OMWC isn’t another one of NPR Lady’s “projects”? 🤨
Maybe OMWC IS Short Bus.
Rescue mission? Sigh. I thought this would be a nice relaxing lazy Sunday. *resumes stuffing magazines*
Think we have time for a pancake stop?
If they also serve bacon and eggs, I’m in.
But not Waffle House.
I’ve had two musician friends drop dead within hours of an after-gig meal at Waffle House, so….no. 😳
Was it the one in Moraine? Or on Needmore?
I can see someone dying at either in the middle of the night after a gig, but not from the food.
Don’t know if it was the same WH in both cases. (They didn’t happen at the same time.) In one case, maybe one up in or near Troy?
I don’t know but I been told.
Nordic pussy is mighty cold.
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody yo
Good morning, WebDom!
Ford dude is a dope. Never be a car company’s guinea pig.
Everyone who spends even ten minutes of research knows that the numbers are bullshit. I have a boring, gas powered F-150 that takes a few minutes to fill and gives me a legit 700 mile range. I didn’t even need the government to tell me this is a superior road trip vehicle.
The fuck? Dual tanks?
Nope, but it has the 36 gallon tank.
/hangs head in shame for his tiny 26 gallon tank
But it was fun to posture when all the border states complained and tried to restrict the illegals.
What’s different now?
It’s a bit more complicated than that. More like a settlement the city stupidly agreed to in order to make the issue “go away” back in the seventies when there were way more serious problems and nobody expected millions of “asylum seekers” to horde across the border.
They’re all so desperately poor that they appear to be operating last year’s cell phone models. I mean my god.
Speaking of cell phones, saw the obamaphone giveaway in action last week. Just across from a bum enablement day center, these people had a popup booth. Was wondering why they were coralling bums to fill out paperwork until I noticed the boxes of some noname phone or company sticking out of the bags underneath.
“Ya’ll allowing them to sleep outside, but yet you’re on the news talking about ‘Oh, yeah, well, we want to help all these homeless people,’” she said. “Okay, well give them a free house. Give them a free apartment. Help them out like that. But no, you’re helping them letting them be in the streets, homeless.”
Yeah, giving illegal immigrants free houses will surely discourage more illegal immigration.
Yeah but at least only rich people will be paying for it.
He also wanted an environmentally friendly vehicle as owning one is “responsible citizenship these days.”
Haha, sucker!
By the way- how do those electric trucks do on the boat ramp?
Better than you’d think. No ICE to suck in water. Plenty of videos showing Tesla vehicles driving by dead ICE vehicles in flooded streets.
OTH, long term impact of salt water on anything automotive and electrical does not make me hopeful. Normal boat launch doesn’t possibly submerge an ICE motor like it does an EV.
I think the Kurt Cobain vape pen answer is actually a correct answer.
I like the roaches in heaven meme.
Made me chuckle.
Webdom always has great links.
Small town politics and grievances. Not a good look.
“This customer’s experience highlights the urgent need to rapidly improve access to public charging across the US and Canada. Ford’s EV-certified dealers will install public-facing DC fast chargers at their dealerships by early 2024, providing alternative charging options to those available today. Ford was also the first in the industry to gain access to over 12,000 Tesla Superchargers for Ford drivers.”
tl;dr- “Not our fault.”
Also no comment about their shit repair parts availability and lack of responses.
Why I sold my Probe when the transmission went out at 50k miles and it was weeks finding a replacement for a car barely out of warranty.
Reason 1,001 not to live in SF says the guy that has to go into NYC.
It’s not our fault they had no cell coverage and stopped dead.
Why get there early and do a sound check or anything? Have some respect for your fans…
Last night? What “severe weather”?
Not sure where he was coming from.
Here in Essex County big thunderstorms this early AM. People in my town without power.
Obscure colours you probably don’t know the names for (or care about)
You are not wrong.
Woo hoo! Perfect 0. Did know feldgrau and none of those colors were in the 72 pack of crayons.
I got a 4. *bows head and kicks rock*
“A Connecticut family is suing Snapchat and Instagram after their 15-year-old daughter was raped and sexually assaulted by two registered sex offenders that found her on the apps.
According to the lawsuit, the unnamed minor was only 10 years old when she was contacted by a first predator on Instagram and coerced into sending explicit photos of herself. He kept demanding more, leading to the child attempting suicide “in the hopes of finding some escape,” according to the lawsuit.
When the family found out what was going on they reported “the exploitation to police, who informed them that Meta’s Instagram product was designed in such a way that they could not identify who was behind the Instagram account that was used to abuse her, and a case was never opened,” the 95-page lawsuit states, according to a report from the CT Post.
In 2019, when she was 13, the child was contacted on Snapchat by a second convicted sex offender — Reginald Sharp — who knew her real age. He convinced her to send nude photos and blackmailed her, saying that he would post them online unless she met him in person.
The girl snuck out and met him and was repeatedly raped.”
Top-notch parenting.
They let her back on anti-social media?
It was that or, you know, watch her.
“We drove her down to skid row every day. How could this happen?”
“New ‘GirlMath’ TikTok trend promotes frivolous purchases: ‘If I paid for it with cash, it was free’
“If I make a bunch of small, little purchases that add up to $500 in a day, that’s not actually $500. But if one or two items itself is $500, why would I buy it? That’s actually $500,” she continued.”
She should work for the government.
Democracy is dying, poisoned by right wing lies and hate
Threats against public officials have been steadily climbing in recent years, creating new challenges for law enforcement, civil rights and the health of American democracy.
The Capitol Police last year reported that they investigated more than double the number of threats against members of Congress as they did four years earlier. Driven by former President Donald Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen from him, threats against election workers have exploded, with one in six reporting threats against them and many seasoned election administrators leaving the job or considering it.
“It’s definitely increased in the last five years,” said Jake Spano, mayor in the Minneapolis suburb of St. Louis Park and a board member of the National League of Cities, which issued a report in 2021 finding that 81 percent of local elected officials reported receiving threats and 87 percent saw the problem worsening.
Officials in Spano’s town got deluged in 2018, when Trump tweeted critically about its city council’s decision to stop saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of its meetings.
“The lasting impact of Donald Trump’s presidency is that he made it clear that the norms of how we treat each other no longer apply,” said Spano, a Democrat.
Donald Trump invented political rancor.
Trump turned me into a newt!
“SPLC expands ‘Hate Map’ by adding political and parents groups to hate extremists
It appears as if hate exploded in the United States last year, but SPLC’s “Hate Map” data is inflated because 702 of 1,225 groups described by the map as “hate groups” are actually policy advocacy organizations with no connection to a “hateful” ideology.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is reporting a record low number of hate groups this year but is inflating the dots on its infamous “Hate Map” by redefining political policy and parents groups an anti-government organizations worthy of scrutiny….
The SPLC acknowledged a difference between “hate groups” and “anti-government” groups: “Hate groups hold beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics, while antigovernment groups see the federal government as an enemy of the people and promote baseless conspiracy theories.” The organization justified the commingling of the two because it claimed “far-right activists have embraced ever more violent rhetoric” and “their words are contributing to an atmosphere that breeds political violence.””
I’m sure BLM and Antifa are on the list.
The federal government IS an enemy of the people.
Trump has repeatedly slammed the FBI and has called for a takeover of the Justice Department should he win the presidency again, as he faces additional charges related to his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
Trump has referred to the special counsel overseeing the federal prosecutions, Jack Smith, as “deranged” and an “out of touch lunatic,” and to the charges against him as “election interference and yet another attempt to rig and steal a presidential election.” He also has attacked a local Georgia prosecutor expected to file more charges against him next week, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
Experts warn the escalating rhetoric could increase the risks of violence, especially as the 2024 election and Trump’s trials draw closer. Lone attackers acting impulsively, rather than mass violence such as the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, are the greatest worry, said Javed Ali, a former senior FBI counterrorism official now at the University of Michigan.
patsywolf attacks are hard to stop.“takeover of the Justice department”
You mean the one that falls under executive branch purview?
“ZOMG Drumpfler says he will take over the branch of government he’s elected to lead! Muh-DeMoCrAcY!”