Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Garbage Takes

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Daily Links | 216 comments

Let’s dig into the favorite trope of the Internet, the faux-brave garbage take:

The Plane Lady Meme Cycle Proves the Internet Isn’t Fun Anymore

A) It does no such thing.

B) Maybe don’t talk about shit you appear to be incredibly ignorant about.

But let’s get to the heart of this take (aka the only reason she even wrote this garbage):

Gomas is somewhat unique, however, in that her nonconsensual viral moment has made her into something of a sex symbol for the worst people on the planet. The far right zeroed in on Gomas’s manicured blond good looks, with men who really, really enjoy watching documentaries about Ruby Ridge fixating on her physical appearance, few of whom appeared to consider whether their reaction would be different if she were a slightly less hot person ranting about the possibility of a plane exploding and killing everyone. (Never mind if she was an unhoused person, a gender non-conforming person, or a person of color.)

And there it is. “People I don’t like are enjoying something; I must crush it.”

I think we known who is really taking the fun out of the internet.


Gen Z is ditching bras in latest viral trend: ‘Let them be free’

Gen Z women are embracing going braless, and the freeing move has taken the internet by storm.

The hashtag ‘No Bra’ has over 600 million tags on the social media platform TikTok and women are sharing their outfits and looks without any underwire in sight.

Being braless has become such a thing that the #nobrachallenge is going viral on the platform and has over nine million views.

It sounds sexy but it mainly just involves women sharing what they look like in fun outfits while not wearing a bra, and the trend seems to help normalize different breast shapes.

help normalize different breast shapes

Fuck off.

Of course, not every Gen Zer with their low-waisted jeans is keen to jump onboard.

TikTok creator Lacey Claire filmed a silly video of her braless in a white crop top to point out that being free from underwire wasn’t for everyone.

Assuming this is a woman, well, she has droopies. So wear a bra if you want to, Lucas.

Psychologist Carly Dober explained that the trend is a big “statement” made by young women.

“Emotionally and psychologically, not wearing a bra can be a statement about how you want to present yourself to the world, and also how you want to cover up very normal body parts,” she said.

Dober said that many women feel “liberated” by not wearing a bra, which is a sign of young women wanting to reclaim their “agency.”

Fuck off.

All the article had to do was post this pic and say “YAY! BOOBIES!”

Overthinking joy-sucking academic gibberish garbage take.


I was on campus when ‘Animal House’ debuted. It changed everything. (sign-up free link)

nut graf:

Although “Animal House” was a professedly anarchic comedy that identified with the freaks, the misfits and anyone wanting to fight for their right to party, the movie ironically helped crystallize a new strain of cultural and political conservatism that started on campuses and ran all the way up to the National Mall and Wall Street.

In other words, “Animal House” is where the 1960s finally and decisively turned into the 1980s — the 1970s being understood as a transition period highlighted by double-knit and “Kung Fu Fighting.” With “Animal House,” we crossed the line from hippies to yuppies, from “all you need is love” to “greed is good.” It seems crazy to say it, but the film’s Deltas — a fraternity of proud, self-defined losers — became role models for a generation obsessed with winning. You could argue we’re still living with the fallout.In “Animal House,” Delta House’s fraternity of proud, self-defined losers became role models for a generation obsessed with winning. (Universal Pictures/Courtesy of Everett Collection)

How do I know all this? I was there at ground zero: a preview screening of “Animal House” at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., in July 1978. There, before my eyes, an audience of listless summer-session Ivy League students was jolted into trading the bromides of their older siblings’ counterculture for what seemed like a new freedom: to say what you wanted, offend whomever you wanted, grab the rewards you felt were yours.

What? This movie did all that? Not the Democrat Party doldrums of post-Watergate America where hippie idealism became the Carter hangover? The waning enthusiasm for America that was a result of letting Iran push us around?

No, it must have been that movie where John Belushi used mashed potatoes to pretend to be an enormous pimple.


Stop Taking Screenshots of Messages

tl;dr “Stop throwing my own words back in my face; it’s not fair!”


Palate cleanse:

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Spudalicious

    Firstity first!

    I’m looking forward to all those saggy, aging, Gen Z titties.

    • Nephilium

      Instead of enjoying the perky, young, Gen Z titties?

      You’re a monster.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Is it even true that bras prevent sagging?

      • Don escaped Texas

        all I can imagine is that any artificial support can only lead to atrophy of whatever natural structures had any hope of delaying or minimizing sagging

    • The Last American Hero

      I’ve been to Boulder. It was 40% glorious, 30% disappointing, 20% gross, and 10% odd. And that’s in a college town.

      • SDF-7

        Did you look over your shoulder for a holder?

  2. Lackadaisical

    ‘help normalize different breast shapes’

    I mean, bras are basically false advertising, so I’m in favor of going away from them.

    “how you want to cover up very normal body parts”

    Now they’re going too far, some body parts should be covered up. The super tight athleisure thing has gone too far.

    • Nephilium

      /puts on cycling kit

      Are you talking to me?

      • Spudalicious

        /puts on cycling kit


      • Lackadaisical

        It would help if you were riding the bike at least instead of just wearing it around town.

    • Ted S.

      Yeah; imagine guys not wanting to cover up their penises.

      • SDF-7

        I thought we didn’t have to imagine — it is called “Pride Month” now.

      • Lackadaisical

        That’s exactly where my mind went.

        Totally natural, nothing wrong with the body part, still not something you share with everyone.

  3. Shpip

    Gomas is somewhat unique, however, in that her nonconsensual viral moment has made her into something of a sex symbol for the worst people on the planet.

    I just saw a bunch of dudebros speculating just where she fell on the hot / crazy matrix. Most were like “Would. At a hotel. Without her knowing my real name or phone number.”

    • Certified Public Asshat

      “She mid bro” was the conversation I kept seeing.

    • R C Dean

      “The far right zeroed in on Gomas’s manicured blond good looks”

      Well, for starters, she’s not blond. I’d say brown, with highlights.

      • Lackadaisical


        And Gomas? Are ethnics white?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Sounds very far right.

    • R C Dean

      “I just saw a bunch of dudebros”

      Here, I believe.

      • MikeS


      • Not Adahn


  4. Tundra

    Lol. We’re back to the 60’s huh?

    This passage from Good Omens is a favorite:

    Pepper’s given first names were Pippin Galadriel Moonchild. She had been given them in a naming ceremony in a muddy valley field that contained three sheep and a number of leaky polythene teepees. Her mother had chosen the Welsh valley of Pant-y-Gyrdl as the ideal site to Return to Nature. (Six months later, sick of the rain, the mosquitoes, the men, the tent-trampling sheep who ate first the whole commune’s marijuana crop and then its antique minibus, and by now beginning to glimpse why almost the entire drive of human history has been an attempt to get as far away from Nature as possible, Pepper’s mother returned to Pepper’s surprised grandparents in Tadfield, bought a bra, and enrolled in a sociology course with a deep sigh of relief.)

    • Nephilium

      My sister got her daughter’s name tattooed on her when she was younger. When she had my eldest nephew, my niece asked my sister if she was going to get his name tattooed on her too.

      My sister was not amused nor entertained by the question. Me laughing at the question may have added to her discomfort.

    • The Other Kevin

      Yet another instance where Gen Z thinks they’re the first to think of something that’s been around forever. Most young people can get away with no bra, but that changes with age.

      • SDF-7

        Yeah… but maybe if I get serious about a walking regimen again….

      • Homple

        I’m an old boomer, and when I was a young boomer, my cohorts also believed they were the first to think of everything.

      • DrOtto

        Chuck Schumer hardest hit.

  5. Nephilium

    Why am I guessing that the person who wrote that Slate article lives in a one party state, and thinks that anyone recording their phone calls without telling them is “breaking the law”.

  6. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Never mind if she was an unhoused person, a gender non-conforming person, or a person of color.”
    Oh fuck off…also still would with extreme prejudice…God does the finger wagging get old.

  7. kinnath

    Gen Z women are embracing going braless,

    The 70s say hello.

    • kinnath

      High school. No dress codes. Halter tops were in vogue.

      • Tundra

        Tube tops are what I remember.

      • kinnath

        Tube tops were nice.

        But halters had barley a wee bit more fabric that a bikini top.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Don’t bother, if it happened more than a month ago Gen Z is unaware.

      • EvilSheldon

        The other day on Reddit, I had to deal with someone who had never heard of The Boondock Saints.

        This went considerably beyond me feeling old, all the way too, ‘Everybody under the age of 35 has been fucking lobotomized…”

    • Rat on a train

      As do men.

      • SDF-7

        The young dudebros will be like deer in the headlights.

    • John Nerfherder


    • milo

      No kidding.

  8. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Animal House: I guess the chainsawing of the dead horse was a metaphor for the evisceration of the spirit of the 1960s. Well good goddamn riddance.

    • Spartacus

      “Mister Blutarski: Zero point zero!”

      • creech

        You mean Senator Blutarski?

  9. rhywun

    Tiffany Gomas’s viral plane meltdown made her a hero of the far right.


    Never change, Rolling Stone.

    • Tundra

      I can’t believe I used to subscribe.

      • rhywun

        Huh. I might have subscribed for one year like 35 years ago, now that I think of it.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Back when they did articles about music I actually cared about along with album reviews they were actually pretty good.

    • milo

      LIE big and lie often. It works.

  10. B.P.

    “Psychologist Carly Dober explained that the trend is a big “statement” made by young women.”

    I scoured the rolodex and worked the phones and twitter, and found a marginal member of the professional class to feed me some absurd quotes for my article before deadline.

    • The Other Kevin

      Sounds like a great gig. Get credentials in something vague like social psychology, then pimp yourself out as a source for people writing bullshit articles.

  11. Common Tater

    “garbage take”

    So only the far right find women attractive, and only if they are white? Wow that is a garbage take.

  12. Common Tater

    “All the article had to do was post this pic and say “YAY! BOOBIES!””

    That’s why I didn’t post it this morning.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Ej enjoys musicals, being a Disney adult, and playing with her three-legged, epileptic border collie Ringo Daphne. The New Yorker once called her “ineffably cool.”

      We get it, you are not a serious person.

      • John Nerfherder

        There was definitely the stink of “I hate hot chicks” on that article.

      • Lackadaisical

        But she is ineffably cool.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        That motherfucker is not cool.

      • SDF-7

        I think “ineffable” is pretty accurate.

      • Tonio

        What you did there was seen.

      • Common Tater

        “her three-legged, epileptic border collie Ringo Daphne”

        I feel sorry for the dog.

      • R.J.

        I won’t say it.

    • Gender Traitor

      The New Yorker once called her “ineffably cool.”

      From beyond the grave, Dorothy Parker disavows all association with “that rag.”

  13. rhywun

    Taking screenshots of our texts and sharing them with my friends seemed totally normal at the time

    I can’t even with this.

    • Common Tater

      It seems like normal young women behavior. Tell a girl something and all her friends will know.

  14. Lackadaisical

    “I worry that it is turning us into hypocrites who, when it comes to the privacy of our conversations, have higher expectations for how others should treat us than for how we treat others.”

    Speak for yourself?

    Also, in what world do people think texts are the most secure, private way to communicate?

    I never understood people (usually kids) who have such a fear of phone calls vs text. Not that it couldn’t be recorded, but way less likely.

    • Nephilium

      I understand it in the work world, where I want proof of what was asked for/provided/planned for. I understand texts for quick check ins (where you at/how you doing/running late). I don’t understand those who can’t complete a thought in a text without clicking send.

      • KK, Non-Man


      • KK, Non-Man

        I was wondering

      • KK, Non-Man

        If we’re out of milk

      • KK, Non-Man

        Could you pick up a gallon

      • KK, Non-Man

        On your way home

      • KK, Non-Man

        Like that?


    • Tonio

      I don’t have a fear of phone calls, I just don’t want to be stuck in a five minute blathering convo with someone where a simple text message will do. There are times where a simple one-minute phone call works better than five minutes of back-and-forth messaging, but these are rare.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s time for someone to put their foot down and that foot is me.

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

      Holy shit, he needs to be put on double secret probation!

  15. The Late P Brooks

    (Never mind if she was an unhoused person, a gender non-conforming person, or a person of color.)

    Never mind fat, ugly and bitter, right, Rolling Stone Lady?

    • rhywun

      OFFS!! with that quote.

      My god the left are insufferable. How does anybody fucking stand them?

      • Fourscore


        ‘How does anybody fucking stand them?”

        …anybody stand fucking them.

      • Old Man With Candy

        /looks innocent

        Why, I would never fuck a leftist.


      • milo

        Give ‘em both inches!

      • EvilSheldon

        I suspect it’s a whole lot of completely sexless ‘friends’ relationships, enlivened by a certain amount of hate-fucking…

  16. Drake

    “trading the bromides of their older siblings’ counterculture for what seemed like a new freedom: to say what you wanted, offend whomever you wanted, grab the rewards you felt were yours.”

    Weird way to admit that the 60s radicals didn’t believe on the freedom they kept insisting they wanted.

    • R.J.

      Hippies wanted the freedom to lay around, smoke pot and not work yet magically be fed and housed. Realizing this doesn’t work and getting a job is hardly a right wing revolution.

      • Drake

        But they were adamantly in favor of free-speech, right up to the point where they are in charge.

      • Rat on a train

        You didn’t believe the Free Speech Movement was about principles?

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Gomas was removed from the plane after her outburst

    In flight? That’s harsh.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      She was removed? She made it very clear she was getting off on her own.

      • Tundra
      • The Other Kevin

        “Let a woman be a woman and a man be a man”

      • John Nerfherder

        Prince always had the best dancing girls.

      • Ted S.

        Not Robert Palmer?

      • John Nerfherder

        They weren’t really dancing.

      • Homple

        Sounds like every male in the far right would help her do that, if necessary.

    • Not Adahn

      S’alright. The plane wasn’t real either.

  18. KK, Non-Man

    I can count on 2 hands the number of times I’ve worn a bra in my entire life

    • The Other Kevin

      KK: Glibs Influencer

      • Gender Traitor

        You’re going to stop wearing a bra?

      • kinnath

        I am burning mine in support.

      • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

        You should be burning it in lack of support!

      • Nephilium

        I’ve been bra free for over 45 years.

      • Spudalicious

        I’ve been meaning to talk to you…

      • Shpip

        GlibsCruise: come for the booze and frog calls, stay for the jiggiliciousness.

      • Nephilium

        The girlfriend is already stalking excursions and events and worst of all… already wanting my opinion on all of them.

        It’s over a year away! I don’t have strong opinions about any of it yet. I barely have weak opinions about us going.

    • MikeS


  19. Timeloose

    Animal House…The movie made by ivy league wealthy comedians about rebelling against their square parents and culture -> Greed is good????

    That is some Stretch Armstrong level shit.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Dober said that many women feel “liberated” by not wearing a bra, which is a sign of young women wanting to reclaim their “agency.”

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  21. DEG

    Of course, not every Gen Zer with their low-waisted jeans is keen to jump onboard.

    Low waisted jeans are coming back?

    • kinnath

      Hip huggers. More memories from the 70s. Paired with a halter top, and that’s a lot of skin showing.

    • R.J.

      I think that was a misprint. Those heinous pants with a waist well above the navel are in fashion. They look awful. It’s as bad as when young men started wearing white athletic socks with shower shoes.

      • R.J.


      • Tundra


      • rhywun

        Yeah, I think low-waisted jeans have been in for, what, 35 years now? That’s about how long I’ve noticed people of both sexes flashing their underwear for the world to see.

      • kinnath

        Ah yes. The whale tail.

      • Tundra

        When I coached my son in mite hockey, the moms would still come into the locker room and tie their kids’ skates. They were all in their late 20s or early 30s and the jeans reflected the times (early oughts). Whale tails down the line.

        None of the coaches discouraged them. You can tie your own skates in squirts.

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

      We seem to have cycled through the hi waiste to low rise about six times now.

  22. KK, Non-Man

    Yesterday there were a good 1/2 dozen hummingbirds bitching & fighting over the feeder. Today there have been no more than 2 at a time.

    Do they start migrating this early from South Carolina?

    • MikeS

      Maybe they got all their issues worked out yesterday and are now politely taking turns?

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

      Cute until I saw the stripper shoes. Blech.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Those are Hungarian prostitute shoes.

      • Homple

        We used to call those “catch me f**k me” shoes.

    • SugarFree

      The Voyeurs on Netflix. Hubba hubba.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Although “Animal House” was a professedly anarchic comedy that identified with the freaks, the misfits and anyone wanting to fight for their right to party, the movie ironically helped crystallize a new strain of cultural and political conservatism that started on campuses and ran all the way up to the National Mall and Wall Street.

    Wow, you can see all that with your head shoved up your own asshole? That’s impressive.

  24. The Other Kevin

    Come to think of it, the braless trend isn’t new. The Chive has been doing that for years.

  25. Spartacus

    So, is X going to change their name to Twitter now? Seems only fair.

  26. Common Tater

    “Special Counsel Jack Smith obtains access to Donald Trump’s Twitter account – including private direct messages and draft tweets – after securing SECRET search warrant

    The new filing reveals he was granted the search warrant in January, allowing him to dig through ‘@RealDonaldTrump’ for evidence of criminal offenses.

    A judge had initially fined Elon Musk’s social media giant $350,000 for refusing to comply, according to documents released last week.

    The company, now known as X, was also barred from telling Trump about the warrant.”

    • kinnath

      I was taught back in the 80s to never put anything in an electronic message that you did not want to be discoverable in court.

      The “secret” part of this warrant is horseshit, but the data resides on a 3rd party’s platform. That data is not immune to a warrant.

      • kinnath

        This is a separate problem from the data providers coughing up data to the government without a warrant.

    • Suthenboy

      At the risk of being laughed out of the room i will point out that general warrants are forbidden by the fourth amen….never mind. I cant force myself to say it.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    I can’t believe I used to subscribe.

    If it was when Thompson was still around, you are absolved.

    • Shpip

      Rolling Stone used to have Hunter S. Thompson, P. J. O’Rourke, and Tom Wolfe writing for them.

      Now we get Basic College Girl, Upper West Side edition.

      • Homple

        “Rolling Stone used to have Hunter S. Thompson, P. J. O’Rourke, and Tom Wolfe writing for them>”

        Aye, we’ll not see the like of ’em again.

      • John Nerfherder

        The sad part is O’Rourke isn’t dead yet and you still won’t see the likes of him again.

      • Don escaped Texas

        methinks O’Rourke started training as a roadie for Lou Reed a couple of years ago, but I haven’t heard if he’s working out

    • Nephilium

      Yeah. Story is local to me. Local take.

      • Spudalicious

        She’ll be popular in prison.

    • Shpip

      Something struck me as off when I perused the picks of the formerly happy couple. Then it hit me.

      Are these Gypsies? Because if the documentaries that my wife watches about their big fat weddings are any indication, gypsies are known for their unflappable nature and near-stoic amount of impulse control.

      I guess the elements of murder can be proven here, as in “intentionally causing the death of two human beings,” but it still feels a bit harsh. Oh, well. Stupid games, stupid prizes, never stick it in crazy, etc.

  28. Tonio

    The WaPo article proves once again that the left hates and fears humor. Also, that talentless, unfunny writers are jealous of those who are funny and talented.

    • kinnath

      Pattie Tamura, whose family owns one of the few Lahaina houses that remain standing, credited its survival to its thick concrete walls, which don’t burn.

      Tamura, 67, told the San Francisco Chronicle that the house was built by her grandfather, who worked at a nearby sugar mill, with the exact purpose of enduring anything so he could enjoy his retirement in the 1950s.

      “He built the house out of cement because of the bugs and dry rot in Hawaii,” she said. “I’m sure it survived because of his knowledge and his construction skills.”

    • The Other Kevin

      We can’t be sure the house is stable enough to live in. Bulldoze it and sell the whole neighborhood to a developer.

    • John Nerfherder

      It’s not unusual for the radiant heat of a wildfire to ignite the drapes inside a house through the glass. Even if the walls still stand, the interior can burn out.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The WaPo article proves once again that the left hates and fears humor. Also, that talentless, unfunny writers are jealous of those who are funny and talented.

    They despise unseriousness. It is an egregious affront to their stiffnecked puritanism.

    • R.J.

      They are envious of those who don’t feel the need of a driving social purpose.

    • Zwak , “There is infinite amount of hope in the universe… just not for us.”

      Even their comedy must be serious. It is why crap like McSweenys is so popular with them.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Pattie Tamura, whose family owns one of the few Lahaina houses that remain standing, credited its survival to its thick concrete walls, which don’t burn.

    Wow. That’s incredible. FEMA should bulldoze it for analysis.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    “Fuck. Seven years of college, down the drain.”

  32. Common Tater

    “Netflix releases children’s cartoon about gay knights that was deemed too gay for Disney

    As Slate’s Sam Adams details, two of the movie’s main characters, Ballister Blackheart and Ambrosius Goldenloin, are former gay lovers who can be seen holding hands as well as kissing. The other major character, Nimona, is a shape-shifting magical being that is implicitly some kind of “gender-fluid” creature.

    Examples of Nimona’s LGBT references include repeated reminders that the character is “not a girl,” as well as a scene where upon being told “And now you’re a boy,” Nimona answers, “I am today.”

    Listen assholes, we had a transvestite rabbit, a pig with a speech impediment, and a black duck. No one needs a demisexual walrus with top surgery scars.

    • R.J.

      Don’t forget the three-legged epileptic border collie.

      • The Other Kevin

        Ineffably cool!

    • The Other Kevin

      The Ambiguously Gay Templars?

    • rhywun

      That cartoon is more for fart-sniffing parents than their kids.

    • Suthenboy

      Let me huess, Nimona is played by neil degrass tyson.

    • UnCivilServant

      From the sound of that description they have not bothered to even come up with a story, let alone a good one worth watching.

    • John Nerfherder

      Ambrosius Goldenloin?


  33. Sensei

    Just days before FTX, the cryptocurrency exchange that was once worth as much as $32 billion, went bankrupt, 28-year-old Ellison convened employees to provide a “general overview of the situation,” telling them: “I guess, mostly I wanna say, like, I’m sorry. This really sucks.”

    “I think my current default plan is that Alameda will likely wind down once we can, like, repay all of our creditors and sort of wind down a bunch of our, like, whatever remaining obligations we have,” Ellison is said to have told her employees.

    According to the court filing, an Alameda employee pressed Ellison: “Who made the decision on using [FTX] user deposits?”

    “Um…Sam, I guess,” Ellison responded, according to court documents filed in US District Court in southern New York.

    Like, sucks for you, like sorry.

    • John Nerfherder

      I’m more incensed by Gensler, that traitorous and corrupt piece of shit who has been allowed to continue to wreak havoc.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    “On May 17, I wrote to Anheuser-Busch [North America] CEO Brendan Whitworth requesting documents and information regarding alarming allegations that Anheuser-Busch was marketing beer to [minors] through its partnership with social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney,” Cruz wrote.

    Oh, fuck off.

    Speaking of stiffnecked puritan idiocy…

    • John Nerfherder

      It was only a matter of time before they came for podcasts. You know they hate the dissent that’s allowed to ferment there.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Tim Cook delenda est (metaphorically).

    • R.J.

      Scott Adams should sell his book on

    • Not Adahn

      When did Glenn Beck turn into Harlan Sanders?

    • John Nerfherder

      I think it fell back in the 80’s

    • The Gunslinger

      C’mon man. Do you know how hard it is to throw $1.6T dollars at people and get them to appreciate it? That’s not hyperbole, no joke.

    • SDF-7

      It was a success — at ramming through parts of the Green New Deal with lots of lipstick slathered on that pig.

      Success for the rest of the country? Not so much.

    • rhywun

      legislation that’s already tackling climate change and cutting health care costs

      LOL made it to the end of the first paragraph before I died laughing.

      • Shirley Knott

        And now that you’ve died, your health care costs have fallen to zero. See? It works!

    • Grumbletarian

      NPR was again fluffing the Inflation Redoubling Act today.

  35. anti pro state

    Can anyone jog my memory, please? I’m trying to find an essay someone linked to a few months ago here about various SHTF scenarios and how to survive them. I thought it might be a Thomas Sowell essay, but I couldn’t find or identify it in his archives, so maybe a different author. The only keyword I can bring to mind was that one was the ‘locust’ scenario where the dense city populations spread out taking resources by force due to sheer number. -Thanks in advance.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      If I recall right, the essay was about surviving in Serbia.

      There is also an excellent interview on The Survival Podcast with a guy who went through something similar in Argentina.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    What’s more: It’s leveling the playing field by ensuring that no family making less than $400,000 will see their taxes go up and making the big corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share.

    The American people made this all possible through collective action, by holding our government accountable for improving our communities. And while there’s still more work to be done when it comes to defeating corporate greed and creating meaningful solutions to lowering costs for working families, it’s clear that President Biden and progressive lawmakers in Congress delivered on their promises by passing the IRA.

    That’s quite the non sequitur.

  37. The Gunslinger


    a juror whose impartiality was questioned by the defense in court ended up being the jury’s foreperson

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Katsur soze

    Police who were examining a stolen car for evidence made a surprising find — a kitten — and now they are looking for his owner.

    The gray-and-white male cat was perched under a seat in the stolen vehicle, which collided with a police car during a chase Thursday, the Meriden Police Department said on its Facebook page and in a news release Monday.

    He’s the mastermind of the outfit.

    • Not Adahn

      The police are searching for the kitten’s owners so they can charge them with animal cruelty.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    By publicly celebrating these landmark programs, educating the public, and having one-on-one conversations in communities across the country, Indivisible Civics — through our Powering Progress initiative — is making sure our friends and family understand the tangible benefits available to them now, and are just a little less susceptible to the divide and conquer dog whistle messaging coming from the far right.

    What that means in practice is engaging directly with the community—from holding roundtables and town halls so constituents can ask questions of local leaders implementing the law, to tabling at public health fairs and local festivals to make sure families know who is responsible for their lower drug prices.

    By doing the work to educate the public, we can continue to put power in the hands of the American people to make historic legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act possible in the future – and prove what an active and inclusive government can accomplish along the way.

    We must harangue and hector our friends and neighbors and especially random strangers with our noble message of class and wealth envy.

    • Suthenboy

      My drug prices have not changed one cent. WTF is this person talking about.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Don’t interrupt your betters

    Vice President Kamala Harris dismissed a heckler at an event last weekend after the man began shouting about Harris’ lack of effort in addressing climate change.

    The Daily Caller shared a video posted to X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday afternoon that showed a heckler interrupting Harris’ speech. He can be heard yelling above the vice president, who is speaking at a podium. He yelled so loudly at times that Harris could not be heard. A spokesperson from Harris’ office told Newsweek that the protester interrupted the event last Saturday in Massachusetts.

    “We are in the middle of a climate emergency. Eighty people have died in Hawaii, Thousands have been displaced by the climate chaos,” the protester yelled. “The planet is burning, and people are dying.”

    “I’m speaking,” Harris responded as the heckler was removed from the crowd by security.

    What’s he going to do, vote for Trump?

    • rhywun

      She should be praising kooks like that – they are the base of her Party.

    • Suthenboy

      Heckler is a paid plant.

      • Sean

        What about Koch?

    • Sensei

      Oh, that horse has left the barn a long time ago.

    • Tundra


      Just buy a vintage Vespa and get yourself a lovely Italian girlfriend.

      Like this.

      • Tundra

        Or this.


    • John Nerfherder

      My balls just shrank from reading that.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Mobility scooter is an apt reference-those look very much not safe.

  41. Brochettaward

    I think if I was a women, the constant talk about my agency or lack thereof would be highly offensive. Same thing with any minority group where that shit gets written.

    We are all subject to societal pressures to include the dastardly straight white man.

  42. KK, Non-Man

    So my dad informed me my brother would be staying with my dad and his wife for the foreseeable future. I’m very unhappy about it.

    • Don escaped Texas


      my relatives hate me because I tell ’em how the cow ate the cabbage

      being right is not any fun

    • Tundra


      Is he in trouble? Sometimes heading back can get a person back on track.

  43. Sean

    If I don’t get too drunk, I’m gonna photo bomb you bitches with all the art work here in our B&B suite. Next posted article.


    • Sean

      It’s Asian centric and a bit weird. And a lot.

    • rhywun


      The Guardian does employ the finest set of mind-readers, FWIW.

      • SDF-7

        They’re real naggers, aren’t they?

    • R C Dean

      Rigger, please?

      Or should it be election regroes?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Look fat, if you’re not OK with the Pres banging your kids just move to Russia.

  44. Tundra

